my budgy was traumatized by it's old owner, so he never knew if I was being friendly to him or mean. I then gave him to my teacher and now he's happy in a aviary with other birds. I'm so glad he's feeling alot better now :)
@ModestEthan can you put the cage in your bedroom so your father isn't near them? What he's doing is very bad for your birds. Image a giant 100 times bigger than you, grabbing you and screaming at you and not just once, multiple times. Keep the birds away from him if possible.
Oh no I messed up real bad. I did a lot wrong. Thank you for teaching me what to do and what not to do. I will take better care of my budgie from now on. Thank you so much. (Edit) I no longer have the bird because I felt I could not take care of it and I felt like I was neglecting it. I gave it to a friend of mine and hopefully she is in a better home now. If I ever get another bird I will make sure to take better care of it.
@@kinleyoffill5893 dont worry my first budgie i did a boat load wrong and he would bite and not hang out with me. but after learning alot and just giving him time and changing how i was with him he quickly turned around and now he is a great little fella. birds are not AS sensitive as this video makes them out to be. learn with your bird and treat them fair and right and they will always end up trusting you. sometimes it takes awhile ya but it will happen
My Indian ring neck parrot was mistreated and full out abused by his first owner. I’ve been slowly trying to gain his trust. He likes to be around me, talks to me, and plays with me, but still is very afraid of hands. He won’t let me get too close with my hands and will only sometimes sit on my knee and chew my pants. He has come a long way, and I hope someday he will trust me enough to let me pet him. If he doesn’t, that’s okay. I’ll show him affection however he is comfortable. He has brought me so much joy.
My lovebird was also scared of my hands, unfortunately due to my own fault. The breeder told me to grab him and hold him until he calmed down in order to get him tame. This was terrible advice, he got scared of me and my hands and didn't get more tame. I stopped this after about the first week maybe. What I did instead is allow him to chose to come to me with food as bait, then just hang out. They are naturally curious so over time they get interested in you too. I made him less scared of my hands by training tricks with him using a clicker and a chopstick. (Touch training I believe the principle is called). This allowed me to make him want to touch the stick, it's a very flexible method and can be used for many things. Now he runs through my hand in the form of a tunnel. He still doesn't want me to pet him or grab him, but he is not scared of my hands anymore. This process may take a while, and lots of millet eating close to my hand was involved too. But he's no longer scared of being on, closeby, or being close to a moving hand unless it goes to grab him. Maybe this is helpful to you or someone else, we are now the best of friends and he loves everyone who comes over. P.s. don't teach tricks involving your hand first, just make him adjust to the process of doing tricks for rewards and touching the chopstick, patience is key. Maybe it won't work, my bird is only 1 year old now, in any case hope you still love your relationship with your baby
My budgie is around 6 years old at this point, and shes a little grumpy old lady. Doesn't like you doing anything near her cage but she'll talk all day long if she finds something to talk about. Also, great video, great advice.
Yesterday, my sisters budgie died. His name was kiwi, and he was a very lively bird. He was around 4 years old and turned four November 11th. Rest in peace.
@@hannahjinto5225 what? On my period i saw no significant change so i didnt know! Yes i am actually female,its just that for me the period only resembles a risk to get dirty
Nothing wrong with that! I might even wager it's better that way, as birds being bonded to each other is natural, and they're always together snd understand each other's behaviours and sounds completely as fellow birds. They get to communicate and be happy together as well as experience the affection of a human companion! ^^
I was recently gifted 2 from my sis-in-law because her cats wouldn't leave them alone. I know they'll never be as close as my departed lovebird of 18 years, but still enjoy them in the house and their interactions and chatting with each other. I'm just the food provider and cage cleaner Lol
As somebody who’s got four feathered friends I have a better understanding of each of their personalities and what one may be comfortable with but the others may not
Yeah, mine has cage aggression, and she sometimes likes to act "grouchy" but she loves snuggles and watching me/being near me. She spends the majority of her time staring at me while I'm on my computer.
These points are so on the ball. I'd note that, from my experience (limited, but I've researched birds thoroughly and own four at the moment) the sleep point and the grabbing point you maaaaaay be able to work around if you have a strong relationship with your bird. Having said that, SB is absolutely right in saying that these could lose trust, and you shouldn't be doing either of these things ideally. Even my birds that don't like being grabbed will tolerate it in an emergency, but if I did it regularly; we'd have issues.
One of mine is definitely number 10. He likes his space. I can move him around if I need to, but generally he'll come to me if he wants me to pick him up, but we've worked out a relationship for when I do need to move him (say he's out of the cage and I hear a knock on the door, I don't like leaving my budgies unsupervised in the flight room so I'll need to quickly pop him back in the cage).
I have a good relationship with my 7 Month old male budgie. I had him from 6 weeks old. I followed the guidelines, left him to get acquainted with his home for the first 2 weeks. The next 2 weeks I offered him food and my finger, not forced it on him, to build up trust. From the first day he put one foot on my finger then both feet it was sketchy if he would keep doing it. Week 5 and 6 were amazing as he built up confidence to trust me and then he started to mimic gradually. Now he bobs his head while repeating 'budgie budgie budgie', asks for kisses and knows what to expect if I say 'kiss kiss kiss' to him. I can gently snuggle him with my nose and give him gentle kisses on his beak and back. He is excitable and loves to fly around my room and land on things. He has a habit of landing on my monitor and watching me type then lands on my head like he just conquered a castle with a comical 'budgie budgie bugieeeee' but my main reason for writing is we have an understanding of sleepy time. Around 7 or 8 pm I will dim the lights and when I go to put his loose cover over his cage he stretches out his wings and feet like he knows its bed time. I keep the volume down till I go to bed myself, always saying bed time to him before I switch off the lights. Super cute :) If I do forget to dim the lights eventually he will squawk loudly to get my attention. What cute and intelligent little things budgies are :)
@@joemama7868 mine got lost under the couch for 10 mins but they don’t stay under there because birds usually don’t like being on the ground their instinct is to perch up high so I let her chill there for a bit until she eventually came out
When I was child I did most of them. I pulled her tail, grabbed her, banged her cage while she was sleeping because idk i was just a child i wasn't conscious. and throughout her life she always tried to bite me which hurts really bad. Looking back, it's a miracle She lived +15years. I don't even remember when she was born
I have two budgies we bought a year ago. After a year they will sit on my hand fine but they don’t interact with me or my brother and are still a bit jumpy if you move your hand too fast or something. We give them millet, they don’t eat fruits and veg unless we sneak them into their seed. They have a big cage with plenty of toys and tbh we don’t know what to do. They interact with each other and play with each other.
one of my cockoteils charly has a very mean personality but after like a year of just letting him choose whether he wants head scratches or whats to come on your finger made him warm up too us and I think its very important to let your bird makes chooses
About half an hour ago my bird hit himself on the wall and his feather started bleeding. I put some turmeric on it since i heard it helps and it stopped the bleeding. His feather is still bloody inside the vein though. Do i remove it or let it fall on its own? He's doing fine now, but I'm worried and I don't have a vet near my city :(
I have two budgies. I had one for 5 years, he had a girl with him for 2 years but she died after 2 years or 3? She was kinda aggressive and harmed my male a few times, and would bite us too. He's been alone for a while, and we can't always be at home, so we recently got him a little friend. I'm guessing she is a few months old. They get along very well! The vet said our budgie would hit the little one but he didn't even try to hurt. They became friends really quick. The little one comes to hand and stays, and very calm. The male is also calm to other budgies etc but he barely comes to our hands, he flies away. He only lets us at night. We have handled him a few times, but I don't do it much. He was never really coming into our hands but doesn't really harshly bite neither.
I have two budgies, Mango and Blueberry. I have to say that Mango looks like he's molting but I'm trying my best to make Mango comfortable so Blueberry can't fight with Mango. I didn't know that Mango was molting. I wish I didn't disturbed him.
Is it ok to chase and grab my bird if I’m letting them out if their cage and they aren’t tamed? My birds aren’t tamed but we grab them to let them out of their cage and feed them lettuce which the do eat from us, also to bathe them so they stay clean so they won’t get sick as often without baths, and to check if they are hurt bc one of my canaries got hurt twice and we needed to cute off the bleeding nail which did help and put Vaseline on which alos really helped stop bleeding. When we let them out we open the cage door so that the can go 8n whenever they like since their cage is basically home to them
number 1 i have 2 brids and they like to get out the cage sumtimes but i come back to school they are sad i pet the too brids they talk a lot i love my brids sooo much
That's very informative. I had a rescue racing pigeon I found last summer that I cared for, & did my best to be sensitive to her as possible, including putting her to bed when it got dark, but sadly she died from a virus she must have already had from the racing coop after only a few weeks. A friend saw I was grieving over the loss of my bird, so she invited me to visit her & to meet her bird. Hers however, was a green parakeet, not a pigeon. The very 1st thing she did, introducing me to her bird, was to get me to give it peanuts. Not just 1 but more than 4, one after the other. At this point, the bird was in the cage, & accepted, slowly & hesitantly, presumably as a stranger, it didn't know me, & was sizing me out. Then, she got the bird out of the cage, & held it on her hand, then told me to give the bird another peanut. This time, the bird bit my finger really hard, & drew blood. I never really understood why, because I've never had parrots before, but this video really clarifies a number of points. After the lady's bird bit me, she then squashed it with both hands, pretended to bite it, then hit it on the head, repeatedly saying bad bird, then alternated with kissing the bird, still while holding it captive really tight, then forcefeeding it even more peanuts. When I had my pigeon instead, I literally never force fed it from my hand at all, I would put food in a bowl & let it eat for itself of its own free will. So it would seem the lady's parrot already probably had some trauma from the way it was handled, & also didn't actually like being force fed, in particular by a stranger. I even feed wild birds, pigeons, crows, magpies etc. But literally have always done my best to give any bird lots of space & to come to me of their own free will, (which they do, when they are happy to).. so next time, I will remember to give any bird space even if it's someone else's pet & say no thanks, it's Ok, I don't need to force feed someone else's pet next time. ✌🐦
God, how awful. I would probably end up yelling at someone if I saw them treat any animal that way. I mean, come on, hitting it and all that?! Physically restraining it and being cruel??! Jeez, how awful. That poor bird. No wonder it doesn't trust people, and bit hard on a stranger (the person its supposed to be able to trust wasnt kind to it, so how could they trust someone they barely just met, you know?) I'm glad you didn't just write it off as a "bad bird".. no pet is ever bad, its always poor ownership. 😢 It's ok to ask if strangers would like to offer a treat, but not force feeding.. thats just so brutish I can't even imagine it..! But getting birds well socialised is fairly important too, of course there's many methods, but just gently and carefully offering a treat from outside the cage through the bars for example, without chasing it or trying to force it, giving it the space to decide for itself whether it wants to or not, perfectly ok. Forcing is a no-no, offering and LISTENING when a bird clearly says "no!!" with their body language, that's good.
Ok the first one is very true. It happens to me when I try to cover their cage but after I am done,they go to sleep again and doesn’t really care about it 😅😅😅.The tips in this vid is so true and could sometimes be relatable but just don’t repeat it.
i adopted a half blind abused budgie and he does basically all of these things but every time he is sick he flies to me and just snuggles with me.Though a few days ago he sadly took his last breath at the age of 13,he was really old but he trusted me and knew i wouldnt do anything to harm him in his weakest times.He couldnt even fly so he just gave in.It was really sad since he meant a lot to me in the last 13 years i owned him.I had him since i was 3 years old and it was heartbreaking but i know he lived a good life with us and forgot his past.
Ohhh man 😭😭😭 My little brother is always bothering my budgies, he's leaing on their cage and shoving his fingers in between the bars and trying to touch them 😑 that's why I can't get them fully tamed
Ok number 3 is the reason why one of my budgies seems to hate me😔 when I bought her from the pet store she was tiny and her wings were clipped and now every time I trying to touch her she's freaking out and screaming like crazy so my guess is that when they clipped her wings at the pet store they traumatized her and bow she's super afraid and not really friendly Does anyone know what can I do in such a case??
Just keep her with you at all times dont try to scare her you should always interact with your budgie everyday and must at least make your hand interact with your bird everyday if you do this so on your budgie would begin to gain trust then eventually like you I hope this helps
I got trust from my bird by feeding them millet from my hand and try do something like school work nearthem to make them a little trust in you and yea dont force your budgie also make it step up on ur hand with millet and reward it
I know my Parrolet has trauma from being in his old owners house and that’s why he’s so afraid of hands because he never got interaction because his owners cat would try to, well like in every animated show, eat him.
Thank you for making the video It's been maybe 3 months since I have my current bird and I am not sure if he is just sassy or I did something wrong He spent a lot of time in my room free flight (always make a fuss about going back to cage, which is understandable) but he once was sweet and cuddly then now he likes to chill with me but against me touching him even if I only wanted to help scratch a hard spot - also just recently I accidentally pulled a cheek feather as I was trying to clean a clump and suddenly he panicked - any way I can say sorry? I love him either way but kinda wish to run him and not have me be a perch only
What is everyone’s opinion on clipping? Our bird finally grew his wings and he flies a-lot, but sometimes tries to fly into our tv screens. My husband and I think it would be cruel to clip him because he seems happier now :(
Clipping isn't a bad thing as long as you do it right :) my bird is clipped but he can still fly around the house, but he doesn't hurt himself as much or get lost. It depends on the bird and how you do it
I have two parakeets (one's a budgie, the other's a brotogeris jugularis), I had to clip their wings because our house's living room and yard aren't closed rooms, they could leave, get lost and/or get eaten by any predator. I don't intend on cutting their wings anymore, I'll just let them out of the cage only if they're inside the closed room.
I know my cocatiel loves me alot, he think i'm his mother or lover or something, and most of the time he wants to be close to me , But some days i come back from work and go straight to his cage, ready to give him all the love and cuddles in the world but he wants to continue sleeping or just don't want me to touch him, and it sucks for me because i missed his and wanted to hold him, but i respect his space and needs
I want to get birds, but I have a dog right now so I probably wouldn't be able to let them out of the cage often. If I house them in a large aviary instead of a typical bird cage, would it be okay to keep them in it most of the time?
yes, aviaries are way bigger than cages so im guessing it would be okay to keep them in their aviary most of the time but make sure to have a lot of toys and give your bird the attention it needs. Btw im not an expert but ig this is kinda just common sense lol
My bird is traumatized from the pet store as well, he had a injured wing, unable to fly, and was sick to the point of near death before my sister got him for free from the store. I’ve definitely made the mistake of grabbing him too much because I thought it might help him get used to humans and now I realize that’s very dumb. I hope to get him a friend soon because I don’t want him to be so lonely sometimes too.
I'm planning on getting a cockatiel from someone on Craigslist. She's 4 years old and they suspect was previously abused. I'm not sure if that was the case or it was mishandling (still a form of abuse I know) or being moved around too much. Unfortunately with birds like cockatiels and parakeets people often impulse adopt them then rehome once they realize they're loud and messy. Regardless of whether or not I am able to gain her trust one day, she will be safe with me.
Also my budgies start screaming at random parts of the day and start flying in it’s cage what does this mean I assume they want to come out of the cage
No...caz i went on a holiday for 1 month and when i come back...i saw my budgies did't forget me instead they become more active and happy when i come back!! And my dad told me that they were silent when i was in holidays...but when i come back everything became normal again😊
I’ve been working with my birds for 3 months I just want to be able to hold them but they always seem scared no matter what I do is there any hope for me to be able to hold them?
Thank you, I have 2 birds and only one of them doesn’t let me “grab” him, but the other one has no problem with me touching or grabbing, I guess it just depends on the personality then, they’re both friendly though, just that one of them likes spending more unbothered which I’m fine with.
We rescued a scaley breasted lorikeet and he/ she has recently seemed really anxious whenever I leave but, she seems traumatised from our small dogs because she was kicked out of her nest and our puppy found her and luckily she is starting to fly again
Thank you so much for your help I made more progress in the last two days bounding with my buggies then in the last month. I rescue this bird this summer. It was tromatised and have no trust in me. I don't give up on him. It's a work in progress.
Noo don’t buy a budgie cause you know how mach care it need and you can’t be able to handle it cause they are so aggressive with hands please don’t do it if you are alone at home 🏡.
You can buy a budgie it just you have to take care of it ☺ and buy food be sure to buy a lot of food (you don't need to) and save money. They can buy you but if you train them they won't I have 2 budgie and I train them like 2 1 month and like me. I watch a lot of vids form him. They chirp eat And play. You can not be boring in your house just let 2 weeks to know the house and then train them. They are perfect!!!
My sister got our bird last year for her birthday,and last year i barely even got a gift from mum(only a card and money and im not being ungrateful just saying a point)and shes selfish and doesn’t take care of it so thats why i decided that i should take care of him because our last one passed away(rip)so thats why i want to take care of him and,thanks to you im listening on your tips to tame it and this is my first day so lets see if i will be able to tame him :)
If they come out of the cage let them fly, don't try to stop them, grab them or rush them into the cage. They will fly back in the cage themselves once they get customized with the room space.
Number #1
Your budgie is just an a$$ 🕳
my budgy was traumatized by it's old owner, so he never knew if I was being friendly to him or mean. I then gave him to my teacher and now he's happy in a aviary with other birds. I'm so glad he's feeling alot better now :)
this comment made me sad
Do you ever miss him?
@@joemama7868 yes I do, but I'm happy that he's better
@ModestEthan can you put the cage in your bedroom so your father isn't near them? What he's doing is very bad for your birds. Image a giant 100 times bigger than you, grabbing you and screaming at you and not just once, multiple times. Keep the birds away from him if possible.
Perhaps is better to give them away. Birds are not for everyone
I wish there were more people like this who take care of animals and their needs and give useful advice on what people should or should not do
Oh no I messed up real bad. I did a lot wrong. Thank you for teaching me what to do and what not to do. I will take better care of my budgie from now on. Thank you so much.
(Edit) I no longer have the bird because I felt I could not take care of it and I felt like I was neglecting it. I gave it to a friend of mine and hopefully she is in a better home now. If I ever get another bird I will make sure to take better care of it.
I also messed up really bad as well :') I hope I can still gain my budgies trust i feel really bad, good luck!!
@@sockbackward Thanks. Good luck to you too!
Me too I got mine about a week and a half ago and I’m scared I won’t be able to tame it
@@kinleyoffill5893 Have you tamed the bird yet? I have 3 and it's exhausting trying to interact with them. One of them has a fractured foot too..
@@kinleyoffill5893 dont worry my first budgie i did a boat load wrong and he would bite and not hang out with me. but after learning alot and just giving him time and changing how i was with him he quickly turned around and now he is a great little fella. birds are not AS sensitive as this video makes them out to be. learn with your bird and treat them fair and right and they will always end up trusting you. sometimes it takes awhile ya but it will happen
I love how your videos are so short and actually are useful without taking much time
My Indian ring neck parrot was mistreated and full out abused by his first owner. I’ve been slowly trying to gain his trust. He likes to be around me, talks to me, and plays with me, but still is very afraid of hands. He won’t let me get too close with my hands and will only sometimes sit on my knee and chew my pants. He has come a long way, and I hope someday he will trust me enough to let me pet him. If he doesn’t, that’s okay. I’ll show him affection however he is comfortable. He has brought me so much joy.
have the same situation with a Conure. Something about hands terrifies him; but he does want to be near me.
i too make content of my baby bird mind checking him if you like him leave a sub!!
Damn EXACTLY like my Indian ring neck parrot!!!
Exactly, i also have an idian ringneck
My lovebird was also scared of my hands, unfortunately due to my own fault. The breeder told me to grab him and hold him until he calmed down in order to get him tame. This was terrible advice, he got scared of me and my hands and didn't get more tame. I stopped this after about the first week maybe. What I did instead is allow him to chose to come to me with food as bait, then just hang out. They are naturally curious so over time they get interested in you too. I made him less scared of my hands by training tricks with him using a clicker and a chopstick. (Touch training I believe the principle is called). This allowed me to make him want to touch the stick, it's a very flexible method and can be used for many things. Now he runs through my hand in the form of a tunnel. He still doesn't want me to pet him or grab him, but he is not scared of my hands anymore. This process may take a while, and lots of millet eating close to my hand was involved too. But he's no longer scared of being on, closeby, or being close to a moving hand unless it goes to grab him. Maybe this is helpful to you or someone else, we are now the best of friends and he loves everyone who comes over. P.s. don't teach tricks involving your hand first, just make him adjust to the process of doing tricks for rewards and touching the chopstick, patience is key. Maybe it won't work, my bird is only 1 year old now, in any case hope you still love your relationship with your baby
Your content is really good for budgie owners or people who want to know more about them I hope ur budgies live a long life
Lovely budgie Dancing and singing
vi too make content of my baby bird mind checking him if you like him leave a sub!!
My budgie is around 6 years old at this point, and shes a little grumpy old lady. Doesn't like you doing anything near her cage but she'll talk all day long if she finds something to talk about. Also, great video, great advice.
Yesterday, my sisters budgie died. His name was kiwi, and he was a very lively bird. He was around 4 years old and turned four November 11th. Rest in peace.
mine does this too. i feel so bad bc hes so old and i just want him to love me
@@Yarethzis_music is birds lifespan that short? 😥
@@Birbbb Yes
@Yarethzis_music Mine died in May last year, he was 7, R.I.P.
One of my birds normally accepts me as a friend, but when they’re molting they act like they’re on their period lmao 💀💀💀💀
Wait,people get irritable on their period? Interesting...
@@mikotheraskum2014 😒😒😒
@@hannahjinto5225 what? On my period i saw no significant change so i didnt know! Yes i am actually female,its just that for me the period only resembles a risk to get dirty
@@mikotheraskum2014 ohh ok sorry I misunderstood you
mine don’t hate me, they just bonded with each other instead of me, so i’m an allie
Nothing wrong with that! I might even wager it's better that way, as birds being bonded to each other is natural, and they're always together snd understand each other's behaviours and sounds completely as fellow birds. They get to communicate and be happy together as well as experience the affection of a human companion! ^^
I was recently gifted 2 from my sis-in-law because her cats wouldn't leave them alone. I know they'll never be as close as my departed lovebird of 18 years, but still enjoy them in the house and their interactions and chatting with each other. I'm just the food provider and cage cleaner Lol
As somebody who’s got four feathered friends I have a better understanding of each of their personalities and what one may be comfortable with but the others may not
I’m assuming my budgie is just a jerk lol
Totally agree MINE TOO
Lovely budgie Dancing and singing
i too make content of my baby bird mind checking him if you like him leave a sub!!
Yeah, mine has cage aggression, and she sometimes likes to act "grouchy" but she loves snuggles and watching me/being near me. She spends the majority of her time staring at me while I'm on my computer.
She's like me lol- she doesn't like ppl touching her but she's cute and smol I love her -3-
These points are so on the ball. I'd note that, from my experience (limited, but I've researched birds thoroughly and own four at the moment) the sleep point and the grabbing point you maaaaaay be able to work around if you have a strong relationship with your bird.
Having said that, SB is absolutely right in saying that these could lose trust, and you shouldn't be doing either of these things ideally. Even my birds that don't like being grabbed will tolerate it in an emergency, but if I did it regularly; we'd have issues.
My bird just never leaves me alone,if I leave the room ones,he starts screaming.
I had a super old budgie named Blue Bird. The SOB was like 15 or 16 years old and only at the very end did he seem to like me.
May he rest in peace.
My old one was a jerk but I loved him. May he fly high
you sound like if kermit did his best to imitate the voice of a human being (I love it)
One of mine is definitely number 10. He likes his space. I can move him around if I need to, but generally he'll come to me if he wants me to pick him up, but we've worked out a relationship for when I do need to move him (say he's out of the cage and I hear a knock on the door, I don't like leaving my budgies unsupervised in the flight room so I'll need to quickly pop him back in the cage).
These are "why your bird hates you," not "signs your bird hates you."
Thanks! I realiesed it now.... not rasict okay?
@@shadowassassin3793 wtf it has to do with racism 🙄🤦🏼♀️
@@laitdejabot9890 lmao sorry i meant to say not sarcasm okay? On yt everywhere there is either rasict or sarcastic
@@laitdejabot9890 because it is proven that black budgies are more agressive then white budgies
I have a good relationship with my 7 Month old male budgie. I had him from 6 weeks old. I followed the guidelines, left him to get acquainted with his home for the first 2 weeks. The next 2 weeks I offered him food and my finger, not forced it on him, to build up trust. From the first day he put one foot on my finger then both feet it was sketchy if he would keep doing it. Week 5 and 6 were amazing as he built up confidence to trust me and then he started to mimic gradually. Now he bobs his head while repeating 'budgie budgie budgie', asks for kisses and knows what to expect if I say 'kiss kiss kiss' to him. I can gently snuggle him with my nose and give him gentle kisses on his beak and back. He is excitable and loves to fly around my room and land on things. He has a habit of landing on my monitor and watching me type then lands on my head like he just conquered a castle with a comical 'budgie budgie bugieeeee' but my main reason for writing is we have an understanding of sleepy time. Around 7 or 8 pm I will dim the lights and when I go to put his loose cover over his cage he stretches out his wings and feet like he knows its bed time. I keep the volume down till I go to bed myself, always saying bed time to him before I switch off the lights. Super cute :) If I do forget to dim the lights eventually he will squawk loudly to get my attention. What cute and intelligent little things budgies are :)
Do birds go under beds a lot? I have a lot of room under the 2 beds in my room and I wouldn’t want it to get lost
@@joemama7868 mine got lost under the couch for 10 mins but they don’t stay under there because birds usually don’t like being on the ground their instinct is to perch up high so I let her chill there for a bit until she eventually came out
Your content is extremely good for budgie owners. It makes us learn a lot about them. Hope your budgies live a long life. ❤️
Lovely budgie Dancing and singing
Who's the monster that punishing their birds?😡 imagine hitting a little helpless budgie
I thought you were the real MrBeast lol
@@ganebriticu6700 I am
@@ShrekGG1 no ur not
@@glitchygum4586 yes I am
@@ShrekGG1 no u are not u only have 5 subscribers lol and mr beast has million subscribers
Your budgies are sooo CUTE i can't handle it ❤️❤️❤️
Ty I never dont know those things and I learn about that Thank you 🙏😇
This is very useful thank you and now I know how to fix it
(Heart Me!)
It's weird getting bird advice from Kermit.
He talks so kindly ❤❤❤
Yay!! Iam 2nd! And i think yt is drunk caz it is showing no views even tho there are 15 likes in just 1 sec *as it should*
Didn’t know Kermit knew a lot about birds
Lol, He actually sounds like Kermit hahahah
(No offense btw)
When I was child I did most of them. I pulled her tail, grabbed her, banged her cage while she was sleeping because idk i was just a child i wasn't conscious. and throughout her life she always tried to bite me which hurts really bad. Looking back, it's a miracle She lived +15years. I don't even remember when she was born
I have two budgies we bought a year ago. After a year they will sit on my hand fine but they don’t interact with me or my brother and are still a bit jumpy if you move your hand too fast or something. We give them millet, they don’t eat fruits and veg unless we sneak them into their seed. They have a big cage with plenty of toys and tbh we don’t know what to do. They interact with each other and play with each other.
You must spend time with them✌️
Just get them out! ❤
I Love your vids! 😇
one of my cockoteils charly has a very mean personality but after like a year of just letting him choose whether he wants head scratches or whats to come on your finger made him warm up too us and I think its very important to let your bird makes chooses
About half an hour ago my bird hit himself on the wall and his feather started bleeding. I put some turmeric on it since i heard it helps and it stopped the bleeding. His feather is still bloody inside the vein though. Do i remove it or let it fall on its own? He's doing fine now, but I'm worried and I don't have a vet near my city :(
@Leticia Pontes
I let it fall on its own and my little budgie is doing great! Thanks for asking 😊💜🦜
I have two budgies. I had one for 5 years, he had a girl with him for 2 years but she died after 2 years or 3? She was kinda aggressive and harmed my male a few times, and would bite us too. He's been alone for a while, and we can't always be at home, so we recently got him a little friend. I'm guessing she is a few months old. They get along very well! The vet said our budgie would hit the little one but he didn't even try to hurt. They became friends really quick. The little one comes to hand and stays, and very calm. The male is also calm to other budgies etc but he barely comes to our hands, he flies away. He only lets us at night. We have handled him a few times, but I don't do it much. He was never really coming into our hands but doesn't really harshly bite neither.
Very good and informative video - hope you will share much more 😉👍🦜
I have two budgies, Mango and Blueberry. I have to say that Mango looks like he's molting but I'm trying my best to make Mango comfortable so Blueberry can't fight with Mango. I didn't know that Mango was molting. I wish I didn't disturbed him.
Lovely budgie Dancing and singing
Is it ok to chase and grab my bird if I’m letting them out if their cage and they aren’t tamed? My birds aren’t tamed but we grab them to let them out of their cage and feed them lettuce which the do eat from us, also to bathe them so they stay clean so they won’t get sick as often without baths, and to check if they are hurt bc one of my canaries got hurt twice and we needed to cute off the bleeding nail which did help and put Vaseline on which alos really helped stop bleeding. When we let them out we open the cage door so that the can go 8n whenever they like since their cage is basically home to them
Nice video! Keep going!
number 1 i have 2 brids and they like to get out the cage sumtimes but i come back to school they are sad i pet the too brids they talk a lot
i love my brids sooo much
That's very informative. I had a rescue racing pigeon I found last summer that I cared for, & did my best to be sensitive to her as possible, including putting her to bed when it got dark, but sadly she died from a virus she must have already had from the racing coop after only a few weeks. A friend saw I was grieving over the loss of my bird, so she invited me to visit her & to meet her bird. Hers however, was a green parakeet, not a pigeon.
The very 1st thing she did, introducing me to her bird, was to get me to give it peanuts. Not just 1 but more than 4, one after the other. At this point, the bird was in the cage, & accepted, slowly & hesitantly, presumably as a stranger, it didn't know me, & was sizing me out. Then, she got the bird out of the cage, & held it on her hand, then told me to give the bird another peanut. This time, the bird bit my finger really hard, & drew blood.
I never really understood why, because I've never had parrots before, but this video really clarifies a number of points.
After the lady's bird bit me, she then squashed it with both hands, pretended to bite it, then hit it on the head, repeatedly saying bad bird, then alternated with kissing the bird, still while holding it captive really tight, then forcefeeding it even more peanuts.
When I had my pigeon instead, I literally never force fed it from my hand at all, I would put food in a bowl & let it eat for itself of its own free will. So it would seem the lady's parrot already probably had some trauma from the way it was handled, & also didn't actually like being force fed, in particular by a stranger. I even feed wild birds, pigeons, crows, magpies etc. But literally have always done my best to give any bird lots of space & to come to me of their own free will, (which they do, when they are happy to).. so next time, I will remember to give any bird space even if it's someone else's pet & say no thanks, it's Ok, I don't need to force feed someone else's pet next time. ✌🐦
Wow this was long but I read it all
God, how awful. I would probably end up yelling at someone if I saw them treat any animal that way. I mean, come on, hitting it and all that?! Physically restraining it and being cruel??! Jeez, how awful. That poor bird. No wonder it doesn't trust people, and bit hard on a stranger (the person its supposed to be able to trust wasnt kind to it, so how could they trust someone they barely just met, you know?)
I'm glad you didn't just write it off as a "bad bird".. no pet is ever bad, its always poor ownership. 😢
It's ok to ask if strangers would like to offer a treat, but not force feeding.. thats just so brutish I can't even imagine it..! But getting birds well socialised is fairly important too, of course there's many methods, but just gently and carefully offering a treat from outside the cage through the bars for example, without chasing it or trying to force it, giving it the space to decide for itself whether it wants to or not, perfectly ok. Forcing is a no-no, offering and LISTENING when a bird clearly says "no!!" with their body language, that's good.
I never knew pigeon racing was a thing
i have a rescue racing pigeon myself, we think hes nearing two at the moment, love the guy to death
Same My budgie be like yay food if I don't give it it will start screaming 😂
Ok the first one is very true. It happens to me when I try to cover their cage but after I am done,they go to sleep again and doesn’t really care about it 😅😅😅.The tips in this vid is so true and could sometimes be relatable but just don’t repeat it.
Same, whatever I take my bird in the cage she goes in the corner and act like she is sleeping, I don't know why she do this?
Lovely budgie Dancing and singing
i adopted a half blind abused budgie and he does basically all of these things but every time he is sick he flies to me and just snuggles with me.Though a few days ago he sadly took his last breath at the age of 13,he was really old but he trusted me and knew i wouldnt do anything to harm him in his weakest times.He couldnt even fly so he just gave in.It was really sad since he meant a lot to me in the last 13 years i owned him.I had him since i was 3 years old and it was heartbreaking but i know he lived a good life with us and forgot his past.
Woah 13!
I hope my birds live long
Thanks for giving him a good life 😃
Thankfully, my little budgie started to like me. I still find this list useful cuz now i know what not to do.
Thank you very much!
Thanks I just got my bird yesterday -buddgie Now I now how to not disturb my budgie! This vid helped a lot to me!😁😁😁😁😁😀😀😀😆😆😆
Ohhh man 😭😭😭
My little brother is always bothering my budgies, he's leaing on their cage and shoving his fingers in between the bars and trying to touch them 😑 that's why I can't get them fully tamed
Eliminate the child
@@ZaFakeFoilo need to do this to my sister^^
"10 signs your bird hates you"
me: *puts finger near bird*
bird: REEEEEEEEE *flies away*
Ok number 3 is the reason why one of my budgies seems to hate me😔
when I bought her from the pet store she was tiny and her wings were clipped and now every time I trying to touch her she's freaking out and screaming like crazy so my guess is that when they clipped her wings at the pet store they traumatized her and bow she's super afraid and not really friendly
Does anyone know what can I do in such a case??
Just keep her with you at all times dont try to scare her you should always interact with your budgie everyday and must at least make your hand interact with your bird everyday if you do this so on your budgie would begin to gain trust then eventually like you I hope this helps
Agree mine traumatized from the pet store too.. still not tamed lord jesus
I got trust from my bird by feeding them millet from my hand and try do something like school work nearthem to make them a little trust in you and yea dont force your budgie also make it step up on ur hand with millet and reward it
@@Dutch756 You shouldn't do that every day. You have school work and that's more important than birds.
@@stefigachadimova7479 dude I'm litteraly passing my grades plus it doesn't matter I interact with him everyday so that doesn't really matter
Great information☺ always helps
I know my Parrolet has trauma from being in his old owners house and that’s why he’s so afraid of hands because he never got interaction because his owners cat would try to, well like in every animated show, eat him.
Thumbs up👍 I own 2
Great video and I love how your voice sounds like KERMIT THE FROG💚🐸
My budgie is quite weird he doesn’t like to go out of his cage I don’t know why.
Mine is like running in the cage and asking to come out everyday-
Mine either no matter what.. I keep him busy but still won’t come out.
He likes his cage. Don't force him!!!
Lovely budgie Dancing and singing
My budgie died Last year on July 2nd ,he was with me for 7 years and I realllyyyyy miss him 💔he was so cute.
Thank you for making the video
It's been maybe 3 months since I have my current bird and I am not sure if he is just sassy or I did something wrong
He spent a lot of time in my room free flight (always make a fuss about going back to cage, which is understandable) but he once was sweet and cuddly then now he likes to chill with me but against me touching him even if I only wanted to help scratch a hard spot - also just recently I accidentally pulled a cheek feather as I was trying to clean a clump and suddenly he panicked - any way I can say sorry?
I love him either way but kinda wish to run him and not have me be a perch only
Lovely budgie Dancing and singing
I'll be honest, the thumbnail is what brought me here.
What is everyone’s opinion on clipping? Our bird finally grew his wings and he flies a-lot, but sometimes tries to fly into our tv screens. My husband and I think it would be cruel to clip him because he seems happier now :(
Do not clip his wings. Let him be happy
don't clip him!! he will learn to not fly into the tv lol. if you clip them they will not like you.
@@KitsukiFox so update! We decided not to cut him. He is a lot less clumsy now and flies well. But I wouldn’t say he likes us any more for it 🤣
Clipping isn't a bad thing as long as you do it right :) my bird is clipped but he can still fly around the house, but he doesn't hurt himself as much or get lost. It depends on the bird and how you do it
I have two parakeets (one's a budgie, the other's a brotogeris jugularis), I had to clip their wings because our house's living room and yard aren't closed rooms, they could leave, get lost and/or get eaten by any predator.
I don't intend on cutting their wings anymore, I'll just let them out of the cage only if they're inside the closed room.
I know my cocatiel loves me alot, he think i'm his mother or lover or something, and most of the time he wants to be close to me ,
But some days i come back from work and go straight to his cage, ready to give him all the love and cuddles in the world but he wants to continue sleeping or just don't want me to touch him, and it sucks for me because i missed his and wanted to hold him, but i respect his space and needs
yeah you should tell that to my budgie, he keeps on flying on my face while im doing homework
At least your budgie goes near you voluntarily 😭😭😭
I want to get birds, but I have a dog right now so I probably wouldn't be able to let them out of the cage often. If I house them in a large aviary instead of a typical bird cage, would it be okay to keep them in it most of the time?
yes, aviaries are way bigger than cages so im guessing it would be okay to keep them in their aviary most of the time but make sure to have a lot of toys and give your bird the attention it needs. Btw im not an expert but ig this is kinda just common sense lol
Luckily non of my birds hate me 😊 but I loved the video!
Lovely budgie Dancing and singing
My bird is traumatized from the pet store as well, he had a injured wing, unable to fly, and was sick to the point of near death before my sister got him for free from the store. I’ve definitely made the mistake of grabbing him too much because I thought it might help him get used to humans and now I realize that’s very dumb. I hope to get him a friend soon because I don’t want him to be so lonely sometimes too.
Lol, you can't show "punishing your bird".... so you wag a finger at him 😂 That's a good idea
I'm planning on getting a cockatiel from someone on Craigslist. She's 4 years old and they suspect was previously abused. I'm not sure if that was the case or it was mishandling (still a form of abuse I know) or being moved around too much. Unfortunately with birds like cockatiels and parakeets people often impulse adopt them then rehome once they realize they're loud and messy. Regardless of whether or not I am able to gain her trust one day, she will be safe with me.
Also my budgies start screaming at random parts of the day and start flying in it’s cage what does this mean I assume they want to come out of the cage
It can be playing and happy. If you budgie chirp a lot means it's happy
It can be they want to go outside the room they need to get freedom Note:Make sure the window are closed!
@@ninagarcia8985 what about screaming you know that kind of annoying sound they make that’s really loud? Thx by the way
Why you don't let them our of their cage they trying to tell you they want out
@@berrythebudgie9004 I do whenever they act like that I let them out
The blue and yellow bird is gorgeous!
So true. Sometimes I do this things. But I better don't do this things. Thanks for sharing 😊
The bird wants to eat my finger in Caloocan but he thought its a food lol
Salvador can my budgie forget me after 4 days if not seeing me im going on holydays
No...caz i went on a holiday for 1 month and when i come back...i saw my budgies did't forget me instead they become more active and happy when i come back!! And my dad told me that they were silent when i was in holidays...but when i come back everything became normal again😊
@@mdmoheuddinbhuiyan6688 tysm
No worries your budgie won't forget you even after half a year 😉
Just make sure there's someone that taking a good care of it.
@@Bird-Nuggets there is my friend comes to my house everyday to change its food and water!
Thanks Salvador budgie for this insformation i will be careful next time
I’ve been working with my birds for 3 months I just want to be able to hold them but they always seem scared no matter what I do is there any hope for me to be able to hold them?
Your voice remind me of Bert and Ernie in a good way👍🏼
I think my bird is traumatized from the pet store. They also clipped the wings on my bird along with the other birds there.
Thank you, I have 2 birds and only one of them doesn’t let me “grab” him, but the other one has no problem with me touching or grabbing, I guess it just depends on the personality then, they’re both friendly though, just that one of them likes spending more unbothered which I’m fine with.
i’m not gonna lie the guys kinda sounds like kermit
“Not spending time with your bird”
Me: I hang out with my green cheek conure ALL day everyday I NEVER leave him!
We rescued a scaley breasted lorikeet and he/ she has recently seemed really anxious whenever I leave but, she seems traumatised from our small dogs because she was kicked out of her nest and our puppy found her and luckily she is starting to fly again
Title should be: 10 REASONS your bird hates you, instead of: 10 SIGNS your bir………
I feel u
Thank you so much for your help I made more progress in the last two days bounding with my buggies then in the last month. I rescue this bird this summer. It was tromatised and have no trust in me. I don't give up on him. It's a work in progress.
Honestly, my bird bites me a lot but it’s only when I pet her (unless it’s a morning cheek rub) so I don’t do it anymore
Is your is a budgie??
Budgies doesn't like to be petted
@@ItsTheCloudy No,mines a red headed amazon on my pfp :) I only have one bird
@@ilovekiwii Ooooo
Thanks for so important information!
I am 11 year old shall I buy a budgie ?
Noo don’t buy a budgie cause you know how mach care it need and you can’t be able to handle it cause they are so aggressive with hands please don’t do it if you are alone at home 🏡.
You can buy a budgie it just you have to take care of it ☺ and buy food be sure to buy a lot of food (you don't need to) and save money. They can buy you but if you train them they won't I have 2 budgie and I train them like 2 1 month and like me. I watch a lot of vids form him. They chirp eat And play. You can not be boring in your house just let 2 weeks to know the house and then train them. They are perfect!!!
I think you should buy a budgie only after you did a research and know enough about hoe to take care of a budgie 😊
Yes ofc you want! (Iam 11 years too!) But only if u know how to take care
I got my birds when I was seven and they are still living a happy life ^^
thank you for the explanation we just got 2new budgies😁
my budgie doesn't like cuddle 😭😭 even tho I pet him almost 6 months already😌😭
Most budgies don't like to be touched
@@birbfriends7705 really?? 😭😭
@@니나-x5h it takes a long time to bond, and even then they might not because of their history or care reasons
Is it just me, or do I hear Kermit teaching me about birds?
seems like my birds don’t hate me
I am guilty of grabbing my canary with my bare hands cause HTF shall I get him into a vet cage?
Using a towel instead of hands for example?
yea.. my budgies DEFINITELY hate me 👍
New subs bc this helped so much
Salvoder bugie : 1 your disdibing your birds sleep
Me : the only things my parakeets be doin at night is making out
But seriously why
this video contains budgies
@@CelysRebornBabies yes
Thanks for the info Kermit
Okay okay i am first
I have some new eggs! Also thank you for these tips :) I really needed it because I’m still a bit of a new bird owner :D
a year ago i didnt know these were that bad and then i stopped 3 weeks after it lol
Lovely budgie Dancing and singing
My sister got our bird last year for her birthday,and last year i barely even got a gift from mum(only a card and money and im not being ungrateful just saying a point)and shes selfish and doesn’t take care of it so thats why i decided that i should take care of him because our last one passed away(rip)so thats why i want to take care of him and,thanks to you im listening on your tips to tame it and this is my first day so lets see if i will be able to tame him :)
Heyyy budgiefans!
How do U hand tame it mine are too scared of me and it's difficult to get them into their cage
If they come out of the cage let them fly, don't try to stop them, grab them or rush them into the cage. They will fly back in the cage themselves once they get customized with the room space.
Just why u say '' 10 signs'' and u talking about the ''reason'' ?? need to be more accurate xdd (srr for my english)
These tips are really good