Brewing Thoughts: When the community goes too far - Identity V

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 28 พ.ค. 2024
  • Because this is a drama post, I will keep this brief and give the thesis. A while ago, a friend of mine made a video talking about Gamekeeper's hook and that video was reacted to by a big streamer. However, instead of this being a great opportunity for my friend, it instead went sour when the chat started verbally harassing her. And while the streamer tried to calm the chat down, it didn't really help the mood. Due to this and other factors, I feel the need to make this video to bring awareness to how toxic this community can be. I hope you enjoy.
    WendigoX's channel: / @wendigox
    Flaxen's channel: / @flaxentheseal
    Music used:
    Lunatic (Visual Novel Music) - Myuu
    • Lunatic (Visual Novel ...
    Countdown - Myuu
    • Countdown - Myuu
    Bittersweet - Myuu
    • Bittersweet - Myuu
    Lament - Myuu
    • Lament - Myuu
    Chapter 1 Main Theme - Corpse Party: Blood Covered Repeated Fear
    • Corpse Party: Blood Co...
  • เกม

ความคิดเห็น • 109

  • @jestergio9961
    @jestergio9961  หลายเดือนก่อน +17

    WendigoX's channel:
    Flaxen's channel:
    I wanted to write this comment if this video gets any traction to clarify a few things:
    1. This is NOT a call out post. That is the reason why I am not including names in this video. In fact, I specifically left the streamers name out so they would not be harassed by new people unaware of the situations. However, I also do this in hopes that people in the chat or that streamer can see this video and try and do better to make sure this didn't happen again. I do not want to ruin a career from my video and I hope that doesn't happen from me posting this, especially after learning point 2. If you really want to show this video off to the streamer, do no be mean about it. They are a person too. I give them permission to react to this if they want.
    2. I was made aware by WendigoX herself that the streamer did NOT ask her for permission before reacting to her video. So not only did Wendy receive a lot of harassment from the chat, they also received said harassment without giving their consent to the streamer. Had Wendy been asked, she would've said yes to allowing the video to be played, but the fact that the streamer didn't ask for permission to react to the video is disgusting
    3. You are free to criticize anyone and challenge any points if they clash with your own beliefs. I feel this game and discussions would be very boring if everyone is a hive mind who agrees with everything everyone is saying. However, this goes out the window when the conversation becomes less about the points and more about the individual. I don't care about the past biases you had with that individual, that type of interaction is NOT okay, no matter the context
    4. I understand this video will get me a lot of mean/negative comments from it. In fact, I wouldn't have posted this if I wasn't fully aware of that. This video is meant to bring awareness and I'd rather me take the beating than any individuals I mentioned
    5. It has come to my attention that there are people who believe my emotionally charged comments are me calling the chat frankly horrible things. I AM NOT. This is not an individual problem, it's a community problem. When I talked about the chat, I do not mean just the chat being the problem the chat was just the catalyst to allow me to talk about the bigger issue. This community is really toxic and I hate to see it in the state that it is. The reason I uploaded the video and put a lot of emphasis on the chat to show you all just how horrible our community has become in hopes we can try and better it. I would NEVER call the people in that chat horrible and deplorable things such as "ableist scum" and I'm really sad that there are people putting words in my mouth I never ever said in the video
    6. I understand that this whole video seems emotionally charged and, in reality, it is. This has been a problem I've been having with the community for a while now and I feel this interaction was the tipping point. Once again, I DO NOT blame the streamer or WendigoX for the situation. As upset as I was for the event, the streamer did the best they could and that's what matters. My blame falls on the community for letting things get to this point. Do not spread hate towards the individuals mentioned. All I want is for our community to grow into a more friendly environment.
    7. For those criticizing WendigoX's video and how she could've done it better, she 100% agrees with you. Gamekeeper's hook is a delicate thing to discuss about and, seeing as this was her first discussion video, it was fair to assume it would not turn out as good as she'd like. Hopefully she can take the criticism and work better to create better discussion videos in the future. Criticism is 100% valid. It's when it leaves from the video and becomes more of the individual that I have a problem with it.
    8. In the future, I might make a video going over the community and I might ask for your help with making this video. The stream and the chat mentioned was what motivates me into making this video, however that is not the biggest issue. This is not an isolated incident as this is not just a problem with the chat, it's a problem with the community. I feel this community has been incredibly toxic and mean the past 6 years I've been playing this game and this whole thing was the reason I wanted to speak out about it. I feel I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I didn't have some form of video detailing it and I felt this was the best time to highlight it
    9. You are free to criticize me for making this video, that is fine. I understand that this video was emotionally charged and I have no reason to even get involved. However, I feel I wouldn't forgive myself if I let this go on and not at least talk about it. I have been in this situation in the past where people were saying very negative things about me as a person because of my opinion. I understand that the whole chat wasn't like that. However, I would rather Wendy not be in this same position I was in the past, getting grilled and having no one in my corner to help.
    10. All I hope that comes from this video is that we try our best to do better as a community at the end of the day. I hope this does not spiral into a hate war between these two and I hope for the best for the streamer and WendigoX. All I want is for a better community and I am aware of the backlash I will get from this video.
    11. WendigoX could've and should've handled things a lot better, I do not deny this for a second. I cannot say in good faith that she handled this situation well, far from that. There is no excuse name calling people and deleting actual criticism and I stand by that. However, I still don't feel that is an excuse foe people to treat her the same way. I do hope Wendy can take her experiences and change to help her channel grow a bit more. However, I also cannot excuse the actions she has done and I'm disappointed in how she treated the situation as well. That's why I say I don't blame both parties throughout this introspective
    12. There will be no follow up to this and don't expect a follow up to this. I've said my piece about the whole thing and I feel this is just a drop in a pool of a bigger problem. This video, through a clearer head now, is always meant to start a discussion. While I did try and write this in a way everyone can understand, I understand I am not the best at actually explaining things. That's why I plan not to talk about this anymore and focus on other things. However, I still do plan to talk about the community and how bad it's gotten.
    I will add more points onto this post if more comments or questions arise. If you want to see more drama videos in the future, let me know in the comments. With all this said, I hope you enjoyed this video and I'll see you all when Faro Lady's test server comes out.

  • @starstruck0
    @starstruck0 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    i left a constructive comment on wendy's post though that was completely respectful and polite. i challenged a point she made and she responded with a rude and disrespectful response about being a "zeus dickrider". i never even mentioned zeus. yes, i was on stream. yes, i was chatting in stream. but i wasn't commenting for the sole purpose of "oooh i wanna look good in front of zeus", "oooh i hate wendy so i'm gonna criticise her points!!!11!!" i commented because i genuinely disagreed with her point and wanted to hear her justification/response to my perspective on the issue-which was a sentiment shared with zeus/other gsl members on the logic of the hook "dumbing it down for survivors". it wasn't hateful or rude in any way shape or form and yet i got a rude comment back and for what. i should not be treated rudely for who i watch and/or be defined by whose content i decide to consume. like yes, i watch zeus, but i still have my own thoughts and ideas about idv-i wasn't blatantly commenting because of zeus, i commmented because i care about idv.
    it was a genuine attempt at conversation, and then people who watch zeus got called "braindead masses" and i got called a zeus dickrider so personally i think that there was undeserved disrespect on both sides. personally i do not condone people hating on wendy for her accent / voice / speech impediment. i didn't even NOTICE that. that's unfair on wendy, and i do not want to associate myself with that side of the community because i understand the struggle of having a stutter. i don't think that those people should deserve to have an opinion on wendy when the first thing they go for is her personal attributes and not actually the content of her video and what she had to say. like yes, thank you wendy (genuinely) for explaining how hook worked, i actually learned from it, but i disagree with your reasoning for netease not adjusting it. and that's that.
    it's a bit unfair to say that yes she could've handled the video better and how people responded to her video but not how wendy herself responded to genuine criticism because i was genuinely shocked and appalled at the reply i got.

  • @Aron_B4U
    @Aron_B4U หลายเดือนก่อน +23

    It's fair to say the chat went overboard, however there is no streamer who can control thier chat, nor take ownership of it.
    So i guess this makes it a community issue?... A little bit.. but i think there's nothing you can control here. I think both the video creator and streamer who critiqued it are in the clear! Just few odd comments by the chat. But then again can't do anything about that...

    • @jestergio9961
      @jestergio9961  หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Yeah, I've pointed it out in my pinned comment that this video more serves to show a community issue. I do not blame the streamer for this happening. However, I'm just upset it got as far as it did, especially seeing Wendy's reactions off of it. I feel both parties could've done things better, but I don't blame them for the situation. It's the community toxicity that makes me upset.

  • @madessd
    @madessd หลายเดือนก่อน +25

    I have to disagree on certain things, first being that unless the video retrieve from copyright there is nothing stopping anybody to do a reaction video. This is TH-cam, the video is public and more especially the video is a response to the Idv community current debate making it all the more open to critique, there is no such a thing as having to ask for a permission if not for courtesy. No offense.
    Secondly, as someone who only watched the replay with the chat log : yes the chat was rather negative but hating is one big word to describe it. It started off as people disagreeing straight up and calling it rage bait which is normal because the opinion is unpopular and that apparently a couple of people in the chat had previous interaction with this person that could make them believe that they were. You can’t blame people for your own reputation even if it’s sad that they were discredited from the beginning. But going past that to say that the chat was massively hating is false, there was no group movement actively trying to bring down a person, certain comments were though there is no denying, but as a whole it was rather multiple people who felt frustrated by the argumentation of the video therefore gave a negative response to it that were just as constructive as "skill issue". That’s sad that most of the chat was negative but you can’t expect positivity when setting hostility within the 13 seconds of your video, refusing criticism and calling people brain dead masses but also simply because people are disagreeing. Though I wish the chat disagreed in a more polite manner. I’m in no case saying that the hate they received is okay but putting the wrongs of a total of 5 people who left approximately 10-15 offensive comments combined on this youtuber’s community is a reach imo. That’s why I think making a video of it was okay because as you can see of the comment section, people are not insulting them and are rather doing what they should have done on stream : giving a constructive reply.

    • @jestergio9961
      @jestergio9961  หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      I've seen some members of the TH-cam chat talking about their voice and their stutter, which is really messed up. However, that's not the main point why I'm writing this. While it is fair to say permission isn't necessary to react to content other than courtesy, I feel permission is, at least, something worth considering if you're gonna stream a video to a group of people. You do not know how the people you are streaming to will react to said video, so that's why I feel it's always best to ask for permission. Finally, I know this got very lost because I failed to bring this up, but I want it to be clear that this video is not meant to call out this individual or the chat, but rather to highlight a big problem in the community. This community is really toxic and I feel it was shown first hand in the strea.. While I do agree that people are more civil in the comments of the video, I still feel that fails to see the bigger picture of how volatile the community can get. I might make a video about how bad our community is in the future, but this event was what gave me the motivation to even speak about this. While there are people who will criticize people, there is also a large number of people who will just bully you in the IDV community and I feel I wouldn't be fair to myself if I let this sit any longer

    • @madessd
      @madessd หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      @@jestergio9961 Yeah I saw those comments, they really shouldn’t have had their place into the discussion and I feel saddened by the fact that some people felt like it was okay to leave them. I can agree that getting an agreement to react to a video is always better as it would have prepared the creator to the exposure and reaction of a wider audience but it would have changed nothing to the way people reacted to it and it also doesn’t make the streamer at fault for not asking.
      Also don’t worry I did read the pinned message I know that’s you’re not attempting to call out the streamer or blame them for what happened. I do agree that at multiple instances I was afraid that things would escalate in the chat and that it seemed like people forgot there is an human behind the screen. Idv community certainly has its problems, rather impulsive and quick to jump the gun. You see it in its full glory each time a survivor or hunters come out and everybody is crying that X is OP. Or when someone share an opinion about the meta this instance, they can bully you for the simple fact of saying that their favorite characters gets one too many skins.

  • @missE010
    @missE010 หลายเดือนก่อน +24

    only in NA/EU

  • @Rayvn.
    @Rayvn. หลายเดือนก่อน +29

    This is so extra 😭 you’re also spreading stuff and making the situation worse for both the streamer and Wendy

    • @jestergio9961
      @jestergio9961  หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I am making this to spread awareness of this issue and to make sure it doesn't happen again. I am not promoting any form of toxicity to be spread and am ensuring that by not even mentioning the streamer. I'm sorry if you feel this way, but I cannot just sit here and let the community berate and bully someone on the internet, regardless on your stance on them

    • @Rayvn.
      @Rayvn. หลายเดือนก่อน +10

      @@jestergio9961 I think both sides are in the wrong. Your excuse can’t just be “oh saying you have a skill issue was a joke, why are you so mad at me”. Someone saying “this person sounds like they’re lost” is NOT making fun of someone’s autism😭 accusing chat and calling them “vile creatures” and “scum” is NOT how you address a situation.

    • @jestergio9961
      @jestergio9961  หลายเดือนก่อน +9

      @Rayvn. Flaxen is NOT the problem and that's the reason why I only showed his comment. In fact, he was one of the only people who wanted to logically discuss the matter in said chat. I saw people making fun of her stutter in chat, her voice, said she was always annoying, making fun of them, etc. I feel both parties did things wrong, but I was not exaggerating when I talked about the chat. I just didn't show any replies from that chat as to not give away who the streamer is and to also spare them harassment too

    • @Rayvn.
      @Rayvn. หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@jestergio9961 I wish they would talk abt it like the adult they are.

    • @Rayvn.
      @Rayvn. หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@jestergio9961 also love ur content

  • @SparklyTwinkleT0es
    @SparklyTwinkleT0es หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    zeus is not a parent he cant control his chat and its not his job to control how mostly full grown adults act online.

    • @Wolf-sh9ze
      @Wolf-sh9ze หลายเดือนก่อน

      Exactly, this person is full of bs

    • @SparklyTwinkleT0es
      @SparklyTwinkleT0es หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@Wolf-sh9ze and does this happen in the idv community often?? I know the community is very very toxic but when calling out the idv community I feel like you shouldn’t call out a very specific niche scenario that only happened once? Unless this happens more often of course

    • @Wolf-sh9ze
      @Wolf-sh9ze หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@SparklyTwinkleT0es not at all..

  • @effynoodle6181
    @effynoodle6181 หลายเดือนก่อน +21

    I dont understand how the community came to become so heinous and rage filled, i remember it 3 years ago to be calm and not drama hungry...

    • @jestergio9961
      @jestergio9961  หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      At this point, this is less drama and more so a wake up call. This community has been rough for a while now and that event was the tipping point to cause me to make this video. I might make a separate video on the community in the distant future. However, just know it's been rough

    • @KokoroMltsue
      @KokoroMltsue หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      is bc of the crossovers ESPECIALLY thr dv3 fans dangaropa was chill but when v3 came it became toxic as hell

    • @Lolfuny
      @Lolfuny หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      This community has never had no chill.
      I've been playing for 6 years, and it's only gotten worse and worse.

    • @effynoodle6181
      @effynoodle6181 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Lolfuny i've been playing since the release of geisha and for the most time i didnt really pay attention to the community but i thought it was peaceful back then

    • @axelleenan3801
      @axelleenan3801 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      It's a tendency really, bigger community, more toxicity, crossovers brought more toxic people from other games and the gane style itself brought other toxic people from games like Dead By Daylight, childish people coming because of skin and fanservice, so on, the causes are thousands and although Netease do mistake after mistake and never learn neither fix, that's not really their fault

  • @monomimoon
    @monomimoon หลายเดือนก่อน +21

    Bro what? If you make this type of video ATLEAST put some evidence up on the screen.

    • @MellycatMeow
      @MellycatMeow หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Shit is about to go down get behind me moonpie!

    • @monomimoon
      @monomimoon หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@MellycatMeow I will❤❤❤

  • @wizardkumaanimations9984
    @wizardkumaanimations9984 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    Saying it's not a call out post is questionable since I'm sure everybody knows exactly who you're talking about

    • @jestergio9961
      @jestergio9961  หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I mean it like I don't want harm done to the individual. Like the pinned comment said, it's not their fault that the chat acted like they did and did their best

  • @moonwing5091
    @moonwing5091 หลายเดือนก่อน +13

    I’m like 99% sure that I know which content creator is being talked about. I was in that stream that time, and I didn’t see anything like really mean in the chat, so I rewatched it again. I think this is a bit of an overreaction- the worst thing I saw in the chat was two people saying that they disliked Wendigox based on personal experience, and then there was also one person possibly mocking Wendigox’s stutter, because they thought it sounded like he was reading from a script. The chat wasn’t bad at all, just mostly people being sarcastic and disagreeing with her opinion because it’s an unpopular opinion amongst idv players. That’s just for the chat though, and if anyone was actually sending threats to Wendigox or saying genuinely mean things, that is most definitely wrong, though I can’t say I’m surprised atp😭😭 the idv fanbase is genuinely one of the most toxic communities ever. Either way, I feel like the things said about the chat were overexaggerated. And about the video the streamer made a few days earlier, he was mad at people for sending deatth threats to a minor, which is far worse than what was happening in the chat during the live stream, tbh. Other than a few exceptions, the worst thing said in the chat that I saw was ‘what is bro yapping about’ or something along those lines.

    • @jestergio9961
      @jestergio9961  หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      I have seen certain members of the chat comment about her voice at the beginning and even a few members can also testify that there were people commenting about her voice. I understand that some of the chat wasn't actually being toxic and we're giving fair criticism, however the fact that there were a few members talking about Wendy the person and not about the points in the video is the reason why I felt the need to make this

    • @Wolf-sh9ze
      @Wolf-sh9ze หลายเดือนก่อน

      Who was the streamer?

    • @gothdianxia
      @gothdianxia หลายเดือนก่อน

      was it zeus

    • @Wolf-sh9ze
      @Wolf-sh9ze หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@gothdianxia yes!

    • @gothdianxia
      @gothdianxia หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Wolf-sh9ze thank u!! ❤️

  • @klesstv
    @klesstv หลายเดือนก่อน +13

    I like how you agreed with the argument that the video could’ve been scripted better, as it possibly would’ve been received differently with more planning! I just find it dumb that a similar situation happened with this streamer a month or two ago, and then this happens AND a vod turned into a video is posted. I understand how frustrating it is to play against gamekeeper but how the situation was handled could’ve been better, that’s all. Everyone is free to state opinions and analyze gameplay, but not at the cost of insulting and making fun of others

    • @jestergio9961
      @jestergio9961  หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      I agree because it should've 100% been planned more and WendigoX agreed. Gamekeeper's hook is such a delicate topic, so it's to assume that it'll cause some backlash. I'm just sad that the community reacted the way they did. Everyone is open to criticism, no matter what. I just feel that it's when it becomes less about the video and more about the individual that it's taken too far

  • @eggoozEATS
    @eggoozEATS 23 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    chronically online individual

  • @rqj5502
    @rqj5502 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    The community is summarizeable with one word: Irregular. (Put your own words in the reply section)

    • @venusdied6452
      @venusdied6452 หลายเดือนก่อน +4


    • @medpoclvr
      @medpoclvr หลายเดือนก่อน +1


    • @goosefan1
      @goosefan1 15 วันที่ผ่านมา +1


  • @JamJamJam3x3
    @JamJamJam3x3 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

    To be fair, Wendy, or Wendigo isn't completely right either. IMO She was being rude in some way, whether justified or not, by threatening to delete comments with genuine questions debating the topic of gamekeeper. Ignoring them is one thing, but to deleted them purposely is rude IMO. I was once heavily associated with Wendy and we were pretty close at one point, and I'm currently close with the streamer. I'm sorry we cannot stop the chat from attacking Wendy.

    • @aasupe
      @aasupe หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      I think she only did it because they came directly from the streamer’s stream. Ofc removing comments for opinions is not valid but she must be mad at that time when everyone or the chat insulted her voice and saying she doesn’t know what she’s talking about.

    • @jestergio9961
      @jestergio9961  หลายเดือนก่อน

      That's fine to say. While I still don't think they deserved what they got, I definitely agree that she isn't blameless in this situation and could've done things far better. Deleting comments was definitely not the play, especially for people who genuinely like to challenge her points with genuine criticism.

  • @minatokun6580
    @minatokun6580 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    Jester gio ai voice saves me from reading subs
    (Joking i need the subs bc i don't speak englis lmao)

  • @rocklinuss9000
    @rocklinuss9000 หลายเดือนก่อน +16

    this drama is kinda dumb tbh if they made a bad video ofc people will hate on it theres no way a streamer can control their entire chat. anyways it just the internet if you are upset log off it was their choice to make their iage public and people have the right to criticize it

    • @jestergio9961
      @jestergio9961  หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      If you read the pinned comment, you would already see that I do not have a problem with criticism. It is okay to criticize other people for their points and it's okay to challenge them. However, the chat, although a few were criticizing and that's fine, were just blatantly bullying, mocking, making fun of, or insulting Wendy as a person. And I don't care what anyone says, that is NOT okay.

    • @Sayuchq
      @Sayuchq หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      whats dumb is you missing the point which is that these people arent critisizing her video most of them are making fun of her voice how she stuttered and things like that do you think its okay? saying ``its just the internet if you dont like it log off`` is such a stupid thing to say couse why should we just accept being mean on here for no reason instead of admitting that being just a shitty human being even on the internet is just bad?? the people that hate for no reason also have the option of just seeing a different video and forgetting about it or scrolling down and ignoring it but they dont do that and thats okay?

    • @venusdied6452
      @venusdied6452 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      Even if the video is bad or you just don't agree it doesn't give you the right to insult someone's features that they don't have control over. It doesn't matter whenever is irl or the internet, you don't have the need to be an asshole to someone and then tell them to suck it up

  • @medpoclvr
    @medpoclvr หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    it will always amaze me how the idv community makes such a big deal out of insignificant stuff 😭 like,, did people srsly start an argument just because of bane's hook? 💀 ive been away from the game and anything related to it (you know, college stuff and irl responsibilities-), and every time i come back there's a new controversy 😭

  • @SScxrse
    @SScxrse 20 วันที่ผ่านมา +6

    No cause lets talk about zeus having this "don't be toxic" and "idgaf" mentality but doesn't say a single word when his friends, especially pearl, are being toxic towards other players they get queued with. I'm sick of his bs two faced hypocrisy. Him being a bystander is just as bad as his friends who are one of the players primarily perpetuating toxicity. Cancel zeusidv and his team/friends fr and he always lets his chat get messy until someone points it out. And this whole situation really proves this point

    • @ZeusIDV
      @ZeusIDV 15 วันที่ผ่านมา +8

      LMAO, I encourage toxicity and am a hypocrite, rigghhhttttt

    • @sxkheina6750
      @sxkheina6750 15 วันที่ผ่านมา +6

      Get a life .

  • @minimump5248
    @minimump5248 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    1. The Mobsters really need to touch some grass. It's okay to disagree with their points. But harassing them? Making fun of their insecurities? Get help.
    2. This entire situation could've been avoided way before the streamer even reacted to the video. I'm a regular viewer if his streams and videos and 50% of the time, 50% of the chat is filled with toxicity and always done by the same 5 people. All he had to do was ban these obvious repeat offenders because his mods are obviously not doing their job.
    3. Wendy didn't deserve the hate. I really feel bad for her. Anyways, L take. Learn how to hook without autoaim and honestly, skill issue. "Erm... Actually- his hook doesn't need a nerf because erm this is how is hitbox works-" I DON'T CARE. It shouldn't work like that. I don't care that it makes sense, it shouldn't be able to heat missile itself and do a 90 degree turn and go through walls. Do you know why no one is complaining about cowboy's autoaim? It's because it's not just given to you. You have to actually have skill and aim his lasso for it to actually work. What my opinion is that make his hook like cowboy's lasso.

  • @Aesthxeal
    @Aesthxeal หลายเดือนก่อน

    I agree, nice video

  • @georgebeckons539
    @georgebeckons539 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Look I feel like you releasing this video is actually a perfect representation of why idv community is toxic. You blaming "the streamer" for online randoms being toxic is such an overreaction. There will ALWAYS be people who think your opinions or content are dogwater and yes they can be nasty about it but that's the way the world works. There's no need to get triggered and lash out at the wrong person. This whole drama is blown out of proportion is annoying. In fact you posting this video is just adding fuel to the fire and drawing even more attention to it so aren't you doing the same thing you blame "the streamer" for doing?

  • @gothdianxia
    @gothdianxia หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    id really like to know who the streamer is i dont want to support anyone like that lol

    • @moonwing5091
      @moonwing5091 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The streamer did not support it at all, plus the chat wasn’t as mean as they are making it out to be. Chat was mostly negative because of WendigoX’s unpopular opinion, but most of the comments that were mean were coming from people with not so great experiences with WendigoX. But thats just for chat, obviously its wrong if people actually went to WendigoX’s video to leave rude/mean comments, or send her threats. Either way, the streamer obviously doesn’t support his fans doing this type of stuff, and as said in the video, has already spoken out against rude comments and death threats sent by fans

    • @gothdianxia
      @gothdianxia หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      @@moonwing5091 this doesn't answer my question but aight

    • @moonwing5091
      @moonwing5091 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@gothdianxia yea but the poster of this video said anyone who mentions his name will get their comment deleted😭 my point is you shouldn’t be mad at the streamer, but at the few rabid fans

    • @gothdianxia
      @gothdianxia หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      @@moonwing5091 I'm not mad at anyone lmao I just don't wanna follow people like this. Idc abt ur paragraph defending them

    • @jestergio9961
      @jestergio9961  หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@gothdianxia yeah, I'm not gonna mention who they are because I don't feel they deserve the blame for what happened and don't want them to lose support. As stated in the pinned comment, I understood they did the best they could. I'm was just frustrated that I felt more could've been done. Nevertheless, do not bash the streamer. This is not their fault

  • @RiverStyxIDV
    @RiverStyxIDV หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    As a long-term player, we should seriously be talking about how Netease favours CN server.

    • @aasupe
      @aasupe หลายเดือนก่อน

      It’s cuz it’s their country

    • @RiverStyxIDV
      @RiverStyxIDV หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@aasupe it still sucks

    • @AnneYups
      @AnneYups หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Global is the unplanned child while cn was lmfao

    • @RiverStyxIDV
      @RiverStyxIDV หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@AnneYups ikr would it kill them to love us for once

  • @Keyful
    @Keyful หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    This was extremely well said and made, glad wendy sent this vid in her server! Great job on this!

  • @trash-qy3fb
    @trash-qy3fb หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Jester Gio casually spitting facts

  • @proj3ctsilver621
    @proj3ctsilver621 หลายเดือนก่อน +13

    This entire video is just unncessary, the streamer has said multiple times that he means no harm, he had no ill intent, and the chat was not making fun of Wendy herself at all but about her takes instead which was valid seeing as how you said the video was ragebait. Also, no people who you said were going out of their way to make fun of Wendy were actually making fun of her at all once again, it was just a reaction to the video and by no means harmful towards her.
    I understand how you might dislike that but it is not your place to speak, you weren't a part of this situation and if anything the one who could've made this was Wendy herself, since if this affected her as you Im sure she could've made this video herself.

    • @jestergio9961
      @jestergio9961  หลายเดือนก่อน +8

      I know I've made this adamantly clear numerous times, but once again, this is not a call out post and I do not blame the streamer for this. I have already heard that it was not their intention to show this video in a negative light and the harassment is unintentional. However, while I do not blame them for this video being shown in a negative light, I feel as if they didn't do enough to handle the situation and the tipping point of that was when they reuploaded their vod as a video. As for the chat thing, I've already made it explicitly clear in the video AND the pinned comment that it is 100% okay to criticize and challenge points that you do not agree with. And while I did see some people actually critiquing Wendy and her points, I also saw the exact opposite. I saw people mock Wendy's voice, her stutter, talking how much Wendy annoyed them, how much they dislike her, a lot of things that have NOTHING to do with criticizing the video or anything to do with the game. That is NOT okay, no matter the context. Lastly, as stated in the pinned comment, while the chat and streamer is the catalyst for this video, this is meant to highlight a bigger problem: the community. Maybe I'll make a separate video on the community in general, but I feel watching that chat sorta highlights just how volatile our community is and I made this video to highlight it. Once again, you are 100% free to disagree and feel I have no say in the matter. However, the simple reality is that I will not just sit back and watch this happen anymore. If you fear this'll be a common occurrence, it won't. I plan to talk about the Faro Lady soon and hopefully make another video on another character. Once again, I'm sorry if this video seems jarring and unnecessary. However, seeing how bad the community got with bot voting, I feel this video is 100% necessary for me to get a weight off my chest.

    • @JamJamJam3x3
      @JamJamJam3x3 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      @@jestergio9961you say it isn't a callout (by not mentioning their name) but continue to criticize the way the streamer handled the chat, as if he controls every single one of them. That's impossible to do such a task.

    • @aasupe
      @aasupe หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@JamJamJam3x3they could just tell the chat to stop insulting people and leave it at that imo

    • @jestergio9961
      @jestergio9961  หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@JamJamJam3x3 pinned comment

    • @iluvstelle
      @iluvstelle หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@aasupeThey did 😭 once again u cannot control a whole group of people

  • @sailorenthusiast
    @sailorenthusiast 27 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Honestly, I think I might know who the streamer is. All I can say is that I’m disappointed, but not surprised. Heck, this whole situation could be boiled down to that. It’s such a shame that such toxic behavior has been normalized in the IDV community.
    I’ll admit though, I am a bit curious about where all this toxicity stems from, and how best to curb it. Like, I assume some of it is a product of the game being a competitive PvP game, similar to how games like League and Valorant ended up developing toxic fanbases of their own. However, I’m unsure how we could actually solve this toxicity issue. Clearly, it can’t just be left to fester. But as individuals, it doesn’t feel like there’s really a viable, long term solution to the problem. It kinda feels like a lose/lose situation, where, whether someone attempts to fix the problem or not, it’s just going to get worse.

  • @miridicals
    @miridicals หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    if the issue is with the community and not the streamer maybe dont spend the entire video putting the blame on the streamer for being unable to control 200+ people that weren’t even that rude and stopped/were punished when the streamer caught on and put a stop to it 💀 u cant just spend 10+ minutes ragging on a streamer for not doing anything wrong and then contradict urself in a bible length comment afterwards that the majority of ppl wont end up reading due to the sheer length of it. and to just downplay the other persons faults to a simple ‘they could have handled it better’ and practically leaving it at that when they were considerably way worse in regards of behaviour and were the one to turn fair, respectful criticism into a flame war shows ur VERY obvious bias. ‘a person i respect’ just say theyre ur friend and that u want to take ur anger out on the streamer for ur friend getting their feelings hurt and be honest 😭 it makes u seem way less reliable to downplay ur emotional connections to the topic.
    none of this video was warranted at all its all such a non issue and ur dragging out a drama that shouldnt even exist if ppl were capable of taking criticism on their public contributions to community discussions. blah blah blah if this is rlly abt the idv community being toxic stop being just like them and using the streamer as ur scapegoat to make urself feel like a better person and turning things into bigger issues than they are. claiming something isnt intended to be a call out post doesnt negate the fact it is one. u say in ur pinned comment u want the community to become healthier and things like this are literally the exact opposite of that claim.

    • @rueioo
      @rueioo หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      u couldn't have worded this better

    • @jestergio9961
      @jestergio9961  หลายเดือนก่อน

      I said I wouldn't take anymore comments, but I think I feel I need to answer this one as well. This video was emotionally charged, I will admit. I wasn't really thinking straight when I made this video. I am always an emotional person in the end and seeing someone I respect get grilled like that didn't sit right with me, especially since I had to go through that same thing back then. I made the pinned comment for everyone to read when I have a much clearer head in order to clarify a few things and reevaluate my thoughts. Once again, it is fine if you disagree with me uploading this and such. However, I felt the need to highlight a bigger issue from this.

    • @meow-rt3qx
      @meow-rt3qx หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      okay but there was no need for the chat to be rude at all, overall it was rly negative and they could’ve provided criticism in a way that was fair and respectful, which most of the chat was just being really annoying, not surprising since most of the fan base is toxic anyway. “weren’t even that rude” it was pretty rude and invalidating to say especially since you weren’t in that position, which honestly any normal human being would probably feel a little attacked or at least bothered by it. the streamer def could’ve done a better job at controlling the chat and while this video wasn’t 100% necessary it should probably still be addressed anyway, because ppl on idv don’t know how to be nice and can’t accept other people having different opinions from them. the video’s focus could’ve been more on the people in the chat itself yes, rather than the streamer. but if they (the chat) want to criticize someone’s work or video they can do so in a respectful way and not downright disrespect ppl and their work

    • @medpoclvr
      @medpoclvr หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      "Bible length comment" bro it wasn't even that long 💀 unless you're a Tik Tok kid who cannot focus for more than 10 seconds then it shouldn't be a problem for you to read.

  • @WendigoX
    @WendigoX หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    Thank you for making this video to address this point and raise awareness of this issue, I know it’s something you don’t talk about on your channel usually and you have my sincerest gratitude for spreading the word of this situation.
    I do agree fully with you on your points about how I made the video, I am still new to trying to make videos like this but I definitely need to adjust my wording on things to be better suited for a larger audience instead of the people who I know. I also appreciate you keeping the streamers name anonymous as well, and your response to this situation has definitely been worded in a much calmer and better way than I could word it, so again thank you for covering this situation.

    • @rocklinuss9000
      @rocklinuss9000 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

      why are you being rude to people that are giving their opinions on your video like i get deleting hate comments but if you want to go the extra mile to keep the comments up with u just insulting them on the replies like... that makes no sense

    • @jestergio9961
      @jestergio9961  หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @rocklinuss9000 Hello. It would be appreciated if you either take this conversation anywhere else but my channel. Right now, I do not want to promote a negative atmosphere, especially right now.

    • @WendigoX
      @WendigoX หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@rocklinuss9000 Please keep the drama off my friends channel, you are free to comment this on my gamekeeper video if you genuinely wish for an answer to this question

    • @meow-rt3qx
      @meow-rt3qx หลายเดือนก่อน

      ⁠@@rocklinuss9000the people in that stream were being rude too.. i saw some actual opinions/criticism but on the other hand i saw more ppl just being straight up rude

  • @allLZ11
    @allLZ11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Can you talk about this streamer called “luckyguyirl” i know he had some toxic behaviour and fake report against players because he lost or something bad happen in game