Fight Crab 2 Battle 35, The Balance of Power, and Flodo the Unlikeliest of Crabbits Adventure Begins

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 4 มี.ค. 2024
  • Suddenly a vortex opens its maw in the fabric of Crabdalfs new found reality as Dwarvern Crab Crabli plummets downwards incapacitating Craburan where he stands.
    Having finally managed to infiltrate the moongate using the powers of Sarucrab Crabli informs the relieved but terribly exhausted crabdalf that the passage was one way and they simply have to buy time.
    Pleased to hear Sarucrab is working on a solution Crabdalf again engages the shocked demonic forces with Crabli at his side.
    A sudden strike from the rear by the self proclaimed Demon king Crabzmodeus causes Crabli's conciousness to fade leaving Crabdalf to fight on, only to once again warp into the domain at the start of the battle, realising the true horror and futility of the battle Crabli recalls the words sarucrab spoke to him before his departure and uses what time he can mid battle to inform Crabdalf of whats happening.
    Crabli informs Crabdalf that this sealed reality is really a punishment for Sarucrab imposed by the supposedly long defeated great dark crab lord, Crabgoth as a punishment for his failure to defend the moongate
    and that escape from within is impossible, however the dimension is powered by the arcane relics of Middle Ocean the Crabmarils, captured and corrupted by Crabgoth.
    Sarucrab, with no way to resist the corruption of these artifacts himself assigns the task of tracking them down to the unlikelyest of Crabbits, Flodo Crabbins who together with his long time friend Crabwise Gamgee embark on an adventure to save Crabdalf with nothing but
    a bag of knives that stop glowing blue whenever crabs are nearby and a ring that sarucrab can use to communicate with the duo.
    Flodo Crabbins and Crabwise Gamgee, under assumed identitys, pay a mysterious local guide a small fortune in Crabstars for passage to the ancient sealing site of Crabgoth in order to hunt down the Crabmarils, they seem to be making good progress across the desert when suddenly Flodos knives don't glow at all alerting them to an incoming ambush!

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