As much as I wouldn't change the time frame I was on active duty, during the GWOT, I originally assumed the Marine Corps was an amphibious fighting force. Little did I know we were being used in the same manner as regular Army. I'm glad to hear that we're getting back to our amphibious mission.
@@cjthebeesknees Someone should tell the Army that, US Army and Army National Guard have been the ones doing the bulk of the fighting (and yes, soldiers are still getting CIBs) over the past decade.
Don’t expect war with China anytime soon, they are heavily underpowered and their biggest ally is currently at war and losing. The way modern military weapons and relations are forming, there won’t be a time like ww2 where they need to send in Marines, that warfare is long gone son..
Congress, when not doing something useful (like properly funding the Navy’s gator navy), is a useless gasbag that should be totally cleaned out every six to eight months.
Having been a MEU commander, I have worked on some of the assessments that went into crafting some of the policy that is being used today. Marines are always out there, just a few days or less to any problem that can arise. I have worked my way up from Recon, Force Recon, Raiders. A BLT(Battalion Landing Team) has every logistical element it needs to stand alone for a duration. Aviation element, logistical team for headquarters, artillery and light armor. MEU's also incorporate a Multi Special Purpose Force that is made up of a headquarters element, direct action platoon and security consisting of Recon or Force Recon elements. The MEU is an all in one asset that can provide be almost anywhere in a short period of time. This is what the Marines were designed for, quick reactionary Amphibious assault before larger elements are able to mobilize. No one does it better.
In EB Sledge’s book “With The Old Breed”. Marines infantry combat operations at Peleliu were supplemented by the Army’s 81st Infantry Division. USMC recently closed shop on their heavy tank battalions. Will the USMC rely on Army Tanks to help supplement those current Marine equipment voids as the national defense posturing pivots from trans national fighters to near peer threats?
My old man would agree with you. First wave Guadacanal and was always pissed at McArthur for throwing the Marines at Peleliu to satisfy his ego. RIP Dad; I still have your ‘canal Purple Heart and the Bronze Star with the ‘V’ device for valor on Peleliu. God bless the United State Marine Corps.
my command is the LHD 3 USS Kearsarge, deployed with the MEU 22 last year on deployment, great times with Marines, they were a solid group of warfighters, with great leadership and the grunts helped me learn how to get in the best shape of my life.. Blue-Green team will always win and be a dominant force in the expeditionary world of war.
22nd MEU, Combat Logistics Battalion, Mass Casualty Evacuation Team (SOC) deployed 2007-2008. I didn’t get to slay any dragons like in the recruiting commercial, but we did fight actual pirates.
Hopefully we can push for more maritime availability, its necessary now more than ever with the growing tensions in the South China Sea. Personally, I don't think a lot of Marines would be much too happy to participate in more MEUs, but it's in the culture to embrace the suck. Here's to keeping the seas free and the world safe.
Push it to where it will be peace and not war like I said in the back in the sixties and early seventies like it said Peace not war people said ✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️
You're welcome. We now called ourselves Uber instead of Taxis =) that's why our Sea Pay is around $400. =) FYI. I was did a few deployment with the 11th MEU, met a lot of great Marines!
Went into the Marines in 1974. Almost joined the Navy instead. They had more programs. But I thought about it hard and decided being on a Navy ship floating around the ocean wasn't for me. So, I joined the Marines and ended up in helicopter maintenance and spent a total of 12 months at sea on deployments to the North Atlantic and Mediterranean. I finally understood what "Department of the Navy" meant. I never regretted a minute of that time.
A lot of my my buddies served in 1/9 during OEF. There was a lot of pride in that battalion because of the legacy. Mad respect for 9th Marines in Vietnam.
HMC USN (RET) spent 18 years with the Marines, the best fighting force in the world. Strangely enough, I found myself with the help of another staff NCO, trying to teach marines how to climb a "wet net" from a mike boat (sp) to the deck of an LKA. I was taught this in my training, but the young Marines weren't! This deployment that I was on, a BLT, in the Pacific, we all knew why we were there. I guess since then they have changed the name, but hopefully they have not changed the mission. LOL I also had to show some Marines how to set up a GP tent when we stayed in Korea. We were on advanced party and had 80 tents to set up. We divided into 4 teams, with me in charge of one team. My team won!! I also saw the transport of the "shitters" down to our camp from their storage point. I also had the Lt Col in charge of the permanent personnel medevaced. Came to find out he had botulism poisoning, and the Korean General he dined with the night before died. For all this, my Marines awarded me the highest honor. At morning formation the morning before the main body arrived, they awarded me SSgt chevrons! I was overwhelmed! I was just doing my job, trying to help out! Those chevrons mean more to me than anything else that I have earned since! Sorry for the "story". It and the Marines mean a lot to me. They have always had a unique mission, and it should remain so.
Having had been an Active Duty Marine from 1975 to 1987 I have been on many different types off these Amphibious Ships to different locations around the world mostly in training.
Of all the amphibs I hitched a ride on, the LSTs were the most uncomfortable, the easiest to roll (up to 55 degree rolls in Sea of Japan) and had the most cramped surfers for embarked Marines.
The Marine Corps requires a number of amphibious warfare ships to be able to meet its needs and exigencies of crisis moments to do. It’s jobs effectively. I served as a platoon doc in the FMF aboard ships that have now been retired and turned into scrap. Modern capabilities aside,the Maines will work with what is in the inventory, but proper planning with enable them to accomplish their mission without begging for more. Oorah and Semper Fi
I'm a former Marine tank commander from the 70's. I was aboard the USS Cayuga in 72, and the USS Boulder LST in 74. I've heard that the Corps is thinking of doing away with most infantry (tanks and arty) and leaving that up to the Army. Semper Fi.
Was on the USS Makin Island LHD 8 and deployed with the 11th MEU. People really don't realize the importance and versatility of these amphibious assault ships and the operations they can conduct.
Thank you USMC for publicly addressing this issue. The USMC needs these capabilities for a future Pacific fight. That being said when you are paying $500,000 per JLTV, as a example, the military industrial complex is not only fleecing the tax payers but significantly hurting the defense of the United States. Their profit, cost plus contracting, and cost overruns paid by the tax payers; NOT the contractors NEEDS to be harshly fixed now .
Nice to see that clip of Marines landing in Grenada from 1983. Urgent Fury was a pivotal mission that changed how our military prepares for combat today.
God bless our brave veterans ur the real heros in my eyes no words can express my appreciation and respect for u all thank u guys for wat u do plus the Sacrifices you've made for us and country 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Ngl I saw force design 2030. And I thought while working in a group home at 22 year old. What an exciting time to become a marine. So at 22 years old. I'm going in for marine infantry 6 year contract
My first duty station was with B 1/5 in 61. We used to go through surf indoctrination and climbing down wet nets into a landing craft. Surf indoctrination was pretty good. We were put on landing crafts in utilities,boots, life jacket and taken beyond the surf then we had to make our way to shore. But sometimes the current would take you away from the beachhead. The water off Camp Pendleton was pretty cold.
Great video Lt. Lamberth, very well written and laid out to give the average American of what the marine corps needs and problems are and what the marine corps is planning in order to ensure that the security of this nation in the years to come. They need to let you keep making videos like this. V/R, A proud American.
The upcoming war in the WestPac will be aweful. A massive battle unseen before in both material and personnel. Marines being at the very front and as exposed as never before on tiny islands, this slaughterhouse of a war could decimate most of the Corps within a short period of time. Semper Fidelis Marines
Those timy islands won't be isolated specks in the Pacific.They will be scattered among dozens,even hundreds of other islands in the Phillippines and islands to the south of Japan. Its gonna be a shell game and the Marines are practicing to not be there every time China lifts a rock.
Put the last 30 seconds on repeat, I could wat it forever! This video is incredibly interesting in my opinion. I have no military background but love everything that you and other branches do. As a real estate agent, people complain to me non-stop about taxes. In my opinion, taxes are one of the best thing we can do for our country, to an extent. How can we expect our country to better our lives without helping out? How do we pay for our defense budget? Taxes. Do we want our defense budget to be able to protect us domestically? Taxes. Do we want to be the world leader in military? Taxes. I get people asking for relief because it allows them to spend more money in other industries which improves the economy but I want my defenses to be at the #1 tier with nobody in contention. Semper Fi
The problem is that these tax dollars continually go missing. The Pentagon loses trillions and acts as if it is just pocket change that fell into the couch. At the end of the day, the DoD is one of the last places I'd look to start saving tax dollars considering that their is plenty of bloat to be found elsewhere.
I’ve served during 1972-1994. I can tell you upfront how many times our Marines were deployed overseas. Whether peacetime or combat. Our Marine Corps is declining with our main Fighting Forces, our MEU’s, MEB’s and MEF’s. If the Navy don’t have their necessary number of ships, and fighting equipment to support the fore mentioned Marine Corps fighting forces, then I highly recommend that our government officials in D.C start doing something about this. Each year our Marine Corps Commandant goes to the hill to seek appropriations for our Marine Corps. Each year planning is top priority to get more fighting Marines and their fighting equipment. But, to no avail because some Congressman or Congresswoman and our Senators are always fighting for themselves. We can’t take care of these Marines families. Something is definitely wrong with this picture. Just my food for thought! 10:22
It costs less to prevent a war than to fight a war. The way to deter an aggressive China from attacking our allies & national interests is to show them we have the resolve BEFORE the shooting starts. The Marine Corps is pivoting from two decades of the Global War On Terror back to an amphibious/expeditionary emphasis. A lot of us former Marines were skeptical, but the War in Ukraine has confirmed that mobility, autonomy, Reconnaissance/Counter-Reconnaissance , area denial, and observation is more important than being a second land army. Getting to these islands first, spotting targets, using portable missiles, communicating to the heavier weapons platforms and letting them bomb the shit out of the invaders is what will deter & win these wars.
Amphibious warfare is what Marines do best. It may not operate in the same manner as before, but our ship-to-shore and beyond capabilities are what set us apart.
Congress needs to act as swiftly as possible to ensure USMC has all the requirements needed to project it's influence on a global scale . The chances of future hostilities loom mightily that this nation will have to assert it's self somewhere over the global spectrum. A strong Marine/Navy team is essential to the task.
We the Unwilling, led by the Unknowing, have done so much for so long that now we believe we can do Anything, for Anyone, with Nothing! Sound familiar?
If "Maintenance" paid. . .then there wouldn't be a risk. But no one wants to pay for "maintenance" Drive it to the wheels fall off I see it in aircraft maintenance, car maintenance, and even people's house maintenance.
@@eastinthames6624 think of a Spruce Goose concept with twin hulls and a 10k ft ceiling... here's a DARPA video about it
@@eastinthames6624 The Liberty Lifter is a concept from the U.S. military's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency launched in mid-2022 to develop a long-range, low-cost transport using the idea of a maritime ground-effect vehicle.
@@ThisPartIsAndrew oh ok so from what understanding I have it doesn't seem like to terrible of an idea I mean it depend how close a threat is to the shore unless the whole point is deploy from the sea and make way inland
@@eastinthames6624 The Landing Craft Air Cushion, or LCAC, is used primarily by the U.S. Marine Corps to transport troops and equipment from amphibious ships to operations ashore. The Liberty Lifter would supplement these operations in uncontested beach landings. Traditional landing craft support methods to soften the beach would still be used, if the enemy beachhead was fortified.
The Marine Corps began in 1775 and sadly ended in 1976 when it began to drop it's standards for 30/40% of members in uniform. I was on staff at the USNA when the standards also were lowered at the Yard. SAD USN/USMC Ret.
Those 20/40% the standards were lowered for were female cadets. Most people reading your words may not grasp the context. In 1976, Congress opened the military academies to female cadets. The means the class of 1980 was the class those first women who showed up in 1976 would graduate in. I assume those women were being held to a female standard, which really wasn't a big deal since women would be barred from combat related duties for an additional 18 years after 76 and would not start to be get combat related duties until 1994 got them sea duty across the fleet and women could become fighter pilots in the Air Force and Navy and fly helos in the Army.
In my experience I see amphibs being the front line force rather than aircraft carriers. Instead of huge bulking destroyers have flotillas of frigates and LCS type ships to combat our adversaries in the Pacific.
Thunder Bay, Canada as the next big destination for building Warships . Mining, steelworks, and freight rail already included . #ProjectStrix #MarineMechanics #TerranIntelligence #AdeptasSororitas #Marines #Hoorah
Listen UP Marines! We Marines defend and obey the Constitution of the United States! We do not break the laws of our country! Please make sure that the advertisements are screened as some are implying obtaining weapons illegally and saying it is legal! And any other advertisements that may be controversial to our mission! We are One Corps and are Green only! Do not be swayed by detractors who would say other wise! Carry ON!!!!
Our military has gone through size cycles for over 100 or more years. Each time we cut small we are put in war and have to rebuild. When we are at strength it seems we are at peace. You decide. War or peace.
The time of peace is ending gentlemen. We must face reality and hope for the best peace and diplomacy prevails..if not we all must do our part to defend our homeland.
The biggest issue facing the US military right now is lack of new recruits across all services. Far to many well trained and up skilled people are not re signing for another term but leaving the military for a large number of reasons but key among them is matting manpower in non winnable conflicts. Wounded servicemen cannot live on “thank you for your service”. Poor leadership from the politicians doesn’t help the situation when servicemen see themselves as being wasted for limited if any gains.
I was a 9/11 Marine that served in Iraq. Sometimes it's as simple as there is no war to fight. I signed up to fight, I wouldn't sign up today. There is no war, it's sometimes that simple.
Wars are expensive, ships are expensive, but if you don't have the ships - you cannot win a war. The US has spent so much money that we haven't been able to fund enough new ships, and for that matter we can no longer prosecute a two theater war. We need to take an inventory of our war fighting capabilities and determine what is really needed in all our services. And that doesn't just go for the Marines, or the Seabees, or the Air Force. Each military service seems to be trying to best each other with special forces, it's time to get back to basics. We had a total of 256 flag officers in WWII, and today we have 620 flag officers with a much smaller enlisted force overall. Lets get back to basics and reduce our over flag numbers by 364 officers, and start there to work the numbers.
I can't believe the Marines are returning to the LST, given the maintenance requirements of beaching landing craft this is an amazing decision, the LCAC was supposed to move us past this old fashioned method of putting troops and equipment ashore, I hope this works but I remain skeptical.
Got to love the Matt Gaetz cameo. Great Editing! I also love the Australian M1 Abrams cameo. Ya know the tanks the Commandant thinks we won't need? Way to slip in that "FU" to the CMC!
But the tanks really don't help the marines, How is an abrams going to be viable on a small island when they can only unload one at a time slowly while Chinese troops with pvc pipe rpgs surround it. Instead of using marine units to take a foothold, and not have to worry about the logistics of tanks. It is actually a good decision.
@@Cold-wf3rw too many are thinking about the history of the Corp from 1950 to the present. The Marines were forged in the Pacific Islands of the 40s and that will be their future for the 21st century.
@@stevenalvarado-doc7334 Fr, and they use the example of using Sherman's on the big islands like they weren't a insane headache for the troops. Or that Sherman's were designed to me transported. We can't do that with modern day tanks.
They could always go into the mothball fleet, pick a couple of good hulls for the white tornado treatment. A reactor, latest systems, etc, at a fraction of the price.
"Infantry wins battles, logistics wins wars" -General John J. Pershing
Art of war- take enemy supplies
Or produce more or all of the supplies
As much as I wouldn't change the time frame I was on active duty, during the GWOT, I originally assumed the Marine Corps was an amphibious fighting force. Little did I know we were being used in the same manner as regular Army. I'm glad to hear that we're getting back to our amphibious mission.
That goes back to at least WWI, Belleau Wood and all.
They are both, as well as the first to engage and quick reaction force. Elite infantry, step above the Army. (No offense dough boys)
@@cjthebeesknees Someone should tell the Army that, US Army and Army National Guard have been the ones doing the bulk of the fighting (and yes, soldiers are still getting CIBs) over the past decade.
@@cjthebeesknees They are utilized just like any other conventional infantry unit. Nothing elite or special about the mission.
Every clime and place brother...
And then Congress is going to be playing the Blame game when it’s too late for funding and they need the Marines during a crises situation
Don’t expect war with China anytime soon, they are heavily underpowered and their biggest ally is currently at war and losing. The way modern military weapons and relations are forming, there won’t be a time like ww2 where they need to send in Marines, that warfare is long gone son..
Congress, when not doing something useful (like properly funding the Navy’s gator navy), is a useless gasbag that should be totally cleaned out every six to eight months.
Gotta love that.. We are cutting/retire are navy faster then we can build them... *sighs and shakes head*
The moment when the marines just got new helmets, rifles, suppressors, infantry mini drones, JLTVs, plate carriers, and AAVs
@@jonathanbair523 capability > size
Having been a MEU commander, I have worked on some of the assessments that went into crafting some of the policy that is being used today. Marines are always out there, just a few days or less to any problem that can arise. I have worked my way up from Recon, Force Recon, Raiders. A BLT(Battalion Landing Team) has every logistical element it needs to stand alone for a duration. Aviation element, logistical team for headquarters, artillery and light armor. MEU's also incorporate a Multi Special Purpose Force that is made up of a headquarters element, direct action platoon and security consisting of Recon or Force Recon elements. The MEU is an all in one asset that can provide be almost anywhere in a short period of time. This is what the Marines were designed for, quick reactionary Amphibious assault before larger elements are able to mobilize. No one does it better.
In EB Sledge’s book “With The Old Breed”. Marines infantry combat operations at Peleliu were supplemented by the Army’s 81st Infantry Division. USMC recently closed shop on their heavy tank battalions. Will the USMC rely on Army Tanks to help supplement those current Marine equipment voids as the national defense posturing pivots from trans national fighters to near peer threats?
USMC has been land locked over 20 years in Iraq & A-Stan needs to get back to the business of quick response fight & WIN then let the Army mop up.
Not USS OKINAWA by chance?
My old man would agree with you. First wave Guadacanal and was always pissed at McArthur for throwing the Marines at Peleliu to satisfy his ego. RIP Dad; I still have your ‘canal Purple Heart and the Bronze Star with the ‘V’ device for valor on Peleliu. God bless the United State Marine Corps.
@@hpblack1953 He would be proud, that you cherish his service.
🙏🏼🙄🥺My pray for all them..My son is a Marine.We are proud of them.We are very grateful for their services.God bless them always and forever 🙏🏼😔✌🏼❣️
my command is the LHD 3 USS Kearsarge, deployed with the MEU 22 last year on deployment, great times with Marines, they were a solid group of warfighters, with great leadership and the grunts helped me learn how to get in the best shape of my life.. Blue-Green team will always win and be a dominant force in the expeditionary world of war.
I was with the 22nd MAU back in 83 -84
22nd MEU, Combat Logistics Battalion, Mass Casualty Evacuation Team (SOC) deployed 2007-2008. I didn’t get to slay any dragons like in the recruiting commercial, but we did fight actual pirates.
This was Greatly Inspirational, John Barnett, revisited December 23 2024 1:47 Semper Fi Marines Always ❤
Hopefully we can push for more maritime availability, its necessary now more than ever with the growing tensions in the South China Sea. Personally, I don't think a lot of Marines would be much too happy to participate in more MEUs, but it's in the culture to embrace the suck. Here's to keeping the seas free and the world safe.
Push it to where it will be peace and not war like I said in the back in the sixties and early seventies like it said Peace not war people said ✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️
I knew a lot of Marines that was from Camp lejeune North Carolina they were stationed there and I'll tell you what they won't take no crap
Oohrah Marines! Thank you, US Navy, for being the delivery service of Marines around the world! Semper Fi!
Hey Brother Marine, we have to have taxis to take us places. 😂🤣😟🇺🇸✌️
@@RobertJones-ux6ncand the u.s.a.f. is the Uber/ Lyft for those Army troops 😅😆😂🤣
@@berzerker1100 I went to Okinawa on a C-141 and came back to the States on an Landing Platform Dock Ship (Amphibious Ship) SEMPER FI Brother Warrior.
You Sailors rock and thank you for your care of us. Semper Fi.
You're welcome. We now called ourselves Uber instead of Taxis =) that's why our Sea Pay is around $400. =) FYI. I was did a few deployment with the 11th MEU, met a lot of great Marines!
Good to see us going back to our original purpose; I was in when we were playing Army Junior.
Went into the Marines in 1974. Almost joined the Navy instead. They had more programs. But I thought about it hard and decided being on a Navy ship floating around the ocean wasn't for me. So, I joined the Marines and ended up in helicopter maintenance and spent a total of 12 months at sea on deployments to the North Atlantic and Mediterranean. I finally understood what "Department of the Navy" meant. I never regretted a minute of that time.
boot camp must have been hell back then.
65 years a go
God Bless our Marine Corps!
Didn’t see much water in the Corps but a whole lot of jungle Alpha 1/9 the Dead Walkers in the A Shau valley in the winter of 69 0331
A lot of my my buddies served in 1/9 during OEF. There was a lot of pride in that battalion because of the legacy.
Mad respect for 9th Marines in Vietnam.
My good Buddy, Earnie Washburn was in the Walking Dead, I was 1/5 and 3/1 in Nam. Semper Fi
The only water a lot of our Marines saw was in their canteens.
HMC USN (RET) spent 18 years with the Marines, the best fighting force in the world. Strangely enough, I found myself with the help of another staff NCO, trying to teach marines how to climb a "wet net" from a mike boat (sp) to the deck of an LKA. I was taught this in my training, but the young Marines weren't! This deployment that I was on, a BLT, in the Pacific, we all knew why we were there. I guess since then they have changed the name, but hopefully they have not changed the mission. LOL I also had to show some Marines how to set up a GP tent when we stayed in Korea. We were on advanced party and had 80 tents to set up. We divided into 4 teams, with me in charge of one team. My team won!! I also saw the transport of the "shitters" down to our camp from their storage point. I also had the Lt Col in charge of the permanent personnel medevaced. Came to find out he had botulism poisoning, and the Korean General he dined with the night before died. For all this, my Marines awarded me the highest honor. At morning formation the morning before the main body arrived, they awarded me SSgt chevrons! I was overwhelmed! I was just doing my job, trying to help out! Those chevrons mean more to me than anything else that I have earned since!
Sorry for the "story". It and the Marines mean a lot to me. They have always had a unique mission, and it should remain so.
Semper Fidelis Doc
Semper Fi, Doc!
Having had been an Active Duty Marine from 1975 to 1987 I have been on many different types off these Amphibious Ships to different locations around the world mostly in training.
That’s lame
Of all the amphibs I hitched a ride on, the LSTs were the most uncomfortable, the easiest to roll (up to 55 degree rolls in Sea of Japan) and had the most cramped surfers for embarked Marines.
3 of my best experiences in uniform were on MEU's! 15th x2 OIF, 31st x1 Great times! Semper Fi
Expeditionary Force 14 months it was an Honor to serve and help the world
WE NEEDD MORE SHIPS AND TO INCREASE READINESS!!! Our adversaries are scaling up as we scale down.
It’s almost as it’s intentionally designed to harms us.
@@soonerfrac4611 Yes, absolutely. We’re intentionally being weakened by our own government !
@@soonerfrac4611like US has 750 military bases more than ever US is not scaling down.
It's by design. NWO.
I was a Radio Operator with the 22nd MEU during Operation Sharp Edge in Liberia in the early 90s.
Semper Fi.
The Marine Corps requires a number of amphibious warfare ships to be able to meet its needs and exigencies of crisis moments to do. It’s jobs effectively. I served as a platoon doc in the FMF aboard ships that have now been retired and turned into scrap. Modern capabilities aside,the Maines will work with what is in the inventory, but proper planning with enable them to accomplish their mission without begging for more. Oorah and Semper Fi
Why? I don't miss some of those rust buckets like the USS Portland or USS Comstock. GIve me USS San Antonios all day long.
I'm a former Marine tank commander from the 70's. I was aboard the USS Cayuga in 72, and the USS Boulder LST in 74. I've heard that the Corps is thinking of doing away with most infantry (tanks and arty) and leaving that up to the Army. Semper Fi.
Was on the USS Makin Island LHD 8 and deployed with the 11th MEU. People really don't realize the importance and versatility of these amphibious assault ships and the operations they can conduct.
Marines are the elite. I have always admired you and respect you and the Navy in the highest regard. God bless you and keep you safe.
Thank you USMC for publicly addressing this issue. The USMC needs these capabilities for a future Pacific fight.
That being said when you are paying $500,000 per JLTV, as a example, the military industrial complex is not only fleecing the tax payers but significantly hurting the defense of the United States. Their profit, cost plus contracting, and cost overruns paid by the tax payers; NOT the contractors NEEDS to be harshly fixed now .
Spent 3 1/2 years in USN 'amphib' taxy service for USMC and others. A very underappreciated part of the chain, but so necessary.
Nice to see that clip of Marines landing in Grenada from 1983. Urgent Fury was a pivotal mission that changed how our military prepares for combat today.
God bless Marine Corps 🇺🇲💜
" Corps" not Corp. We are not a corporation. Corps is a military formation...
Semper Fi ! Semper Fi !
Salute to the Marines proud and high ,
Awesome fleets like mighty beasts ,
Heroic deeds won't fade like mists ! 🤗🤗🤗🤌🤌🤌👍👍👍
Outstanding ! The World's Finest US Marines. Semper Fi
We love all our Marines and god bless you all 🙏🙏🇺🇸💪💕
5:00 LSTs making a comeback in the marines what a time to be alive
Good stuff, pump out more medium sized Amphibs
For these people, I always give extra. Keeping cushion of safety and danger, far away from my family. Thank you for service.
Thank-you for your service. We are grateful.
God bless our brave veterans ur the real heros in my eyes no words can express my appreciation and respect for u all thank u guys for wat u do plus the Sacrifices you've made for us and country 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
This for me so hype. I’m in the process of applying to the Marine Jag Corps. I hope I am selected 🙏🏾
Semper Fi Good Luck RET USMC MGySgt
@@FenrirYT13 thank you, sir
@@sebastianb180 29. I know I’ll need a waiver
@@EduardoLima never too late, goodluck
Ngl I saw force design 2030. And I thought while working in a group home at 22 year old. What an exciting time to become a marine. So at 22 years old. I'm going in for marine infantry 6 year contract
Just do 4 and see how you feel
Semper Fi Ooorah. Be safe out there.😎🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸⚓️⚓️⚓️
My first duty station was with B 1/5 in 61. We used to go through surf indoctrination and climbing down wet nets into a landing craft. Surf indoctrination was pretty good. We were put on landing crafts in utilities,boots, life jacket and taken beyond the surf then we had to make our way to shore. But sometimes the current would take you away from the beachhead. The water off Camp Pendleton was pretty cold.
Great video Lt. Lamberth, very well written and laid out to give the average American of what the marine corps needs and problems are and what the marine corps is planning in order to ensure that the security of this nation in the years to come. They need to let you keep making videos like this.
A proud American.
Thank you!
The upcoming war in the WestPac will be aweful. A massive battle unseen before in both material and personnel. Marines being at the very front and as exposed as never before on tiny islands, this slaughterhouse of a war could decimate most of the Corps within a short period of time. Semper Fidelis Marines
Those timy islands won't be isolated specks in the Pacific.They will be scattered among dozens,even hundreds of other islands in the Phillippines
and islands to the south of Japan. Its gonna be a shell game and the Marines are practicing to not be there every time China lifts a rock.
All the best always Marines🙏❣️
Time to ramp up the numbers more now than ever since the end of WWII.
I was part of the 1st MEU in the PG.
Semper Fi to all Marines!
nice to see the marines doing marine stuff and not trying to be army jr. for once in the past 20 (30, 40...70) years
Get after it. Get the Coast Guard involved too
Put the last 30 seconds on repeat, I could wat it forever!
This video is incredibly interesting in my opinion. I have no military background but love everything that you and other branches do. As a real estate agent, people complain to me non-stop about taxes. In my opinion, taxes are one of the best thing we can do for our country, to an extent. How can we expect our country to better our lives without helping out? How do we pay for our defense budget? Taxes. Do we want our defense budget to be able to protect us domestically? Taxes. Do we want to be the world leader in military? Taxes. I get people asking for relief because it allows them to spend more money in other industries which improves the economy but I want my defenses to be at the #1 tier with nobody in contention. Semper Fi
That last 30 seconds is pretty rad if we do say so ourselves 🤟
The problem is that these tax dollars continually go missing. The Pentagon loses trillions and acts as if it is just pocket change that fell into the couch. At the end of the day, the DoD is one of the last places I'd look to start saving tax dollars considering that their is plenty of bloat to be found elsewhere.
The problem is that Congress lacks fiscal responsibility. As long as they’re not spending their own, they waste it.
Marines will always do what Marines have to do! It would be nice though if the Corps had what it needs before they need it. SEMPER FI BROTHERS!
Anyone ever noticed that there are very few Congress members who served in the Military, let alone the front lines. 🤷🏽IJS
I’ve served during 1972-1994. I can tell you upfront how many times our Marines were deployed overseas. Whether peacetime or combat. Our Marine Corps is declining with our main Fighting Forces, our MEU’s, MEB’s and MEF’s. If the Navy don’t have their necessary number of ships, and fighting equipment to support the fore mentioned Marine Corps fighting forces, then I highly recommend that our government officials in D.C start doing something about this. Each year our Marine Corps Commandant goes to the hill to seek appropriations for our Marine Corps. Each year planning is top priority to get more fighting Marines and their fighting equipment. But, to no avail because some Congressman or Congresswoman and our Senators are always fighting for themselves. We can’t take care of these Marines families. Something is definitely wrong with this picture. Just my food for thought! 10:22
It costs less to prevent a war than to fight a war. The way to deter an aggressive China from attacking our allies & national interests is to show them we have the resolve BEFORE the shooting starts. The Marine Corps is pivoting from two decades of the Global War On Terror back to an amphibious/expeditionary emphasis. A lot of us former Marines were skeptical, but the War in Ukraine has confirmed that mobility, autonomy, Reconnaissance/Counter-Reconnaissance , area denial, and observation is more important than being a second land army. Getting to these islands first, spotting targets, using portable missiles, communicating to the heavier weapons platforms and letting them bomb the shit out of the invaders is what will deter & win these wars.
Amphibious warfare is what Marines do best. It may not operate in the same manner as before, but our ship-to-shore and beyond capabilities are what set us apart.
Congress needs to act as swiftly as possible to ensure USMC has all the requirements needed to project it's influence on a global scale . The chances of future hostilities loom mightily that this nation will have to assert it's self somewhere over the global spectrum. A strong Marine/Navy team is essential to the task.
Cheers to the 13th MEU, now deployed!
Love how honest this is
To much marine blood spilled for shit politics, otherwise the whole world has respect for the US marines.
They can’t make a budget, and you want them to declare war?
Awesome Marine! Thank you to all for your great work and sacrifice.. Oorah Marine ..God Bless you all
No Marine should have to buy a drink in your town.
I was with the 15th MEU , 92/93 WESPAC cruise and Operation Restore Hope, Mogadishu
We the Unwilling, led by the Unknowing, have done so much for so long that now we believe we can do Anything, for Anyone, with Nothing! Sound familiar?
If "Maintenance" paid. . .then there wouldn't be a risk.
But no one wants to pay for "maintenance"
Drive it to the wheels fall off
I see it in aircraft maintenance, car maintenance, and even people's house maintenance.
My prayers are out for y'all and your family God bless each and everyone of y'all please always come home safe 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
In the process of getting my hand tat removed. Can’t wait to join!
Matt Gaetz looks like he would rather be watching actual paint dry. 😭
I realize the purpose of these are to increase our readiness level but what are we readying for? Is it with China and Russia?
Whatever gets the Amphibious Assault Vehicles there quickest... What are yalls' thoughts on the Liberty Lifter program?
Liberty lifter?
@@eastinthames6624 think of a Spruce Goose concept with twin hulls and a 10k ft ceiling... here's a DARPA video about it
@@eastinthames6624 The Liberty Lifter is a concept from the U.S. military's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency launched in mid-2022 to develop a long-range, low-cost transport using the idea of a maritime ground-effect vehicle.
@@ThisPartIsAndrew oh ok so from what understanding I have it doesn't seem like to terrible of an idea I mean it depend how close a threat is to the shore unless the whole point is deploy from the sea and make way inland
@@eastinthames6624 The Landing Craft Air Cushion, or LCAC, is used primarily by the U.S. Marine Corps to transport troops and equipment from amphibious ships to operations ashore. The Liberty Lifter would supplement these operations in uncontested beach landings. Traditional landing craft support methods to soften the beach would still be used, if the enemy beachhead was fortified.
The Marine Corps began in 1775 and sadly ended in 1976 when it began to drop it's standards for 30/40% of members in uniform. I was on staff at the USNA when the standards also were lowered at the Yard. SAD USN/USMC Ret.
Those 20/40% the standards were lowered for were female cadets. Most people reading your words may not grasp the context.
In 1976, Congress opened the military academies to female cadets. The means the class of 1980 was the class those first women who showed up in 1976 would graduate in.
I assume those women were being held to a female standard, which really wasn't a big deal since women would be barred from combat related duties for an additional 18 years after 76 and would not start to be get combat related duties until 1994 got them sea duty across the fleet and
women could become fighter pilots in the Air Force and Navy and fly helos in the Army.
They should probably have double their budget. They're always the first ones to get cut. 🇺🇲🇺🇸🇺🇲
Go FMF!!! Bright future!! Semper Fi!
In my experience I see amphibs being the front line force rather than aircraft carriers. Instead of huge bulking destroyers have flotillas of frigates and LCS type ships to combat our adversaries in the Pacific.
Thunder Bay, Canada as the next big destination for building Warships . Mining, steelworks, and freight rail already included .
#ProjectStrix #MarineMechanics
#TerranIntelligence #AdeptasSororitas
#Marines #Hoorah
1999-2003 VMA 311 OHHRAH
We need more of them
I served on USS Whidbey Island LSD 41 1993-96 and USS Wasp LHD 1 2000-03...
Salute and respect mate👍🇳🇿
Let's F*CKIN GO Marines!!! 🇺🇲
Listen UP Marines! We Marines defend and obey the Constitution of the United States! We do not break the laws of our country! Please make sure that the advertisements are screened as some are implying obtaining weapons illegally and saying it is legal! And any other advertisements that may be controversial to our mission! We are One Corps and are Green only! Do not be swayed by detractors who would say other wise! Carry ON!!!!
The biggest hedge against America's enemy. It needs another Chesty Puller. Chesty never quit!
Our military has gone through size cycles for over 100 or more years. Each time we cut small we are put in war and have to rebuild. When we are at strength it seems we are at peace. You decide. War or peace.
Hold the line on your politics and home values. Do not forget your home and who made you
Joined in 2011, no regrets except not staying in longer
The time of peace is ending gentlemen. We must face reality and hope for the best peace and diplomacy prevails..if not we all must do our part to defend our homeland.
The biggest issue facing the US military right now is lack of new recruits across all services. Far to many well trained and up skilled people are not re signing for another term but leaving the military for a large number of reasons but key among them is matting manpower in non winnable conflicts. Wounded servicemen cannot live on “thank you for your service”. Poor leadership from the politicians doesn’t help the situation when servicemen see themselves as being wasted for limited if any gains.
I was a 9/11 Marine that served in Iraq. Sometimes it's as simple as there is no war to fight. I signed up to fight, I wouldn't sign up today. There is no war, it's sometimes that simple.
Poor leadership from politicians and high ranking officers at the Pentagon who were playing politics are the major reasons for losing the Vietnam war.
Wars are expensive, ships are expensive, but if you don't have the ships - you cannot win a war. The US has spent so much money that we haven't been able to fund enough new ships, and for that matter we can no longer prosecute a two theater war. We need to take an inventory of our war fighting capabilities and determine what is really needed in all our services. And that doesn't just go for the Marines, or the Seabees, or the Air Force. Each military service seems to be trying to best each other with special forces, it's time to get back to basics. We had a total of 256 flag officers in WWII, and today we have 620 flag officers with a much smaller enlisted force overall. Lets get back to basics and reduce our over flag numbers by 364 officers, and start there to work the numbers.
Everyone who would dimish the Mariine Corps, should be INVESTGATED.
Give us less, and we will do more! Semper "fuckin" Fi...
The whole world thank's the marine's .... For there service. Roa aotearoa nui.
I can't believe the Marines are returning to the LST, given the maintenance requirements of beaching landing craft this is an amazing decision, the LCAC was supposed to move us past this old fashioned method of putting troops and equipment ashore, I hope this works but I remain skeptical.
Soon as I die the sun will end the planet Im thankful for this over my child will never be so un safe as I not on it.
The LSM -- in other words, a WW2 era LST, but one that doesn't carry as many troops. Got it.
Big shout out to all the Logistics/Embarkation Specialists
Heroes since 1775! Gung Ho, Devil Dogs!
Gung Ho! A slogan from communist revolutionaries in China, brought back to the states by a Marine who later became a communist. 🤦🏻♂️
@@soonerfrac4611 doesn’t sound very Gung Ho of you
My Old Marine Corps has changed!
Tom Boyte
GySgt. USMC, retired
Vietnam 1965-66/1970-71
Bronze Star, Purple Heart
Semper FI!
Were those Air Force Generals answering questions in Congress about ships? Or did the Navy change uniforms?
Well Done!!
General Wilson is watching from Heaven. Do not wreck what he worked hard to keep on track.
History repeats
2:52 To know that's what's coming at you during a real war with the US.... scary.
All hearing life forms are with the speakers sent by big gyro space ship day after sun was a closer distance
I remember my drill instructor, their branch is not designed to be known so that they gonna under estimate AFP.
Got to love the Matt Gaetz cameo. Great Editing! I also love the Australian M1 Abrams cameo. Ya know the tanks the Commandant thinks we won't need? Way to slip in that "FU" to the CMC!
But the tanks really don't help the marines, How is an abrams going to be viable on a small island when they can only unload one at a time slowly while Chinese troops with pvc pipe rpgs surround it. Instead of using marine units to take a foothold, and not have to worry about the logistics of tanks. It is actually a good decision.
@@Cold-wf3rw too many are thinking about the history of the Corp from 1950 to the present. The Marines were forged in the Pacific Islands of the 40s and that will be their future for the 21st century.
@@stevenalvarado-doc7334 Fr, and they use the example of using Sherman's on the big islands like they weren't a insane headache for the troops. Or that Sherman's were designed to me transported. We can't do that with modern day tanks.
@@Cold-wf3rw We have yet to fight a war without tanks since it was invented. "Nobody wants a tank until you need it."--Every Grunt who ever lived.
They could always go into the mothball fleet, pick a couple of good hulls for the white tornado treatment. A reactor, latest systems, etc, at a fraction of the price.