When he leaves to count ‘em up and come back It’s an old sales trick. Sales men leaving to go to the back to check inventory, or to “ask their boss.” Physiologically We want to see faces twice, Subconsciously we become more familiar with each other. Also come back the same way you came in. I think you and your bro are legit.
bruh 'unedited', you sped up half the vid
i’m pretty sure he meant uncut
When he leaves to count ‘em up and come back It’s an old sales trick. Sales men leaving to go to the back to check inventory, or to “ask their boss.” Physiologically We want to see faces twice, Subconsciously we become more familiar with each other. Also come back the same way you came in. I think you and your bro are legit.
Thank you for the support
Make more videos of how you start the convos and when you receive no’s. Not gonna lie would help too!
Can you do fully unedited videos
This is not a fully unedited video
Can you make a video of what equipment you need for this and where to get it thanks
I show I show
Wears a mask
He definitely needs to talk to his wife