So interesting! I've been debating switching careers (currently in healthcare admin) to surveying. I live near Sacramento CA and see there's a local union 3 for surveyors in NorCal. In your opinion, would you recommend surveying as a career in 2024 with future job growth potential? I'm almost ready to make the jump but doing my research beforehand. Thank you in advance!
Fantastic! Thanks so much Paul! That definitely helped me understand the total station more. I appreciate that. What I’m also wondering is If you have your total station set up on one point, and you’re trying to take multiple measurements say in a topo survey where there are acute and obtuse angles. How do you set up the total station and take those measurements. I’m kind of learning as I go here so forgive me if my question is not quite accurate. I assume you set up the total based on references from control points and then you backside the control points and then I think the total station can find the prisim? I’ve been filling my head with test questions, but I feel like I’ve no clue what the actual field is like! Thanks for your help, I love how uncut your videos are. It feels like I’m really just out there with you learning. So really appreciate what you’re doing!
So interesting! I've been debating switching careers (currently in healthcare admin) to surveying. I live near Sacramento CA and see there's a local union 3 for surveyors in NorCal. In your opinion, would you recommend surveying as a career in 2024 with future job growth potential? I'm almost ready to make the jump but doing my research beforehand. Thank you in advance!
Just made another video addressing your question. Should be up in about an hour
@@Surveyorjoe Looking forward to it! I appreciate it
Fantastic! Thanks so much Paul! That definitely helped me understand the total station more. I appreciate that. What I’m also wondering is If you have your total station set up on one point, and you’re trying to take multiple measurements say in a topo survey where there are acute and obtuse angles. How do you set up the total station and take those measurements. I’m kind of learning as I go here so forgive me if my question is not quite accurate. I assume you set up the total based on references from control points and then you backside the control points and then I think the total station can find the prisim? I’ve been filling my head with test questions, but I feel like I’ve no clue what the actual field is like! Thanks for your help, I love how uncut your videos are. It feels like I’m really just out there with you learning. So really appreciate what you’re doing!
Whoops! I think I got your name wrong Joe!