Idk, I personally felt like Kris was more feeling like ‘welp. That was awkward-‘ Noelle offered to switch seats with Kris multiple times, and wonders why they don’t tell Toriel, so I doubt Kris would be mad at her after refusing both offers. Also, Noelle’s main point of confusion is how unbothered Kris seems by all of Susie’s stuff lol
I don’t Kris really gives a shit, they are shown to be rather unbothered by a lot of Susie’s actions. Hell even in chapter 1(when they still are rather distant) the immediate dialogue before the Susie and lancer fight has “let’s not” selected, showing how Kris isn’t one to really want to injure Susie.(that could be due some pacifistic behavior, but I doubt Kris is exactly like Ralsei.)
Tbf that post contradicts somethings that happen in "canon" (like noelle knowing that susie eats chalk before the events of the game) so idk. It might be an AU, it might be a small breadcrumb to the timeloop theory, or it might be something else entirely
@kowhaifan1249 If Noelle confronted Susie, everything could change. Susie appreciates Noelle's kindness, so her attempt to understand Susie would totally affect Susie. And by Chapter 1 we would get much friendlier Susie.
@КостяКиндалюк i dont think so, as if noelle opened that door she would justify tell susie to back off of kris, which would cause susie to get defensive, and Susie would probably threaten her not to tell her mother (the principal AND mayor), and shove past her.
I always interpreted Kris phrase as this: "I know." This would utter confuse and horrify susie, who is also likely going through a similar thing (Allthough she has a much better reason to think her parents would abandon her)
From Kris' mouth movement you can clearly tell they said "rizz", Susie simply couldn't handle the brainrot Jokes aside, the art, acting, sfx, everything is friggin awesome, nice job to everyone involved!
_Paper Trail,_ _Dogs of Future Past_ and, last but not least, _Skybox._ Lynx has quite a bit under her wing! And I wholeheartedly can recommend all of them.
@moniqueperkinsmp you had a lot less to work with back with only chapter 1. The game could really go anywhere. With chapter 2 it's putting itself in place.
I like the way Noelle’s attraction toward things that scare her is portrayed here. You really get the sense that it is unhealthy, and is kind of messed up. Cause bro, she just saw Kris get bullied and essentially death threatened, and her reaction was to exhibit signs of attraction to said bully (her saying “holy cheese and crackers” or whatever it was in the locker). Awesome animation bro.
I don't think Kris would say something horrible to Suzie in this moment directed at her like "Just like you?" or something. This is not only uncharacteristically cruel for a prankster, but also Suzie doesn't seem so 'fragile' as to run away from that. She'd probably beat on them-no, it needs to be something she physically can't handle to hear. At first, I thought it would be something simple but reflective like 'I know' but I don't think Suzie would run away from that. If anything was said, I think it would have to be one of two things: 1.) "Wouldn't be the first time." or "They already did." Kris is *adopted* which means *everything Suzie said happened to them already.* They _were_ abandoned by their family, something that Suzie can't even get on the level on. If she lives with her mom or dad, it means they never fully abandoned her. Kris's original parents? They are so out of the picture no one fucking even knows about them. Who the fuck is more of an outsider in this town than the _only fucking human_ in a monster town? 2.) "Noelle's watching." Kris probably likes teasing Noelle, and thus probably knows Noelle likes Suzie. Kris is also incredibly smart, sleeping and being just behind the 2 people who work the hardest, so they might have caught on that Suzie also likes Noelle in some way-at least enough to not go after her with her bully-like tactics. It's also obvious at this point that Kris knows Noelle is watching them. So, telling her "Hey, if you're gonna do what you're doing, just know Noelle is literally right fucking there and will see it" might have made her go "Oh Fuck" and run away.
I've honestly been learning towards the second option myself. Stuff that's taunting Susie might just make her more angry, and self-depreciating comments from Kris seem like they'd confuse Susie, but not necessarily scare her into running off immediately. But Susie seemed intent on making sure there were no witnesses for this bullying, and also seems to care about what Noelle thinks after Noelle was kind to her. So pointing out that Noelle is watching seems like the sort of thing (to me at least!) that would get Susie to immediately back off and run out.
I feel like Kris turning it on Susie could work if they asked inquisitively instead of as a taunt, such as "Did something like that happen to you?". I imagine Susie would react with fear if she was keeping it a secret and Kris suddenly found out
I don't really think Kris would say "Noelle's watching"... Doesn't seem like the response to such direct dialogues from Susie. Kris is already implied to have some bad experience with bunker based on Monster Kid's dialogue. Kris both misses Asriel and, probably, felt like living in his shadow. Kris had these red horns to feel like Dreemurrs. Kris, for some reason, isn't interested in book about their kind and even the opposite, quickly closing it. Seems to be too much build up for such good moment to just waste it with "Noelle's watching". There was too much attention on Suselle, would feel wrong if we weren't given some insight into Kris.
Everyone is acting like Susie not liking Noelle back is impossible, but come on, really? The girl she almost beat up in one dialogue choice and spent the rest of the game annoyed at except the instances where she was in danger? Noelle liking scary things/being scared and her crush on someone who has been nothing but horrible in front of her always seemed more like a character flaw (Not exactly her liking of scary but, but specifically that liking of fear being related to her crush) than a hint that the ship was ever going to sail. Before opening up to Kris she hated being alone and being judged by other people as a bully, yet Noelle really never knew anything about Susie other than her reputation, and the awful stuff she said to Kris, yet her crush on her still remained there. I never considered it healthy at all, and I wouldn't mind it being so assumed as canon by everyone if they just stopped using her crush to define her entire character, or even better, SUSIE'S character, since from her perspective Noelle was just someone that was nice to her once before. This is a Kris and Susie scene, and whatever they said, it's related to something only those two experienced or know, doing mental gymnastics to link it back to Suselle is annoying and unrelated to whatever these two are going through, which I think it's the most interesting mystery of their whole relationship.
Heck yeah, glad to see this done! It turned out fantastic, and the characterizations were so spot-on (not that I'd expect anything less from you)! Happy anniversary!
@LynxGriffin That's cool, completely understand as an artist myself. Still love this animatic and will be tuning in to your other works in the future! Keep up the great work! :D
I just wanna say I really enjoyed your work in the Deltarune paper Trail, Web, comic that you made You showed clear respect out of Toby Fox throughout your comic with the limited information from the first chapter of the game
What an adorable and cute animatic. I love how you show Noelle confused about her thoughts and feelings ❤😊🦌 That makes her complicated and multifaceted character, just like in the game Thank you! 🎉 Great work 💕
I keep thinking, since it was on the topic of parents, maybe he said something about hers? or her lack of? (If that is the case.. we still have no idea what her home life is.)
I’m just as surprised as you are as I searched his handle after reading it on tumble a few months ago & couldn’t find Lynx but just now the tubes algo recommend me this video So glad I took a moment to watch it n I’m subbed now😅
I don't think Kris view this as a bully. Kid literally school principle (adoptive) son. They can take care of themselves, judging how they block apple with notebook then eat it, even show no fear and snicker at threat. One word and they sent their suppose bully ran out of school head hung low. Susie threaten them probably more cute compare to us controlling Kris body agaist their will. I think the only thing Noelle regret on that day was she miss the chance to confront and told Susie that she can bully her instead of Kris "That should have been meeeeee" (Bet that Noelle inner though) lol.
@@LynxGriffin AWESOME.... i loved your old undertale comics ngl, i always have the flowey one in the back of my mind because of how perfect it is for him this is a great anim btw, loved the expressions...
Sorry no, I have no plans for one, and it'd especially feel weird for me to go back to it after chapter two. I've got other DR stories in the works currently!
@@LynxGriffin That's a real shame, I was looking forward to it's conclusion. I thought it was better than chapter two, contained as it's own thing. Still, I can understand how you could continue such a big task. I've seen your other works and they are good like this. Take care.
That would be me! But it's pretty heavily plagiarized from Deltarune (obviously) and Ace Attorney, so I should give credit to Toby Fox and Masakazu Sugimori as well
* I know. * Just like you. God i love how fucking menancing Kris can be. You don't fuck with a corpse controlled by a being far away from the monster comprehension.
Kris falou Amogus Bem aventurados os humildes em espírito,porque deles é o Reino dos céus Bem aventurados os que choram,porque serão consolados Bem aventurados os mansos,porque eles herdaram a terra Bem aventurados os que tem fome e sede de justiça,pois serão fartos Bem aventurados os que misericordiosos,porque eles alcançarão misericórdia Bem aventurados os limpos de coração,porque verão a *DEUS* Bem aventurados os pacificadores,pois serão chamados filhos de *DEUS* Ame seu inimigo e o ajude se precisar,pois assim ele queimará em culpa e remorso e *DEUS* te abençoará e recompensará com um novo aliado. *JESUS CRISTO* está voltando, arrependei de todos os pecados cometidos para *DEUS* os perdoarem, pague com penitência se for necessário pois o tempo da justiça DIVINA chegará e você não vai querer ficar aqui. Mantenha-se firme na fé, pois ela te transformará em uma criatura perfeita,eliminando seus pontos frágeis e fortalecendo seu corpo e mente. Lembre-se, nascemos para *ELE* , então devemos o deixar alegre. Não tenham dúvidas, pois se levarmos em consideração que o tempo seria infinito,ou seja todas as probabilidades aconteceram em algum momento e,hipoteticamente,é possível produzir um motor infinito por meio de imãs inclinados a 50° colados em um círculo cujo estão todos do mesmo polo magnético e colocar no centro um rolamento com hastes com imãs na ponta que chegam perto dos imãs da base,no qual são contrários ,formando assim uma força que levaria o imã da haste ir para frente por repulsão do da base a esquerda e a atração da direita (Tenho ciência que isso iria contra a lei da conservação de energia,mas a maioria dos cientistas só não consideram o imã um motor infinito pois é muito afetado pela massa de ar ou não tem força suficiente,e não há algo,que eu percebi,que possa impedir esse motor de funcionar. Provavelmente o mesmo conservaria a própria energia e a transformaria em energia mecânica sem gastar a energia eletromagnética conveniente ) faz com que sejá muito provável que exista um DEUS,pois com o "poder de criação" proporcionado pelo motor ( já que tudo é energia e a energia pode ser transformada) é possível conseguir onisciência,que, consequentemente, daria onipresença e onipotência ao usuário,oque se encaixa no conceito DEUS. Vale constar que há diversos milagres como a translação de Enoque e Isaías para não ver a morte,o Dilúvio e o aviso a Noé,Sara poder dar a luz fora da idade sem nenhuma tecnologia,as dez pragas do Egito, a passagem pelo Mar Vermelho,a cura das picadas das serpentes por uma serpente de bronze pendurada por ordem de *DEUS* ,o maná caído do céu para crianças na época de Moisés, a queda dos muros de Jericó ,milagres feitos por *JESUS* e a ressurreição do *PRÓPRIO* ,além de milagres eucarísticos e milhares de testemunhos o que deixa a probabilidade de existir cerca de 75% e,como a probabilidade está ao lado de *DEUS* e crer seria mais benefíco, tanto mentalmente quanto fisicamente,a melhor escolha seria seguir-lo. Lembre-se " *JESUS* é o caminho,a verdade e a vida,para que quem *nELE* crêr não pereça mas tenha a vida eterna",o caminho é difícil mas nós conseguiremos se for do plano de *DEUS* . Você nunca estará só nessa caminhada.
"You saw what happened. And did nothing."
Yeah i also always interpreted Kris just silently seeing Noele like that
Idk, I personally felt like Kris was more feeling like ‘welp. That was awkward-‘
Noelle offered to switch seats with Kris multiple times, and wonders why they don’t tell Toriel, so I doubt Kris would be mad at her after refusing both offers. Also, Noelle’s main point of confusion is how unbothered Kris seems by all of Susie’s stuff lol
I could totally see this comment getting 1K by the end of the week or less
I don’t Kris really gives a shit, they are shown to be rather unbothered by a lot of Susie’s actions. Hell even in chapter 1(when they still are rather distant) the immediate dialogue before the Susie and lancer fight has “let’s not” selected, showing how Kris isn’t one to really want to injure Susie.(that could be due some pacifistic behavior, but I doubt Kris is exactly like Ralsei.)
"I bet you were waiting for someone else to take action."
*You coward.*
One thing that interests me about this lore is that it suggests Kris really didn’t behave much differently before they were possessed by the player.
*they /nm
@ Oh, right
Quite interesting..
Tbf that post contradicts somethings that happen in "canon" (like noelle knowing that susie eats chalk before the events of the game) so idk. It might be an AU, it might be a small breadcrumb to the timeloop theory, or it might be something else entirely
@@LunarTheCat_0Let people call the UT/DR protagonists however they want.
0:42 i like these small details like here susie bites not only but kris too
*not only what*
Imagine how different could Deltarune be if Noelle didn't hide in this scene and confronted Susie
I don't think anything would have changed. At most, some slightly different first dialogue and some changed flavor text.
@kowhaifan1249 If Noelle confronted Susie, everything could change. Susie appreciates Noelle's kindness, so her attempt to understand Susie would totally affect Susie. And by Chapter 1 we would get much friendlier Susie.
@КостяКиндалюк i dont think so, as if noelle opened that door she would justify tell susie to back off of kris, which would cause susie to get defensive, and Susie would probably threaten her not to tell her mother (the principal AND mayor), and shove past her.
@@kowhaifan1249 Wait, C. Holiday is a principal? Never knew that.
@КостяКиндалюк actually she isnt, my bad got that mixed up.
Either Kris whispered back a cutting remark...
Or spoke some random eldritch phrase.
Probably both.
I like the idea they said "just like you"
@@conuspdogus2535 damn That's deep and could make a lot of sense 😳
@@frne7990 yeah
haha i always thought it was 'do it' or 'please' or smth
You are here!!
1:27 Kris: is that from personal experience?
Maybe he sayed "i do know"
@@KlausGus-ys1tb then why would she run?
@@D-E-F.2018 dkno, but if Kris sayed "is that a personal experience" she woud punch him in the face 😶
@KlausGus-ys1tb eh, fair enough.
You could say she was... *frozen* like a *deer* in headlights
I love Kris. Our sassy eldritch little whelp. Nerves of steel in front of Susie...
...but Spamton shook them.
I always interpreted Kris phrase as this:
"I know."
This would utter confuse and horrify susie, who is also likely going through a similar thing (Allthough she has a much better reason to think her parents would abandon her)
Toriel adopted Kris so... that might be correct.
From Kris' mouth movement you can clearly tell they said "rizz", Susie simply couldn't handle the brainrot
Jokes aside, the art, acting, sfx, everything is friggin awesome, nice job to everyone involved!
I remember thinking like "Man, someone should make an animatic of this" a few days ago! Pretty well done
This is so well done! So many small details too! I love Noelle’s tippy taps when she was looking for a place to hide
Omg it's the Paper Trail creator. Good animatic tho
_Paper Trail,_ _Dogs of Future Past_ and, last but not least, _Skybox._ Lynx has quite a bit under her wing! And I wholeheartedly can recommend all of them.
@@garr_incedlritchrune too, yes?
this dude was predicting chapters, they failed but they still cooked especially with Noelle's story
@moniqueperkinsmp you had a lot less to work with back with only chapter 1. The game could really go anywhere. With chapter 2 it's putting itself in place.
YOOOO THIS IS PEAK! The Ace Attorney Deltarune crossover music is hilarious
1:51 Kris: OK, you stay here.
I like the way Noelle’s attraction toward things that scare her is portrayed here. You really get the sense that it is unhealthy, and is kind of messed up. Cause bro, she just saw Kris get bullied and essentially death threatened, and her reaction was to exhibit signs of attraction to said bully (her saying “holy cheese and crackers” or whatever it was in the locker). Awesome animation bro.
I always imagene kris saying "like yours?"
I think it fits just fine and makes sense
I don't think Kris would say something horrible to Suzie in this moment directed at her like "Just like you?" or something. This is not only uncharacteristically cruel for a prankster, but also Suzie doesn't seem so 'fragile' as to run away from that. She'd probably beat on them-no, it needs to be something she physically can't handle to hear.
At first, I thought it would be something simple but reflective like 'I know' but I don't think Suzie would run away from that.
If anything was said, I think it would have to be one of two things:
1.) "Wouldn't be the first time." or "They already did."
Kris is *adopted* which means *everything Suzie said happened to them already.* They _were_ abandoned by their family, something that Suzie can't even get on the level on. If she lives with her mom or dad, it means they never fully abandoned her. Kris's original parents? They are so out of the picture no one fucking even knows about them. Who the fuck is more of an outsider in this town than the _only fucking human_ in a monster town?
2.) "Noelle's watching." Kris probably likes teasing Noelle, and thus probably knows Noelle likes Suzie. Kris is also incredibly smart, sleeping and being just behind the 2 people who work the hardest, so they might have caught on that Suzie also likes Noelle in some way-at least enough to not go after her with her bully-like tactics. It's also obvious at this point that Kris knows Noelle is watching them. So, telling her "Hey, if you're gonna do what you're doing, just know Noelle is literally right fucking there and will see it" might have made her go "Oh Fuck" and run away.
I've honestly been learning towards the second option myself. Stuff that's taunting Susie might just make her more angry, and self-depreciating comments from Kris seem like they'd confuse Susie, but not necessarily scare her into running off immediately. But Susie seemed intent on making sure there were no witnesses for this bullying, and also seems to care about what Noelle thinks after Noelle was kind to her. So pointing out that Noelle is watching seems like the sort of thing (to me at least!) that would get Susie to immediately back off and run out.
I feel like Kris turning it on Susie could work if they asked inquisitively instead of as a taunt, such as "Did something like that happen to you?". I imagine Susie would react with fear if she was keeping it a secret and Kris suddenly found out
I don't really think Kris would say "Noelle's watching"... Doesn't seem like the response to such direct dialogues from Susie. Kris is already implied to have some bad experience with bunker based on Monster Kid's dialogue. Kris both misses Asriel and, probably, felt like living in his shadow. Kris had these red horns to feel like Dreemurrs. Kris, for some reason, isn't interested in book about their kind and even the opposite, quickly closing it. Seems to be too much build up for such good moment to just waste it with "Noelle's watching". There was too much attention on Suselle, would feel wrong if we weren't given some insight into Kris.
Everyone is acting like Susie not liking Noelle back is impossible, but come on, really? The girl she almost beat up in one dialogue choice and spent the rest of the game annoyed at except the instances where she was in danger?
Noelle liking scary things/being scared and her crush on someone who has been nothing but horrible in front of her always seemed more like a character flaw (Not exactly her liking of scary but, but specifically that liking of fear being related to her crush) than a hint that the ship was ever going to sail. Before opening up to Kris she hated being alone and being judged by other people as a bully, yet Noelle really never knew anything about Susie other than her reputation, and the awful stuff she said to Kris, yet her crush on her still remained there.
I never considered it healthy at all, and I wouldn't mind it being so assumed as canon by everyone if they just stopped using her crush to define her entire character, or even better, SUSIE'S character, since from her perspective Noelle was just someone that was nice to her once before.
This is a Kris and Susie scene, and whatever they said, it's related to something only those two experienced or know, doing mental gymnastics to link it back to Suselle is annoying and unrelated to whatever these two are going through, which I think it's the most interesting mystery of their whole relationship.
This animation style is very beautiful, I loved it, I could easily make a Deltarune series
1:27 For some reason I imagine Kris mouthing 'sorry', idk why
Heck yeah, glad to see this done! It turned out fantastic, and the characterizations were so spot-on (not that I'd expect anything less from you)! Happy anniversary!
Finally someone did an animation about it. My dream came true. Thank you so much
Glad that you like it!
I imagine in this moment, Kris either said "I know" or "You're right" to Susie
Aww thank you very much!!
I know she was scared, but I can’t believe that she saw the whole thing and didn’t do anything.
Kris Fr said Proceed
I like to think kris said "projecting are we?"
This is AMAZING! 😮❤ I would absolutely love to see a completed animation of this some day if you were planning on it!
Thank you! Sadly I don't have the time to devote to full animation on my own! But I would like to do more animatics in the future!
@LynxGriffin That's cool, completely understand as an artist myself. Still love this animatic and will be tuning in to your other works in the future! Keep up the great work! :D
0:45 that thing Noelle does. that's so relatable love this
This is the old Susie , mean rude and scary, far different than the one we know now.
This came out GREAT! I love the compositions of each shot. You translated the scenes from the text so well!
I just wanna say I really enjoyed your work in the Deltarune paper Trail, Web, comic that you made You showed clear respect out of Toby Fox throughout your comic with the limited information from the first chapter of the game
Thanks so much, I'm glad that you enjoyed Paper Trail!
Awesome Animatic!
And gorgeously drawn as per usual!
Happy 6th, Deltarune!
Then Noelle spent the rest of the day trapped inside Kris’ locker, as she couldn’t open it from inside.
My sister and I watched it and we both loved it!
What an adorable and cute animatic. I love how you show Noelle confused about her thoughts and feelings ❤😊🦌 That makes her complicated and multifaceted character, just like in the game
Thank you! 🎉 Great work 💕
1:05 I really laughed when you drew Susie emotion in this scene with the harmonious angry tone😂
"You're crying"
You did an amazing job on this. Very clean work.
Woah! This is so underrated! You did a great job! :D
This is delightful! I want to make animatics like this
Oh this is marvellous!!
Oh hey you made paper trail! I love that comic :)
Thank you!
This is amazing!
Love your work! ❤
This is great!!
apple FLAVOR??
I really like this portrayal of Kris kinda wonder if Noelle will ever know what is it that they had whisperered to Susie
Kris you cheeky savage 😅
This is so good!!!
:kris: u poopy face :susie: *full on panic attack*
"What did he say, what did he say." - Ice Cube
I’m so curious on what’s the music that starts playing when kris eats the apple
All of the music was done by @TAGoHD !
It's "Pursuit - Cornered" from Ace Attorney, but I replaced the melody with "Don't Forget"
Noice thanks
Dude this is art!
Me, looking at the artstyle: Wait... PAPER TRAIL?!
Huge fan btw
Thank you!!
Oh dang, I didnt know you had a youtube channel, thanks for the anim and I hope your wrist gets better soon :)
Thanks! It's still not 100% better, but is slowly getting there!
Yoi forget the moment when Kris laugh.
It's right there at 0:55
@@LynxGriffin Sorry, In my headcanon I was thinking Kris do a "evil laugh". 😅
Anyway, what do you think Kris say to Susie ?
Haha yeah, right now it's mostly just for archiving streams, but it would be nice to do more proper videos in the future! And thank you so much!
ooooo maybe the snowgrave route was revenge for Noelle not having done anything
kinda mean, Kris
LOL I definitely do not think that's the case!
Holy cheese n crackers you are on the tube
I FN love you artwork😁
Thank you very much!!
N i c e .
Also, Noelle best girl.
very impressive
This Cool Has Hell Great Job !
Nice work!
I keep thinking, since it was on the topic of parents, maybe he said something about hers? or her lack of? (If that is the case.. we still have no idea what her home life is.)
I’m just as surprised as you are as I searched his handle after reading it on tumble a few months ago & couldn’t find Lynx but just now the tubes algo recommend me this video
So glad I took a moment to watch it n I’m subbed now😅
Love this ♡
This actually happened, which is....
I don't think Kris view this as a bully. Kid literally school principle (adoptive) son.
They can take care of themselves, judging how they block apple with notebook then eat it, even show no fear and snicker at threat. One word and they sent their suppose bully ran out of school head hung low. Susie threaten them probably more cute compare to us controlling Kris body agaist their will.
I think the only thing Noelle regret on that day was she miss the chance to confront and told Susie that she can bully her instead of Kris
"That should have been meeeeee" (Bet that Noelle inner though) lol.
Alien isolation kinda tacticd
Yeah...I could care less what Susie does.
Woah Nice cool Animatic🤍ʕ-ᴥ-ʔ
When you’re too gay to do anything about your childhood friend getting bullied
Ayyy nahh
lynxgriffin as in the same person who made the flowey prequel comic!?
That was in conjunction with Dogs of Future Past specifically, but yes!
@@LynxGriffin AWESOME.... i loved your old undertale comics ngl, i always have the flowey one in the back of my mind because of how perfect it is for him
this is a great anim btw, loved the expressions...
@@nathanpierce7681 Thank you!!
1:00 I don’t think he did it ✨ stylishly ✨ tho lol
I can't do anything
Will there ever be a sequel to paper trail?
Sorry no, I have no plans for one, and it'd especially feel weird for me to go back to it after chapter two. I've got other DR stories in the works currently!
@@LynxGriffin That's a real shame, I was looking forward to it's conclusion. I thought it was better than chapter two, contained as it's own thing. Still, I can understand how you could continue such a big task. I've seen your other works and they are good like this. Take care.
1:27 "Cringe"
0:57 bro passed the soul to chara 😂
Music credits?
That would be me! But it's pretty heavily plagiarized from Deltarune (obviously) and Ace Attorney, so I should give credit to Toby Fox and Masakazu Sugimori as well
* I know.
* Just like you.
God i love how fucking menancing Kris can be. You don't fuck with a corpse controlled by a being far away from the monster comprehension.
Kiss apple krusie 🍑🍆🍎❤
Closing it back is so rude
Why is Susie sniffing Kris?
She says so in the animatic: Kris's shampoo smells like apples.
@ oh yeah I forgot
@ you think Susie has a elevated sense of smell?
I love how everybody gives Susie dude voice overs and act scenes like bro Susie’s a guy I can’t unsee it 💀
Kris falou Amogus
Bem aventurados os humildes em espírito,porque deles é o Reino dos céus
Bem aventurados os que choram,porque serão consolados
Bem aventurados os mansos,porque eles herdaram a terra
Bem aventurados os que tem fome e sede de justiça,pois serão fartos
Bem aventurados os que misericordiosos,porque eles alcançarão misericórdia
Bem aventurados os limpos de coração,porque verão a *DEUS*
Bem aventurados os pacificadores,pois serão chamados filhos de *DEUS*
Ame seu inimigo e o ajude se precisar,pois assim ele queimará em culpa e remorso e *DEUS* te abençoará e recompensará com um novo aliado.
*JESUS CRISTO* está voltando, arrependei de todos os pecados cometidos para *DEUS* os perdoarem, pague com penitência se for necessário pois o tempo da justiça DIVINA chegará e você não vai querer ficar aqui. Mantenha-se firme na fé, pois ela te transformará em uma criatura perfeita,eliminando seus pontos frágeis e fortalecendo seu corpo e mente. Lembre-se, nascemos para *ELE* , então devemos o deixar alegre. Não tenham dúvidas, pois se levarmos em consideração que o tempo seria infinito,ou seja todas as probabilidades aconteceram em algum momento e,hipoteticamente,é possível produzir um motor infinito por meio de imãs inclinados a 50° colados em um círculo cujo estão todos do mesmo polo magnético e colocar no centro um rolamento com hastes com imãs na ponta que chegam perto dos imãs da base,no qual são contrários ,formando assim uma força que levaria o imã da haste ir para frente por repulsão do da base a esquerda e a atração da direita (Tenho ciência que isso iria contra a lei da conservação de energia,mas a maioria dos cientistas só não consideram o imã um motor infinito pois é muito afetado pela massa de ar ou não tem força suficiente,e não há algo,que eu percebi,que possa impedir esse motor de funcionar. Provavelmente o mesmo conservaria a própria energia e a transformaria em energia mecânica sem gastar a energia eletromagnética conveniente ) faz com que sejá muito provável que exista um DEUS,pois com o "poder de criação" proporcionado pelo motor ( já que tudo é energia e a energia pode ser transformada) é possível conseguir onisciência,que, consequentemente, daria onipresença e onipotência ao usuário,oque se encaixa no conceito DEUS. Vale constar que há diversos milagres como a translação de Enoque e Isaías para não ver a morte,o Dilúvio e o aviso a Noé,Sara poder dar a luz fora da idade sem nenhuma tecnologia,as dez pragas do Egito, a passagem pelo Mar Vermelho,a cura das picadas das serpentes por uma serpente de bronze pendurada por ordem de *DEUS* ,o maná caído do céu para crianças na época de Moisés, a queda dos muros de Jericó ,milagres feitos por *JESUS* e a ressurreição do *PRÓPRIO* ,além de milagres eucarísticos e milhares de testemunhos o que deixa a probabilidade de existir cerca de 75% e,como a probabilidade está ao lado de *DEUS* e crer seria mais benefíco, tanto mentalmente quanto fisicamente,a melhor escolha seria seguir-lo. Lembre-se " *JESUS* é o caminho,a verdade e a vida,para que quem *nELE* crêr não pereça mas tenha a vida eterna",o caminho é difícil mas nós conseguiremos se for do plano de *DEUS* . Você nunca estará só nessa caminhada.