Protip: when making modifier macros, instead of creating another line and copy of "/use ", you can save space by adding a ; after the spell you're using. Eg. "/use [mod:shift] Devour Magic; Spell Lock" will give your warlock its interrupt on a normal push, but remove a magic effect from your target on a shift-push. ^_^
One of my gnome priests (I, er, have a few) yells "YAAAAAARGH!" every time he uses Psychic Scream. Another says "Bless your little cotton socks!" when she heals people. I also have Hunter's Mark and /petattack macroed together on my hunters. Those mouseover macros, though, thank you! A lot of my toons are going to be using those.
This is one of my favorite macros for mount summoning. I got a few favorite mounts I use, but sometimes I need to use a specific mount (for vendor/repairs, taxiing my friend, or if I'm underwater). /cast [mod:shift, mod:ctrl] Brinedeep Bottom-Feeder /cast [mod:alt] Sandstone Drake /cast [mod:ctrl] Grand Expedition Yak /cast [mod:shift] Sky Golem /run if SecureCmdOptionParse"[nomod]"then C_MountJournal.SummonByID(0)end Hold down Shift and Ctrl, it'll summon my Brinedeep Bottom-Feeder Alt... Sandstone Drake Ctrl... Grand Expedition Yak Shirt... Sky Golem If no mods are used, it'll summon a random mount that you have favorited. Press it a 2nd time and it'll dismount you. (Any suggestions to improve it are welcome)
You could change out the first part with [swimming] instead of modifiers, not sure how it will handle with the nomod part, but that is what I use for mounting so it changes if you are in water.
I did this in MoP, and then didn't play my DK much, if at all during WoD or Legion and forgot about it only for it to show up in some BfA stuff, needless to say I was... less than impressed with myself
Similarly with resto Druid; my cat skills have mouse over heals bound so I can instacast heals without pressing any form buttons. No matter what form I’m in mouseover 2 does rejuv, etc.
My friends and I would get together on Saturday to run dungeons. One night I left my laptop unattended and one of my friends changed all my buttons to yell something every time I pressed them. They thought it was hilarious. I thought so later.
Back in Cataclysm, before I took a rest from WoW for roller derby, I had a couple of macros on my mage to let the my guild know what I was doing. There was “Expelliarmous, err, no.... ungulate!” hooked in to polymorph, and “Let’s do the time warp again...” on, well time warp.
I imagine some are going to say that this all super basic. But as someone that never really messed with macros, I really appreciate this guide. Thank you.
That's a very complete guide :D only thing I can think of is that you can add /use 1 to 14 to activate on use effects from your gear since they are usually off the GCD. 13 and 14 ar the trinckets and those are the ones you'll use the most.
So well put together! The editing on this is fantastic and as always your videos are both very informative and very fun at the same time. Thanks for sharing your awesomeness.
/castsequence macros can be really useful for spells that are always cast in a sequence. I.e. for a spriest’s searing nightmare something like /castsequence reset=3 Mind Sear, Searing Nightmare, Searing Nightmare Will make a single button that can be pressed three times and will, in sequence, cast searing nightmare while channeling mind sear (which is the only time it ever gets pressed).
Excellent video, I never knew there were so many different in-game options to using the macros with shift or mouse over options, I thought people used add-ons for these actions. Really helps better Management.
Hey Hazel, Just want to let you know - the Target Markers are actually available in Keybinds, and we no longer need to have macros for easy 1 press marking! Great video! I had totally forgotten about mod!
I'm a hunter sooo /cast Disengage /use Prismatic Bauble /yell YEET Everyone loves a good rainbow YEET. Combo with the posthaste talent and we get the same fastrunning rainbows Hazel mentioned. :) Go forth and YEET, fellow hunters!
There is a Wowhead Link add on you can use where you can press Ctrl+C when you are moused over items, mobs, npc, and quests and a Window will pop up with a link to the Wowhead page for that selection. It has the URL visible so you could grab the IDs of items that way without leaving the game.
You can also keybind mob markers using the default wow options. I bound them to 0...9 on the number block which is really nice. 0 is the skull, rest just in order and marking goes really fast with this :)
I use macros a lot, and often found my macros to be too long for standard /m, but there is an addon for that. M6 is the name of the addon, lets you write nice long complex macros, and also the macros are shared between toons so you can write it once for one toon, and use it on alts as well. Especially handy for my mount macros. I have 1 button mounting with mod: for different type of mounts, like flappy where I can fly, swimmy in water, passenger mount for when I need to carry someone etc.
MIDDLE MOUSE BUTTON NOT WORKING FIX: For anyone using the middle mouse button for macroes, apparently WoWs UI is buggy and have issues with mouse over on raid frames if you use the middle mouse button. But here is how to fix it... 🙂 1. Re-bind your "middle mouse button" to a regular key, using a software like Razer Synapse or ICUE, you know... depending on your type of mouse. 2. Use the "Clique" addon for your middle mouse macroes, instead of making a regular macro. Hope this helped 🙂
I once made a macro called "Panic Button" which I would mash repeatedly. It had a series of casts like Unending Resolve (shield), Healthstone, Health Potion, Bandage, /healme,
As a druid I have a travel macro that picks either a form or a mount depending on my situation. I also have a combat macro to shift to the appropriate form depending on my spec. I also have a RUN macro that either pops Dash or whatever form is fastest for my environment.
Warlock: 1. pet attack and opener macroed together, so my pet will attack whoever I recently cast immolate. Knowing this, you can control your pet easier even when you cancel the cast. Also, pet will start attacking at the start of the cast rather than then end of the cast. 2. "G" for me is life drain, Shift G is health funnel 3. Rclick to place demonic portal. That way place demonic port, and port to demonic portal are no longer two buttons. also, there is a console command to prevent the "item not ready" spam when you macro toys to spells (as you should).
Yep, I had every single spell macro'ed to change out my gear for optimal results. Had the full set of elemental staves for BLM, had Convert / Cure IV for RDM, etc... everything. Then I started WoW and went, "Man, this is way easier..!" and promptly forgot that I could even do fancy things like this.
you can check your garrison progress anywhere with "/script ShowGarrisonLandingPage(2)" you can also bind a button in the keybinds menu if you want a permanent button for it ^^ its useful for garrison goldmaking and such :3
GSE and Macro Toolkit are both great add-ons for macro creation. Personally I've always used both since gse allows me to make 1 button macros and the tool kit helps me figure out the commands as well as shorten them or extend the macro characters.
a good one for druids, if indoors or in combat casts cat form, if outdoors/not in combat cast travel form one button for your fastest form available /cancelform /use [indoors] Cat Form(Shapeshift); [combat] Cat Form; Travel Form(Shapeshift)
something that completely changed healers for me and allowed me to save soo much bar space is Help;harm macros. basically if you have say flash heal on 1 you can also have crusader strike on 1. this allows you to target and enemy and use crusader strike but if you mousover a friendly target or nameplate it will instead flash heal them. so while healing you are targeting enemy's and dpsing in all free time with the same binds you use to heal while mousing over. having one bind for every dps ability with a heal attached to it makes healer bars way more manageable
Even more fun is when I learned how to combine the mouseover and decluttered my mod keys with a help/harm macro. SOmehow in one group I was actually NOT the worst DPS in a dungeon because of this... on a HPreist.
I know this is a very informative video on macros and stuff, but the biggest takeaway for me is macroing in my nongcd toys with abilities. Gonna have to adopt that one haha
As a hunter main I have macro for almost all of my abilities, the same for my healer alts and vengeance DH, still I learned (or was reminded about) some useful stuff, that I might use. Thanks.
Good macros. I was surprised that you didn't have any @targettarget macro. Great for stuff like intervene/pain supp or external cds when you are too lazy or don't have enough time to moseover.
I macro my little "Dolly and Dot are my best friends" record player to battle shout to much "who TF keeps using that!?" from my guild. The green/fel hot potato orb is macro'd with Recklessness as well as my slide whistle xD
There's a key I periodically hit when I think I'm hitting a button to cast, and I can't figure out why it's not doing anything. I mapped a macro for /Roar onto that so my toon roars when I hit that (wrong) button. It quickly tells me I need to move my fingers back onto the correct keys
I had that yell macro on my boomkin, and everytime I cast starsurge I yelled something like "BOOM in da face" until someone yelled back to me "Yell that crap one more time and I report you!" x) After that I changed my macro to activate yell only somewhat 5% of the time.
Not a druid but I have the /moo emote macroed into taunt abilities on all of my tauren characters, which is super fun as the bovine races will actually moo out loud rather than just text.
In classic I use /tm8 or /tm 8 to skull mark dangerous mobs, or mobs outside my line of sight. Good for warning group of patrol, keeping track of danger like Mor'Ladim in the Raven Hill Cemetary in Duskwood :P
@@apollo3656 Yeah, welcome to cancel-culture, where you go twitter to discredit someone infront of the mob, instead of talking to police and having to actually explain yourself. Asmon got it right, when he said: Swifty can only hope that his reputation as a good person pulls him through, since neither side can prove anything anyway.
I think the most useful macro I have in retail is one that shifts me straight from druid form to Gilnean human if I'm in a form, but otherwise just acts like "Curse of Two Forms." And of course, all of my Classic characters' abilities are macro'd with /dismount /stand, so that I don't get those error messages about not casting while sitting.
It's worth noting that the target raid markers can be keybound from the system settings, no need for a macro. I use number pad 0 and . for Skull and X, and 123etc for the rest.
I'd add cancel macros like macros that stop abilities usually linked to interupts. Instantly stops a cast to use interupt. The flipside is no cancel macros. On my marks every button is a no cancel macro to stop me spamming and prematurely ending rapid fire.
Good ideas: for my fellow demon hunters, have an @player and @cursor macro+bind for Meta (Havoc) and Infernal Strike and your sigils (Vengeance). And you can use Raeli's Spell Announcer to only have successful casts/uses make announces, as well as control where/when you'll do the emote :)
I have macros on basically all of my healing spells xD all of them are mouseover macros xD I also use target-target macros for my DPS spells, so that I attack teh target of my target
@@Megogoat12 These macros also check for harm first, so when I target an enemy, my spell is directly casted on them. But when I target a tank or a DPS I target that players target, if it's hostile.
I use the heal macros as well. Seems like it would help new players out a lot if this was default on all healing spells. Or, an in game optional tutorial.
/console targetNearestDistance 20.000000 /targetenemy [noharm][dead] /cast [harm,nodead] Sap /cast Pick Pocket /console targetNearestDistance 41.000000 /cleartarget this one uses Sap and Picpocket on the nearest viable target in range. Just stealth through a dungeon or Zone full of enemies and spam this, and enjoy the loot.
I use /script PlaySound in a macro with /cast and it is real fun. You can pick sounds from the game in wowhead, add their ID and the game plays them when you use the macro.
QUESTION! 🗡 I tried doing the" find " one, but when I try to use it says, " Running scripts could compromise your character causing the loss of items or gold." What do I do? I don't see typos. Is it safe to proceed?
One of the most useful macros you will use is /cast [mod: ctrl] Sandstone Drake; Grand Expedition Yak. Summons your repair mount at base and then with a mod key your sandstone. Save so much time
You don't need an addon to announce rares (or anything you target) in general chat for assaults. This gives the name of the mob, health % and coords in general chat. If general chat is not /1 for you, change the 1 at the very end. Many people know about this one, but for those who don't: /run local m=C_Map.GetPlayerMapPosition(C_Map.GetBestMapForUnit("player"),"player")SendChatMessage(format("%s (%d%%) at %.1f, %.1f",UnitName("target"),UnitHealth("target")/UnitHealthMax("target")*100,m.x*100,m.y*100),"CHANNEL",nil,1) I use this one on healers, just don't use it with Penance, since that can target both friendly and enemy. It will priority cast (friendly or enemy for each) on mouseover, mouseover's target, target, then target of target. So you can target the boss and heal the tank, or target the tank and damage the boss. Basically if you have a target or mouseover target, your spell will go off on something. Holding ALT will cast on yourself. Change SPELLNAME to your ability name. Heals spells: /cast [nomodifier:alt,target=mouseover,nodead,help][nomodifier:alt,help,nodead][nomodifier:alt,target=targettarget,nodead,help][nomodifier:alt,target=player][modifier:alt,target=player] SPELLNAME Damage spells: /cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [@mouseovertarget,harm,nodead][@targettarget,harm,nodead] [] SPELLNAME
For every and i mean EVERY hunter out there in pve or pvp. /showtooltip (kill command, serpent shot, barbed shot) /cast (any of those) /pet attack It keeps your pet on your target at all times
I’ve been playing WoW since I was three years old and I still barely know what a macro is and have yet to have a max level character…I really need to step up my game.
Typing /macro in a macro, you can create a macro to open the macro window
big brain time
A friend of mine macro`d "/roar" into every single one of his Prot Paladin buttons... he got kicked from his M+ Group :D
ive run with a few players who have done something similar.
we also kicked them
i had friend macro his orc to /whoa on every spell, granting us the pleasure of "THRALLS BALLS!" every 2 seconds
@@Awesomeamh99 that is actually big brain play
I played with IGN scyther, he kept saying syther!!!! Hahaha
...watched this incase I had missed a trick with wow macro's - and there it was - Rainbows!
Protip: when making modifier macros, instead of creating another line and copy of "/use ", you can save space by adding a ; after the spell you're using.
Eg. "/use [mod:shift] Devour Magic; Spell Lock" will give your warlock its interrupt on a normal push, but remove a magic effect from your target on a shift-push. ^_^
Basically, this will execute the first spell/item in that line where the conditionals in the brackets fit.
Like your "I'm Hazel" macro, I created one for my Worgen warrior that would yell, "Squirrel!" every time I Heroic Leaped at something.
How bro I cant even use macros correctly I suck so bad at them
One of my gnome priests (I, er, have a few) yells "YAAAAAARGH!" every time he uses Psychic Scream. Another says "Bless your little cotton socks!" when she heals people. I also have Hunter's Mark and /petattack macroed together on my hunters. Those mouseover macros, though, thank you! A lot of my toons are going to be using those.
This is one of my favorite macros for mount summoning. I got a few favorite mounts I use, but sometimes I need to use a specific mount (for vendor/repairs, taxiing my friend, or if I'm underwater).
/cast [mod:shift, mod:ctrl] Brinedeep Bottom-Feeder
/cast [mod:alt] Sandstone Drake
/cast [mod:ctrl] Grand Expedition Yak
/cast [mod:shift] Sky Golem
/run if SecureCmdOptionParse"[nomod]"then C_MountJournal.SummonByID(0)end
Hold down Shift and Ctrl, it'll summon my Brinedeep Bottom-Feeder
Alt... Sandstone Drake
Ctrl... Grand Expedition Yak
Shirt... Sky Golem
If no mods are used, it'll summon a random mount that you have favorited. Press it a 2nd time and it'll dismount you.
(Any suggestions to improve it are welcome)
You could change out the first part with [swimming] instead of modifiers, not sure how it will handle with the nomod part, but that is what I use for mounting so it changes if you are in water.
That is awesome thank you I can't wait to try this ❤️👍🏻🙏🏼
I died laughing seeing that and then laughed even harder that others found it just as funny and posted it!
Been playing for 15 years, the @cursor and @player are going to make life better! Always learning!
Tell me we all remember every Death Knight macro'd "get over here" with Death Grip?
Doing that on my priest :v
I definitely did this. No shame
I did this in MoP, and then didn't play my DK much, if at all during WoD or Legion and forgot about it only for it to show up in some BfA stuff, needless to say I was... less than impressed with myself
My hunter pet call said "____ I choose you". Barrage now says "say hello to my little friend"
I absolutely love help/harm macros on my healers for M+
combine it with mouseover so I can target enemies to dps and just hover allies to heal.
Similarly with resto Druid; my cat skills have mouse over heals bound so I can instacast heals without pressing any form buttons. No matter what form I’m in mouseover 2 does rejuv, etc.
My friends and I would get together on Saturday to run dungeons. One night I left my laptop unattended and one of my friends changed all my buttons to yell something every time I pressed them. They thought it was hilarious. I thought so later.
Hazel, of all the macro videos I looked at, yours was the most clear. Thanks.
Back in Cataclysm, before I took a rest from WoW for roller derby, I had a couple of macros on my mage to let the my guild know what I was doing. There was “Expelliarmous, err, no.... ungulate!” hooked in to polymorph, and “Let’s do the time warp again...” on, well time warp.
I imagine some are going to say that this all super basic. But as someone that never really messed with macros, I really appreciate this guide. Thank you.
I used to use addons for healing but switched to mouseover macros during Legion and i find it soooooo much easier. Definitely worth it.
Thanks Hazel, extremely useful!
That's a very complete guide :D only thing I can think of is that you can add /use 1 to 14 to activate on use effects from your gear since they are usually off the GCD. 13 and 14 ar the trinckets and those are the ones you'll use the most.
So well put together! The editing on this is fantastic and as always your videos are both very informative and very fun at the same time. Thanks for sharing your awesomeness.
My favourite flavor macro is "An illusion? WHAT ARE YOU HIDING?" in my NB's racial :)
/castsequence macros can be really useful for spells that are always cast in a sequence. I.e. for a spriest’s searing nightmare something like
/castsequence reset=3 Mind Sear, Searing Nightmare, Searing Nightmare
Will make a single button that can be pressed three times and will, in sequence, cast searing nightmare while channeling mind sear (which is the only time it ever gets pressed).
you changed my life with toy macos! mind blown! Thank you for your work, so great!
Thanks for putting the macro script in your description! Thanks Hazel!
HOLY SHIT, this disenchant macro will change my life. I love you Hazel
Excellent video, I never knew there were so many different in-game options to using the macros with shift or mouse over options, I thought people used add-ons for these actions. Really helps better Management.
Good video. There are macros also to use your generic trinkets Which can be:
/use [bag slot number for the trinket, can be 11 or 12]
/use 11
very helpful if you have the on-use-trinket always on the same spot. or you just start to do so when you start using the macro :)
Did not know half of these. So helpful. 👌🏻
Thanks for sharing these and have a wonderful, wonderful day.
OH MY. I did not know about @player, you just made my day! That feather will finally see some decent use!
Hey Hazel, Just want to let you know - the Target Markers are actually available in Keybinds, and we no longer need to have macros for easy 1 press marking! Great video! I had totally forgotten about mod!
I'm a hunter sooo
/cast Disengage
/use Prismatic Bauble
/yell YEET
Everyone loves a good rainbow YEET. Combo with the posthaste talent and we get the same fastrunning rainbows Hazel mentioned. :) Go forth and YEET, fellow hunters!
Was waiting for the squirrel at the end to get a "HI, I'M HAZEL" to the face.
There is a Wowhead Link add on you can use where you can press Ctrl+C when you are moused over items, mobs, npc, and quests and a Window will pop up with a link to the Wowhead page for that selection. It has the URL visible so you could grab the IDs of items that way without leaving the game.
You can also keybind mob markers using the default wow options. I bound them to 0...9 on the number block which is really nice. 0 is the skull, rest just in order and marking goes really fast with this :)
I use macros a lot, and often found my macros to be too long for standard /m, but there is an addon for that. M6 is the name of the addon, lets you write nice long complex macros, and also the macros are shared between toons so you can write it once for one toon, and use it on alts as well. Especially handy for my mount macros. I have 1 button mounting with mod: for different type of mounts, like flappy where I can fly, swimmy in water, passenger mount for when I need to carry someone etc.
Thank you! These will come in handy when I go back to playing WoW at some point.
Thank you for this video, I just recently discovered your channel and I love your content and tips! Keep them coming :D
For anyone using the middle mouse button for macroes, apparently WoWs UI is buggy and have issues with mouse over on raid frames if you use the middle mouse button. But here is how to fix it... 🙂
Re-bind your "middle mouse button" to a regular key, using a software like Razer Synapse or ICUE, you know... depending on your type of mouse.
Use the "Clique" addon for your middle mouse macroes, instead of making a regular macro.
Hope this helped 🙂
I once made a macro called "Panic Button" which I would mash repeatedly. It had a series of casts like Unending Resolve (shield), Healthstone, Health Potion, Bandage, /healme,
The shiftmod macro that one was really nice. With alt and ctrl modifications, I'm basically down to 6 keys on my warrior.
As a druid I have a travel macro that picks either a form or a mount depending on my situation. I also have a combat macro to shift to the appropriate form depending on my spec. I also have a RUN macro that either pops Dash or whatever form is fastest for my environment.
Hazel is a WoW goddess lol These are amazing.
1. pet attack and opener macroed together, so my pet will attack whoever I recently cast immolate. Knowing this, you can control your pet easier even when you cancel the cast. Also, pet will start attacking at the start of the cast rather than then end of the cast.
2. "G" for me is life drain, Shift G is health funnel
3. Rclick to place demonic portal. That way place demonic port, and port to demonic portal are no longer two buttons.
also, there is a console command to prevent the "item not ready" spam when you macro toys to spells (as you should).
OMG, Hazel! The priest Angelic Feather macro is a Godsend! Thank youuu.uuu..uuuu..(crying)
First time I used macro's was FFXI. Never went back. Played ten more mmo's and just button smashed what I needed.
Yep, I had every single spell macro'ed to change out my gear for optimal results. Had the full set of elemental staves for BLM, had Convert / Cure IV for RDM, etc... everything. Then I started WoW and went, "Man, this is way easier..!" and promptly forgot that I could even do fancy things like this.
you can check your garrison progress anywhere with "/script ShowGarrisonLandingPage(2)" you can also bind a button in the keybinds menu if you want a permanent button for it ^^
its useful for garrison goldmaking and such :3
GSE and Macro Toolkit are both great add-ons for macro creation. Personally I've always used both since gse allows me to make 1 button macros and the tool kit helps me figure out the commands as well as shorten them or extend the macro characters.
a good one for druids, if indoors or in combat casts cat form, if outdoors/not in combat cast travel form
one button for your fastest form available
/use [indoors] Cat Form(Shapeshift); [combat] Cat Form; Travel Form(Shapeshift)
something that completely changed healers for me and allowed me to save soo much bar space is Help;harm macros. basically if you have say flash heal on 1 you can also have crusader strike on 1. this allows you to target and enemy and use crusader strike but if you mousover a friendly target or nameplate it will instead flash heal them. so while healing you are targeting enemy's and dpsing in all free time with the same binds you use to heal while mousing over. having one bind for every dps ability with a heal attached to it makes healer bars way more manageable
Even more fun is when I learned how to combine the mouseover and decluttered my mod keys with a help/harm macro. SOmehow in one group I was actually NOT the worst DPS in a dungeon because of this... on a HPreist.
I know this is a very informative video on macros and stuff, but the biggest takeaway for me is macroing in my nongcd toys with abilities. Gonna have to adopt that one haha
As a hunter main I have macro for almost all of my abilities, the same for my healer alts and vengeance DH, still I learned (or was reminded about) some useful stuff, that I might use. Thanks.
@cursor macros for classes with ground targeted spells are a life saver, specially on Hunter.
Gnome Sequencer Enhanced for that one button love, next level wowlazymacros.
Good macros. I was surprised that you didn't have any @targettarget macro. Great for stuff like intervene/pain supp or external cds when you are too lazy or don't have enough time to moseover.
I macro my little "Dolly and Dot are my best friends" record player to battle shout to much "who TF keeps using that!?" from my guild. The green/fel hot potato orb is macro'd with Recklessness as well as my slide whistle xD
I came to say the same! I made a macro to pop Meera's Jukebox whenever I use my hearthstone, and my life was forever changed for the better!
OMG... would you please share those? LMAO... My wife would love those!
You can have boss quotes and sounds play with your macros
It's quite fun hearing
There's a key I periodically hit when I think I'm hitting a button to cast, and I can't figure out why it's not doing anything. I mapped a macro for /Roar onto that so my toon roars when I hit that (wrong) button. It quickly tells me I need to move my fingers back onto the correct keys
I had that yell macro on my boomkin, and everytime I cast starsurge I yelled something like "BOOM in da face" until someone yelled back to me "Yell that crap one more time and I report you!" x) After that I changed my macro to activate yell only somewhat 5% of the time.
xD i have a "meow* on my feral
Not a druid but I have the /moo emote macroed into taunt abilities on all of my tauren characters, which is super fun as the bovine races will actually moo out loud rather than just text.
In classic I use /tm8 or /tm 8 to skull mark dangerous mobs, or mobs outside my line of sight. Good for warning group of patrol, keeping track of danger like Mor'Ladim in the Raven Hill Cemetary in Duskwood :P
Help/Harm Macros saved my Action Bars
"The Swifty macro"
Me: pulls collar
Yeah not great timing for that reference....
Well shit..
@@GooseComics whats wrong with Swifty?
Yeah, welcome to cancel-culture,
where you go twitter to discredit someone infront of the mob,
instead of talking to police and having to actually explain yourself.
Asmon got it right, when he said:
Swifty can only hope that his reputation as a good person pulls him through,
since neither side can prove anything anyway.
I was looking for disenchant macro. Thanks :)
I think the most useful macro I have in retail is one that shifts me straight from druid form to Gilnean human if I'm in a form, but otherwise just acts like "Curse of Two Forms." And of course, all of my Classic characters' abilities are macro'd with /dismount /stand, so that I don't get those error messages about not casting while sitting.
It's worth noting that the target raid markers can be keybound from the system settings, no need for a macro. I use number pad 0 and . for Skull and X, and 123etc for the rest.
I have a freind who's demo lock yells Rick and Morty punch lines when he casts certain spells and it's the best thing
Grass, tastes bad!
I'm demo lock main, does he have a video of it? That's hilarious. Probably when he hits tyrant
@@goaliedude32 He does not sorry
Your the best person to watch for my "newbish" ass lol 😂 plus, it's nice to see a fellow female WOW player in general 🙂
/startattack is a must-have for me on any melee class I play.
Really a must-have for classic
Also, spell names have to be written in your clients language. English spells won't work with a german client etc.
I'd add cancel macros like macros that stop abilities usually linked to interupts. Instantly stops a cast to use interupt. The flipside is no cancel macros. On my marks every button is a no cancel macro to stop me spamming and prematurely ending rapid fire.
I had "Your mother smells of elderberries" on a taunt when someone told me it wasn't working properly.
I literally have Arthritis in my clicker finger 😭I wish I was this year's ago but., Thank you 😊
Good ideas: for my fellow demon hunters, have an @player and @cursor macro+bind for Meta (Havoc) and Infernal Strike and your sigils (Vengeance).
And you can use Raeli's Spell Announcer to only have successful casts/uses make announces, as well as control where/when you'll do the emote :)
I have macros on basically all of my healing spells xD
all of them are mouseover macros xD
I also use target-target macros for my DPS spells, so that I attack teh target of my target
That's brilliant
@@Megogoat12 These macros also check for harm first, so when I target an enemy, my spell is directly casted on them.
But when I target a tank or a DPS I target that players target, if it's hostile.
I agree-- that's brilliant! Would you mind sharing one so we can see how it's formatted and utilize it?
I use the heal macros as well. Seems like it would help new players out a lot if this was default on all healing spells. Or, an in game optional tutorial.
Very helpful, thanks!
You are Awesome, this is what i need.
/console targetNearestDistance 20.000000
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [harm,nodead] Sap
/cast Pick Pocket
/console targetNearestDistance 41.000000
this one uses Sap and Picpocket on the nearest viable target in range. Just stealth through a dungeon or Zone full of enemies and spam this, and enjoy the loot.
I use /script PlaySound in a macro with /cast and it is real fun. You can pick sounds from the game in wowhead, add their ID and the game plays them when you use the macro.
I always mimic your voice lol best intro.
Thanks, this has been very helpful.
QUESTION! 🗡 I tried doing the" find " one, but when I try to use it says, " Running scripts could compromise your character causing the loss of items or gold." What do I do? I don't see typos. Is it safe to proceed?
/cwm plus the appropriate number will also clear the world marker.
Appreciated for the macros in the descrption
Hey Hazel, great video as always, but what about Help/Harm macros with mouseover for the helpful spells? They're game-changing for healers!
you can just keybind the raidmarkers, there are specific hotkeys for them since wrath or cata - i use NUM 0-9 for that :)
The specific hotkeys are even older.
I use space + shift for skull since BC.
This is so useful, thank you so much!
One of the most useful macros you will use is /cast [mod: ctrl] Sandstone Drake; Grand Expedition Yak. Summons your repair mount at base and then with a mod key your sandstone. Save so much time
You don't need an addon to announce rares (or anything you target) in general chat for assaults. This gives the name of the mob, health % and coords in general chat. If general chat is not /1 for you, change the 1 at the very end. Many people know about this one, but for those who don't:
/run local m=C_Map.GetPlayerMapPosition(C_Map.GetBestMapForUnit("player"),"player")SendChatMessage(format("%s (%d%%) at %.1f, %.1f",UnitName("target"),UnitHealth("target")/UnitHealthMax("target")*100,m.x*100,m.y*100),"CHANNEL",nil,1)
I use this one on healers, just don't use it with Penance, since that can target both friendly and enemy. It will priority cast (friendly or enemy for each) on mouseover, mouseover's target, target, then target of target. So you can target the boss and heal the tank, or target the tank and damage the boss. Basically if you have a target or mouseover target, your spell will go off on something. Holding ALT will cast on yourself. Change SPELLNAME to your ability name.
Heals spells:
/cast [nomodifier:alt,target=mouseover,nodead,help][nomodifier:alt,help,nodead][nomodifier:alt,target=targettarget,nodead,help][nomodifier:alt,target=player][modifier:alt,target=player] SPELLNAME
Damage spells:
/cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [@mouseovertarget,harm,nodead][@targettarget,harm,nodead] [] SPELLNAME
For every and i mean EVERY hunter out there in pve or pvp.
/showtooltip (kill command, serpent shot, barbed shot)
/cast (any of those)
/pet attack
It keeps your pet on your target at all times
I’ve been playing WoW since I was three years old and I still barely know what a macro is and have yet to have a max level character…I really need to step up my game.
I have my number pad set to the raid markers. Easy to quick assign multiple mobs with while tanking.
How can i do to make a mouse over + shift mod in the same macro? I tried to do it but i can't make it work
these are awesome! thank you for the vid
I used a "I got no mana" makro in classic. Healer things ^^
That DE macro is nice. U...R...AWESOME. Tyvm. Kay
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I do like where the Tank uses the Skull macro.
More more more like this please :) thank you