Salat: Institutionalized Turning Away | Abdul Karim

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    #truth #science #quran

ความคิดเห็น • 62

  • @HumayunMirza-s8f
    @HumayunMirza-s8f 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Great discussion.

  • @metinbayer2631
    @metinbayer2631 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Thank you Dr and your guest for your hard efforts and collaboration and podcasts

  • @nathanrichmondhoag1021
    @nathanrichmondhoag1021 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Dr. Omar you have come a long way from when I first saw you speaking with Sheikh Imran Hosein!

  • @IronMan-mc9zl
    @IronMan-mc9zl ปีที่แล้ว +16

    *Who are الْمُصَلِّينَ the Musalleen ?*
    Is it those who observe the ritual prayers ?
    Lets find out.
    70:19 Verily, man is created with an anxious disposition.
    70:20 When they are afflicted, they complain,
    70:21 And when good touches him, withholding [of it],
    70:22 Except الْمُصَلِّينَ the MUSALLEEN.
    70:23 *Those in their SALAT (صَلَاتِهِمْ) who are CONSTANT (دَائِمُونَ).*
    70:24 *And They (Al Musalleen) are those who assign a certain share of their money/property (أَمْوَالِهِمْ)*
    70:25 *for the needy (لِلسَّائِلِ) and the deprived (وَالْمَحْرُومِ),*
    70:26 *And (Al Musalleen are those) who acknowledge/accept as true (يُصَدِّقُونَ) the Day of Judgment (بِيَوْمِ الدِّينِ),*
    70:27 *And (Al Musalleen are the ones) who are afraid of the torment of their Lord,*
    70:28 the punishment of their Lord is not something for them to feel secure of,
    70:29 *And (Al Musalleen are the ones) who guard (حَافِظُونَ) their modesty*
    70:30 Except from their spouses or what they possess rightfully then indeed, they (are) not blameworthy,
    70:31 but whoever goes beyond this is a transgressor;
    70:32 *And (Al Musalleen are those) who honor their trust and promises(وَعَهْدِهِمْ),*
    70:33 *And (Al Musalleen are those) who testify to what they have witnessed (شَهَادَةَ),*
    70:34 *And (Al Musalleen are) those who, on their SALAT صَلَاتِهِمْ keep a guard يُحَافِظُونَ,*
    70:35 such people will receive due honor in Paradise.
    Further Clarification of ayahs 70:22-34
    *Spending Wealth, Charity*
    70:24 They (Al Musalleen) are those who assign a certain share of their money/property (Amwālihim أَمْوَالِهِمْ).
    70:25 for the needy and the deprived,
    Clarification :
    [107:1] Do you know who rejects the deen
    [107:2] Who turns away the orphan
    [107:3] And does not encourage the feeding of the poor.
    [107:4] So woe to those "LILMUSALLEENA" لِّلْمُصَلِّينَ
    [107:5] [But] who are heedless of their "SALAT" صَلَاتِهِمْ
    [11:87] They said: "O Shu'ayb, does your SALAT order you that we leave what our fathers served, or that we do not do with our money/property (Amwālina أَمْوَالِنَا) as we please? It seems only you are the compassionate, the wise!"
    [9:103] Take from their money/property(Amwālihim أَمْوَالِهِمْ) a charity (صَدَقَةً) to purify them and develop them with it, and make SALAT with them; for your SALAT is a tranquility for them; and God is Hearer, Knowledgeable.
    *Belief, Qualities:*
    70:26 (And Musalleen are those) who acknowledge the Day of Judgment,
    Clarification :
    [27:3] Those who establish "SALAT" and contribute towards purification. *AND THOSE WHO ARE CERTAIN ABOUT THE LIFE-TO-COME.*
    [4:162] who perform the "SALAT" diligently, and contribute towards purification, *AND BELIEVE IN ALLAH AND THE AFTERLIFE*
    *Guarding Ones Modesty*
    70:29 (Al Musalleen are the ones) who guard their modesty
    70:30 except from their wives and those whom they rightfully possess [through wedlock], for which they incur no blame
    Clarification :
    [29:45] Recite, what has been revealed to you of the Book and establish "SALAT". *Indeed, "SALAT" prohibits immorality and wrongdoing,* and the remembrance of Allah is greater. And Allah knows that which you do.
    *Fulfill Pledges, promises:*
    70:32 (Al Musalleen are those) who honor their trust and promises,
    Clarification :
    [2:177] ...establish "SALAT", and contribute towards purification, *AND FULFILL THE PLEDGES/PROMISES MADE BY THEM.*
    *Truthful Testimony*
    70:33 And (Al Musalleen are those) who testify to what they have witnessed (بِشَهَادَاتِهِمْ),
    Clarification :
    [5:106] O you who believe, witnessing (شَهَادَةُ) shall be done if death is approaching one of you and a will is being made, by two among you who are equitable. If you have gone forth in the land, and death is approaching, then any two may suffice - if you have a doubt regarding them, then detain them after making the *SALAT,* and they will swear by God: "We will not purchase with it any price, even if it was from a near relative, *AND WE WILL NOT CONCEAL THE TESTIMONY (شَهَادَةَ)* of God, else we are of the sinners."
    *Guard the Salat*
    70:34 *And (Al Musalleen are) those who, on their SALAT صَلَاتِهِمْ keep a guard يُحَافِظُونَ,*
    Clarification :
    [6:92] And this is a Book which We have sent down, blessed, authenticating what is between his hands, and that you may warn the capital of the towns and those around it. And those who believe in the Hereafter believe in it, *AND THEY GUARD THEIR SALAT.*
    Salat is not a ritual prayer.
    Quran(الْقُرْآنِ) Alone(وَحْدَهُ)

    • @leslieterebessy7559
      @leslieterebessy7559 ปีที่แล้ว +5


    • @easky363
      @easky363 ปีที่แล้ว

      How can I contact you IRON MAN?

    • @MrResearcher122
      @MrResearcher122 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      One of my favourite verses 70: Ma3rij. I remembered the whole chapter and verse, and if ritual prayer isn't valid, you must explain that beautiful yet simple chapter of the Quran.

  • @untoldstories001
    @untoldstories001 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    salam and peace to u both and all the viewers, brother omar, please approach Sam Gerrans for an interview if you have not till now, May Allah reward you for your work, aameen

  • @babajamal6599
    @babajamal6599 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you very much for putting this together Dr.

  • @zoel2201
    @zoel2201 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Great presentation as always, brother Lesly/Abd Karim

  • @semracalik3040
    @semracalik3040 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I am really looking forward to the promised vfollowing video on this topic. 🙏🌸

  • @manndesfriedens5248
    @manndesfriedens5248 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Salamun alaykum,
    just a few quick thoughts on the matter because its a heart issue to me.
    I consider myself to be a part of the Quran alone Islam and I do practice the ritual prayer, but some details of course I changed.
    What I observe is that there are two extremes. The one speaks for a complete defined prayer with no room for individual changes, like praying 5 times a specific number of raka'ats with a set of words you have to repeat. The other completely reject this kind of a physical form of worshipping Allah and consider the command of salah to be nothing more than a mindset.
    So I dont care about how many times one does the prayer (2,3 or 5 times a day) or the number of rakat (1, 2 or the traditional number) or the way he holds his hands or which language he uses.
    But to take some time of the day to reconnect to Allah swt by first washing (connect to the water) and then stand before Allah and prostrate to (preferly natural) ground (connect to the earth), I consider this to be important for our soul development and to keep being grounded.
    And those who reject the form of salah by claiming it is nothing more thana zoroastrian practice early muslims adopted, they do also nothing different than trusting narrations more than the mushaf.
    Its not my intention to exclude those who do not pray from Islam if they call themselfes muslims, but I recognized a tendency to discredit those who practice the physical prayer to be superficial and ignorant.
    I would like to get response from either one of you, because you are two of the publical voices of this lets call it movement.
    Peace to all!

    • @negeto2460
      @negeto2460 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Well said akhi!
      Unfortunately, traditional Muslim OBSESS over the numbers of Salat, raka't, and 'greeting' and 'sending blessings' to the prophet. Is this really what the prophet did?? Did he recite something called 'Tashahhud' where he 'greeted' and 'sent blessings' to himself?? This is nonsense!
      I believe the 'Salat' was all about THE QUR'AN! the prophet recited it and taught it to his followers while 'standing', 'bowing', and 'prostrating'. I also made a video about Salat on my channel and argue that the Salat is an 'umbrella' term which covers a whole range of COMMANDS (dos and donts) within the Qur'an!
      Examples of 'Donts' include not aproaching salat while intoxicated, remembering Allah little, standing with laziness, doing it to show off, etc. All the details for Salat is in the Qur'an and yet Traditional Muslims insist that the DETAILS of Salat is absent from the Qur'an! Unbelievable!

    • @manndesfriedens5248
      @manndesfriedens5248 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@negeto2460 Absolutely, but my concern these days is with those Quran only muslims, who negate the physical prayer and moreover look down on people like us because we are doing it - in some instances they even call us mushriks.

  • @ainaltair3217
    @ainaltair3217 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Excellent presentation. I hope more and more people begin to think and correct themselves.
    I have performed hajj twice, but in the last couple of years a paradigm shift has begun with respect to hajj....🤔
    Recently been to umrah for various reasons, one being to see the historical places once again....😊
    There is a paradigm shift in understanding salat and zskat... however, i still pray the same way...except that i avoid saying AllahuAkbar and allahumma...instead, i say AllahuKarim and rabbana

    • @shukriyusof2104
      @shukriyusof2104 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      You wrote, _" ...however i still pray the same way... except that i avoid saying AllahAkbar and allahumma..."_
      Okay... now it is time for you to THINK!
      Who do you think is the God you are praying/reciting the Quran to?
      Here are a couple of verses from the Quran:
      5:7 ... Allah is fully aware of what is in your hearts/thoughts/mind.
      24:9 ... Allah knows what you reveal and what you conceal.
      So... go ahead and THINK!
      Would a God who knows what you reveal & conceal and everything that is in your hearts/thoughts/mind be bothered with mindless rituals or you uttering/muttering modern-day Arabic words would make any difference to the All Mighty All Knowing God?
      However, the words you thought and assumed were important to God are actually very important to your fellow humans in understanding who the true God is!
      So... now... how do you think you should recite the Quran and to WHOM?
      When you perform your ritual "salat" ... to whom are you reciting the Quran?
      Are you trying to teach your God His words of Wisdom/Guidance?
      Wouldn't it be Islamic to recite the Quran to your fellow Muslims so that they understand the Quran, a book of Guidance/Wisdom for mankind?
      How do you think the last prophet was able to spread the Quran? And what is the SOLE duty of a Messenger if not to convey the message?
      Only a Sunni/Shiite/Sectarian would recite the Quran back to God!

    • @goodman_1955
      @goodman_1955 ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@shukriyusof2104you drop in to these videos and often times bring up some important questions, yet you seldom if ever make clear what you point is, or answer questions, what is your background?

    • @manndesfriedens5248
      @manndesfriedens5248 ปีที่แล้ว

      I as well stopped the usage of "Allahumma" for a time, but after rethinking it, I dont consider Dr Hany correct anymore in equating it with the hebrew word "elohim" and therefore giving it the meaning of a curse.
      Dr Hany promised in his videosegment on Allahumma that it is going to be a kind of gamechanger in your du'a when you avoid it. I couldnt experience this enthusiasm if him by myself. 😁
      Actually it is a very beautyful way of adressing Allah swt, it is a combination of the words "Allah" and "umma". Whereas "Rabb" highlights the "fatherly" part of Allah, "Allahumma" could stand for the "motherly" part.
      I hope not to sound heretic in anyones side.

    • @shukriyusof2104
      @shukriyusof2104 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@goodman_1955 Like everybody else... I am searching for the absolute truth.
      We are all on our journey and when we see good, we support it and when we see bad, we warn against it.

    • @thebeesnuts777
      @thebeesnuts777 ปีที่แล้ว

      Then it would be Allahrabb by that construction
      Radi Allahu `anhu/`anha/`anhuma/`anhum.
      humma, seems to be attribution of many
      We shouldn't attribute partnership with Allah
      Hence why it appears in Quran 5 times as opposed to 80+ Rabbana, Rabbi , at the start of a Dua
      Clearly Allahumma is addressing a people who attribute partners to Allah,

  • @ujangsekeluarga5443
    @ujangsekeluarga5443 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Salaamun Dr. Omar & Brother Leslie
    The word "aqeemo" wrt to "salat" in quran can also carry the meaning/application - to restore/ to re-eastablish/ to rebuild
    There are 3 different spelling variants of the word "salat" in quran
    Since traditionally, the word "salat" always refer to the ritual prayer, I am still searching the distinction (if any) of the spelling variants

    • @negeto2460
      @negeto2460 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Spot on akhi! 'Aqeemu' does indeed mean to restore / reestablish! And so the prophet Muhammad did 'Aqeemu' where he RESTORED and REESTABLISHED the Salat as it was done with ALL the Messengers before him. He did NOT invent Salat and then ordered his followers to 'greet' and 'send blessings' to him within it!

    • @shukriyusof2104
      @shukriyusof2104 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      As usual it is always *a hit & a miss* with the Sunnis of all _madhabs._
      Yes, while it is true that the word _"aqeemo"_ does carry the meaning _"re-establish/to rebuild"_ but the 1.7billion dollar question is:
      *to re-establish/to rebuild* the "connection" to what/who?
      a.) Allah
      b.) your fellow mankind?
      If , like all Sunnis/Shiites/Sectarians, you have been taught to answer (a) , then WHEN did *your connection with your All-Knowing, All-Forgiving, All-Present God* was severed or lost? _(even if such a claim could ever be accepted by a true Muslim)_ please refer to Q50:16 for FULL EXPLANATION.
      Furthermore, are you aware that the word _"aqeemo"_ shares the same root letters as the word *_qaum?_*
      It means *people/mankind* within your reach.
      So, now use your God given AQAL and THINK, PONDER & REFLECT on the verses of the Quran and not just mere words taken out of context.
      peace to the world.

    • @ujangsekeluarga5443
      @ujangsekeluarga5443 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you for the info
      QS 50:16 is using single masculine pronouns throughout.
      Allah is very, very precise when addressing His human subject
      is single masculine pronoun = (currently) 1.7 Billion muslim + 6 Billion non muslim ?
      What would be "the given AQAL" deducing ?

    • @shukriyusof2104
      @shukriyusof2104 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@ujangsekeluarga5443 Unfortunately, you one of those Sunnis who cannot understand the Quran because you are still under the belief that the Quran is a *"book of 9th century Arabic grammar"* !
      No human can teach you the Quran if Allah has sealed your heart, mind, hearing & sight from understanding the CONTEXT of the Quran.
      Peace to the world.

    • @ujangsekeluarga5443
      @ujangsekeluarga5443 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You have completely misjudged the sunnis
      Have you ever met any sunnis ?
      I strongly believe that Quran is never arabic centric (language wise) , quran does not care about arabic grammar nor does it follow the linguistic rules made by the traditional 7 or 8 arabic schools of thoughts.
      Quran also does not at all support arab supremacy
      Quran has its own linguistic rules and language style and terminologies and lexicon and vocabulary and locution
      Quran is for everybody, at any place for all time
      Please be rest assured that no sunnis would dare to imagine nor to conclude that all the singular masculine pronouns used in quran to refer to “الإنسٰن” at more than 2 dozen verses , are referring to a single male
      In addition to the singular masculine pronouns, almost at all the verses which have the word “الإنسٰن” are not the “pleasant” kind of verses
      Also, many of the verses are in “past tenses”
      ALL sunnis for more than 1000 years, instead, had considered those pronouns (single masculine) are simply arbitarily referring to ALL muslims
      Impossible Allah “generalising” things
      All are baseless opinion and/or using extra quranic argument
      Allah is very precise . All knowledge are from Him, in particular the understanding of His quran
      Muhammad pbuh, only just relayed to us His revelation, he did not do any tafseer nor any detailed explanation on the quran
      Ascribe to His reverence. QS 22:74

  • @shukriyusof2104
    @shukriyusof2104 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Towards the end of the podcast Abdul Karim said some very interesting facts. So, the only way forward is to provide evidence that the Ahlu Sunnah wal-Jumaah or the Shiites or any of the sectarians have invented their own religion, just like the Jews and the Christians did with their Torah & Injeel respectively.
    The Sectarians are welcome to invent barbaric unIslamic laws to satisfy their lust for power and they can enforce their invented laws on those who are Sunnis/Shiites/Sectarians only, which has absolutely nothing to do with Islam.
    peace to the world... study the Quran Alone.

  • @shahidahmed1766
    @shahidahmed1766 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    First believe in unseen then establish Salah. Then Salah may be to "Express ones imaan (belief) through Salah". Salah may be some expected disposition (certainly narrated in Quran but not yet understood). This ritual may have short or very long history.

    • @ultrasignificantfootnote3378
      @ultrasignificantfootnote3378 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      But the point these gentleman are making is that, the way the Islamic prayer, with all it's obligatory physical movements , is manmade.

  • @GEO-SonOfman
    @GEO-SonOfman 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    26:11 I think youve cracked the case Mr Watson... SubhanAllah... the video on EndGame Islam shows that the Kaafir is NOT those who reject the hadith and the sunnah of the messenger, but actually those who "turn away".
    Similarly, i believe you are right... the opposite of Salaat is "turn away". And therefore, as you have logically deduced, salaat is to "turn towards".
    This fits with Allah stating that He and His Angels are doing "salaat" and "salaam" upon the Nabi. We, as the faithful should also "turn towards" in "salaam" towards Muhammad.
    And it also fits with Allah telling the Nabi to "turn towards" those who give charitable donations (sadaqah) to atone for their sins. It gives them sakeenah (tranquility) when he turns towards them.

  • @jawidomar6006
    @jawidomar6006 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    What about the verse 103 of Surah 4?

  • @JibreelProductions
    @JibreelProductions 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    27:50 I understand the point.
    But also, don't be ungrateful, and believe.
    This is also mentioned, and I believe this can also mean, that being ungrateful is a form of disbelief, and in the case of salat, Allah SWT knows best, by other means you could say it also entails more meanings? But I think it could also mean that if you don't commit to pray, bring your forehead to the ground, which is the most humble position, then it may be as if you turned away from Allah SWT... when the call to prayer is done, it is as if you go in the opposite direction.
    So, I would watch out.
    I believe all is important, of course, reflecting upon the book of Allah SWT is extremely important...
    But yeah, wide meanings are not at all incompatible with the Quran, Allah SWT knows best.
    I do wonder, if we make up some meanings, or they are really there... this is only knows with certainty by Allah SWT of course.
    Assalamu alaykum

  • @nikobellic9140
    @nikobellic9140 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    where can i read about the article on ibn hanbal whos agaisnt the salat please

    • @nashroelh
      @nashroelh ปีที่แล้ว

      THE IMAMIST CONSPIRACY OF NAMAAZ: Please remind yourself of the famous weird tale of the Prophet (S) ascending to heavens to meet with Allah, the so-called Me'raaj (the word is non-existent in the Quran). Is not Allah Omnipresent? The "Imams" of Hadith want us to believe that Allah ordained 50 ritual prayers daily for Muslims on that occasion. As the exalted Prophet was descending, Prophet Moses told him of the impossibility of the situation and sent Muhammad (S) back again and again. Imagine the Prophet (S) bargaining with God! Repeated visits to and fro then bring the number down to 40, 30, 20, 10, and finally 5! Moses a. s.
      wanted him to make one more trip but Muhammad (S) felt shy to bargain any further. Was this Hadith, in addition to promoting ritualism, fabricated to prove Moses' farsightedness over Muhammad (S)? Only an extremely gullible mind would accept this nonsense.
      The later Persian Imams built upon this tale and formulated the current Namaaz. They received strong support from the Persian Zoroastrian mother of Khalifa Haroon Rasheed, Khaizran (d. 789 CE). Haroon's Zoroastrian viziers, the Baramika were only too happy to join hands with the royal mother, Khaizran.
      So, it was she in concert with others who "canonized" Namaaz according to the desires of the Criminal Imams in 153 AH (773 CE). Her main 145 philosopher was Imam Al-Khalil bin Ahmad Shikoh, the first ever compiler of Arabic to Persian dictionary, Al-'Ain. WHY WAS IMAM HANBAL FLOGGED? Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal is reported to have been flogged by Khalifa Mamun son of Haroon because Hanbal supposedly insisted that the Quran being the Word of God was Ghair Makhlooq (non-creation). No! That wasn't it. It was too trivial a debate.
      Hanbal got flogged because he saw and opposed the Persian Namaaz (Bandagi or Gah) being incorporated into Islam. ANOTHER POINT OF INTEREST: Khaizran spent a fortune on her project and distributed one million gold coins and 65 million silver coins among her subjects to propagate the 'canonized' Namaaz. References are given in the next heading.
      Less than 5% Muslims "perform" Namaaz and they keep announcing their prayers. No one can say or says, "I have established Salaat." Yet, most Muslims keep arguing about Namaaz.
      Experiment: Call a random gathering of Muslims anywhere for Namaaz under completely unexpected circumstances. You will notice almost all of them joining the lines, most of them without Wudhu (Ablution)!
      What Exactly Was NAMAAZ (Ritual Salaat): As far as I have been able to analytically search our history and Hadith, following was the probable situation in the lifetime of the exalted Prophet and Sahaba Kiraam. • Ritual prayer or Namaaz was a small part of Aqamatis-Salaat, i.e.
      establishing the System that facilitates the following of Divine Commands. • The ritual prayer was always congregational. • Women and men both formed this congregation, women on the right side of men.
      • The frequency and timing of the congregations were determined by the State as needed. It was never fixed as five times a day ritual.
      • Namaaz was performed with the Imam (Central or local government official) reciting some verses from the Quran relevant to the situation at hand as the congregation listened to the Imam. Then the Imam would lead two units of prayers standing. • Masjid was not a temple of worship. It was the Assembly, the School, the Municipality, the Parliament and the Government House. So, after that recitation, the leader would discuss real issues about the community, entertain questions, present bills, announce decisions of the Shura (Counsel) and the Assembly would legislate. People came up with their ideas for betterment of the society. Masjid was also the place where the leader was elected. 146 (Some references on the above two headings: *** Haroon Wa Baramikatil Faras by Sheikhul Ifta Salman bin Abu Qasim Baghdadi. Vol 1 pg 31-55 *** Meezan-il-Faris by Hujjatullah Abdul Qadir Ali Al-Moosvi pg 249-261 ***Takmilatil Lughatal 'Ain 'Urfa by Al-Ustaz Jalaluddin Al-Ash'ari on Imam Al-Khalil ibn Ahmad Shikoh Tabrezi vol 2 pg 3-5 *** Mujahid-al-Munafiq Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal by Abdul Muhsin bin Mullah Ali Al-Qari, pg 67-135)

    • @kaiquecrisostomo846
      @kaiquecrisostomo846 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I tried to find also but I could not

    • @nikobellic9140
      @nikobellic9140 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ok thx@@kaiquecrisostomo846

  • @JibreelProductions
    @JibreelProductions 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    14:43 I see the point Brother Omar.
    Nevertheless, I saw the same thing from anti-islam polemicists.
    Not to mean it necessarily is wrong, I just mention it.
    And I argued mentally "Wasn't monotheism before paganism?"
    Many pagan religions have a "great God", and then his sons and daughters...
    Can't it be that they received a prophet, but then they just made an idol of Allah SWT (Audhubillah) and then they started adding partners and invented stuff into it?
    You know more than I do brother, I just want you to consider it, or perhaps to give me some reflections on why you think it would be otherwise.
    Now, I also see it weird, the rock thing, Allah SWT knows best of course.
    Circumbalation, tbh it seems cool to me, we flow like galaxies, but I guess this isn't enough to justify a religious practice xD.
    But once again, we don't know if pagans just adopted this ritual, from a true prophetic teaching...
    Allah SWT know best.
    To assume it is the case, because pagans did it, I don't think that's enough proof to absolutely claim that, it is a possibility, but I don't see at all the argument closing logically.
    I do see a point in criticising the weakness of a support for the ritual, lack of importance given in the Quran or hadiths (more complicated issue)
    I understand that we are indeed and imperfect ummah, and we are being tested just as the Christians and Jews were, I used to think otherwise, because we have the Quran, but it is true that people still fabricated hadiths, and acts ignoring the Quran sometimes or a lot of times...
    So, I'm open to reflection, and of course, not following blindly the group, even if I love my brothers and they are good people.
    Assalamu alaykum

  • @MukarramAli98
    @MukarramAli98 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    May Allah guide you back to the straight oath, Dr. Omar.

  • @ainaltair3217
    @ainaltair3217 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    12:00 hadeeth of Allah....replaced by manmade hadeeth...😞

  • @GEO-SonOfman
    @GEO-SonOfman 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    20:45 😂😂😂 elementary my dear... although salah could well be elementary but we've been trained into following a body of so-called complementary.

  • @ultrasignificantfootnote3378
    @ultrasignificantfootnote3378 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    What you are doing is deconstructing your religion and discovering it's manmade components , I have gone so far as to conclude that also the quran is manmade.