@@infinitewisdom6065 They can become 'desh premi' nationalists, only if they are ready to write more fanciful stories which are accepted as history by Sangparivar's so called 'historians' who have no idea even about the methodology of writing history.
Why do the Muslims still live in India when the British gave them one-third of India to create Pakistan in 1947? The Muslims got to be realistic. Their ancestors demanded Pakistan and they got it. They cannot stay in India legitimately. They should move to Pakistan or Bangladesh. Exchange of population is the premise of any partition. Recently Yugoslavia was broken down and there were exchanges of population. More recently, Armenia and Azerbaijan have an exchange of population. Muslims have enough land in Pakistan and Bangladesh. They should accept the fact that they cannot stay in India when they had both Pakistan and Bangladesh. That is the solution to the predicament of the Muslims of India.
Well the upper class Muslims moved to Pakistan at the time of partition, but the lower class and tiranga Muslims (who opposed two nation theory, followers of Maulana Azad) didn't. Same was with Pakistan. Upper class Sindhi Hindus left Sindh in Pakistan but lower class who worked as sanitation workers and economically weaker ones never did. Same was with East Pakistan. Partition was done on communal level but reality is economic rather than communal, Hindus and Muslims are divided between rich and poor. In Hinduism, caste coincides with your wealth and among Muslims, such divisions exist too. Remember majority muslims living in India and majority hindus living in Pakistan are economically weaker and marginalized people that could have never afford migration and these had been the one, who had faced most problems. Pakistani Sindh ki utni hi population hindu hai jitni India ki Muslim hai. Two Nation theory was a stupid experiment.
Why did upper caste Hindu guy poonja Bhai converted to Islam and his son Muhammad Ali Jinnah created new Pakistan??? Why poonja Bhai thakkar (upper caste Hindu) converted to Islam???
Cos Savarkar and RSS created havoc for muslim in India I am hindu eat beef why RSS so called Hindu opposed qurabani of cow gau mum of hindu muslaman has right to kill cow Bharahmin religion has caste base disctmiatnion as well even I oppose Indian army in Kashmir I am hindu
These recordings shall be eternal for posterity. There are two historians having the name, Irfan Habib. Both are erudite scholars. I understand yours domain is ancient and medieval. The other Prof Irfan Habib’s domain is modern history/freedom struggle.
Sutia congres was party of all la la lajpat rai purshotam tondon Hindu university founder were main congres President ..rss Hindu sabha was reaction to Muslim separatism
@@melancholic113 They were Communalists actually which is Zingoism. It is different from Anti Imperialist Indian Nationalism proposed by Congress and leaders of Indian National movement. RSS and even Communists (even though I am too) weren't Nationalists. Communists focused on class and internationalist social justice (even thought patriotism was among communists like Bhagat Singh, Bose and P C Joshi but not more than Congress) while RSS believed in Communalism and Culturalism.
It seems that Irfan Habib has faint knowledge in Indian history and perverted knowledge of Indian freedom movements. Whatever he gained the historical knowledge and rendering his narratives on Indian history will destroy the backbone of a true Indian. His understanding of the history is completely unmatched to the study of Shri Sanjeev Sanyal, Shri J. Sai Deepak and Shri Sandeep Balakrishnan. He never talks about the Moplah Genocide, Noakhali Killings, Calcutta Killings.
54:43 sorry sir the horse chariots very recently in 2018 HAVE been found in Sinauli, though I don't blame you because this interview was taken in 2015, when even I would have never imagined such a discovery
Congi-Marxist-Islamist historian has innate contempt for Hindu civilizational values. How such a man could write Indian history with right perspective. It is IHabib who made the barbarian Mughal invadors of our Heros. Hitler is still hated in the countries he attacked. He did not admire the son of the soil Maharaja Ranjit Singh who defeated and tamed all islamic invadors in his times. In fact, he is a propagandist and followed the the dictates of his Congi- Marxist-Islamist masters to to let the Hindu conscience come out of the closet. His manhandling of Kerala governor HE Arif Mohammad Khan speaks volumes about him.
Irfan khan is the most precious treasure of modern times. Only the illiterate cannot understand. To understand, you need to be educated and rational. Be not one of the communalists sir talking about.
Why there is suppression of the fact that All India Muslim League was banned by Nehru government in India? The same banned party changed its name to Indian Union Muslim League and became a legal party in India! The funniest party the party that voted for Pakistan stayed behind in India and now they are advocating Pakistani Muslims should be also allowed to immigrate to India under CAA.
I would like from this intellectual irfan habibb who derives enormous pleasure in ridiculing 'Shrushut' samhitas' plastic surgery concept. If this concept would had been from Islamic Surgeon he would had propagated it as scientific achievements of Islamic science..Irfan Habib is a eternal enemmy of Sanatan dharma and true heir to His Islamic Buccaneer Invaders
Do you know the real meaning of the term 'sanatana'? Using religious and spiritual (?!) Jargons alone will not make a person cultured/civilised. Try to understand the real heritage and history of this country, instead of abusing true scholars and people who think genuinely and differently.
@@asmitaapardesi405 Do you know the meaning yourself in the first place before asking me the same ??? Spiritual Jargons !!! what is the true heritage and history of this country ?? And who has the absolute authority to decide this ??? I am sure leftist Marxist jokers of your tribe , who are the true heir of "Macaulay ,William Jones.James Todd etc etc ...are the people who decide what is "True" ,"Correct" and ,"Acceptable"... And your Scholar's Scholarly conduct was clearly visible on Dias of Kerala's Governor speech ,where he displayed intellectual "Bahubal" to the whole world... Thinking Genuinely ,and differently... yes you are right Just like members of His tribe say about Earth's Topography ,which is flat...Toast to that thinking!!! Idiots and there followers..
@@rajaram3190 This is the Sangh parivar way of discussion and distortion. They would never directly respond to the points/questions that come to them. In its stead they would speak some irrelevant matters and unnecessary technicalities. I do repeat, 'do you know the exact sense of the term 'sanatana'?
@@asmitaapardesi405 That is what i like the most about Leftist and communists like you .Using excellent terms "Bourgeois " ,Proletarian etc etc , and then babbling out phrases like "never directly respond" ,"irrelevant matters" . They live in their Utopian world of unrealistic idea ,and criticize everything and anything that is not as per there Party line or ideological line. But pray clarify what do you mean by "exact sense" ?? And who decide "exact sense" and by what authority under the sun to decide the "exact sense" ..Above all do you have the "exact mindset" ...Yes I repeat the "exact Mindset' to understand the definition Yes I know the meaning of word "Sanatan".
@@rajaram3190 Again you are skipping the point with unsuccessful cleverness. I try to read scholars of all streams who are academic. They include the scholars who follow Marxian methodology of historical analysis. It has been accepted worldwide as a valid way in research. As far as I could understand the so called 'scholars' who are wielding their rusted weapons for protecting the vested interest of hindutva brigade are only reiterating the fanciful stories as history. So, although I read them I didn't find any academic way of history writing in their approach. Your responses remind me of the meaningless debates of mediocre politicians that we watch on tv chanels now a days. Taking one or two words from my comments you are trying to divert the points. Every follower of Sangh parivar use the terms 'sanatan' and 'aarsh sanskriti' without knowing its sense. They are interested in the form only not in the content or substance. Only by claiming that 'I know the meaning of sanatan', you too seem to be one among them. And, you must understand that there are certain things 'real' in this world. In their case perceptions may change, but not the essence.
Yeah, he should not use it (Professor) until he is not willing to speak in accordance with the dictations given from Nagpur (RSS Head Quarters). Sangh Parivar will decide who are professors and who are nationalists/anti-nationalists.
Irfan Habib sells muslim victimhood. This is the reason why AMU produced SIMI and IM. But this shameless fellow has galls to talk about nationalism and RSS. His connection to islamic terrorist organisations should be investigated.
Before 1947 Congress Party was umbrella organisation for Hindu Mahasbha and the RSS. RSS became bad boy after killing of Gandhi and Jan Sangh came out of it( Shyama Prashad Mukherjee). Even Sikhs had a planted leader of Hindu Mahasbha and the Congress. He was Tara Singh (master, 'third grade school teacher') real name Nank Chand Malhotra. He tore Muslim League flag/banner with his sword on March 3,1947 at Lahore and shouted 'Pakistan Murdabad' slogans. he later on planned to kill JINNAH and innocent Muslims with the help of RSS. Read books ,'Freedom a Midnight' and Mountbatten and the Partition of India (TOP SECRET report of Lord Mountbatten at page 172).
Why invoke jaish on Hindu Mahasabha Both are communal with no hesitation in perpetrating violence on people of different community. Mahasabha was involved in partition riots to the extent muslim league was.
One liar interviewing another big liar! We understand Teesta you have to find similar comrades such as Irfan Habib Sir to mutually accept each other’s agenda and continue to mislead the citizens of India. I can’t believe Irfan ji is talking about someone else distorting India’s history when he is greatest culprit of doing that very thing. Hindus are finally awake and we don’t listen to this monstrous nonsense 🙏🏼🙏🏼
What you peoples are not understanding why peoples are supporting BJP. If you peoples comes out from your cocoons you will realise it's never about RSS or sangh it's about Gov stall ment and serving one family.my grand father was freedomfoghter father is communist but I support BJP and modi.
Apna gyan thoda Musalman community main baten to jyada sahi hoga hame apke gyan ki awashakta na ke barabar hai, vahi kharch kare jahan sarwadhik awashakta hai
Mr habib, you have written the wrong history and hided so many truths from Indian citizens. We don't recognise you as a true historian. For us RSS AND HINDU MAHASABHA are nationalist for ever. Don't try to distort the Indian History.
They're formed themselves in order to fulfill the desire of a Vast Empire about to build and unfortunately all of a sudden lost. Bit repentance, as well as revengeful scenes left behind
Irfan habib is highly overrated and most intolerant . He proved his merits while sharing dias with Honorable Governor of Kerala Shri Arif Mohammad Khan.
Prove it they did nothing against Britishers in the freedom movement. This is your heresy. Even your introduction about mythology is also without proof. How can you say rule of Muslims is indigenous. If so then British rule is also indigenous. You are telling lot of lies without any proof and speaking for Ghori and Ghazni. RSS is never against GandhiJi. Communist are infact against Gandhi.
Well which Britisher was born out of Rajput women and was part of Indian culture? Most Muslim rulers (not Ghazni and Ghori) assimilated into Indian culture, language and identity. Even genetically they became Indian coz of Rajput mothers mostly. They didn't had any place except India to live so they can't be called as colonizers like Britishers. Also it's an RSS guy who killed Gandhi, Communists had opposition to Gandhism but not that badly. Even though Communists like Netaji had one brigade named after Gandhi. As a Communist, Gandhi was just having utopian thinking about many things which caused problems including partition. Gandhi didn't supported it but Gandhi did those things in Congress, that influenced Jinnah for supporting two nation theory.
Rig Veda does mention India if not in a geographical sense but at least its precursor. Bharatas were a tribe mentioned in the Rigveda, especially in Mandala 3 attributed to the Bharata sage Vishvamitra. ... The Bharata clan mentioned in Mahabharata is a Kuru clan which is a sub-clan of the Puru Clan who were the cousins of the Yadavas. "Bhārata" today is an official name of the Republic of India.
So what? If we are not ready to admit that Vedas are mythical account the stories the contain would definitely lead us to nowhere, or to some 'beliefs', not to any History. Certainly myths contain some real facts. But considering them as 'taken for granted' and calling it history will be amusing.
Yeah, you said it. Proper version of Indian History means the version that is acceptable for Sangh parivar, and it should essentially be the retelling/reproduction of fanciful stories available in Puranas. (and also in Vedas).
Patel called them organs of hate Bose disbanded Congress members to join mahasabha Or Muslim league under his presidentship. Bose alleged them of breaking and weakening congress in favor of british . Do you know these facts,?
Madam & Sir, the Arab religion of Mecca and Medina is essentially communal and exclusive. It is communal and exclusive to the extent that its goal is to wipe out the other 2 Abrahmic religions.
Don't worry ..If it didn't happen then ..It will happen now because communalist are in power and they have already started building hate..Keep your mother's and wives protected so that they dont get raped in the violence , because that's what happened in Punjab Haryana.
Upnishads are from Kshtriya !!!... Not from Brahmin traditions!!!! --- what do you mean??? then claiming they are coming from Buddhist!!! ---- mind boggling distortions...Chatur Verna are based on quality of human being Not by birth.. No doubt you are propogating the failed "Aryan Invasion" theory-- creating the divide between south-north India...
According to him only freedom fight is fight against British ? ,what Rana Pratap ,Shivaji ,Cholas etc ,for Hindus the enemies are not just British and thats the problem for the seismographers of harem
You just proved you are illiterate and have no comprehension of history or of politics. How do you compare interstate wars between fragmented warring empires with the freedom struggle built upon the principle of post colonial nationhood? Apples and oranges. Which chola fought for india or indians? Which indian kingdom fought for anything other than his empire? What you're citing isnt based on history, contemporary history or reality. Its a tseries style mashup remix of history, everything thrown into one easy song. Some truths, some myths, some lies, some history, some fantasy with a huge pinch of creative liberty to spice it up. Indians fought for india, today hindutva are fighting indians.
@@MegaSmokez1 First of all you AH dont have any right to comment on my post , I have such scorn for people like you is that I dont even care what you think ,you are a moron ,and lefty and thats the most worst human form one can take ,even if i explain the concept of wars and naceaant nationalistic ideas in these wars ,a brain that is of Bhutan size in a world map like you dont even comprehend ,be there ,you might have got a free laptop from some scheme but dont try to talk to gents who are much above in every respect -
Hindu Mahasabha's main Leaders like Lala Lajpat Rai and Savarkar fought against British... Bhagat Singh shot James Scott because Scott ordered to kill Lala Lajpat Rai(main leader of Hindu Mahasabha) ... The greatest leader Subhash Chandra Bose was inspireded by Savarkar to fight British militarily and not just politically. It was Savarkar who suggested Subhashji to leave India and to get help from Germany, Japan to form Indian Army of Liberation ... Above pseudo-historian is biased ...... What you are calling mythologising the history is giving other point of view by which Indians can feel proud of ourselves .... check following links------ www.linkedin.com/pulse/veer-savarkar-netaji-subhas-chandra-bose-sanjay-kumarchowdhury/ en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lala_Lajpat_Rai
While there are many good leaders in Rss but there are some communal also in Rss, which is contradicts the constitution of India. But I also regret the statement made from Irfan habib sahab, cause ISIS kills in the name of religion, we cannot say that is true about RSS in current times. So there is no comparison, perhaps you should give a second thought to your comments. Perhaps what happened during 1947 was a riot mentality but there is no evidence that Rss is killing anyone today, so comparison with ISIS is uncalled for. Perhaps Irfan sahabs strong views of Rss are influenced by his experiences of 1947 riots. Those were difficult times. You should know the riots originally were initiated by muslims in Bengal in 1947, but I equally condemn any kind of killings by Hindus or Muslims. Rss or BJP is not going and creating these riots, if so they should be investigated and punished but I don't feel that is the case. You views would be better understood by if you would condemn people Akbar Owaisi and muslims who participate in anti-India anti secular ways. There are hindus who tease Hindus by doing beef parties and making videos of them, so this is equally disturbing. I understand where you are coming from you are true fan of gandhi but you views about rss perhaps may be influenced by 1947 riot memories. It is easy for muslims to criticize Hindu caste systems and gods similar to done in PK movie, but one does not appreciate that while Hindus are tolerant if the same is done against prophet mohammed similar tolerance cannot be seen, so one needs to keep unbiased when making comparisons. Also I dont agree Mughals were Indians unlike what you say. These were foreigners who came from outside. By in large I have much respect for you, but there are certain areas we differ in opinion. You are more knowledgeable you can correct me if I said anything wrong. Also sad if you feel aurangzeb was not suppressive of hindus. also India has no first strike policy but pakistan does not have this policy so similarly if rss formed to counter the muslim first attacks would you blame them for that then you would also think India is bad despite no first strike policy.
RSS AND HINDU MAHASABHA WERE ALWAYS NATIONALIST. history should be rewritten by real intellectual.leftist hisory should be recheked.china ke dalaalo se nahi seekhna.
R=ready for S=self S=sacrifice. RSS is always ready for sacrificing their life for nation. Then how can anyone call them anti nationalist and threat for India.
Shreyansh Kumar Yes They are and they were ready but actually never did anything. When taj mumbai attack happened where was RSS, VHP, Shiv Sena and MNS.
But why? Who asked their sacrifice. We just begged them not to spread hatred against communities. They start as a cultural organization and they should stick by it without interfering into politics.
It's been 9 years since hindutva government and everyone is safe and sound and country is really making great progress under our great leader NARENDRA MODI JI. and also for your information he is not bramhin...
He is a Pakistani historian living in India.
Side effects of worshipping false gods😅
Okay so Pakistan is having a Communist History. Do you know how much is he hated by Muslim communalists in AMU?
Such a fascinating talk. It just makes one happy to have such articulate intellectuals in our present times.
Jihadi Marxist pseudo intellectual.
Who said they are intellectual. They are story tellers, novelist not historian.
They can become 'desh premi' nationalists, only if they are ready to write more fanciful stories which are accepted as history by Sangparivar's so called 'historians' who have no idea even about the methodology of writing history.
Welcome to planet dhimmiville.
Why do the Muslims still live in India when the British gave them one-third of India to create Pakistan in 1947?
The Muslims got to be realistic. Their ancestors demanded Pakistan and they got it. They cannot stay in India legitimately. They should move to Pakistan or Bangladesh. Exchange of population is the premise of any partition. Recently Yugoslavia was broken down and there were exchanges of population. More recently, Armenia and Azerbaijan have an exchange of population. Muslims have enough land in Pakistan and Bangladesh. They should accept the fact that they cannot stay in India when they had both Pakistan and Bangladesh. That is the solution to the predicament of the Muslims of India.
Well the upper class Muslims moved to Pakistan at the time of partition, but the lower class and tiranga Muslims (who opposed two nation theory, followers of Maulana Azad) didn't. Same was with Pakistan. Upper class Sindhi Hindus left Sindh in Pakistan but lower class who worked as sanitation workers and economically weaker ones never did. Same was with East Pakistan. Partition was done on communal level but reality is economic rather than communal, Hindus and Muslims are divided between rich and poor. In Hinduism, caste coincides with your wealth and among Muslims, such divisions exist too. Remember majority muslims living in India and majority hindus living in Pakistan are economically weaker and marginalized people that could have never afford migration and these had been the one, who had faced most problems. Pakistani Sindh ki utni hi population hindu hai jitni India ki Muslim hai. Two Nation theory was a stupid experiment.
Mr Habib, why did muslims demand a separate country for them?
Why did upper caste Hindu guy poonja Bhai converted to Islam and his son Muhammad Ali Jinnah created new Pakistan??? Why poonja Bhai thakkar (upper caste Hindu) converted to Islam???
@@cinefile0075because they are weak, gullible, and pressured by poeple like you who seek to impose your own imposed identity on our people.
@@cinefile0075 Because he was offered money 😂😂😂
@@BinuKJKerala Whatsapp university , gyan 🤣
Cos Savarkar and RSS created havoc for muslim in India I am hindu eat beef why RSS so called Hindu opposed qurabani of cow gau mum of hindu muslaman has right to kill cow Bharahmin religion has caste base disctmiatnion as well even I oppose Indian army in Kashmir I am hindu
Muslim LEAGUE was nationalist party...😆😆😆😆
These recordings shall be eternal for posterity. There are two historians having the name, Irfan Habib. Both are erudite scholars. I understand yours domain is ancient and medieval. The other Prof Irfan Habib’s domain is modern history/freedom struggle.
They are afraid of discussion about history, history is stories + facts getting to know things from different perspectives.
Sutia congres was party of all la la lajpat rai purshotam tondon Hindu university founder were main congres President ..rss Hindu sabha was reaction to Muslim separatism
Every open minded free persons believe that RSS & Hindu mahasabha as a never nationalist force.
@@asmitaapardesi405good sarcasm
@@melancholic113 They were Communalists actually which is Zingoism. It is different from Anti Imperialist Indian Nationalism proposed by Congress and leaders of Indian National movement. RSS and even Communists (even though I am too) weren't Nationalists. Communists focused on class and internationalist social justice (even thought patriotism was among communists like Bhagat Singh, Bose and P C Joshi but not more than Congress) while RSS believed in Communalism and Culturalism.
I feel Prof Habib had not read the History Properly, he is totally biased, even the Anchor!
Yeah not read after doing a PhD from Oxford 😅
@12:13 well good but the same logic should be applied for CAA to give support hindu brothers. right?
It seems that Irfan Habib has faint knowledge in Indian history and perverted knowledge of Indian freedom movements. Whatever he gained the historical knowledge and rendering his narratives on Indian history will destroy the backbone of a true Indian. His understanding of the history is completely unmatched to the study of Shri Sanjeev Sanyal, Shri J. Sai Deepak and Shri Sandeep Balakrishnan. He never talks about the Moplah Genocide, Noakhali Killings, Calcutta Killings.
Man said Choi Deepak 😂
54:43 sorry sir the horse chariots very recently in 2018 HAVE been found in Sinauli, though I don't blame you because this interview was taken in 2015, when even I would have never imagined such a discovery
That was not horse chariot, that was a Bullock cart, it also had bill image on it
Very Nice conversation. Thank you Teesta ji for organizing this interview
Isn't he the one who snatched the mic from the Governor of a State? Such a tolerant and well behaved intellectual!!!
Congi-Marxist-Islamist historian has innate contempt for Hindu civilizational values. How such a man could write Indian history with right perspective. It is IHabib who made the barbarian Mughal invadors of our Heros. Hitler is still hated in the countries he attacked. He did not admire the son of the soil Maharaja Ranjit Singh who defeated and tamed all islamic invadors in his times. In fact, he is a propagandist and followed the the dictates of his Congi- Marxist-Islamist masters to to let the Hindu conscience come out of the closet. His manhandling of Kerala governor HE Arif Mohammad Khan speaks volumes about him.
Irfan khan is the most precious treasure of modern times. Only the illiterate cannot understand. To understand, you need to be educated and rational. Be not one of the communalists sir talking about.
He is undoutrdly a world famous and most reputed professor.
What about Nadir sha ,Timur ,dont they send the wealth to their countries ?
Naughty questions not allowed.
Were they rulers of India? No, they weren't. Never in any period of indian history. They were rulers of other countries.
those were looters
They were looters not rulers in India.
Irfan is the true nationalist sultan!
Shame on u....haters of Hindus ...jhoota ....speaking distorted history.
Irfan Habeeb the Islamist😂😂😂😂
Islamist hated by actual Islamists of AMU 😂. WTF???
Why there is suppression of the fact that All India Muslim League was banned by Nehru government in India? The same banned party changed its name to Indian Union Muslim League and became a legal party in India! The funniest party the party that voted for Pakistan stayed behind in India and now they are advocating Pakistani Muslims should be also allowed to immigrate to India under CAA.
Both the people are not speaking in clear voice.
We are happy that we have communalist RSS and Hindu Mahasabha and bajrang dal
Otherwise entire India would have become Islamic country.
पूर्वाग्रह से ग्रसित इतिहास नहीं सुनना है।
सुनो मत। अपना इतिहास बनवाओ। अपनी इच्छा के अनुसार इतिहास का निर्माण करना संघ परिवार का तरीखा है, ना? करो भाई ।
Kaisa purvagrah
Suno aur tark do iske khilaf.
Sidha saral tarika hai
I would like from this intellectual irfan habibb who derives enormous pleasure in ridiculing 'Shrushut' samhitas' plastic surgery concept. If this concept would had been from Islamic Surgeon he would had propagated it as scientific achievements of Islamic science..Irfan Habib is a eternal enemmy of Sanatan dharma and true heir to His Islamic Buccaneer Invaders
Do you know the real meaning of the term 'sanatana'?
Using religious and spiritual (?!) Jargons alone will not make a person cultured/civilised. Try to understand the real heritage and history of this country, instead of abusing true scholars and people who think genuinely and differently.
@@asmitaapardesi405 Do you know the meaning yourself in the first place before asking me the same ??? Spiritual Jargons !!!
what is the true heritage and history of this country ?? And who has the absolute authority to decide this ??? I am sure leftist Marxist jokers of your tribe , who are the true heir of "Macaulay ,William Jones.James Todd etc etc ...are the people who decide what is "True" ,"Correct" and ,"Acceptable"...
And your Scholar's Scholarly conduct was clearly visible on Dias of Kerala's Governor speech ,where he displayed intellectual "Bahubal" to the whole world...
Thinking Genuinely ,and differently... yes you are right Just like members of His tribe say about Earth's Topography ,which is flat...Toast to that thinking!!!
Idiots and there followers..
This is the Sangh parivar way of discussion and distortion.
They would never directly respond to the points/questions that come to them. In its stead they would speak some irrelevant matters and unnecessary technicalities.
I do repeat, 'do you know the exact sense of the term 'sanatana'?
@@asmitaapardesi405 That is what i like the most about Leftist and communists like you .Using excellent terms "Bourgeois " ,Proletarian etc etc , and then babbling out phrases like "never directly respond" ,"irrelevant matters" . They live in their Utopian world of unrealistic idea ,and criticize everything and anything that is not as per there Party line or ideological line.
But pray clarify what do you mean by "exact sense" ?? And who decide "exact sense" and by what authority under the sun to decide the "exact sense" ..Above all do you have the "exact mindset" ...Yes I repeat the "exact Mindset' to understand the definition
Yes I know the meaning of word "Sanatan".
Again you are skipping the point with unsuccessful cleverness.
I try to read scholars of all streams who are academic. They include the scholars who follow Marxian methodology of historical analysis. It has been accepted worldwide as a valid way in research.
As far as I could understand the so called 'scholars' who are wielding their rusted weapons for protecting the vested interest of hindutva brigade are only reiterating the fanciful stories as history. So, although I read them I didn't find any academic way of history writing in their approach.
Your responses remind me of the meaningless debates of mediocre politicians that we watch on tv chanels now a days. Taking one or two words from my comments you are trying to divert the points.
Every follower of Sangh parivar use the terms 'sanatan' and 'aarsh sanskriti' without knowing its sense. They are interested in the form only not in the content or substance. Only by claiming that 'I know the meaning of sanatan', you too seem to be one among them.
And, you must understand that there are certain things 'real' in this world. In their case perceptions may change, but not the essence.
That is why they were supporting British and did not participate in independence struggle
We 💕
Please retract the prefix of "Professor" from him. He's misusing it to distort the history.
Yeah, he should not use it (Professor) until he is not willing to speak in accordance with the dictations given from Nagpur (RSS Head Quarters).
Sangh Parivar will decide who are professors and who are nationalists/anti-nationalists.
Ha ha...Another claim of a communalist without giving any evidence .
He isn't endorsing rhe idi0ts like you that's the reason you're saying that nonsense. Go and learn some history. Stop saffronising the History.
Super speech Hibib
Does Irfan habib know of any indigenous scholars like Aryabhata or Patanjali? How can he be a historian without knowing real indian history?
Keep to history ....not ideology
Irfan Habib sells muslim victimhood. This is the reason why AMU produced SIMI and IM. But this shameless fellow has galls to talk about nationalism and RSS. His connection to islamic terrorist organisations should be investigated.
Rahul Shah ... Musalmano ne iss mulk azadi ke liye apni jaan qurban ki. Sangh ne kuch nahi kiya jang e azadi isiliye tumhari jalti hai.hahaajaha
Before 1947 Congress Party was umbrella organisation for Hindu Mahasbha and the RSS. RSS became bad boy after killing of Gandhi and Jan Sangh came out of it( Shyama Prashad Mukherjee). Even Sikhs had a planted leader of Hindu Mahasbha and the Congress. He was Tara Singh (master, 'third grade school teacher') real name Nank Chand Malhotra. He tore Muslim League flag/banner with his sword on March 3,1947 at Lahore and shouted 'Pakistan Murdabad' slogans. he later on planned to kill JINNAH and innocent Muslims with the help of RSS. Read books ,'Freedom a Midnight' and Mountbatten and the Partition of India (TOP SECRET report of Lord Mountbatten at page 172).
What was wrong if Tara Singh wanted to kill Jinnah? Jinnah was a devil.
Hindu communalists and not Hindu Nationalists
Inspiring conversation on so many topics still relevant to us.....
Good work done by Teesta
No no no Jaish e Mohammed
LeT are nationals
Jaish e Mohammad is true nationalist.
I am waiting for his chapters in my book 😂😂😂😝😝😝😝
Why invoke jaish on Hindu Mahasabha
Both are communal with no hesitation in perpetrating violence on people of different community.
Mahasabha was involved in partition riots to the extent muslim league was.
@@deekshantsharma136 They are Pakistani Nationalists actually
A gigantic intellectual.
One liar interviewing another big liar! We understand Teesta you have to find similar comrades such as Irfan Habib Sir to mutually accept each other’s agenda and continue to mislead the citizens of India. I can’t believe Irfan ji is talking about someone else distorting India’s history when he is greatest culprit of doing that very thing. Hindus are finally awake and we don’t listen to this monstrous nonsense 🙏🏼🙏🏼
he look like stephen😍
Thank god she was thrown in jail for fake propaganda
What you peoples are not understanding why peoples are supporting BJP. If you peoples comes out from your cocoons you will realise it's never about RSS or sangh it's about Gov stall ment and serving one family.my grand father was freedomfoghter father is communist but I support BJP and modi.
Irfan Habib Sir, its always a great experience and knowing something when ever I listen you... thanks Sir.
Apna gyan thoda Musalman community main baten to jyada sahi hoga hame apke gyan ki awashakta na ke barabar hai, vahi kharch kare jahan sarwadhik awashakta hai
Mr habib, you have written the wrong history and hided so many truths from Indian citizens. We don't recognise you as a true historian. For us RSS AND HINDU MAHASABHA are nationalist for ever. Don't try to distort the Indian
Nationalists that did terrorist activities and called Bose as anti national.
Is Islam secular ?
Poor guy...no new facts... narrative dieying out....hard to survive in such environment...pity on you
They're formed themselves in order to fulfill the desire of a Vast Empire about to build and unfortunately all of a sudden lost. Bit repentance, as well as revengeful scenes left behind
very intellectual talks by irfan habib sir..... we indian are very lucky to get a such legend like him.
th-cam.com/video/pGWS3TltK8w/w-d-xo.html 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Sorry it's best to keep your opinions to your self, not include others as others have different opinions.
Irfan habib is highly overrated and most intolerant . He proved his merits while sharing dias with Honorable Governor of Kerala Shri Arif Mohammad Khan.
Your are the pillar of history.
समाज को गुमराह किये
Prove it they did nothing against Britishers in the freedom movement. This is your heresy. Even your introduction about mythology is also without proof. How can you say rule of Muslims is indigenous. If so then British rule is also indigenous. You are telling lot of lies without any proof and speaking for Ghori and Ghazni. RSS is never against GandhiJi. Communist are infact against Gandhi.
Another Sanghi on defensive role...lol
An ignorant and innocent but dangerously poisonous follower of Sangh parivar.
Well which Britisher was born out of Rajput women and was part of Indian culture? Most Muslim rulers (not Ghazni and Ghori) assimilated into Indian culture, language and identity. Even genetically they became Indian coz of Rajput mothers mostly. They didn't had any place except India to live so they can't be called as colonizers like Britishers. Also it's an RSS guy who killed Gandhi, Communists had opposition to Gandhism but not that badly. Even though Communists like Netaji had one brigade named after Gandhi. As a Communist, Gandhi was just having utopian thinking about many things which caused problems including partition. Gandhi didn't supported it but Gandhi did those things in Congress, that influenced Jinnah for supporting two nation theory.
Rig Veda does mention India if not in a geographical sense but at least its precursor. Bharatas were a tribe mentioned in the Rigveda, especially in Mandala 3 attributed to the Bharata sage Vishvamitra. ... The Bharata clan mentioned in Mahabharata is a Kuru clan which is a sub-clan of the Puru Clan who were the cousins of the Yadavas. "Bhārata" today is an official name of the Republic of India.
So what?
If we are not ready to admit that Vedas are mythical account the stories the contain would definitely lead us to nowhere, or to some 'beliefs', not to any History.
Certainly myths contain some real facts. But considering them as 'taken for granted' and calling it history will be amusing.
Forget mythology, but at least give a proper version of Indian history....
Yeah, you said it.
Proper version of Indian History means the version that is acceptable for Sangh parivar, and it should essentially be the retelling/reproduction of fanciful stories available in Puranas. (and also in Vedas).
Smartly distorting the truth...
good insights by irfan sir !
yes was cultural org those days.Most of them supported congress at that time as far as politics.
Patel called them organs of hate
Bose disbanded Congress members to join mahasabha Or Muslim league under his presidentship.
Bose alleged them of breaking and weakening congress in favor of british .
Do you know these facts,?
To you, only Muslim League was nationalist.
Here is Irfan Habib the bigot 😂😂😂
Madam & Sir, the Arab religion of Mecca and Medina is essentially communal and exclusive. It is communal and exclusive to the extent that its goal is to wipe out the other 2 Abrahmic religions.
Is God does not care about Hindu and Muslim who the hell we are going care about religion just party to gather and celebrate what we got Bharat desh
I wish UP would have gone haryana and punjab way during partition
Don't worry ..If it didn't happen then ..It will happen now because communalist are in power and they have already started building hate..Keep your mother's and wives protected so that they dont get raped in the violence , because that's what happened in Punjab Haryana.
Today it is moneyvad.
What about muslim leeg
He is so biased and proficient liaer
Upnishads are from Kshtriya !!!... Not from Brahmin traditions!!!! --- what do you mean??? then claiming they are coming from Buddhist!!! ---- mind boggling distortions...Chatur Verna are based on quality of human being Not by birth.. No doubt you are propogating the failed "Aryan Invasion" theory-- creating the divide between south-north India...
According to him only freedom fight is fight against British ? ,what Rana Pratap ,Shivaji ,Cholas etc ,for Hindus the enemies are not just British and thats the problem for the seismographers of harem
You just proved you are illiterate and have no comprehension of history or of politics.
How do you compare interstate wars between fragmented warring empires with the freedom struggle built upon the principle of post colonial nationhood?
Apples and oranges.
Which chola fought for india or indians? Which indian kingdom fought for anything other than his empire?
What you're citing isnt based on history, contemporary history or reality. Its a tseries style mashup remix of history, everything thrown into one easy song. Some truths, some myths, some lies, some history, some fantasy with a huge pinch of creative liberty to spice it up.
Indians fought for india, today hindutva are fighting indians.
@@MegaSmokez1 First of all you AH dont have any right to comment on my post , I have such scorn for people like you is that I dont even care what you think ,you are a moron ,and lefty and thats the most worst human form one can take ,even if i explain the concept of wars and naceaant nationalistic ideas in these wars ,a brain that is of Bhutan size in a world map like you dont even comprehend ,be there ,you might have got a free laptop from some scheme but dont try to talk to gents who are much above in every respect -
Hindu Mahasabha's main Leaders like Lala Lajpat Rai and Savarkar fought against British... Bhagat Singh shot James Scott because Scott ordered to kill Lala Lajpat Rai(main leader of Hindu Mahasabha) ... The greatest leader Subhash Chandra Bose was inspireded by Savarkar to fight British militarily and not just politically. It was Savarkar who suggested Subhashji to leave India and to get help from Germany, Japan to form Indian Army of Liberation ... Above pseudo-historian is biased ...... What you are calling mythologising the history is giving other point of view by which Indians can feel proud of ourselves ....
check following links------
Communal word itne din baad.
Bad times for people like Irfan habib And Teesta and they are getting what they really deserve
While there are many good leaders in Rss but there are some communal also in Rss, which is contradicts the constitution of India. But I also regret the statement made from Irfan habib sahab, cause ISIS kills in the name of religion, we cannot say that is true about RSS in current times. So there is no comparison, perhaps you should give a second thought to your comments. Perhaps what happened during 1947 was a riot mentality but there is no evidence that Rss is killing anyone today, so comparison with ISIS is uncalled for. Perhaps Irfan sahabs strong views of Rss are influenced by his experiences of 1947 riots. Those were difficult times. You should know the riots originally were initiated by muslims in Bengal in 1947, but I equally condemn any kind of killings by Hindus or Muslims. Rss or BJP is not going and creating these riots, if so they should be investigated and punished but I don't feel that is the case. You views would be better understood by if you would condemn people Akbar Owaisi and muslims who participate in anti-India anti secular ways. There are hindus who tease Hindus by doing beef parties and making videos of them, so this is equally disturbing. I understand where you are coming from you are true fan of gandhi but you views about rss perhaps may be influenced by 1947 riot memories. It is easy for muslims to criticize Hindu caste systems and gods similar to done in PK movie, but one does not appreciate that while Hindus are tolerant if the same is done against prophet mohammed similar tolerance cannot be seen, so one needs to keep unbiased when making comparisons. Also I dont agree Mughals were Indians unlike what you say. These were foreigners who came from outside. By in large I have much respect for you, but there are certain areas we differ in opinion. You are more knowledgeable you can correct me if I said anything wrong. Also sad if you feel aurangzeb was not suppressive of hindus. also India has no first strike policy but pakistan does not have this policy so similarly if rss formed to counter the muslim first attacks would you blame them for that then you would also think India is bad despite no first strike policy.
Shame on you to distorted history...Just shame....
Ye India ka sabse bada terrorists hai.
And stones are gods😂
@@TheoSophii Macca is a shivling.
As per bhakts claims Hindus are this that...I wanna ask all brave hindu...how come foreigners rule..rule india for 1000 years?
RSS AND HINDU MAHASABHA WERE ALWAYS NATIONALIST. history should be rewritten by real intellectual.leftist hisory should be recheked.china ke dalaalo se nahi seekhna.
Aurngazeb in ur view is good who massacre hindus put them with jaziya nd all shame u reply if u have guts
काश हिंदी में होता.
HihadibTeesta Satelvad interviews, Jihadi Irfan Habib
He is preaching the truth.
Shabana testa irfan nasir gang not against
Rss it against hindu or their culture
Irfan habeeb sb well known historian he always speak truth regarding history
RSS is always ready for sacrificing their life for nation. Then how can anyone call them anti nationalist and threat for India.
Shreyansh Kumar Yes They are and they were ready but actually never did anything. When taj mumbai attack happened where was RSS, VHP, Shiv Sena and MNS.
Another joke...
But why? Who asked their sacrifice. We just begged them not to spread hatred against communities. They start as a cultural organization and they should stick by it without interfering into politics.
It's been 9 years since hindutva government and everyone is safe and sound and country is really making great progress under our great leader NARENDRA MODI JI. and also for your information he is not bramhin...
Fake historian .
Worst than any Jihadi create new name which infinitely insane
ભારતિય ઈતિયાસ કાર ઈરફાન હબીબ
સાહેબ ચાચી વાત કરી તિસતા જી
સૈતલ વાડ આપ સાચા સવાલ કરયા
history e jihad..
Habib (being aged person u even not deserve my respect becoz of ur ideology)
great personality
मुस्लिम लीग राष्ट्रवादी पार्टी ती.है ना हबीब मीयाॅं?
Haan chaddhiram utni hi jitni Hindu mahasabha😅
Great Historian
Badmaas lok habib
A comment in memory of your own leaders!
sach ko tasleem krna chahiye🏵️
You are never Indian always communist or librandus
Irfan Habib Sahab 👍
How u guys manage to massacre hindus
He is a historian , did he know lower caste also became Khatriyas and taken up arms -south is full of that .
Nehru court of historian.
so much distortion !!!!!!!