A part of me wants to seek but another part of me is tired of seeking. I'm living in a constant state of clash and it's exhausting. It's like letting go of letting go of letting go, I recognize my effort to remove suffering, then give effort to remove the effort, then give effort to remove the effort to remove the effort. I sink into mindless thoughts, then I wake up, then I sink back in, then I wake up. Sleeping is the only time I ever find rest.
Catching it when it happens is the trick. It's constant at first, but, like anything else, the more you do it, the more proficient that you become at it and those endless streams of thoughts just begin to dissipate and lessen as you become accustomed to making the now your usual state of being. It does take time but less and less effort as you improve, of course. Best of luck on your journey ❤
Same here! After decades of seeking, reading, listening I am tired of all of that. But I'm afraid stopping and finding no meaning in an ordinary life without knowing who I really am. I don't want to sleep with open eyes... And yes, I also sleep as often as I can, it's like reconnecting, being at home, even though I don't remember where I was, I feel calmer when I wake up. You are not alone!
Saja is talking about exactely this situation. Listen to him from minute 8! Stop trying anything. Be that every experience embracing being. You are the screen and not the movie. ( Not my own metapher, everybody has heard that before) The screen cant do anything anyway. But, hopefully this does not feed any expectations 😂, I think Jeff Foster went the same way, being totally tired of trying this and trying that. Sounds like your ego is giving its best to stay in with these torturing thoughts. You will not find a solution in your thoughts, thats the game. Whenever they arise again you could rather say you are busy enough breathing in and out. Your experience is: thoughts Are arising giving you the Illusion you could do better this or that. Ignore them! Notice: ah, this thought again, ok, then go on breathing, feeling your body it whatever. Most likely these thoughts will be accompanied by the expectation that you feel better which means you Are resisting….. and so on. Thats all the mind.🤷. But, as I Said, listen to this Video again. I wish you Peace.
Hi Saja. Thank you so much for your videos about suffering and surrendering. They have been the very last piece my mind has needed for the final total understanding of suffering and happiness! It was such a difficult period of time for "me". Thank you so much. I know very well who you are and I am really grateful! 😉❤
Finally my brother 🙏 been seeking truth my whole life and struggled in my mind and addiction but Finally my journey is just beginning. Your exact words you spoke explained exactly what i need to do. Love you unconditionally my brother ty 🙏
I am realising its not thoughts - its sensation I am moving away from - choosing distraction - shopping, tea, thinking, doing, moving - its at time strong and uncomfortable, unbearable even, but usually subtle and sneaky. Oh I will just look up this, oh I forgot to do that - procrastination and distraction. However I feel myself refusing to be whatever is arising n that moment. I have called it anxiety, stress, worry and given them a cause, a reason - but it's the reverse.
Great video! one thing I realized this morning while meditating is suffering won't "end" until I have let go of ALL attachments. Attachment to money/material, people, outcome, events, feelings/emotions/sensations, even my body. the funny thing is I knew that already intellectually, but this time I actually felt it. I understood then why in some eastern philosophy like the Buddhism vow to have no possessions or even in Catholicism the vow of poverty.
It is (usually) easier to practice letting go when one has taken the poverty vows and entered the monastery/ashram, where one also has the guidance of the master and the support of the sangha. But, it’s not necessary, just easier. (And thank “God” it’s not necessary as most of us don’t have the opportunity to become monks/nuns.)
I understand it rationally but actually putting it into practice is something inconceivable to me. Thanks for putting the video out but I'm not ready. Just leaving a comment I'll maybe one day return to.
Just sit down and silience the mind. When a thought arises, just shift focus back to the breath. Or listen to the "gateway experience" by robort monroe
@@diligencehumility6971 I'm sceptical of meditation. Even IF I made contact with some kind of spirit entity or guide ( which I doubt ), what then ? Will they speak to you in plain English ? No. They'll show you a symbol or a sign, and then it's up to you to work out what the fuck they mean from it. It could mean any one of a hundred things. It's so subjective it could be interpreted in many ways. How does one know doe sure ?
I am in this suffering.. I have react to it and let it effect me emotionally to the extend i hurt my self and those around me, consciously or unconciously.. In reacting to it i want to escape it.. "I don't want to be suffer".. That's i know it. So now i explore this suffering.. I have spent times to deal with it but to no avail.. This suffering keep coming.. One ended, and thought i end it. Another proceed.. Now i realise instead of making artificial structure to fight it, i give my self freedom to feel it. And now i notice the space. The space that i have filled with response to that suffering.. Instead of "Oh no !! I want to get out this agony".. I see the very process of that suffering and that's all.. Instead of "what is suffering or how to end it". The narative is "what is it that suffering".. And in that there is space.. A space where im free.. 😊🙌🙏
I've been noticing The intense seeking and wanting to end it for weeks now and I am having a hard time. It feels like breaking a very strong addiction.
I feal this this lonliness in the depth of my being, in my bones and heart, is something that i cant even explain, i am traped in this thought that everything is a lie and i live in a lie, even if my life is actually good. I have start smoking again and for no reson i just cant stop as i did 10 years ago. I hade glimpss of pure loved, but i go back and forward... Nothing seems to fulfill this life i live.
So I wonder... if trying to remove your suffering is a desire, then trying to seek the truth is a desire too. No? What is truth if not yet another concept? My first thought in hearing this message is that it could be perceived as denial, suppression or repression. One might even think that it is about accepting what is and doing nothing to change things for the better. But I persisted and listened to the end and I am glad I did. All these question sprung to mind as I listened.... what if the whole purpose of it all is to embrace the polarities/separateness? Is the desire to stop suffering not the denial of what the perceived moment that is trying to tell us something valuable about our contradictions? Why are we unable to accept these contradictions? So I have a few thoughts I wanted to share.. I think the reason we "seek" is an internal alarm/guidance to move us towards understanding, experiencing, integrating and knowing ourselves deeply and fully. Non duality cannot happen without visceral (and not just mental) direct experience of being, but most of us have never been taught how to sit with this expansiveness. BUT I believe we do not live on an energetic plane where you can experience that oneness on an ongoing basis anyway. If that were the case we could not be experiencing this existence because it would be too dense and unbearable to live in. We are doomed to experience the polarities(separateness), because that is the only way we can understand ourselves better. If there was no contrast how would we know what our "truth" is? So non duality for me is a misnomer because the only thing that is "real" or "true" is the ability to sit fully 100% in the present moment, without labelling it as truth or anything else and be fully open to the "me" that is having this experience. And that is so overwhelmingly hard because so many sensations come up and we have never been taught to sit and make space for the rawness of it all. Human beings are so good at escaping that...this is why we overthink, we escape with distractions etc.. because anything is more bearable than experiencing our unadulterated wholeness. I have on one occasion sat with expansiveness and it was trippy (no substances were used to induce this) and after a few brief moments I just could not stay in the moment because I felt like there was no containment. It felt unsafe even though there was no danger. It's like my brain has a setting for what is safe to hold but beyond that it cannot tolerate it. I have never after that been able to replicate this experience even though I tried. If anyone reading this has done so repeatedly and can offer some suggestions I would be really grateful. In ending, I would like to say that I have decided to accept the polarities as something that is there that I can use to get me closer to being and experiencing myself. Truth is subjective and it is irrelevant to me because it is just a concept. The direct experience of being is the only real or true thing. So how to remove the resistance of being? I am testing something new for myself: I have started to change my meditation practice to a being practice. The aim is to sit with feeling into my being fully and being present 100%! There is a subtle difference between this and meditation for me, with the aim to feel sensations and amplify them with awareness in the body as a gateway to direct experience. What is the "I" that is experiencing? I know I am the awareness noticing and that if this is the case I need to be careful what I choose to give attention to, because the two are not the same. I know when I die I will return "home" to source and this experience called life will just be a collection of me trying to remember who I am before I return to wholeness. Thank you Saja for your thought provoking video! I am glad I found this video as I am on my journey to experience the present moment fully! I am tired of being on this hamster wheel called life constantly doing, thinking and trying to change things. I want to experience freedom of being and instead of being a human doing! It is much harder than it seems.
I’ll make a full list soon and add it to my free community 🙏 I would recommend atma nirvriti & atma darshan by atmananda krishna menon, Rupert Spiras first book the transparency of things. They’ll be a great start 🌅
Hearing this video this morning I thought, actually these few sentences are enough teaching at all. The picture of the every experience embracing being was really strong for me. Thank you! ( And, please, keep on releasing more videos 😂)
So, trying to remove suffering is the thing that makes me suffer. I agree with that statement. That is how I feel when I fail at overcoming my suffering because it seems futile. Thank you for helping to confirm my own thoughts.
Yet to survive, live and love rather than being annihilated we have to choose some actions over others, and to have a criterion for that choice and a motivation for pushing actions through difficulties to their conclusion.
whenever I try to discuss this idea with people who had a traumatic experience to do with physical and sexual abuse, they get emotionally offended or flashbacked. I understand that they feel like they have to "do" something in order for such "unacceptable thing" to never happen again with them and the others. Therefore, sometimes it seems hard to apply this absolute view point to the pragmatic aspects of our lives. I feel like I understand what you mean but if somebody asked me: "what about this or that experience, should we also accept it and be opened to it even tho it might make us suffer hugely", I feel like being stuck in this bad faith trap of an unsympathetic or unrealistic answer. btw i know this is a bit of topic :=}
This comment will probably disappear into the abyss, but... It is the ego, the mind that we think we are, which manifests suffering. The ego originally emerged as a mechanism to survive at the low vibrational level of our planet, but it grew over time to be mistaken for our actual identity. So, dis-identify with the ego mind, and the suffering can take care of itself. You do that by living in the now. Right now is the only point in time that exists, after all. Be present in the now as much as you can, separated from memories and future concerns. Release your emotions, your pain, to Source. Then just be, within the unfolding of now. Observe, detached. Do not think, analyze, or judge. Just observe within the now. When you do this, your true self, your higher self, can emerge from beneath the mind and bring its infinite inner stillness into your awareness. Your vibration rises when you do this, and so you simply leave the ego behind. Eckhart Tolle wrote about all of this in The Power of Now, nearly 30 years ago. And even then, his teachings are a synthesis of spiritual knowledge that goes back thousands of years, largely disregarded by Western civilization.
Are you saying that there's no pain or suffering in the NOW moment too ? Of course there is. You cannot escape it if and when it affects you, no matter what " moment" you're in. Ever had a chronic debilitating illness ?
Wow.i came across a video earlier of yours and had the realisation discussed in this video. My ego (the imagined self) has been seeking the end of suffering all this time even in alignment. The paradox is i was here all along. I need do nothing or seek nothing. I only need resist nothing that comes up in this experience as the resistance is the suffering 🤯
"...I only need resist nothing that comes up in this experience as the resistance is the suffering...". No pain for you then ? You've never had terminal cancer for instance, have you ?
Can you make a video talking about suffering and happiness and how you feel those feelings, and how that is different than what you are describing here? In this video are you describing the act of wanting to remove suffering permanently? Is what you're saying that there will always be ups and downs, suffering and happiness, and the cycle neer stops? Thanks and great video :)
Hey brother, no this isn’t what I’m saying. I’m saying suffering is itself the desire to get rid of something. Suffering in its purest form is suffering that wants to remove itself. Suffering is the same experience all the time. The experience of pure psychological resistance 🙏
Letting go has been one of the most powerful methods for me, because the act of letting go doesn't necessarily mean removing, but releasing the attachment itself. Realize the impermanence of suffering.
@@gribwitch I don't really agree with that, because you don't need to wait to see the impermanence in all things. But, I do know some suffer more than others, and it's not always as simple as "just letting go". I believe that It's not very beneficial to hold on to the idea that you are stuck in one feeling (suffering for example), even if you may be feeling down at the moment. Acceptance is key for those moments.
it’s very clear that there is no separate self. in direct experience this is clear. but i don’t know how one comes to see that conciousness is primary/universal rather than just this is all appearing in the brain. which is the general assumption in neuroscience yes? that light reflects and we are seeing images projected internally. And I don’t know that it’s really provable either way as I have heard teachers say no it’s not really provable, but I feel just sort of at a standstill here. Any suggestions?
Why make it needlessly complicated when it is a UNREALIZED SIMPLICITY. It is about the use of words and the general meaning that they have in society. In its general meaning "Thought" does not "Create Reality", according to Buddha "Thought is the cause of ALL SUFFERING". And that is so because "thought can create all sorts of imaginings" which most times are not real, "thoughts" can actually create imaginings that create an INTERNAL STATE of "Fear". The Hindus used a Sanskrit word for this named "Maya". (or the great ILLUSION) That our "thoughts" are REALITY when they ARE NOT, that our external "circumstances" cause our INTERNAL STATE, when they DO NOT. That EVERYTHING IS INVERTED in the GREAT ILLUSION, that our concepts of "CAUSE" and "EFFECT" are completely UPSIDE-DOWN. (That is one part of the Great Illusion.) And that could be described as believing: that it is "happening to us", instead of "we are making it happen". The MAYA illusion, of UPSIDE-DOWN concepts, thoughts, imaginings. When Jane Roberts (Seth) back in the 60s coined the expression "You create your own reality", in the culture of the time it was hard to comprehend how that could be. Especially for everyone coming from “organized religion” backgrounds. Particularly from organized Christianity. The INVERTED concept of "You are a worthless Sinner that needs to be redeemed", instead of what is in the actual bible: "You are made in the Image God" (The all powerful, all possibilities image of God.) or as Jesus said: "The Kingdom of God is WITHIN YOU". "For assuredly, I say to you, whoever SAYS to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but BELIEVES that those things he SAYS will be done, he will have whatever he SAYS. - Mark 11:23 Now in one book the word "BELIEVES" is used, and the word "FAITH" is used in another, but whatever the word, and whatever the exact meaning of the original, it is describing an INTERNAL STATE. That it is the INTERNAL STATE, (Image of God) that causes the apparent EXTERNAL EXPERIENCE, that is perceived and experienced as an actual PHYSICAL HAPPENING. That is the NON-INVERTED by organized Christian Religions TRUTH. Now that INTERNAL STATE can be described using many different words, such as Excitement, Joy, Happiness, Exuberance, Love etc. (except you become as little children, you will not enter the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN etc.) but it is like the Hindu image of the "Ouroboros Snake" IT FEEDS OFF ITSELF. And an INTERNAL STATE of "Fear" will do exactly the SAME THING. Which is probably why the expression "Fear Not" appears so many times (365 times) in the Bible, or "Faith" (458 times) etc. In other words, get control over your INTERNAL STATE, or your "Image of God" SELF, then the apparent EXTERNAL CIRCUMSTANCES will ALIGN WITH THAT INTERNAL STATE. (As what appear to be REAL HAPPENINGS.) In Jung's and Frankl's exploration of Human Nature they came to the conclusion that "The Image of God" was located in what they termed "the Unconscious Self", and the "conscious" Self was mostly a culturally conditioned "artificial" Self, which was named the EGO. Frankl even wrote a book named "The Unconscious God". But if you "understand" and "know" that YOU ARE THE IMAGE OF GOD (and not a worthless sinner) it is much easier to "believe" that your INTERNAL STATE (of the Image of God within) "Creates Your Own Reality". (Heaven or Hell as an INTERNAL “State of Being”.) It is usually experienced as an INTERNAL “CONFLICT” STATE between the “will” of the conscious EGO SELF, and the “unconscious” “will” of the “Image of God” SELF. But in its true experienced expression, when properly used by CONSCIOUS INTENT, it appears to be MAGIC. “Emerging” or “Manifesting” (from within you) are the two MAGIC words, it is NOT really “attracting” as is most often described. (As a so called “Law of Attraction”.) It is “The Law of Correspondence”, “as within so without”, “as above so below” etc. It is “Coming into Existence” or “Being Created” from within your own “INTERNAL STATE”, OF BEINGNESS (Image of God) be that by a “conscious intention” INTERNAL STATE, or an “unconscious” INTERNAL STATE. Excited Expectation and trust INTERNAL STATE (Love) or Depressed and Fearful INTERNAL STATE (Fear and Suffering.) What appears in YOUR EXTERNAL EXPERIENCE, will ALWAYS BE A REFLECTION OF YOUR INTERNAL STATE. (Your Image of God, “State of Being”) “For the thing I greatly feared has come upon me, And what I dreaded has happened to me. I am not at ease, nor am I quiet; I have no rest, for trouble comes.” - Job 3:25-26
One day all suffering will cease and we will be watching utube. Trying to find out how to suffer. I think I’ll post a few of my of my sister in law. She can make plants wither just by looking at them. The good thing is she might have cured my toe nail fungus.
"the very act of trying to remove our suffering - is the very suffering we are trying to remove" 🤯 ... "the very act of doing it - is the very thing that's creating it, so the only way we can ever remove our suffering is - if we remove the desire to remove our suffering, which you cannot do, unless you realize that 'there is nothing you can do to remove your suffering'" 🥳
Neither state is something we want to experience. In my view there is no need for suffering at all. One does not need to experience evil to know what good is. In a perfect world ( which we had once, in the Garden of Eden ) we HAD that perfect world. No suffering. No duality. Just pure love and goodness ALL the time. So when people say we need suffering to grow and evolve, I say rubbish. If you feel you masochistically need it, go for it. I don't.
First, I wanted to say thank you for answering me so sincerely last time! I hold your answer for a while as in part I knew my question is essentially wondering what you, with that level of enlightened-ness", are seeking afterwards. Second, I'm not sure you know Teal swan, another spiritual teacher. She talked about do not deny physical reality, only acknowledge spiritual reality dimension of what we are. I'm not sure whether this contradict what you are saying. I suppose much is up to listeners' interpretation. Language ultimately is a limited tool to communicate one's meaning. And obviously, I'm still seeking. :D Thank you !
Hey my friend! Thanks for the lovely comment. To answer your question, I’m not seeking anything. I am however creating and building and having fun. I optimise my life for that. Secondly, Yes I am aware of her, and I would agree with her if she means to not get lost in the spiritual world, but if she does not acknowledge that there is no physical world and offers no guidance, to uproot the trauma of separation that makes us believe we are separate. We can know we are infinite but if we still have the belief and conditioning that the world is still physical and real and have not uprooted that way of seeing the world will still hold a power to convince us otherwise and therefore create more suffering albeit maybe more subtle. So the approach I share as I have learnt an experienced to is to dissolve the sense of separation on a feeling/experience level after first recognising our true nature. Then we go back into duality however now duality does not imply separation, it is seen clearly as non-dual. I would call it, from my experience, a whole, seamless experiencing. The word I use is wholeonymous; all whole, complete and simultaneously containing duality and nonduality. Universality and individuality.
@@sajafendel Thank you very much for your reply! I intellectually understand that all suffering eventually comes down to the fact that I identify myself as an separate individual, that I am not clear what I am utimately. I can't deny nor confirm whether physical world is real or not. I don't believe the one nor the other one, because I don't know. I can think of ways that it is not real. I can genuinely question it. But I can't confirm the opposite either. Because unlike you, I never truly experienced myself as one with the whole. I never truly get out of this reality and experienced anything that is alternative. I can only start from where I am. If someone knows, ruly knows, with 100% clarity that he is in an illusion, he is already not there. When I read your reply, the thought how you come to awakened cross my mind. But I know, whatever answer you give wouldn't really make much difference. To me, that's just another story, someone else's story. I am still where I am. My path will be different. I'll face my "reality" with all of my current mix of physical world, doubts, spiritual stuff, imagination, thoughts... what I thought I know or know not, to muddle through, to face challenges to the best of my ability. But after I had that thought, your video of your story of awakening pop out my screen. synchronicity. I suppose I experienced a lot since a kid as well. Anyway, there seems no point to this answer. But thanks! Speak to you later.
I had a nice dream and a big part of it was that we started playing music together. You were on instruments like drums and guitar and vocals, i was on bass and vocals mostly. we were awesome. I loved your drumming. And you had a really long catchphrase that you'd say when someone would compliment your music, basically just explaining what your music was. Im trying to remember it. You were always like "nahh im not that good, I'm a beginner" and the catchphrase was like all rhymes. I only remember vague meaning but ig "i choose topics that interest me, and i name them accorrdingly, sometimes the titles are like clickbait, but they describe"- dont remember really. By the end of the dream i was dancng to your big catchphrase. also at the end you became quite sus and i think you murdered 3 people secretly but it could have just been a suspicious song + more subtle, even otherworldy energies being revealed. Amazing jams, lovely chats, all in all a good time with saja in my dreams. 10/10 guru 😮😂
The environment was a big complex of completely white warehouses. The one we used had some swimming pools in it sometimes. And my friends from our old band Flaccid Anus were playing in a different warehouse to us. It was like we were in some giant military or lab complex. Warehouses within a big building. But we could drive outta there and greet the day or night
So all in all the message is that like it or not, I have to ENJOY every experience I have, or to put it another way I am forced to be happy, enjoy every single experience, or else! so how can you enjoy something you're forced to enjoy?
Good question. I often ask the same. They say you can choose to be happy. I can't agree with that AT ALL. Happiness, unhappiness or indifference is dependent on the events or circumstances that happen and how you react to them. Whichever emotion it is, first has to have a precipitating CAUSE to initiate that reaction. You can't just pluck happiness off the shelf as if you were at the supermarket.
I believe people convenience their own beliefs to their own preference, I've found the gamut of convolution that comes out of various beliefs to be unhelpful to my own search, I remember an old film (it was probably The Wizard Of Oz with Judy Garland) in which a comedy clip of it showed a fingerpost pointing in various directions, all to the same place, maybe there was an element of truth to it, since it could be said that the finger pointing in quite the opposite direction was pointing the way to the destination, just that it was pointing the longest way there, but too many fingers pointing everywhere is too exhausting to try them all out only to find most of those ways are not your way of doing it and it could be disconcerting if it means the final one you end up following is the road you could so easily have stepped on in the first place, but I've got a sneaky feeling that to not choose might be the right choice in the end.
I’m confused.. What is confidence then?? Or self assurance?? If all of everything is only eternal suffering in this world then does that mean the only true confidence is arrogance? You see confident people go around talking, being social, seemingly assured in themselves. Is that only because they’re egotistical and arrogant? Is there even such thing as genuine confidence? Could you give a video on confidence, self assurance and authenticity please 🙏
Yes. But don’t confuse grief for suffering. Grief is only experienced with suffering when we are resisting that experience. When grief is accompanied with regret, shame, blame, guilt, or even fear of our own death or other loved one’s dying or fear that we won’t ever be the same, “I should have done this” “why didn’t I do this” or “why didn’t they do this” etc, that’s when we suffer. Grief however is a natural human experience that does not equate so suffering.
Saja, I know my self outside of my body……. You say face my direct experience. So do you mean just go with the flow…..experience what I’m experiencing, like say eating a piece of cake and notice the guilty feeling? But acknowledge the guilty feeling, instead of distracting myself from that feeling?
I'm totally on board with this, but I feel compelled to share a particular frustration (suffering) with you that continues to nag at me. I've had sooo many insights while on this path, yet I still do not have the confidence that I am eternal. The question remains... when this body dies, is it lights out for me? If it is "lights out," then all of my insight thus far amounts to delusion. Yet it all feels more real than where I started. Any advice?
There can never be anything other than experience. Because even in the experience of no experience there would still be the experience of no experience. And because in the experience of no experience it’s inherent with no objects, therefore no time and space, it would be a timeless instant experience exactly like deep sleep. So therefore we wouldn’t necessarily experience the passage of time and therefore will only ever experience an experience. There is no other option. There can not be non existence. Therefore existence must be whatever is left over when we remove all objects. It must also be that which can know all objects since that which is unreal can not be aware of any reality or illusion. Therefore it is consciousness that stands as the seat of existence. It is the only thing that actually exists. Just be open to this possibility. You don’t need to be convicted. Your openness will unravel into conviction if you stay in the openness.
Please please do the Ho opono pono meditation. Im telling you your perception is going to change in everything and your life will be so much easier. Yiu just let go of your current perception of everything that you have come across and experienced. Thank me later
I've considered ho'oponopono. It's simply repeating the same four phrases ( affirmations ) over and over again. Isn't there a "dark night of the soul" with that too, though ? Or maybe yours hasn't hit you yet ?
@gribwitch I don't know if it hit me actually. There were some episodes of negative thoughts and vivid dreams. May be it's because we connect to the thoughts of the people that we encounter in the past. But the good thing is when I do that 'thinking of someone and forgive them', then the next day my perception about them has gone and there is a new perception about them. I guess it's their true self that I never have known. Most of the time they have acted the way they perceived. You then get out of the cycles.
This is confusing to me. I know that making better choices about what I do, who I have in my life and things like secure affordable housing and food decreases my suffering??
I began to see all this, but now I am stuck at home with any motivation to do anything. I guess there is no escape from that as well, right? Even if I will sit here until I die, right?
Just because we can’t necessarily remove suffering, it doesn’t mean there is not an end to suffering. The end to suffering is the full realisation that there is no activity we can do to end it.
Partially disagree. The answer to this is Sisyphos. Start to enjoy your suffering. See it not as enemy but as teacher. See it not as downfall but as something that gives you a chance to climb up. Its basically the gymbro-mentality. Suffering in the gym? (Physically) good. Makes my body stronger and better. Your women cheats on you? Good. On the next one you know the red flags and sign to watch out for, also it gives you drive to hit the gym more harder. Having a bad day at work? Excellent! The next days you know how to make it better. There is no suffering. There are just lessons. And im grateful for all of them. I got diagnosed with (non lethal) cancer recently. Good! After this surgery next week i appreciate life and health even more. Thank you for that universe. Its a simple boomer widom, i always lauged at it when i was younger....but its true 100%: What doesnt kill you makes you stronger. It does. It truly friggin does. So please go ahead. Make me stronger. Im grateful. There are only 2 enemies in this life who need to be fought. Boredom (you only understand this if you're rather smart) and victim-mentality/self pity. Get rid of the second one completely. Know that ALL is your fault without giving up on that. And your life will be MUCH better.
I was vegan last before I realised it was built on guilt and shame. I think veganism is an extreme based on guilt and fear and from what I’ve seen most vegans will guilt and shame people into being vegan, deny they’re doing that, even to themselves, just like any controlling religion. I decided to let myself eat whatever I feel necessary. I am guilt and shame free. That is truly the best diet.
Except you can be vegan and not support the ‘movement’. If you think one’s choice to be vegan is built on guilt and shame then I think there is a misunderstanding in your view. I personally don’t avoid what I deem to be immoral actions simply because I don’t want to feel quilt or I’m worried about being shamed, I avoid them because of love/empathy which has its own benefits, it’s joyful. Avoiding a negative doesn’t necessarily mean a benefit to you, it has to be accompanied by the right view and intention.
@goldie9731 ohh No There is some missunderstanding. The reason For vegan For me is ethical too and based on compassion For animals'. I mean Just when i dont eat vegan then, i tend to feel Bad
If suffering cannot be ended, then it's way beyond time that God overhauled His created but intrinsically flawed and faulty system called "life".. How come He allows it ? Can't He see it's not working for us ? By doing nothing to change the system that HE is in charge of, He is being sadistic.
Save yourself from the lies of your words , you and everything you see is.NOTHING, you don’t even exsist , just a transferable on going process.conditioned along the path of the greatest lie , in the universe .
A part of me wants to seek but another part of me is tired of seeking. I'm living in a constant state of clash and it's exhausting. It's like letting go of letting go of letting go, I recognize my effort to remove suffering, then give effort to remove the effort, then give effort to remove the effort to remove the effort. I sink into mindless thoughts, then I wake up, then I sink back in, then I wake up. Sleeping is the only time I ever find rest.
Catching it when it happens is the trick. It's constant at first, but, like anything else, the more you do it, the more proficient that you become at it and those endless streams of thoughts just begin to dissipate and lessen as you become accustomed to making the now your usual state of being. It does take time but less and less effort as you improve, of course. Best of luck on your journey ❤
Same here! After decades of seeking, reading, listening I am tired of all of that. But I'm afraid stopping and finding no meaning in an ordinary life without knowing who I really am. I don't want to sleep with open eyes...
And yes, I also sleep as often as I can, it's like reconnecting, being at home, even though I don't remember where I was, I feel calmer when I wake up.
You are not alone!
Saja is talking about exactely this situation. Listen to him from minute 8! Stop trying anything. Be that every experience embracing being. You are the screen and not the movie. ( Not my own metapher, everybody has heard that before) The screen cant do anything anyway. But, hopefully this does not feed any expectations 😂, I think Jeff Foster went the same way, being totally tired of trying this and trying that. Sounds like your ego is giving its best to stay in with these torturing thoughts. You will not find a solution in your thoughts, thats the game.
Whenever they arise again you could rather say you are busy enough breathing in and out. Your experience is: thoughts Are arising giving you the Illusion you could do better this or that. Ignore them! Notice: ah, this thought again, ok, then go on breathing, feeling your body it whatever. Most likely these thoughts will be accompanied by the expectation that you feel better which means you Are resisting….. and so on. Thats all the mind.🤷. But, as I Said, listen to this Video again. I wish you Peace.
This is why I made this video 🙏
Brilliant 👍💚 @@bullebap
Lean into every moment like a child, say wtf and greet it all with love and openness, just accept every manifestation as gifted ❤❤❤
Wow. What a brilliant idyllic solution. Except it's far from the reality we live in.
This is Truth. The more you dont want and fight against - the more you'll get of it.
Hi Saja. Thank you so much for your videos about suffering and surrendering. They have been the very last piece my mind has needed for the final total understanding of suffering and happiness! It was such a difficult period of time for "me". Thank you so much. I know very well who you are and I am really grateful! 😉❤
Finally my brother 🙏 been seeking truth my whole life and struggled in my mind and addiction but Finally my journey is just beginning. Your exact words you spoke explained exactly what i need to do. Love you unconditionally my brother ty 🙏
Love right back to you my brother 🫶
I am realising its not thoughts - its sensation I am moving away from - choosing distraction - shopping, tea, thinking, doing, moving - its at time strong and uncomfortable, unbearable even, but usually subtle and sneaky. Oh I will just look up this, oh I forgot to do that - procrastination and distraction. However I feel myself refusing to be whatever is arising n that moment. I have called it anxiety, stress, worry and given them a cause, a reason - but it's the reverse.
Thank you for transmitting this in such a clear and authentic way.
Im glad you think so Tyler thanks for the comment my friend 🙏
Great video! one thing I realized this morning while meditating is suffering won't "end" until I have let go of ALL attachments. Attachment to money/material, people, outcome, events, feelings/emotions/sensations, even my body. the funny thing is I knew that already intellectually, but this time I actually felt it. I understood then why in some eastern philosophy like the Buddhism vow to have no possessions or even in Catholicism the vow of poverty.
It is (usually) easier to practice letting go when one has taken the poverty vows and entered the monastery/ashram, where one also has the guidance of the master and the support of the sangha. But, it’s not necessary, just easier. (And thank “God” it’s not necessary as most of us don’t have the opportunity to become monks/nuns.)
Yes I agree. This will happen on its own though you don’t need to face things before they arise. Let life help you take things step by step.
Such a tricky little blighter to get right. I think I understand and then I’m sure I don’t. Elusive! Thank you 🙏
One of the clearest video's I ever saw on the subject. Thanks a lot, Saja
Listening to this while drinking beer and smoking a bong thinking what is he talking about, then i hit it and it hit me
Such simple, direct words but ones I’ve had to hear over and over. I think I’m finally getting it 😄💜
I think so 😉
I understand it rationally but actually putting it into practice is something inconceivable to me. Thanks for putting the video out but I'm not ready. Just leaving a comment I'll maybe one day return to.
I'm the same. Intellectually it makes sense. But the practicality of it is challenging to say the least. No wonder most of us won't ascend to 5D.
Just sit down and silience the mind. When a thought arises, just shift focus back to the breath.
Or listen to the "gateway experience" by robort monroe
@@diligencehumility6971 I'm sceptical of meditation. Even IF I made contact with some kind of spirit entity or guide ( which I doubt ), what then ? Will they speak to you in plain English ? No. They'll show you a symbol or a sign, and then it's up to you to work out what the fuck they mean from it. It could mean any one of a hundred things. It's so subjective it could be interpreted in many ways. How does one know doe sure ?
@@gribwitch a start can be to not attach yourself to thoughts like "getting somewhere" (5D) . ❤
I am in this suffering.. I have react to it and let it effect me emotionally to the extend i hurt my self and those around me, consciously or unconciously.. In reacting to it i want to escape it.. "I don't want to be suffer".. That's i know it. So now i explore this suffering.. I have spent times to deal with it but to no avail.. This suffering keep coming.. One ended, and thought i end it. Another proceed.. Now i realise instead of making artificial structure to fight it, i give my self freedom to feel it. And now i notice the space. The space that i have filled with response to that suffering.. Instead of "Oh no !! I want to get out this agony".. I see the very process of that suffering and that's all.. Instead of "what is suffering or how to end it". The narative is "what is it that suffering".. And in that there is space.. A space where im free.. 😊🙌🙏
I've been noticing The intense seeking and wanting to end it for weeks now and I am having a hard time. It feels like breaking a very strong addiction.
Yes I understand you.
how can I get through this phase? It's impossible to bear!
love this. I had a tendency to get lost in thoughts that implied seeking must mean the lack of something
I feal this this lonliness in the depth of my being, in my bones and heart, is something that i cant even explain, i am traped in this thought that everything is a lie and i live in a lie, even if my life is actually good.
I have start smoking again and for no reson i just cant stop as i did 10 years ago.
I hade glimpss of pure loved, but i go back and forward...
Nothing seems to fulfill this life i live.
this is such a fantastic video, Saja!
Thank you my friend 🙏
So I wonder... if trying to remove your suffering is a desire, then trying to seek the truth is a desire too. No? What is truth if not yet another concept? My first thought in hearing this message is that it could be perceived as denial, suppression or repression. One might even think that it is about accepting what is and doing nothing to change things for the better. But I persisted and listened to the end and I am glad I did. All these question sprung to mind as I listened.... what if the whole purpose of it all is to embrace the polarities/separateness? Is the desire to stop suffering not the denial of what the perceived moment that is trying to tell us something valuable about our contradictions? Why are we unable to accept these contradictions? So I have a few thoughts I wanted to share..
I think the reason we "seek" is an internal alarm/guidance to move us towards understanding, experiencing, integrating and knowing ourselves deeply and fully. Non duality cannot happen without visceral (and not just mental) direct experience of being, but most of us have never been taught how to sit with this expansiveness. BUT I believe we do not live on an energetic plane where you can experience that oneness on an ongoing basis anyway. If that were the case we could not be experiencing this existence because it would be too dense and unbearable to live in. We are doomed to experience the polarities(separateness), because that is the only way we can understand ourselves better. If there was no contrast how would we know what our "truth" is? So non duality for me is a misnomer because the only thing that is "real" or "true" is the ability to sit fully 100% in the present moment, without labelling it as truth or anything else and be fully open to the "me" that is having this experience. And that is so overwhelmingly hard because so many sensations come up and we have never been taught to sit and make space for the rawness of it all. Human beings are so good at escaping that...this is why we overthink, we escape with distractions etc.. because anything is more bearable than experiencing our unadulterated wholeness. I have on one occasion sat with expansiveness and it was trippy (no substances were used to induce this) and after a few brief moments I just could not stay in the moment because I felt like there was no containment. It felt unsafe even though there was no danger. It's like my brain has a setting for what is safe to hold but beyond that it cannot tolerate it. I have never after that been able to replicate this experience even though I tried. If anyone reading this has done so repeatedly and can offer some suggestions I would be really grateful.
In ending, I would like to say that I have decided to accept the polarities as something that is there that I can use to get me closer to being and experiencing myself. Truth is subjective and it is irrelevant to me because it is just a concept. The direct experience of being is the only real or true thing. So how to remove the resistance of being? I am testing something new for myself: I have started to change my meditation practice to a being practice. The aim is to sit with feeling into my being fully and being present 100%! There is a subtle difference between this and meditation for me, with the aim to feel sensations and amplify them with awareness in the body as a gateway to direct experience. What is the "I" that is experiencing? I know I am the awareness noticing and that if this is the case I need to be careful what I choose to give attention to, because the two are not the same. I know when I die I will return "home" to source and this experience called life will just be a collection of me trying to remember who I am before I return to wholeness. Thank you Saja for your thought provoking video! I am glad I found this video as I am on my journey to experience the present moment fully! I am tired of being on this hamster wheel called life constantly doing, thinking and trying to change things. I want to experience freedom of being and instead of being a human doing! It is much harder than it seems.
what book stack did you eat bro
I’ll make a full list soon and add it to my free community 🙏 I would recommend atma nirvriti & atma darshan by atmananda krishna menon, Rupert Spiras first book the transparency of things. They’ll be a great start 🌅
Saja I love you brother speaking from the one source of us is a love experience on earth. ❤
Hearing this video this morning I thought, actually these few sentences are enough teaching at all. The picture of the every experience embracing being was really strong for me. Thank you! ( And, please, keep on releasing more videos 😂)
Haha I appreciate it my friend, 5 videos every week will be the goal 🙏
So, trying to remove suffering is the thing that makes me suffer. I agree with that statement. That is how I feel when I fail at overcoming my suffering because it seems futile. Thank you for helping to confirm my own thoughts.
I am blown away. amazing video
Appreciate the support as always brother 🙏
Yet to survive, live and love rather than being annihilated we have to choose some actions over others, and to have a criterion for that choice and a motivation for pushing actions through difficulties to their conclusion.
Thanks Saja! This video really resonates. Needed to hear this today. 🙏
My pleasure llama! 🙏🌅 glad it found you well
whenever I try to discuss this idea with people who had a traumatic experience to do with physical and sexual abuse, they get emotionally offended or flashbacked.
I understand that they feel like they have to "do" something in order for such "unacceptable thing" to never happen again with them and the others. Therefore, sometimes it seems hard to apply this absolute view point to the pragmatic aspects of our lives. I feel like I understand what you mean but if somebody asked me: "what about this or that experience, should we also accept it and be opened to it even tho it might make us suffer hugely", I feel like being stuck in this bad faith trap of an unsympathetic or unrealistic answer.
btw i know this is a bit of topic :=}
Great video! Please write a book?🥺
Thanks for the wisdom nd precious advice.. big brother 😊
Always welcome 🙏💚
i love this! i’ve tried everything else, why not try this.
This comment will probably disappear into the abyss, but... It is the ego, the mind that we think we are, which manifests suffering. The ego originally emerged as a mechanism to survive at the low vibrational level of our planet, but it grew over time to be mistaken for our actual identity. So, dis-identify with the ego mind, and the suffering can take care of itself. You do that by living in the now. Right now is the only point in time that exists, after all. Be present in the now as much as you can, separated from memories and future concerns. Release your emotions, your pain, to Source. Then just be, within the unfolding of now. Observe, detached. Do not think, analyze, or judge. Just observe within the now. When you do this, your true self, your higher self, can emerge from beneath the mind and bring its infinite inner stillness into your awareness. Your vibration rises when you do this, and so you simply leave the ego behind. Eckhart Tolle wrote about all of this in The Power of Now, nearly 30 years ago. And even then, his teachings are a synthesis of spiritual knowledge that goes back thousands of years, largely disregarded by Western civilization.
Are you saying that there's no pain or suffering in the NOW moment too ? Of course there is. You cannot escape it if and when it affects you, no matter what " moment" you're in. Ever had a chronic debilitating illness ?
Acceptance of that I cannot change
A welsh man! Nice - I was born in Bridgend.. lived in porthcawl & now in Bristol.. not far brother! Nice video.. subbed x
Crazy! I’m from Bridgend! Thanks for the comment and the sub brother 🙏
Wow.i came across a video earlier of yours and had the realisation discussed in this video. My ego (the imagined self) has been seeking the end of suffering all this time even in alignment. The paradox is i was here all along. I need do nothing or seek nothing. I only need resist nothing that comes up in this experience as the resistance is the suffering 🤯
"...I only need resist nothing that comes up in this experience as the resistance is the suffering...".
No pain for you then ? You've never had terminal cancer for instance, have you ?
Love it. So clear. Good job 👍🏻
Thanks my friend in glad you think so 🙏
This is so precise ❤
2 minutes in and I'm seeing the gold in this
I appreciate the support my friend 🙏🌅
beautiful video man. thank you ❤
Can you make a video talking about suffering and happiness and how you feel those feelings, and how that is different than what you are describing here? In this video are you describing the act of wanting to remove suffering permanently? Is what you're saying that there will always be ups and downs, suffering and happiness, and the cycle neer stops? Thanks and great video :)
Hey brother, no this isn’t what I’m saying. I’m saying suffering is itself the desire to get rid of something.
Suffering in its purest form is suffering that wants to remove itself.
Suffering is the same experience all the time. The experience of pure psychological resistance 🙏
Letting go has been one of the most powerful methods for me, because the act of letting go doesn't necessarily mean removing, but releasing the attachment itself. Realize the impermanence of suffering.
It may be impermanent, but in practice waiting for that impermanence to occur could last your whole lifetime !
@@gribwitch I don't really agree with that, because you don't need to wait to see the impermanence in all things. But, I do know some suffer more than others, and it's not always as simple as "just letting go". I believe that It's not very beneficial to hold on to the idea that you are stuck in one feeling (suffering for example), even if you may be feeling down at the moment. Acceptance is key for those moments.
it’s very clear that there is no separate self. in direct experience this is clear. but i don’t know how one comes to see that conciousness is primary/universal rather than just this is all appearing in the brain. which is the general assumption in neuroscience yes? that light reflects and we are seeing images projected internally.
And I don’t know that it’s really provable either way as I have heard teachers say no it’s not really provable, but I feel just sort of at a standstill here. Any suggestions?
Why make it needlessly complicated when it is a UNREALIZED SIMPLICITY.
It is about the use of words and the general meaning that they have in society. In its general meaning "Thought" does not "Create Reality", according to Buddha "Thought is the cause of ALL SUFFERING". And that is so because "thought can create all sorts of imaginings" which most times are not real, "thoughts" can actually create imaginings that create an INTERNAL STATE of "Fear".
The Hindus used a Sanskrit word for this named "Maya". (or the great ILLUSION) That our "thoughts" are REALITY when they ARE NOT, that our external "circumstances" cause our INTERNAL STATE, when they DO NOT.
That EVERYTHING IS INVERTED in the GREAT ILLUSION, that our concepts of "CAUSE" and "EFFECT" are completely UPSIDE-DOWN. (That is one part of the Great Illusion.) And that could be described as believing: that it is "happening to us", instead of "we are making it happen". The MAYA illusion, of UPSIDE-DOWN concepts, thoughts, imaginings.
When Jane Roberts (Seth) back in the 60s coined the expression "You create your own reality", in the culture of the time it was hard to comprehend how that could be. Especially for everyone coming from “organized religion” backgrounds. Particularly from organized Christianity. The INVERTED concept of "You are a worthless Sinner that needs to be redeemed", instead of what is in the actual bible: "You are made in the Image God" (The all powerful, all possibilities image of God.) or as Jesus said: "The Kingdom of God is WITHIN YOU".
"For assuredly, I say to you, whoever SAYS to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but BELIEVES that those things he SAYS will be done, he will have whatever he SAYS. - Mark 11:23
Now in one book the word "BELIEVES" is used, and the word "FAITH" is used in another, but whatever the word, and whatever the exact meaning of the original, it is describing an INTERNAL STATE. That it is the INTERNAL STATE, (Image of God) that causes the apparent EXTERNAL EXPERIENCE, that is perceived and experienced as an actual PHYSICAL HAPPENING. That is the NON-INVERTED by organized Christian Religions TRUTH.
Now that INTERNAL STATE can be described using many different words, such as Excitement, Joy, Happiness, Exuberance, Love etc. (except you become as little children, you will not enter the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN etc.) but it is like the Hindu image of the "Ouroboros Snake" IT FEEDS OFF ITSELF. And an INTERNAL STATE of "Fear" will do exactly the SAME THING. Which is probably why the expression "Fear Not" appears so many times (365 times) in the Bible, or "Faith" (458 times) etc. In other words, get control over your INTERNAL STATE, or your "Image of God" SELF, then the apparent EXTERNAL CIRCUMSTANCES will ALIGN WITH THAT INTERNAL STATE. (As what appear to be REAL HAPPENINGS.)
In Jung's and Frankl's exploration of Human Nature they came to the conclusion that "The Image of God" was located in what they termed "the Unconscious Self", and the "conscious" Self was mostly a culturally conditioned "artificial" Self, which was named the EGO. Frankl even wrote a book named "The Unconscious God". But if you "understand" and "know" that YOU ARE THE IMAGE OF GOD (and not a worthless sinner) it is much easier to "believe" that your INTERNAL STATE (of the Image of God within) "Creates Your Own Reality". (Heaven or Hell as an INTERNAL “State of Being”.)
It is usually experienced as an INTERNAL “CONFLICT” STATE between the “will” of the conscious EGO SELF, and the “unconscious” “will” of the “Image of God” SELF. But in its true experienced expression, when properly used by CONSCIOUS INTENT, it appears to be MAGIC.
“Emerging” or “Manifesting” (from within you) are the two MAGIC words, it is NOT really “attracting” as is most often described. (As a so called “Law of Attraction”.) It is “The Law of Correspondence”, “as within so without”, “as above so below” etc. It is “Coming into Existence” or “Being Created” from within your own “INTERNAL STATE”, OF BEINGNESS (Image of God) be that by a “conscious intention” INTERNAL STATE, or an “unconscious” INTERNAL STATE. Excited Expectation and trust INTERNAL STATE (Love) or Depressed and Fearful INTERNAL STATE (Fear and Suffering.) What appears in YOUR EXTERNAL EXPERIENCE, will ALWAYS BE A REFLECTION OF YOUR INTERNAL STATE. (Your Image of God, “State of Being”)
“For the thing I greatly feared has come upon me, And what I dreaded has happened to me. I am not at ease, nor am I quiet; I have no rest, for trouble comes.” - Job 3:25-26
Beautiful pointing ❤🙏
It's so easy to overlook the obvious isn't it? It's funny even. Thank you Saja ❤😊
Absolutely 💚 my pleasure! Thanks for the comment 🙏
The place of peace and the peace of place 🙏🏼
Love it, thank you. Also you kinda sound like Andrew Garfield
Glad you resonated!🙏 Haha both British I guess 😂
One day all suffering will cease and we will be watching utube.
Trying to find out how to suffer.
I think I’ll post a few of my of my sister in law.
She can make plants wither just by looking at them.
The good thing is she might have cured my toe nail fungus.
"the very act of trying to remove our suffering - is the very suffering we are trying to remove" 🤯
"the very act of doing it - is the very thing that's creating it, so the only way we can ever remove our suffering is - if we remove the desire to remove our suffering, which you cannot do, unless you realize that 'there is nothing you can do to remove your suffering'" 🥳
Thanks for the quote brother! 🙏🫶
Thank you, Saja! 😊
My pleasure! Thanks for the comment 🙏🫶
Great video!
Thank you 🙏
6:24 seems like there is a mistake here:
..if we believe ourselves to be 'SEPARATE' then we would lose that part of our identity....
That’s not true at all. Separation doesn’t imply we don’t and aren’t capable of identification and therefore being capable of perceiving duality.
thank you, great vid!
Profound message.
You pointed to the root of suffering which is the resistence to sufferibg! Thanks men❤
Neither state is something we want to experience. In my view there is no need for suffering at all. One does not need to experience evil to know what good is. In a perfect world ( which we had once, in the Garden of Eden ) we HAD that perfect world. No suffering. No duality. Just pure love and goodness ALL the time.
So when people say we need suffering to grow and evolve, I say rubbish. If you feel you masochistically need it, go for it. I don't.
Resistence = suffering
Great video 🎉❤
Thank you Malena! 🌅
First, I wanted to say thank you for answering me so sincerely last time! I hold your answer for a while as in part I knew my question is essentially wondering what you, with that level of enlightened-ness", are seeking afterwards.
Second, I'm not sure you know Teal swan, another spiritual teacher. She talked about do not deny physical reality, only acknowledge spiritual reality dimension of what we are. I'm not sure whether this contradict what you are saying. I suppose much is up to listeners' interpretation. Language ultimately is a limited tool to communicate one's meaning. And obviously, I'm still seeking. :D
Thank you !
Hey my friend! Thanks for the lovely comment.
To answer your question, I’m not seeking anything. I am however creating and building and having fun. I optimise my life for that. Secondly, Yes I am aware of her, and I would agree with her if she means to not get lost in the spiritual world, but if she does not acknowledge that there is no physical world and offers no guidance, to uproot the trauma of separation that makes us believe we are separate.
We can know we are infinite but if we still have the belief and conditioning that the world is still physical and real and have not uprooted that way of seeing the world will still hold a power to convince us otherwise and therefore create more suffering albeit maybe more subtle.
So the approach I share as I have learnt an experienced to is to dissolve the sense of separation on a feeling/experience level after first recognising our true nature. Then we go back into duality however now duality does not imply separation, it is seen clearly as non-dual. I would call it, from my experience, a whole, seamless experiencing. The word I use is wholeonymous; all whole, complete and simultaneously containing duality and nonduality. Universality and individuality.
Thank you very much for your reply!
I intellectually understand that all suffering eventually comes down to the fact that I identify myself as an separate individual, that I am not clear what I am utimately. I can't deny nor confirm whether physical world is real or not. I don't believe the one nor the other one, because I don't know. I can think of ways that it is not real. I can genuinely question it. But I can't confirm the opposite either. Because unlike you, I never truly experienced myself as one with the whole. I never truly get out of this reality and experienced anything that is alternative. I can only start from where I am. If someone knows, ruly knows, with 100% clarity that he is in an illusion, he is already not there.
When I read your reply, the thought how you come to awakened cross my mind. But I know, whatever answer you give wouldn't really make much difference. To me, that's just another story, someone else's story. I am still where I am.
My path will be different. I'll face my "reality" with all of my current mix of physical world, doubts, spiritual stuff, imagination, thoughts... what I thought I know or know not, to muddle through, to face challenges to the best of my ability.
But after I had that thought, your video of your story of awakening pop out my screen. synchronicity. I suppose I experienced a lot since a kid as well. Anyway, there seems no point to this answer. But thanks! Speak to you later.
Seeking seeks, finding finds, so the question is: WHAT HAVE WE HERE ?
I had a nice dream and a big part of it was that we started playing music together. You were on instruments like drums and guitar and vocals, i was on bass and vocals mostly. we were awesome. I loved your drumming. And you had a really long catchphrase that you'd say when someone would compliment your music, basically just explaining what your music was. Im trying to remember it. You were always like "nahh im not that good, I'm a beginner" and the catchphrase was like all rhymes. I only remember vague meaning but ig "i choose topics that interest me, and i name them accorrdingly, sometimes the titles are like clickbait, but they describe"- dont remember really.
By the end of the dream i was dancng to your big catchphrase. also at the end you became quite sus and i think you murdered 3 people secretly but it could have just been a suspicious song + more subtle, even otherworldy energies being revealed. Amazing jams, lovely chats, all in all a good time with saja in my dreams. 10/10 guru 😮😂
The environment was a big complex of completely white warehouses. The one we used had some swimming pools in it sometimes. And my friends from our old band Flaccid Anus were playing in a different warehouse to us. It was like we were in some giant military or lab complex. Warehouses within a big building. But we could drive outta there and greet the day or night
Thank you.
So all in all the message is that like it or not, I have to ENJOY every experience I have, or to put it another way I am forced to be happy, enjoy every single experience, or else! so how can you enjoy something you're forced to enjoy?
Good question. I often ask the same. They say you can choose to be happy. I can't agree with that AT ALL. Happiness, unhappiness or indifference is dependent on the events or circumstances that happen and how you react to them. Whichever emotion it is, first has to have a precipitating CAUSE to initiate that reaction. You can't just pluck happiness off the shelf as if you were at the supermarket.
I believe people convenience their own beliefs to their own preference, I've found the gamut of convolution that comes out of various beliefs to be unhelpful to my own search, I remember an old film (it was probably The Wizard Of Oz with Judy Garland) in which a comedy clip of it showed a fingerpost pointing in various directions, all to the same place, maybe there was an element of truth to it, since it could be said that the finger pointing in quite the opposite direction was pointing the way to the destination, just that it was pointing the longest way there, but too many fingers pointing everywhere is too exhausting to try them all out only to find most of those ways are not your way of doing it and it could be disconcerting if it means the final one you end up following is the road you could so easily have stepped on in the first place, but I've got a sneaky feeling that to not choose might be the right choice in the end.
Thank you❤
I’m confused.. What is confidence then?? Or self assurance?? If all of everything is only eternal suffering in this world then does that mean the only true confidence is arrogance?
You see confident people go around talking, being social, seemingly assured in themselves. Is that only because they’re egotistical and arrogant?
Is there even such thing as genuine confidence?
Could you give a video on confidence, self assurance and authenticity please 🙏
yes...grieving so much...did you grieve a lot??? Tried to get away from the fear of loss of loved ones my whole life...
Yes. But don’t confuse grief for suffering. Grief is only experienced with suffering when we are resisting that experience.
When grief is accompanied with regret, shame, blame, guilt, or even fear of our own death or other loved one’s dying or fear that we won’t ever be the same, “I should have done this” “why didn’t I do this” or “why didn’t they do this” etc, that’s when we suffer.
Grief however is a natural human experience that does not equate so suffering.
@@sajafendel that's a brilliant explanation, thank you
Where can I learn more about out this ?
❤❤❤thank you very much❤❤❤
Saja, I know my self outside of my body……. You say face my direct experience. So do you mean just go with the flow…..experience what I’m experiencing, like say eating a piece of cake and notice the guilty feeling? But acknowledge the guilty feeling, instead of distracting myself from that feeling?
I'm totally on board with this, but I feel compelled to share a particular frustration (suffering) with you that continues to nag at me. I've had sooo many insights while on this path, yet I still do not have the confidence that I am eternal. The question remains... when this body dies, is it lights out for me? If it is "lights out," then all of my insight thus far amounts to delusion. Yet it all feels more real than where I started. Any advice?
There can never be anything other than experience. Because even in the experience of no experience there would still be the experience of no experience.
And because in the experience of no experience it’s inherent with no objects, therefore no time and space, it would be a timeless instant experience exactly like deep sleep.
So therefore we wouldn’t necessarily experience the passage of time and therefore will only ever experience an experience.
There is no other option. There can not be non existence.
Therefore existence must be whatever is left over when we remove all objects. It must also be that which can know all objects since that which is unreal can not be aware of any reality or illusion.
Therefore it is consciousness that stands as the seat of existence.
It is the only thing that actually exists.
Just be open to this possibility. You don’t need to be convicted. Your openness will unravel into conviction if you stay in the openness.
Any love for the messiah, friend?
Please please do the Ho opono pono meditation. Im telling you your perception is going to change in everything and your life will be so much easier. Yiu just let go of your current perception of everything that you have come across and experienced. Thank me later
I've considered ho'oponopono. It's simply repeating the same four phrases ( affirmations ) over and over again. Isn't there a "dark night of the soul" with that too, though ? Or maybe yours hasn't hit you yet ?
@gribwitch I don't know if it hit me actually. There were some episodes of negative thoughts and vivid dreams. May be it's because we connect to the thoughts of the people that we encounter in the past. But the good thing is when I do that 'thinking of someone and forgive them', then the next day my perception about them has gone and there is a new perception about them. I guess it's their true self that I never have known. Most of the time they have acted the way they perceived. You then get out of the cycles.
Saha, I
What is my direct experience?
This is confusing to me. I know that making better choices about what I do, who I have in my life and things like secure affordable housing and food decreases my suffering??
What he said. Seeking is overrated anyway. ;-)
Consume. Consume. Consume. It’s a giant bio matrix. A game.
I began to see all this, but now I am stuck at home with any motivation to do anything.
I guess there is no escape from that as well, right?
Even if I will sit here until I die, right?
Just because we can’t necessarily remove suffering, it doesn’t mean there is not an end to suffering. The end to suffering is the full realisation that there is no activity we can do to end it.
That that creates the opening to realise what we truly are which is the source of happiness itself.
@@sajafendel Yes. And then... ?
@@sajafendel What a bleak outlook then.
yo boss watchu think of the Bible just curious
Donald Hoffman agrees with u scientifically
Eventually, hopefully sooner than later, all science will agree with the ancient knowledge that has been here for millennia 🙏
Do I hear a slight welsh accent?
That would be correct sir. Bridgend!
@@sajafendel If you had a Scouser ( Liverpool ) accent you'd be a Paul McCartney lookalike. Well almost.
So just suffer? Everyone needs to constantly suffer? No joy? No freedom from suffering?
This is high calorie content…I took a bite, and it tasted good. 😊
I get it! ❤
So now you're full of newly acquired joyous ecstasy ?
@gribwitch no. Now I feel peace. I embrace what it is. Not every instant would be joyous but every instant is part of happiness
Partially disagree. The answer to this is Sisyphos. Start to enjoy your suffering. See it not as enemy but as teacher. See it not as downfall but as something that gives you a chance to climb up. Its basically the gymbro-mentality. Suffering in the gym? (Physically) good. Makes my body stronger and better. Your women cheats on you? Good. On the next one you know the red flags and sign to watch out for, also it gives you drive to hit the gym more harder. Having a bad day at work? Excellent! The next days you know how to make it better.
There is no suffering. There are just lessons. And im grateful for all of them. I got diagnosed with (non lethal) cancer recently. Good! After this surgery next week i appreciate life and health even more. Thank you for that universe.
Its a simple boomer widom, i always lauged at it when i was younger....but its true 100%: What doesnt kill you makes you stronger. It does. It truly friggin does. So please go ahead. Make me stronger. Im grateful.
There are only 2 enemies in this life who need to be fought. Boredom (you only understand this if you're rather smart) and victim-mentality/self pity. Get rid of the second one completely. Know that ALL is your fault without giving up on that. And your life will be MUCH better.
The path to enlightenment is the very blockage to enlightenment.
Saja are you a vegan? If Not, what do you think about it?
I was vegan last before I realised it was built on guilt and shame. I think veganism is an extreme based on guilt and fear and from what I’ve seen most vegans will guilt and shame people into being vegan, deny they’re doing that, even to themselves, just like any controlling religion. I decided to let myself eat whatever I feel necessary. I am guilt and shame free. That is truly the best diet.
@sajafendel i understand. So you basically Stopped to Not Support the movement based on guilt and shaming.
Thanks For the reply
Its interesting because i am Feeling guilt and shame For myself too when i eat meat i think.
Except you can be vegan and not support the ‘movement’. If you think one’s choice to be vegan is built on guilt and shame then I think there is a misunderstanding in your view. I personally don’t avoid what I deem to be immoral actions simply because I don’t want to feel quilt or I’m worried about being shamed, I avoid them because of love/empathy which has its own benefits, it’s joyful. Avoiding a negative doesn’t necessarily mean a benefit to you, it has to be accompanied by the right view and intention.
@goldie9731 ohh No There is some missunderstanding.
The reason For vegan For me is ethical too and based on compassion For animals'. I mean Just when i dont eat vegan then, i tend to feel Bad
If suffering cannot be ended, then it's way beyond time that God overhauled His created but intrinsically flawed and faulty system called "life".. How come He allows it ? Can't He see it's not working for us ? By doing nothing to change the system that HE is in charge of, He is being sadistic.
Realize nothing really happens?
What do you mean?
Does anything happen in this universe..or is it an illusion of happening.
@ your mind wants an absolute answer when there isn’t one. It’s both.
Save yourself from the lies of your words , you and everything you see is.NOTHING, you don’t even exsist , just a transferable on going process.conditioned along the path of the greatest lie , in the universe .
If nothing exists then you won't mind me coming around to your place and taking your car, will you ? Thanks. I'll be there at seven !
Let go of the minds chatter .
So much waffling
Jesus Christ can remove it. Try asking.
Already have. Never hear a thing from Him.
Beautiful pointing ❤🙏
Thank you glad you resonated 🫶
Thank you.