agree --- another example of where the Police presence makes a situation worse, not better. As for wearing silly stickers, just how unprofessional can you get and they (the Police ) dont see it.
"The nature of power is such that even those who have not sought it, but have had it forced upon them, tend to acquire a taste for more." - Aldous Huxley
The cop could have been asked “Would you be free o cover the Pride logo with a piece of tape ? Would you be brave enough to block over it with a felt tip marker ? “. Had it not been for the cameras filming and recording, the police would have bundled Richard into a van. They are opportunists.
@@Randolph1233 They'd have probably ended up being brought before their "superiors" for not using/tampering /defacing an official uniform. I2m surprised theyre not doing the same as the officers down south and joining in the celebrations and dancing.
What's fun about supporting a highly bigoted harmful trans cult that mutilates and castrates healthy kids, resulting in massive rises in suicide. Not to mention the antiChristian aspect making a mockery of Christs teachings and God the creator. But to the police its " fun". What next a " minor attracted cult" is that fun too? God help us all if the police confidently take the side of our evil antilife antifamily Godless Scottish Govt , then we really are all in for a bumpy ride.
It's more a case that the role of the police has been changed by the government from protecting the public from crime to being the thought police, protecting the government from the public's opinions. The Tories have turned the police against the people they are meant to serve, this is now a de facto police state, literally.
@@dingodancer I don't think you understand how this works. I pay them to police for me, like I pay dustbin collectors. I cannot and should not do their job for them - that's a puerile argument. Try thinking better. I WILL criticise, because my money is paying for their embarrassing 'service'.
@@jimskirtt5717 YOU don't pay anyone. Your taxes go into a collective "pot". For all you know, the policing budget came out of import or export taxes. Police are stationed at events like these because of blatant bigots like the majority of this comment section who will potentially turn up and be disrespectful or worse. If society was more tolerant, then events like this could be enforced by private security companies like most concerts and festivals are. Your hatred and all the sad goblins like yourself are the reason that police enforcement at these events are necessary, and if I was at a pride event, I would love nothing more than the police officers posted to show solidarity to make it feel a safer environment.
Stand with a sign that says " transexuals are sinners " or " men should not be in womens only spaces " and see how long the police( policy enforcement rather than the constabulary, constitutional protection )let you stand there .
This is a community whos activities were, until very recently, criminalised ( way after decriminalization of homosexuality) who have been the target of harassment and violent assault look how pissy you are being that they are now freer to make that choice than they have ever been, without impinging in anyway on your rights. Or are you upset that you lost the right to harrass, oppress, and bully members of this community.
@@dougquaid570 homosexuality was illegal until 1967. With our great war hero Alan Turing opting for chemical castration rather than imprisonment, a prosecution that led acman who had saved a nation committing suicide. Following that well into the 1970s and early 80s the gay community was harassed by the police, with many prosecutions being brought under the rather generic obscenity laws. On top of that they were not met with much sympathy by the police when they were victims of homophobic attacks, which were extremely common. Clause28, introduced in the late 80s prohibited education on the subject of homosexuality. Even though by this time it was realized that society should allow homosexuality,, I would say it was treated as an immoral abhorrence that should merely be tolerated rather than accepted as an entirely natural part of human behaviour. Then the gay community had the struggle to win the right to marriage, all the time fighting sections of society who felt thiswassome imposition on their lives. Get a grip, realisethe struggle this community has had. Think of the countless lives lost to totally unnecessary depression and suicide, as people tried to cope with something that felt entirely natural to themselves, but society was telling them was an abomination, and that they were depraved perverted freaks making immoral choices. That is why pride exists, and that is why they are vocal in defending the rights they have fought hard to win for their community. Go and attend their events, party and have fun. It won't kill you or make you gay.
But it works in every situation. Stand outside the Irish parliament protesting the UN Compact on Migration. Chant " Nazi scum off our streets ". And, calling someone a nazi isn't inciting violence. LOL.
Yeah just following orders was the excuse Hitlers cronies used. The lockdowns proved a huge majority of the police wouldn’t hesitate to carry out the same sort of actions. And that’s exactly what they would say…”just following orders”.🤮
Richard Lucas is 100% right. And he is a person we should all emulate. The policeman should be neutral. His words are nonsensical. We all have a debt to Richard Lucas. He speaks for me and my household.
Rubbish at the top of your country (SNP/GREENS) and you get rubbish all the way down, people have to be shown good values. Governments need to drop this rubbish and get back to your own older values, stop following the trend and worse trying to lead the way in all the bull out there today.
The irony of the clowns shouting fascist scum off our streets. The very nature of trying to remove someone for their beliefs is fascist. Imagine society in 50 years with people like that in charge 😬
Relax. Just over 50 years ago being gay was a criminal offence. They were harassed by the police, having their bars raided and heads being randomly cracked for a laugh. Since decriminalization they have faced a very hostile and intolerant public , with the being viewed as abnormal perverted freaks. The they had the fight for marriage. The imposition of majority cultural norms across all members of society at the expense of the rights and civil liberties of minority cultural norms is a prominent feature of fascism. You need to remember the not so recent history and experience of the gay community before asking us to imagine having people like that in charge. Not so long ago we were happy to have people in charge who were quite happy to persecute a genuine war hero ( Alan Turing) to the point of suicide.
You mean exactly what your hero here is doing? Trying to remove people's right to live their life as they want? Or trying to remove a man's choice to wear a badge? Police can still remain neutral but have an opinion. Would you rather he hid his views and wasn't neutral? Hypocritical is one word for it.
@@theangryscotsman5174 my hero 😂 I'm English with no political preference as they're all egotistical maniacs with a god complex. I was just pointing out the irony that was shown in the video. I don't even know the guys name you're referring to. Calm the trigger fingers down in future it may just benefit you 1 day. Also how can you remain neutral with an opinion? Neutral means exactly what it states. Also he was right to ask the officer to remove the badge as it's not in their code of practice or policy whether you like that or not.
@@theangryscotsman5174 No one was trying to remove anyone rights. They are simply protesting to gain back a parents right to decide what their child learns. Thank God the fascists aren't in the Catholic schools yet!
@@nathansmith7153 Roman Catholic Priests are not Christians, they are impostors. There is only one true priest interceding for us, and that is Christ. He is the only one who has the authority to be a priest.
The uniform police wearing a badge in support of a perverse group in society is a clear indication they support that group. I draw the analogy with a dog pissing on a post to mark its territory, these officers have been pissed on by the Gay cause by wearing a badge indicating support/sympathy with Gay Pride. The officer interviewed just did not have the intellectual capacity to intemperate the need for complete impartiality whilst wearing the uniform of an impartial Law enforcement officer! . Not surprising when you are under the supervision of a Pakistani a Muslim and Taliban sympathiser.
Christianity is the only reason why your children are not raped in school by government sanctioned ideologues, and the rapists protected by those “neutral” police…yet.
an excellent argument from Richard , perhaps senior police officers will take note and issue guidance that officers should not be taking sides in a very controversial issue. And those vile abusive trans activist thugs being allowed to chant obscene hate speech without arrest , what is the point of the 'hate' speech laws in Scotland ? Is 'scum' not hateful enough ?
In what way are they thugs? Fundamentalist Christians turning up at LGBT events to protest is just classless. Who do you think is there that cares what you believe? Do trans activists turn up with banners outside your church?
While policing in a neutral manor the two police officers stood by and allowed people to be called fascists and told to get of the streets. Can you imagine if the opposition starting chanting "LGBT scum off our streets". Just the phrase LGBT is not even an insult yet fascist is a deeply offensive accusation. The police were so neutral that they completely missed the hatred directed towards peaceful protesters by calling them fascists and the direct threat by warning them to get of the streets. But then as the second officer said he was just there with the badge on because it's just a bit of fun. No need to ruin his day out.
@@matthewblazer7932 Yes - I support people that you hate. Christians use made up shi* by men to hate and discriminate against their fellow citizens. There are no gods, just manipulative control freaks that hate.
The ones grunting in the background don't realise that they actually volunteer for the pharmaceutical companies who want to mutilate children. They are brand ambassador's and they can't see it. There being used and they are dumb enough to think there special. They don't realise that they are aiding and abetting paedophilia.
The Minor Attracted Persons as they call themselves are also hanging onto the coat tails of these perverts. I'm sure you can work out who they are. Paedophiles want to be known by a nicer name. I would be certain that some paedophiles will be in gatherings like this hiding their faces behind scarfs. But the Police wear their badge and claim they're neutral.
@@jeff7649 that is the thin end of the wedge. To get you to think that it's all pretty reasonable. It isn't. Perhaps you are a fascist. Perhaps you'd be happier if we'd lost the war. Think on that 🤔
The badges are not a part of the official police uniform and they should not be wearing them full stop. They should also decline any gifts offered to them regardless of origin
"Its all just a bit of fun..." Tell that to the victims of trans violence, of trans abuse...... tell that to the many many youngsters already brainwashed into believing the trans and gender ideology being peddled into their innocent minds..... tell those pressured into life changing surgery, chemical castration, hormonal armageddon....... " It was all just a bit of fun..."
They are absolutely clueless. Just because he wears a political badge doesn't mean he supports the ideology? The reason for manufacturing the badge is that people can wear them to advertise their support. Does he really believe that a pro-life supporter would wear a badge that supports abortion rights or even a Manchester United supporter would wear a Chelsea badge? They are absolutely clueless.
Being shouted at and called fascist SCUM by masked people, is a bit of fun????? The Police need re training ASAP in what constitutes FUN!!!!! God help us🥵
These outdoor confrontation situations get very tedious and repetitive. Obvious question : he says he was asked to wear the badge. By whom ? Superior officer ?
@@nathansmith7153 you are right many a Transactivist are simply haters, esp of Women, you know actual women, not the fake kind. they can't stand open conservation, because their lies and hatred gets exposed, so like this video, they need to shout you down. Guess what 95% of people don't agree with them. Doesn't matter if you are white, black, Christian, atheist , Muslim, male or female, we are all united against this type of toxic behaviour from a small group of mainly unattractive men in frocks.
I remember Anjem Choudary asking a police officer to remove his Help for Heroes charity wristband. In reality, the officer shouldn't have been wearing it but he did comply. These two goons are beyond the pale. Too stupid to even realise that they have politicised the uniform.
Today it was reported that the Home Secretary has ordered the police (this will be the England and Wales police but the same thoughts are running through my head) that every theft must be investigated. The Police Federation complained that resources are already stretched and this will draw the Police away from more important assignments - and my first thought was “do you mean drawing them away from Pride events”.
Fascists wouldn't have gay pride events in their country. I'm with Richard on what he's saying but I don't think people realise what a Fascist is anymore. There were no gay pride events in mussolinis Italy.
The police shouldn't be wearing the badge, but the fascists are those wishing to suppress the civil liberties of groups in society with whom they disagree. Mob rule, and the imposition of a state sanctioned cultural norm on minorities is indeed a prominent feature of fascism. Let people live their lives.
@@GG-jw8ptthey are not acting like fascists, they a fighting for their right to live a life freely, even though it does not conform with the majority. The majority oppressing minorities is a prominent feature of fascism.
@GG-jw8pt by fascist you just mean authoritarian. Communism is authoritarian, the democracy we live in now is authoritarian, and facicism is authoritarian. All forms of government are authoritarian for their ideals. Fascist ideals are no degeneracy, no usury, no multiculturalism and promote national pride and the family unit. How is a gay pride event in a democratic country and a load of transsexuals shouting down someone fascist?
@@jr7845there only part of the plan while there needed but there expendable when the shit hits the fan. Do you think the government are going to stand by the police. I don't.
Trying to have an intelligent and reasoned conversation with a couple of 12-week "trained" Grunts who couldn't walk and chew gum at the same time. 10 out of 10 for optimism.
All UK forces only seem comfortable in non threatening duties. Marshalling and dancing at 'pride' events, visiting schools, and hiding in their mobile safe spaces, always appear to be preferred activities. I recently made a call to Humberside 'police', to report an ongoing, and overt drug dealing operation from an address on Anlaby Road. They suggested that I might take some photos and email them in. . .
Absolutely. We've got a problem here in Aberdeen with teenagers running riot in our main shopping mall/ bus station. Plod is nowhere to be seen. Incidentally the teens are enabled by free bus passes, another genius idea from Holyrood, the neds even travel from Dundee. Working stiffs like me have to pay £100/month to travel by bus.
Whichever way you look at it or however opposed you are to some types of action, sadly this is only going to be solved in one fashion. It's the same with the climate nonsense. People's identities have become totally entwined with their political views, and that's not something someone can be talked out of. These "protected" groups are not reasonable people... I wish it wasn't so, but that's where we are.
Very well put, unfortunately all true what a mess and your SNP government is mostly to blame, they follow the trend and believe that people want this, in fact most do not want this bull.
@@patrickhouston2610 I’m not actually sure they do believe that most people want it, in fact I believe it’s the opposite. They are simply a typical extreme left organisation that has found itself in power because the opposition is a shambles, and are basically flexing their authoritarian muscles - and damn everyone else
It is an obvious statement of taking a side political or otherwise to wear anything that promotes any message, somehow if someone put a no no german badge on the police officer he wouldnt wear it obviously.
An honest policeman (if such a thing exists) would have immediately responded with "I'm wearing it because I'm : 1. A mortgage slave 2. Hawking for likes on Insta 3. Hoping my boss will see it and reward me with overtime/a promotion/a special handshake."
Has anyone seen the Metropolitan Police entrance exams. I have, and they were absolutely disgusting, and that was in 2012. Only God knows what they are like today? We're going to have to decide what type of Police service we want, without these whimsical focus groups getting involved, something like in the US. In NYC and San Francisco, it was their very own citizens who demanded changes in local Police practices to their very own detriment. Albiet, such a negative outcome, at least it was what they asked for. Here in blighty, we must not allow state funded charities, single issue focus groups, and the likes to decide what type of Police service we deserve.
@@nathansmith7153 If I had to describe my beliefs then I guess the closest way is agnostic. What does religion have to do with the Police not remaining impartial here as they should, whether anyone likes it or not.
@@mothman1984 So they should let this Christian hater cause trouble? Entitlement is getting to be a real problem in the UK They don't know when to not interfere and ruin people's day. This guy pushes hate.
@@mothman1984 Yes - you can practice any stupid religion you like but experimental verification of your god is required for you to have any influence over laws and other people's actions. Right now religions are manipulative hateful bollocks. This goon had no right to interfere.
I simply don't understand how these policemen cannot see that once they put on a badge with a political message that they are no longer impartial. Unbelieveable, although they aren't the smartes representatives of the law to be perfectly honest.
Because they incapable of seeing what impartiality means. Virtue signalling at its finest to pander to a political cause. I notice how their smug 'we know best' attitude came out pretty quick when challenged. The police are now a sick joke.
They don't consider their political and moral biases as biases, they consider them simply "how everyone should think" and therefore it's not actually an opinion, it's just the "right way to be, and it's so right that there is no contradicting side" that should be allowed to exist.
Many forces these days do not even interview potential recruits before they have completed 'successfully' the (pro-) 'diversity' questionnaire of a private vetting company! A massive tragedy in itself.
Wow, that policeman doesn't understand his oath. He is warring an official uniform which is covered by ethical standard, he has an individual duty not to bring it into disrepute and is breaching disciplinary procedures by doing so.
"Someone handed me a badge, i chose to wear it, i will wear it". That's not just unprofessional, it's careless and it is not neutral. This so called officers priority is to keep people safe yet he is choosing sides. This gentleman pointed out how careless this is with his Rangers/Celtic comparison.
After waiting 2 days for them to come out to investigate a crime I got a phone call but my address is on a rapid response alert it’s Red flagged their suppose to get here asap but like I said they phoned me . But they can go to fancy events wearing their little badges while real fckn crime is going on & not being followed up .
He’s right, they shouldn’t be wearing the sticker or badge. Every police officer shouldn’t be wearing ANYTHING on there uniform whether it’s political or not.
If you believe what you speak then WHY do you need to hide your face,that makes me think you either dont belive or are ashamed of what you believe, either way you should not be there.
When the mindset and speech of the police officer says “it’s just a bit of fun” then we have a deep rooted problem with todays modern day constabulary.
The officers who were to be fair trying to be professional just didn't get it did they. I personally went to the Highland games in Birnam on Saturday. A far gayer day (in the proper sense of the word) than the gay games being put out on the North Inch .. by a hammer throw.
I am a bit lost: I thought they could not wear anything over their uniforms? Does that police officer think it would be okay to put a Canadian flag or a Nike logo on his chest too - mind you, while working, not on his own spare time?
These policemen are talking absolute rubbish.. The police should be impartial and should not wear any badges leaning for one side against the other.... Hope these two never come up against a real criminal, they'd probably run away screaming! 🤮
That's nonsense to say if he's wearing a partisan badge that doesn't suggest he holds to that view! That's completely wrong for a Constable in uniform to be wearing a partisan badge
Not so very long ago, when the Police were held in respect because they earned respect, NO policeman would have been wearing any insignia other than that of the Police with his uniform. He would have been hauled up for being improperly dressed. And deoending on the insignia, for bringing the Police Force into disrepute.
The police officers dont even see what the problem is. That is a real concern, because political neutrality is paramount to policing.
Oh they do see what the problem is they are just being devious by denying it in front of the cameras because they know full well its wrong
@@jameswatters9592 You are correct. It's talking out of both sides of the mouth.
and thats exactly the sort of people they want as police, unquestioning idiots.
agree --- another example of where the Police presence makes a situation worse, not better. As for wearing silly stickers, just how unprofessional can you get and they (the Police ) dont see it.
Mate. its a fucoing sticker. Doesnt change the powers they can enforce... You guys will come up with any excuse to be homophobic
The rainbow police need disbanding. They’ve forgotten what their job is. Get rid.
ANother hater
"It is hard to win an argument with an intelligent man,but impossible with an idiot"
Bill Murray was absolutely right.
Richard must be the biggest idiot of all not to realise that he was the only person arguing.
Got to love Bill Murray ❤
Love this.
The cops aren't idiots. But they are compliant with and protective of a controversial ideology when they are supposed to be neutral.
"The nature of power is such that even those who have not sought it, but have had it forced upon them, tend to acquire a taste for more." - Aldous Huxley
"It's a bit of fun" why does he believe he's there for fun rather than duty?
The cop could have been asked “Would you be free o cover the Pride logo with a piece of tape ? Would you be brave enough to block over it with a felt tip marker ? “.
Had it not been for the cameras filming and recording, the police would have bundled Richard into a van.
They are opportunists.
@@Randolph1233 They'd have probably ended up being brought before their "superiors" for not using/tampering /defacing an official uniform. I2m surprised theyre not doing the same as the officers down south and joining in the celebrations and dancing.
What's fun about supporting a highly bigoted harmful trans cult that mutilates and castrates healthy kids, resulting in massive rises in suicide. Not to mention the antiChristian aspect making a mockery of Christs teachings and God the creator. But to the police its " fun". What next a " minor attracted cult" is that fun too? God help us all if the police confidently take the side of our evil antilife antifamily Godless Scottish Govt , then we really are all in for a bumpy ride.
This is the standard of what used to be a good police force. They are an embarrassment. They fail to understand what 'policing' is.
It's more a case that the role of the police has been changed by the government from protecting the public from crime to being the thought police, protecting the government from the public's opinions. The Tories have turned the police against the people they are meant to serve, this is now a de facto police state, literally.
You should join up and educate them then. Easy to sit on your lounge chair and criticise. Walk the beat and lead by example.
I don't think you understand how this works. I pay them to police for me, like I pay dustbin collectors. I cannot and should not do their job for them - that's a puerile argument. Try thinking better. I WILL criticise, because my money is paying for their embarrassing 'service'.
@@jimskirtt5717 YOU don't pay anyone. Your taxes go into a collective "pot". For all you know, the policing budget came out of import or export taxes. Police are stationed at events like these because of blatant bigots like the majority of this comment section who will potentially turn up and be disrespectful or worse. If society was more tolerant, then events like this could be enforced by private security companies like most concerts and festivals are. Your hatred and all the sad goblins like yourself are the reason that police enforcement at these events are necessary, and if I was at a pride event, I would love nothing more than the police officers posted to show solidarity to make it feel a safer environment.
The police all over the UK have lost the plot and the majority of the population with their posturing . Hopeless .
Stand with a sign that says " transexuals are sinners " or " men should not be in womens only spaces " and see how long the police( policy enforcement rather than the constabulary, constitutional protection )let you stand there .
This is a community whos activities were, until very recently, criminalised ( way after decriminalization of homosexuality) who have been the target of harassment and violent assault look how pissy you are being that they are now freer to make that choice than they have ever been, without impinging in anyway on your rights. Or are you upset that you lost the right to harrass, oppress, and bully members of this community.
@@verystripeyzebra Which activities were criminalised?
@@dougquaid570 homosexuality was illegal until 1967. With our great war hero Alan Turing opting for chemical castration rather than imprisonment, a prosecution that led acman who had saved a nation committing suicide.
Following that well into the 1970s and early 80s the gay community was harassed by the police, with many prosecutions being brought under the rather generic obscenity laws.
On top of that they were not met with much sympathy by the police when they were victims of homophobic attacks, which were extremely common.
Clause28, introduced in the late 80s prohibited education on the subject of homosexuality.
Even though by this time it was realized that society should allow homosexuality,, I would say it was treated as an immoral abhorrence that should merely be tolerated rather than accepted as an entirely natural part of human behaviour.
Then the gay community had the struggle to win the right to marriage, all the time fighting sections of society who felt thiswassome imposition on their lives.
Get a grip, realisethe struggle this community has had. Think of the countless lives lost to totally unnecessary depression and suicide, as people tried to cope with something that felt entirely natural to themselves, but society was telling them was an abomination, and that they were depraved perverted freaks making immoral choices.
That is why pride exists, and that is why they are vocal in defending the rights they have fought hard to win for their community.
Go and attend their events, party and have fun. It won't kill you or make you gay.
All summed up in a rather good song.
"fascist scum off our streets" displays an unmatched level of irony and cognitive dissonance in these people.
Notice that they dare not show their faces, all masked up. Why?
But it works in every situation. Stand outside the Irish parliament protesting the UN Compact on Migration. Chant " Nazi scum off our streets ". And, calling someone a nazi isn't inciting violence. LOL.
@@stephen4032: Ireland isn’t the UK, and Scotland isn’t in Ireland
Christo fascist
I would have said "Well you had better Fu*k off back home to your safe spaces then"
All I heard is, "Just following orders." How every tyranny is born.
Bollocks. They were told to protect your fellow citizens from insulting hating Christians.
That's the Nuremburg Defence
Yeah just following orders was the excuse Hitlers cronies used. The lockdowns proved a huge majority of the police wouldn’t hesitate to carry out the same sort of actions. And that’s exactly what they would say…”just following orders”.🤮
That’s what the guy putting up ULEZ camera said to me yesterday
That's the SNP for you
Richard Lucas is 100% right. And he is a person we should all emulate.
The policeman should be neutral. His words are nonsensical.
We all have a debt to Richard Lucas. He speaks for me and my household.
HE is hating religious goon
Your household? You see the irony of your statement i hope.
Utter Disgrace to this Country
Yes, hating Christians are.
Rubbish at the top of your country (SNP/GREENS) and you get rubbish all the way down, people have to be shown good values. Governments need to drop this rubbish and get back to your own older values, stop following the trend and worse trying to lead the way in all the bull out there today.
Scotland has got what Scotland deserves, abandon God and these devils will rule over you
The irony of the clowns shouting fascist scum off our streets.
The very nature of trying to remove someone for their beliefs is fascist.
Imagine society in 50 years with people like that in charge 😬
50 years? It's already here!
Relax. Just over 50 years ago being gay was a criminal offence. They were harassed by the police, having their bars raided and heads being randomly cracked for a laugh.
Since decriminalization they have faced a very hostile and intolerant public , with the being viewed as abnormal perverted freaks. The they had the fight for marriage.
The imposition of majority cultural norms across all members of society at the expense of the rights and civil liberties of minority cultural norms is a prominent feature of fascism. You need to remember the not so recent history and experience of the gay community before asking us to imagine having people like that in charge.
Not so long ago we were happy to have people in charge who were quite happy to persecute a genuine war hero ( Alan Turing) to the point of suicide.
You mean exactly what your hero here is doing? Trying to remove people's right to live their life as they want? Or trying to remove a man's choice to wear a badge? Police can still remain neutral but have an opinion. Would you rather he hid his views and wasn't neutral? Hypocritical is one word for it.
@@theangryscotsman5174 my hero 😂
I'm English with no political preference as they're all egotistical maniacs with a god complex. I was just pointing out the irony that was shown in the video. I don't even know the guys name you're referring to.
Calm the trigger fingers down in future it may just benefit you 1 day. Also how can you remain neutral with an opinion? Neutral means exactly what it states. Also he was right to ask the officer to remove the badge as it's not in their code of practice or policy whether you like that or not.
@@theangryscotsman5174 No one was trying to remove anyone rights.
They are simply protesting to gain back a parents right to decide what their child learns.
Thank God the fascists aren't in the Catholic schools yet!
Tell me you support paedophiles without telling me you support paedophiles.
They are in the Christian church.
Tell me you're an idiot without telling me you're an idiot.
@@nathansmith7153They are everywhere.
Roman Catholic Priests are not Christians, they are impostors. There is only one true priest interceding for us, and that is Christ. He is the only one who has the authority to be a priest.
@@jazzman1626But that contradicts Romans 1:6.
The uniform police wearing a badge in support of a perverse group in society is a clear indication they support that group. I draw the analogy with a dog pissing on a post to mark its territory, these officers have been pissed on by the Gay cause by wearing a badge indicating support/sympathy with Gay Pride. The officer interviewed just did not have the intellectual capacity to intemperate the need for complete impartiality whilst wearing the uniform of an impartial Law enforcement officer! .
Not surprising when you are under the supervision of a Pakistani a Muslim and Taliban sympathiser.
Perverse out.
'Agree to disagree,' is the politician's let out for everything. The 'police' are a dangerous joke.
No, Christianity is the dangerous joke.
@@nathansmith7153 All religions are!
and cults! @@barriewilliams4526
Christianity is the only reason why your children are not raped in school by government sanctioned ideologues, and the rapists protected by those “neutral” police…yet.
the irony of those people calling you fascists is hilarious.
LOL I know - they should be taking themselves of the streets
Really? CHrisitians want to push their hateful agenda
Those people are cômmies, the ones behind the decline of the West.
@@Random_Blip Communism was initiated by Jews.
None of this sh*t would happen in a real fascist state.
A bit of fun? it’s no bloody fun for women.
That "police officer" is a joke.
they all mostly are unfortunately
Every public service has been infected by the insane ideology.
They are all gutless, toxic, corrupt, cowards.
What hating nasty person.
lt's disturbing that the police no longer have an idea of their place in society!
No - it is not to support crackpot hating religious goons.
Did they ever. Really?
They're government enforcers in an job which disproportionately attracts psychopaths.
an excellent argument from Richard , perhaps senior police officers will take note and issue guidance that officers should not be taking sides in a very controversial issue. And those vile abusive trans activist thugs being allowed to chant obscene hate speech without arrest , what is the point of the 'hate' speech laws in Scotland ? Is 'scum' not hateful enough ?
In what way are they thugs? Fundamentalist Christians turning up at LGBT events to protest is just classless. Who do you think is there that cares what you believe? Do trans activists turn up with banners outside your church?
It isn't an argument - it's an insult from a religious hater.
The vileness is in trans believing something they are not and forcing their views on children who are not even old enough to know themselves.
I'm afraid senior police are the problem.
@@penelopegriffin8702Christians would never force children to believe in something that doesn't exist.
While policing in a neutral manor the two police officers stood by and allowed people to be called fascists and told to get of the streets. Can you imagine if the opposition starting chanting "LGBT scum off our streets". Just the phrase LGBT is not even an insult yet fascist is a deeply offensive accusation. The police were so neutral that they completely missed the hatred directed towards peaceful protesters by calling them fascists and the direct threat by warning them to get of the streets. But then as the second officer said he was just there with the badge on because it's just a bit of fun. No need to ruin his day out.
I would rather be mistaken for a fascist than for a sodomite
Well done SFP speaking up for us. More strength to you.
Police officer keeps saying wearing the badge is just a bit of fun but its not, as much as they say its not, it is taking a political side.
Policeman doesn't understand his own job.
Yes - he does protecting people from raving nutjobs.
@@nathansmith7153 that's prejudice against the neuro divergent and a hate crime. They'll come for you soon. It's your system.
@@nathansmith7153so you were there then 😂
@@matthewblazer7932 Yes - I support people that you hate. Christians use made up shi* by men to hate and discriminate against their fellow citizens. There are no gods, just manipulative control freaks that hate.
you consider these people and this event sane?? lol@@nathansmith7153
"Fascist scum off our streets " shout the people who appear to advocate for child mutilation... makes perfect sense to me
The ones grunting in the background don't realise that they actually volunteer for the pharmaceutical companies who want to mutilate children. They are brand ambassador's and they can't see it. There being used and they are dumb enough to think there special. They don't realise that they are aiding and abetting paedophilia.
They do not advocate for that. Churches abuse women and children
Perhaps the fascists were the good guys after all 🤔
The Minor Attracted Persons as they call themselves are also hanging onto the coat tails of these perverts. I'm sure you can work out who they are. Paedophiles want to be known by a nicer name. I would be certain that some paedophiles will be in gatherings like this hiding their faces behind scarfs. But the Police wear their badge and claim they're neutral.
@@jeff7649 that is the thin end of the wedge. To get you to think that it's all pretty reasonable. It isn't.
Perhaps you are a fascist. Perhaps you'd be happier if we'd lost the war.
Think on that 🤔
Their tactic is to call your employer and make trouble until you no longer have a job. It's time to apply the same tactic as they would.
The badges are not a part of the official police uniform and they should not be wearing them full stop. They should also decline any gifts offered to them regardless of origin
Yes they are going down a slippery slope - probably ending up in at least one of them being the reciever of swollen goods - maybe both
I agree with you but the police do as they like , rotten from the top to the bottom
“Receiver of swollen goods”? Ooh er Missus!
"Its all just a bit of fun..." Tell that to the victims of trans violence, of trans abuse...... tell that to the many many youngsters already brainwashed into believing the trans and gender ideology being peddled into their innocent minds..... tell those pressured into life changing surgery, chemical castration, hormonal armageddon....... " It was all just a bit of fun..."
Richard, these two officers don’t care even when you spoke the truth to what they are doing is wrong. This is Police Scotland for you, shame on them.
He lied. He is a nasty hate machine.
After a while talking to them is just casting pearls before swine.
They are absolutely clueless. Just because he wears a political badge doesn't mean he supports the ideology? The reason for manufacturing the badge is that people can wear them to advertise their support. Does he really believe that a pro-life supporter would wear a badge that supports abortion rights or even a Manchester United supporter would wear a Chelsea badge? They are absolutely clueless.
Being shouted at and called fascist SCUM by masked people, is a bit of fun????? The Police need re training ASAP in what constitutes FUN!!!!! God help us🥵
Hit the nail on the head with, you wouldn't wear a Rangers or Celtic scarf to an Old Firm game. Crazy world.
YEs - entitled religious goons telling people what to do based on made up gibberish.
The police are supposed to be our Public Servants and they would do well to remember that quickly.
It’s a bit late for that
They are not your servants - goofball. They are there to stop these moronic religious haters from causing trouble.
It’s been a long time since the police were the public’s servants. Now they are wholly and solely the governments bully boys.
they are a servant of the crown they answer to the crown not the public
Their oath is to the crown aka the bank of England
These outdoor confrontation situations get very tedious and repetitive.
Obvious question : he says he was asked to wear the badge. By whom ? Superior officer ?
@@nathansmith7153 you are right many a Transactivist are simply haters, esp of Women, you know actual women, not the fake kind.
they can't stand open conservation, because their lies and hatred gets exposed, so like this video, they need to shout you down.
Guess what 95% of people don't agree with them.
Doesn't matter if you are white, black, Christian, atheist , Muslim, male or female, we are all united against this type of toxic behaviour from a small group of mainly unattractive men in frocks.
@@nathansmith7153 What does that make you, a rape apologist?
It's called a uniform for a reason, it should not be up to the individual wearing it to put on their preferred adornments.
I remember Anjem Choudary asking a police officer to remove his Help for Heroes charity wristband. In reality, the officer shouldn't have been wearing it but he did comply. These two goons are beyond the pale. Too stupid to even realise that they have politicised the uniform.
Today it was reported that the Home Secretary has ordered the police (this will be the England and Wales police but the same thoughts are running through my head) that every theft must be investigated. The Police Federation complained that resources are already stretched and this will draw the Police away from more important assignments - and my first thought was “do you mean drawing them away from Pride events”.
Fascists shouting "fascist scum off our streets", they are blind to the contradiction.
Fascists wouldn't have gay pride events in their country. I'm with Richard on what he's saying but I don't think people realise what a Fascist is anymore. There were no gay pride events in mussolinis Italy.
You missing the point! They are indeed acting like fascists.
Plus, there were no gay pride events anywhere on earth in mussolnis day.
The police shouldn't be wearing the badge, but the fascists are those wishing to suppress the civil liberties of groups in society with whom they disagree. Mob rule, and the imposition of a state sanctioned cultural norm on minorities is indeed a prominent feature of fascism.
Let people live their lives.
@@GG-jw8ptthey are not acting like fascists, they a fighting for their right to live a life freely, even though it does not conform with the majority.
The majority oppressing minorities is a prominent feature of fascism.
@GG-jw8pt by fascist you just mean authoritarian. Communism is authoritarian, the democracy we live in now is authoritarian, and facicism is authoritarian. All forms of government are authoritarian for their ideals. Fascist ideals are no degeneracy, no usury, no multiculturalism and promote national pride and the family unit. How is a gay pride event in a democratic country and a load of transsexuals shouting down someone fascist?
Cops 👮♀️ should not be agreeing with the Government 😢
It's been obvious there part of the plan
@@jr7845there only part of the plan while there needed but there expendable when the shit hits the fan. Do you think the government are going to stand by the police. I don't.
Police Scotland have been in the pocket of the SNP for a long time already. They know who butters their bread.
In Scotland our gov tells them in which corner of the shovel to shite in?
Trying to have an intelligent and reasoned conversation with a couple of 12-week "trained" Grunts who couldn't walk and chew gum at the same time.
10 out of 10 for optimism.
Ha, ha, ha, ha, you did make me chuckle. Cheers for that🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@@mahatmacoat168 wasnt even funny.
@@charlie271210 It was bloody hilarious.
@@BunFight Last time I was on benefits was well over 50 years ago. As for drink and drugs you're obviously speaking from experience.
He is casting his pearls before the swine
Those officers are improperly dressed and should therefore not have any powers of arrest in my humble opinion.
It’s an absolute disgrace that the police are even allowing this type of gathering to take place we must protect our children at all costs
Protect them from what.
@@verystripeyzebrathe promotion of depravity
@@philipbaker2894 the scourge of adultery, and the devil's rock and roll music, and the demon drink.
What particularly is depravity. Being gay?
Ask them if they would put a Christian cross on their uniform
How about an "Evolve" fish? We're all born atheist!
There are no gods.
@@nathansmith7153oh that’s ok . You can tell God that face to face one day Nathan. It’s your choice
@@simonmcglary I'm an agnostic and I'd much rather see a Christian cross. Society is far better off with God than without.
@@nathansmith7153walk into a central London mosque and say that.
Police should be neutral END OF
I’m afraid the officers weren’t very bright were they. Well done to the gentleman who questioned their integrity.
Nice but dim - just my type
All UK forces only seem comfortable in non threatening duties. Marshalling and dancing at 'pride' events, visiting schools, and hiding in their mobile safe spaces, always appear to be preferred activities. I recently made a call to Humberside 'police', to report an ongoing, and overt drug dealing operation from an address on Anlaby Road. They suggested that I might take some photos and email them in. . .
Spot on mate, they are all cowards unless they are mob handed.
Absolutely. We've got a problem here in Aberdeen with teenagers running riot in our main shopping mall/ bus station. Plod is nowhere to be seen. Incidentally the teens are enabled by free bus passes, another genius idea from Holyrood, the neds even travel from Dundee. Working stiffs like me have to pay £100/month to travel by bus.
Whichever way you look at it or however opposed you are to some types of action, sadly this is only going to be solved in one fashion. It's the same with the climate nonsense. People's identities have become totally entwined with their political views, and that's not something someone can be talked out of. These "protected" groups are not reasonable people... I wish it wasn't so, but that's where we are.
On no. Humans are not binary global warming is real and there are no gods.
Very well put, unfortunately all true what a mess and your SNP government is mostly to blame, they follow the trend and believe that people want this, in fact most do not want this bull.
@@patrickhouston2610 I’m not actually sure they do believe that most people want it, in fact I believe it’s the opposite. They are simply a typical extreme left organisation that has found itself in power because the opposition is a shambles, and are basically flexing their authoritarian muscles - and damn everyone else
@@patrickhouston2610 What do you mean by "want" - humans are not binary. Do you want to go back to the day when Turing committed suicide?
@@patrickhouston2610 where is this, I'm gay and i can't stand pride or trans.
It is an obvious statement of taking a side political or otherwise to wear anything that promotes any message, somehow if someone put a no no german badge on the police officer he wouldnt wear it obviously.
It isn't politics - it is religion. Hating nasty Christians
Or even worse, a cross on a necklace, or any christian jewellery or symbol.
Why do the minority misfits have so much to say in the bigger picture.
The World really is going mad.....and it's our Politicians who are mainly responsible for sending it this way, I'm 100% sure that I am not wrong here.
An honest policeman (if such a thing exists) would have immediately responded with "I'm wearing it because I'm :
1. A mortgage slave
2. Hawking for likes on Insta
3. Hoping my boss will see it and reward me with overtime/a promotion/a special handshake."
What a nasty hating person
I cannot believe what the SNP have turned my country into.
Scotland turned away from God so he gave you evil rulers. It is part of his judgement. Same here in Wales.
Has anyone seen the Metropolitan Police entrance exams. I have, and they were absolutely disgusting, and that was in 2012. Only God knows what they are like today?
We're going to have to decide what type of Police service we want, without these whimsical focus groups getting involved, something like in the US.
In NYC and San Francisco, it was their very own citizens who demanded changes in local Police practices to their very own detriment. Albiet, such a negative outcome, at least it was what they asked for.
Here in blighty, we must not allow state funded charities, single issue focus groups, and the likes to decide what type of Police service we deserve.
I saw one about 30 years ago and was horrified.
I think the officers lost the argument and they knew it
Trying to explain reason and logic to the police is like talking to a thick brick wall 👀
Trying to explain that there no gods to Christians is like talking to a rock
@@nathansmith7153 If I had to describe my beliefs then I guess the closest way is agnostic.
What does religion have to do with the Police not remaining impartial here as they should, whether anyone likes it or not.
@@mothman1984 So they should let this Christian hater cause trouble? Entitlement is getting to be a real problem in the UK They don't know when to not interfere and ruin people's day. This guy pushes hate.
@@nathansmith7153 Christian lovers have caused trouble also so who has the most rights? My
answer is freedom of speech and freedom of religion.
@@mothman1984 Yes - you can practice any stupid religion you like but experimental verification of your god is required for you to have any influence over laws and other people's actions. Right now religions are manipulative hateful bollocks. This goon had no right to interfere.
There's no argument with police they are the law and always bent
Disgracefull behaviour from the Scottish police!!!!! We are in trouble right there!!!!!!!
Well that went over his heed
You can always tell who the fascists are...they're the ones with all the flags.
I simply don't understand how these policemen cannot see that once they put on a badge with a political message that they are no longer impartial. Unbelieveable, although they aren't the smartes representatives of the law to be perfectly honest.
Because they incapable of seeing what impartiality means. Virtue signalling at its finest to pander to a political cause. I notice how their smug 'we know best' attitude came out pretty quick when challenged. The police are now a sick joke.
You have to be a bit special to join the police….a group of murders, grapists and pedos…..they’re all bent as f
Lost all respect for the police when they took the knee and ran away
Well done mate, Respect to you!!
Its clear all British Police support this ideology!!
Seems to be a Scottish thing rather than British. Scotland needs a wake up call.
They are not allowed not to support it. The power comes from above.
How stupid do they look with that silly argument and I hope this clip is used in training to show their hypocrisy.
They don't consider their political and moral biases as biases, they consider them simply "how everyone should think" and therefore it's not actually an opinion, it's just the "right way to be, and it's so right that there is no contradicting side" that should be allowed to exist.
Many forces these days do not even interview potential recruits before they have completed 'successfully' the (pro-) 'diversity' questionnaire of a private vetting company! A massive tragedy in itself.
Wow, that policeman doesn't understand his oath. He is warring an official uniform which is covered by ethical standard, he has an individual duty not to bring it into disrepute and is breaching disciplinary procedures by doing so.
Sorry but Christianity does not rule this planet.
@@nathansmith7153 That comment mentioned nothing about religion.
@@KnowYoutheDukeofArgyll1841 Unfortunately religion IS the problem
I’d have asked him if he’d wear an adult human male badge along with his trans badge.
Excellent work Richard
That ending with the sign and Richards smug grin as he holds it higher than them! Brilliant lmao
Yes - Christians are smug entitled hateful people
"Someone handed me a badge, i chose to wear it, i will wear it".
That's not just unprofessional, it's careless and it is not neutral.
This so called officers priority is to keep people safe yet he is choosing sides. This gentleman pointed out how careless this is with his Rangers/Celtic comparison.
it will still do his job and protect the public no matter what badge he wearing.
NEVER forget what the police have done over this past few years. NEVER.
Colin Stagg, Liddel Towers, Barry George, Mark Duggan, Andrew Malkinson, etc etc
Great analogy about wearing a Ranger's scarf to a football match. They still didn't get it!
The fact that the people shouting fascist scum off our streets are the fascists and they think they are right is amazing.
After waiting 2 days for them to come out to investigate a crime I got a phone call but my address is on a rapid response alert it’s Red flagged their suppose to get here asap but like I said they phoned me . But they can go to fancy events wearing their little badges while real fckn crime is going on & not being followed up .
I am disgusted that I was a Police Officer in Scotland and see that they are not neutral in anything now.
PC used to be mean police constable but is now seems to mean Politically Correct.
I’m disgusted this happened in my own town and ppl took their children too….
Now you know who the groomers are.
Clause 28 idiots all over again.
Chill out, the kids are totally relaxed with it.
I forgot the degenerates and grots were out and about in perth this weekend. Good thing there's nothing worth going there for anyway.
I live here and agree completely … it’s a shit hole
You are WRONG! For your information, Back to the Future 2 was on at the cinema - brilliant film 👌🏻
He’s right, they shouldn’t be wearing the sticker or badge. Every police officer shouldn’t be wearing ANYTHING on there uniform whether it’s political or not.
Explain it to a 10 year old & they
Would understand it. Why can't the
Police ?.
If you believe what you speak then WHY do you need to hide your face,that makes me think you either dont belive or are ashamed of what you believe, either way you should not be there.
When the mindset and speech of the police officer says “it’s just a bit of fun” then we have a deep rooted problem with todays modern day constabulary.
The officers who were to be fair trying to be professional just didn't get it did they. I personally went to the Highland games in Birnam on Saturday. A far gayer day (in the proper sense of the word) than the gay games being put out on the North Inch .. by a hammer throw.
Usual Suspects covering their faces!! People with something to hide me thinks!! 🤔🤔
A bit of fun……….it’s driving a good proportion of the UK nuts…..imo.
I am a bit lost: I thought they could not wear anything over their uniforms?
Does that police officer think it would be okay to put a Canadian flag or a Nike logo on his chest too - mind you, while working, not on his own spare time?
This is the problem, the Police have no interest in being neutral and policing for all .
Bollocks - this idiot was planning on disrupting the event.
The police aren’t fit for purpose
Stop mincing and start investigating crime and protecting the public!!
These policemen are talking absolute rubbish.. The police should be impartial and should not wear any badges leaning for one side against the other.... Hope these two never come up against a real criminal, they'd probably run away screaming! 🤮
They shouldn't be wearing the badge, though I doubt wearing the badge is going to turn them into ultra bias thugs. Chill out.
@@verystripeyzebra.. Who said thugs?... I said "run away screaming"... Basically soft shits!
He says "It's a bit of fun" what a joke the police are these days
That's nonsense to say if he's wearing a partisan badge that doesn't suggest he holds to that view! That's completely wrong for a Constable in uniform to be wearing a partisan badge
"We aren't political" as he stands there with his nonce badge
The Police should be neutral in all cases. If this changes, society in the U.K. is in for trouble.
He's not fit to be a police officer.
What about grooming gangs off our streets.
Gives a whole new meaning to bent coppers.
Not so very long ago, when the Police were held in respect because they earned respect, NO policeman would have been wearing any insignia other than that of the Police with his uniform. He would have been hauled up for being improperly dressed. And deoending on the insignia, for bringing the Police Force into disrepute.
When the fuck was that . When they were busting gay bars and cracking heads.
@@verystripeyzebra When people could voice an opinion without having to curse and swear?
That comparison was spot on. If the police wore Celtic badges and scarves at a Rangers v Celtic derby match how would that go down?