"You might be thinking it's just a jungle gank, but if that's what you're taking away from this, good luck in high elo if you ever make it there, because if you have 60% or lower health, you're gonna get dove and lose a giant wave." *Apply cold water to the burned area*
@@fabio4079 that's why you are in low elo You are disrespectful The dudes diving you won't be low elo, they are going to be top 1% and by picking darius or garen you just practically threw that game at p/b.
@@larseunic I love this as a Kayle player, I'm like hmmm, Kayle lvl one beats Jayce lvl 1, and that is pretty much it. after 6 I can start winning lane.
Do not get me wrong guys, I love mcbaze when he's just there being a sexy low elo dominatrix, but that being said: if i'm playing and listening to your videos, nothing gets me as nervous about loosing as the visage of Hector's voice saying something like: "...and You see how the volibear lost becase he dumb bro" and im just like: " dam... I don't want Hector to think i'm dumb..." And that just gets me on my A game. Anyway good video as allways.
Holy shit, I'm extremely new to league, I have 1 account that is only level 30 maybe and the fact that people play this game with such thought and knowledge about all of these things going on amazes me
same here man im lv35 and have been astounded at the ammount of though and detail some people can put into the game while im struggling to last hit minions and warding.....
I have just started playing League last year during covid19 so I can play with my friends. I think I'm pretty knowledgeable but I gotta say 90% of the decision making is based of your instinct or subconscious lol. You don't actively think for every cs or trade you take lol. You just know
@@robertli3600 True, also maybe unpopular opinion but bothering to learn the game too much is bad too, it's game have fun, you will learn anyway naturally
Personally my GP game got much better when i realized how strong he is lv 1 and what matchups you can abuse at that stage. My GP laning got 10 times better just by abusing lv 1 xD
Same here for irelia. My dumbass would always wait till 3. Now first blood is basically guaranteed for me because no one seems to be afraid of an irelia with a fully stacked passive at lvl 1
Same with my camille. I would always start w and go grasp, but now on certain mathups i go q and almost always take conq (except Vayne, Rene, kennen, quinn etc)
@@Silverdaay Almost every matchups ia abusable. Ranged champs can be a struggle and some melee can all in you (Fiora, Trynd) but you can space to avoid it. The passive is just as important as your Q, it makes your auto do more than double damage and speeds you up (imagine trynd dashes on you, you passive burn run and Q from range). It's not easy to always have passive for trades tho, i usually walk at a lot of melee champs lv 1 and if they dont respect me i trade auto for auto and i hard win it. Q usually only with grasp, but against matchup that become bad quickly (say Riven) you wanna Q on CD to get them low fast. As soon as you take a bit of damage, even from minions, use your Corrupting with Q for extra deeps
@@Jay-gs3fi ive actually only lost to 3 teemos cause i go hail of blades and pretty much oneshot them lvl 2 xd teemos with grasp are a pain in the ass tho but i still win against them
Dark Harvest - Coup De Grace Taste Of Blood - Presence Of Mind Eyeball Collection Ravenous Hunter Be careful with this Rune Build (this is my Rune Build, by the way). As a Sata- Teemo Main, I know pretty much everything with Teemo. Weaknesses and Strengths. If Teemos that run this Rune Build actually know how to game, they'll hurt a lot in mid-game and late-game. Mordekaiser needs to wait for Teemo to use his Q before Mordekaiser can activate his E+Q. Sett needs to do the same with his E+Q. Irelia can easily harass Teemo with her E and Q. Especially her R, but Teemo is sometimes a pain-in-the-ass with this Rune Build. Darius can harass Teemo with his W and E. Rengar, Shadow Kayn and Kha'Zix are the MOST painful champions to go against as Teemo. Make sure to have one of them if you're up a Teemo. Volibear is hard to deal with in mid-game. Yasuo needs to block with his W Teemo's Q (and R, most of the times). NEVER EVER GO GAREN OR UDYR AGAINST TEEMO. These are just couple of Top Lane Encounters, that most people will need to read, if you ever face against a Teemo. And don't be afraid to ask your JNG to "camp top". :)
This is the lvl 2 and lvl 3 strat it's useful in every lane, specially in bot with cc supp and high dmg adc Kaisa nautilus for example in Diamond is easily abused when the rival doesn't respect the level advantage. Samira panth works too, with both you can get a kill lvl 2 even if they use all their spells
Damn after watching skill capped I started experiencing the game very differently, at first it felt weird and I ended up making a lot of misplays due to the new info in my head but after getting used to it I'm actually winning more games now
@Comet well said. You are exactly right about this. This video is designed to show a relative difference of matchups in the top lane through early levels. Zombie is really showing his intelligence when he says "Which shows this persons only goal is to make as many YT views as possible regardless of his content."
Damn that Gnar vs Jax looking kinda hard. 1 misstep and challenger Gnar loses against plat Jax.. Or something like Reksai gank over the wall and thats it. Although Jax played pretty well
hey skill capped, in the future videos like these could you briefly mention how they should’ve played( like at the end you mention how jax should’ve waited for level 3 to all in)
I hope there'll be a follow-up guide on how to keep the advantage once you follow those steps correctly, or what to do when we're behind. I personally just have a feeling on what do to next but I want to have more concrete steps because I tend to play reactively rather than proactively :/
Im no expert but I think that what you can do if youre extremly ahead is to proxy the wave (after having deep river and jungle vision) then dive the enemy, then you keep on doing that to further put him behind and if the jungler comes you could either 1v2 them or back off and both are a win win scenario since if the jungler is ganking you then that relieves pressure from the rest of the team
Honestly i would LOVE some especific champions videos, based on the popularity but winrate, so the videos are usefull for the most amount of people. Like your content so much, ty for making this free
I feel like at the ward at 8:06 is not very good bc its so shallow and the enemy jg is j4 who has very strong ganks with Jax tank setup which is good as well and you know that j4 is top side cause your heparin is clearing bot scuttle. Somehow j4 doesn't gank you even tho you are pushing and goes to try and gank mid instead at 8:27 which I think is just a dumb idea. I think you played lane really well but I also feel like you were in an extremely bankable position and the j4 just misplayed and missed a free gank. Im just pretty much wondering what would you do if j4 did rank you instead of going mid?
Im not even eligible for ranked yet but here's my great top lane strat for playing draft 1. Pick shen 2. Hide in the bush closest to enemy tower 3. Wait for enemy to walk passed you 4. Use q and whack them 3 times
Ok, question about the Gnar Jax match, you say Jax should wait until level 3 and all in because then he wins it (trade/kill whatever) How does this work? Gnar will hit 3 first because Jax is playing safe first 3 levels, when Jax finally hits 3 he has no way of actually going all in onto Gnar, if jax walks up to gnar, gnar will kite with AA's and Q's, Jax will never be able to walk into melee range to get an E off, now say Jax uses Q to get into E range, Gnar now uses E to get distance (Either before or after he's stunned doesn't matter a whole lot.) He then wins the trade by spacing Jax with AA's and Q's as he has no gap closer left. I don't see in any possible way how Jax can ever win this match up 1v1, if both players play correctly, he needs jungle help. If I'm wrong please explain to me why so I can understand - Rengar top player
I think he accidentally gave the best piece of advice without realizing it. It was that having 60% health makes you divable, at least early on and depending on your champ. This might be common knowledge, but I've never happened across it. I always thought a dive is only worth risking if someone is below half health at most, and that this would mostly stay true throughout the game. Now I'll probably still have trouble applying this offensively, since just because I now know this doesn't mean my teammates, specifically my jungler, knows it as well. However, I can at least apply this defensively, in fact this has caused me to reflect on some mistakes I've made in recent memory. When my opponent tries to chunk me down extra aggressively very early in the game, it might be in my best interest to get extra far away because they're making it possible for their nearby jungler to dive me. Even when I'd realize this, I was thinking "I'm only at 50% health, so even if they try to I could kite around to not die and kill them instead". Again, I'm going to use their aggression as a sign of whether or not they're setting up a dive. If they just casually trade or poke me when I position poorly and that ends up bringing me low, I'm likely not in any immediate danger. On the other hand, if they're pushing up extra hard to create chances to poke me, then I might have to give up that minion wave and/or get my jungler's attention.
Hey Skill Capped ! Wanted to tell u something for a while : i follow every guide u upload. BUT there is one topic i always struggle with : i don't know if i'm getting really better at this game. I play ranked seriously from saison 10 and climb to silver 2 from bronze 4. When i win, i feel like my opponent is really trolling or just discover the game. When i loose, i feel like i'm facing faker himself. So the question is, how to become more regular in my gameplay ? Have u any advice or guide to slowly build confidence in my skills, or my decision making ? I'm very confuse if i get eloboosted by my teammates... or the enemy team. PS : my english is not perfect, sorry for the grammar nazi outthere
You can't get eloboosted by teammates or enemy team if you play lots of soloQ. You'll rank up because of yourself and rank down because of you too. Analyse yourself, stay focus on you game plan in game and ez game.
Curious to know what happened on that first time of Trundle vs. Malphite, was that a dc? Wound up finishing at level 6 with 3k damage and everyone else was like level 9-12
So what do you do if you're not playing a range champ like Gnar and go against someone with strong lv 1 like Jax or Darius? He'll just zone you out of csing and you have no way to kite back like with Gnar.
5:526 I can give you my sum name as a proof but I just faced a plat 4 Jax main with 1.3 million mastery as gnar and oh boy he shit on me. That timing is on another lvl
@@amjadtahir45 at that point you ask for jg help, and hope you get a decent gank to where he has to back and miss cs. If he respects you and stays healthy, his level 3 is way better, and therefore he has kill pressure on you right then and there. The only thing you can do is farm safely and hope you get a gank. If not, the lane turns into a farm lane after that point, with him inevitably outscaling you
Me : lev 1 sett plays passively Lev 2 a little scared and focus on wave Lev 3; Let the game begine 😤. Make a wrong move in and am all in on you till death do us part.
"The lane is won" Only for mcbaze. What actually happens next is you get ganked and die. They push the tower. Then on your next turn back, they gank you again with mid as well, and they have herald, they then destroy both outer and inner towers while you're dead and your team is busy picking their noses. Then you get to spend the rest of the game farming under tower because they've got some stealth champ who will one hit you. This idea that the lane is won after one good kill is just completely trash. It depends on so much. Skill, champs, jgs, mids. And on and on and on.
MCBaze a mortal talking: I play Quinn lastely a lot and she is perfect for kiting around those 3 lvls (i guess) but i often get carried away by that ability to kite not getting when someone is stronger a lvl later. Is there like a list who is strong lvl 1,2,3...i know this cuts a lot of my learning curve but if skill capped would provide it, id even pay a fortune :)
Top lane: respect a lane state. If you lose control of the lane, you should let the wave crash and stay healthy. In high elo, you will get tower dive with a big wave.
Depends on your enemy. For getting early poke Q is way better, but If your enemy wants to take longer early Trades the dps of W together with the passive bonus Armor from it can be more valuable. But don't be Like the guy in the Video and Take Komet and then Not start Q to use its Potential ^^
@@gicgicu8513 No, even if you go dorans and double AP runes ur Q deals 90dmg, + scorch and comet is like 50, -20% from mr and u max out at 110, with potion and only 1 ap rune u do 90 dmg. W is autoreset, so I would take it lv1 too. Save mana for later Q-s
I usually do win the early levels hard exactly using these concepts. It's later that I screw up by not respecting certain power spikes or jungle ganks (thinking I am Faker and can 1v2 and shit).
just play darius and ward properly, the you can fight the lane opponent while jgler is on his way to kill you, if you hit 5 stacks be4 jgler is in sight, you win 600g
how to you beat a heimerdinger as darius? darius doesnt have a dash like zed/jax so waiting until level 3 wont help, and heimer is already stronger lvl 1.
What about mid - This concept is only half relevant there as you cant abuse the bounced back freeze arond lvl 4. I mean you can but around plat player can usually reconise that they fucked up big time early game and go roam bot - and this is a coinflip because ofc bot wont respect the roam and you have a lead anyway but there is legit 50% chance that this will end up you being fed vs enemy bot being fed sometimes. And it doesnt help that enemy laner is super behind as much as it should have. I ofc know that after knowing the matchups and winning early levels you can act on map yourself but then often your laner get some time to breathe on the other hand right?
Trundle's Q will go off because it makes the auto attack unstoppable. You can check the league wiki to know if your champion has an empowered and unstoppable AA leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Trundle/LoL
I think to showcase how these mechanics work is the plat gameplay really good, but if the enemy top lamer has a brain he would never walk up like this. And I think it would be nice if you could show us how you win your lane against equal opponents
In one of my last games a played Shen against Sett on top. On lvl 1-2-3 i killed him 2 times and got a cs advantage too. Then from lvl 6... i was exiled to under my turret because he hit me out from the game. Its was maybe or totally my fault, i'm a begginer Shen. It was just a suprise for me..
So I normally play passive until I get my 1st item but here it seems play aggressive When am passive it means their jungle can't gank me but it seems to win I must play aggressive I will try
That comes down to game knowledge( matchups, wave management, jg tracking) There are times to play aggressive in most lanes, but knowing when to take the offense is key.
This is why I like to use panth againts vlad or kayle cuz my lvl 1,2,3 is really strong like I can just cheese them with my empowered w in lvl 1 then go for a kill after 2.... I thought he will use Irelia, renek or akali cuz theyre more rewarding champ when mastered...
She can be strong in all 3, but there are champions that are better than her at lv1 or 3. For example, Jax's lv1 is infinitely better than Irelia's, if she ever tries to all in, even with a stacked passive, Jax can just E, continue autoing, and negate a lot of damage. Since Irelia also doesn't have marks, if she goes for a Q all in she will just lose that trade. After that, the matchup is Irelia favored once Jax spends his E. An example of lv3 advantage against Irelia would be Renekton. The dude has quite a surprising amount of burst damage that Irelia can't contest easily. However, levels 1-2 are very bad for Renekton, so abusing those would be the correct play. So Irelia doesn't really have terrible matchups in early levels, just matchups where her early spikes vary. Could be lv1, lv2, or lv3. Or all of them against a champion with terrible early game.
Irelia is B U S T E D level one. let your minion wave hit the enemy wave until the minions are all low (to the point where you can one shot them all with reset q's), q in on them all, stack your passive, and force an all in.
Top laning, easy as 1 2 3, simple as Do Re Mi, A B C, 1 2 3, Trundle, you and me And then your JG feeds the enemy laner 2 kills consecutively and blames you for not fighting into a huge wave.
No offense but that 2nd example had so many holes in it I mean u won't dive him at level 3 even if he has all those minions you were at 40% hp as well and to be honest it is just a jungle I get the minions strategy but that's about it tbh and also why would Camile start e level 1 lol
Well in the Camilie vs Yone game , after Camilie did that bad trade on a big minion wave she still managed to get even with Yone (in health) . So after all it was just a gank .
not saying this isn't a good video it is just more advanced than the title lets on. the title is also not accurate because it says "any champion", and most of the analysis being done in this video is opponent/champion specific. someone looking for the info the title insinuates isn't gonna be able to make these assertions about the enemy champion on the fly like this guy in the video so it is kinda useless for the target audience imho
It seems like you came up with a theory, then tried to force the evidence to fit the narrative you wanted. Also I think you might need to work on your CS. Correlation does not mean causation etc etc etc...
Heard you wanted a top guide :D
Finally i can begin the road to become The shy himself
Yeah I needed that for irelia
Thanks so much!!!
finally woooo
Everyone else: Paying attention and learning these concepts properly
Me: He missed cannon on the yone game
he missed another on gnar game
Sad hours
70nd like
Wave management is different from level management. If the video was about wave, I'm 100% sure he's gonna show a flawless wave clear.
"You might be thinking it's just a jungle gank, but if that's what you're taking away from this, good luck in high elo if you ever make it there, because if you have 60% or lower health, you're gonna get dove and lose a giant wave."
*Apply cold water to the burned area*
As he misses canon lol
So he can dive my 60% HP Darius or Garen? Or Urgot? Interesting, last person who tried while I was one auto away they just gave me a double kill.
Ya that was a complete burn
@@fabio4079 that's why you are in low elo
You are disrespectful
The dudes diving you won't be low elo, they are going to be top 1% and by picking darius or garen you just practically threw that game at p/b.
@@fabio4079 it depends on the matchup and the jungler. Its possible
Me a nasus main: what's lane prio? Lmao
Me, a kayle player:
@@larseunic ah yes. The super top scalers rejoice
@@larseunic I love this as a Kayle player, I'm like hmmm, Kayle lvl one beats Jayce lvl 1, and that is pretty much it. after 6 I can start winning lane.
@@55Hellspawn ??? Kayle lv 1 does not win against Jayce lvl 1 lmao
Do not get me wrong guys, I love mcbaze when he's just there being a sexy low elo dominatrix, but that being said: if i'm playing and listening to your videos, nothing gets me as nervous about loosing as the visage of Hector's voice saying something like: "...and You see how the volibear lost becase he dumb bro" and im just like: " dam... I don't want Hector to think i'm dumb..." And that just gets me on my A game. Anyway good video as allways.
Holy shit, I'm extremely new to league, I have 1 account that is only level 30 maybe and the fact that people play this game with such thought and knowledge about all of these things going on amazes me
same here man im lv35 and have been astounded at the ammount of though and detail some people can put into the game while im struggling to last hit minions and warding.....
I have just started playing League last year during covid19 so I can play with my friends. I think I'm pretty knowledgeable but I gotta say 90% of the decision making is based of your instinct or subconscious lol. You don't actively think for every cs or trade you take lol. You just know
@@robertli3600 True, also maybe unpopular opinion but bothering to learn the game too much is bad too, it's game have fun, you will learn anyway naturally
@@robertli3600 I think that 10% of dicisions that you make without your instinct would be the most important ones
been playing since season 1 bro, theres literally so much to this game im still learning lol, it never ends
Personally my GP game got much better when i realized how strong he is lv 1 and what matchups you can abuse at that stage. My GP laning got 10 times better just by abusing lv 1 xD
Same goes for my urgot
Same here for irelia. My dumbass would always wait till 3. Now first blood is basically guaranteed for me because no one seems to be afraid of an irelia with a fully stacked passive at lvl 1
Same with my camille. I would always start w and go grasp, but now on certain mathups i go q and almost always take conq (except Vayne, Rene, kennen, quinn etc)
Which match ups are abusable lvl 1 as gp ? Do you Q only when grasp is available ?
@@Silverdaay Almost every matchups ia abusable. Ranged champs can be a struggle and some melee can all in you (Fiora, Trynd) but you can space to avoid it. The passive is just as important as your Q, it makes your auto do more than double damage and speeds you up (imagine trynd dashes on you, you passive burn run and Q from range).
It's not easy to always have passive for trades tho, i usually walk at a lot of melee champs lv 1 and if they dont respect me i trade auto for auto and i hard win it.
Q usually only with grasp, but against matchup that become bad quickly (say Riven) you wanna Q on CD to get them low fast.
As soon as you take a bit of damage, even from minions, use your Corrupting with Q for extra deeps
Me a mordekaiser main: As long as i dont die before 6 i win after. Big bonk goes brr
Me a sett main as long as i dont go against a poppy or a hard ranged matchup i get first blood every time
Teemo Main speaking, everytime I go against Sett, they suffer.
camille main talking:get level 2 and gg
@@Jay-gs3fi ive actually only lost to 3 teemos cause i go hail of blades and pretty much oneshot them lvl 2 xd teemos with grasp are a pain in the ass tho but i still win against them
Dark Harvest - Coup De Grace
Taste Of Blood - Presence Of Mind
Eyeball Collection
Ravenous Hunter
Be careful with this Rune Build (this is my Rune Build, by the way).
As a Sata- Teemo Main, I know pretty much everything with Teemo. Weaknesses and Strengths.
If Teemos that run this Rune Build actually know how to game, they'll hurt a lot in mid-game and late-game.
Mordekaiser needs to wait for Teemo to use his Q before Mordekaiser can activate his E+Q.
Sett needs to do the same with his E+Q.
Irelia can easily harass Teemo with her E and Q. Especially her R, but Teemo is sometimes a pain-in-the-ass with this Rune Build.
Darius can harass Teemo with his W and E.
Rengar, Shadow Kayn and Kha'Zix are the MOST painful champions to go against as Teemo. Make sure to have one of them if you're up a Teemo.
Volibear is hard to deal with in mid-game.
Yasuo needs to block with his W Teemo's Q (and R, most of the times).
These are just couple of Top Lane Encounters, that most people will need to read, if you ever face against a Teemo.
And don't be afraid to ask your JNG to "camp top". :)
This is the lvl 2 and lvl 3 strat it's useful in every lane, specially in bot with cc supp and high dmg adc
Kaisa nautilus for example in Diamond is easily abused when the rival doesn't respect the level advantage.
Samira panth works too, with both you can get a kill lvl 2 even if they use all their spells
Great video, as always! I just realised this has been uploaded 16 seconds before I started watching
Damn after watching skill capped I started experiencing the game very differently, at first it felt weird and I ended up making a lot of misplays due to the new info in my head but after getting used to it I'm actually winning more games now
@Comet well said. You are exactly right about this. This video is designed to show a relative difference of matchups in the top lane through early levels. Zombie is really showing his intelligence when he says "Which shows this persons only goal is to make as many YT views as possible regardless of his content."
Damn that Gnar vs Jax looking kinda hard. 1 misstep and challenger Gnar loses against plat Jax.. Or something like Reksai gank over the wall and thats it. Although Jax played pretty well
thank you so much for this guide, I am actually really glad I saw this as I usually would've completely blown my advantage otherwise
hey skill capped, in the future videos like these could you briefly mention how they should’ve played( like at the end you mention how jax should’ve waited for level 3 to all in)
thanks so much I just started and now I feel like I have alot better of an understanding of top lane! can't wait to put this information into play :)
Thanks for these guides. Don't play leave as much anymore but I'm adapting the general principles to Wildrift. Pretty useful
I hope there'll be a follow-up guide on how to keep the advantage once you follow those steps correctly, or what to do when we're behind. I personally just have a feeling on what do to next but I want to have more concrete steps because I tend to play reactively rather than proactively :/
Im no expert but I think that what you can do if youre extremly ahead is to proxy the wave (after having deep river and jungle vision) then dive the enemy, then you keep on doing that to further put him behind and if the jungler comes you could either 1v2 them or back off and both are a win win scenario since if the jungler is ganking you then that relieves pressure from the rest of the team
Honestly i would LOVE some especific champions videos, based on the popularity but winrate, so the videos are usefull for the most amount of people. Like your content so much, ty for making this free
mcbaze left that first trundle vs malphite game lmao, he was level 6 while everyone else was levels 9-12
@@asec3593 He left the game
Really? 😂
I feel like at the ward at 8:06 is not very good bc its so shallow and the enemy jg is j4 who has very strong ganks with Jax tank setup which is good as well and you know that j4 is top side cause your heparin is clearing bot scuttle. Somehow j4 doesn't gank you even tho you are pushing and goes to try and gank mid instead at 8:27 which I think is just a dumb idea. I think you played lane really well but I also feel like you were in an extremely bankable position and the j4 just misplayed and missed a free gank. Im just pretty much wondering what would you do if j4 did rank you instead of going mid?
Can you please make more videos like this where you talk out more level 1-3 match ups?
Im not even eligible for ranked yet but here's my great top lane strat for playing draft
1. Pick shen
2. Hide in the bush closest to enemy tower
3. Wait for enemy to walk passed you
4. Use q and whack them 3 times
Great video as always!
5:21 Cannon !!
Hey can you guys make a video about closing out games?
i like how skillcaped give us top guides and when i watch them im like "heh me singed me go proxy"
love these vids!
Ok, question about the Gnar Jax match, you say Jax should wait until level 3 and all in because then he wins it (trade/kill whatever) How does this work? Gnar will hit 3 first because Jax is playing safe first 3 levels, when Jax finally hits 3 he has no way of actually going all in onto Gnar, if jax walks up to gnar, gnar will kite with AA's and Q's, Jax will never be able to walk into melee range to get an E off, now say Jax uses Q to get into E range, Gnar now uses E to get distance (Either before or after he's stunned doesn't matter a whole lot.) He then wins the trade by spacing Jax with AA's and Q's as he has no gap closer left. I don't see in any possible way how Jax can ever win this match up 1v1, if both players play correctly, he needs jungle help. If I'm wrong please explain to me why so I can understand - Rengar top player
I think he accidentally gave the best piece of advice without realizing it. It was that having 60% health makes you divable, at least early on and depending on your champ. This might be common knowledge, but I've never happened across it. I always thought a dive is only worth risking if someone is below half health at most, and that this would mostly stay true throughout the game. Now I'll probably still have trouble applying this offensively, since just because I now know this doesn't mean my teammates, specifically my jungler, knows it as well. However, I can at least apply this defensively, in fact this has caused me to reflect on some mistakes I've made in recent memory. When my opponent tries to chunk me down extra aggressively very early in the game, it might be in my best interest to get extra far away because they're making it possible for their nearby jungler to dive me. Even when I'd realize this, I was thinking "I'm only at 50% health, so even if they try to I could kite around to not die and kill them instead". Again, I'm going to use their aggression as a sign of whether or not they're setting up a dive. If they just casually trade or poke me when I position poorly and that ends up bringing me low, I'm likely not in any immediate danger. On the other hand, if they're pushing up extra hard to create chances to poke me, then I might have to give up that minion wave and/or get my jungler's attention.
Hey Skill Capped ! Wanted to tell u something for a while : i follow every guide u upload. BUT there is one topic i always struggle with : i don't know if i'm getting really better at this game. I play ranked seriously from saison 10 and climb to silver 2 from bronze 4. When i win, i feel like my opponent is really trolling or just discover the game. When i loose, i feel like i'm facing faker himself. So the question is, how to become more regular in my gameplay ? Have u any advice or guide to slowly build confidence in my skills, or my decision making ? I'm very confuse if i get eloboosted by my teammates... or the enemy team.
PS : my english is not perfect, sorry for the grammar nazi outthere
You can't get eloboosted by teammates or enemy team if you play lots of soloQ.
You'll rank up because of yourself and rank down because of you too. Analyse yourself, stay focus on you game plan in game and ez game.
I'd like to know each champion's strength levels from 1 2 and 3 and when to trade and not trade.
love the wave Hecarim fucked up the freeze at the end of the video :D
1 Yone tip is to get e second against Camille because you can dodge her e
Camille just levels w If you do
@@nateosborn1860 it’s a mind game though because the yone can just level w if camille tries to use w
Curious to know what happened on that first time of Trundle vs. Malphite, was that a dc? Wound up finishing at level 6 with 3k damage and everyone else was like level 9-12
He afk'ed lmao. dunno why he didn't show it, but he must've died a ton of times and left the game.
@@drattoX more like he made the video for the content and moved on lol
Thx for the video
So what do you do if you're not playing a range champ like Gnar and go against someone with strong lv 1 like Jax or Darius? He'll just zone you out of csing and you have no way to kite back like with Gnar.
5:526 I can give you my sum name as a proof but I just faced a plat 4 Jax main with 1.3 million mastery as gnar and oh boy he shit on me. That timing is on another lvl
But he kinda played lvl 1/2/3 super well. He just let me push and gave up cs. What do you do in that case as a ranged vs melee if they respect you?
@@amjadtahir45 at that point you ask for jg help, and hope you get a decent gank to where he has to back and miss cs. If he respects you and stays healthy, his level 3 is way better, and therefore he has kill pressure on you right then and there. The only thing you can do is farm safely and hope you get a gank. If not, the lane turns into a farm lane after that point, with him inevitably outscaling you
Wait why am I even here enjoying this video?
I am a jungle main
Me : lev 1 sett plays passively
Lev 2 a little scared and focus on wave
Lev 3; Let the game begine 😤.
Make a wrong move in and am all in on you till death do us part.
"The lane is won" Only for mcbaze. What actually happens next is you get ganked and die. They push the tower. Then on your next turn back, they gank you again with mid as well, and they have herald, they then destroy both outer and inner towers while you're dead and your team is busy picking their noses. Then you get to spend the rest of the game farming under tower because they've got some stealth champ who will one hit you.
This idea that the lane is won after one good kill is just completely trash. It depends on so much. Skill, champs, jgs, mids. And on and on and on.
Plz more top champs and guides
Love your videos skillcapped, I am currently masters and still learning a lot from it, keep it up !
Wait what if it is a mirror match up? What do you do against those
MCBaze a mortal talking: I play Quinn lastely a lot and she is perfect for kiting around those 3 lvls (i guess) but i often get carried away by that ability to kite not getting when someone is stronger a lvl later. Is there like a list who is strong lvl 1,2,3...i know this cuts a lot of my learning curve but if skill capped would provide it, id even pay a fortune :)
5:18 this is satisfying af! i luv it
7:00 That csing lul
I would be interessted in a Guide how to properly set up dives
Hope you guys release top lane macro next
Can u guys make a video about how to lose the games that have been won early ?
i can send you a few of my replays if you want to know :)
the secret is to throw a lot :)
Take every fights, no matter the situation. Be a man
Oh and, there's no such thing as overplaying
those 3 cs misses hurt hard
Top lane: respect a lane state. If you lose control of the lane, you should let the wave crash and stay healthy. In high elo, you will get tower dive with a big wave.
like how u cooperate with ur jg good
Proguide ad on skillcapped video. Troll level over 9,000!
If a malphite picks w instead of q first, he deserves to lose
Unstoppable force
Depends on your enemy. For getting early poke Q is way better, but If your enemy wants to take longer early Trades the dps of W together with the passive bonus Armor from it can be more valuable. But don't be Like the guy in the Video and Take Komet and then Not start Q to use its Potential ^^
Lv1 Q is 50 dmg, it is not really worth the mana
@@marianvajda785 its not 50, its around 150 with scorch and runes
@@gicgicu8513 No, even if you go dorans and double AP runes ur Q deals 90dmg, + scorch and comet is like 50, -20% from mr and u max out at 110, with potion and only 1 ap rune u do 90 dmg. W is autoreset, so I would take it lv1 too. Save mana for later Q-s
Abusing Sett level 1-3 got me to plat 2 haha
Instructions not clear: dives tower level 1.
Isnt this the same guild u did long ago?
What if the Malphite starts Q? Or E?
I usually do win the early levels hard exactly using these concepts. It's later that I screw up by not respecting certain power spikes or jungle ganks (thinking I am Faker and can 1v2 and shit).
just play darius and ward properly, the you can fight the lane opponent while jgler is on his way to kill you, if you hit 5 stacks be4 jgler is in sight, you win 600g
Kayn top mains appreciate this thx for the knowledge. we will return
My teammates seem to have learned how to lose lane lvl 1 already tho.
Is it hard to say bush and not brush?
how to you beat a heimerdinger as darius? darius doesnt have a dash like zed/jax so waiting until level 3 wont help, and heimer is already stronger lvl 1.
yeah good luck with that
@@EndlessIslandAdventure loading screen tips be like
What about mid - This concept is only half relevant there as you cant abuse the bounced back freeze arond lvl 4. I mean you can but around plat player can usually reconise that they fucked up big time early game and go roam bot - and this is a coinflip because ofc bot wont respect the roam and you have a lead anyway but there is legit 50% chance that this will end up you being fed vs enemy bot being fed sometimes. And it doesnt help that enemy laner is super behind as much as it should have.
I ofc know that after knowing the matchups and winning early levels you can act on map yourself but then often your laner get some time to breathe on the other hand right?
Trundle's Q will go off because it makes the auto attack unstoppable. You can check the league wiki to know if your champion has an empowered and unstoppable AA leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Trundle/LoL
I think to showcase how these mechanics work is the plat gameplay really good, but if the enemy top lamer has a brain he would never walk up like this. And I think it would be nice if you could show us how you win your lane against equal opponents
Tldr : camille can fuck you up at any time of the game if she wants to, but if she doesnt you can trade her :)
In one of my last games a played Shen against Sett on top. On lvl 1-2-3 i killed him 2 times and got a cs advantage too. Then from lvl 6... i was exiled to under my turret because he hit me out from the game.
Its was maybe or totally my fault, i'm a begginer Shen. It was just a suprise for me..
Don’t know if you bought these but setts biggest counters are bramble vest and armor boots.
So I normally play passive until I get my 1st item but here it seems play aggressive
When am passive it means their jungle can't gank me but it seems to win I must play aggressive
I will try
That comes down to game knowledge( matchups, wave management, jg tracking) There are times to play aggressive in most lanes, but knowing when to take the offense is key.
i dont wanna spoil anything but this si godzu guys that malphite
This is why I like to use panth againts vlad or kayle cuz my lvl 1,2,3 is really strong like I can just cheese them with my empowered w in lvl 1 then go for a kill after 2.... I thought he will use Irelia, renek or akali cuz theyre more rewarding champ when mastered...
My main takeaway from this video is that gnar is as shit as I thought he was
Gnars not shit lmao
@@mitsu9314 You are 6 months late dummy.
@@wildexperiense I know 😂
and if u are a nasus main, lvl 1 or 2 or 3 doesnt matter, you need to w8 until lvl 6
Enjoyed the video but i think for the 1st clip it wouldve been better to show one that doesnt have the opponent basically doing everything wrong
2:03 it was not in tower range I swear.
Me playing Kayle... so what do I do if my 1,2 and 3 are weak...
Dont be the guy that dies lvl 1-3
Last time I was this early my jg was coinflipping the game in a late invade
I mean if late invade is done correctly there is nothing coinflip about it.
who else thought he was playing malphite in the beginning
Wait, Jax strong at level 1?
Skill capped gets the first blood: We have won.
Me gets first blood and then gets ganked a lot: :O
is irelia lvl 1,2 or 3?
She can be strong in all 3, but there are champions that are better than her at lv1 or 3.
For example, Jax's lv1 is infinitely better than Irelia's, if she ever tries to all in, even with a stacked passive, Jax can just E, continue autoing, and negate a lot of damage. Since Irelia also doesn't have marks, if she goes for a Q all in she will just lose that trade. After that, the matchup is Irelia favored once Jax spends his E.
An example of lv3 advantage against Irelia would be Renekton. The dude has quite a surprising amount of burst damage that Irelia can't contest easily. However, levels 1-2 are very bad for Renekton, so abusing those would be the correct play.
So Irelia doesn't really have terrible matchups in early levels, just matchups where her early spikes vary. Could be lv1, lv2, or lv3. Or all of them against a champion with terrible early game.
Irelia is B U S T E D level one. let your minion wave hit the enemy wave until the minions are all low (to the point where you can one shot them all with reset q's), q in on them all, stack your passive, and force an all in.
@@HappyGick thanks a lot
Top laning, easy as
1 2 3, simple as
Do Re Mi, A B C, 1 2 3,
Trundle, you and me
And then your JG feeds the enemy laner 2 kills consecutively and blames you for not fighting into a huge wave.
By the time I hit lvl 3 in toplane my botlane died 10 times so its gg
does cheater recall still work
What if i play teemo?
No offense but that 2nd example had so many holes in it I mean u won't dive him at level 3 even if he has all those minions you were at 40% hp as well and to be honest it is just a jungle I get the minions strategy but that's about it tbh and also why would Camile start e level 1 lol
wukong have the best lv1 at top I think
your farming with gnar makes me nervous
so basically get lvl 2 before enemy then win
I got wreck by TheShyGod... Life is complete
Or have your mid plays vs akali then have no prio on mid and ff 15
How the fuck did you manage to find a Malphite who starts W for this video?
I don’t know any of this since this is my 2nd day playing
You still playing bro?
This video has so much Elo ego
Pls dont do this in that elo. Do mid dia and above.. way better
Well in the Camilie vs Yone game , after Camilie did that bad trade on a big minion wave she still managed to get even with Yone (in health) . So after all it was just a gank .
not saying this isn't a good video it is just more advanced than the title lets on. the title is also not accurate because it says "any champion", and most of the analysis being done in this video is opponent/champion specific. someone looking for the info the title insinuates isn't gonna be able to make these assertions about the enemy champion on the fly like this guy in the video so it is kinda useless for the target audience imho
It seems like you came up with a theory, then tried to force the evidence to fit the narrative you wanted. Also I think you might need to work on your CS. Correlation does not mean causation etc etc etc...
*confused kayle noises*