Even after the cut-off point for beginners, I think you should quit this video whenever you feel like you've learned enough. There's no need to watch this all in one chunk, you can always come back to it later if you'd like more tips. Here's some timestamps for individual topics: 10:40 Combo Strings 17:20 Scoring 21:23 Angel Weapons & Special Techniques 38:40 Weapons & Aerial Combos 42:40 Accessories 57:10 Panther Offset & Taunt Offset
My problem with Bayonetta is: - Weapons don't feel good to use and they all feel the same to me. - Holding buttons is an awful mechanic in general. - QUICK TIME EVENTS, enough said. (even the ones that dont instantly kill you are very bad). - Witch time is really unpleasant to be in. - Torture attacks interrupt gameplay and are also quick time events when activated. - Witch time becomes unreliable to the point where it feels almost random (but its just that enemies are somehow immune to it for some reason). And further screws you up after you've come to expect it and ruins the enjoyment of the game after finally getting over how unpleasant it was to start with. - Everything is so overdesigned and has such muted colours that it becomes hard to see what is going on. I completed this game both on Normal and Hard. And did all the Alfheim stages on hard. Even after getting as used to the game as you could expect anyone to be its still at the very best a mediocre experience. After Capcom revealed DmC2 I've just accepted this genre will never have exceptional games again, what a shame.
Yeah, the strange thing is I like this subgenre of action games, but I don't find Bayonetta pleasant to play despite all the strong parts she has. Maybe the most important thing is your first point is that weapons don't feel good to use. As much as I see a lot of (almost unbearable) flaws in Ninja Gaiden 2 for example, I still constantly play the game because slashing and hitting enemies feels so satisfying.
Omg yes. Replaying Bayo 1 atm and dear god it is a life saver. The difficulty curve in chapter 5 just was like 'Oh nice job dude you have been getting some good plats and golds on these guys. Here's a whole pantheon of new guys to change that.' And not being able to last minute dodge was a massive issue
If you have played Bayonetta to the point that this video isn't for you then you know that there is still A LOT more that can be taught that Matthew deliberately keeps out of this video as to not ruin the newcomer experience so keep that in mind before pointing out something seemingly obvious that wasn't covered. Having said that already I would like to add that damage and combo points work like a scale; the more damage you do the less combo points you can gain and the more combo points you gain the less damage you do. In terms of your score this looks like Time vs Combo and depending on the Verse you might want to do more damage to finish faster or less to gain more combo. Weapons and accessories are tuned with this in mind and if you struggle in a Verse try changing them for a boost in a certain category. I think that the reason as to why parrying isn't part of Bayonetta's basic moveset is that it might confuse new players into thinking that parrying should be used over dodging since it requires a higher amount of skill to execute properly and by doing so new players might discard dodging and dodge offset very early on and suffer for it. By having it as an item it is clear that parrying is a complement of dodging and not its replacement.
Oh wow, I had to blink a few times seeing this in my sub feed, because this is kinda exactly what I needed. I bought Bayo 1+2 on Switch, and played about an hour of Bayonetta, pausing just after the charm of the opening cutscene had left me. I've been meaning to pick it back up after Hollow Knight, and really giving it the shot it's due, so this is PERFECT.
Thanks for the video Matthew. I've already played Bayonetta but I'll probably go back to it because of this. You're an inspiration to me, keep on doing what you're doing.
Something clicked in my head the last time I fired up Bayonetta and it actually was working well - most beginners (still me) probably ATTACK TOO FAST. The key to "getting good" is to SLOW DOWN. Something I'm gonna try next time I play is Hitting the attack buttons in time with the battle themes. Both Fly Me To The Moon and Mysterious Destiny are 140BPM or just over twice a second. For attacks that are a bit slower, use "half time" 70bpm. Fixating in on a specific "rhythm" of button presses and memorizing enemy attack patterns helps one focus and learn the critical 3rd component of Dodge Offset. Even if you battle at this"slower" speed, you will still plat the time requirements.
A bit drawn out, but after completing the 1H course, easily the best information out there on the game. Concise and straight forward, plus, perhaps most importantly, easy to understand.
I played and achieved 100% in Bayonetta on 360 back in the day. Started it on PS4 yesterday, but wanted to play more efficient and elegegant, than just spamming the same combos over and over. The first 10 minutes really helped to get a better understanding of the fighting mechanics, will see how it turns out the next time I play. I'll come back to this video after finishing the game on normal.
This came at such a perfect time for me, just played through the first five chapters or so last week and felt that I was doing something wrong! Knowing about dodge offset should help a bunch, thanks Matthew!
What really helped me get to grips with dodge offset was to think of it as an attack input. Dodge + attack = a dodge where she's firing her guns. I focused on working that attack into my combos and that led to using dodge offset efficiently without even noticing.
a few big tips that you did miss are these (or i may be extending the further usefulness of said thing in video) When starting Bayonetta, your biggest priority is unlocking the air dodge and Bats within, bats within will save you more times than you may think and air dodge should be apart of her base kit, after that here are some other things you should get next Heel stomp and Tetsuzanko are great choices all around since wicked weaves do decent damage and can interrupt enemies, plus torture attacks cannot be used on bosses Afterburner Kick is one of her best abilities since it can lead to easy air combos which are great for singling out enemies safely Moon of Mahaa Kaalaa, as previously told in the video having the ability to also parry attacks as well as dodge is much more useful than initially thought, it can allow an aggressive playstyle and some attacks are impossible to dodge if you get hit e.g. grace and glory, even though you cannot dodge you can parry Crow within/Umbran spear, the only reason why i think this is a must have is because umbran spear is so good for chaining between enemies and resetting air combos the other very important thing to remember is that with Scarborough fair you do more damage holding your kicks and punches than anything else and because of this if you're looking to do pure damage look for combos where you can shoot with more than one pistol at a time at an enemy but be careful there's two ways the hold works with bayo's pistols the first is that she will target an enemy and shoot at the enemy e.g. if you hold your first punch in a combo she will target and fire at an enemy repeatedly, the second is she will just shoot randomly around the place and her bullets will bounce off walls e.g. is you kick 3 times and hold the third kick she will spin around shooting rapidly around her, when going for damage NEVER choose the random shots and always choose the targeted one's. why do i bring this up? I bring it up because by knowing this you can optimise when to hold your attacks and it can filter out some attacks completely, for example while you may think punch kick punch is strong, by using what i mentioned previously you can actually figure out that it's one of her highest damaging combo's since the kick can target an enemy shooting 3 pistols which is a ton of damage then the second punch which is both a wicked weave and 2 pistol targeting not to mention that it's an extremely quick combo too, since the first punch's hold doesn't do much (you only use one pistol) you can then change your combo to tap punch hold kick and hold punch, one quick thing to, the bullets from holding punch or kick an actually stun lock weaker enemies which can leave them in the air allowing you to extend a combo.
I enjoyed this a lot and it's put me in the mood to play this again. Bayonetta was my first of these types of games and I did terribly. I got mostly stone trophies through the latter half of the game. I enjoyed it though. Then I played Bayonetta 2 and played on hard and learned the systems a bit better (I don't know if it was due to my experience but hard in Bayo 2 felt about the same as normal in Bayo 1). I got a mix of golds, silvers, and a few bronzes. Not great but much better than Bayo 1. Then I ploughed through normal mode with Rosa and got all platinums (no pure platinums though). Even after all that I still never really mastered the dodge offset so that's definitely something I'll be focusing on.
So glad you made this. I stopped playing Bayo because I got stuck on Gracious and Glorious. I figured I didn't need dodge offset to at least get through the game. Thanks for making me realize that dodge offset is reaaallyyy important, and makes the game more satisfying and fun. I think I'll start a new game now.
~50:00 The Gaze of Despair's auto-enrage seems to put the enemies difficulty setting one level higher than they are in regards to speed (don't wanna get hit anyway), which means that with it you can sort of get Infinite Ultimate+, if the game wasn't hard enough for you yet. I tried it once and when I took it off again even infinite ultimate felt a tad slow-mo - however, since I still didn't have combos in well and never consciously mastered dodge-offset until then, it was still far from easy. The main down-turn of enraged enemies is that they're harder to distinguish from burning enemies, or rather burning-enraged enemies. You'll wonder why you can't melee them, get hit, your combo-points broken... all because they're on fire.
I remember wanting to love Bayonetta the first time I played it but ended up kind of hating it, because I felt like I did no damage to anything. On my second playthrough I discovered dodge offset and realized what a fantastic game it is. Glad to see you finally made this video, hopefully it sets more people like me on the right track!
2024 and i finally started Bayonetta. Thank you for this vid it has been a while since i played DMC 5. i love this genre as it just clicks after a while and the flow changes and you fchange from "my thumb hurts" to "Bro I am the coolest fucking guy (dmc) or Girl"
With 50hrs in the game, 3 playthroughs and even a challenge run using a single move because i couldnt get the combo's right, this video just made me enjoy this game so much more. I have issues in my hands where i cant press buttons so quickly and im slow in responding to things. Bayonetta is one of those few games im somehow still able to play :)
Grace and Glory, and their big brothers, are my favourite enemies in the game. The thrill with them is something else, the number of moves they can use and play off of each other. A game like this needs enemies like that. The only once close are the Joys and a level lower Fearless and Fairness. They're the closest thing to fighting Jeanne in the final fight I would say.
I was originally going to rush through the original Bayonetta so I could play Bayonetta 2 and 3. I was getting frustrated with the QTE's, having to use every single possible health item and getting Stone awards all the time. But this video really made me realize what Bayonetta is all about, and how to truly ENJOY it. I'm glad I didn't go with the "maybe the game's just not for you" crowd and decided to give an honest shot at this. I hope other people have the chance to play and enjoy this masterpiece.
Thank you for the video, as a noob with very little patience this helps a lot. This game unfortunately has instant death QTEs and annoying vehicle segments still, but if i can enjoy the combat at least it'll be fun mostly.
QTEs can be annoying but you can pause cutscenes to see if there's a QTE in them and prepare for them(no skip button means QTE) and mashing is A LOT easier on PC bc you get to mash double the buttons of a console player( X/Square and E, M1/Enter and Y/Triangle, M2/Backspace and B/Circle)
51:00 Eternal Testimony is sort of essential for the too long missile-ride-arcade-level that blocks the Jeanne fight, as it gives you two free missiles. Combine with a golden moon-pearl from the end-of-level minigame and you always regenerate to 4, which is already half a full magic bar. That arcade-missile ride and the Jeanne fight should have been two distinct levels imho.
I don't normally play these kinds of games. But after playing through Nier: Automata a third time on Very Hard, I got very interested in how the combat works. Seeing just the first twenty minutes of this video is honestly jaw dropping in how much mechanical depth can be condensed into two buttons. I'll take your advice on holding off watching all of this video, and just go in with dodge offset, and combos in mind.
> Build signature two-button combo system with dodge cancel functionality that makes sense. Shorten/lengthen and customize combos to your liking for whatever scenario. Stylish flexibility. > Have controversial figurehead who draws attention bc brilliant, yet crass online buffoon. > Attach any over-the-top story with badass mommy-dommy waifu, sprinkle on some jiggle physics. > Establish brand known for aforementioned combat system, so typically once you experience one of them fully, most others are very accessible. > ???? > PROFIT.
Crazy that the night before this was uploaded I was thinking about how I would go back and finish Bayonetta if only I could get some pointers, because I felt I was playing it wrong. Thanks Matt-Matt, you can read my thoughts any time.
Never played before. Saw 3 was coming out so I bought the 1&2 bundle on switch. Great game. Pretty tough just on normal. These tips help a ton. Pretty excited I get to experience Bayonetta 1,2,&3 right after one another for my first time. It’s like watching Game of Thrones all at once as opposed to waiting every week for a new episode. 🤘🏼🤘🏼
I am massively disappointed in 3 for too many reasons to list here without writing a full scale review. I bought it blindly, new nothing about it, had seen no trailer. I loved 1, I saw the ups and downs of 2. 3 is an insult to the series. Not only is the writing atrociously bad in every which way, but the gameplay is not Bayonetta: You cannot switch and mix arm and leg weapons, you only ever have a full set, and you have a demon-summon-panic button that effectively fights for you. You also have to rebuy every technique for every weapon individually. The combos are different. To top it off, the new character it forces you to play does not function around dodges, but blocks - broken gameplay, no dance. The demon-control is taken from Astral Chain, and it is not well implemented in B3. Over all, the game feels like duct taped together leftovers from a Bayo3 and an Astral Chain2-project. The story certainly is more AS and only breaks the Bayonetta lore and mythos. You're not even in Purgatorio - that scenic element of Bayonetta is completely scrapped. Another element taken from AS is that most of your money you don't get through fights, but just walk over collectible nano-machine-flowers like coins in Super Mario. While yes, you could find Halos before by destroying urns and crates, this is just openly lying around money that you walk over. The games seems overly packed with collectibles and pseudo-secrets off the path. The new enemies feel faceless, boring in design and to engage with and without personality - because they are. Nanomachines, son - but without the humor. And this is the short version...
@@k10007 oh, it was pretty obvious to me that the slave wink is taken from AS. I was wondering if they just used AS as a prototype to insert this kind of mechanics into combos lol My main problem is that Bayoenetta 3 is indeed a great game (action wise only), but it's not at all a Bayonetta...
I won't be able to play Bayonetta 3 (and 2 in fact) for awhile so I decided to watch this for a fix. Am glad you put this out and have no doubt it serviced a lot of people. I vouch for everything being taught here, and learned something for myself as well. Game is indeed so dense I'm still catching new things every time I play/watch it throughout the years.
I played and beat this this pretty recently based off your recommendation for the game. Good on ya for trying to get new people into it! Thoroughly enjoyed it all the way through on Hard mode, same with Bayo 2!
PP pause K is a valuable combo as well. As far as I can tell it's got the most DPS of any combo, as that wicked heel is really powerful. Then of course if you have durga on feet, you can take out pretty much anything in a few seconds. And you can umbran spear offset too. Don't know if you mentioned this.
Is it just Platinum though? I can't think of too many other games in this genre that had stellar tutorials that really reinforced anything besides the basics.
Samston It’s deliberately withheld to make discovering mechanics through experimenting more engaging that just walking you by the hand through tutorial after tutorial
@gibbdude 100% this, Blazblue has a optional indepth tutorial from basic press A to hit stuff to very advanced combos that include every kind of canceling in the game, and that for every character. This might be helpful but ... well i ain't going read all that stuff when i have a training mode that lets me try stuff out.
~10:00 This first part should be taught through the Alfheim with limited kicks and punches that puts a giant before you with a weakpoint high up his back. I understand not putting a "skill-check" mechanic in the way, but in Bayonetta 1 the Alfheims are all hidden - which on one hand I do appreciate more than in later games - but it takes away these very important training battles and hides them in dark backtrack-corners
They really force you to experiment, and sometimes not in the way they probably expected The first time I beat that challenge was because I used gun offset to chip away the last 25% of their health 😅 but it did weirdly teach me how good double pistols were just to have when dodging a lot
Yes, finally got around to playing the game, huge sucker of these kinds of games such as this, God of War and DMC, but never had the opportunity and now this is all i needed to get a bit of a start on how to not get completely rolled by this game's hard punishing style, which i guess kinda fits the theme of bayonetta and her bdsm moves or whatever.
I installed Bayonetta years ago in mi N switch, but never actually played it, until I got curious to play it and got addicted immediately, although I'm noob AF I really love playing this game Ps: the songs are very accurate, love them 🗿
~50:00 Evil Harvest Rosary is a great training tool to learn dodge timing. Once you've gotten to the highest difficulty, start Chapter XII, where you just got on the plane and fight the 3 Gracious & Glorious. Try to beat them with nothing but dodges. It took me two days to win that battle the first time this way, and then finally, for once I had the dodge-timing in and adapting to other enemies wasn't too hard after that. Especially before fighting Jeanne, this is a good training to get this reaction time up, for it is a much more controlled environment, yet uses fast attacks. The Gaze of Despair's auto-enrage seems to put the enemies difficulty setting one level higher than they are in regards to speed (don't wanna get hit anyway)
Great video, man! I got Platinum on Bayonetta 10 years ago and still learned a lot from this! I feel like a total noob, actually... this video was great! (also, listening to someone else gush about Bayonetta is always a treat, do there's that too) ...I love this game.
@@saaaaaaaaadasda "I've also love this game" is confusing... did you mean to say 'you have also loved it in the past'? or 'you love it in the present'? Sorry if I seem annoying... I love grammar :)
@@saaaaaaaaadasda All right. I totally understand why you might love the game... I do too. I bought it in PS3, PC and PS4; I have platinum on both PS versions and just hours ago I finally unlocked Jeanne after finishing the game with all platinum scores. It was hard, but I finally made it! Now I'm going to unlock Zero, and after that, I'm kicking Rodin's butt. So yeah. The game is a masterpiece and I can't get enough of it. But I'm curious as to why do you say you are in love with Bayonetta as a character. I get why you might love her, I do too. She's an amazing protagonist, a strong female who takes no crap from anyone, she shines everywhere she walks into, she exudes confidence and she does all this without ever sacrificing her femininity; quite the contrary, she obviously enjoys it quite a bit. Obviously she's attractive. That much I get, and I also love all that about her. But you said you're in love with her, right? could you elaborate on the reasons as to why you chose those words? (sorry, I'm a VERY curious person :P ).
@@Terrato.Worzen Excuse me, virtual KB posting, so both grammar and some meaning will be lost on the way ;/ Basically yeah, you have described her very well, the words i've chosen is like that because im extremely attracted to her, there's no other way to put it. My heart melts when i see her face and i love to hear her talk, enjoying her playful nature, her choreogaphy can put many top dancers and gymnasts to shame. She's a one of the kind of a character, pure lightning in a bottle, derived from razor-sharp Kamiya vision, trying to create a unique female char that will stood out the test of time. Her default costume is a fantastic mix of superhero-like outfit and a gorgeous dress, plus a iconic and lovely beehive haircut, how can you top that? You just couldn't. You can see her and tell what character she is, you can blindfold yourself and still hear that it is Bayo. Her fighting style is unique, becaused she blends melee and gunslinger style so well, something im affraid will be lost in Bayo 3, where judging by trailer emphasis goes on melee summons and transformations. Despite her "unnatural " proportions , she have very balanced body (At least in B1) and extremely photogenic. Her legs are works of art and her cute yet sharp face lines are something out of this world. It's sad that many fanarts will cut her legs for no reason. She looks very feminine, yet have a presense of confident grown-ass women. On the contrary to internet favourite sex-doll oh im sorry i mean interesting character 2B, which has a typical unthreatning baby-face that you just can't unsee once you've see it, same with DOA characters. Bayo should be getting all the rage and got trending, well i stop there on Automata part, because i don't want to talk about how much this game was overrated, especially knowing that the game is basically a garage sales of copy-pasted mechanics from Bayo and Transformers. And yeah, i will not beat around the bush - i find Bayo extremelly attractive in "that" way. In short, this is what my path was - Hey that game looks interesting and i've liked DMC soo... - I've liked it, but im confused - this game is great - this game is fantastic and i like her as a character - I love her as a woman(Dont judge me, im sure im not the only one). I hadn't got a sexual kick from her before the last 2 steps, before i was like - yeah, it's fanservisy but in a good way, im not a fan of cheap titilation, although i would not be screeching about it. So it's sorta just developed in a strange way - im not complaining though. My inner "wishes" didn't change the fact that i've haven't gotten it mixed up, i still respect her as a character. I like her original proportions and not this nonsense, when artist just draw a random body attached to her face, it's basically a cosplay at this point, no one is drawing a Chun-Li without her canonical thick brick-smashing thighs or i've missed something? That's it, im tired and i'll go to sleep, thank you for listening my weird Ted-Talk.
Hey, this is amazing! I didn't even know you had an extra-channel! Good stuff :) Bayonetta is a game that feels like a smooth dance once you get it right. A fight becomes one smooth motion, and not necessarily the exact same every time. It is about the dance, it is about the dodge, and everything else is optional for situation and fun. Witch Time is an incredibly fun and amazing training wheel, and once you take that off, the real game begins.
So glad Nintendo included this with Bayo 2 AGAIN. Already got it for free on the WiiU. Still, it's a much better port and runs nearly a perfect 60fps. Definitive console release of the game in my opinion. The genre in general seems to be having a revival and it makes me so happy - the DMC collection was such a welcome surprise for me and now every game (even my favorite dark horse, DmC) is available on one console, DMC5 was announced, Bayo 3 is also on the horizon, Nier: Automata was the best sleeper hit in years, you can play (or watch a movie length animation for some of the less enjoyable hand-held games) all 9 major Kingdom Hearts releases on just 2 discs on the CHEAP, God of War moved away from the awkward place it held in the genre and finally found its place in a much more story based and much less arcade style adventure (which I'm fine with especially considering we got a 60fps high res port of GOW3 as a playable time capsule of the classic trilogy), Hyrule Warriors (while many scoff at the inclusion of Warriors titles in the stylish action or character action genre) makes a strong case that series isn't totally gone to hell like we saw in Dynasy Warriors 9 and the Switch port is really smooth - great package all in all that leaves you just as satisfied and confused but still earns its place in the discussion of the current "genre heavyweights." We're in a great time for video games if you like Platinum games and the "stylish/character action" "genre," and I'm ready to see what we get next. What consoles do you guys play on and what games are you playing? If you're a PC player, what is your opinion on the PC community and the state of game releases on Steam? Does the current pattern of releasing broken or subpar PC ports ever make you wish you simply just had a little PS4 Slim sitting around to get some quick 60fps slaying in?
Madison Hutto As a PC player, I haven't found bad ports for most of the games I play, So despite owning a ps4, I never feel the need to play on it for games, with exception to persona 5.
you can do wicked weaves with kicks only with the ice skates for the last kick you have to hold it which causes bayonetta to do rapid kicks. she'll do a wicked weave kick after the rapids kicks but only on the last kick of combo.
With very precise timing you can execute the sword tetsuzanko while dodging simultaneously and god help me i'm helplessly addicted to doing it. Also the charge attack can be slipped into every hit of most of the sword's combos but you have to get the timing and holding down just right
Matthew, I know you must get tired of hearing this kinda stuff...but have you heard of a TH-camr named Seraphim17? he is one of the very few people on TH-cam that I consistently feel reflects my own values as a gamer, though I haven't been subbed for very long. I hope you take a couple moments to check him out. He does walkthrough guides and occasionally blind playthroughs and it's amazing to see how much he learns from the blind stuff before the guides. Also he is a big platinum fan and he did a great Wonderful 101 guide that Nintendo shut down before it was finished. A great sample of his work is his no level ng+x no damages no parry no dodge Bloodborne series. Sorry for rambling, and nice shout out to saueiandash btw
I remember that my first contact with bayonetta was around 12 with wii U, and I remember that I loved everything, the gameplay, the personality and artistic style of the game and how it was full of femininity, now I am rediscovering the game and I am quite sure that Bayo 2 does not have such a level of depth in its gameplay, although of course I am not an expert to say that.
Like so many, I never knew about the offset, I forced my way through Bayonetta 1 on wii u and absolutely hated it because it felt like the game didn't want to let me play. Now I want to buy both games again.
I wanted to enjoy this game but I honestly didn’t. I never thought I would dislike the game as much as I did. I’m not a fan of the witch time gimmick, and how much the game relies on it. The Boss fights got old fast and the quick time events don’t help either. I admit the game kicked my ass (and this is coming from a Ninja Gaiden fan) but long story short, the way the game wants to be played isn’t how I want to play it. I can respect the game for trying to do something new, but I would never rank it higher than games like Ninja Gaiden 2 or even Devil May Cry 4. Not even close.
Jman Rising As Matthew said witch time is just a crutch given to player on the lower difficulties, to make disposal of enemies easier, hence the game doesn’t rely on it too much; think about it this way... Witch time was a hook and gimmick that Platinum used to advertise the game, but the pillars of the combat system are not about witch time, rarely will you see, let’s say, a TH-cam video be limited in its content by its own title and thumbnail, and while those aspects are important, they aren’t why we think fondly of certain videos. Not that I blame you if you didn’t pick up on this in your first play through, I mean, did anyone pick up on it? And even then you bring up good points; most fights are pretty boring(they get worse in the sequel >_
I don't know exactly what but this offset thing just doesn't feel intuitive or natural to me. My brain can't correctly press and hold the attack button at the right moments. I even had to train few combos to offset them just by muscle memory and I still fail it regularly. Was this system supposed to be like that? I didn't have much problems with Nero's exceed in 4 when I was training it for the first time - it was just an additional button press, although with a strict timing. But here the whole HOLD thing just messes with my brain. Would be cool to simplify it for degenerates like me. Here is an idea - heavy attacks don't start any combos (there aren't many combos from heavies anyway), only lights do. But after a dodge your heavy attack continues your combo, while light attack starts over from the beginning and your goal would be to land as many light attacks as possible before an enemy interrupts you, then continuing your combo with heavy attack/attacks depending on what combo you were doing. That would also prevent some bs I saw at the highest level of gameplay where players are just stacking combo enders through quick offsets and basically play as zoners being 20 meters away from enemies.
Try to slow down a bit when you do it. I learnt how to do it by holding punch until bullets come out, and when you see them come out you press the dodge button. It's kinda like pressing attack and dodge at the same time.
you can parry!? i must've been distracted cause I beat the game and never knew that existed, holy shit i'm going back and revengeance the shit out of that parry system with the sword, you can't stop me, Dad Matosis
Perfect Parry timings are very tight. If you're a masochist, unlock Jeanne(plat all normal levels) and train with her because the only Witch Time she gets is from a parry.
I remember the first time I played the game didn't really click for me until I got bats within and the Moon of Maha-Kaalaa. Then the game made sense and was way more enjoyable, like I uderstand the game not wanting to overwhelm at the start, but I do wish some of the more integral skills were there from the start or at least you were able to get them sooner. Is kinda like how I always found odd that in dmc4 and 5 you have to buy enemy step when it is one of the most integral mechanics of that series (that and that It was in by default in dmc1 and 3).
I just got bayonetta, i'm huge dmc fan and thought their combat would be similar but oh my god bayo it's so freaking hard, i mean i can finish the missions no problem, but i always get the freaking Enzo statue at the end, 'cause i can't get the hang on the combat
Even after the cut-off point for beginners, I think you should quit this video whenever you feel like you've learned enough. There's no need to watch this all in one chunk, you can always come back to it later if you'd like more tips. Here's some timestamps for individual topics:
10:40 Combo Strings
17:20 Scoring
21:23 Angel Weapons & Special Techniques
38:40 Weapons & Aerial Combos
42:40 Accessories
57:10 Panther Offset & Taunt Offset
Keep those uploads coming lad.
My problem with Bayonetta is:
- Weapons don't feel good to use and they all feel the same to me.
- Holding buttons is an awful mechanic in general.
- QUICK TIME EVENTS, enough said. (even the ones that dont instantly kill you are very bad).
- Witch time is really unpleasant to be in.
- Torture attacks interrupt gameplay and are also quick time events when activated.
- Witch time becomes unreliable to the point where it feels almost random (but its just that enemies are somehow immune to it for some reason). And further screws you up after you've come to expect it and ruins the enjoyment of the game after finally getting over how unpleasant it was to start with.
- Everything is so overdesigned and has such muted colours that it becomes hard to see what is going on.
I completed this game both on Normal and Hard. And did all the Alfheim stages on hard. Even after getting as used to the game as you could expect anyone to be its still at the very best a mediocre experience.
After Capcom revealed DmC2 I've just accepted this genre will never have exceptional games again, what a shame.
Why not upload this to you main channel like, DMC, DKS and DMS? I know it's not as structured but it's still good.
Yeah, the strange thing is I like this subgenre of action games, but I don't find Bayonetta pleasant to play despite all the strong parts she has. Maybe the most important thing is your first point is that weapons don't feel good to use. As much as I see a lot of (almost unbearable) flaws in Ninja Gaiden 2 for example, I still constantly play the game because slashing and hitting enemies feels so satisfying.
@@Trakesh DMC5 is nothing like DmC, what are you talking about? Too early to judge.
Hardest part of the game is entering practice mode with a fast PC
Put it on a ssd literally loads in 2 seconds no practice.
@@chieppachat9381 That's the whole point. It's way too fast
Another thing for newcomers: Buy the "Bats Within" technique from the shop once it unlocks after Chapter VII.
Omg yes. Replaying Bayo 1 atm and dear god it is a life saver. The difficulty curve in chapter 5 just was like 'Oh nice job dude you have been getting some good plats and golds on these guys. Here's a whole pantheon of new guys to change that.' And not being able to last minute dodge was a massive issue
i got like 95% stone trophies the first time i played this game
did u play on the hardest fucking difficulty?
Same bro, I feel your pain.
you're not alone bro
Stone statue, and if it continued counting, like 10+ deaths per stage lol
@@murderyoutubeworkersandceos I'm playing now and Yeah playing normal....
My grandma said I'm the best bayo player in the world she's ever seen
Ah, grandmas always tell you you're the best at hack 'n' slash games -- that's why grandmas are great.
But you are, since she probaply hasn't seen someone else play it
@@Harnekampf that’s the joke.png
@@christopherlowery3797 ah ok
Cool bro,now show your skills in Dark souls to her ( tip: tell her you were the big monster)
If you have played Bayonetta to the point that this video isn't for you then you know that there is still A LOT more that can be taught that Matthew deliberately keeps out of this video as to not ruin the newcomer experience so keep that in mind before pointing out something seemingly obvious that wasn't covered.
Having said that already I would like to add that damage and combo points work like a scale; the more damage you do the less combo points you can gain and the more combo points you gain the less damage you do. In terms of your score this looks like Time vs Combo and depending on the Verse you might want to do more damage to finish faster or less to gain more combo. Weapons and accessories are tuned with this in mind and if you struggle in a Verse try changing them for a boost in a certain category.
I think that the reason as to why parrying isn't part of Bayonetta's basic moveset is that it might confuse new players into thinking that parrying should be used over dodging since it requires a higher amount of skill to execute properly and by doing so new players might discard dodging and dodge offset very early on and suffer for it. By having it as an item it is clear that parrying is a complement of dodging and not its replacement.
Oh wow, I had to blink a few times seeing this in my sub feed, because this is kinda exactly what I needed. I bought Bayo 1+2 on Switch, and played about an hour of Bayonetta, pausing just after the charm of the opening cutscene had left me. I've been meaning to pick it back up after Hollow Knight, and really giving it the shot it's due, so this is PERFECT.
2 years later this video was immensely helpful. I was getting frustrated.
Thanks for the video Matthew. I've already played Bayonetta but I'll probably go back to it because of this. You're an inspiration to me, keep on doing what you're doing.
Something clicked in my head the last time I fired up Bayonetta and it actually was working well - most beginners (still me) probably ATTACK TOO FAST. The key to "getting good" is to SLOW DOWN. Something I'm gonna try next time I play is Hitting the attack buttons in time with the battle themes. Both Fly Me To The Moon and Mysterious Destiny are 140BPM or just over twice a second. For attacks that are a bit slower, use "half time" 70bpm. Fixating in on a specific "rhythm" of button presses and memorizing enemy attack patterns helps one focus and learn the critical 3rd component of Dodge Offset. Even if you battle at this"slower" speed, you will still plat the time requirements.
This video increased my appreciation and enjoyment of the game soooo much along with simply making me a much better player in general. Thank you!
How to en...JOY bayonetta with GRACE in your combos and GLORY in your victories
A bit drawn out, but after completing the 1H course, easily the best information out there on the game. Concise and straight forward, plus, perhaps most importantly, easy to understand.
Played through both games, had no idea about dodge-offset.
saaame... ugh, wow, no wonder I could never beat hard mode D:
I played and achieved 100% in Bayonetta on 360 back in the day. Started it on PS4 yesterday, but wanted to play more efficient and elegegant, than just spamming the same combos over and over. The first 10 minutes really helped to get a better understanding of the fighting mechanics, will see how it turns out the next time I play. I'll come back to this video after finishing the game on normal.
ive beaten this game like 12 times and even I learned some stuff. That sword thing where u hold lock on is cool AF
This came at such a perfect time for me, just played through the first five chapters or so last week and felt that I was doing something wrong! Knowing about dodge offset should help a bunch, thanks Matthew!
What really helped me get to grips with dodge offset was to think of it as an attack input. Dodge + attack = a dodge where she's firing her guns. I focused on working that attack into my combos and that led to using dodge offset efficiently without even noticing.
a few big tips that you did miss are these (or i may be extending the further usefulness of said thing in video)
When starting Bayonetta, your biggest priority is unlocking the air dodge and Bats within, bats within will save you more times than you may think and air dodge should be apart of her base kit, after that here are some other things you should get next
Heel stomp and Tetsuzanko are great choices all around since wicked weaves do decent damage and can interrupt enemies, plus torture attacks cannot be used on bosses
Afterburner Kick is one of her best abilities since it can lead to easy air combos which are great for singling out enemies safely
Moon of Mahaa Kaalaa, as previously told in the video having the ability to also parry attacks as well as dodge is much more useful than initially thought, it can allow an aggressive playstyle and some attacks are impossible to dodge if you get hit e.g. grace and glory, even though you cannot dodge you can parry
Crow within/Umbran spear, the only reason why i think this is a must have is because umbran spear is so good for chaining between enemies and resetting air combos
the other very important thing to remember is that with Scarborough fair you do more damage holding your kicks and punches than anything else and because of this if you're looking to do pure damage look for combos where you can shoot with more than one pistol at a time at an enemy but be careful there's two ways the hold works with bayo's pistols the first is that she will target an enemy and shoot at the enemy e.g. if you hold your first punch in a combo she will target and fire at an enemy repeatedly, the second is she will just shoot randomly around the place and her bullets will bounce off walls e.g. is you kick 3 times and hold the third kick she will spin around shooting rapidly around her, when going for damage NEVER choose the random shots and always choose the targeted one's. why do i bring this up? I bring it up because by knowing this you can optimise when to hold your attacks and it can filter out some attacks completely, for example while you may think punch kick punch is strong, by using what i mentioned previously you can actually figure out that it's one of her highest damaging combo's since the kick can target an enemy shooting 3 pistols which is a ton of damage then the second punch which is both a wicked weave and 2 pistol targeting not to mention that it's an extremely quick combo too, since the first punch's hold doesn't do much (you only use one pistol) you can then change your combo to tap punch hold kick and hold punch, one quick thing to, the bullets from holding punch or kick an actually stun lock weaker enemies which can leave them in the air allowing you to extend a combo.
this was very helpful
animation in bayonetta is amazing
I enjoyed this a lot and it's put me in the mood to play this again. Bayonetta was my first of these types of games and I did terribly. I got mostly stone trophies through the latter half of the game. I enjoyed it though. Then I played Bayonetta 2 and played on hard and learned the systems a bit better (I don't know if it was due to my experience but hard in Bayo 2 felt about the same as normal in Bayo 1). I got a mix of golds, silvers, and a few bronzes. Not great but much better than Bayo 1. Then I ploughed through normal mode with Rosa and got all platinums (no pure platinums though).
Even after all that I still never really mastered the dodge offset so that's definitely something I'll be focusing on.
Wow, I've played through the whole game and I never knew about dodge offset and don't remember if I knew about holding down the buttons.
So glad you made this. I stopped playing Bayo because I got stuck on Gracious and Glorious. I figured I didn't need dodge offset to at least get through the game. Thanks for making me realize that dodge offset is reaaallyyy important, and makes the game more satisfying and fun. I think I'll start a new game now.
~50:00 The Gaze of Despair's auto-enrage seems to put the enemies difficulty setting one level higher than they are in regards to speed (don't wanna get hit anyway), which means that with it you can sort of get Infinite Ultimate+, if the game wasn't hard enough for you yet. I tried it once and when I took it off again even infinite ultimate felt a tad slow-mo - however, since I still didn't have combos in well and never consciously mastered dodge-offset until then, it was still far from easy.
The main down-turn of enraged enemies is that they're harder to distinguish from burning enemies, or rather burning-enraged enemies. You'll wonder why you can't melee them, get hit, your combo-points broken... all because they're on fire.
I remember wanting to love Bayonetta the first time I played it but ended up kind of hating it, because I felt like I did no damage to anything. On my second playthrough I discovered dodge offset and realized what a fantastic game it is. Glad to see you finally made this video, hopefully it sets more people like me on the right track!
2024 and i finally started Bayonetta. Thank you for this vid it has been a while since i played DMC 5. i love this genre as it just clicks after a while and the flow changes and you fchange from "my thumb hurts" to "Bro I am the coolest fucking guy (dmc) or Girl"
With 50hrs in the game, 3 playthroughs and even a challenge run using a single move because i couldnt get the combo's right, this video just made me enjoy this game so much more. I have issues in my hands where i cant press buttons so quickly and im slow in responding to things. Bayonetta is one of those few games im somehow still able to play :)
I have played through this game multiple times and never even knew about the dodge offset so thanks for that haha
Grace and Glory, and their big brothers, are my favourite enemies in the game. The thrill with them is something else, the number of moves they can use and play off of each other. A game like this needs enemies like that. The only once close are the Joys and a level lower Fearless and Fairness. They're the closest thing to fighting Jeanne in the final fight I would say.
I was originally going to rush through the original Bayonetta so I could play Bayonetta 2 and 3. I was getting frustrated with the QTE's, having to use every single possible health item and getting Stone awards all the time. But this video really made me realize what Bayonetta is all about, and how to truly ENJOY it. I'm glad I didn't go with the "maybe the game's just not for you" crowd and decided to give an honest shot at this. I hope other people have the chance to play and enjoy this masterpiece.
I'm in the exact same boat right now. Still tough learning Dodge Offset. lol.
Thank you for the video, as a noob with very little patience this helps a lot.
This game unfortunately has instant death QTEs and annoying vehicle segments still, but if i can enjoy the combat at least it'll be fun mostly.
QTEs can be annoying but you can pause cutscenes to see if there's a QTE in them and prepare for them(no skip button means QTE)
and mashing is A LOT easier on PC bc you get to mash double the buttons of a console player( X/Square and E, M1/Enter and Y/Triangle, M2/Backspace and B/Circle)
51:00 Eternal Testimony is sort of essential for the too long missile-ride-arcade-level that blocks the Jeanne fight, as it gives you two free missiles. Combine with a golden moon-pearl from the end-of-level minigame and you always regenerate to 4, which is already half a full magic bar.
That arcade-missile ride and the Jeanne fight should have been two distinct levels imho.
I don't normally play these kinds of games. But after playing through Nier: Automata a third time on Very Hard, I got very interested in how the combat works. Seeing just the first twenty minutes of this video is honestly jaw dropping in how much mechanical depth can be condensed into two buttons. I'll take your advice on holding off watching all of this video, and just go in with dodge offset, and combos in mind.
It's what Shinji Makami's and Hideki Makiya's life depend on. Their combat have the most mechanical depth.
> Build signature two-button combo system with dodge cancel functionality that makes sense. Shorten/lengthen and customize combos to your liking for whatever scenario. Stylish flexibility.
> Have controversial figurehead who draws attention bc brilliant, yet crass online buffoon.
> Attach any over-the-top story with badass mommy-dommy waifu, sprinkle on some jiggle physics.
> Establish brand known for aforementioned combat system, so typically once you experience one of them fully, most others are very accessible.
> ????
oh yea bayonetta blows automata’s combat out of the water. I liked nier but the fighting was too shallow for how long the game asks you to play imo
Crazy that the night before this was uploaded I was thinking about how I would go back and finish Bayonetta if only I could get some pointers, because I felt I was playing it wrong. Thanks Matt-Matt, you can read my thoughts any time.
Never played before. Saw 3 was coming out so I bought the 1&2 bundle on switch. Great game. Pretty tough just on normal. These tips help a ton. Pretty excited I get to experience Bayonetta 1,2,&3 right after one another for my first time. It’s like watching Game of Thrones all at once as opposed to waiting every week for a new episode. 🤘🏼🤘🏼
I am massively disappointed in 3 for too many reasons to list here without writing a full scale review. I bought it blindly, new nothing about it, had seen no trailer. I loved 1, I saw the ups and downs of 2. 3 is an insult to the series. Not only is the writing atrociously bad in every which way, but the gameplay is not Bayonetta: You cannot switch and mix arm and leg weapons, you only ever have a full set, and you have a demon-summon-panic button that effectively fights for you. You also have to rebuy every technique for every weapon individually. The combos are different. To top it off, the new character it forces you to play does not function around dodges, but blocks - broken gameplay, no dance.
The demon-control is taken from Astral Chain, and it is not well implemented in B3. Over all, the game feels like duct taped together leftovers from a Bayo3 and an Astral Chain2-project. The story certainly is more AS and only breaks the Bayonetta lore and mythos. You're not even in Purgatorio - that scenic element of Bayonetta is completely scrapped.
Another element taken from AS is that most of your money you don't get through fights, but just walk over collectible nano-machine-flowers like coins in Super Mario. While yes, you could find Halos before by destroying urns and crates, this is just openly lying around money that you walk over. The games seems overly packed with collectibles and pseudo-secrets off the path. The new enemies feel faceless, boring in design and to engage with and without personality - because they are. Nanomachines, son - but without the humor.
And this is the short version...
@@whisped8145 yeah make a vid. I didn't realize the astral chain connection until you said it. I need to replay that one again
@@k10007 oh, it was pretty obvious to me that the slave wink is taken from AS. I was wondering if they just used AS as a prototype to insert this kind of mechanics into combos lol
My main problem is that Bayoenetta 3 is indeed a great game (action wise only), but it's not at all a Bayonetta...
I won't be able to play Bayonetta 3 (and 2 in fact) for awhile so I decided to watch this for a fix.
Am glad you put this out and have no doubt it serviced a lot of people. I vouch for everything being taught here, and learned something for myself as well. Game is indeed so dense I'm still catching new things every time I play/watch it throughout the years.
I was looking for a video to explain the scoring system for Bayo 3 and this ended up helping me the most, thanks.
I played and beat this this pretty recently based off your recommendation for the game. Good on ya for trying to get new people into it! Thoroughly enjoyed it all the way through on Hard mode, same with Bayo 2!
Fantastic guide my man, really helpful since I started Bayonetta today and I want to get 100%
Did you get 100%? :D
@@Mimekoo I did! One of my proudest achievements haha
@armandoarrojo9841 omg that's awesome!!! I'm playing through bayo right now 😄
@@Mimekoo Thx! If you're going for 100% watch some gameplay on the hardest difficulty, it was really helpful for me
@@armandoarrojo9841 thanks a bunch!
I just realized 'Dodge Offset' is sorta like blipping the throttle when downshifting.
dafuq? what game are you referring to?
@@slkjvlkfsvnlsdfhgdght5447 Driving manual transmission cars in real life.
@@TechMetalRules ah, ok
Bayo 1 is super frustrating for a first playthrough
you mean super satisfying? Still remember hgow good it felt to beat up those porcelain angels lol :D
@@FredomHackno, it’s frustrating, the amounts of times I screamed at Grace and Glory is insane
how2enjoy bayonnaise short version at 49:14
As a bedman player you should know that moto well :^)
i'm a jack-o player tbh
This is a fire tutorial video I love this
I played and beaten bayonetta and I had no clue that this was even remotely a mechanic, wish I knew, guess I have to go back and play it
How to enjoy Bayonetta?
Play it!
God no. I fucking hated it when I started. Now I have platinums everywhere. Still hate it.
PP pause K is a valuable combo as well. As far as I can tell it's got the most DPS of any combo, as that wicked heel is really powerful. Then of course if you have durga on feet, you can take out pretty much anything in a few seconds. And you can umbran spear offset too. Don't know if you mentioned this.
Why is platinum so bad at teaching players integral mechanics? Revengance was the same way with its parry mechanic.
Is it just Platinum though? I can't think of too many other games in this genre that had stellar tutorials that really reinforced anything besides the basics.
Samston It’s deliberately withheld to make discovering mechanics through experimenting more engaging that just walking you by the hand through tutorial after tutorial
gibbdude Exactly. My dude.
@gibbdude 100% this, Blazblue has a optional indepth tutorial from basic press A to hit stuff to very advanced combos that include every kind of canceling in the game, and that for every character. This might be helpful but ... well i ain't going read all that stuff when i have a training mode that lets me try stuff out.
Exactly, hiding crucial information needed to enjoy the game is stupid to say the least.
Good timing, I just re-installed Bayonetta and wanted to get rid of all my shameful stone statues.
Thanks for the tips Mathew.
~10:00 This first part should be taught through the Alfheim with limited kicks and punches that puts a giant before you with a weakpoint high up his back.
I understand not putting a "skill-check" mechanic in the way, but in Bayonetta 1 the Alfheims are all hidden - which on one hand I do appreciate more than in later games - but it takes away these very important training battles and hides them in dark backtrack-corners
They really force you to experiment, and sometimes not in the way they probably expected
The first time I beat that challenge was because I used gun offset to chip away the last 25% of their health 😅 but it did weirdly teach me how good double pistols were just to have when dodging a lot
Good thing I looked up to see if you had done content for this game before I kept playing. Dodge offset is gonna be super helpful, thanks!
I literally just bought bayonetta and you uploaded this. Thanks Matt!
great video, thank you
Yes, finally got around to playing the game, huge sucker of these kinds of games such as this, God of War and DMC, but never had the opportunity and now this is all i needed to get a bit of a start on how to not get completely rolled by this game's hard punishing style, which i guess kinda fits the theme of bayonetta and her bdsm moves or whatever.
I installed Bayonetta years ago in mi N switch, but never actually played it, until I got curious to play it and got addicted immediately, although I'm noob AF I really love playing this game
Ps: the songs are very accurate, love them 🗿
~50:00 Evil Harvest Rosary is a great training tool to learn dodge timing. Once you've gotten to the highest difficulty, start Chapter XII, where you just got on the plane and fight the 3 Gracious & Glorious. Try to beat them with nothing but dodges. It took me two days to win that battle the first time this way, and then finally, for once I had the dodge-timing in and adapting to other enemies wasn't too hard after that. Especially before fighting Jeanne, this is a good training to get this reaction time up, for it is a much more controlled environment, yet uses fast attacks.
The Gaze of Despair's auto-enrage seems to put the enemies difficulty setting one level higher than they are in regards to speed (don't wanna get hit anyway)
Great video, man!
I got Platinum on Bayonetta 10 years ago and still learned a lot from this! I feel like a total noob, actually... this video was great!
(also, listening to someone else gush about Bayonetta is always a treat, do there's that too)
...I love this game.
I love Bayonetta. And i've also love this game.
@@saaaaaaaaadasda "I've also love this game" is confusing... did you mean to say 'you have also loved it in the past'? or 'you love it in the present'?
Sorry if I seem annoying... I love grammar :)
@@Terrato.Worzen My mistake. I just wanted to say that im in love with this game and im in love with the character =)
@@saaaaaaaaadasda All right.
I totally understand why you might love the game... I do too. I bought it in PS3, PC and PS4; I have platinum on both PS versions and just hours ago I finally unlocked Jeanne after finishing the game with all platinum scores. It was hard, but I finally made it! Now I'm going to unlock Zero, and after that, I'm kicking Rodin's butt.
So yeah. The game is a masterpiece and I can't get enough of it.
But I'm curious as to why do you say you are in love with Bayonetta as a character. I get why you might love her, I do too. She's an amazing protagonist, a strong female who takes no crap from anyone, she shines everywhere she walks into, she exudes confidence and she does all this without ever sacrificing her femininity; quite the contrary, she obviously enjoys it quite a bit. Obviously she's attractive. That much I get, and I also love all that about her.
But you said you're in love with her, right? could you elaborate on the reasons as to why you chose those words? (sorry, I'm a VERY curious person :P ).
@@Terrato.Worzen Excuse me, virtual KB posting, so both grammar and some meaning will be lost on the way ;/
Basically yeah, you have described her very well, the words i've chosen is like that because im extremely attracted to her, there's no other way to put it. My heart melts when i see her face and i love to hear her talk, enjoying her playful nature, her choreogaphy can put many top dancers and gymnasts to shame. She's a one of the kind of a character, pure lightning in a bottle, derived from razor-sharp Kamiya vision, trying to create a unique female char that will stood out the test of time. Her default costume is a fantastic mix of superhero-like outfit and a gorgeous dress, plus a iconic and lovely beehive haircut, how can you top that? You just couldn't. You can see her and tell what character she is, you can blindfold yourself and still hear that it is Bayo. Her fighting style is unique, becaused she blends melee and gunslinger style so well, something im affraid will be lost in Bayo 3, where judging by trailer emphasis goes on melee summons and transformations.
Despite her "unnatural " proportions , she have very balanced body (At least in B1) and extremely photogenic. Her legs are works of art and her cute yet sharp face lines are something out of this world. It's sad that many fanarts will cut her legs for no reason. She looks very feminine, yet have a presense of confident grown-ass women. On the contrary to internet favourite sex-doll oh im sorry i mean interesting character 2B, which has a typical unthreatning baby-face that you just can't unsee once you've see it, same with DOA characters. Bayo should be getting all the rage and got trending, well i stop there on Automata part, because i don't want to talk about how much this game was overrated, especially knowing that the game is basically a garage sales of copy-pasted mechanics from Bayo and Transformers.
And yeah, i will not beat around the bush - i find Bayo extremelly attractive in "that" way. In short, this is what my path was - Hey that game looks interesting and i've liked DMC soo... - I've liked it, but im confused - this game is great - this game is fantastic and i like her as a character - I love her as a woman(Dont judge me, im sure im not the only one). I hadn't got a sexual kick from her before the last 2 steps, before i was like - yeah, it's fanservisy but in a good way, im not a fan of cheap titilation, although i would not be screeching about it. So it's sorta just developed in a strange way - im not complaining though. My inner "wishes" didn't change the fact that i've haven't gotten it mixed up, i still respect her as a character. I like her original proportions and not this nonsense, when artist just draw a random body attached to her face, it's basically a cosplay at this point, no one is drawing a Chun-Li without her canonical thick brick-smashing thighs or i've missed something?
That's it, im tired and i'll go to sleep, thank you for listening my weird Ted-Talk.
Good vid, I'm nowhere near a character action pro, but I do enjoy them. I also liked your wonderful 101 video, wosh you had one of Astral Chain too
Hey, this is amazing! I didn't even know you had an extra-channel! Good stuff :)
Bayonetta is a game that feels like a smooth dance once you get it right. A fight becomes one smooth motion, and not necessarily the exact same every time. It is about the dance, it is about the dodge, and everything else is optional for situation and fun. Witch Time is an incredibly fun and amazing training wheel, and once you take that off, the real game begins.
Dang this simple dodge technique really altered my experience half way through the game.
I think I love you, thanks for this guide!!
This was very helpful, thank you :)
Coincidentally I just bought Bayonetta. Time to see if this game is everything people make it out to be. Thanks for the tips!
Lego starwars was my first game with "combos", now i want more of this combat and i hope bayonetta is this game
Excellent guide, helped me a lot.
Great timing, just bought this on the weekend.
Would be keen to see more info if you're up for it.
dude. this was so helpful. waiting for mw2 to come out and thought id go retro with this game i never finished but still have the ps3 disk.
Will you buy Bayo 3 or you don't have a Switch?
@@saaaaaaaaadasda not buying a console for one game.
"Retro" lmao
Awesome guide, thanks a lot.
this was awesome! thank you
*Step 1*
Don't play on ps3
i already failed
@@ekremsait very bad port of the game. It runs very bad
You should cover Umbra Spear offset when you're on it.
So glad Nintendo included this with Bayo 2 AGAIN. Already got it for free on the WiiU. Still, it's a much better port and runs nearly a perfect 60fps. Definitive console release of the game in my opinion. The genre in general seems to be having a revival and it makes me so happy - the DMC collection was such a welcome surprise for me and now every game (even my favorite dark horse, DmC) is available on one console, DMC5 was announced, Bayo 3 is also on the horizon, Nier: Automata was the best sleeper hit in years, you can play (or watch a movie length animation for some of the less enjoyable hand-held games) all 9 major Kingdom Hearts releases on just 2 discs on the CHEAP, God of War moved away from the awkward place it held in the genre and finally found its place in a much more story based and much less arcade style adventure (which I'm fine with especially considering we got a 60fps high res port of GOW3 as a playable time capsule of the classic trilogy), Hyrule Warriors (while many scoff at the inclusion of Warriors titles in the stylish action or character action genre) makes a strong case that series isn't totally gone to hell like we saw in Dynasy Warriors 9 and the Switch port is really smooth - great package all in all that leaves you just as satisfied and confused but still earns its place in the discussion of the current "genre heavyweights." We're in a great time for video games if you like Platinum games and the "stylish/character action" "genre," and I'm ready to see what we get next. What consoles do you guys play on and what games are you playing? If you're a PC player, what is your opinion on the PC community and the state of game releases on Steam? Does the current pattern of releasing broken or subpar PC ports ever make you wish you simply just had a little PS4 Slim sitting around to get some quick 60fps slaying in?
Madison Hutto As a PC player, I haven't found bad ports for most of the games I play, So despite owning a ps4, I never feel the need to play on it for games, with exception to persona 5.
HareHead GFX Download the Nier Automata port then.
this game was designed for an arcade stick
you can do wicked weaves with kicks only with the ice skates for the last kick you have to hold it which causes bayonetta to do rapid kicks. she'll do a wicked weave kick after the rapids kicks but only on the last kick of combo.
i think the best advice you gave was to do more hold attack just assumed the bullets barely do damage
Keep those uploads coming lad.
some serious Bob Ross vibes from this video lol
8:51-9:42 is Bob Ross-esque
*insert brush cleaning sound at **9:43*
"This is the fun part. Just beat the devil out of it" :)
Me and the boys getting all stone awards 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎
With very precise timing you can execute the sword tetsuzanko while dodging simultaneously and god help me i'm helplessly addicted to doing it.
Also the charge attack can be slipped into every hit of most of the sword's combos but you have to get the timing and holding down just right
It´s just sad to see how in depth this game is while bayo 2 is just : W I T C H T I M E
Hey, let's be positive, maybe after 300 years archeologist's will find some depth in Umbran Climax :)
Matthew, I know you must get tired of hearing this kinda stuff...but have you heard of a TH-camr named Seraphim17? he is one of the very few people on TH-cam that I consistently feel reflects my own values as a gamer, though I haven't been subbed for very long. I hope you take a couple moments to check him out. He does walkthrough guides and occasionally blind playthroughs and it's amazing to see how much he learns from the blind stuff before the guides. Also he is a big platinum fan and he did a great Wonderful 101 guide that Nintendo shut down before it was finished. A great sample of his work is his no level ng+x no damages no parry no dodge Bloodborne series.
Sorry for rambling, and nice shout out to saueiandash btw
Screen Tear I highly recommend his akumu guide for the evil within. It's bloody brilliant.
I remember that my first contact with bayonetta was around 12 with wii U, and I remember that I loved everything, the gameplay, the personality and artistic style of the game and how it was full of femininity, now I am rediscovering the game and I am quite sure that Bayo 2 does not have such a level of depth in its gameplay, although of course I am not an expert to say that.
Yes, you are right. Problem is that many Bayo 2 changes to combat is actually backwards thinking, if you think about it logically.
Like so many, I never knew about the offset, I forced my way through Bayonetta 1 on wii u and absolutely hated it because it felt like the game didn't want to let me play. Now I want to buy both games again.
I wanted to enjoy this game but I honestly didn’t. I never thought I would dislike the game as much as I did. I’m not a fan of the witch time gimmick, and how much the game relies on it. The Boss fights got old fast and the quick time events don’t help either. I admit the game kicked my ass (and this is coming from a Ninja Gaiden fan) but long story short, the way the game wants to be played isn’t how I want to play it. I can respect the game for trying to do something new, but I would never rank it higher than games like Ninja Gaiden 2 or even Devil May Cry 4. Not even close.
Jman Rising As Matthew said witch time is just a crutch given to player on the lower difficulties, to make disposal of enemies easier, hence the game doesn’t rely on it too much; think about it this way... Witch time was a hook and gimmick that Platinum used to advertise the game, but the pillars of the combat system are not about witch time, rarely will you see, let’s say, a TH-cam video be limited in its content by its own title and thumbnail, and while those aspects are important, they aren’t why we think fondly of certain videos. Not that I blame you if you didn’t pick up on this in your first play through, I mean, did anyone pick up on it? And even then you bring up good points; most fights are pretty boring(they get worse in the sequel >_
Getting every single weapon, collectible, and accessory was torture 😭
I don't know exactly what but this offset thing just doesn't feel intuitive or natural to me. My brain can't correctly press and hold the attack button at the right moments. I even had to train few combos to offset them just by muscle memory and I still fail it regularly. Was this system supposed to be like that? I didn't have much problems with Nero's exceed in 4 when I was training it for the first time - it was just an additional button press, although with a strict timing. But here the whole HOLD thing just messes with my brain.
Would be cool to simplify it for degenerates like me. Here is an idea - heavy attacks don't start any combos (there aren't many combos from heavies anyway), only lights do. But after a dodge your heavy attack continues your combo, while light attack starts over from the beginning and your goal would be to land as many light attacks as possible before an enemy interrupts you, then continuing your combo with heavy attack/attacks depending on what combo you were doing. That would also prevent some bs I saw at the highest level of gameplay where players are just stacking combo enders through quick offsets and basically play as zoners being 20 meters away from enemies.
Git gud unironically
Try to slow down a bit when you do it. I learnt how to do it by holding punch until bullets come out, and when you see them come out you press the dodge button. It's kinda like pressing attack and dodge at the same time.
I finished the whole game without knowing of dodge offset holy crap
Who’s ready for Bayonetta 3?!!
My grandma is the best bayonetta player ever
you can parry!? i must've been distracted cause I beat the game and never knew that existed, holy shit i'm going back and revengeance the shit out of that parry system with the sword, you can't stop me, Dad Matosis
Perfect Parry timings are very tight. If you're a masochist, unlock Jeanne(plat all normal levels) and train with her because the only Witch Time she gets is from a parry.
35:41 that attack is preserved through loading screens so it does have some use.
Any chance we get something like this for wonderful 101?
loved this video.
Thank god I’m not the only one bombarded by stone awards
Oh my god yes! Thanks so much!
I remember the first time I played the game didn't really click for me until I got bats within and the Moon of Maha-Kaalaa. Then the game made sense and was way more enjoyable, like I uderstand the game not wanting to overwhelm at the start, but I do wish some of the more integral skills were there from the start or at least you were able to get them sooner. Is kinda like how I always found odd that in dmc4 and 5 you have to buy enemy step when it is one of the most integral mechanics of that series (that and that
It was in by default in dmc1 and 3).
I’m trying to get back into the game cause I wanna play part 3. I never finished it the first time I played because I honestly SUCKED at the game.
I've never played past the first mission in Bayonetta, and I watched this video in one chunk.
I just got bayonetta, i'm huge dmc fan and thought their combat would be similar but oh my god bayo it's so freaking hard, i mean i can finish the missions no problem, but i always get the freaking Enzo statue at the end, 'cause i can't get the hang on the combat