Ep. 12: Freedom of Choice, Yes!! Freedom from the Consequences, NO!! "1st day of Unleavened Bread"

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 3 ต.ค. 2024
  • Freedom Of CHOICE, Yes!! Freedom from the Consequences, NO!!
    Shalum Mashapach, I pray favor and blessings over the lives of ALL believers of Yahuah in the name of Yahusha. Yahuah is indeed doing a new thing in our lives and as he moves us forward into our New Beginnings, let's continue to acknowledge him that he directs our paths.
    We all have come from a mighty long way, and it was because of Yahuah that we have made it this far, so let's esteem Yahuah for his abundance according to his riches and will for our lives.
    With this episode, the topic of discussion centers on the aspect of freedom. We are free to choose for ourselves, but we are NOT free from the consequences of our choices!!
    Main Scriptures:
    Dabarym/Deuteronomy 30:19 "Choose wisely"
    Yasha'Yahu/Isaiah 1:19-20 "Obedience brings blessings; Disobedience brings Destruction"
    Start of the 2nd Scriptural Month begins *4/18/2024*
    Scriptural Audio series to listen too.
    TH-cam channel: Yahusha Apprentice
    • Markos/Mark (Whole Scr...
    Ancient Kha'nuk/Enoch Calendar (For 2023, 2024, 2025)
    • Enduring Righteously: ...
    FULL Explanation of the Ancient Kha'nuk/Enoch Calendar @TruthUnveiled777
    • 2021Ancient Enoch Cale...
    Thanks to gfxsounds.com/... for the Lion's Roar!!
    #yahuahsaves #yahusha #scriptureoftheday #happiness #peace #love #yasharal #studytoshowyourselfapproved #knowbetterdobetter #knowYahuahknowpeace #NOYahuahNOpeace #SetapartRuach #obedience #beautyforashes #change #is #good #seekyoutheancientpaths #life #confirmation #eternal #IaskedYahuahdelivered #prayerworks #inthenameofYahusha #video #trustyahuah #trusttheprocess #eternalwater #claimit #examineyourself #harvest #time #fruit #bread #appointedtimes #nopainnogain #believer #wisdom #learning #betterdaysarecoming #fire #scriptureoftheday #photography #photooftheday #broken #removed #believe #beseparate #comeout #makemebetter #nevergiveup #shots #shotsfired #warningmessage #rest #fallfeasts #dayofatonement #yumkappurym #feastoftabernacles #move #mountains #dayofreckoning
    #deedsrepaid #feastoftrumpets #believe #standfirm #bebold #trailoftears #research #coming #revival #affirmations #commitment #vow #accountability #staythecourse #makeamends #amend #doover #fixit #tested #springfeastdays #burntoffering #2ndchance #dayofsalvation #thefurnaceofaffliction #actofcompassion #endure #sointoyou #forgive #forgiveness #new #beginnings #countonme #lookupchild #open #doors
    #persevere #gratitude #isurrenderall #sayYestoYahuah #marriage

ความคิดเห็น • 9

  • @royalpriesthoodofyahuah78
    @royalpriesthoodofyahuah78  7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Shalum Mashapach, we are indeed given the "Freedom of Choice" but as it says in Cha'zun/Revelation 22:12-14, "Yahusha comes quickly and his reward is with him, to give unto everyone according to our works". So, although we have "Freedom of Choice" we are NOT free from the Consequence of our Choices. This is another reason why we have the choice to serve Yahuah or the World!!

    • @moniqueday3687
      @moniqueday3687 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2


    • @royalpriesthoodofyahuah78
      @royalpriesthoodofyahuah78  6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@moniqueday3687 As the word of Yahuah says, "Iron sharpens Iron".

  • @cahira8208
    @cahira8208 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Have a blessed passover!

  • @ameliyaholiviyah6189
    @ameliyaholiviyah6189 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Brother this confused me because there’s a scripture where the most high is disappointed in his creation. Genesis 6;6 And the LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. Didn’t he then see this would happen? Being the beginning and the end the first and the last? Genesis 6:6
    ESV And the LORD regretted that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart. NIV The LORD regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled. NASB So the Lord was sorry that He had made mankind on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart.
    Excuse the bible translations and the word Lord I just googled the scripture to put in here. Please explain brother.
    Shalom ❤

    • @royalpriesthoodofyahuah78
      @royalpriesthoodofyahuah78  5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Shalum @ameliyaholiviyah6189, no worries about the text but as a mental exercise, whenever you see the word "L_rd/G_D" just change it to Yahuah, whenever you see Jsus, change it to Yahusha. When you practice that method, you will begin to automatically change those false names and titles back to their proper names every time you read scripture.
      I've come across a question like yours before, so let us discern and reason together it's possibilities and through prayer to Yahuah, that we can be receptive to what his word has to offer us.
      So, B'rashyt/Genesis 6:6 says, "And it repented Yahuah that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart". This verse is from the KJV, and the first error is the word "repented". Yahuah is the first and the last, the Alaph and the Tau; the beginning and the end (Cha'zun/Revelation 22:13; Yasha'Yahu/Isaiah 44:6), Yahuah is the creator of Heaven and Earth, Malakym/Angel and Man, who would Yahuah repent to? But let me also add along with those scriptures Yasha'Yahu/Isaiah 43:13, where Yahuah says, "There is NONE who can deliver out of his hand"; which is witnessed by Dabarym/Deuteronomy 32:39-41, where Yahuah continues to say, "See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no "god" with me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand. Yahuah is indeed the end all be all to his creation!!
      All of these scriptures have ONE thing in common and it is that Yahuah made an irrevocable decree, first being that there is no "god" beside him and being the first and the last he will issue judgement upon all (see Yau'AL/Joel 2). Those verses will serve as our pre-context, whereas the beginning of Genesis 6, will establish the main context of our discernment. In the beginning of chapter 6, we see that man began to multiply and then a choice was made by the Malakym/Angels (sons) of Yahuah, to take of the daughters of Man, those who were pleasing unto them and make children with them. Now, there is also more context about the Malakym/Angels making their decision to lay with the daughters of Man, that can be found in the Book of Ch'nuk/Enoch.
      Something that should grab our attention is the fact that, Yahuah gave Man and his Malak/Angels freedom of choice, that's why they did what they did. In their doing, they corrupted Man and taught us the "useless secrets of Heaven" and that very line can be found in the Book of Ch'nuk/Enoch. They taught the daughters of Man, beautification techniques such as mascara and how to entice men. They also taught Man metallurgy (how to make weapons), how to kill, alchemy and all manners of witchcraft. So, at this point we can apply your position of Yahuah being the "first and last" and if he saw this happening and being that he did, why didn't he stop it?
      The answer to that question a simple one; it's because Yahuah is the first and the last. I know that reads and can be or sound confusing but think of it from this perspective: in your house, if you know about everything that has happened, that will happen and how it will end, would you have any worry about the middle? Yes, to create something, namely us as in Man, and the earth and all its beauty --- to only see it be corrupted by your children would make anyone disheartened. Because after being shown the things, the "useless secrets of Heaven" by the Malakym/Angels, we took them like a fish to water as to say, we love evil more than righteousness or to live as Yahuah intended us to live. Something that can be found within the story of Adam and Khu'ah/Eve. Yahuah gave them a command to not eat of the tree of "Good and Evil" (less they would die) and any parent when we tell our children not to do something, expect them not to do it but as I have come to realize and as we learn from the example of Adam and Khu'ah/Eve, that's not always the case. Sometimes, our children will be disobedient and that's where a reprimand comes into play. So, Yahuah gave them a command, and they disobeyed it. So, with the translation, it says "repented" (Yahuah doesn't have a need to repent) but a better word would be "relent(ed)" which means to "ease off" or "soften" or "slacken" which Yahuah did do (and his anger was kindled against us) and we --- his chosen suffered the curses of Dabarym/Deuteronomy 28:15-68 because of our disobedience!!
      But given that Yahuah is the "First and the Last", Yasha'Yahu/Isaiah 55:11 and B'mydbar/Numbers 23:19 come into mind. Yasha'Yahu/Isaiah 55:11 Yahuah says, "His word shall go forth from his mouth and it will NOT return unto him void" and B'mydbar/Numbers 23:19 says, "Yahuah does NOT lie", what Yahuah said will indeed happen. So, the reason why Yahuah didn't stop the Malakym/Angels from corrupting his creation and why he didn't stop the wickedness of Man is that Yahuah has already called the Earth, from it's beginning to its end - Yasha'Yahu/Isaiah 46:10. Before Yahuah set his creation in motion, he had already established the end, with knowing what would take place with all the inhabitants of Earth and Heaven. This is why Yahusha says in Yahu'Kannan/John 14:3, "I go to prepare a place for you". He was speaking to all who love him and keep his commandments. And that verse is witnessed by 2 Esdras 8:1, where it reads, "He answered me and said, “The Most High Yahuah made this world for the sake of many but the world to come for the sake of only a few". This world is what can be considered as a "proving ground" and the world to come is a place where the inhabitants will be those who Yahuah count as worthy, those of us who didn't separate ourselves from his love.
      The fall of the Children of Yashar'AL had a purpose and that purpose was that through us, all of Man could be save (2 Kapa/Peter 3:8-10), whether native born or sojourner, when all nations of Man attach themselves to the covenant of Yahuah, which is mentioned in Yasha'Yahu/Isaiah 56 as it speaks of stranger and sojourner to Yashar'AL. So, given that the word of Yahuah has already established the end, Yahuah won't go back on his word. Yahuah allowed all of this to happen because he had already planned for it and had a solution for it. But as I always say, "seek Yahuah for confirmation about out discernment of his word" so that Yahuah is leading you and NOT Man!!
      I look forward to conversations like this, so let me know if this helps!!

    @ZACHARYAHU 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    17:35 he’s switching topic of laws governing results to discuss the laws governing other results. Also you should’ve told him the video he ended up watching while baking also came as a result of the decisions he previously made on his TH-cam app which were the ingredients he placed on that app to bake that video. The dog’s actions were also a result of every previous interaction that preceded that moment. There’s cause and effect to things. Obedience is the cause for right behaviour and blessing is the effect. Disobedience is the cause for wrong behaviour and curses are the effect. Tudah Ach for another interesting talk. Baruk Haba Bashem Yahuah

    • @royalpriesthoodofyahuah78
      @royalpriesthoodofyahuah78  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      A good scripture for cause and effect is Yasha'Yahu/Isaiah 1:19-20, "If we're obedient (to Yahuah) we'll eat the good of the land but if we rebel, we'll get devoured by the sword"!!

      @ZACHARYAHU 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@royalpriesthoodofyahuah78 Tudah Ach!