Hi, I am a radiologist but ironically I suffer from symptoms of chronic CES. No one till now has reached the diagnosis. I had an acute disc prolapse back in 2005 but when I did an MRI and showed it to my consultant ( I was a little ST1), he didn’t take it seriously. I have been suffering ever since from intermittent sciatica, but my lower back never got better. Could you please inform me what sort of surgery did you have and did you have saddle sensory change ( I never call it anaesthesia because it is not anaesthesia and as doctors we vaguely saying things to people that we don’t understand ourselves ). I would appreciate your answer.
Thank you!!!!!!!
Hi, I am a radiologist but ironically I suffer from symptoms of chronic CES. No one till now has reached the diagnosis. I had an acute disc prolapse back in 2005 but when I did an MRI and showed it to my consultant ( I was a little ST1), he didn’t take it seriously.
I have been suffering ever since from intermittent sciatica, but my lower back never got better.
Could you please inform me what sort of surgery did you have and did you have saddle sensory change ( I never call it anaesthesia because it is not anaesthesia and as doctors we vaguely saying things to people that we don’t understand ourselves ).
I would appreciate your answer.
Can u have cauda equina with adhesive arachnoiditis