I have 2 of these type of bags that I bought at my local grocery store. I love them! They have the short handles on the ends along with the longer ones on the sides. I love it that the bottom piece is attached to the bag because i know i would end up losing it! I bought the second one to give to my mom because it would fit perfectly on the seat of her walker, making it a bit easier on her when she goes grocery shopping. I was looking for a tutorial to make these bags, and when i saw your video, i thought thats what it was! Anyway, great review, so thank you!
I have 2 of these type of bags that I bought at my local grocery store. I love them! They have the short handles on the ends along with the longer ones on the sides. I love it that the bottom piece is attached to the bag because i know i would end up losing it! I bought the second one to give to my mom because it would fit perfectly on the seat of her walker, making it a bit easier on her when she goes grocery shopping. I was looking for a tutorial to make these bags, and when i saw your video, i thought thats what it was! Anyway, great review, so thank you!
Flat bottomed bags you make the something something world go round
I love these things and have been using them for years.
ooh! Those would solve SO many grocery getting problems. (Smacks side of fabric box) "This baby can hold so many groceries" :D
Am I the only one that saw this notification and thought fat bottom girls make the rocking world go by
At least one person made that ref on Twitter so you are not alone, in the words if Aaron Lewis you are not the only one.