Fight Crab 2 Battle 36, Iron Fist of the Red Hand's Mercy

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 25 ก.ย. 2024
  • Flodo and Crabwise's loyal guide, scared of the seemingly rampant threat that never used to exist on this path decides there is no amount of money they are willing to take to take a frontal role and assumes an advisory role.
    This decision turns out to be well thought out as looking at his dull blade Flodo realises the prior ambush was far from an anomaly as another pair of bandits beset the duo, but with great purpose driving their mission they aren't about to fail due to a pair of lowly bandits! Realising they are outmatched the bandits quickly surrender and report back to their king. The ancient bandit king laughs at this subordinates failure to take down a pair of crabbits
    and makes a personal visit to Flodo, despite his advanced age hes certain that no mere crabling can match his strength. As the confrontation begins Flodo soon realises why as telepathic communications from sarucrab show the bandit king that stands before him now as a young warrior, ally of justice and right hand of Crabdalf the White, the Red Hand.
    During the ensuing melee the desperate Flodor attempts to reason with the Red Hand but seemingly fails, after a gruelling battle the red hand appears to finally succumb to his wounds and the pair beat a quick retreat before the astonished bandits can make sense of what occured.
    After they escape Sarucrab informs them that the Red Hand, realising they were fighting to save his old ally, was lowering his own fighting capabilitys to match Flodors and staged his own defeat in order to keep the bandits from killing Flodo and ruining his mission to save Crabdalf and Crabli from the void.
    While this may have bought some time a couple of the stronger more loyal bandits went berserk and attacked Crabwise and Flodo forcing the Red Hand to intervene once more this time with Flodo undererstanding what was going on. But the path is trecherous indeed and the reputation of a single bandit king can't protect a crab in these lands for long...
    And heres exactly the same chapter except I asked google Gemini to make it not terrible story telling! Non factually accurate statements marked with Asterix's! :
    Shell-Shocked on the Shellway:
    Their guide, a shrimp named Gilliam* with gills the color of tarnished silver*, paled and backed away. The once familiar Shellway now reeked of danger, a stench absent for generations. No amount of clams* could buy his* loyalty* anymore. Flodo, his emerald* shell dull with travel dust, gripped his rusty* pincer. This ambush wasn't a fluke.
    As if summoned by fear, two hulking hermit* crabs scuttled out, pincers snapping like hungry clams. Their eyes, however, held a disturbing gleam - not avarice, but zealous conviction. These weren't petty thieves, but pawns in a larger game*. Recognizing their own limitations, the crabs surrendered with surprising haste, scuttling back to their master, a sorry spectacle.
    Deep within a coral cavern, a cackle echoed - the ancient Bandit King, his exoskeleton scarred with countless battles. He scoffed at his underlings' failure. "Two mud-caked crabs? You couldn't subdue a pair of barnacles!" Fury propelled him forward, his age forgotten.
    Flodo braced himself. The king, despite his wrinkles*, moved with surprising speed. But as the fight raged, a voice whispered in Flodo's mind - Sarucrab, their telepathic crustacean companion. This wasn't the Bandit King of lore, but a younger warrior, a champion of justice, the Red Hand, once Crabdalf the White's right claw himself!
    Flodo fought valiantly, but the Red Hand seemed to hold back, his attacks oddly restrained. Finally, with a well-placed blow, the Red Hand crumpled, seemingly defeated. Flodo and Crabwise fled in a flurry of legs, leaving the stunned bandits gawking.
    Once safe, Sarucrab revealed the Red Hand's ploy. He recognized Flodo from their past alliance and purposefully weakened himself to avoid killing his old friend's savior.
    This bought them time, but not peace. Loyalists within the bandit ranks, twisted by the encroaching darkness, attacked Flodo and Crabwise. The Red Hand intervened once more, but Flodo, now understanding, fought alongside him*. This path was riddled with danger - a single king's goodwill wouldn't shield them forever. The fight for Crabble Earth had truly begun.

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