Yeah i know right and the weirder thing is that at least according to the edit, Trish only came at her because Lindsey was always insulting her and started shouting at her for voting out her friend.
I love that you started the episode stating that players aren't bad people for quitting Survivor. It really feels like at times that everyone (Probst, production, fellow castaways, quite a few fans of the show) are so overly harsh and judgmental about it when they really have no right to be! It can be pretty infuriating.
@@marichatismynameandladynoi1990 agreed and given the fact they have to be in horrific environment conditions, I’d imagine being wet/hot/cold extremely everyday with no real clothing protection, it’s kind of wild that people DON’T quit.
Yeah but you have to sign up for survivor and everyone knows what survivor is at this point. Think of all the people who would kill to be on survivor, its upsetting see someone take an opportunity from everyone else just to give up
@@collinmurillo5844 And a lot of those people would get out there and not be able to handle being wet and freezing in nasty weather and getting very little sleep on top of no food nearly as well as they think they would. They also cast a lot of people that don't audition normally, and who aren't fans, who really don't know it will be so bad when a production member pushes them to go on the show at the grocery store. You're promised a paid vacation on a tropical beach, they don't mention the typhoons or hurricanes, or how cold it can get. It's not a coincidence that a lot of them are girls that are already slim to start, they have less body fat to survive on and will get extra cold faster, especially compared to bigger and stronger dudes, who have a lot more reserves to keep them going and keep them warm. Especially when they encourage the girls to bring and wear less warm clothing, or straight up not allow it in some cases.
Wait a minute.. they gave EVERYONE normal clothes except for ONE person?! I never saw that season but daaaaamn that's cold (pun intended) don't get me wrong I love the twists.. but I don't like when it feels like the producers are purposely singling people out to ensure that they lose. And like when Jeff will pretty much guide the tribal council into voting for someone. Like he'll purposely bring up all the problems with someone they weren't even planning on voting for and then what do ya know? someone changes their vote and it's a crazy dramatic blindside lmao which is fun but like idk it must suck to be the one getting screwed 🤷
They basically had the same thing they did with Courtney on China where they presumed they would be a first boot and were only cast to sit there and look pretty, but then they actually ended up doing well, but also had absolutely shit circumstances (Courtney's large discomfort with everything Jean Robert was doing with her, and Purple Kelly getting sicker and sicker as the season progressed). It's honestly gross how they didn't step in to help them.
the reason why they gave Purple Kelly barely any clothes was because she was supposed to be eye candy for the show and they were expecting her to be an early boot since she’d never seen the show but she ended up being in the majority alliance
Especially when the reentry challenges were literally the exact same as eoe the season russel hantz tears her apart 4 it on his channel but it makes sense she knew her options & her limits & also knew staying meant 19 days of prolonged suffering just 2 have a spot on the jury & she wasnt ok w/ that so she bowed out
Her ending in WaW kinda solidified her Queen status to me.. she had nothing left to prove, already got her two million and knew she had zero chance of reentry based on how physical the challenges would be. It was smart on her part not enduring the Edge just for screen / persona validation and she just peaced out.
I feel really bad for Osten, he said he had a staph infection, he was a really strong player, and i think if he didn't have staph infections, and didn't lack of clothing, he would've won
He actually had 6 staph infections and yet he still gets tons of hate in the sub, it is extremely messed up, especially coming from lazy asses who probably would’ve quit after an hour in survivor.
Yeah but you have to admit, selling all of your clothes on day 1 is just about the dumbest thing you can possibly do in Survivor. Think about it. You intend to live for 39 days on an island off the coast of Panama during the wet season, and you get rid of the literal only thing you have that protects you from the elements. It's next-level stupid. You can't really blame him for quitting when he did, but you can definitely blame him for the quit in general
@@domskillet5744 His team didn't even spend all the money they got because they thought that they would come back to the village later on, Morgan in its entirely are dumb
I agree that a quit and asking to be voted out is not the same. If you quit, you just walk out, no matter what others think. If you ask to be voted out, you let others decide for you, and if they decide you stay, then you stay.
You're right, but it should be outlawed. Because if a Survivor wants to quit and the other players decide to keep them, it's rarely ever because they still want to give that player a chance or because they still see value in him or her like you are trying to imply. It's usually because it's strategically beneficial to keep someone around whose already checked out of the game and take out an actual threat. Perfect example of this was in Amazon, when Shawna was sick and was practically begging to get voted out, but her alliance kept her to take out Johanna (the strongest member of their tribe) instead. To me, there is something extremely dirty about cheep shotting someone out of the game when they want to be there but have their guard down because they they are under the assumption that they are taking out the player that clearly wants to go.
Probst himself even said she would be an exception to the quitters not being allowed back rule because she had an understandable reason for leaving the game
I love how the Gulliver's Travels people probably paid a lot of money to advertise in that episode, only for it to be the only double quit episode in survive history.
When I found out the reason why Purple Kelly quit in Nicaragua because Jeff and the Survivor production would not allow her to bring warm clothes for the duration of this rainy season, I was pissed off! Honestly, If that happens again, I will NEVER watch Survivor ever again!
Osten had multiple staph infections and apparently wanted to be voted out but when Jeff heard about his thoughts about quitting deciding to walk him through it.
So pretty much Lindsey was like, "Look, I don't want my daughter to have to deal with 'hey, didn't your mom literally beat somebody to death on national television?'", then?
Also, before it comes up, for obvious reasons I'm not covering the Sue quit in All-Stars (or Kathy or Jenna), as those are situations that obviously should not be made light of
No one had any issues with hatch taking off his clothes. The issue was he rubbed himself against her. Literally Sue didn’t complain about it until he did that. Obviously, it was very wrong but him taking his clothes off was not the problem.
I dont want to get lost in the comment section, so just so you know Chase Rice is actually a country music singer now, I know he was writing songs for years and right after survivor i believe, but he is now a pretty popular country singer his biggest song is called "Eyes on you" its not my cup of tea since I dont really like modern country, since the reason I love country music is it is the best storytelling genre and mainly because of the tragic poetic songs like whiskey lullaby or believe by brooks and dunn. But yeah I just wanted to let you know since your such a big survivor fan, and Chase Rice has made it big lol, just not big enough for some survivor fans to know lol unless you were being sarcastic... I hope I didnt write all that out cuz of sarcasm....
I didn’t put this together until now but Chase Rice made an appearance on the Bachelor as a performer for one of the dates that also happened to be the ex of the girl that got taken on that date for added drama. Weird.
@@58twright yep thats exactly what it was but he clearly wanted to make more out of it then what it was & clearly wanted to make it way worse then it actually was in reality
Osten, I don’t tend to feel bad for because he kinda did that to himself selling his own clothes Imo. The whole point of the first Pearl Island challenge is to decide what is valuable to you and how are you planning to get it.
I recently rewatched the Lindsey leaves episode. Trish says she will be respectful towards her but Lindsey antagonizes her to the point where anyone in Trish’s position would fight back it’s funny how in two minutes editing can do a 180 where Lindsey appears petty and childish to appearing wise beyond years and walks away
I think you mean Caleb bankston. The only player named Cliff was a NBA player and he is still alive. Caleb was Colton’s finance and passed away from a railroad accident.
Only 1 person raised their hand at the Palau reunion when asked if they thought Probst "forced" Janu to quit, and it was Coby. And it's never acknowledged. It's hilarious XD
I'll never blame PK for quitting but NaOnka's quit was absolutely stupid and to be selfish enough to not give up your lame reward when you're planning on quitting anyway is ugh. From what I heard Nay was apparently way more tolerable to live with than the edit gave her credit for,, she probably makes F3 that season as well. I also don't really blame the medevac quits like Dana Gary Osten (although this was largely his fault for selling his clothes.) Janu quitting was stupid but Colton's was the worst I've ever seen. He should have never returned based on how vile he was in One World.
It seems bizarre to me the way that quitting seems to be so egregious to production. The show is called Survivor. If everyone who went on could have made it to the end if not for voting, doesn't that kind of undermine the entire premise of the show? I get fans feeling like that slot that could have theoretically been theirs was wasted on someone who couldn't cut it (because in their minds, they totally could), but, why is production so hostile to them? It still makes for good tv.
Ok, but LJ is a really underrated player. Super smart guy who played a solid low profile game as a well-liked provider who managed to work himself into the majority on both pre and post swap Solana.
he just made an impulsive mistake when he played his idol on tony, i don’t know why he thought the votes would go that way after the other side verbalized switching the plan which usually means voting for a smaller threat
Ok - you clearly have not done your reality tv research because Chase Rice was on one of the most recent seasons of the Bachelor as a musical guest/ex boyfriend of a contestant...
What bothers me about Osten is that he had something against Ryan, and he said something along the lines of "I'm build different, Ryan isn't made for this", then a few days later he's begging to be voted off
While the Chase Rice zing was funny, the dude's had three Top 10 country hits, one of which made the Top 40 of the Billboard Hot 100. He's doing all right for himself.
It is understandable the show wants to be harsh on people who quit - they don't want people quitting when they believe they have little to no chance of making it to the end, and are feeling the effects of the harsh conditions.
Osten Volunteered to be voted out that’s not quite the same thing as just up and quitting. Ryan o has said they were going to just vote him out but Jeff wouldn’t let them do it that way
Jeff doesn't have the right to give anyone shit. He doesn't live like any of the survivors. He doesn't know what it's like to go through what they go through. He's pampered throughout the whole show. Personal cooks, his own room, shower, toilet. He's soft, so for him to give people shit blows my mind. I'd beat his ass if he ever tried talking down to me in any way.
Look, there's nothing wrong with quitting the game. It's extremely rough. But to say that asking to be voted out isn't the same thing as quitting is intellectually disingenuous. If you're telling everyone, "Hey, send me home", then you no longer have the drive to continue the game; you have given up at that point. Again, nothing wrong with making that decision... in fact it probably takes a lot to admit defeat in such a public setting.
Jeff used to despise and SHAME quitters super hard. It's fascinating to see how his attitude has changed over time. I agree with you that it's on production & casting, not some internal character flaw of the player.
This may be the first time that I've really disagreed with you - asking to be voted out is the same as quitting. I don't see how it can be called anything else. It's stopping to try to play. A synonym for stop is quit. Asking to be voted out is the "fairer" way to quit but is still a quit.
Idk, i think some of such requests can be bluffs. I had seen in Survivor orgs - a player asks to be voted out, some of the casts votes for that player, while others uses an opportunity of so appeared "easy vote" organize a blindside of a power player. If the cast is competitive - the one who asks to be voted out - very often it guarantees safety for that player...
@@5martis5 Exactly! It's an extremely cheap shot against some unsuspecting player [who still wants to be in the game] when they have their guard down thinking they are voting for someone who wishes to go. If there was ANY strategic ploy in the history of Survivor that I wish would be outlawed, it would be that. From the words of Cirie, "If someone wants to quit, LET EM QUIT!"
I don't see Osten as a real quit, he waited until his tribe was going to tribal council and they voted for him, and they were gonna vote him of that day before Jeff forced him to actually quit
So you know Chase Rice didnt return to the pro race car jackman job Hes a country singer now lol, hes actually on country radio and has been a song writer for a while tbh hes not my cup of tea since I dont like modern pop country since I love tragic poetic story songs in country like whiskey lullaby atleast hes making a career being a pop country music singer and has made it big I guess lol, just not big enough for a huge survivor fan to know hes a country music star now lol
btw this is probably his biggest song called "Eyes on you", once again not my cup of tea since I really dont like modern "boyfriend country" since it doesnt tell a good enough story
I'm 98% sure the "never seen again" comment was a joke precisely because he's probably more well known now through his singing than his Survivor appearance.
So wait wait, @Idoled Out despite all of your reasons for him quitting, OSTEN asked his tribe to be voted out. You keep saying that asking to be voted out is not quitting, in your opinion but, it clearly is quitting. So which is it?
Trish / Tony / Sarah are all so darn insufferable I truly don't blame Lindsay whatsoever. Great season, but god, what insufferable human beings. I feel so bad for Lindsay and Purple Kelly.
I think quitting is both on the person and on production. On one hand production picked badly, on the other hand you put yourself in the position to take the spot away from someone else who would have loved to be there and have a chance at the money. Just knowing that I was given the opportunity ahead of someone else would make me stay there even if I hated it. If you have that little fortitude, you should have never applied and should have gone glamping instead.
Amazon Prime has a good chunk of the seasons. Seasons 1, 3, & 12-28. Apparently Hulu has a good chunk of them, but I'm not sure which ones exactly as Hulu isn't available in Canada and you need an American credit card to even set on account up (thank you VPN for watching it on Amazon Prime.) Dailymotion has quite a few full length episodes on it, you just have to dig a bit (best way is to search survivor season X episode X) and sometimes there's an episode missing in a season. There are some not so legal websites that may or may not involve 1-2-3movies or movies123 in their website address (make sure you have your antivirus software on and I suggest using a VPN for extra protection if you do go on, which I ABSOLUTELY AM NOT recommending you go on *wink wink*) And finally, CBS all access has all the seasons.
For the last time... Raising the sail at Edge DOES NOT COUNT AS A QUIT! You cant quit if you've already been voted off. P. S. Asking to be voted out does. Just sayin.
It really bothered me how Trish literally bullied someone off the show but everyone acts like she's a sweetheart. I've seen plenty of bullies in my life anf tony and trish are both bullies.
Idk I mean.. I get why they didn't just hand over the reward. It doesn't matter how stupid the movie is lol it's probably more about the break and the snacks. I mean it's not rly fair that they gave everyone proper clothes but one girl.. but on the other hand it's gotta be rough for everyone. Also like if you wanna win the money.. better yet if you NEED to win it.. the thought of people quitting probably wouldn't bother you lol
You could really help your video by actually showing more of what happened instead of just telling us what they Jeff said but not actually playing the clip
I hate when people quit. I understand it’s hard but you’ve been chosen over millions of applicants (probably). It seems like cheating somebody out of a chance at a million dollars.
So basically what you're saying is of those millions of applicants who never made it onto the show, absolutely none if them would quit under the right circumstances, and the only people who would quit are those who actually did?
Lindsey’s quit is the most frustrating to me, I wish she would’ve just let the situation blow over or been able to simply ignore Trish.
Right? Like if I left a job every time I had to be around someone I couldn't stand I would never work again.
She was annoying so i was fine with it LMAOOO
@@nectaroftheswans Same Trish was so much better
@@mynameissarah5117 that is the perfect analogy like she left cuz she didn't like a person???
Yeah i know right and the weirder thing is that at least according to the edit, Trish only came at her because Lindsey was always insulting her and started shouting at her for voting out her friend.
Player: I’m leaving due to medical reasons
Idoled Out: That’s weird
I love that you started the episode stating that players aren't bad people for quitting Survivor. It really feels like at times that everyone (Probst, production, fellow castaways, quite a few fans of the show) are so overly harsh and judgmental about it when they really have no right to be! It can be pretty infuriating.
Exactly like these people almost starve to death soo
@@marichatismynameandladynoi1990 agreed and given the fact they have to be in horrific environment conditions, I’d imagine being wet/hot/cold extremely everyday with no real clothing protection, it’s kind of wild that people DON’T quit.
Yeah but you have to sign up for survivor and everyone knows what survivor is at this point. Think of all the people who would kill to be on survivor, its upsetting see someone take an opportunity from everyone else just to give up
@@collinmurillo5844 And a lot of those people would get out there and not be able to handle being wet and freezing in nasty weather and getting very little sleep on top of no food nearly as well as they think they would. They also cast a lot of people that don't audition normally, and who aren't fans, who really don't know it will be so bad when a production member pushes them to go on the show at the grocery store. You're promised a paid vacation on a tropical beach, they don't mention the typhoons or hurricanes, or how cold it can get.
It's not a coincidence that a lot of them are girls that are already slim to start, they have less body fat to survive on and will get extra cold faster, especially compared to bigger and stronger dudes, who have a lot more reserves to keep them going and keep them warm. Especially when they encourage the girls to bring and wear less warm clothing, or straight up not allow it in some cases.
Except for Colton
Purple Kelly is like loch-ness monster, Nobody ever seen her, but everyone knows that she exists :D
Oh my gosh this is so true
She got purpled
@@lephant1254 well said
Colton may be the single worst player and person ever
Yes. Absolutely yes.
Person is a bit of a stretch, but he is no doubt high up on the worst players.
Going on modern day things, Colton is a lot better. He did an AMA on reddit a year ago, if you can I’d check it out
i do feel really bad for him because his fiancé who was in a season with him got hit by a train and killed
when he came on again I was really hoping to see a different side of him. :(
I will die on the hill of purple kelly being wronged by producers. she deserved so much better.
Wait a minute.. they gave EVERYONE normal clothes except for ONE person?! I never saw that season but daaaaamn that's cold (pun intended) don't get me wrong I love the twists.. but I don't like when it feels like the producers are purposely singling people out to ensure that they lose. And like when Jeff will pretty much guide the tribal council into voting for someone. Like he'll purposely bring up all the problems with someone they weren't even planning on voting for and then what do ya know? someone changes their vote and it's a crazy dramatic blindside lmao which is fun but like idk it must suck to be the one getting screwed 🤷
They basically had the same thing they did with Courtney on China where they presumed they would be a first boot and were only cast to sit there and look pretty, but then they actually ended up doing well, but also had absolutely shit circumstances (Courtney's large discomfort with everything Jean Robert was doing with her, and Purple Kelly getting sicker and sicker as the season progressed). It's honestly gross how they didn't step in to help them.
the reason why they gave Purple Kelly barely any clothes was because she was supposed to be eye candy for the show and they were expecting her to be an early boot since she’d never seen the show but she ended up being in the majority alliance
I like Sandras quit in winners at war, she knew her limits and she'd not a physical person and wouldn't make it back from that other island
Especially when the reentry challenges were literally the exact same as eoe the season russel hantz tears her apart 4 it on his channel but it makes sense she knew her options & her limits & also knew staying meant 19 days of prolonged suffering just 2 have a spot on the jury & she wasnt ok w/ that so she bowed out
@@mindovermatterbecomingyour1561 exactly she choose peace
Her ending in WaW kinda solidified her Queen status to me.. she had nothing left to prove, already got her two million and knew she had zero chance of reentry based on how physical the challenges would be. It was smart on her part not enduring the Edge just for screen / persona validation and she just peaced out.
@@rosiellagrace that's so true
Plus, it probably would’ve been fun to have an over two-week long solo vacation after leaving
I feel really bad for Osten, he said he had a staph infection, he was a really strong player, and i think if he didn't have staph infections, and didn't lack of clothing, he would've won
He actually had 6 staph infections and yet he still gets tons of hate in the sub, it is extremely messed up, especially coming from lazy asses who probably would’ve quit after an hour in survivor.
Yeah but you have to admit, selling all of your clothes on day 1 is just about the dumbest thing you can possibly do in Survivor.
Think about it. You intend to live for 39 days on an island off the coast of Panama during the wet season, and you get rid of the literal only thing you have that protects you from the elements. It's next-level stupid. You can't really blame him for quitting when he did, but you can definitely blame him for the quit in general
@@domskillet5744 His team didn't even spend all the money they got because they thought that they would come back to the village later on, Morgan in its entirely are dumb
Osten wasn't going to win that season, be for real
@@smooveayy True, Savage would.
I appreciate you pointing out that quitting isn’t solely a failure of the players. I love your survivor commentary!!
I wasn’t mad at any of the quits except Colton, I got nothing for ya bud. RIP Caleb, you were an incredible young man.
Naonka tho…
I agree that a quit and asking to be voted out is not the same. If you quit, you just walk out, no matter what others think. If you ask to be voted out, you let others decide for you, and if they decide you stay, then you stay.
You're right, but it should be outlawed. Because if a Survivor wants to quit and the other players decide to keep them, it's rarely ever because they still want to give that player a chance or because they still see value in him or her like you are trying to imply. It's usually because it's strategically beneficial to keep someone around whose already checked out of the game and take out an actual threat.
Perfect example of this was in Amazon, when Shawna was sick and was practically begging to get voted out, but her alliance kept her to take out Johanna (the strongest member of their tribe) instead.
To me, there is something extremely dirty about cheep shotting someone out of the game when they want to be there but have their guard down because they they are under the assumption that they are taking out the player that clearly wants to go.
I, personally, don’t consider Jenna Morasco’s quit a quit, I consider it a pull.
Probst himself even said she would be an exception to the quitters not being allowed back rule because she had an understandable reason for leaving the game
Yes 100% she had a gut feeling and she was right her mom literally died 8 days later
@@hayleywoods6981 pretty incredible story but sad at the same time. She said it when she left. She should have never came. A sad moment.
I agree
I love how the Gulliver's Travels people probably paid a lot of money to advertise in that episode, only for it to be the only double quit episode in survive history.
When I found out the reason why Purple Kelly quit in Nicaragua because Jeff and the Survivor production would not allow her to bring warm clothes for the duration of this rainy season, I was pissed off! Honestly, If that happens again, I will NEVER watch Survivor ever again!
There is no "again" with that statement. You are either against or for unethical behaviour.
Osten had multiple staph infections and apparently wanted to be voted out but when Jeff heard about his thoughts about quitting deciding to walk him through it.
He clearly asked the tribe to vote him out and that’s what they were planning to do but then Jeff made a big deal about it
How was Julie not on this she literally quit because she took trail mix from everybody
That and she was missing John Rocker too much. Not exactly a good reason.
also, it wasn't just that lindsey wanted to beat up trish....she had no problem with that, it was she didn't want her daughter to see it
So pretty much Lindsey was like, "Look, I don't want my daughter to have to deal with 'hey, didn't your mom literally beat somebody to death on national television?'", then?
@@SpanishFly120 yup
No, that's a lame cover... Lindsey was clearly obsessed with Cliff and that blind side made her suspiciously salty.
And RIP Cliff Robinson, haven't seen him in many Survivor videos before this one. He was such a likeable guy.
What happened to him ????
@@hommefataltaemin Cancer. He died in 2020 at just 53 years old.
Chase Rice actually has been seen again, he had a country song on the 2019 Year-End Billboard Hot 100, oddly enough.
@@jacoblangguth5125 wait so was idoled out being sarcastic? I really couldn't tell and made sure to comment and reply to him in case he wasn't lol
And it’s as generic bro country as you’d expect
@@justchaos9115 yeah I didn't get the joke either
Idoled out: Osten quit to get a big edit
*Purple Kelly wants to know your location*
Also, before it comes up, for obvious reasons I'm not covering the Sue quit in All-Stars (or Kathy or Jenna), as those are situations that obviously should not be made light of
After doing 8/9 All-Stars stories, I have had to watch the Sue quit so much that I am pretty sure I have that episode memorized. Not fun!
Hatch should've kept his clothes on. Period.
No one had any issues with hatch taking off his clothes. The issue was he rubbed himself against her. Literally Sue didn’t complain about it until he did that. Obviously, it was very wrong but him taking his clothes off was not the problem.
I dont want to get lost in the comment section, so just so you know Chase Rice is actually a country music singer now, I know he was writing songs for years and right after survivor i believe, but he is now a pretty popular country singer his biggest song is called "Eyes on you" its not my cup of tea since I dont really like modern country, since the reason I love country music is it is the best storytelling genre and mainly because of the tragic poetic songs like whiskey lullaby or believe by brooks and dunn.
But yeah I just wanted to let you know since your such a big survivor fan, and Chase Rice has made it big lol, just not big enough for some survivor fans to know lol
unless you were being sarcastic... I hope I didnt write all that out cuz of sarcasm....
@@justchaos9115 it was sarcasm
I love the sarcastic comment on Chase Rice returning to the NASCAR pit crew, even though he is now a famous country singer.
I am weird. That is all.
STOP IT! we love your channel, can’t wait for the Rupert story!
@@markjackson6431 Stop being weird? Idk, my wife tells me I am. It is my cross to bear.
And that's why we love you!
I didn’t put this together until now but Chase Rice made an appearance on the Bachelor as a performer for one of the dates that also happened to be the ex of the girl that got taken on that date for added drama. Weird.
FYI, Chase Rice is now a popular country music singer.
Chase Rice is actually a big country music star and was involved in drama on the last season of the Bachelor!
There are actually articles where Colton talks about it not being appendicitis and apparently just being "gastrointestinal issues"
He said it was a bacterial infection in his stomach
@@58twright yep thats exactly what it was but he clearly wanted to make more out of it then what it was & clearly wanted to make it way worse then it actually was in reality
Osten, I don’t tend to feel bad for because he kinda did that to himself selling his own clothes Imo. The whole point of the first Pearl Island challenge is to decide what is valuable to you and how are you planning to get it.
I recently rewatched the Lindsey leaves episode. Trish says she will be respectful towards her but Lindsey antagonizes her to the point where anyone in Trish’s position would fight back it’s funny how in two minutes editing can do a 180 where Lindsey appears petty and childish to appearing wise beyond years and walks away
RIP Cliff🙏🏽❤
Who is Cliff ?
@@christinabreen4098 he was a player in Cagayan who unfortunately passed away
I think you mean Caleb bankston. The only player named Cliff was a NBA player and he is still alive. Caleb was Colton’s finance and passed away from a railroad accident.
@@christinabreen4098 No, Cliff Robinson from Cagayan unfortuantely passed away recently....
@@johndebate3858 that is so sad. It looks like I’m August
Only 1 person raised their hand at the Palau reunion when asked if they thought Probst "forced" Janu to quit, and it was Coby. And it's never acknowledged. It's hilarious XD
I'll never blame PK for quitting but NaOnka's quit was absolutely stupid and to be selfish enough to not give up your lame reward when you're planning on quitting anyway is ugh. From what I heard Nay was apparently way more tolerable to live with than the edit gave her credit for,, she probably makes F3 that season as well. I also don't really blame the medevac quits like Dana Gary Osten (although this was largely his fault for selling his clothes.) Janu quitting was stupid but Colton's was the worst I've ever seen. He should have never returned based on how vile he was in One World.
It seems bizarre to me the way that quitting seems to be so egregious to production. The show is called Survivor. If everyone who went on could have made it to the end if not for voting, doesn't that kind of undermine the entire premise of the show?
I get fans feeling like that slot that could have theoretically been theirs was wasted on someone who couldn't cut it (because in their minds, they totally could), but, why is production so hostile to them? It still makes for good tv.
I think they don't want to encourage people to go on the show just to quit early so they can go on the vacation
Can you do Sandra's 5 best, and single worst move in Survivor?
Osten has the profile of a Greek statue
Chase Rice came back on the bachelor! He was the “country singer” that gave a concert on a date and the girl on the date was is ex!
Ok, but LJ is a really underrated player. Super smart guy who played a solid low profile game as a well-liked provider who managed to work himself into the majority on both pre and post swap Solana.
Totally agree
he just made an impulsive mistake when he played his idol on tony, i don’t know why he thought the votes would go that way after the other side verbalized switching the plan which usually means voting for a smaller threat
I haaated Lindsey. I was so happy when she quit.
Ok - you clearly have not done your reality tv research because Chase Rice was on one of the most recent seasons of the Bachelor as a musical guest/ex boyfriend of a contestant...
3:09 I didn’t know Chris Underwood played on Palau too what a goat
That’s Palau but yeahhh he played great then too
@@phobiccobra991 oh lol ur right got my Stephanie lagrossa seasons mixed up
What bothers me about Osten is that he had something against Ryan, and he said something along the lines of "I'm build different, Ryan isn't made for this", then a few days later he's begging to be voted off
Gotta watch out for those pesky pelicans 😂 It always drives me nuts when players quit though!
Osten and the Pelican is a true love story
@@OnceUponAnIsland 🤣🤣
While the Chase Rice zing was funny, the dude's had three Top 10 country hits, one of which made the Top 40 of the Billboard Hot 100. He's doing all right for himself.
I just can’t watch this video, I quit...
As I say after finishing the video
I have a feeling this one was inspired by John Rocker’s girlfriend
Very much so 😆
Missed you last week Idoled Out, glad to have you back
You’re welcome
Thanks for making these videos! Excellent!
It is understandable the show wants to be harsh on people who quit - they don't want people quitting when they believe they have little to no chance of making it to the end, and are feeling the effects of the harsh conditions.
Chase has almost 5 million monthly Spotify listeners so there’s that.
Did he just roast Jack Black?! How dare you
Osten Volunteered to be voted out that’s not quite the same thing as just up and quitting. Ryan o has said they were going to just vote him out but Jeff wouldn’t let them do it that way
Jeff doesn't have the right to give anyone shit. He doesn't live like any of the survivors. He doesn't know what it's like to go through what they go through. He's pampered throughout the whole show. Personal cooks, his own room, shower, toilet. He's soft, so for him to give people shit blows my mind. I'd beat his ass if he ever tried talking down to me in any way.
Look, there's nothing wrong with quitting the game. It's extremely rough. But to say that asking to be voted out isn't the same thing as quitting is intellectually disingenuous. If you're telling everyone, "Hey, send me home", then you no longer have the drive to continue the game; you have given up at that point. Again, nothing wrong with making that decision... in fact it probably takes a lot to admit defeat in such a public setting.
Janu was my French teacher in high school 💀
Jeff used to despise and SHAME quitters super hard. It's fascinating to see how his attitude has changed over time. I agree with you that it's on production & casting, not some internal character flaw of the player.
This may be the first time that I've really disagreed with you - asking to be voted out is the same as quitting. I don't see how it can be called anything else. It's stopping to try to play. A synonym for stop is quit. Asking to be voted out is the "fairer" way to quit but is still a quit.
Idk, i think some of such requests can be bluffs. I had seen in Survivor orgs - a player asks to be voted out, some of the casts votes for that player, while others uses an opportunity of so appeared "easy vote" organize a blindside of a power player. If the cast is competitive - the one who asks to be voted out - very often it guarantees safety for that player...
@@5martis5 Exactly! It's an extremely cheap shot against some unsuspecting player [who still wants to be in the game] when they have their guard down thinking they are voting for someone who wishes to go.
If there was ANY strategic ploy in the history of Survivor that I wish would be outlawed, it would be that.
From the words of Cirie, "If someone wants to quit, LET EM QUIT!"
Yes it’s still quitting.
did you guys know that chase rice from nicaragua is a famous country singer?
Side note; chase rice became a popular country music singer with one song that even went number 1
I don't see Osten as a real quit, he waited until his tribe was going to tribal council and they voted for him, and they were gonna vote him of that day before Jeff forced him to actually quit
So you know Chase Rice didnt return to the pro race car jackman job
Hes a country singer now lol, hes actually on country radio and has been a song writer for a while
tbh hes not my cup of tea since I dont like modern pop country since I love tragic poetic story songs in country like whiskey lullaby
atleast hes making a career being a pop country music singer and has made it big I guess lol,
just not big enough for a huge survivor fan to know hes a country music star now lol
btw this is probably his biggest song called "Eyes on you", once again not my cup of tea since I really dont like modern "boyfriend country" since it doesnt tell a good enough story
I'm 98% sure the "never seen again" comment was a joke precisely because he's probably more well known now through his singing than his Survivor appearance.
So wait wait, @Idoled Out despite all of your reasons for him quitting, OSTEN asked his tribe to be voted out. You keep saying that asking to be voted out is not quitting, in your opinion but, it clearly is quitting. So which is it?
they ended up forgoing a vote, he quit at tribal
I'm pretty sure a few months after they were on blood v water Colton's fiance got hit by a train and died
10:53 “Mashing WiFi warriors” do you play fighting games :0?
Only problem with the video is you saying you would pass on a jack black movie. Smh.
7:24 this is the funniest clip ever to me
Lindsey was mature enough to cover up her not being mature. That's so ironic to me. Hope the move went well btw!
I loooovvveeed Janu i was hoping someone just lugged her to the top even though she didn’t want lmao
Chase Rice is a Country singer now. Actually, he’s kind successful.
12:13 why he look so much like KD?
Chase is literally a country music star 🤣🤣
I wouldn’t last on Survivor. I would suffer from dehydration and lack of food.
never realized that was chase rice in nicaragua 😮
Trish / Tony / Sarah are all so darn insufferable I truly don't blame Lindsay whatsoever. Great season, but god, what insufferable human beings. I feel so bad for Lindsay and Purple Kelly.
I haven't watched all the Survivor seasons. I like to watch these videoes to see if I need to watch something.
Chase rice is actually a country singer now and is (sort of) associated with barstool! So not completely never seen of ever again haha
I don't even like the survivor show and yet I can't stop watching these lol
I just watch the episode where Lindsay quits wow
Anything involving Colton is automatically strangest by definition.
I think quitting is both on the person and on production. On one hand production picked badly, on the other hand you put yourself in the position to take the spot away from someone else who would have loved to be there and have a chance at the money. Just knowing that I was given the opportunity ahead of someone else would make me stay there even if I hated it. If you have that little fortitude, you should have never applied and should have gone glamping instead.
Chase rice is famous now
Where do i watch the show ? It's been so long since i've seen it on tv and i'm wondering where could i watch it
Netflix has season 28 (probably the best played season of Survivor history IMO) onwards
@@andyh5102 no it only has 28 and 20
Hulu has 1-34
Amazon Prime has a good chunk of the seasons. Seasons 1, 3, & 12-28. Apparently Hulu has a good chunk of them, but I'm not sure which ones exactly as Hulu isn't available in Canada and you need an American credit card to even set on account up (thank you VPN for watching it on Amazon Prime.) Dailymotion has quite a few full length episodes on it, you just have to dig a bit (best way is to search survivor season X episode X) and sometimes there's an episode missing in a season. There are some not so legal websites that may or may not involve 1-2-3movies or movies123 in their website address (make sure you have your antivirus software on and I suggest using a VPN for extra protection if you do go on, which I ABSOLUTELY AM NOT recommending you go on *wink wink*) And finally, CBS all access has all the seasons.
I guess asking to be voted out isn’t technically quitting but it’s definitely giving up
I think Lindsey left because Cliff Robinson got voted off
When he says Chase will never be seen again and Chase is now a successful country artist worth at least solid few million dollars 🤣
I have a question. How do you get the clips and and the footage that you are talking over? Do you screen record?
For the last time...
Raising the sail at Edge DOES NOT COUNT AS A QUIT! You cant quit if you've already been voted off.
P. S. Asking to be voted out does.
Just sayin.
I think it does because on EoE your not eliminated yet
@@Progamer-iv7tv i agree because theres a chance to get back in the game...quitting eliminates that chance
@@apecentury228 Not if you have no chance of winning the challenge and you know it.
It really bothered me how Trish literally bullied someone off the show but everyone acts like she's a sweetheart. I've seen plenty of bullies in my life anf tony and trish are both bullies.
Chase rice is actually a very successful singer
Idk I mean.. I get why they didn't just hand over the reward. It doesn't matter how stupid the movie is lol it's probably more about the break and the snacks. I mean it's not rly fair that they gave everyone proper clothes but one girl.. but on the other hand it's gotta be rough for everyone. Also like if you wanna win the money.. better yet if you NEED to win it.. the thought of people quitting probably wouldn't bother you lol
You could really help your video by actually showing more of what happened instead of just telling us what they Jeff said but not actually playing the clip
You're kidding about chase never being seen again, right? 😜😂
Sandra is in no way a quitter
I don’t know if it just me buuuuut I feel like idoled out is a little bias for Sandra, I may be wrong tho 😜😜😂🤣🤣🤣
Chase Rice is a country single lol
You do know chase rice is like one of the most famous country singers right? 😂
Rip Colton.
I hate when people quit. I understand it’s hard but you’ve been chosen over millions of applicants (probably). It seems like cheating somebody out of a chance at a million dollars.
So basically what you're saying is of those millions of applicants who never made it onto the show, absolutely none if them would quit under the right circumstances, and the only people who would quit are those who actually did?
You can hate the action, but it doesn't make them less of a person.
No Julie McGee?
Glad you're back!
Hope your move went well.
Thank you much! It did!
@@IdoledOut Did Rupert build your new home?
@@OnceUponAnIsland nah maybe it was Boston Rob!
@@OnceUponAnIsland 🤣🤣 That's hilarious.