Mam i workout 50 minute an morning and 30 minute an night. Can you tell me night workout is good or bad plz please please mam i really want to know @@GunjanShouts
Amazing Podcast for Fitness Learning Warm Up - 5-7 Mins Activation - 5 Mins Functional - 15 Mins - This is something new which I learnt today Weights / Strength - 15 Mins Cool Down Breath - 2 Mins (Pay gratitude towards everyone) Total - 50 Mins - 60 Mins including rest Hack/Bonus - from Gunjan - Meditation after gym for 10-15 mins - Again new thing which i learnt today Weekly Workout Plan Day 1: Upper Body Warm Up (5-7 mins) Jumping jacks Arm circles Light jogging in place Activation (5 mins) Shoulder taps Scapular push-ups Banded pull-aparts Functional (15 mins) Push-ups TRX rows Medicine ball slams Weights / Strength (15 mins) Bench press Dumbbell shoulder press Bicep curls Day 2: Lower Body Warm Up (5-7 mins) High knees Butt kicks Dynamic leg swings Activation (5 mins) Glute bridges Clamshells Monster walks with resistance band Functional (15 mins) Walking lunges Step-ups Box jumps Weights / Strength (15 mins) Squats Deadlifts Calf raises Day 3: Core & Cardio Warm Up (5-7 mins) Jump rope Torso twists Side shuffles Activation (5 mins) Plank holds Dead bugs Bird dogs Functional (15 mins) Russian twists Mountain climbers Hanging leg raises Weights / Strength (15 mins) Weighted sit-ups Cable woodchoppers Dumbbell side bends Day 4: Full Body Warm Up (5-7 mins) Arm swings Leg swings Light jogging Activation (5 mins) Jump squats Inchworms Resistance band rows Functional (15 mins) Burpees Kettlebell swings TRX rows Weights / Strength (15 mins) Clean and press Thrusters Weighted lunges Day 5: Mobility & Recovery Warm Up (5-7 mins) Gentle yoga flow Deep breathing exercises Activation (5 mins) Foam rolling Dynamic stretching Functional (15 mins) Mobility drills Balance exercises Stability ball exercises Weights / Strength (15 mins) Light resistance band work Bodyweight exercises Light dumbbell exercises Day 6: Cardio & Conditioning Warm Up (5-7 mins) Brisk walking Arm circles Leg swings Activation (5 mins) High knees Butt kicks Jumping jacks Functional (15 mins) HIIT circuit (30 seconds on, 30 seconds off) Jump squats Push-ups Bicycle crunches Weights / Strength (15 mins) Light to moderate weights focusing on form Kettlebell exercises Dumbbell exercises Day 7: Rest or Active Recovery Options: Gentle yoga Light stretching Leisurely walk or swim
*Day 1:* Upper Body Push (Chest, Shoulder, Triceps) *Day 2:* Upper Body Pull (Back, Bicep, Traps) *Day 3:* Lower Body (Legs) Repeat the same for rest of the days and take 1 or 2 days off. --------------------------------------------- - *Warm Up - 5 to 7 Mins* - *Activation / Mobility - 5 Mins* (Depends on whichever muscle you are targeting to train on that day. Usually engage 2 Upper Body and 2 Lower Body Muscles.) - *Functional Training - 12 to 15 Mins* (Focus on form and the intensity of the workout.) - *Strength Training - 12 to 15 Mins* (3 Rounds - 40 Sec of Work & 20 Sec of Rest, Every round tries to increase the weight, Doesn't matter if the reps are going down, focus on the weight and keep breathing correctly.) - *Core Training - 5 to 6 Mins* (Upper Abs & Lower Abs) - *Breathing / Streching - 2 to 5 Mins* (Cool down, try not to lie down & focus on breathing.) - *Cardio* - (If time allows or if there's a need then you can do other time later in a day.) - *Circuit Training* - --------------------------------------------- **You can do functional & weight training on alternative days if time doesn't allow you to accommodate in a single day workout.* **Try to engage your core in every exercise.* **Feel the muscle during every training.* **Form - Consistency - Intensity* **One Breath - One Repetition* **Exert - Exhale*
00:03 भूमिकाओं के लिए रणबीर का वजन बढ़ाने का सफर 02:30 वजन बढ़ाने और वजन घटाने की मूल बातें समझना 07:34 प्रभावी वजन घटाने के लिए शरीर की वसा कम करने पर ध्यान दें। 10:13 शारीरिक वसा विश्लेषण मशीनों की सटीकता 15:24 लगातार भार प्रशिक्षण के माध्यम से मांसपेशियों की परिपक्वता प्राप्त करना। 17:43 शरीर परिवर्तन के लिए सही प्रकार के वर्कआउट में समय और प्रयास लगाएं 22:02 व्यस्त जीवन और कार्य प्रतिबद्धताओं के बावजूद एक अच्छा शरीर बनाए रखना। 24:13 दीर्घकालिक फिटनेस परिणामों के लिए निरंतरता और धैर्य महत्वपूर्ण हैं। 28:31 फिटनेस लक्ष्यों को प्राप्त करने के लिए निरंतरता और संरचित दृष्टिकोण महत्वपूर्ण हैं। 30:45 प्रभावी वजन घटाने के लिए पेशेवर मार्गदर्शन आवश्यक है। 35:04 वर्कआउट की आदतों में निरंतरता सफलता की कुंजी है 37:24 मांसपेशियों की रिकवरी और वृद्धि के लिए पोषण और आराम का महत्व 41:51 व्यायाम की नियमितता से प्रेरणा और विश्राम मिलता है 44:18 स्वास्थ्य के लिए वेट ट्रेनिंग का महत्व 49:20 घरेलू कसरत और सामुदायिक फिटनेस क्षेत्रों के लाभ 51:39 वर्कआउट की आदतों में निरंतरता महत्वपूर्ण है। 56:11 वर्कआउट के बाद नींद का महत्व 58:22 फिटनेस के लिए छोटे-छोटे कदमों से शुरुआत करें 1:02:22 वार्म अप और एक्टिवेशन व्यायाम का महत्व 1:04:30 कार्यात्मक वर्कआउट और वसा के टूटने में एड्रेनालाईन की भूमिका 1:09:12 शक्ति प्रशिक्षण के दौरान उचित श्वास का महत्व 1:11:12 कोर्टिसोल के स्तर को कम करने के लिए कूलडाउन महत्वपूर्ण है 1:15:18 ध्यान से कसरत का अनुभव बढ़ता है 1:17:35 प्री-वर्कआउट सप्लीमेंट्स का महत्व 1:21:53 प्रशिक्षण में इलेक्ट्रोलाइट्स का महत्व 1:24:12 विभिन्न तीव्रता स्तरों के लिए पूर्व-कसरत पोषण 1:28:31 वर्कआउट के बाद प्रोटीन शेक लेने का समय 1:30:29 प्रोटीन शेक का महत्व और इसके लाभ 1:35:08 अपने लक्ष्यों के लिए सही प्रोटीन का चयन करें 1:37:17 विभिन्न प्रकार के प्रोटीन उपलब्ध हैं और एलर्जी वाले लोगों के लिए विकल्प उपलब्ध हैं। 1:41:58 भार प्रशिक्षण परिवर्तन के लिए सबसे बड़ी प्रेरणा है। 1:44:00 वजन घटाने के लिए शाकाहारी प्रोटीन संतुलन 1:48:28 चयापचय और मानसिक स्वास्थ्य पर उपचारात्मक भोजन के प्रभाव को समझना 1:50:25 आहार और व्यायाम में मानव मनोविज्ञान को समझना महत्वपूर्ण है। 1:54:57 फिटनेस उद्योग में स्वच्छ भोजन और समर्पण का महत्व 1:57:04 कार्यात्मक प्रशिक्षण और भारोत्तोलन पर जोर 2:01:28 सभी फिटनेस स्तरों के लिए वर्कआउट में विविधता महत्वपूर्ण है 2:03:41 ग्राहकों को प्रेरित रखने के लिए उनकी गतिविधियों को सरल बनाएं 2:08:04 मांसपेशी फाइबर के लिए प्रशिक्षण का महत्व 2:10:20 व्यायाम करते समय मांसपेशियों की सक्रियता पर ध्यान दें
He is not just a great trainer he's a great human being too! I messaged him on Instagram about my Personal health and excercise and he took time to answer all my question.... such a sweet guy❤
COMPLETE SUMMARY OF VIDEO (Keep remember in your prayers!) . Body Composition (muscle, fat, water, bone) should be focused rather weigth gain/loss . Weight machine/tap-measure/vernier calliper for measuring fat and muscle gain/loss progress . Justify what you are doing on prorioty basis, need for you or good for you . Be realistic about results and efforts. Efforts are propotional to results . Choose a structred program and stuck/consistent with it. . Goals and actions must be aligned Body Phases 1. Catabolic Phase (break of muscles, cells, tissues during exercise, lifting weights and body release energy to train) 2. Anabolic Phase (happens when we eat/sleep/rest) . At least 2 days of rest is good at start. 3 Things for beginners 1. Technique and Form (first spend time on it) 2. Consistency (the uniformity in training actions, same last and first rep) 3. Intensity (adding more weight/volume/sets) . Morning workout comparatively better then evening . Do focus on smaller muscles they build the actual body shape and build the joints . Core: how you hold your body and spine togather (Engaging & thinking the under consideration body part) . Best excersises for Warm up zone (Extensions, External rotations... choose 2 exercises which you love doing) . Pre-workout is not necessary as such, if taken it's OK. If you're taking anything like taking carbs i.e., Banana/Date take it at least 30 min before workout to digest . Mid-workout (Water, water-melon/orange/lemon(with pink salt) juice) > only when you're doing extra strenght workout or for longer duration . Post-workout (anabolic phase: it's 2-3 hours): after 2 hours, gives yourself enough time to relax, take shower, reduce that pump, get the blood flow back to the system . When you'r sweating, you'r sweating water and electrolytes, so for heavy workout take electrolytes i.e., Magnesium, Zinc, Potassium, Sodium . Lack of energy may be due to physical tiredness or mental tiredness, take a pause in that situation and think what's the actual problem . Need to understand that 2 things are in play 1. Muscle Skeletal System 2. Digestive System > Both need all the blood flow they can get. > When you're eating something now the blood flow directed towards digestive system, now expecting blood flow to pump to muscles by starting workout, now where digestive issues started. > Similarly, after workout blood flow is in muscles and taking something immediate after that is wrong and no need as such (anabolic phase: it's 2-3 hours) > You may take post diet after 2 hours, gives you enough time to relax, take shower, reduce that pump get the blood flow back to the system PROTIEN: . Building block of life, when it gets broken it become amino acids (9 essientials (needs to be taken) and 9 non-essentials(body produced it itself, no need to take separately)) . Animal Product (Meat, Milk, Yogurt >> they all have 9 essentials amino acids so called as Complete Protiens) . Ideally 0.8/pound of body weight for a normal person . Protien shakes: it has already broken protien so that's why get digested faster . Soy intake can lead to the increase of estrogen level that can cause Gynecomastia. So taking it 1 time in a week with workout and clear diet plan. It's ok . If you're thin, lean then there is no as such need of functional training part. . Try to be simple in workout . Only way to keep your muscles is training them . Muscles have two fibers 1. Fast Twitch Muscle Fiber (responsible for Explosiveness & power, moving) 2. Slow Twitch Muscle Fiber (responsible for strength) . Best exercise to improve posture: Overhead squats Day 1: Upper Body Push (Chest, Shoulder, Triceps) Day 2: Upper Body Pull (Back, Bicep, Traps) Day 3: Lower Body (Legs) Repeat the same for rest of the days and take 1 or 2 days off. --------------------------------------------- - Warm Up - 5 to 7 Mins (downward dog to upward dog,sick rotations,leg swings, bended rows,) - Activation / Mobility - 5 Mins (1-2 rounds, 3-4 exercises) (to upper body, lower body muscles to engage, 20 raps, side boxed with loop bands abduction, Glute Bridge, Glute March ) (Depends on whichever muscle you are targeting to train on that day. Usually engage 2 Upper Body and 2 Lower Body Muscles.) - Functional Training - 12 to 15 Mins (Focus on form and the intensity of the workout.), responsible to burn calories as much as possible, push your body at at least your 70-80% body intensity by thinking functional (can do Weights like Dumbell thrusters or kettles belt swings or renegade rose, something that works the whole body togather) - Strength Training - 12 to 15 Mins (3 Rounds - 40 Sec of Work & 20 Sec of Rest, Every round tries to increase the weight, Doesn't matter if the reps are going down, focus on the weight and keep breathing correctly.), One breath and one rap - Core Training - 5 to 6 Mins (Upper Abs, Lower Abs & side Abs) - Breathing / Streching - 2 to 5 Mins (Cool down, try not to lie down & focus on breathing.) > Add positive affirmations (i.e., be thankful to Almighty, your body parts, universte) - Cardio - (If time allows or if there's a need then you can do other time later in a day.) - Circuit Training - --------------------------------------------- *You can do functional & weight training on alternative days if time doesn't allow you to accommodate in a single day workout. *Try to engage your core in every exercise. *Feel the muscle during every training. *Form - Consistency - Intensity *One Breath - One R
I'm glad you made this video, it reminds me of my transformation from a nobody to good home, honest wife, $75k biweekly and a good daughter full of love ❤️❤
Aaj tak sirtf Web Series bringe watch ki thi, ye pehla aisa podcast hai jo lagatar 30 minutes ke break par watch kiya hai....Thanks for this most valuable podcast..🙏
I have worked in fitness and spiritual world for decade. I can agree that meditation goes deeper when we are balanced in our mind body and soul. Great talk. Thanks
Mujhe aapki video se bahut motivation Mili kyunki maine abhi recently 90 se 80 kg weight per I Hun main I mean to say Maine 10 kg weight loss Kiya per Maine kisi ko bataya to unhone mujhe demotivate Kiya ki 10 kg karna koi bahut mushkil thodi hai kit 10 kg to aasani se ho jata hai then my weight is stuck ekadam mujhe samajh nahin a Raha ki main ab kya Karun per aapki video dekhkar samajh mein aaya ki patience bahut jaruri hai 1 mahine 2 mahine mein nahin apne aap ko Dena padega time tab jakar result milega thank u so Mach sar thank u so Mach mam
These videos are not meant to be made smaller...It would break momentum and split information, people who misses out on multiple short videos will have half information. This is such an informative podcast, more importantly an educative discussion. We need more such content to reach out to people who are trying out fad lifestyles thinking they are heading towards transformation. Thanks Gunjan and Thanks Shivohaam!
Thank god!! I always used to think 21 days kaisey wajan kam karte hain. Please time aur duration sabhi weight loss mei bataaya karo. It keeps up the motivation
Wow!!! What a broadcast...No words to explain how beneficial it is for people like me.... Thanks Gunjan from bottom of my heart...Really Awesome...Dil Khush kar deeta❤
great video, thanks for bringing him to the podcast, really got some good informations...... 1 suggestion - "Give the person in front a chance to speak properly. Don’t interrupt them repeatedly; wait a bit, let them finish their point, and then you can say something." , thank you👍
I am thankful to you for inviting him as your guest. Initially I was listening with one A4 size paper in hand, just in case if i find anything interesting to note. Eventually, I have filled 8 pages. My notes look more like transcript of this podcast. Mind blowing information and loved the way he spoke. Please invite him again for part 2
Ma'am bahut knowledge full podcast tha. Maine dawnload krke dekha . 2 ghanta diye is podcast ko maine. Isliye Qnki mujhe health related podcast dekhna acha lgta h. Lkin sach kahu to mujhe 10% hi samjh me aya Qnki kahi kahi apne aur sir ne . Galti se Hindi boli h thodi bahut bass jb hi samjh me aya. Mujhe utni English nahi ati . Ye mera fault h. Par ma'am TRS me to . Hindi or English dono ke liye alg alg podcast hote h. Jo ki achi baat h. But English na Ane ki bje se mujhse ek acchi knowledge chhot gyi. M apko bta du ki aapke podcast ko Goan ke log bhi dekhte h. Aur humare goan me English utna nhi h. Pta chala ab ki English seekhna jaruri nhi majburi h ab to. All the best dear ma'am 🎉
I like a complet video. But one thing is very important "KEEP THE THINGS SIMPLE " Thank you so much Sir/ Gunjan for all the valuable information & this video. 👏👏👏
Okay, credit due where credit's due... This is the first podcast of this host that I'm listening and I have to say, Gunjan you are a great host, you asked all the right questions, waited patiently for the response, asked all the perfect sub questions after their response. It was perfect. Definitely earned my subscription. Kudos from a new fan ❤
Really appreciate ur work gunjan informative and simplified to c more of such informative videos....sir is also very cool and calm...
This episode shall help v all the Actors and all. The right man for the right work to be interviewed by the Channel OM SAINN RAM🙏 The Old too need exercise
Boring and Awesomeness are corelated. The tedious process of anything is boring but the result gives that awesomeness. People are not investing in their patience but the goal. Goal is fine but investing in patience is the key to push that daily hustle.
As a Fitness Coach myself, I absolutely loved this podcast. Please bring more such personalities on your podcast. Thank you so much for this amazing one ❤
Pura suna maine . Very good podcast. Being a fitness enthusiast, I expected this more concise and informative with a few more topics . Because 2 hours 12 mins is a big time
Thank you so much for Inviting such a wise person on your show. Which helps many viewers to update there knowledge. Secondly he not only knowledgeable but his wisdom speaks no artificial colors or flavors while speaking. So clamly humbly clearing all myth. I think he is a great Spritual guy reach a point of higher realm. The why he talks. Great journey of a boy of who play role of dj in kal ho na ho movie to fitness coach. Thanx a lot once again. Vijay R Kamblle.
Amazing episode. I'm afraid I have to disagree with Shivohaam on one point - WOMEN NEED TO TRAIN DIFFERENTLY TO MEN. We need to train according to our menstrual cycle. This has been proven since 2016. I follow this training style at 50 Im stronger than most 25-year-olds.
WOW!! What a detailed information especially for beginners!!
Glad you found is useful! :)
Mam aapka diet plan paid lena h PlZ help me
@@GunjanShoutsbut aaap apna mundi km hilaya kro
Mam i workout 50 minute an morning and 30 minute an night. Can you tell me night workout is good or bad plz please please mam i really want to know @@GunjanShouts
I work for 9 hours, traveling 3 hours, I still workout 4 days a week ..
Amazing Podcast for Fitness Learning
Warm Up - 5-7 Mins
Activation - 5 Mins
Functional - 15 Mins - This is something new which I learnt today
Weights / Strength - 15 Mins
Cool Down Breath - 2 Mins (Pay gratitude towards everyone)
Total - 50 Mins - 60 Mins including rest
Hack/Bonus - from Gunjan - Meditation after gym for 10-15 mins - Again new thing which i learnt today
Weekly Workout Plan
Day 1: Upper Body
Warm Up (5-7 mins)
Jumping jacks
Arm circles
Light jogging in place
Activation (5 mins)
Shoulder taps
Scapular push-ups
Banded pull-aparts
Functional (15 mins)
TRX rows
Medicine ball slams
Weights / Strength (15 mins)
Bench press
Dumbbell shoulder press
Bicep curls
Day 2: Lower Body
Warm Up (5-7 mins)
High knees
Butt kicks
Dynamic leg swings
Activation (5 mins)
Glute bridges
Monster walks with resistance band
Functional (15 mins)
Walking lunges
Box jumps
Weights / Strength (15 mins)
Calf raises
Day 3: Core & Cardio
Warm Up (5-7 mins)
Jump rope
Torso twists
Side shuffles
Activation (5 mins)
Plank holds
Dead bugs
Bird dogs
Functional (15 mins)
Russian twists
Mountain climbers
Hanging leg raises
Weights / Strength (15 mins)
Weighted sit-ups
Cable woodchoppers
Dumbbell side bends
Day 4: Full Body
Warm Up (5-7 mins)
Arm swings
Leg swings
Light jogging
Activation (5 mins)
Jump squats
Resistance band rows
Functional (15 mins)
Kettlebell swings
TRX rows
Weights / Strength (15 mins)
Clean and press
Weighted lunges
Day 5: Mobility & Recovery
Warm Up (5-7 mins)
Gentle yoga flow
Deep breathing exercises
Activation (5 mins)
Foam rolling
Dynamic stretching
Functional (15 mins)
Mobility drills
Balance exercises
Stability ball exercises
Weights / Strength (15 mins)
Light resistance band work
Bodyweight exercises
Light dumbbell exercises
Day 6: Cardio & Conditioning
Warm Up (5-7 mins)
Brisk walking
Arm circles
Leg swings
Activation (5 mins)
High knees
Butt kicks
Jumping jacks
Functional (15 mins)
HIIT circuit (30 seconds on, 30 seconds off)
Jump squats
Bicycle crunches
Weights / Strength (15 mins)
Light to moderate weights focusing on form
Kettlebell exercises
Dumbbell exercises
Day 7: Rest or Active Recovery
Gentle yoga
Light stretching
Leisurely walk or swim
Nice workout plan!
Ruko brother isko copy kar leta huuu kaam aayega
Copy nahi ho raha
@@Best__feeler screen shot lele aur Jake Google scan me dal ke copy karle
Take screen shot bro
*Day 1:* Upper Body Push (Chest, Shoulder, Triceps)
*Day 2:* Upper Body Pull (Back, Bicep, Traps)
*Day 3:* Lower Body (Legs)
Repeat the same for rest of the days and take 1 or 2 days off.
- *Warm Up - 5 to 7 Mins*
- *Activation / Mobility - 5 Mins* (Depends on whichever muscle you are targeting to train on that day. Usually engage 2 Upper Body and 2 Lower Body Muscles.)
- *Functional Training - 12 to 15 Mins* (Focus on form and the intensity of the workout.)
- *Strength Training - 12 to 15 Mins* (3 Rounds - 40 Sec of Work & 20 Sec of Rest, Every round tries to increase the weight, Doesn't matter if the reps are going down, focus on the weight and keep breathing correctly.)
- *Core Training - 5 to 6 Mins* (Upper Abs & Lower Abs)
- *Breathing / Streching - 2 to 5 Mins* (Cool down, try not to lie down & focus on breathing.)
- *Cardio* - (If time allows or if there's a need then you can do other time later in a day.)
- *Circuit Training* -
**You can do functional & weight training on alternative days if time doesn't allow you to accommodate in a single day workout.*
**Try to engage your core in every exercise.*
**Feel the muscle during every training.*
**Form - Consistency - Intensity*
**One Breath - One Repetition*
**Exert - Exhale*
what about 5 day
00:03 भूमिकाओं के लिए रणबीर का वजन बढ़ाने का सफर
02:30 वजन बढ़ाने और वजन घटाने की मूल बातें समझना
07:34 प्रभावी वजन घटाने के लिए शरीर की वसा कम करने पर ध्यान दें।
10:13 शारीरिक वसा विश्लेषण मशीनों की सटीकता
15:24 लगातार भार प्रशिक्षण के माध्यम से मांसपेशियों की परिपक्वता प्राप्त करना।
17:43 शरीर परिवर्तन के लिए सही प्रकार के वर्कआउट में समय और प्रयास लगाएं
22:02 व्यस्त जीवन और कार्य प्रतिबद्धताओं के बावजूद एक अच्छा शरीर बनाए रखना।
24:13 दीर्घकालिक फिटनेस परिणामों के लिए निरंतरता और धैर्य महत्वपूर्ण हैं।
28:31 फिटनेस लक्ष्यों को प्राप्त करने के लिए निरंतरता और संरचित दृष्टिकोण महत्वपूर्ण हैं।
30:45 प्रभावी वजन घटाने के लिए पेशेवर मार्गदर्शन आवश्यक है।
35:04 वर्कआउट की आदतों में निरंतरता सफलता की कुंजी है
37:24 मांसपेशियों की रिकवरी और वृद्धि के लिए पोषण और आराम का महत्व
41:51 व्यायाम की नियमितता से प्रेरणा और विश्राम मिलता है
44:18 स्वास्थ्य के लिए वेट ट्रेनिंग का महत्व
49:20 घरेलू कसरत और सामुदायिक फिटनेस क्षेत्रों के लाभ
51:39 वर्कआउट की आदतों में निरंतरता महत्वपूर्ण है।
56:11 वर्कआउट के बाद नींद का महत्व
58:22 फिटनेस के लिए छोटे-छोटे कदमों से शुरुआत करें
1:02:22 वार्म अप और एक्टिवेशन व्यायाम का महत्व
1:04:30 कार्यात्मक वर्कआउट और वसा के टूटने में एड्रेनालाईन की भूमिका
1:09:12 शक्ति प्रशिक्षण के दौरान उचित श्वास का महत्व
1:11:12 कोर्टिसोल के स्तर को कम करने के लिए कूलडाउन महत्वपूर्ण है
1:15:18 ध्यान से कसरत का अनुभव बढ़ता है
1:17:35 प्री-वर्कआउट सप्लीमेंट्स का महत्व
1:21:53 प्रशिक्षण में इलेक्ट्रोलाइट्स का महत्व
1:24:12 विभिन्न तीव्रता स्तरों के लिए पूर्व-कसरत पोषण
1:28:31 वर्कआउट के बाद प्रोटीन शेक लेने का समय
1:30:29 प्रोटीन शेक का महत्व और इसके लाभ
1:35:08 अपने लक्ष्यों के लिए सही प्रोटीन का चयन करें
1:37:17 विभिन्न प्रकार के प्रोटीन उपलब्ध हैं और एलर्जी वाले लोगों के लिए विकल्प उपलब्ध हैं।
1:41:58 भार प्रशिक्षण परिवर्तन के लिए सबसे बड़ी प्रेरणा है।
1:44:00 वजन घटाने के लिए शाकाहारी प्रोटीन संतुलन
1:48:28 चयापचय और मानसिक स्वास्थ्य पर उपचारात्मक भोजन के प्रभाव को समझना
1:50:25 आहार और व्यायाम में मानव मनोविज्ञान को समझना महत्वपूर्ण है।
1:54:57 फिटनेस उद्योग में स्वच्छ भोजन और समर्पण का महत्व
1:57:04 कार्यात्मक प्रशिक्षण और भारोत्तोलन पर जोर
2:01:28 सभी फिटनेस स्तरों के लिए वर्कआउट में विविधता महत्वपूर्ण है
2:03:41 ग्राहकों को प्रेरित रखने के लिए उनकी गतिविधियों को सरल बनाएं
2:08:04 मांसपेशी फाइबर के लिए प्रशिक्षण का महत्व
2:10:20 व्यायाम करते समय मांसपेशियों की सक्रियता पर ध्यान दें
He is not just a great trainer he's a great human being too! I messaged him on Instagram about my Personal health and excercise and he took time to answer all my question.... such a sweet guy❤
Trees that carry fruits bend down with humility 😅
I watched it for 35 mins now, paused for sometime. Will continue to watch this again.
Hindi me hota to or jayda samjh me aata fir bhi jo aaya hai samjh me bada kamal ka hai ❤
COMPLETE SUMMARY OF VIDEO (Keep remember in your prayers!)
. Body Composition (muscle, fat, water, bone) should be focused rather
weigth gain/loss
. Weight machine/tap-measure/vernier calliper for measuring fat and muscle
gain/loss progress
. Justify what you are doing on prorioty basis, need for you or good for
. Be realistic about results and efforts. Efforts are propotional to results
. Choose a structred program and stuck/consistent with it.
. Goals and actions must be aligned
Body Phases
1. Catabolic Phase (break of muscles, cells, tissues during exercise,
lifting weights and body release energy to train)
2. Anabolic Phase (happens when we eat/sleep/rest)
. At least 2 days of rest is good at start.
3 Things for beginners
1. Technique and Form (first spend time on it)
2. Consistency (the uniformity in training actions, same last and first rep)
3. Intensity (adding more weight/volume/sets)
. Morning workout comparatively better then evening
. Do focus on smaller muscles they build the actual body shape and build the joints
. Core: how you hold your body and spine togather (Engaging & thinking the under consideration body part)
. Best excersises for Warm up zone (Extensions, External rotations... choose 2 exercises which you love doing)
. Pre-workout is not necessary as such, if taken it's OK. If you're taking anything like taking carbs i.e., Banana/Date take it at least 30 min before workout to digest
. Mid-workout (Water, water-melon/orange/lemon(with pink salt) juice) > only when you're doing extra strenght workout or for longer duration
. Post-workout (anabolic phase: it's 2-3 hours): after 2 hours, gives yourself enough time to relax, take shower, reduce that pump, get the blood flow back to the system
. When you'r sweating, you'r sweating water and electrolytes, so for heavy workout take electrolytes i.e., Magnesium, Zinc, Potassium, Sodium
. Lack of energy may be due to physical tiredness or mental tiredness, take a pause in that situation and think what's the actual problem
. Need to understand that 2 things are in play
1. Muscle Skeletal System
2. Digestive System
> Both need all the blood flow they can get.
> When you're eating something now the blood flow directed towards digestive system, now expecting blood flow to pump to muscles by starting workout,
now where digestive issues started.
> Similarly, after workout blood flow is in muscles and taking something immediate after that is wrong and no need as such (anabolic phase: it's 2-3 hours)
> You may take post diet after 2 hours, gives you enough time to relax, take shower, reduce that pump get the blood flow back to the system
. Building block of life, when it gets broken it become amino acids
(9 essientials (needs to be taken) and 9 non-essentials(body produced it itself, no need to take separately))
. Animal Product (Meat, Milk, Yogurt >> they all have 9 essentials amino acids so called as Complete Protiens)
. Ideally 0.8/pound of body weight for a normal person
. Protien shakes: it has already broken protien so that's why get digested faster
. Soy intake can lead to the increase of estrogen level that can cause Gynecomastia. So taking it 1 time in a week with workout and clear diet plan. It's ok
. If you're thin, lean then there is no as such need of functional training part.
. Try to be simple in workout
. Only way to keep your muscles is training them
. Muscles have two fibers
1. Fast Twitch Muscle Fiber (responsible for Explosiveness & power, moving)
2. Slow Twitch Muscle Fiber (responsible for strength)
. Best exercise to improve posture: Overhead squats
Day 1: Upper Body Push (Chest, Shoulder, Triceps)
Day 2: Upper Body Pull (Back, Bicep, Traps)
Day 3: Lower Body (Legs)
Repeat the same for rest of the days and take 1 or 2 days off.
- Warm Up - 5 to 7 Mins (downward dog to upward dog,sick rotations,leg swings, bended rows,)
- Activation / Mobility - 5 Mins (1-2 rounds, 3-4 exercises) (to upper body, lower body muscles to engage, 20 raps, side boxed with loop bands abduction,
Glute Bridge, Glute March )
(Depends on whichever muscle you are targeting to train on that day. Usually engage 2 Upper Body and 2 Lower Body Muscles.)
- Functional Training - 12 to 15 Mins (Focus on form and the intensity of the workout.), responsible to burn calories as much as possible, push your body at at least
your 70-80% body intensity by thinking functional (can do Weights like Dumbell thrusters or kettles belt swings or renegade rose, something that works the whole
body togather)
- Strength Training - 12 to 15 Mins (3 Rounds - 40 Sec of Work & 20 Sec of Rest, Every round tries to increase the weight, Doesn't matter if the reps are going down,
focus on the weight and keep breathing correctly.), One breath and one rap
- Core Training - 5 to 6 Mins (Upper Abs, Lower Abs & side Abs)
- Breathing / Streching - 2 to 5 Mins (Cool down, try not to lie down & focus on breathing.) > Add positive affirmations (i.e., be thankful to Almighty, your body
- Cardio - (If time allows or if there's a need then you can do other time later in a day.)
- Circuit Training -
*You can do functional & weight training on alternative days if time doesn't allow you to accommodate in a single day workout.
*Try to engage your core in every exercise.
*Feel the muscle during every training.
*Form - Consistency - Intensity
*One Breath - One R
I'm glad you made this video, it reminds me of my transformation from a nobody to good home, honest wife, $75k biweekly and a good daughter full of love ❤️❤
Behenji aap bhatak gaye ho.
Aaj tak sirtf Web Series bringe watch ki thi, ye pehla aisa podcast hai jo lagatar 30 minutes ke break par watch kiya hai....Thanks for this most valuable podcast..🙏
I have worked in fitness and spiritual world for decade. I can agree that meditation goes deeper when we are balanced in our mind body and soul. Great talk. Thanks
Lambi thi interview par poori dekhi
Very informative
Bahut se myth solve ho jate hai
Thank you aunty. You rock!
Mujhe aapki video se bahut motivation Mili kyunki maine abhi recently 90 se 80 kg weight per I Hun main I mean to say Maine 10 kg weight loss Kiya per Maine kisi ko bataya to unhone mujhe demotivate Kiya ki 10 kg karna koi bahut mushkil thodi hai kit 10 kg to aasani se ho jata hai then my weight is stuck ekadam mujhe samajh nahin a Raha ki main ab kya Karun per aapki video dekhkar samajh mein aaya ki patience bahut jaruri hai 1 mahine 2 mahine mein nahin apne aap ko Dena padega time tab jakar result milega thank u so Mach sar thank u so Mach mam
The main thing is dt how calmly he explains everything...He is so calm.
And the lady spreading full anxiety
These videos are not meant to be made smaller...It would break momentum and split information, people who misses out on multiple short videos will have half information. This is such an informative podcast, more importantly an educative discussion. We need more such content to reach out to people who are trying out fad lifestyles thinking they are heading towards transformation. Thanks Gunjan and Thanks Shivohaam!
Thank god!! I always used to think 21 days kaisey wajan kam karte hain. Please time aur duration sabhi weight loss mei bataaya karo. It keeps up the motivation
A very spiritually grounded gym trainer ❤️❤️Great and rare combination. Gratitude🙏
Wow!!! What a broadcast...No words to explain how beneficial it is for people like me.... Thanks Gunjan from bottom of my heart...Really Awesome...Dil Khush kar deeta❤
This dude is Frankie Ramlal from Kal Ho Na Ho.
Among the top trainers in India today. Amazing
What I like about Gunjan is that she asks very good question.
Such a Wonderfull Podcast on Fitness ever ❤❤ Best Fitness Trainer ❤❤
Best podcast ever on this subject!!
Fun Fact: He's Ramdayal from Kal Ho Na Ho
Whattttt??????? 😮
@@nidhighai8228 yea you can google him 🤣
Whatttt... No.. Are you kidding me....
Yes, your right.. OMG
Hello Gunjan,how r u,I am ur a very big fun from Bangladesh 🇧🇩
I am a general physician of unani medicine.May Allah bless you,I love ur video a lot ❤️
great video, thanks for bringing him to the podcast, really got some good informations...... 1 suggestion -
"Give the person in front a chance to speak properly. Don’t interrupt them repeatedly; wait a bit, let them finish their point, and then you can say something." , thank you👍
गुंजन जी हिंदी समजती है तो सिर्फ हिंदी में ब्रॉडकास्ट करते जाईये और सेलिब्रिटी को मी हिंदी मे बात करने के लिए बोलिये
I am thankful to you for inviting him as your guest. Initially I was listening with one A4 size paper in hand, just in case if i find anything interesting to note. Eventually, I have filled 8 pages. My notes look more like transcript of this podcast. Mind blowing information and loved the way he spoke. Please invite him again for part 2
Ma'am bahut knowledge full podcast tha. Maine dawnload krke dekha . 2 ghanta diye is podcast ko maine. Isliye Qnki mujhe health related podcast dekhna acha lgta h. Lkin sach kahu to mujhe 10% hi samjh me aya Qnki kahi kahi apne aur sir ne . Galti se Hindi boli h thodi bahut bass jb hi samjh me aya. Mujhe utni English nahi ati . Ye mera fault h. Par ma'am TRS me to . Hindi or English dono ke liye alg alg podcast hote h. Jo ki achi baat h. But English na Ane ki bje se mujhse ek acchi knowledge chhot gyi. M apko bta du ki aapke podcast ko Goan ke log bhi dekhte h. Aur humare goan me English utna nhi h. Pta chala ab ki English seekhna jaruri nhi majburi h ab to. All the best dear ma'am 🎉
Absolute 360 degree guidance to be followed with ur eyes closed ❤
I like a complet video. But one thing is very important
Thank you so much Sir/ Gunjan for all the valuable information & this video. 👏👏👏
Okay, credit due where credit's due...
This is the first podcast of this host that I'm listening and I have to say, Gunjan you are a great host, you asked all the right questions, waited patiently for the response, asked all the perfect sub questions after their response.
It was perfect.
Definitely earned my subscription.
Kudos from a new fan ❤
Really appreciate ur work gunjan informative and simplified to c more of such informative videos....sir is also very cool and calm...
Amazing podcast, guest involved more in the topic and not interrupted for no reason.
What a personality and amazing informer....we need this kind of podcast and persons❤
One of d best podcast
You should also discuss on heart attacks in gym, like wrong workouts or lifestyle or intensity is more. This was missed in your podcast.
Best podcast up till now🙌🏻💯
Mr. Frankie Ramdayal of "kal ho na ho" in the house 😀😀 Very informative podcast indeed !!
Host is so smiling 🎉
Great podcast...u touched almost all the topic related training, diet, supplements n so many....u both did great 👍
The only women I listen to after my mom .so informative videos
Wonderfull podcast
Really great I learned much more
Thank you so much much madam for such a significantfull program 🙏🙏🙏
One of the most informative podcast I've seen 👍🏻👍🏻
Thank you so much 😊
What an amazing podcast! 😍
Thank you so much for making this Podcast.
Very calm and clear informative podcast discovered. Thank you very much for making and sharing it with us.
One of the most useful videos he gives me hope that taking care about our health is easy and simple as you did too thanks a lot ❤😊
Thank you ! It's very important information video
Wow!!! So informative- love this podcast. Mr. Shivoham has so much knowledge on topic. Thoroughly enjoyed listening to him speak ❤
Hardwork with discipline. Anyone can achieve anything. Baki sab just like beating around the bush
Listen to my advice and see results in 1 month…breakfast eggs with tea or coffee…lunch salad and dinner any meal you like
Thanks Gunjan for the amazing podcast ♥️♥️. I have learnt the whole meaning of workout.. Truly loved the way sir has mentioned all the points 😇
Animal is worst movie but I really like your efforts and training !🖖
Thanks for the valuable advice 🎉
See around one hour and see her body language where she chew her lips 👄😂😂😂 u know what I mean
Very knowledgeable and helpful... Thanks Sir....
Great work mam ❤
1 hafta ho gya ye podcast poora hi nahi ho raha mera aaj poora hi dekhungi 😊😊
This episode shall help v all the Actors and all. The right man for the right work to be interviewed by the Channel
OM SAINN RAM🙏 The Old too need exercise
What a podcast. Loved it. Great job. Kudos 👏
What a fantastic video,fully packed with practical knowledge ,thanks
👍The Best Mentor.... Thanks for this video ang guidence
Thnks for giving us this valuable information 👌
Just loved it. Purely informativr❤
Great information by SHIVOHAAM BHATT Sir. Keep up @Gunjan and bring such more fitness trainer for podcast
I really loved this video!!
Boring and Awesomeness are corelated. The tedious process of anything is boring but the result gives that awesomeness. People are not investing in their patience but the goal. Goal is fine but investing in patience is the key to push that daily hustle.
Best interview on fitness n lot of respect on him.
Thank you mam for this podcast very knowledble.... 🔥👏👏🙌
Most welcome :)
Wow what a podcast yrr I loved it ❤❤
I am a gym lover,,,, very useful video and information....Thank you ❤
Thank you for detail information 👏❤
Wowwwww ❤bhaut helpful podcast and very interesting ❤❤thankuuu so much ❤
I am so glad you found it useful. 😊
Thanks Sir for all this information, and special thanks to gunjan for all the best question
As a Fitness Coach myself, I absolutely loved this podcast. Please bring more such personalities on your podcast. Thank you so much for this amazing one ❤
Nice informational podcast 👌 kon kon instagram reels dekh ke aaya hai is podcast par
Truly helpful thank you so much for the podcast
This podcast is One of the best knowledgeable podcast related to body building i have ever seen !
Informative. People don’t understand that losing weight and losing fat are 2 different things. Body re composition is best
Exactly! Measuring Body fat composition is the most appropriate approach.
How to burn belly fat I'm slim body but belly tell me what he summarize on belly
Loved it ❤❤ enlightened !! Directional !!! Factual !!! Just Awesome 🙌
How positive minded he is
This podcast is actually very interesting ✨️
Expecting next one to be on skincare and nutrition
Directly from TH-cam much needed information ❤
Amazing, podcast! 💎
Extremely Insightful.
Thanks for doing this podcast Gunjan 👍
Very useful informative 😊
Each fitness enthusiast must watch this interview
Pura suna maine . Very good podcast. Being a fitness enthusiast, I expected this more concise and informative with a few more topics . Because 2 hours 12 mins is a big time
He is so well spoken and calm ❤🎉
Thats called providing real value.
Thank you so much for Inviting such a wise person on your show. Which helps many viewers to update there knowledge. Secondly he not only knowledgeable but his wisdom speaks no artificial colors or flavors while speaking. So clamly humbly clearing all myth. I think he is a great Spritual guy reach a point of higher realm. The why he talks. Great journey of a boy of who play role of dj in kal ho na ho movie to fitness coach.
Thanx a lot once again.
Vijay R Kamblle.
Informative video. Best podcast.👏👏👍
Wow, thanks!
Thanks miss gunjan mere basics clear hoogay your a life saver detailed n valuable information....gr8 guy gr8 him again pls
He looks badass and cocky but he is so soft and gentle
excellent podcast... really useful
Amazing episode. I'm afraid I have to disagree with Shivohaam on one point - WOMEN NEED TO TRAIN DIFFERENTLY TO MEN. We need to train according to our menstrual cycle. This has been proven since 2016. I follow this training style at 50 Im stronger than most 25-year-olds.
I get to learn a lot from whatever you do on your podcast, Sir explained it very well, thank you so much❤
Happy to hear that! 😊👍
Great podcast Didi 👍❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Madam's reply 'Yaaah', 'mmh', sounds good❤