Nothing greater than to have a great prophetic teaching message with the greatest message of all time, salvation by faith in The Lord Jesus Christ....Sean in WA ST....
Very good information. Thank you pastor. Actually it's an excellent message, I am writing this after listening to the whole sermon. Thank you God for showing me this message and clarifying the chapter Daniel 7 through this pastor today. Amen.
Oh hallelujah!! God is good, He is faithful. Thank you for this teaching, your explanation is clear, direct and very easy to understand. God Bless you♥
SALVATION in SYMBOLS and SIGNS Check it out if you want the whole study of the book of Daniel and Revelation 🙏 It's in depth consists of 112 lessons, verse by verse scripture by scripture and chapter by chapter 🙏 it's easy and simple even a child can understand it too 🙏 these 2 prophetic books are God's messages to His end time people before His return🙏you owed it to yourself to know the truth what God is saying to you 🙏 God said know the truth and will make you free 🙏 God said My people are perished cause of lack of knowledge 🙏 I guarantee you won't be disappointed 🙏 God bless 🙏💞
May God our Lord , the Trinitarian God bestow many blessings upon you. May He reveal the Light and guide and protect you. Thank you for your love to your fellowmen
I had trouble to understand .Thank you Pastor for explaining in detail. A very great help to understand the deeper meaning of Daniel's Vision. God Almighty continue to bless you.
Father in Heaven, we're grateful, we're grateful! Lord, thank you for your sacrificial love. Praise you Lord Jesus, Son of Man! Praise you Lord Jesus, the alpha and Omega. Praise you Lord Jesus, King of Kings, Praise you Lord Jesus, Lord of Hosts, Praise you Lord Jesus, Son of Man, Praise you Lord Jesus, Sacred Heart. We thank you Lord for your infinite Love. Amen! Praise Him and what a good witness you are to His Glory. "Jesus, Jesus is Lord."
Hey .. everyone Moniee-Mon, is listening thanks for the info and videos. I believe it's God , word as well , 🙏 the word is alive and it does everything it says. I 've seen God do things for me over and over , we get a new set of eyes. A new heart ❤️, an a new mind , a new walk , a new talk. His word is genuine and REAL.. He speaks to me and tells me his not done , I luv it !! . Satan , is real also , and his demons. I don't fear him an his emps , I have my armor on READY !!!
The beasts of Daniel 7 are not a repeat of the statue in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. Daniel 7:12 As concerning the rest of the beasts, they had their dominion taken away: yet their lives were prolonged for a season and time. The kingdoms represented by the beasts are co-existent and they survive the destruction of the antichrist. Daniel 7:17 These great beasts, which are four, are four kings, which SHALL arise out of the earth. The beasts of Daniel 7 are set in the future from Daniel’s time. Babylon had already risen so none of the beasts can be Babylon and so the beasts cannot be a duplicate of Nebuchadnezzar’s statue. Revelation 13:1-3 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw A BEAST rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. All but 1 part of Nebuchadnezzar’s statue represents kingdoms of the ancient world. So why would they be included in Revelation, which is supposed to be a prophecy of the end of the world?
@wolfen244 sugar coating the gospel as in twisting the words of the Bible and making it something entirely different than what the original text actually means (prosperity preachers who focus just on grace and neglect works or like take advantage of grace as a means to keep sinning and so on). I'll be sure to check out Jeff Lowman.
@@bertinaagnes73 Sadly, I don't know of any. The best indicator of authenticity is consistency in what they preach. Whenever I find a preacher who is correct on one issue he is incorrect on another. They either have not read the entire Bible, or they don't understand the entire Bible or (worst of all) they willfully ignore/misinterpret the entire Bible.
What about the Great Image? This was in the first chapter of Daniel. What many do not know is that the great image and the four beasts are the same prophecy from a different allegory.
Please go to SALVATION in SYMBOLS and SIGNS 🙏 It's an in depth study of the 2 prophetic books of Daniel and Revelation 🙏 112 lessons, verse by verse scripture by scripture and chapter by chapter 🙏 it's easy and simple even a child can understand it too 💯 These 2 prophetic books are God's messages to His end time people before His returns 💯🙏 every Christian must know what God is saying the truth 💯 God said know the truth and will make you free 🙏 God said My people are perished cause of lack of knowledge 🙏 I guarantee you won't be disappointed 🙏 God bless 🙏💞
Pastor, I enjoyed your sermon. I hope this comment will help you. When u pray at the end of the sermon. Will u pray with that manner if God is right in front of you? We think easily God is far away. If we think God is right in front of us when we pray, our body gesture will be different. Our tone of voice will be different. We will be very humble, we may not even lift our head. We can't talk to him with loud voices putting our hands in the pocket, pointing our finger to Him.
God is not bound by time, in fact He created it and it will end [Rev10:6] - it is like a 'prison' to us - He has ordained everything in it, for Him our future is 'past'... Psalm 139 etc - i.e He is omniscient, He Is the great I AM [Exo 3:14]
the reason people don’t understand what Daniel is saying is because they don’t fully grasp what the ancient enemy is and have been overcome by a strong delusion. Genesis 3:1,14,15
@theunknownpreacher9833 it is good to know that in the end even the vile deeds of the unrighteous will glorify Him.... Philippians 2:10-11 KJV [10] that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; [11] and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.🙌
Would you agree or disagree that Daniel 7:13-14 are fulfilled in Acts 1:9 in the ascension? And which kingdom does Daniel refer to in verse 14? I don’t think it could be the millennial kingdom because verse 14 says it is an everlasting kingdom. I personally can’t make the connection that the ascension fulfills Daniel’s prophecy. Thanks
No, it hasn't happened yet. Look at the explanation of the prophecy in verses 18 and 22. It's the saints of the most High that are given the Kingdom, and taken before the Ancient of days. We are LIKE the Son of Man, destined to be changed into His image. We are the ones who rule with a rod of iron. Revelation 2:26 - 27 also points this out to those who overcome. An overcomer according to 1 John 5:4-5 (same guy who penned Revelation), is a believer in Christ. This same terminology is also used in the Revelation 12 sign of the man child taken up to God so that the dragon doesn't devour Him. But I do believe it will be happening any minute now.
Continuing from my previous comment, 2 Thessalonians 2:3 says that the day of Christ will not come unless a falling away comes first (Greek: apostasia, from where we get "apostasy) and out of this apostasy, the man of sin will be revealed, who opposes EVERYTHING that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is he demands worship of HIMSELF, and he demands it over EVERYTHING, all deities and idols, he places himself as a mortal man above all of them, and he sits "in the temple of God" there has been talk for years about a literal temple in Jerusalem, but consider that the term "temple of God' comes from Paul's writings, and if Paul is the one who uses a term, surely Paul knows what it means, but even IF, even IF, a third Jerusalem temple WERE to be built, it wouldn't be the temple of God anymore, because towards the end of Jesus' speech in Matthew 23, Jesus says to Jerusalem "YOUR house is left to you desolate", in other words, even IF the temple were to be rebuilt, it wouldn't be the temple of God anymore, because the old temple already was no longer the temple of God before it was destroyed in AD70, so what is the temple of God in Paul's writings? well, both in 1 Corinthians 3:16 and also 2 Corinthians 6:16, Paul refers to the body of Christ as the temple of God, the CONGREGATION of believers, in other words, WE are the temple of God as Christians, and the man of sin will arise from among US, and he will reign until he is consumed by the breath of Christ's mouth and destroyed by the brightness of his coming (2 Thess 2:8). What I personally understand from those passages that I mentioned, is that whether we are talking about the man of sin in 2 Thessalonians, or the antichrist in John's letters, we are talking about an apostate Christian.
This is the plain truth. I got tired of explaining the same to many preachers on youtube..don't know wether they have an agenda with anything in Jerusalem today or wether God still lives in man-made temples (Acts 17.24)
I've had the same vision as the one given to the prophet Daniel about the fourth beast. Indeed it's presence was terrifying. It is a baphomet. (note that the pictures you'll find online are just depictions so it doesn't look exactly like that but similar enough).
Sir you as a pre trib supporter it would have been great if u would have explained the part that says in Daniel 7:25 "the saints of the most high will be given into his hands for 3 and a half years." Doesn't it mean that the believers or the church will undergo tribulation in the hands of AC?
I'm going through Daniel with a group of men, and we heard an alternate interpretation that the four beasts represent current world powers like Russia, England, etc. I'm curious what you think of that David. I guess I put that in the speculation category, and I think the Bible might support more the recapitulation of ch 2 and the statue, but curious if you had any input. I'm definitely a bible believer.
This happens a lot in Bible studies. Ideas and imaginations are presented. But discourage them from being inserted into God's Word. Truth is drawn OUT of the text. These kingdoms correlate to Dan 2, Nebuchadnezzar's dream, Dan 8, 9,11,12 also Rev 13 & 17 and elsewhere. The context is now history plus much end time prophecy - largely view of enemies of God/Israel before physical redemption. The Bible reveals a criteria for these kingdoms. They're all historical world conquering empires, gentile, wealth lessens as strength increases (gold,silver, bronze, iron symbols in Dan 2), worship satan/evil pagan, antisemitic, against one true God. Future ruler, part of what's represented in 4th beast is yet to come but there are only 7 empires that meet the Biblical test... Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome + Rome II (future 10 nations under antichrist). Thanks for your comment and hearing mine.
Verses 11 and 12 verify your take on the first 3 being current world powers. It says the fourth beast was destroyed and his body given to the flame but the rest...(the other three mentioned) had their dominion taken away and their lives were preserved for a season and time. That means the first three absolutely cannot be powers that existed before but are no longer in play when the fourth beast is destroyed. These are all commonly preached in mainstream churches but are simply wrong. All one has to do is read for themselves. A side note, in revelation 17 it describes the 10 horns as being kings who've not received a kingdom as yet, but receive power AS (like) kings for one hour with the beast.....same beast as Daniel 7....daniel also says it was "DIVERSE" from the first 3 BEASTS meaning totally different. If you look into whose running the world now, it is a group of rich people, using the media and news to give out the orders and the world is bowing down. Trust the leading of the Holy Spirit and read the Bible for yourself. You're on the right track.
I found it fascinating that you didn’t address that the little horn, which is the papacy, persecuted God’s people for a time a time and a dividing of time = 1260 years, from 538 AD to 1798 AD.
@@brhiandavila6987 31/2yrs equal 42mos or 1260yrs that's how long the papacy persecuted the church in the dark ages 💯 history goes in hand with the Bible 💯🙏
the assumption is that the first 5 seals are God's wrath because Jesus open the seals ( not sure how sound this is), and that the seals happen at the very beginning of the last 7 years ( I don't see scripture validating that assumption). There is a 5 month period in rev 9 ( tormented by the demonic locusts), a 3.5 year time period in Rev 11 ( outer court given to the gentiles and the 2 witnesses ministry), Rev 12 ( some are protected), and Rev 13 ( beast persecution of the saints, this lines up with Dan 7:25).....thoughts?
I realize MOST people make the assumption that the events depicted in Revelation all occur in the "70th week", otherwise called the Tribulation. Therefore, they interpret everything as being part of the Tribulation. Nobody, or at least very few, ever recognize that Scripture never makes that claim, or even suggests it. But that's what they're taught by their pastors and teachers, because that's what THEY'RE taught in seminary and the old commentaries. The trouble is, it's simply an assumption with no Scriptural support. I find it troubling that so many teachers make Scripturally unsubstantiated claims and call it "truth". Even more troubling is the massive preponderous number within the Church that fail to obey the command to "study to make yourself approved to God, a workman that need not be ashamed.". If more of God's people responded correctly to that call from God Himself error would not fill the churches as it does. But, instead, they "will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths." Truly treacherous times are coming, much sooner than anyone thinks. God has given His people warning, just as He warned Noah. Noah "being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith." Are you going to do as Noah did, believe God's warning, and prepare? Or will you, AND YOUR CHILDREN, be left desolate? Remember the 10 virgins. ALL of the 10 were invited to the marriage, representing those in the Church. Half were fools. The other half prepared.
The Little Horn is believed by many to be the Antichrist himself. Whoever he will align with is yet to be seen, but in the end, he will only be interested in representing himself and his own agenda.
I think there is significant evidence Daniel travelled around the empire in working with Nebuchadnezzar and others. Babylon certainly ran along the Mediterranean, but more significant than that are the other empires mentioned. Each beast came from the sea, each representing Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome which were all centered on the Mediterranean. It wasn't about Daniel's locale as much as the empires he was hearing about from God.
It would of been nice to hear arguments for or against the theory that the four kingdoms represent 1-Babylon 2-Medes 3-Persia 4-Greece and the kingdom would represent the period of Maccabees when Israel was independant from 167 to 37 BC.
the 4 beasts of Daniel 2 ARE NOT the same as the ones in Daniel 7. The ones in Daniel 2 SUCCEED ONE ANOTHER CHRONOLOGICALLY whereas the ones in Daniel 7 CO-EXIST at the TIME OF THE END.
True Daniel 7: 11 and 12 tells how when the 4th beast is destroyed, the other beasts.....the previous three described..... Had their dominion taken away and their lives prolonged for a season. Read the Bible before you preach on what's in it!
Adam is the Ancient of Days, he is also known through various incarnations as Michael and Elijah among other names and personas in history. In Daniel 7, he rescues the holy people and prepares the world for Christ, who is also in Daniel 7. The evil king in Daniel 7 is beating up on the holy people until Elijah arrives to rescue them. Two points: 1. Current Israel is not being beat up on but is beating up the Palestinians. 2. The Palestinians are the descendents of the few Jews who returned to Judah after the Babylonian exile and near genocide of the Jews. Ramadan mubarack! (March 11, 2024.)
The term "Anti-Christ" is not merely a term used in "popular culture" though, it IS in fact a bible term, but we only find it in the letters of John, that's 1 John and 2 John (there is also a third letter but the term "anti-christ" is not mentioned in the last one. The mention of the anti-christ in 1 John is particularly significant, in verse 18 it says "Little children, it is the last hour, and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we may know that it is the last hour. Verse 19 they went out FROM US but they were not of us, for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us, but they went out that they might be made manifest, that none of them were of us." Now, the many anti-christs who HAVE come, where did they come from? They came FROM US, meaning, from WITHIN the body of Christ, but they were not OF us or they would have continued WITH us, in other words, the time in the bible where anti-christs are mentioned, they are APOSTATE Christians, rather than having never been Christians at all, and if the "many anti-christs" are apostate, is it possible that THE anti-christ, is an apostate also?
Hi, There were 10 horns + 1 Horn gives you 11. 3 Horns then died off when the little horn came out. so it gives us 8 horns left. I think the emphasis should be placed on 8 horns then with 1 ruling little maybe we should emphasis on 8 horns and not 10.Anyone maybe see a prophetic in the number 8 = 8 horns
The fourth beast of Daniel 7 wasn't and isn't the Roman Empire. It is the kingdom of the Antichrist. The fourth beast of Daniel 7 is the same beast, which appears out of the sea in Revelation 13. And in Revelation 17, 8 the Angel speaks to John, the apostle: "The beast, which you have seen, that was and is not now and it will rise out of the abyss and will go to destruction." From John's perspective the angel says, that beast has already been before Rome, and is not in the present time of John's days and will rise again in the future. In fact, the fourth beast of Daniel 7 and the beast out of the sea in Revelation 13 are the male goat of Daniel 8, to be more specific, it is the little arrogant horn of the male goat, which rises out of one of the four notable horns. The first horn (Alexander the Great) and the four notable horns (the four Diadochy Kingdoms) have already been before the Roman Empire, "the beast was", but during the reign of the Roman Empire the male goat was not in charge, "the beast is not now". But in the future the little horn of the male goat will rise, that's the Antichrist, "the beast will rise again out of the abyss and will go to destruction". The little arrogant horn is a horn of the male goat. So the endtime beast is the the last horn of the male goat, the third beast of Daniel 7, the leopard, which was before the Roman Empire, before the times of Jesus Christ and the apostle John. The little arrogant horn of the male goat represents the Antichrist. The male goat represents the kings of Jawan, the kings of Greece. So the Antichrist will be ohne of these kings of Jawan, ohne of these kings of Greece; but not one of the kings of Rome.^^ Regaerding all this we should come to the conclusion, that the fourth beast of Daniel 7 must be the ressurection of the third beast of Daniel 7, the leopard. Because that beast in Revelation also was like a leppard. That shows us, that is from the kings of the Greek Empire, not of the Roman Empire.
I stopped listening at the 5 min mark. The lion cannot be Babylon. Read what the angel said to Daniel later in the chapter in verse 17. "The four great beasts are four kings that will rise from the earth." Notice the single word "will". The angel said these 4 beasts WILL come. Which means they were not yet, at the time this was spoken. Babylon already was, and had been for quite some time. Indeed, it was just about to fall at the time of the vision, the 1st year of Belshazzar. So, given that you've already misidentified the 1st beast, the natural conclusion is you are mistaken and not worth hearing the remainder. In reality, if you read all the angel had to say, all 4 beasts will exist at the same time since the other 3 are referenced after the 4th has been destroyed with the words, "I kept looking until the beast was slain and its body destroyed and thrown into the blazing fire. (The other beasts had been stripped of their authority, but were allowed to live for a period of time.)", in verses 11 and 12. The kingdom of Babylon is long gone. Descendents of its people still exist. But the beast itself is gone. A beast is not a people, nor their descendents, it is a system. That system is long gone. Babylon was not allowed to live. The lion is not Babylon. The lion likely exists today, as does also the bear, and the leopard. I will leave supposition as to their identity for whoever reads this. I have my own ideas which I won't reveal.
@@lmirra6744 I'm sure you do. Don't we all? I have ideas on what nations the 3 beasts are. But, as I said in my last sentence, I'm not telling what I think. I'm not willing to get drawn into a long argument with anyone about their identity. But it is abundantly clear from the angels words that it is NOT Babylon. The Spirit of God certainly knows of whom He spoke when He gave this vision. Your answers, my answers, ALL of our answers, must come from Him. Man will deceive you. God will never do so. All I can tell you is what Paul told Timothy. "Study to show yourself approved of God." We are COMMANDED to study His Word. We are never commanded to search out as many teachers as possible to give us answers. We are instead told to study the Word ourselves. God didn't give visions to inform the world. He gave them to inform His people. They contain His warnings to us, not the world. Pray about it.
@@StephanieSomer I didn't come to argue! Because your comment made sense and I wanted to know who it is, you know, it might give me light too. But if you, too, do not know yet or do not wish to say it here it's ok! And indeed, we should always study the Bible. God reveals things to men according to His will and time, if we open our hearts and minds and be ready for greater things to come. Thank you so much!
the kingdom of baylon might not e now ut it speaks of the Assyrian in eziekel who will fulfill the prophecy that's in Babylon, it said the whore of babylon was drunken with the blood of the saints, meaning the one who went around and killed the saints in the end times is Babylon. the beast shall be a man giving power by the dragon and he will do abomination of desolation when this happens he will persicute the church for 3 an a half years you shoul rea both Daniel an rev
The ten toes of the statue were ten iron fingers and ten clay fingers see Daniel 2:41. Twenty fingers in total. Correction is not ten horns !! Fourth beast is not Rome but America (Eagle) Ready 2 Esdras chapter 11 and 12!!!
You would have to have a serious case of blindness either by denial or being misled to not see who the little horn is. All the reformers knew and many gave their lives pointing it out. The 4th beast is Pagan Rome which had 10 horns (kingdoms) arise out of it. The 11th horn arises out of the Roman empire but it is not like the other 10 kingdoms. It was a power that took the place of God through deceit and religion to become powerful. The 11th horn plucked up 3 horns and far exceeded the might of the remaining horns. It rules for 1260 days (Ez. 4:5, 6) and thinks to change times and laws (10 commandment). I will not reveal who this is, God has to.
@@busola.d9014 Man has not shown you this but God through His Holy Spirit. 'Angles in the Glen' is the best presentation on Daniel I have seen in the 40+ years I have been studying the book.
1. Babylon, Medes/Persia, Greece and Roman Empire were already in Nebuchadnezzar's dream so what is the reason of repeating in Daniel 7? 2. Daniel 7:17 says they are four kingdoms that "will" rise from the earth. Babylon was history and Persia was already reigning at that point in time so "will" does not fit here.
The reason for repetition is for emphasis. The word "will" doesn't appear in many translations of the Bible, but that is a secondary point. I think that the explanation that Daniel was receiving was a look back, kind of a review of the chronology of the four kingdoms, and then also a looking forward. The main point is that there would be four kingdoms that are emphasized, and the repetition of Nebuchadnezzar's dream was for emphasis. I hope that this helps. Blessings!
@@DavidGuzikEnduringWord 1. Out of the 38 translations in bible hub, only 3 do not have "will" or "shall" in Daniel 7:17. 2. The fourth kingdom in Daniel 2:40-43 does not sit well with the fourth beast in Daniel 7:7-8, 19-21 and 23-25. a. The former became weaker (traditional interpretation) whereas the latter became stronger. b. The latter resembles the beast from the sea in Revelation 13, the former does not. 3. The first three beasts were allowed to live for a period of time in Daniel 7:12; The first three kingdoms in Daniel 2 were destroyed by their successors unless you consider Iraq, Iran and Greece but they have nothing in common with the three kingdoms except geographically. 4. The common theme between the kingdoms and the beasts is that they are/will be destroyed by an everlasting kingdom. 5. To reconciliate the kingdoms and the beasts, one must reconsider the traditional interpretation of Daniel 2:41-43 i.e. above point 2.a. 6. Roman Republic evolves into illiberal democracy perhaps.
@@DavidGuzikEnduringWord David you need to read your Bible a bit more. Daniel 7:11,12 tells in very short form that all 4 kingdoms exist together at the time of the end and that the first three have their dominion taken away yet their lives are prolonged. Did you miss that part?!!! Just read it and stop acting like these things you're saying are just common knowledge. Repent. This is all simple correction. Better now than in the end. Correct it.
@@EarthToTroy Your words come across as harsh. We can certainly disagree as followers of Christ. Prophecy is challenging to interpret and to claim authoritatively, because...It hasn't happened yet! May I encourage you towards grace and loving disagreement rather than a harsh approach. That is not said from a standpoint of being offended, but simply as one brother to another. In response to your comments on Daniel 7:11, 12, many believe that there last world government will not be a co-existence of those four kingdoms, but a conglomeration of them. Many believe that the last world government will have aspects and distinctions of the power of those four world kingdoms that are spoken of in Scripture. That is the view of many. So, we can agree to disagree respectfully, graciously, and in brotherly lover. Blessings in Jesus name.
@@EarthToTroy why are you coming off so mean? You are supposed to be a believer and your words sound not loving at all. There is no need to be hostile. I pray that you repent and apologize to God and a David for how you came at him .
17:59 Why did Jesus continually call Himself “The Son of man”? So as not to be confused with the ancient of days. How does one become “ancient”? God owns all days and therefore does not “become”. The one called ancient has become so through an accumulation of time having eaten from the tree of life.
Pastor Lance replies - I take it you say all this because you do not believe the Bible teaches that Jesus is God. He is and the Bible is clear in saying so. Jesus is both God and Man. He is the Son of Man because He took on humanity in the Incarnation. One does not BECOME ancient by the passage of many days. Something is ancient because it EXISTED in the past.
@@DavidGuzikEnduringWord I believe not only that Jesus is God but that He earned the title Melchizedek. Your last sentence proves my point. If something existed in the past then it has accumulated days in order for it to be ancient. I think you and I have very different understanding about John 1:1-3. I happen to believe John's view of Jesus. Everything is in God's past including this moment. The Father's favorite song is and will always remains Jesus therefore this album called reality began with the conception of Jesus and was established by His life and commitment to the Father's word For it was written.
@@DavidGuzikEnduringWord my brother takes your word over mine and though it breaks my heart he now belongs to you. It doesn't matter that I can prove these things through the scriptures and through reality, he only accepts the words of strangers so I say take good care of him and his wife and examine these things with Jesus aid. Matthew 23:8-11.
@theunknownpreacher9833 John1 v1 in the Beginning was the WORD and the WORD was with GOD and the word was GOD and the WORD became flesh. That tells you that Jesus is a part of GOD and was with GOD from the beginning of the creation.
The beasts in Daniel chapter 7 cannot represent ancient world empires. Daniel 7:12 says that the first three beasts will outlive the fourth beast. The beasts of Daniel chapter 7 are three end time Unions that will combine to form the next world empire.
Hello, I believe that the little horn is Rome in its papal fase. It fits perfectly the description. It rises after pagan Rome, It rises after the 10 barbarian tribles (ten horn) are metioned, when it rises it took away 3 horns (the papacy, when it rose it took away 3 tribes that didn´t want to follow him). I said all this to say this: The three first kindoms are alive through its philosophy and practices. The need for a priest to take us to God, the need of penitence and more practices that the papacy have are things that Babylon had, Medo persia had, Greece had etc...
Pastor Lance replies - It appears that angels have different assignments and that Michael's specific task is to attend to the purposes of God for Israel. I think we can be sure the end hasn't come since the "man of perdition" (2 Thess 2) hasn't been revealed.
First Kingdom - Babylonian Kingdom, Second - Medo Persian Kingdom, Third - Kingdom of Greece, and Fourth - Kingdom of Israel (142 BC to 70 AD). I covered this in my video on Kingdom of Israel being fourth kingdom in the book of Daniel.
@@linegrant4605 How is Fourth Kingdom Rome? Before Rome, there was Kingdom of Israel. Judas Maccabeus and his Hebrew supporters kicked Hellenism out of Israel and made alliance with the Romans against Seleucids (1 Maccabees 8) and became a completely independent Government under the leadership of Judas' brother Simon (1 Maccabees 13 to 14) with the alliance of Romans and Spartans. Simon's grandson Aristobulus I converted this Government into Kingdom in 104 BC which is recorded by Josephus in Judean Wars Book 1, Chapter 3, Paragraph 1. This Kingdom became semi-autonomous with Romans when Pompey and Romans conquered Jerusalem and gave the power to Hyrcanus II. From this point onwards, this kingdom continued semi-autonomous with the Romans until its destruction with Fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD. That is why Prophet Daniel wrote that fourth beast (which was fourth kingdom) was slain and thrown into the blazing fire (Daniel 7 verses 11, 23). This is what happened to Israel with Fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD.
The identification of the first 3 beasts is clear. But why identify the 4th as Rome, and then a future version of Rome. Why not just say that the 4th beast represents a kingdom which hasn't yet been in existence. Roman empire doesn't fit the description of a "whole earth" empire. 4th beast is more likely a global empire yet to arise.
Alexander barely conquered Persia not stamped on them so brutally and one of his generals died thereafter and further these troops even as had Alexander never even got off the horses let alone off the earth. This he goat COVERED THE FACE OF the earth WITHOUT even touching the ground. There are near countless discredited facts about Alexander to that of the notable horn. I'd express WHAT BIBLE STUDENTS ARE discussing about who is what the prophecies are describing but I don't wish to step on any toes. Bless you bro I enjoyed the video. Alexander fought over two thousand years ago; nothing like throwing in the purposing matter before it actually even began. Gabriel importantly told Daniel in chapter nine to consider THE MATTER, to get knowledge, skill and understanding and as well Gabriel and Micheal will show him the matter. Now how can we all for two thousand years take verbatim what a few secular or unknown ancient historians opinionating "who the notable horn was OUT IN THE LAST DAYS? Hmm.
but aleander didn't persicute and kill the saints before Christ showing up if you look into Daniel 11 the antichrist has 3 and a half years before the coming of the messiah an the resurrection of the dead where the saints take the kingdom in Daniel 12 so this cant e alexander cause he did not fulfill the prophecy of the horn nor did he make those take a mark and if he was jesus would had to returned to earth 3 nd a half years letter if alexander had fulfilled the scripture jesus aint here so alexander didn't fulfill it
I disagree on the 4th Beast being the Roman Empire. On the first 3 beasts I certainly agree with Babylonian Empire, Medo-Persian Empire and the Grecian Empire. Daniel named literally the 3 Empire in this book but the 4th one is not. The 4th Beast is not named but certain requirements must be meet in Daniel 2:40 “And the fourth kingdom shall be as strong as iron, inasmuch as iron breaks in pieces and shatters everything; and like iron that crushes, that kingdom will break in pieces and crush all the others” NKJV In the passage the 4th kingdom pointed out to break in PIECES and crush the 3 kingdoms (i.e. Babylonian, Medo-Persian, and Grecian) meaning to conquer and occupy the lands they subdued in PIESCES and PULVERIZED the culture, and languages. However, Rome in its conquest never done that. Even to combine the land territories they (3 kingdoms) occupied to the extent Rome did not. If you superimpose the maps of the 3 kingdoms and Rome occupied territories, we can see clearly Rome did not occupied all of the 3, fall short of what the passage meant. So Rome is not the 4th kingdom. Not only that Daniel 9:26 “the people of the prince who is to come will destroy the city” speaking of the “people” of the prince (i.e. Antichrist) are not Romans (Italian) they are auxiliary foot soldiers recruited from the vicinity of the Arabs provinces in other words the people who burned the Temple are ethnicity of Arabs, Assyrians ,and Egyptians. What do I mean is that they are locals from the Middle East and their religion is Islam. Try to consider one neglected Empire that I suggest that is Ottoman Empire. This Empire crushes religion, languages, buildings, people etc. This empire imposed their Arabic language, Islamic religion whenever they go. Look at the Middle East to Africa to Europe Islam is flourishing. Not only that the territory it occupied larger than Rome, it occupied Babylonian, Medo-Persian, Grecian and beyond for more than 1,000 years. Try to search the annals of Rome conquest history books to see what I’m suggesting. The Antichrist is an Assyrian from the Middle East not European descent.
Daniel 7 is not a repeat of Daniel 2 They are beasts of the last days of the world. Lion is Great Britian - Egale Wings is the USA - the Bear is Russa - the 4 headed Lepard is Germany - the four wings of a fowl is France - the seven headed beast is the revised Roman Empire. The key to understanding Daniel 7 is the 12th verse.
This isn't something that is "going to happen hereafter" like John would have you believe. The 10 horns are the emperor's/dictators of Rome (the fourth beast). The little horn is Titus, the general succeeding the last emperor. This is not a future event, it's thousands of years old.
Andrew, Many Believers would disagree with you. When we study prophecy, we need to have grace towards others with different opinions, while seeking to know why we believe what we believe. Blessings as you follow Jesus.
The inspired scripture testifies against you. Dan 7: 11 says: The 4TH beast dies first. Dan 7: 12 says: the first 3 beasts will be alive for a season and a time LONGER than the 4TH beast. For these inspired scriptures to be fulfilled ALL 4 beasts of Dan 7 must be alive at the same time. The time of the end just like Daniel said. Dan 12: 4 and 9. There has NEVER been an empire in history called Media- persia. Daniel lived in the Persian empire. Daniel chapter 1 - 6 is literal fulfilled HISTORY. For the first generation to understand. Daniel chapters 7- 12 is PROPHECY. Prophecy is future. On the last generation. So it is written for the wise to understand at the time of the end. Dan 12: 10. So it is written.
Praise you Lord. Make me ready for your return. In Jesus name I pray. 🙏
I've been needing a good teaching to help me understand as I read. I am so glad I found these. Thank you!!!! 🙏🏼
Nothing greater than to have a great prophetic teaching message with the greatest message of all time, salvation by faith in The Lord Jesus Christ....Sean in WA ST....
Thank you, James!
I’m so thankful for your sermons and teachings! As a bi-vocational associate pastor to a rural church you help me to prepare to share Gods Word!
Thank you pastor for the Word today. Blessings to you and your love's ones
So happy I watched this! Thank you for your teaching! God bless you! God thank you for using him as a vessel to deliver the messages we need! ❤️❤️
Very good information. Thank you pastor. Actually it's an excellent message, I am writing this after listening to the whole sermon. Thank you God for showing me this message and clarifying the chapter Daniel 7 through this pastor today. Amen.
Thank you Man of God
Amazing brilliant teacher
God bless you and your family and ministry
Great message and I was touched by Jesus' love. Amen! From 🇮🇳
Thanx a lot. Took me sometime to understand daniel 7. I thank God for you His servant 4 such clarity. May God's Kingdom come.
Always blessed by your teachings, may God keep using you for his glory.
One of the best prophecy teaching! Thanks you sooooo much.
Love the history and seeing the prophecy God revealed to Daniel.
Great message and explanation of this chapter, thank you
Oh hallelujah!! God is good, He is faithful. Thank you for this teaching, your explanation is clear, direct and very easy to understand. God Bless you♥
Thank you my Sunday school lesson is on this I always find you for more research 🙂 God Bless You
Amen!! Que Dieu vous bénisse. J'ai été édifié par cette prédication🙏🏽🙏🏽
Thank God for you. I was struggling with this chapter, what a revelation. Amen
No one ever explained to me the vision of Daniel thank you.
You are welcome!
Thank You Pastor David
I’m studying 📚 Daniel now. Watching from Monterey Bay, California
Check it out if you want the whole study of the book of Daniel and Revelation 🙏
It's in depth consists of 112 lessons, verse by verse scripture by scripture and chapter by chapter 🙏 it's easy and simple even a child can understand it too 🙏 these 2 prophetic books are God's messages to His end time people before His return🙏you owed it to yourself to know the truth what God is saying to you 🙏 God said know the truth and will make you free 🙏 God said My people are perished cause of lack of knowledge 🙏 I guarantee you won't be disappointed 🙏 God bless 🙏💞
Daniel 7 was a difficult chapter to understand alone,, but you broken it down soo well.. God bless u..
Terrific assessment and analysis ! Thank you, Pastor David !
God bless everyone po thank you for your video i love to learn more for sharing the Word of God testified His love and grace in us.
May God our Lord , the Trinitarian God bestow many blessings upon you. May He reveal the Light and guide and protect you. Thank you for your love to your fellowmen
God, have mercy on me. I am not worthy to receive You, but only say the word, and my soul shall be healed. Amen.
God let your Kingdom reign🙌🙌🙌. Thx I was struggling with understanding this part of Daniel.
I had trouble to understand .Thank you Pastor for explaining in detail. A very great help to understand the deeper meaning of Daniel's Vision. God Almighty continue to bless you.
Father in Heaven, we're grateful, we're grateful! Lord, thank you for your sacrificial love. Praise you Lord Jesus, Son of Man! Praise you Lord Jesus, the alpha and Omega. Praise you Lord Jesus, King of Kings, Praise you Lord Jesus, Lord of Hosts, Praise you Lord Jesus, Son of Man, Praise you Lord Jesus, Sacred Heart. We thank you Lord for your infinite Love. Amen! Praise Him and what a good witness you are to His Glory. "Jesus, Jesus is Lord."
Thank you for the information, I stumbled on Daniel and revelation with Uriah Smith, it's also very detailed
Make us Ready Father for that Day 🙌
Good word love your teaching
Hey .. everyone Moniee-Mon, is listening thanks for the info and videos. I believe it's God , word as well , 🙏 the word is alive and it does everything it says. I 've seen God do things for me over and over , we get a new set of eyes. A new heart ❤️, an a new mind , a new walk , a new talk. His word is genuine and REAL.. He speaks to me and tells me his not done , I luv it !! . Satan , is real also , and his demons. I don't fear him an his emps , I have my armor on READY !!!
Thanks so much for this video. I’m studying the book of Daniel in church and I always the second half hard to understand. God bless.
Keep doing what'cha do best God bless you 💝 🙏 🙌 ❤️. I've road though Santa Barbara, before very beautiful. I was on Amtrack Train, God bless 🙌 🙏 ❤️
Thank you for another great messge
I'm listening again
Excellent teaching, Pastor! I am in Seattle, I would love to visit your church one day!
Listening again 2022 March
Awesome teaching.
Thank you!❤
Welcome! Thank you for your kind words and support.
Here is an amazing presentation on the "little horn" @
10 ancient kingdoms of Rome:
Thank you. I was just trying to find that answer.
The beasts of Daniel 7 are not a repeat of the statue in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream.
Daniel 7:12 As concerning the rest of the beasts, they had their dominion taken away: yet their lives were prolonged for a season and time.
The kingdoms represented by the beasts are co-existent and they survive the destruction of the antichrist.
Daniel 7:17 These great beasts, which are four, are four kings, which SHALL arise out of the earth.
The beasts of Daniel 7 are set in the future from Daniel’s time. Babylon had already risen so none of the beasts can be Babylon and so the beasts cannot be a duplicate of Nebuchadnezzar’s statue.
Revelation 13:1-3 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw A BEAST rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
All but 1 part of Nebuchadnezzar’s statue represents kingdoms of the ancient world. So why would they be included in Revelation, which is supposed to be a prophecy of the end of the world?
Totally Agree with you
Hey @Christian Patriot can you please recommend some preachers who preach the gospel without sugar coating it?
@wolfen244 sugar coating the gospel as in twisting the words of the Bible and making it something entirely different than what the original text actually means (prosperity preachers who focus just on grace and neglect works or like take advantage of grace as a means to keep sinning and so on). I'll be sure to check out Jeff Lowman.
@wolfen244 Jeff Lowman, crossroads church?
@@bertinaagnes73 Sadly, I don't know of any. The best indicator of authenticity is consistency in what they preach. Whenever I find a preacher who is correct on one issue he is incorrect on another. They either have not read the entire Bible, or they don't understand the entire Bible or (worst of all) they willfully ignore/misinterpret the entire Bible.
What about the Great Image? This was in the first chapter of Daniel. What many do not know is that the great image and the four beasts are the same prophecy from a different allegory.
Please go to
It's an in depth study of the 2 prophetic books of Daniel and Revelation 🙏 112 lessons, verse by verse scripture by scripture and chapter by chapter 🙏 it's easy and simple even a child can understand it too 💯 These 2 prophetic books are God's messages to His end time people before His returns 💯🙏 every Christian must know what God is saying the truth 💯 God said know the truth and will make you free 🙏 God said My people are perished cause of lack of knowledge 🙏 I guarantee you won't be disappointed 🙏 God bless 🙏💞
Good teaching, like your points. As a rule while nothing is wrong with some amount of reasonable speculation, never be dogmatic about it.
So how do you explain that the fourth beast is the one forcing all people to wear a mark and that that happens in the last days before armegeddon?
I enjoyed your sermon.
I hope this comment will help you. When u pray at the end of the sermon. Will u pray with that manner if God is right in front of you? We think easily God is far away. If we think God is right in front of us when we pray, our body gesture will be different. Our tone of voice will be different. We will be very humble, we may not even lift our head. We can't talk to him with loud voices putting our hands in the pocket, pointing our finger to Him.
God is not bound by time, in fact He created it and it will end [Rev10:6] - it is like a 'prison' to us - He has ordained everything in it, for Him our future is 'past'... Psalm 139 etc - i.e He is omniscient, He Is the great I AM [Exo 3:14]
the reason people don’t understand what Daniel is saying is because they don’t fully grasp what the ancient enemy is and have been overcome by a strong delusion. Genesis 3:1,14,15
@theunknownpreacher9833 it is good to know that in the end even the vile deeds of the unrighteous will glorify Him.... Philippians 2:10-11 KJV
[10] that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; [11] and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.🙌
@@justpassingthruuu all is truly for His Glory.
Would you agree or disagree that Daniel 7:13-14 are fulfilled in Acts 1:9 in the ascension? And which kingdom does Daniel refer to in verse 14? I don’t think it could be the millennial kingdom because verse 14 says it is an everlasting kingdom. I personally can’t make the connection that the ascension fulfills Daniel’s prophecy. Thanks
No, it hasn't happened yet. Look at the explanation of the prophecy in verses 18 and 22. It's the saints of the most High that are given the Kingdom, and taken before the Ancient of days. We are LIKE the Son of Man, destined to be changed into His image. We are the ones who rule with a rod of iron. Revelation 2:26 - 27 also points this out to those who overcome. An overcomer according to 1 John 5:4-5 (same guy who penned Revelation), is a believer in Christ. This same terminology is also used in the Revelation 12 sign of the man child taken up to God so that the dragon doesn't devour Him.
But I do believe it will be happening any minute now.
@@randsollie7921 yes I agree as well
Continuing from my previous comment, 2 Thessalonians 2:3 says that the day of Christ will not come unless a falling away comes first (Greek: apostasia, from where we get "apostasy) and out of this apostasy, the man of sin will be revealed, who opposes EVERYTHING that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is he demands worship of HIMSELF, and he demands it over EVERYTHING, all deities and idols, he places himself as a mortal man above all of them, and he sits "in the temple of God" there has been talk for years about a literal temple in Jerusalem, but consider that the term "temple of God' comes from Paul's writings, and if Paul is the one who uses a term, surely Paul knows what it means, but even IF, even IF, a third Jerusalem temple WERE to be built, it wouldn't be the temple of God anymore, because towards the end of Jesus' speech in Matthew 23, Jesus says to Jerusalem "YOUR house is left to you desolate", in other words, even IF the temple were to be rebuilt, it wouldn't be the temple of God anymore, because the old temple already was no longer the temple of God before it was destroyed in AD70, so what is the temple of God in Paul's writings? well, both in 1 Corinthians 3:16 and also 2 Corinthians 6:16, Paul refers to the body of Christ as the temple of God, the CONGREGATION of believers, in other words, WE are the temple of God as Christians, and the man of sin will arise from among US, and he will reign until he is consumed by the breath of Christ's mouth and destroyed by the brightness of his coming (2 Thess 2:8). What I personally understand from those passages that I mentioned, is that whether we are talking about the man of sin in 2 Thessalonians, or the antichrist in John's letters, we are talking about an apostate Christian.
This is the plain truth. I got tired of explaining the same to many preachers on youtube..don't know wether they have an agenda with anything in Jerusalem today or wether God still lives in man-made temples (Acts 17.24)
Hello Ps. David...Blessings :)
I've had the same vision as the one given to the prophet Daniel about the fourth beast. Indeed it's presence was terrifying. It is a baphomet.
(note that the pictures you'll find online are just depictions so it doesn't look exactly like that but similar enough).
Sir you as a pre trib supporter it would have been great if u would have explained the part that says in Daniel 7:25 "the saints of the most high will be given into his hands for 3 and a half years."
Doesn't it mean that the believers or the church will undergo tribulation in the hands of AC?
I'm going through Daniel with a group of men, and we heard an alternate interpretation that the four beasts represent current world powers like Russia, England, etc. I'm curious what you think of that David. I guess I put that in the speculation category, and I think the Bible might support more the recapitulation of ch 2 and the statue, but curious if you had any input. I'm definitely a bible believer.
This happens a lot in Bible studies. Ideas and imaginations are presented. But discourage them from being inserted into God's Word. Truth is drawn OUT of the text.
These kingdoms correlate to Dan 2, Nebuchadnezzar's dream, Dan 8, 9,11,12 also Rev 13 & 17 and elsewhere. The context is now history plus much end time prophecy - largely view of enemies of God/Israel before physical redemption. The Bible reveals a criteria for these kingdoms. They're all historical world conquering empires, gentile, wealth lessens as strength increases (gold,silver, bronze, iron symbols in Dan 2), worship satan/evil pagan, antisemitic, against one true God.
Future ruler, part of what's represented in 4th beast is yet to come but there are only 7 empires that meet the Biblical test... Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome + Rome II (future 10 nations under antichrist).
Thanks for your comment and hearing mine.
Verses 11 and 12 verify your take on the first 3 being current world powers. It says the fourth beast was destroyed and his body given to the flame but the rest...(the other three mentioned) had their dominion taken away and their lives were preserved for a season and time.
That means the first three absolutely cannot be powers that existed before but are no longer in play when the fourth beast is destroyed.
These are all commonly preached in mainstream churches but are simply wrong. All one has to do is read for themselves.
A side note, in revelation 17 it describes the 10 horns as being kings who've not received a kingdom as yet, but receive power AS (like) kings for one hour with the beast.....same beast as Daniel 7....daniel also says it was "DIVERSE" from the first 3 BEASTS meaning totally different. If you look into whose running the world now, it is a group of rich people, using the media and news to give out the orders and the world is bowing down.
Trust the leading of the Holy Spirit and read the Bible for yourself. You're on the right track.
You are correct
I found it fascinating that you didn’t address that the little horn, which is the papacy, persecuted God’s people for a time a time and a dividing of time = 1260 years, from 538 AD to 1798 AD.
Not at all. Its not 1260 years it's 3.5 years, part of the great tribulation.
31/2yrs equal 42mos or 1260yrs that's how long the papacy persecuted the church in the dark ages 💯 history goes in hand with the Bible 💯🙏
Bow before the Ancient of Days!
the assumption is that the
first 5 seals are God's wrath because Jesus open the seals ( not sure how sound
this is), and that the seals happen at the very beginning of the last 7 years (
I don't see scripture validating that assumption). There is a 5 month period in
rev 9 ( tormented by the demonic locusts), a 3.5 year time period in Rev 11 ( outer
court given to the gentiles and the 2 witnesses ministry), Rev 12 ( some are
protected), and Rev 13 ( beast persecution of the saints, this lines up with
Dan 7:25).....thoughts?
I realize MOST people make the assumption that the events depicted in Revelation all occur in the "70th week", otherwise called the Tribulation. Therefore, they interpret everything as being part of the Tribulation. Nobody, or at least very few, ever recognize that Scripture never makes that claim, or even suggests it. But that's what they're taught by their pastors and teachers, because that's what THEY'RE taught in seminary and the old commentaries. The trouble is, it's simply an assumption with no Scriptural support. I find it troubling that so many teachers make Scripturally unsubstantiated claims and call it "truth". Even more troubling is the massive preponderous number within the Church that fail to obey the command to "study to make yourself approved to God, a workman that need not be ashamed.". If more of God's people responded correctly to that call from God Himself error would not fill the churches as it does. But, instead, they "will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths."
Truly treacherous times are coming, much sooner than anyone thinks. God has given His people warning, just as He warned Noah. Noah "being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith." Are you going to do as Noah did, believe God's warning, and prepare? Or will you, AND YOUR CHILDREN, be left desolate? Remember the 10 virgins. ALL of the 10 were invited to the marriage, representing those in the Church. Half were fools. The other half prepared.
Johnathan Cahn is another pastor who shows the Biblical prophecies of God being fulfilled today. He’s written books with biblical references.
is Bhutan the great kingdom to rise from the earth mentioned in Daniel verse 7 chapter 17
But who is the little horn representing?
The Little Horn is believed by many to be the Antichrist himself. Whoever he will align with is yet to be seen, but in the end, he will only be interested in representing himself and his own agenda.
It doesn't say Mediterranean Sea. Daniel was in Babylon ( Iraq ) for most of his life, far from the Mediterranean.
I think there is significant evidence Daniel travelled around the empire in working with Nebuchadnezzar and others. Babylon certainly ran along the Mediterranean, but more significant than that are the other empires mentioned. Each beast came from the sea, each representing Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome which were all centered on the Mediterranean. It wasn't about Daniel's locale as much as the empires he was hearing about from God.
Really? You actually got hung up on this?
It would of been nice to hear arguments for or against the theory that the four kingdoms represent 1-Babylon 2-Medes 3-Persia 4-Greece and the kingdom would represent the period of Maccabees when Israel was independant from 167 to 37 BC.
2 is Medo Persia
3 Greece
4 Rome
Why can’t I understand it
Thank you so muchDayton ohio
This guy has to be related to Dreyfuss. Even his mannerisms are like Dreyfuss. I don’t know much about this guy but I like what I have seen so far.
Why all the shouting ? It’s distracting from the lesson.
the 4 beasts of Daniel 2 ARE NOT the same as the ones in Daniel 7. The ones in Daniel 2 SUCCEED ONE ANOTHER CHRONOLOGICALLY whereas the ones in Daniel 7 CO-EXIST at the TIME OF THE END.
Prophecy gives us images, pictures, etc. There are great similarities between chapter 2 and chapter 7. Something to consider. Blessings!
True Daniel 7: 11 and 12 tells how when the 4th beast is destroyed, the other beasts.....the previous three described..... Had their dominion taken away and their lives prolonged for a season.
Read the Bible before you preach on what's in it!
Very interesting. Just to say, you’re wearing a mic, no need to shout 😊🙏
Just turn your own volume down.
Where does the pope fall in all this?
Adam is the Ancient of Days, he is also known through various incarnations as Michael and Elijah among other names and personas in history. In Daniel 7, he rescues the holy people and prepares the world for Christ, who is also in Daniel 7. The evil king in Daniel 7 is beating up on the holy people until Elijah arrives to rescue them. Two points: 1. Current Israel is not being beat up on but is beating up the Palestinians. 2. The Palestinians are the descendents of the few Jews who returned to Judah after the Babylonian exile and near genocide of the Jews.
Ramadan mubarack! (March 11, 2024.)
yes lord
The term "Anti-Christ" is not merely a term used in "popular culture" though, it IS in fact a bible term, but we only find it in the letters of John, that's 1 John and 2 John (there is also a third letter but the term "anti-christ" is not mentioned in the last one. The mention of the anti-christ in 1 John is particularly significant, in verse 18 it says "Little children, it is the last hour, and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we may know that it is the last hour. Verse 19 they went out FROM US but they were not of us, for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us, but they went out that they might be made manifest, that none of them were of us." Now, the many anti-christs who HAVE come, where did they come from? They came FROM US, meaning, from WITHIN the body of Christ, but they were not OF us or they would have continued WITH us, in other words, the time in the bible where anti-christs are mentioned, they are APOSTATE Christians, rather than having never been Christians at all, and if the "many anti-christs" are apostate, is it possible that THE anti-christ, is an apostate also?
It's the beast out of the sea in Revelation 13:1 it's a religious political power (leader) Papal power 💯🙏
Hi, There were 10 horns + 1 Horn gives you 11. 3 Horns then died off when the little horn came out. so it gives us 8 horns left. I think the emphasis should be placed on 8 horns then with 1 ruling little maybe we should emphasis on 8 horns and not 10.Anyone maybe see a prophetic in the number 8 = 8 horns
The fourth beast of Daniel 7 wasn't and isn't the Roman Empire. It is the kingdom of the Antichrist. The fourth beast of Daniel 7 is the same beast, which appears out of the sea in Revelation 13.
And in Revelation 17, 8 the Angel speaks to John, the apostle: "The beast, which you have seen, that was and is not now and it will rise out of the abyss and will go to destruction."
From John's perspective the angel says, that beast has already been before Rome, and is not in the present time of John's days and will rise again in the future.
In fact, the fourth beast of Daniel 7 and the beast out of the sea in Revelation 13 are the male goat of Daniel 8, to be more specific, it is the little arrogant horn of the male goat, which rises out of one of the four notable horns. The first horn (Alexander the Great) and the four notable horns (the four Diadochy Kingdoms) have already been before the Roman Empire, "the beast was", but during the reign of the Roman Empire the male goat was not in charge, "the beast is not now". But in the future the little horn of the male goat will rise, that's the Antichrist, "the beast will rise again out of the abyss and will go to destruction". The little arrogant horn is a horn of the male goat. So the endtime beast is the the last horn of the male goat, the third beast of Daniel 7, the leopard, which was before the Roman Empire, before the times of Jesus Christ and the apostle John.
The little arrogant horn of the male goat represents the Antichrist. The male goat represents the kings of Jawan, the kings of Greece. So the Antichrist will be ohne of these kings of Jawan, ohne of these kings of Greece; but not one of the kings of Rome.^^
Regaerding all this we should come to the conclusion, that the fourth beast of Daniel 7 must be the ressurection of the third beast of Daniel 7, the leopard. Because that beast in Revelation also was like a leppard. That shows us, that is from the kings of the Greek Empire, not of the Roman Empire.
Great interpretation I was a little worried to see if you would misinterpret Daniel 7 but you nailed it great job pastor
I stopped listening at the 5 min mark. The lion cannot be Babylon. Read what the angel said to Daniel later in the chapter in verse 17. "The four great beasts are four kings that will rise from the earth." Notice the single word "will". The angel said these 4 beasts WILL come. Which means they were not yet, at the time this was spoken. Babylon already was, and had been for quite some time. Indeed, it was just about to fall at the time of the vision, the 1st year of Belshazzar. So, given that you've already misidentified the 1st beast, the natural conclusion is you are mistaken and not worth hearing the remainder.
In reality, if you read all the angel had to say, all 4 beasts will exist at the same time since the other 3 are referenced after the 4th has been destroyed with the words, "I kept looking until the beast was slain and its body destroyed and thrown into the blazing fire. (The other beasts had been stripped of their authority, but were allowed to live for a period of time.)", in verses 11 and 12. The kingdom of Babylon is long gone. Descendents of its people still exist. But the beast itself is gone. A beast is not a people, nor their descendents, it is a system. That system is long gone. Babylon was not allowed to live. The lion is not Babylon. The lion likely exists today, as does also the bear, and the leopard. I will leave supposition as to their identity for whoever reads this. I have my own ideas which I won't reveal.
Hi, I want to know who the first beast is!! please, thank youuu
@@lmirra6744 I'm sure you do. Don't we all? I have ideas on what nations the 3 beasts are. But, as I said in my last sentence, I'm not telling what I think. I'm not willing to get drawn into a long argument with anyone about their identity. But it is abundantly clear from the angels words that it is NOT Babylon. The Spirit of God certainly knows of whom He spoke when He gave this vision. Your answers, my answers, ALL of our answers, must come from Him. Man will deceive you. God will never do so. All I can tell you is what Paul told Timothy. "Study to show yourself approved of God." We are COMMANDED to study His Word. We are never commanded to search out as many teachers as possible to give us answers. We are instead told to study the Word ourselves. God didn't give visions to inform the world. He gave them to inform His people. They contain His warnings to us, not the world. Pray about it.
@@StephanieSomer I didn't come to argue! Because your comment made sense and I wanted to know who it is, you know, it might give me light too. But if you, too, do not know yet or do not wish to say it here it's ok! And indeed, we should always study the Bible. God reveals things to men according to His will and time, if we open our hearts and minds and be ready for greater things to come. Thank you so much!
the kingdom of baylon might not e now ut it speaks of the Assyrian in eziekel who will fulfill the prophecy that's in Babylon, it said the whore of babylon was drunken with the blood of the saints, meaning the one who went around and killed the saints in the end times is Babylon. the beast shall be a man giving power by the dragon and he will do abomination of desolation when this happens he will persicute the church for 3 an a half years you shoul rea both Daniel an rev
True Stephanie. Good call. Unfortunately videos like this are plentiful. I wish people would read the Bible they purport to preach from!
The ten toes of the statue were ten iron fingers and ten clay fingers see Daniel 2:41. Twenty fingers in total. Correction is not ten horns !!
Fourth beast is not Rome but America (Eagle) Ready 2 Esdras chapter 11 and 12!!!
You would have to have a serious case of blindness either by denial or being misled to not see who the little horn is. All the reformers knew and many gave their lives pointing it out. The 4th beast is Pagan Rome which had 10 horns (kingdoms) arise out of it. The 11th horn arises out of the Roman empire but it is not like the other 10 kingdoms. It was a power that took the place of God through deceit and religion to become powerful. The 11th horn plucked up 3 horns and far exceeded the might of the remaining horns. It rules for 1260 days (Ez. 4:5, 6) and thinks to change times and laws (10 commandment). I will not reveal who this is, God has to.
I might be wrong but sounds like the Roman catholic church.
@@busola.d9014 Man has not shown you this but God through His Holy Spirit. 'Angles in the Glen' is the best presentation on Daniel I have seen in the 40+ years I have been studying the book.
Lions and leopards and bears! Oh my!
1. Babylon, Medes/Persia, Greece and Roman Empire were already in Nebuchadnezzar's dream so what is the reason of repeating in Daniel 7?
2. Daniel 7:17 says they are four kingdoms that "will" rise from the earth. Babylon was history and Persia was already reigning at that point in time so "will" does not fit here.
The reason for repetition is for emphasis.
The word "will" doesn't appear in many translations of the Bible, but that is a secondary point. I think that the explanation that Daniel was receiving was a look back, kind of a review of the chronology of the four kingdoms, and then also a looking forward. The main point is that there would be four kingdoms that are emphasized, and the repetition of Nebuchadnezzar's dream was for emphasis.
I hope that this helps. Blessings!
@@DavidGuzikEnduringWord 1. Out of the 38 translations in bible hub, only 3 do not have "will" or "shall" in Daniel 7:17.
2. The fourth kingdom in Daniel 2:40-43 does not sit well with the fourth beast in Daniel 7:7-8, 19-21 and 23-25.
a. The former became weaker (traditional interpretation) whereas the latter became stronger.
b. The latter resembles the beast from the sea in Revelation 13, the former does not.
3. The first three beasts were allowed to live for a period of time in Daniel 7:12; The first three kingdoms in Daniel 2 were destroyed by their successors unless you consider Iraq, Iran and Greece but they have nothing in common with the three kingdoms except geographically.
4. The common theme between the kingdoms and the beasts is that they are/will be destroyed by an everlasting kingdom.
5. To reconciliate the kingdoms and the beasts, one must reconsider the traditional interpretation of Daniel 2:41-43 i.e. above point 2.a.
6. Roman Republic evolves into illiberal democracy perhaps.
@@DavidGuzikEnduringWord David you need to read your Bible a bit more. Daniel 7:11,12 tells in very short form that all 4 kingdoms exist together at the time of the end and that the first three have their dominion taken away yet their lives are prolonged.
Did you miss that part?!!!
Just read it and stop acting like these things you're saying are just common knowledge.
This is all simple correction. Better now than in the end.
Correct it.
@@EarthToTroy Your words come across as harsh. We can certainly disagree as followers of Christ. Prophecy is challenging to interpret and to claim authoritatively, because...It hasn't happened yet!
May I encourage you towards grace and loving disagreement rather than a harsh approach. That is not said from a standpoint of being offended, but simply as one brother to another.
In response to your comments on Daniel 7:11, 12, many believe that there last world government will not be a co-existence of those four kingdoms, but a conglomeration of them. Many believe that the last world government will have aspects and distinctions of the power of those four world kingdoms that are spoken of in Scripture. That is the view of many.
So, we can agree to disagree respectfully, graciously, and in brotherly lover.
Blessings in Jesus name.
@@EarthToTroy why are you coming off so mean? You are supposed to be a believer and your words sound not loving at all. There is no need to be hostile. I pray that you repent and apologize to God and a David for how you came at him .
17:59 Why did Jesus continually call Himself “The Son of man”? So as not to be confused with the ancient of days. How does one become “ancient”? God owns all days and therefore does not “become”. The one called ancient has become so through an accumulation of time having eaten from the tree of life.
Pastor Lance replies - I take it you say all this because you do not believe the Bible teaches that Jesus is God. He is and the Bible is clear in saying so.
Jesus is both God and Man.
He is the Son of Man because He took on humanity in the Incarnation.
One does not BECOME ancient by the passage of many days. Something is ancient because it EXISTED in the past.
@@DavidGuzikEnduringWord I believe not only that Jesus is God but that He earned the title Melchizedek.
Your last sentence proves my point. If something existed in the past then it has accumulated days in order for it to be ancient. I think you and I have very different understanding about John 1:1-3. I happen to believe John's view of Jesus. Everything is in God's past including this moment. The Father's favorite song is and will always remains Jesus therefore this album called reality began with the conception of Jesus and was established by His life and commitment to the Father's word
For it was written.
@@DavidGuzikEnduringWord my brother takes your word over mine and though it breaks my heart he now belongs to you. It doesn't matter that I can prove these things through the scriptures and through reality, he only accepts the words of strangers so I say take good care of him and his wife and examine these things with Jesus aid. Matthew 23:8-11.
Confused on what your exact beliefs are? Are you oneness? Christian Trinitarian?
@theunknownpreacher9833 John1 v1 in the Beginning was the WORD and the WORD was with GOD and the word was GOD and the WORD became flesh. That tells you that Jesus is a part of GOD and was with GOD from the beginning of the creation.
I had no idea that Commander Neil Armstrong had an identical twin. Smile. I truly hope Neil made it.
The beasts in Daniel chapter 7 cannot represent ancient world empires. Daniel 7:12 says that the first three beasts will outlive the fourth beast. The beasts of Daniel chapter 7 are three end time Unions that will combine to form the next world empire.
Hello, I believe that the little horn is Rome in its papal fase. It fits perfectly the description. It rises after pagan Rome, It rises after the 10 barbarian tribles (ten horn) are metioned, when it rises it took away 3 horns (the papacy, when it rose it took away 3 tribes that didn´t want to follow him). I said all this to say this:
The three first kindoms are alive through its philosophy and practices. The need for a priest to take us to God, the need of penitence and more practices that the papacy have are things that Babylon had, Medo persia had, Greece had etc...
@@hectoradoabsolutely 💯🙏
So why is it that arch angel Michael the one to stand at the end and save...are we sure the end didn't come and we are in satans short season
Pastor Lance replies - It appears that angels have different assignments and that Michael's specific task is to attend to the purposes of God for Israel. I think we can be sure the end hasn't come since the "man of perdition" (2 Thess 2) hasn't been revealed.
First Kingdom - Babylonian Kingdom, Second - Medo Persian Kingdom, Third - Kingdom of Greece, and Fourth - Kingdom of Israel (142 BC to 70 AD). I covered this in my video on Kingdom of Israel being fourth kingdom in the book of Daniel.
Fourth kingdom is Rome 💯🙏
@@linegrant4605 How is Fourth Kingdom Rome?
Before Rome, there was Kingdom of Israel.
Judas Maccabeus and his Hebrew supporters kicked Hellenism out of Israel and made alliance with the Romans against Seleucids (1 Maccabees 8) and became a completely independent Government under the leadership of Judas' brother Simon (1 Maccabees 13 to 14) with the alliance of Romans and Spartans.
Simon's grandson Aristobulus I converted this Government into Kingdom in 104 BC which is recorded by Josephus in Judean Wars Book 1, Chapter 3, Paragraph 1.
This Kingdom became semi-autonomous with Romans when Pompey and Romans conquered Jerusalem and gave the power to Hyrcanus II.
From this point onwards, this kingdom continued semi-autonomous with the Romans until its destruction with Fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD.
That is why Prophet Daniel wrote that fourth beast (which was fourth kingdom) was slain and thrown into the blazing fire (Daniel 7 verses 11, 23). This is what happened to Israel with Fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD.
The identification of the first 3 beasts is clear. But why identify the 4th as Rome, and then a future version of Rome. Why not just say that the 4th beast represents a kingdom which hasn't yet been in existence. Roman empire doesn't fit the description of a "whole earth" empire. 4th beast is more likely a global empire yet to arise.
"I really believe this book."
2022 March
Alexander barely conquered Persia not stamped on them so brutally and one of his generals died thereafter and further these troops even as had Alexander never even got off the horses let alone off the earth. This he goat COVERED THE FACE OF the earth WITHOUT even touching the ground. There are near countless discredited facts about Alexander to that of the notable horn.
I'd express WHAT BIBLE STUDENTS ARE discussing about who is what the prophecies are describing but I don't wish to step on any toes. Bless you bro I enjoyed the video.
Alexander fought over two thousand years ago; nothing like throwing in the purposing matter before it actually even began. Gabriel importantly told Daniel in chapter nine to consider THE MATTER, to get knowledge, skill and understanding and as well Gabriel and Micheal will show him the matter. Now how can we all for two thousand years take verbatim what a few secular or unknown ancient historians opinionating "who the notable horn was OUT IN THE LAST DAYS? Hmm.
but aleander didn't persicute and kill the saints before Christ showing up if you look into Daniel 11 the antichrist has 3 and a half years before the coming of the messiah an the resurrection of the dead where the saints take the kingdom in Daniel 12 so this cant e alexander cause he did not fulfill the prophecy of the horn nor did he make those take a mark and if he was jesus would had to returned to earth 3 nd a half years letter if alexander had fulfilled the scripture jesus aint here so alexander didn't fulfill it
I disagree on the 4th Beast being the Roman Empire. On the first 3 beasts I certainly agree with Babylonian Empire, Medo-Persian Empire and the Grecian Empire. Daniel named literally the 3 Empire in this book but the 4th one is not. The 4th Beast is not named but certain requirements must be meet in Daniel 2:40 “And the fourth kingdom shall be as strong as iron, inasmuch as iron breaks in pieces and shatters everything; and like iron that crushes, that kingdom will break in pieces and crush all the others” NKJV In the passage the 4th kingdom pointed out to break in PIECES and crush the 3 kingdoms (i.e. Babylonian, Medo-Persian, and Grecian) meaning to conquer and occupy the lands they subdued in PIESCES and PULVERIZED the culture, and languages. However, Rome in its conquest never done that. Even to combine the land territories they (3 kingdoms) occupied to the extent Rome did not. If you superimpose the maps of the 3 kingdoms and Rome occupied territories, we can see clearly Rome did not occupied all of the 3, fall short of what the passage meant. So Rome is not the 4th kingdom. Not only that Daniel 9:26 “the people of the prince who is to come will destroy the city” speaking of the “people” of the prince (i.e. Antichrist) are not Romans (Italian) they are auxiliary foot soldiers recruited from the vicinity of the Arabs provinces in other words the people who burned the Temple are ethnicity of Arabs, Assyrians ,and Egyptians. What do I mean is that they are locals from the Middle East and their religion is Islam. Try to consider one neglected Empire that I suggest that is Ottoman Empire. This Empire crushes religion, languages, buildings, people etc. This empire imposed their Arabic language, Islamic religion whenever they go. Look at the Middle East to Africa to Europe Islam is flourishing. Not only that the territory it occupied larger than Rome, it occupied Babylonian, Medo-Persian, Grecian and beyond for more than 1,000 years. Try to search the annals of Rome conquest history books to see what I’m suggesting. The Antichrist is an Assyrian from the Middle East not European descent.
The explanation is good but He doesn't totally understand the prophecy
Daniel 7 is not a repeat of Daniel 2 They are beasts of the last days of the world. Lion is Great Britian - Egale Wings is the USA - the Bear is Russa - the 4 headed Lepard is Germany - the four wings of a fowl is France - the seven headed beast is the revised Roman Empire. The key to understanding Daniel 7 is the 12th verse.
That’s not what the word says at all. It says nothing about Russia or Great Britain.
@@nataliewalters2759 absolutely 💯
Lion 🦁 Babylon
Bear 🐻 Medo Persia
Leopard 🐆 Greece
Dreadful and terrible beast is Rome 💯🙏
USA is the beast out the earth in Revelation 13:11💯🙏
This isn't something that is "going to happen hereafter" like John would have you believe. The 10 horns are the emperor's/dictators of Rome (the fourth beast). The little horn is Titus, the general succeeding the last emperor. This is not a future event, it's thousands of years old.
Many Believers would disagree with you. When we study prophecy, we need to have grace towards others with different opinions, while seeking to know why we believe what we believe. Blessings as you follow Jesus.
America is that little horn
Interesting idea!
The Roman empire didn’t rule over Babylon, but the Muslim / ottoman empire did.
Listen to Joel Richardson explaining this.
The inspired scripture testifies against you. Dan 7: 11 says: The 4TH beast dies first. Dan 7: 12 says: the first 3 beasts will be alive for a season and a time LONGER than the 4TH beast. For these inspired scriptures to be fulfilled ALL 4 beasts of Dan 7 must be alive at the same time. The time of the end just like Daniel said. Dan 12: 4 and 9. There has NEVER been an empire in history called Media- persia. Daniel lived in the Persian empire. Daniel chapter 1 - 6 is literal fulfilled HISTORY. For the first generation to understand. Daniel chapters 7- 12 is PROPHECY. Prophecy is future. On the last generation. So it is written for the wise to understand at the time of the end. Dan 12: 10. So it is written.