Hi from Argentina. I have a question. "If you are a business organization of any type, you are strictly prohibited from purchasing Personal Licenses and must instead purchase Commercial Licenses" in personal For individuals and hobbyists. Does this include individuals who want to make COMMERCIAL games?
5:50 why yes I did notice, wonderful quality of life improvement!
The autocomplete for tags is amazingly helpful! We were sure we won't update from 388.2 for a long time but that might change now...
Great update! Autocomplete tags and sorting variables by scope are amazing changes. Thank you for your work!
Backing to construct after years, thanks for all updates =)
some great additions as always.
Great update as always, thanks for all your work Scirra!
omg qol of tag autocomplete and variables alone is going to make a massive difference in my daily usage! Great work!
The hierarchy replication is great! Thank you for that
Autocomplete tags will be so helpful. 👍
Increased development speed by reducing errors and no longer having to lookup the name of a tag again.
Nice changes, thank you!
Construct 3 is AMAZING. Thank you Ashley and the entire team at Scirra. I would love to see more about how to get a C3 game over to the Xbox!
It's really cool ! 💪
My project stopped working after update to this version. Just a black screen now when testing... nothing else
If you run in to a problem please file an issue: github.com/Scirra/Construct-bugs
when to solve the problem of html and scrolling, which is offset, (html-element and text for example)
Hi from Argentina.
I have a question.
"If you are a business organization of any type, you are strictly prohibited from purchasing Personal Licenses and must instead purchase Commercial Licenses" in personal For individuals and hobbyists. Does this include individuals who want to make COMMERCIAL games?
Godot is from Argentina too, and way better than this mess.
i really love construct. I wish its 3d features are easier to use so I'll stick with 2d for now - which is amazing.