My husband had an affair and left. I spent an embarrassing amount of time thinking that the other woman had “won” or that she was better than I was. Now I can see it for what it is. When someone puts themselves in a position to sleep with another woman’s husband, they get exactly what they deserve. Someone else’s shitty, unfaithful husband. Because HE was the one who allowed her to come in and wreck my home. HE is the one who disregarded all wedding vows and cheated his family out of what they deserved. And when he did that, he showed me exactly who he was, and I’m thankful for that. A real man is not out entertaining other women and having his wife at home looking like a fool. Now she has settled for a man who doesn’t value family or commitment. But hey, play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Women of high value don’t chase married men. They don’t have to. Women of high value never aid in the destruction of someone else’s family. So guess what? He won himself a stupid prize too.
I totally agree with you I’ve been perusing a woman who is as crazy as i am I recently found out she not single like she says but the man she’s with used to be married anyway I’d thought I’d carry on to see were it goes now bearing in mind she told everybody she single and she told everybody she wants to be with me so I’ve been through all the shit test and passed with flying colours now she has decided to be with a married man I’ve known this for quite a while I have plenty of women friends who are interested but I thought I’d give her chance the thing that herts the most is that I’ve wasted my time on her when I could have spent it on other women now she want come to work in case I have a go at her which I want I’ll just move on so really he’s done me a favour for showing me who she really is so I understand what you mean sorry to hear of what happened to you take care ❤
The girl that I'm seeing now was three weeks out of a two year relationship with a married man. I'm having a hard time seeing value in her. She told me that she was in a 20 plus years relationship and had two kids with him. The guy cheated twice on her and married another woman while they were living together. So she ended it with him for cheating. So how can she put another woman through that hurt, I don't understand.
Having an affair doesn't decrease someone's value. However it does reveal some childhood wounds she may be dealing with. It's important to work on healing those wounds and flowing from our mistakes so in the future we can learn how to have a healthy relationship. Everyone has red flags and green flags you just have to decide what you are willing to work through and what you are not willing to deal with.
@@mlfitness67 having an affair for sure lowers a woman’s value. Yeah she can learn, grow and heal but the fact is a high valued person has a strong moral compass and isn’t willing to play a side piece role, while breaking up a family. It’s selfish and destructive.
@@superblife1126 when she met me I was in a relationship with another woman. We were having some issues. I told her she didn't care. The relationship she had before the 1st marred guy was with another married guy. She said that nothing sexually happened between them but it was talked about. I think she's just looking for love when she should be looking for healing. I don't know what I've gotten myself into
So you'll probably call me a dirtbag. But I was a single guy who'd wear a wedding ring to pick up single women at the bar. So let me explain. Normally women expect men to approach them. And they'll put up multiple barriers during conversation to protect themselves. To say the least, those conversations are often like pulling teeth. As a single guy, if sat at the bar no woman would ever speak to me. Put on a wedding ring, and women will start random conversations with you. It's not because they're trying to hit on you necessary. Women find you none threatening, and start chatting for general conversation reasons. Normally they completely drop their guard, you'll go from a conversation that's pulling teeth, to easy mode. So what ends up happening, they'll find the good traits about you. As a single guy, I'd never get passed the barriers she put in place. As a fake married guy, she'd drop her guard enough to see qualities she wouldn't see otherwise. That's what's happening generally.
There ´s a patern when it comes wive´s affairs (I know this is not the topic but...).After six years wives get bored , blame the poor husbands as justification and start cheating . I know everything about the subject .That´s why I am single.
I’ve been married 28 years and I’ve gotten so bored I’m practically COMATOSE but I have NEVER cheated. Not all women do that!! There ARE truly loyal women that exist in this world. Tragically, many of them have been cheated on & they DON’T deserve it.
My girlfriend runaround on me with a married man and got pregnant y him and she told me it was mine and refused to marry me and have the baby. She was in college and said she didn't want to embarrass her mother. I was in a different college and she and her girlfriend's broke us up. I didn't see her for 3 months. After the abortion I asked her if the Dr. said what sex the fetus was and she said he told her it was a boy. We married 49 years ago and had 3 daughters. One of them was pregnant and when asked if it was a boy or girl she said it would not be possible to determine until at least 15 weeks. My wife still claims it was my child she aborted and she got pregnant 6 weeks before the abortion. I've hated her for lying to me and have told her that if she would be honest with me I'd forgive her. She still hasn't been truthful with me. So I am going to leave her before our 50th Anniversary. Let her lie in bed without me and wallow in her lies for the balance of her slut life...
Wow so many lies. It's a terrible prison of unforgiveness to live in. How sad it will be for your family to realize 50 years of their life has been false. I really pray you will seek the help you need to finally be free from the past and truly learn to live.
@williambutler3269 Wondering how things are going, This breaks my heart. Forgive for your own sake and speak to her. Be bold. Your wife, after sharing your life together, may be afraid to lose you. God Bless.
@Stacey Chenevert uh, I've heard that plenty of times when I failed to show up to work on time. You really don't know how often I've heard that phrase, so put yourself in my shoes. If you were shamed and ridiculed for being depressed and unmotivated to follow some expected norm, how would you feel about someone who knowingly participates in an affair with a married individual? I'm not trying to judge, but how is their excuse for cheating more valid than my excuse for some anti-social personality traits I've picked up from my experiences?
@@garrickoestriecher1259 it's not more valid. I believe both sides considered. Most people have something they struggle with. And your struggles doesn't give anyone a right to cheat. Unfortunately when we don't take the time to heal and grow people resort to unhealthy coping behavior and infidelity is one of those. I'm sorry your pain was used aganist you. Just don't let their behavior cause you to become where you can't empathize with us. If we want understanding we have to be able to offer it back.
@Stacey Chenevert I never saw it as a lack of empathy when other people called my reasons as excuses. I figured they were talked to as unempathetically when they where in my shoes. I'm kind of surprised you think I'm unempathetic when I say the only reason a single individual has for cheating is ignorance. Anything else is just an excuse for the cheater's lack of empathy to the spouse and families involved. Do cheaters even feel guilt for those victims when their trust is broken? I know some people in my family are stringently against weed and don't like talking to me when I'm high. Are they unempathetic? I typically haven't seen them as unempathetic, but rather sad they have those boundaries. Although I can think of a few reasons why their opinion of sobriety is so strong.
Some women actively seek married men. Men seem to be vulnerable after many years of marriage or after a few years with kids as the relationship becomes sexless. And they actively seek out women not always necessarily the woman seeking married men.
At 23 i started an affair with a married man. I did not want a man i was dating to move in with me & my children. As most relationships, at some point, it makes sense to live together.
Excellent insight. In your experience, if a single woman has an affair with a married man, is she more likely to cheat, on her husband, once she is married?
Yes its possible because having an affair has nothing to do with how bad a marriage is. It's about the kind of wounds she has and how she copes with hard times.
@@staceychenevert in Oct 2022 I discovered my wife of 30yrs has been having an affair for the past 3yrs. She has expressed the reason for the affair was he made her feel #1. Long story short, I feel because I neglected her emotional needs that led to the affair. I apologized for working 2 jobs for the last 30 yrs to provide for our family. We are in the stage of her continuing to lie about contacting him, just a week ago i reached out to his wife, which it turned out she only had suspicion of them having an affair but now knows everything. This is the most traumatic experience of my life! This is even worse than coping with death of a family member.
Robert Catron, I have walked this EXCRUCIATING walk and want to tell you it WILL get better - with or without her. Eventually the dust WILL settle, your destroyed life and heart WILL heal - but it takes time and effort. (For me prayer made the process faster.) I agree that being cheated on can feel worse than the death of a family member because of the added shock & trauma. In addition to losing the Wife you thought you knew it can feel like the whole foundation of your life has been blown up into a million tiny pieces. The pain of infidelity is like NO other. It’s only been 3 months since you discovered the affair and you are now going through the most difficult time. The pain is SO intense, (I hope you are letting it out by crying LOTS of tears to release that), the anger is SO justified because you have been dealt a grave injustice by the ONE person who you were supposed to trust in this WHOLE world. It doesn’t seem right that YOU apologized for working 2 jobs to support the family. You may have neglected your Wife’s emotional needs -. but don’t allow her to make YOU feel responsible for HER sin! She must OWN HER STUFF 100%. That likely won’t happen because it sounds like she is still refusing to quit the affair. If she is continuing to contact him, finding healing for your own broken heart & destroyed soul will be next to impossible because she keeps opening the wound!! Does she want to save your marriage or not?? I know I am only seeing one side of the pancake, but her continuing to contact the A.P. is SO unfair to you and COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE. If she keeps staying connected to him, you keep getting retraumatized and will find healing or peace extremely difficult to find. 💗 If you don’t draw boundaries and get her out of the house if she persists with that loser, there will be no reason to stop this brutality they are inflicting upon you. The pain of the consequence has to exceed the pain of where she is right now or she very likely won’t quit this destructive behavior. Some cheaters are so thick headed the only chance we have is to dish out some painful consequences in order to break this pattern that is designed to steal your life, kill your marriage and destroy your family. You said you have a family and I know it is much more difficult with children involved. But if you roll over (belly up), grovel & apologize it lines you up for further abuse. You can’t live in misery waiting for the kids to grow up while knowing your Wife is still cheating! We ALL have work to do to improve our marriages on BOTH sides of the street. But first and foremost she MUST do the hard thing & break it off with this guy. Stacey Chenevert specializes in helping women get through this tough withdrawal period, Your Wife might find comfort and relate to her because they have both been in the same position. I think the cheater must eventually get to the point of having a TRUE change of heart and only God can make that change because it must come from the INSIDE out. In my experience I have only seen that happen when the cheater becomes ‘broken’, humbled and convicted of what they did - FOR REAL. My Man was so entrenched in his 2 1/2 year affair that the only way we could get to this place was through my PERSISTENT prayers for God to break him. I knew that if he was full of ego, defensiveness & blaming ME instead of OWNING his stuff and taking FULL responsibility for his OWN actions there would be slim chance for recovery. Ultimately, what you want to do (without the presence of the children) is make a call or write her a letter telling her that staying connected with the A.P. won’t be tolerated any more or you are kicking her out. I TRULY feel your pain - Robert. ESPECIALLY when there are kids involved! This stuff weighs heavy on my heart. No matter how ‘bad’ of a Husband you were - she wasn’t a perfect Wife and YOU didn’t cheat on HER. The fact is, in my personal opinion, INDIVIDUAL therapy will help BOTH of you walk through this (I would avoid most marital therapy because it has a high rate of divorce.). It’s also important to know that when we work on cleaning up our side of the street often our Spouse follows suit. When I started acting more like a friend, not fighting & being mean like I used to, started dating regularly, opening up communication (by asking for 2 words describing how we were feeling daily & talking about how our day was after work) - we started reconnecting and we were on the path to recovery. But clearly, he had to STOP the affair first and then he had to arrive at a point of TRULY having a change of heart which I think can only be done by God. It IS possible to have a good marriage after infidelity but it takes a TON of work. And it ALL begins with the cheater owning their ‘stuff.’ You can’t change what you don’t acknowledge. God bless you and your family, Robert. I wouldn’t wish this pain on my WORST enemy! 💗
I love women like this. Gives me opportunity to save them and prove I am a good boy. If I court them and love them enough, it might just work out. Truly High Value women!
Can I ask a question on here? What if the man immediately filed for divorce from his wife (yes, she was "crazy") after one month? And he did say she was threatening to send one of the kids to China and that she had not physically touched him in years even though he works 10 hours a day and does the cooking and cleaning. (I had asked him to tell me one good quality about his wife and he refused, wouldn't even buy her flowers on Mother's Day which I thought said a lot. Then, later he admitted that she "drives the kids around all day and is a devoted mom and doesn't run around on him." He put an ultimatum on me to give him hope for the future or he was going to halt the divorce and stay married for the kids. I did not want to be the reason, so I backed away. He blamed me for spending time with male friends, etc. when in reality I was just trying to distract myself from heartbreak because I loved him very much and had never been in love before. He said he would love me forever and "never let love turn to hate," but months later when I talked to him, he was cold and cruel and angry and hateful and blamed me for everything. He maligned my character and made me sound awful. Sadly, I regretted it and wished that I had let him go through with the divorce. I highlighted the positive aspects of him and the relationship and forgot the negative because of the love I felt. No one ever loved me that way before. I feel the situation is unique because I actually saw the divorce papers, and he planned to ask me to marry him right before I backed away, he said. Not to mention he rushed into doing that because my male best friend and roommate of six years went crazy after I told him I loved someone else, contacted him and told him we were together and that he was planning to tell his wife.:( So I think he rushed so she would not find out about me. I might as well mention that this was just from tutoring English at a coffee shop and saying, "I love you." I did not sleep with him during the whole time, although I kissed him, which was a mistake. What a mess! I wish I had just said no in the beginning before feelings got deeper. Can someone give me sound advice without judging me? Like really kind advice please. The worse part is that I am older, I had not dated in 15 years, and I was ignoring that part of my life and heart. Through that and a bunch of other trauma this year, I am actually in the middle of a mental breakdown. I feel that recovery could be a long way away if at all (so many reasons for that believe me), so I should have married someone I loved even though the life would not have been what I wanted, we shared different morals, etc. If I'm sick, no one will want to marry me. Also, my heart has completely shut down after this. My life blew up here (had to move out of my place) because of the break up with my male friend and subsequent community, I can barely keep my part time job. He lost nothing. He said he is not leaving his family now and that the love isn't there like before or the motivation and his kids need him. Also that he can't trust me because I "had so many boyfriends" which is laughable. Why does he hate me then if I helped him make the right decision?
It's most likely just an angry response not neccessary hating you. But this is about him and how he shows up in relationship..not faithful and easy to turn on the people he is suppose to love.
@@staceychenevert Yes. I suppose I do actually see some men as victims of life in a way. He didn't have enough wherewithal or self-respect or conviction to leave a neglectful situation, which of course would make anyone sick. It's inevitable he would meet someone who would touch his heart one day. Thank you.
If my husband will cheat and find a single local woman then I would be happy to give her to the new woman! In this way I can finally escape because I don’t have children with him anyway. I don’t want a burden and she will do it for me LOL 😂😂😂😂😂 Atleast it’s not me who is the bad one! 😂😂😂
OK the problem with both men and women and why they had affairs is because you focus on other things and have forgotten what got you to love each other in the first place. Sex, communication and affection are needed. If you don't have the simple aspects of a relationship this is where people cheat. It's harder to maintain a relationship once you have it than where you're working to have it. Ladies wanna keep you man happy? take care of his little head and ego and you'll have happy man. Men remember your woman is fine and don't think other men don't notice her because she has a ring on her finger. Bottomline make each other and your relationship a priority.
I have a question, when you had your affair and you were trying to rebuild your marriage did you have feelings for your husband or no. Because I wanna rebuild my relationship but it is so hard because I don’t have feelings for my girlfriend anymore. And whenever I feel a good feeling or have a good day with her. It gives me hope but the fallowing day there is just a setback for me. I just wanna know while rebuilding your marriage, I just wanna no if you had lost your feelings for your husband?
An older woman told me that her body count was high….she passed up a lot of good men trying to find a better one….now she will take what she can get even better if she can take a financially established man from his marriage. Financial security is her priority no matter what the man’s status. Sex is purely physical for a man… for most women it’s emotional…however , if her body count is high she probably has not feelings left. Like Jill Scott said “ your roots (fertility and ability to emotionally bond with a man)are dug up so you might as well give up”
hi again. my question this week is. if your trying to repair your marriage after the affair but your child or children can't forgive you and they don't want you to reconcile. what is the best action and to save the relationship with the kids?
As parents we always try to set a good example to our children. For us we have showed our kids what the true love of God looks like and what it looks like to fall in a pit and rise up a better person. We always make decisions based on the word of God, and Prayer. Start there
Therei´´s no salvation .Cheaters don´t deserve a second chance because it means the one who cheats doesn´t respect her partner . If a cheater is forgiven it will happen again. .
@@Freedom-hv3vm my dear Child, YOU have the POWER from Almighty Merciful GOOD GOD to restore your marraige and TRUST again with your children AND wife. Ignore the keyboard warriors- many have cheated themselves but not going to admit it. Son listen 1- you had children with your Wife and not anyone else. WHY?
To who ever wants to repair their marraige after an affair. Read my message for you and THEN my OTHER message with //////////////////- Show it to your Wife/ GF who you have cheated on as a message from me. First of all It has been a HUGE betrayal and SHOCK and devastating for your Partner because they still love you. And because of what happened they have LOST their confidense in themselves.OKAY understand this well that their confidence has been destroyed. Perhaps even their own WILL in living. They must of had suicidal moments but kept themselves alive because of the CHILDREN. They Must of cried so many times- and on top of that their mental and physical health effected ALLOT. Many women get fibromyalgia ( pain all over the body)- this can be REVERSED. -- they had your CHILDREN at the end of the day- she didn't leave them OR abort them or kill them like some other women- she went through the pain n suffering with being pregnant, the hormonal problems, the aches, her body was torn, then stitched up in having children, she lost blood and years of sleepless nights, her body figure got effected, She cooked and cleaned, carried on like many mothers and wives do. Many people have diebetes, hepatitus, high / or LOW blood pressure, heart problems/ liver/ hidden diseases that you may or not be aware of (most of these ARE REVERSABLE). YOUR CHILDREN They feel heart broken, shocked helpless, angry , they feel betrayed, they feel hurt, annoyed that you sleep with someone else- the FEAR of their father who did the disgusting deed. They feel betrayed, perhaps Suicidal. -- they lost their father to some bit** who took a part in destroying their mother and happy family. - unfortunately people are so busy having affairs that they don't realise in SECRET what their own children are dealing with e.g suicidal thoughts, insomnia, rape, blackmail, bed wetting ( for teenagers) , abuse from an uncle/some dirty pervert teacher at school/college, puberty problems, exam stress, substance abuse, peer pressure and God knows what else etc. - Do you know what YOUR own children are going through in secret in their own lives??????? - DONT you dare leave them OR your Wife because they are vulnerable NOW more than ever. --- many people are in Prison for armed robbery/ worse because their father left them and OR their parents had n affair. Some became serial killers because father/ mother left them. - YOU and your Wife are both responsible for your Children's Mental HEALTH....
I married my first affair partner then I had a second affair, that is when I learned I needed to figure out the real reason I had a second affair after I promised myself I would never do that again. And yes my first affair partner and I are still married.
I’ve been dying with the 97% failure stat. I loved my ap, she was single and loved me. We had limerence at 1st, but then we moved to a relationship. I cut it off hard because stress was getting to me so I moved 1200 miles away. Now I’m on my own. This is killing me mentally. I found hope that you and your ap are still married
@@sakurasakura2892 connection from the start. We have been together 14yr. My son from my 1st marriage is almost grown. My wife got complacent. She was young when we met. I only married because she gave me an altimatum. I have a lot of resentment. My personality harnesses that. I truly connected with the ap. Tbh if I wasn’t married I would have left. I don’t have time to waste for her to work on this. Then get complacent later. Stacey drew my attention because she married her ap, and it worked. My wife loves me, my ap loves me. My wife followed the feminist power plan, the ap was submissive. Men don’t want a feminist.
@@benscott6826 "I have a lot of resentment. My personality harnesses that." Yeah, no shit. You sound so narcissistic and emotionally immature, it truly is no wonder that hold the views you hold on men disliking non-submissive women. I bet you blame your wife's personality to justify cheating despite probably not communicating clearly what you need from her. I hope your ex-wife finds a man with the maturity of an actual adult, she deserves it
You don't have to have a core wound to have another woman. Sex for men is not the same for women. While a man can choose to go against his nature for a monogamous relationship/marriage even Biblical men had more than one wife, or a concubine.
My husband had an affair and left. I spent an embarrassing amount of time thinking that the other woman had “won” or that she was better than I was. Now I can see it for what it is.
When someone puts themselves in a position to sleep with another woman’s husband, they get exactly what they deserve.
Someone else’s shitty, unfaithful husband.
Because HE was the one who allowed her to come in and wreck my home. HE is the one who disregarded all wedding vows and cheated his family out of what they deserved.
And when he did that, he showed me exactly who he was, and I’m thankful for that.
A real man is not out entertaining other women and having his wife at home looking like a fool.
Now she has settled for a man who doesn’t value family or commitment. But hey, play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Women of high value don’t chase married men. They don’t have to. Women of high value never aid in the destruction of someone else’s family. So guess what? He won himself a stupid prize too.
Sometimes the married person takes off their ring and says they're single. That's not the other person's fault.
@@tanyawieczorek6603This is very true. Wasn’t the case in my situation but there are all kinds of lies they tell the affair partner.
I totally agree with you I’ve been perusing a woman who is as crazy as i am I recently found out she not single like she says but the man she’s with used to be married anyway I’d thought I’d carry on to see were it goes now bearing in mind she told everybody she single and she told everybody she wants to be with me so I’ve been through all the shit test and passed with flying colours now she has decided to be with a married man I’ve known this for quite a while I have plenty of women friends who are interested but I thought I’d give her chance the thing that herts the most is that I’ve wasted my time on her when I could have spent it on other women now she want come to work in case I have a go at her which I want I’ll just move on so really he’s done me a favour for showing me who she really is so I understand what you mean sorry to hear of what happened to you take care ❤
The girl that I'm seeing now was three weeks out of a two year relationship with a married man. I'm having a hard time seeing value in her. She told me that she was in a 20 plus years relationship and had two kids with him. The guy cheated twice on her and married another woman while they were living together. So she ended it with him for cheating. So how can she put another woman through that hurt, I don't understand.
Having an affair doesn't decrease someone's value. However it does reveal some childhood wounds she may be dealing with. It's important to work on healing those wounds and flowing from our mistakes so in the future we can learn how to have a healthy relationship. Everyone has red flags and green flags you just have to decide what you are willing to work through and what you are not willing to deal with.
@@staceychenevert Thank you for replying I really did appreciate it
@@mlfitness67 having an affair for sure lowers a woman’s value. Yeah she can learn, grow and heal but the fact is a high valued person has a strong moral compass and isn’t willing to play a side piece role, while breaking up a family. It’s selfish and destructive.
Also… a women value can increase if she takes accountability, heal, and set her standards higher
@@superblife1126 when she met me I was in a relationship with another woman. We were having some issues. I told her she didn't care. The relationship she had before the 1st marred guy was with another married guy. She said that nothing sexually happened between them but it was talked about. I think she's just looking for love when she should be looking for healing. I don't know what I've gotten myself into
When i was partnered up, i'd get approached by lots of women. Now I'm single, not a single woman has gone anywhere near me.
Not surprised,
When I see your videos I admire the beautiful colors you choose for your makeup. It suits you so well.
I wrote this before I watched the video so I hadn't heard the part about your interest in makeup. ^_^
Thank you!
So you'll probably call me a dirtbag. But I was a single guy who'd wear a wedding ring to pick up single women at the bar. So let me explain. Normally women expect men to approach them. And they'll put up multiple barriers during conversation to protect themselves. To say the least, those conversations are often like pulling teeth. As a single guy, if sat at the bar no woman would ever speak to me. Put on a wedding ring, and women will start random conversations with you. It's not because they're trying to hit on you necessary. Women find you none threatening, and start chatting for general conversation reasons. Normally they completely drop their guard, you'll go from a conversation that's pulling teeth, to easy mode. So what ends up happening, they'll find the good traits about you. As a single guy, I'd never get passed the barriers she put in place. As a fake married guy, she'd drop her guard enough to see qualities she wouldn't see otherwise. That's what's happening generally.
I believe this and can see how that works
There ´s a patern when it comes wive´s affairs (I know this is not the topic but...).After six years wives get bored , blame the poor husbands as justification and start cheating . I know everything about the subject .That´s why I am single.
I’ve been married 28 years and I’ve gotten so bored I’m practically COMATOSE but I have NEVER cheated.
Not all women do that!!
There ARE truly loyal women that exist in this world.
Tragically, many of them have been cheated on & they DON’T deserve it.
My girlfriend runaround on me with a married man and got pregnant y him and she told me it was mine and refused to marry me and have the baby. She was in college and said she didn't want to embarrass her mother. I was in a different college and she and her girlfriend's broke us up. I didn't see her for 3 months. After the abortion I asked her if the Dr. said what sex the fetus was and she said he told her it was a boy. We married 49 years ago and had 3 daughters. One of them was pregnant and when asked if it was a boy or girl she said it would not be possible to determine until at least 15 weeks. My wife still claims it was my child she aborted and she got pregnant 6 weeks before the abortion. I've hated her for lying to me and have told her that if she would be honest with me I'd forgive her. She still hasn't been truthful with me. So I am going to leave her before our 50th Anniversary. Let her lie in bed without me and wallow in her lies for the balance of her slut life...
Wow so many lies. It's a terrible prison of unforgiveness to live in. How sad it will be for your family to realize 50 years of their life has been false. I really pray you will seek the help you need to finally be free from the past and truly learn to live.
@williambutler3269 Wondering how things are going, This breaks my heart. Forgive for your own sake and speak to her. Be bold. Your wife, after sharing your life together, may be afraid
to lose you. God Bless.
Yes, i have commitment issues. And no responsibility, his wife has them all.
Do you feel bad for his wife at all?
The only reason is if the dude lied about being single. All other reasons are just excuses.
That's easy for you to say and judge people if you never walked in their shoes.
@Stacey Chenevert uh, I've heard that plenty of times when I failed to show up to work on time. You really don't know how often I've heard that phrase, so put yourself in my shoes. If you were shamed and ridiculed for being depressed and unmotivated to follow some expected norm, how would you feel about someone who knowingly participates in an affair with a married individual? I'm not trying to judge, but how is their excuse for cheating more valid than my excuse for some anti-social personality traits I've picked up from my experiences?
@@garrickoestriecher1259 it's not more valid. I believe both sides considered. Most people have something they struggle with. And your struggles doesn't give anyone a right to cheat. Unfortunately when we don't take the time to heal and grow people resort to unhealthy coping behavior and infidelity is one of those. I'm sorry your pain was used aganist you. Just don't let their behavior cause you to become where you can't empathize with us. If we want understanding we have to be able to offer it back.
@Stacey Chenevert I never saw it as a lack of empathy when other people called my reasons as excuses. I figured they were talked to as unempathetically when they where in my shoes. I'm kind of surprised you think I'm unempathetic when I say the only reason a single individual has for cheating is ignorance. Anything else is just an excuse for the cheater's lack of empathy to the spouse and families involved. Do cheaters even feel guilt for those victims when their trust is broken? I know some people in my family are stringently against weed and don't like talking to me when I'm high. Are they unempathetic? I typically haven't seen them as unempathetic, but rather sad they have those boundaries. Although I can think of a few reasons why their opinion of sobriety is so strong.
Thank you! Perfect truth.
You're very welcome
Some women actively seek married men. Men seem to be vulnerable after many years of marriage or after a few years with kids as the relationship becomes sexless. And they actively seek out women not always necessarily the woman seeking married men.
Stacy please stay on point. All the preamble chatter wastes time and refocuses your audience to the stop button.
I like the extra dialog. I don't think it really affects her audience.
@@dru1581 I agree! I like the extra talk!
@jenaskye1567 She has help for the betrayed on her website.
At 23 i started an affair with a married man. I did not want a man i was dating to move in with me & my children. As most relationships, at some point, it makes sense to live together.
Affairs never turn out well. It's best to look for someone single and be honest about how you feel in regards to living together.
Excellent insight.
In your experience, if a single woman has an affair with a married man, is she more likely to cheat, on her husband, once she is married?
Yes its possible because having an affair has nothing to do with how bad a marriage is. It's about the kind of wounds she has and how she copes with hard times.
@@staceychenevert in Oct 2022 I discovered my wife of 30yrs has been having an affair for the past 3yrs. She has expressed the reason for the affair was he made her feel #1. Long story short, I feel because I neglected her emotional needs that led to the affair. I apologized for working 2 jobs for the last 30 yrs to provide for our family. We are in the stage of her continuing to lie about contacting him, just a week ago i reached out to his wife, which it turned out she only had suspicion of them having an affair but now knows everything. This is the most traumatic experience of my life! This is even worse than coping with death of a family member.
Robert Catron,
I have walked this EXCRUCIATING walk and want to tell you it WILL get better - with or without her. Eventually the dust WILL settle, your destroyed life and heart WILL heal - but it takes time and effort. (For me prayer made the process faster.)
I agree that being cheated on can feel worse than the death of a family member because of the added shock & trauma. In addition to losing the Wife you thought you knew it can feel like the whole foundation of your life has been blown up into a million tiny pieces.
The pain of infidelity is like NO other.
It’s only been 3 months since you discovered the affair and you are now going through the most difficult time. The pain is SO intense, (I hope you are letting it out by crying LOTS of tears to release that), the anger is SO justified because you have been dealt a grave injustice by the ONE person who you were supposed to trust in this WHOLE world.
It doesn’t seem right that YOU apologized for working 2 jobs to support the family.
You may have neglected your Wife’s emotional needs -. but don’t allow her to make YOU feel responsible for HER sin!
She must OWN HER STUFF 100%.
That likely won’t happen because it sounds like she is still refusing to quit the affair. If she is continuing to contact him, finding healing for your own broken heart & destroyed soul will be next to impossible because she keeps opening the wound!!
Does she want to save your marriage or not??
I know I am only seeing one side of the pancake, but her continuing to contact the A.P. is SO unfair to you and COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE.
If she keeps staying connected to him, you keep getting retraumatized and will find healing or peace extremely difficult to find. 💗
If you don’t draw boundaries and get her out of the house if she persists with that loser, there will be no reason to stop this brutality they are inflicting upon you.
The pain of the consequence has to exceed the pain of where she is right now or she very likely won’t quit this destructive behavior. Some cheaters are so thick headed the only chance we have is to dish out some painful consequences in order to break this pattern that is designed to steal your life, kill your marriage and destroy your family.
You said you have a family and I know it is much more difficult with children involved. But if you roll over (belly up), grovel & apologize it lines you up for further abuse. You can’t live in misery waiting for the kids to grow up while knowing your Wife is still cheating!
We ALL have work to do to improve our marriages on BOTH sides of the street. But first and foremost she MUST do the hard thing & break it off with this guy. Stacey Chenevert specializes in helping women get through this tough withdrawal period, Your Wife might find comfort and relate to her because they have both been in the same position.
I think the cheater must eventually get to the point of having a TRUE change of heart and only God can make that change because it must come from the INSIDE out.
In my experience I have only seen that happen when the cheater becomes ‘broken’, humbled and convicted of what they did - FOR REAL.
My Man was so entrenched in his 2 1/2 year affair that the only way we could get to this place was through my PERSISTENT prayers for God to break him. I knew that if he was full of ego, defensiveness & blaming ME instead of OWNING his stuff and taking FULL responsibility for his OWN actions there would be slim chance for recovery.
Ultimately, what you want to do (without the presence of the children) is make a call or write her a letter telling her that staying connected with the A.P. won’t be tolerated any more or you are kicking her out.
I TRULY feel your pain - Robert.
ESPECIALLY when there are kids involved!
This stuff weighs heavy on my heart.
No matter how ‘bad’ of a Husband you were - she wasn’t a perfect Wife and YOU didn’t cheat on HER.
The fact is, in my personal opinion, INDIVIDUAL therapy will help BOTH of you walk through this (I would avoid most marital therapy because it has a high rate of divorce.).
It’s also important to know that when we work on cleaning up our side of the street often our Spouse follows suit. When I started acting more like a friend, not fighting & being mean like I used to, started dating regularly, opening up communication (by asking for 2 words describing how we were feeling daily & talking about how our day was after work) - we started reconnecting and we were on the path to recovery.
But clearly, he had to STOP the affair first and then he had to arrive at a point of TRULY having a change of heart which I think can only be done by God.
It IS possible to have a good marriage after infidelity but it takes a TON of work.
And it ALL begins with the cheater owning their ‘stuff.’
You can’t change what you don’t acknowledge.
God bless you and your family, Robert.
I wouldn’t wish this pain on my WORST enemy! 💗
Eric Damian,
You already know the answer to this question because you KNOW what she is capable of. 💗
if he is willing to lie and cheat his wife he will do it to you as well. I believe in karma.
Yes absolutely , but its not karma its called unhealed childhood wounds
If you marry a man who cheats on his wife, you’ll be married to a man who cheats on his wife.
Not always. It depends on the intensity of love. Sometimes, a couple doesn't match...
@@ElGringozablelove is a choice. The intensity is Lust.
I love women like this. Gives me opportunity to save them and prove I am a good boy. If I court them and love them enough, it might just work out. Truly High Value women!
Unfortunately you can't save or fix anyone
@@staceychenevert would you say ladies who adore Taylor Swift and love boys who are emotionally unresponsive, are Red Flags?
@@hastensavoir7782 Im not sure about that women who are emotionally unresponsive are displaying an insecure attachment style
Because he told her that they were already in the process of getting a divorce and she cared about him and believed him.
Yes, and that woman is morally ignorant and believes that.
Can I ask a question on here? What if the man immediately filed for divorce from his wife (yes, she was "crazy") after one month? And he did say she was threatening to send one of the kids to China and that she had not physically touched him in years even though he works 10 hours a day and does the cooking and cleaning. (I had asked him to tell me one good quality about his wife and he refused, wouldn't even buy her flowers on Mother's Day which I thought said a lot. Then, later he admitted that she "drives the kids around all day and is a devoted mom and doesn't run around on him." He put an ultimatum on me to give him hope for the future or he was going to halt the divorce and stay married for the kids. I did not want to be the reason, so I backed away. He blamed me for spending time with male friends, etc. when in reality I was just trying to distract myself from heartbreak because I loved him very much and had never been in love before. He said he would love me forever and "never let love turn to hate," but months later when I talked to him, he was cold and cruel and angry and hateful and blamed me for everything. He maligned my character and made me sound awful. Sadly, I regretted it and wished that I had let him go through with the divorce. I highlighted the positive aspects of him and the relationship and forgot the negative because of the love I felt. No one ever loved me that way before. I feel the situation is unique because I actually saw the divorce papers, and he planned to ask me to marry him right before I backed away, he said. Not to mention he rushed into doing that because my male best friend and roommate of six years went crazy after I told him I loved someone else, contacted him and told him we were together and that he was planning to tell his wife.:( So I think he rushed so she would not find out about me. I might as well mention that this was just from tutoring English at a coffee shop and saying, "I love you." I did not sleep with him during the whole time, although I kissed him, which was a mistake. What a mess! I wish I had just said no in the beginning before feelings got deeper. Can someone give me sound advice without judging me? Like really kind advice please. The worse part is that I am older, I had not dated in 15 years, and I was ignoring that part of my life and heart. Through that and a bunch of other trauma this year, I am actually in the middle of a mental breakdown. I feel that recovery could be a long way away if at all (so many reasons for that believe me), so I should have married someone I loved even though the life would not have been what I wanted, we shared different morals, etc. If I'm sick, no one will want to marry me. Also, my heart has completely shut down after this. My life blew up here (had to move out of my place) because of the break up with my male friend and subsequent community, I can barely keep my part time job. He lost nothing. He said he is not leaving his family now and that the love isn't there like before or the motivation and his kids need him. Also that he can't trust me because I "had so many boyfriends" which is laughable. Why does he hate me then if I helped him make the right decision?
It's most likely just an angry response not neccessary hating you. But this is about him and how he shows up in relationship..not faithful and easy to turn on the people he is suppose to love.
@@staceychenevert Yes. I suppose I do actually see some men as victims of life in a way. He didn't have enough wherewithal or self-respect or conviction to leave a neglectful situation, which of course would make anyone sick. It's inevitable he would meet someone who would touch his heart one day. Thank you.
Can you make a video to define what core wounds are?
Yes im working on it
If my husband will cheat and find a single local woman then I would be happy to give her to the new woman!
In this way I can finally escape because I don’t have children with him anyway. I don’t want a burden and she will do it for me LOL 😂😂😂😂😂
Atleast it’s not me who is the bad one! 😂😂😂
OK the problem with both men and women and why they had affairs is because you focus on other things and have forgotten what got you to love each other in the first place. Sex, communication and affection are needed. If you don't have the simple aspects of a relationship this is where people cheat. It's harder to maintain a relationship once you have it than where you're working to have it. Ladies wanna keep you man happy? take care of his little head and ego and you'll have happy man. Men remember your woman is fine and don't think other men don't notice her because she has a ring on her finger. Bottomline make each other and your relationship a priority.
Yes make each other a priority!!
She thinks she is doing the wife a favor by making him happy. She does not mind being a surrogate for pregnant or sick wives.
I'm sorry, what
I have a question, when you had your affair and you were trying to rebuild your marriage did you have feelings for your husband or no. Because I wanna rebuild my relationship but it is so hard because I don’t have feelings for my girlfriend anymore. And whenever I feel a good feeling or have a good day with her. It gives me hope but the fallowing day there is just a setback for me. I just wanna know while rebuilding your marriage, I just wanna no if you had lost your feelings for your husband?
Yes I had feelings for my husband
An older woman told me that her body count was high….she passed up a lot of good men trying to find a better one….now she will take what she can get even better if she can take a financially established man from his marriage. Financial security is her priority no matter what the man’s status. Sex is purely physical for a man… for most women it’s emotional…however , if her body count is high she probably has not feelings left. Like Jill Scott said “ your roots (fertility and ability to emotionally bond with a man)are dug up so you might as well give up”
This comment is so sad. 😢
Because married are more desirable than single men.
Women that date a married man is desperate
Sometimes yes
hi again. my question this week is. if your trying to repair your marriage after the affair but your child or children can't forgive you and they don't want you to reconcile. what is the best action and to save the relationship with the kids?
As parents we always try to set a good example to our children. For us we have showed our kids what the true love of God looks like and what it looks like to fall in a pit and rise up a better person. We always make decisions based on the word of God, and Prayer. Start there
Therei´´s no salvation .Cheaters don´t deserve a second chance because it means the one who cheats doesn´t respect her partner . If a cheater is forgiven it will happen again. .
@@reinaldohoracio2389 their human beings who make choices. You can easily make that choice. Please be respectful
@@Freedom-hv3vm my dear Child, YOU have the POWER from Almighty Merciful GOOD GOD to restore your marraige and TRUST again with your children AND wife.
Ignore the keyboard warriors- many have cheated themselves but not going to admit it.
Son listen
1- you had children with your Wife and not anyone else. WHY?
To who ever wants to repair their marraige after an affair. Read my message for you and THEN my OTHER message with //////////////////- Show it to your Wife/ GF who you have cheated on as a message from me.
First of all It has been a HUGE betrayal and SHOCK and devastating for your Partner because they still love you. And because of what happened they have LOST their confidense in themselves.OKAY understand this well that their confidence has been destroyed. Perhaps even their own WILL in living. They must of had suicidal moments but kept themselves alive because of the CHILDREN. They Must of cried so many times- and on top of that their mental and physical health effected ALLOT. Many women get fibromyalgia ( pain all over the body)- this can be REVERSED.
-- they had your CHILDREN at the end of the day- she didn't leave them OR abort them or kill them like some other women- she went through the pain n suffering with being pregnant, the hormonal problems, the aches, her body was torn, then stitched up in having children, she lost blood and years of sleepless nights, her body figure got effected,
She cooked and cleaned, carried on like many mothers and wives do. Many people have diebetes, hepatitus, high / or LOW blood pressure, heart problems/ liver/ hidden diseases that you may or not be aware of (most of these ARE REVERSABLE).
They feel heart broken, shocked helpless, angry , they feel betrayed, they feel hurt, annoyed that you sleep with someone else- the FEAR of their father who did the disgusting deed. They feel betrayed, perhaps Suicidal.
-- they lost their father to some bit** who took a part in destroying their mother and happy family.
- unfortunately people are so busy having affairs that they don't realise in SECRET what their own children are dealing with e.g suicidal thoughts, insomnia, rape, blackmail, bed wetting ( for teenagers) , abuse from an uncle/some dirty pervert teacher at school/college, puberty problems, exam stress, substance abuse, peer pressure and God knows what else etc.
- Do you know what YOUR own children are going through in secret in their own lives???????
- DONT you dare leave them OR your Wife because they are vulnerable NOW more than ever.
--- many people are in Prison for armed robbery/ worse because their father left them and OR their parents had n affair. Some became serial killers because father/ mother left them.
- YOU and your Wife are both responsible for your Children's Mental HEALTH....
What is your opinion of the use cognitive behavior therapy to help cheated (infidelity) persons?
I think it's awesome
I’m trying to understand your story. I’m the unfaithful. You said you married your affair partner. Are you still with them?
I married my first affair partner then I had a second affair, that is when I learned I needed to figure out the real reason I had a second affair after I promised myself I would never do that again. And yes my first affair partner and I are still married.
I’ve been dying with the 97% failure stat. I loved my ap, she was single and loved me. We had limerence at 1st, but then we moved to a relationship. I cut it off hard because stress was getting to me so I moved 1200 miles away. Now I’m on my own. This is killing me mentally. I found hope that you and your ap are still married
@@benscott6826 Hi Ben, why wouldnt you want to stay with your wife? What was missing?
@@sakurasakura2892 connection from the start. We have been together 14yr. My son from my 1st marriage is almost grown. My wife got complacent. She was young when we met. I only married because she gave me an altimatum. I have a lot of resentment. My personality harnesses that. I truly connected with the ap. Tbh if I wasn’t married I would have left. I don’t have time to waste for her to work on this. Then get complacent later. Stacey drew my attention because she married her ap, and it worked. My wife loves me, my ap loves me. My wife followed the feminist power plan, the ap was submissive. Men don’t want a feminist.
@@benscott6826 "I have a lot of resentment. My personality harnesses that." Yeah, no shit. You sound so narcissistic and emotionally immature, it truly is no wonder that hold the views you hold on men disliking non-submissive women. I bet you blame your wife's personality to justify cheating despite probably not communicating clearly what you need from her. I hope your ex-wife finds a man with the maturity of an actual adult, she deserves it
You don't have to have a core wound to have another woman. Sex for men is not the same for women. While a man can choose to go against his nature for a monogamous relationship/marriage even Biblical men had more than one wife, or a concubine.