Excellent video! I appreciate the additional information and how you go from decals to stencils. I think the weathering is spot on and doesn't need anything additional. Nice work Kai.
Stainless cables. I’m doing some now. Ouch. They are a pain. Thanks awesome build, great tips. Wood on the tools looks excellent, along with everything else.
Excellent job done as always Kai. I like the slight weathering done and all the details. Nice to hear that there's a chance for a vignette. Thanks for sharing, take care and keep up the good work my friend.
Hi Kai you are most welcome thanks to you, I have now started to get more interested in the production and more technical stuff with regards to both Tigers and Panther Tanks or just any Panzer for that matter I've been buying more technical books such as the Nurnberg's Panzer Factory a photographic study which is a great book to have but I enjoy all your video's. so keep safe and happy modelling my friend.😎👍
@@paulhumphriesz4557 Very nice, mate. Suddenly these vehicle look different, not just one like the other : ) Great book you got there, I will build some Panthers out of it during the later part of this year.
Nicely done my friend another great video always look forward to them. I've already built this kit but I bought it again to do the Bovington Tiger hopefully some time this year
Thank you Greg. I hope I don't overstep when I recommend you not to build Bovington Tiger with the RFM-5001U kit. It does not include a turret with escape hatch anymore and you will need to source an early front glacis from spare parts as well. A kit of a early tiger would be better here than a initial. I got Dragons tiger 131 kit for Christmas looking forward to build within the next months.
Thank you Ethan, I can asure you: It will be a long time before I do a 3-tone Henschel Tiger... There are many other interessting ones on my to-do list.
Thanks Vas, how long do you sit on your 3 kits? I kind of would like to build a later Tiger too but I've to stay for a while with the initial stuff. V1 is calling for me.
@@Tankbrusher well i started two of them 3 years ago :D but i was building aircraft then too, now i am just concentrating on amour... its less stressful for sure especially if you have a 4yr old boy who loves planes. Only 1 Fw190 survived and all the allies perished at the hands of one four year old super villain... kids are fun i didn't expect this to be your last Kitty you probably have a few lined up hehe
Das ist soweit toll geworden! Mir gefällt die Tarnlackierung und das unregelmäßige Streaking besonders gut, das hat was. Bin gespannt wie es weitergeht mit den Tigern :)
Sehr schönes Video zur Bearbeitung mit den entsprechenden Erläuterungen. Das mit den Markierungsmasken klappt ja wirklich schön. Wahrscheinlich schlechter anwendbar im kleinen Maßstab, aber ich kann halt nich alles haben. :-) Zusammen mit Deinen Weathering-Schritten ist Dein Ergebnis toll geworden. Ausnehmend schönes Modell, Kai. Grüße, Joachim
Hallo Joachim, danke Dir. Leider wird's immer schwieriger mit den Gadgets je kleiner die Sachen ausfallen sollen. In 1/72 würde ich versuchen die Schablonen mit dem 3D drucker herzustellen, solange die nicht ausgehärtet sind, ist das material schön flexibel. Bisher sind meine Versuche bei so richtig kleinen Teilen (sub-mm) allerdings wenig erfolgreich gewesen. Wäre schon froh wenn endlich ein Werkzeughalter in 1/35 ordentlich heraus käme. ich wünsche Dir ein schönes Wochenende und auf bald!
Nice build. My undersranding abiut the tropucal camouflage being used in Russia is that the tanjs that were painted like that were ment to go to Afrixa and not Russia but it was decided that they would be needed in the east instead. They just never repainted them.
Thanks. I'm not to firm in contempory history but for the little I know the whole mid to south part of the east front was considered tropical area for the camoflage. There is this gap till feb. '43 before tanks rolled out in Ral 7028 we modelers have a hard time judgeing between dirt, tropical - and newly issued Dunkelgelb.
If they did any camouflage on the Tiger it would have been the Tropen pattern. However, since the DAK formed and left for Africa in February 1941 they were initially in Panzer Grey scheme and while there dust and mud applied when able. No Tigers were in Panzer Grey or Dark Green in Africa. The paint later used from March 41-43 (North Africa-Southern Europe) would have been 2/3 RAL 8000 and 1/3 RAL 7008 in matt finish. On 25 March 1942, Inspectorate 2 ordered that gelbbraun and graugrün were to be replaced by brown (braun RAL 8020) and gray (grau RAL 7027) once existing paint stocks were depleted, using the same pattern. This comes from sources of Allgemeine Heeresmitteilungen, Bruce Culver (3 great books by the way called Panzer Colors I-III) Jentz, and Doyle.
Notice the difference that Theater, weather and air superiority play on how scale models should look. With this Tiger, it’s in a dry, arid, hot environment where air superiority is still in play. Contrast that with the late war Jagdtiger I’m finishing: these behemoths were operating in bad weather, had to travel mostly at night and hide in cover and concealment due to Allied air superiority and due to both weather, Theater (Eastern and Western) together with a need to evade British Typhoons and US P-47’s, the ultimate condition of such a vehicle is a total beat down disaster. Thus, this creator, who did an excellent job, not only portrayed his artistic license, but also stayed true to conditions.
I'd break it down to the availability of supportive logistics. If both you and your maintenance company is on the run, it's showing in the equipment for sure. The books "Repairing the Panzers" are very good in adding substance to the context you brought up.
Danke. Ich nutze nur Lack für die Grundfarben. Da gibts ne Firma, die benennt ihre als ,,realen farben". Mehr Werbung mach ich für die aber auch nicht ; ) Verdünnung ist, Mr. Color Leveling Thinner. Mit Ammo Acrylics habe ich keine guten Erfahrungen gemacht, leider.
So I have to say that I read and hear two different base colors for the Tiger, ral 8000 and ral 8020. You mentioned 8000 but it seems closer to 8020. Thoughts?
I most likely never going to build a VK1602, I'm stuck with Tigers for a while. It's otherwise not worth designing the parts I need for them. You can make contact with me on facebook, I'm sure we can figure something out what we can work on together.
Could you tell me the measurements of the tank? I was asked to build a display base for it. But the guy who asked me to do it hasn't build the model yet Really cool paint job btw
It's called primer. Isn't it. Dark Yellow is an ocher, not a Yellow, therefore going red for an undercoat is not necessary. Not painting Warhammer 40K Imperial Fists here. ; )
@@nikolajc7617You're not telling me anything new. On the modelling / crafts side: An Ocher is opaque, a yellow translucent. With opaque paint your base coat can be any neutral color, on translucent colors you need a primer / base coat that works for the later shadows. That's why you better paint red under yellow but you don't have to when using ocher.
@@nikolajc7617Yes, I know. You're not telling me anything new by repeating this ; ) Still it does not matter for the result as scale model with the paints I used to get the Tropentarn established, that's what I'm trying to tell you.
It's a Wehrmacht vehicle. Not an SS one. These were "independ battalions" -> Abteilung; attached to larger fromations, so there could be devisional markings. The 501 had a stalking tiger as personal unit insigna, not sure when this came up - with this vehicle we are right at the beginning. I'll have a close look after christmas and report back in a week.
I think part of your ongoing issue with paint masks is not just the primer but also that you're not sealing the paint layer with a varnish before applying the mask.
Thanks for your input Repo. I don't recall me having issues with the masks on that one. From the sec. I placed my polyurethane primers in the same spot where I keep my Daragon DS tracks, my problems went away ; ) If paint gets removed with the masks, it's an issue of sweaty fingers more than anything else - used gloves on my latest builds and everything was fine.
Why use dark base color? it's better to use light base color then paint and after that weather instead of using base color as weathering. Looks good but you can tell there is diffrence.
You definitly have a point there! I'll give it a shot next time, yet I do fear tropen camo looks like dunkelgelb when painted over a bright base coat. Not going to do advanced weathering stuff anymore, for spare time I'm already gridlocked to designing aftermarket parts atm anyways. Not even finding the time for another video edit.
Wow fantastic video i love your channel fantastic work by the way just telling you when you say 1933 ww2 started in 1939 and ended in 1945 and tiger 1 was produced from 1942 to 1944 just letting you know
I actually do meen "1943 when dark yellow becomes a thing..." These "thhheeer.". "fhhhooor..." sounds are pretty hard to my German tongue : ) such stuff can slip past me from time to time, I'll take better care next time - thanks for pointing it out.
Good video, but, it is not initial production, it is early production. Initial production tigers did not have side fenders or rear turret bin, which again is early production bin
You can count them to inital production. Post-inital or Africa Initial would be more accurate. All early Tigers more features different from this one compared to this vs one of the first nine. I'm counting as inital, till about chassis 100 to post inital (border to early is the Ausf H2 Papertank for me) then I start with early early, bovington tiger would be early early to me
@@Tankbrusher then it isn't initial production its early production so you are being misleading. You did a good job building and painting but at least get the information correct about the tank. It is an early production Tiger 1
@@Tankbrusher ich meine damit das abkleben der Turm Nr. einfach mal frei Hand das muss nicht immer wie mit denn Lineal gezogen sein ansonsten super toll Gebaut und die Farbe alles stimmig ich habe gerade ein tolles Farb Video gesehen von einer Feld Werkstatt man sieht wie sie eine Turm Nr. mit einer Schablone auf pinseln und die Tarnung rauf lacken so wie sie lustig sind da ist nichts so genau !! immer Ruff damit ich glaube wir Modellbauer sind damit viel zu genau schöne grüße aus Hamburg roni ps. den depp nimm ich zurück 👍
@@baer1204 Ich kann mich erinnern gesagt zu haben es nicht mit dem Ausrichten zu übertreiben. Deinen Videolink hat YT automatisch gefressen, da kann ich nichts machen - das war aber das Video vom Bacuffz, das schaue ich mir nachher an. Jetzt mal kurz zu deinem Argument - Im Prinzip richtig, hier aber fehlplatziert. Die Abt. 501 ging sehr gut ausgestattet und vorbereitet nach Afrika - die Fahrzeuge kamen alle fertig frisiert in Italien an. Es wurde eben nicht im Felde lackiert sondern in Deutschland in der Kaserne - die Fotos vom Abladen in Fallingbostel sind in Ruffs Buch. Das ist alles fotographisch belegbar. Recht hast Du wenn wir und stattdessen die Abt. 502 mit ihren allerersten Tigern in Russland anschauen - da wurde zwischen November '42 und März '43 bestimmt 4 mal neu durchnummeriert. Teils mit Kreide, dann kamm der erste Winteranstrich - und als der Haufen dann auf 5 Panzer zusammengeschossen war, mit schwarz auf ganzflächig weißem Anstrich oder man war ohne Turmnummer unterwegs. Da kann man heute alles schön differentzieren. Ich kann dir raten auf pauschalisierte ,, das hat keinen gejuckt" Argumente zu verzichten, die Dinger waren sauteuer und die Obrigkeit hatte ein gutes Auge auf diese Eliteverbände. Beim Panther lässt sich das ebenfalls schön belegen. Da sollte man immer die Situation ganzheitlich sehen. Zwischen Ende '42 und '44 gibt es gewaltige Unterschiede - Bis die Verfügungsräume mit frisch produzierten und halb ausgerüsteten Fahrzeugen vom Bahnwagon herunter erschlossen werden sollten, ist's für meinen Tiger noch eine Weile hin. (142 hat Afrika nicht wieder verlassen...)
@@Tankbrusher Sie sind fantastisch. Ich mahle Subbuteo spieler..aber Sie haben mir viel beigebracht! Unglaublich gut, ich werde NIE so gut sein. Danke!
For the future I cover building stuff accurate and converting kits to interessting vehicles not available as injection mold alone (Prototype Hetzer is lined up) You did find me in the transition phase. Weathering will be limited to techniques that can be achived in one weekend only. I'm not into weathering. Neither I have the time, nor artistic talent/background, nor do I enjoy it. Rest of the time I need to design stuff. ; )
Hallo!Ich weiß ja,dass Du Deutscher bist.Kannst Du Dich bitte mal melden,wir müssen uns mal dringend privat austauschen bitte!Danke,hoffe bis später.Lg aus Thüringen
Excellent video! I appreciate the additional information and how you go from decals to stencils. I think the weathering is spot on and doesn't need anything additional. Nice work Kai.
Thanks Mike!
I like the weathering here. Tasteful and not overdone. Congrats on a great piece of work.
Thank you very much.
Stainless cables. I’m doing some now. Ouch. They are a pain. Thanks awesome build, great tips. Wood on the tools looks excellent, along with everything else.
I feel with you. That damn cable poped the holder multiple times, had to use the printed ones in the end xD
Very nice, dude! Perfect weathering if you ask me. Like you said yourself, those Tiger 1's weren't rusty, only dirty.
No they rusted in the desert ... trust me . At night it's cold hence you get condensation
Thanks Patrizio.
142 arrived almost new, later it was blown up and burned out. I guess we can do what we want with this one.
Amazing paintwork. Genius.
I think that looks great.
And some valuable information as well.
Great video - looking forward to what you do next.
Thank you very much.
Excellent job done as always Kai. I like the slight weathering done and all the details. Nice to hear that there's a chance for a vignette. Thanks for sharing, take care and keep up the good work my friend.
Thanks mate, vignette is planed and layed out - still haveing to wait for the keys to the new modeling territory : )
I like this desert camo.
And the oily appearance of the weathering..Really nice piece!!
Hi Kai excellent video and very informative information great looking Tiger and nice work on the paint job and stencils. 😎👍
Thanks Paul!
Hi Kai you are most welcome thanks to you, I have now started to get more interested in the production and more technical stuff with regards to both Tigers and Panther Tanks or just any Panzer for that matter I've been buying more technical books such as the Nurnberg's Panzer Factory a photographic study which is a great book to have but I enjoy all your video's. so keep safe and happy modelling my friend.😎👍
@@paulhumphriesz4557 Very nice, mate. Suddenly these vehicle look different, not just one like the other : ) Great book you got there, I will build some Panthers out of it during the later part of this year.
Incredible job looks great
"Wenn es keine befehle gibt, steigen ins Tiger und toten etwas."
Der Wustenfuchs, probably
Awesome build Kai!!
Just no, mate, just no. Erwin had no Tigers directly at his disposal and was far too inteligent for such an stupid statement.
Sehr gut gemacht, Ryefield Tiger sind echt Klasse . Schöner Tiger in Africa.........:-))
Danke Dir!
Bravo! Very authentic and accurate colors, nice work! Preparing to paint my RFM Tunisian 112, so this video would be useful)
Excellent modeling and painting as usual.
Thanks NOB. Stay safe my friend.
Nicely done my friend another great video always look forward to them. I've already built this kit but I bought it again to do the Bovington Tiger hopefully some time this year
Thank you Greg. I hope I don't overstep when I recommend you not to build Bovington Tiger with the RFM-5001U kit. It does not include a turret with escape hatch anymore and you will need to source an early front glacis from spare parts as well. A kit of a early tiger would be better here than a initial. I got Dragons tiger 131 kit for Christmas looking forward to build within the next months.
Great job Kia.As is all your works.
Thank you Timothy
Nice work its cool to see a North African tiger for a change instead of the standard three-tone everyone else does
Thank you Ethan, I can asure you: It will be a long time before I do a 3-tone Henschel Tiger... There are many other interessting ones on my to-do list.
great build,looks good
Thanks Rob!
Great work! Looks great, looking forward to that vignette! 👍
Thanks mate, I can't wait too finaly start getting into doing terrain. I hope to be set up for in within the next 2 months
Nice looking tiger mate 😁👌
Thanks 👍
Very good work!
Thank you José!
Great result. One to be proud of
Thanks Steve!
Looking good my man, 3 more kits to clear and I will be seeing starting mine. Probably Whitman in Normandy
Thanks Vas, how long do you sit on your 3 kits? I kind of would like to build a later Tiger too but I've to stay for a while with the initial stuff. V1 is calling for me.
@@Tankbrusher well i started two of them 3 years ago :D but i was building aircraft then too, now i am just concentrating on amour... its less stressful for sure especially if you have a 4yr old boy who loves planes. Only 1 Fw190 survived and all the allies perished at the hands of one four year old super villain... kids are fun
i didn't expect this to be your last Kitty you probably have a few lined up hehe
Very cool !!!! 👍
Das ist soweit toll geworden! Mir gefällt die Tarnlackierung und das unregelmäßige Streaking besonders gut, das hat was. Bin gespannt wie es weitergeht mit den Tigern :)
Hallo Michael. Danke für deinen Kommentar. Den nächsten Tiger kennste sicherlich, den hab ich bei Dir auch schon gesehen : )
Sehr schönes Video zur Bearbeitung mit den entsprechenden Erläuterungen.
Das mit den Markierungsmasken klappt ja wirklich schön. Wahrscheinlich schlechter anwendbar im kleinen Maßstab, aber ich kann halt nich alles haben. :-)
Zusammen mit Deinen Weathering-Schritten ist Dein Ergebnis toll geworden.
Ausnehmend schönes Modell, Kai.
Grüße, Joachim
Hallo Joachim, danke Dir. Leider wird's immer schwieriger mit den Gadgets je kleiner die Sachen ausfallen sollen. In 1/72 würde ich versuchen die Schablonen mit dem 3D drucker herzustellen, solange die nicht ausgehärtet sind, ist das material schön flexibel. Bisher sind meine Versuche bei so richtig kleinen Teilen (sub-mm) allerdings wenig erfolgreich gewesen. Wäre schon froh wenn endlich ein Werkzeughalter in 1/35 ordentlich heraus käme.
ich wünsche Dir ein schönes Wochenende und auf bald!
16:36 what did you use?
Very, very nice 👍
thanks man!
Are you sure the smoke dischargers are the type you changed to,as looking at the side view of 142 they look more like the typical canister type.
Nice build.
My undersranding abiut the tropucal camouflage being used in Russia is that the tanjs that were painted like that were ment to go to Afrixa and not Russia but it was decided that they would be needed in the east instead. They just never repainted them.
Thanks. I'm not to firm in contempory history but for the little I know the whole mid to south part of the east front was considered tropical area for the camoflage. There is this gap till feb. '43 before tanks rolled out in Ral 7028 we modelers have a hard time judgeing between dirt, tropical - and newly issued Dunkelgelb.
If they did any camouflage on the Tiger it would have been the Tropen pattern. However, since the DAK formed and left for Africa in February 1941 they were initially in Panzer Grey scheme and while there dust and mud applied when able. No Tigers were in Panzer Grey or Dark Green in Africa. The paint later used from March 41-43 (North Africa-Southern Europe) would have been 2/3 RAL 8000 and 1/3 RAL 7008 in matt finish.
On 25 March 1942, Inspectorate 2 ordered that gelbbraun and graugrün were to be replaced by brown (braun RAL 8020) and gray (grau RAL 7027) once existing paint stocks were depleted, using the same pattern. This comes from sources of Allgemeine Heeresmitteilungen, Bruce Culver (3 great books by the way called Panzer Colors I-III) Jentz, and Doyle.
Notice the difference that Theater, weather and air superiority play on how scale models should look. With this Tiger, it’s in a dry, arid, hot environment where air superiority is still in play. Contrast that with the late war Jagdtiger I’m finishing: these behemoths were operating in bad weather, had to travel mostly at night and hide in cover and concealment due to Allied air superiority and due to both weather, Theater (Eastern and Western) together with a need to evade British Typhoons and US P-47’s, the ultimate condition of such a vehicle is a total beat down disaster. Thus, this creator, who did an excellent job, not only portrayed his artistic license, but also stayed true to conditions.
I'd break it down to the availability of supportive logistics. If both you and your maintenance company is on the run, it's showing in the equipment for sure. The books "Repairing the Panzers" are very good in adding substance to the context you brought up.
Sehr schöne Raubkatze!!! Habe ich das richtig raus gehört, hast du als Grundfarben das Africa Korps- Smart Acrylic Set von Ammo verwendet?
Danke. Ich nutze nur Lack für die Grundfarben. Da gibts ne Firma, die benennt ihre als ,,realen farben". Mehr Werbung mach ich für die aber auch nicht ; ) Verdünnung ist, Mr. Color Leveling Thinner. Mit Ammo Acrylics habe ich keine guten Erfahrungen gemacht, leider.
So I have to say that I read and hear two different base colors for the Tiger, ral 8000 and ral 8020. You mentioned 8000 but it seems closer to 8020. Thoughts?
Nice work! Are you ever going to build vk1602?
I have the amusing hobby kit if you ever wanted to collab...
I most likely never going to build a VK1602, I'm stuck with Tigers for a while. It's otherwise not worth designing the parts I need for them. You can make contact with me on facebook, I'm sure we can figure something out what we can work on together.
I have discord...
But not Facebook so far
Could you tell me the measurements of the tank? I was asked to build a display base for it. But the guy who asked me to do it hasn't build the model yet Really cool paint job btw
Why not the correct primer color??????????????
It's called primer. Isn't it. Dark Yellow is an ocher, not a Yellow, therefore going red for an undercoat is not necessary. Not painting Warhammer 40K Imperial Fists here. ; )
@@Tankbrusher They were all painted red oxid primer, the dark yellow were a base color not primer.
@@nikolajc7617You're not telling me anything new. On the modelling / crafts side: An Ocher is opaque, a yellow translucent. With opaque paint your base coat can be any neutral color, on translucent colors you need a primer / base coat that works for the later shadows. That's why you better paint red under yellow but you don't have to when using ocher.
@@Tankbrusher Yeah whatever, but the tanks were painted with red oxid primer before the base color anyway.
@@nikolajc7617Yes, I know. You're not telling me anything new by repeating this ; ) Still it does not matter for the result as scale model with the paints I used to get the Tropentarn established, that's what I'm trying to tell you.
Did that tiger have any division markings? Wehrmacht or SS?
It's a Wehrmacht vehicle. Not an SS one. These were "independ battalions" -> Abteilung; attached to larger fromations, so there could be devisional markings. The 501 had a stalking tiger as personal unit insigna, not sure when this came up - with this vehicle we are right at the beginning. I'll have a close look after christmas and report back in a week.
I think part of your ongoing issue with paint masks is not just the primer but also that you're not sealing the paint layer with a varnish before applying the mask.
Thanks for your input Repo. I don't recall me having issues with the masks on that one. From the sec. I placed my polyurethane primers in the same spot where I keep my Daragon DS tracks, my problems went away ; ) If paint gets removed with the masks, it's an issue of sweaty fingers more than anything else - used gloves on my latest builds and everything was fine.
@@Tankbrusher 12:00 you show multiple spots of paint lift on the port side Balkenkreuz.
@@xRepoUKx yeah I've seen it too, sweaty fingers were the reason on this one - didn't clean it properly before painting.
Why use dark base color? it's better to use light base color then paint and after that weather instead of using base color as weathering. Looks good but you can tell there is diffrence.
You definitly have a point there! I'll give it a shot next time, yet I do fear tropen camo looks like dunkelgelb when painted over a bright base coat. Not going to do advanced weathering stuff anymore, for spare time I'm already gridlocked to designing aftermarket parts atm anyways. Not even finding the time for another video edit.
Wow fantastic video i love your channel fantastic work by the way just telling you when you say 1933 ww2 started in 1939 and ended in 1945 and tiger 1 was produced from 1942 to 1944 just letting you know
I actually do meen "1943 when dark yellow becomes a thing..." These "thhheeer.". "fhhhooor..." sounds are pretty hard to my German tongue : ) such stuff can slip past me from time to time, I'll take better care next time - thanks for pointing it out.
@@Tankbrusher i knew what you ment im a big fan of your channel you make some really amazing model tanks
mate, feedback is always appreciated from my side. The number thing is on my list : )
Good video, but, it is not initial production, it is early production. Initial production tigers did not have side fenders or rear turret bin, which again is early production bin
You can count them to inital production. Post-inital or Africa Initial would be more accurate. All early Tigers more features different from this one compared to this vs one of the first nine. I'm counting as inital, till about chassis 100 to post inital (border to early is the Ausf H2 Papertank for me) then I start with early early, bovington tiger would be early early to me
@@Tankbrusher then it isn't initial production its early production so you are being misleading. You did a good job building and painting but at least get the information correct about the tank. It is an early production Tiger 1
@@johnbennett348 I don't agree. But there is little point in disscussing made up terms anyways.
depp im Feld wurde nicht auf abkleben geachtet
In welchem Zusammenhang bitte?
@@Tankbrusher ich meine damit das abkleben der Turm Nr. einfach mal frei Hand das muss nicht immer wie mit denn Lineal gezogen sein ansonsten super toll Gebaut und die Farbe alles stimmig ich habe gerade ein tolles Farb Video gesehen von einer Feld Werkstatt man sieht wie sie eine Turm Nr. mit einer Schablone auf pinseln und die Tarnung rauf lacken so wie sie lustig sind da ist nichts so genau !! immer Ruff damit ich glaube wir Modellbauer sind damit viel zu genau
schöne grüße aus Hamburg roni ps. den depp nimm ich zurück 👍
@@baer1204 Ich kann mich erinnern gesagt zu haben es nicht mit dem Ausrichten zu übertreiben. Deinen Videolink hat YT automatisch gefressen, da kann ich nichts machen - das war aber das Video vom Bacuffz, das schaue ich mir nachher an. Jetzt mal kurz zu deinem Argument - Im Prinzip richtig, hier aber fehlplatziert. Die Abt. 501 ging sehr gut ausgestattet und vorbereitet nach Afrika - die Fahrzeuge kamen alle fertig frisiert in Italien an. Es wurde eben nicht im Felde lackiert sondern in Deutschland in der Kaserne - die Fotos vom Abladen in Fallingbostel sind in Ruffs Buch. Das ist alles fotographisch belegbar.
Recht hast Du wenn wir und stattdessen die Abt. 502 mit ihren allerersten Tigern in Russland anschauen - da wurde zwischen November '42 und März '43 bestimmt 4 mal neu durchnummeriert. Teils mit Kreide, dann kamm der erste Winteranstrich - und als der Haufen dann auf 5 Panzer zusammengeschossen war, mit schwarz auf ganzflächig weißem Anstrich oder man war ohne Turmnummer unterwegs. Da kann man heute alles schön differentzieren. Ich kann dir raten auf pauschalisierte ,, das hat keinen gejuckt" Argumente zu verzichten, die Dinger waren sauteuer und die Obrigkeit hatte ein gutes Auge auf diese Eliteverbände. Beim Panther lässt sich das ebenfalls schön belegen. Da sollte man immer die Situation ganzheitlich sehen. Zwischen Ende '42 und '44 gibt es gewaltige Unterschiede - Bis die Verfügungsräume mit frisch produzierten und halb ausgerüsteten Fahrzeugen vom Bahnwagon herunter erschlossen werden sollten, ist's für meinen Tiger noch eine Weile hin. (142 hat Afrika nicht wieder verlassen...)
Mann kann sagen "looked" (und nicht "looked like"). Looked like ist "sieht aus wie" . Looked ist "that is how they looked" "so sahen sie aus".
Danke dir, wieder was gelernt!
@@Tankbrusher Sie sind fantastisch. Ich mahle Subbuteo spieler..aber Sie haben mir viel beigebracht! Unglaublich gut, ich werde NIE so gut sein. Danke!
Looks like a toy tank. You can do better with couple of simple tricks. For me is complete at 60%
For the future I cover building stuff accurate and converting kits to interessting vehicles not available as injection mold alone (Prototype Hetzer is lined up) You did find me in the transition phase. Weathering will be limited to techniques that can be achived in one weekend only. I'm not into weathering. Neither I have the time, nor artistic talent/background, nor do I enjoy it. Rest of the time I need to design stuff. ; )
@@Tankbrusher 👌👌👌👌👌👌
Hallo!Ich weiß ja,dass Du Deutscher bist.Kannst Du Dich bitte mal melden,wir müssen uns mal dringend privat austauschen bitte!Danke,hoffe bis später.Lg aus Thüringen
Hey, kannst mich gern auf Instagram anschreiben. Grüße Kai
@@Tankbrusher Hi Kai,leider habe ich kein Instagram.Nur FB,Whatsapp und eMail :0( Lg Marco
@@Tankbrusher ok dann nicht.ich lösche meind eMail Adresse jetzt hier.Schade!