I have a couple of A100's, when for some unknown reason, my first one stopped working, I found a cheap replacement that came with charger, remote, several batteries and cf cards, then the original came back to life. So the burst rate is pants and there's no live view, but it works well with my adapted cheap vintage manual lenses. I still consider the a100 the best of the bunch. nice video.
Thanks! Haha, always good to have some backups! Sounds like you got a nice package! Yeah the A100 definitely steals the show for overall goodness in the Sony APS-C line up.
I know your next Sony CCD camera. The A390. The last CCD and the highest megapixel at 14.2. Cant wait to see the review on my one and only Sony DSLR. Thanks for these videos.
Its not as good as the a100, ask me how i know lol. I sold it and went back to my Minolta 7d because thats better than the a100 and a390 (i still have my a100 tho cause its still good) Its better mainly because the 6.1mp sensor really performs much better, i can shoot at 1600 iso all day on the 7d and it doesn't lose much detail at all.....my favorite thing about the a mount system is you can get zeiss glass and slap it on old ccd cameras and it just works.
It's very similar. Generally the differences in color science are probably the biggest factors, I find Sony processes the colors pretty differently even with the same lens. The images from the Sony tend to come out a bit cooler even when you match the WB and tints. When it comes to high iso, at the time the A100 was out its noise performance was not as good as the Nikon when it gets to 800-1600. Otherwise when it comes to detail output both perform the same, lenses not withstanding. I will likely do a closer look at this later as it's an interesting topic!
I have the A 100 but only seem to find old Minolta zoom lenses for it. They are heavy and slow. But I have since gotten a few Nikon D70 D100 which I like for better controls and feel and the use of the old F mount lens. The Canon 30 D are OK, larger and use modern Canon EF mount. All these were less than $90. but batteries lens and memory are extra. I think these are the best to replicate film cameras experience, as the do not have previews you aim and focus in the finder and you get a review no videos.
I got an old Sony A58 (mostly for nostalgia reasons), and I was able to get a 70-200mm f2.8 lens relatively cheap. Trying to do the same for my full frame Nikon F-mounts hasn't been as easy. I have an old 80-200mm; but that's all messed up with fungus and basically unuseable. 😢
Nice! That sounds like an awesome lens! Haha yeah Nikon F mount glass hasn't come down in price like Alpha mount stuff. That sucks about the 80-200 though, are you going to try to clean the fungus?
@@Mr50mmish I considered it, but attempts to get it open have yet to be successful. I got it relatively cheap, so I might just take the chance and if I destroy it further - it's not much of a loss.
@@sbrazenor2 Ah if you do plan on opening it I'd recommend buying a Lens spanner. It's very useful for getting lens elements to de-fungus. I've done it a few times and it isn't tooooo difficult with the tool.
I have a couple of A100's, when for some unknown reason, my first one stopped working, I found a cheap replacement that came with charger, remote, several batteries and cf cards, then the original came back to life. So the burst rate is pants and there's no live view, but it works well with my adapted cheap vintage manual lenses. I still consider the a100 the best of the bunch. nice video.
Haha, always good to have some backups! Sounds like you got a nice package! Yeah the A100 definitely steals the show for overall goodness in the Sony APS-C line up.
I know your next Sony CCD camera. The A390. The last CCD and the highest megapixel at 14.2. Cant wait to see the review on my one and only Sony DSLR. Thanks for these videos.
Its not as good as the a100, ask me how i know lol. I sold it and went back to my Minolta 7d because thats better than the a100 and a390 (i still have my a100 tho cause its still good)
Its better mainly because the 6.1mp sensor really performs much better, i can shoot at 1600 iso all day on the 7d and it doesn't lose much detail at all.....my favorite thing about the a mount system is you can get zeiss glass and slap it on old ccd cameras and it just works.
@@JayTsPhotoI agree the under 10 megapixel CCD sensors perform better
Agree , the lenses , being so cheap is the best pros of the system. I was triggered by it, from buying a nice film Minolta with a few great lenses.
since its basically the same sensor in the d200 can you provide your opinion on the differences and similarities in regards to image quality?
It's very similar. Generally the differences in color science are probably the biggest factors, I find Sony processes the colors pretty differently even with the same lens. The images from the Sony tend to come out a bit cooler even when you match the WB and tints. When it comes to high iso, at the time the A100 was out its noise performance was not as good as the Nikon when it gets to 800-1600.
Otherwise when it comes to detail output both perform the same, lenses not withstanding.
I will likely do a closer look at this later as it's an interesting topic!
@@Mr50mmish in addition sony has 1 sensor that no one else has which is the 14mp CCD. I'm quite impressed with it.
@@salvadorvelasquez1755 yeah the a350 and other models pack that sensor, haha as someone mentioned I have the a390 so I'll be looking at that later!
Raw dogging is the way to go, also teasing us with the A99, boo!
Haha A99 review is coming!
I have the A 100 but only seem to find old Minolta zoom lenses for it. They are heavy and slow. But I have since gotten a few Nikon D70 D100 which I like for better controls and feel and the use of the old F mount lens. The Canon 30 D are OK, larger and use modern Canon EF mount. All these were less than $90. but batteries lens and memory are extra. I think these are the best to replicate film cameras experience, as the do not have previews you aim and focus in the finder and you get a review no videos.
Yeah I find when I'm out locally there are lots of poo zooms, but I do find online there are plenty of nice primes!
I got an old Sony A58 (mostly for nostalgia reasons), and I was able to get a 70-200mm f2.8 lens relatively cheap. Trying to do the same for my full frame Nikon F-mounts hasn't been as easy. I have an old 80-200mm; but that's all messed up with fungus and basically unuseable. 😢
Nice! That sounds like an awesome lens! Haha yeah Nikon F mount glass hasn't come down in price like Alpha mount stuff. That sucks about the 80-200 though, are you going to try to clean the fungus?
@@Mr50mmish I considered it, but attempts to get it open have yet to be successful. I got it relatively cheap, so I might just take the chance and if I destroy it further - it's not much of a loss.
@@sbrazenor2 Ah if you do plan on opening it I'd recommend buying a Lens spanner. It's very useful for getting lens elements to de-fungus. I've done it a few times and it isn't tooooo difficult with the tool.