lol so true! There's so much piracy in the Spore galaxy! Maybe in saves where we ally the Grox we can make a joint task force to cracked down more on piracy haha.
The ability needs a buff tbh, the whole thing about it is that it's supposed to be another way to create chaos and distract turrets or enemies while you focus on capture. If they're not gonna make the pirates stronger, atleast make them more numerous, calling for help from allies is 100% better than using raider rally. (just don't forget to steal the cities they almost captured)
@@mishagaming1075 well, the abiltiy funnily enough helps in diplomatic delicate situations (ally attacking another ally), it makes the attacker stop fighting and then the pirates leave as well.
@ram0s._1 iirc it doesn't hurt animals so either the epic would ignore you or would get aggroed but wouldn't take damage. I think the only reason the "i'm taking this straight to town hall" exists is because it's a bug, it's registering your town hall as an entity. Which it likely is an entity, which is how it has animations.
as someone who almost always does shaman for most of my creatures (unless I intentionally want otherwise) I'm glad to see return ticket get the appreciation it deserves!
Hello, I want to thank you for creating Spore content. This community is very dear to me, since I've played this game as a child and I still do now. I am very glad to see people still playing this awesome game and even uncovering new secrets and ways to enjoy it. Please keep on doing what you're doing. Cheers!
oh this is exactly the kind of hyper specific, nerdy content i need Also, i’d really like to thank you for having captions on your videos! I have an auditory processing disorder and often struggle with understanding words. captions allow me to not have to spend so much energy on listening and interpreting and let me just enjoy the video. :]
I kinda like Flying Fish as well. However, one thing I dislike about it is a glitch that sometime occurs where the sea monster will pop above the water, but then immediately go back under and never do the big splash that sends the fish to the shore. Not only that, but it means that unless I reload an older save I’ll be forced to listen to the sound of that sea monster consistently howling for the rest of tribal stage.
I didn't know the sea monster would keep making noise if it doesn't work, that's odd. But I think if the sea monster doesn't do the splash, the chieftain called the sea monster too far away from the shore. I believe I've ran into that where our tribe spawns in the middle of the continent and I tried calling from there and nothing happened.
Let me know what you thought of this Tier List ranking! Additional finding for Pleasing Performance (22:35): while a colony is striking and not producing spice, if we save and quit and reload the game, the colony will start producing spice again without fixing the colony! The colony will still be treated as if it’s under attack and can’t be contacted like normal and can start protesting again, but this is an interesting glitch and work around to keep collecting spice while not needing to add entertainments. I found this after finishing the video, but this wouldn’t have changed Pleasing Performance’s placement on the Tier List. Additional uses for Raider Rally (1:55), thanks to @danielgrizzlus3950 @Daedwartin2 @matatic3689 for explaining it to me, Raider Rally can be used during an attack and will replace the first attacking fleet and make them leave! The pirates can then be easily dispatched and quickly stop an attack on our colonies or allied planets. Defending from a Raider Rally on a colony or allies will also count towards, and can be used to grind, the Body Guard badge. These additions may have raised Raider Rally from the bottom to the top of F Tier for me. However, thwarting an attack on a colony isn't necessary with an Uber Turret and I typically ignore allies' defense requests anyway because failing a defense I believe only results in up to -50 "You Failed Missions" after many failings, which isn't too steep for allied empires. The Body Guard Badge also unlocks passively in the background from attacks on our own colonies defended by Uber Turrets, or from successful defenses of allies on their own.
I enjoyed it. What do you think the optimal space stage set up is? Know Fanatical Frenzy would undoubtedly be the consequence since you can change archetypes, but what about the 4 consequences before?
@@NoName-oz3gj I originally thought a R,B,G,B for the Space Bonuses, giving Power Monger, Speed Demon, Gracious Greeting, and Spice Savant. But if Spice Savant doesn't appear to work then I'd switch that for Green Keeper R, B, G, G :)
I hate the radioactive debirs piles of Gadget Bomb, I'd definitely put it much lower then any other instant city takeover or a Mighty Bomb. I wanna say low B tier? (Or maybe even high C given your other placements). I think you underrated the Refreshing Storm. It's true that you can gather food easy and fast in general, so you never run out, however, since the ability spawns a ton of fruit, and you can cast it very close to your village, it makes you gather food for new members and tools visibly faster, especially in early game. I'd put it somewhere in C tier personally, not gamebreaking, but add a bit of speed and convenience.
Safari Vacuum is my hero because I love balancing out planets. Whenever I wander past one with an unfinished ecosystem I stop what I’m doing and fill it out. I don’t place a colony or anything, I just get joy from doing it. Safari Vacuum is perfect for easily gathering samples and refreshing my stocks when I get bored of the same animals.
I haven't played in a long time so I could be misremembering. But one use for raider rally is to stop two allies fighting each other without angering either one, since I think the game always allows there to be only one invader at a time.
@@KinglyValence Also, If im not mistaken...You can also just immediately turn on your hired help to get a small bonus to opinion for defending the planet from pirates...that you summoned.
I tried it out and yeah summoning the Raider Rally will basically replace the current attacking fleet and the first one will leave! I don't think this'll change Raider Rally on the Tier List too much for me, but this may have raised it higher in F. The defending empire will get Completed Missions relationship bonus for booting out the attackers, but not for the Raider Rally itself. And the defending planet has to already be allied to ask for defense so Raider Rally can't be used to gain favor before becoming an ally. If the defending planet gets conquered we get "You Failed Missions" penalty which I think goes to -50, so not too bad if we choose to ignore them and they can't defend themselves. Raider Rally does help if we want to grind the Body Guard badge! Summoning a Raider Rally then immediately destroying them will count towards the badge. However, defending our own colonies also counts which can be done passively from pirates or leaving a warring empire nearby and defending with an Uber Turret. This is a cool addition I hadn't considered, I'll add it to the pin and credit y'all :)
One of your arguments against refreshing storm was that it doesn't help carnivores... but it's the reward you get for being an herbivore. So unless you kept jaws from the cell stage and never put on an herbivore mouth you can't be a carnivore with refreshing storm. Still a bad ability though.
The endgame civilization stage abilities are such a great idea from Maxis. Every 4X game has a point where you've become the most powerful empire on the planet and it's obvious you're the one going to win, but you still have to go through the slog of actually finishing off the rest of the players or teching to the science victory or something. It's the reason why nobody ever actually plays one of these types of games to their ending screen and just starts a new game instead. Maxis is such a genius for adding a way to skip this and go on to the space stage, otherwise the slog of obtaining the last four cities in the civilization stage would be horrendous and I guarantee you people would be calling it the worst stage instead of tribal had they not done it that way.
@@Wolfie54545 it's been years since i've playes spore, but iirc once you own more than half the cities on your homeworld, it unlocks an ability that takes over all remaining cities soon after.
What I love doing is bringing a purple planet to 3rd teir, placing a monolith, and then using cash infusion on it. I can make billions of spore bucks using this method in space stage because it allows me to have purple planets with 6-10 cities on them. This also allows me to reach deep into grox space, making a habital space zone for me to eazily make it to the center. It also makes other playthroughs easier as I can just start on space stage, race to the middle of the galaxy, then use the Staff of Life to make it so the grox cannot inhabit that planet anymore. I can then use my other saves to inhabit those worlds with either monoliths or my own colonies. the staff of life usually takes 30 seconds, while terraforming normally with all the tools usually takes 2 minutes a planet.
Raider Rally isn't meant to conquer you planets for free. Of course anything is weak compared to Fanatical Frenzy, but I think the inteded use case for Raider Rally is just more ships the enemies can target instead of you, basically acting as meat shields. Idk though, it's been years and years since I played Spore. Your content is making me want to play again though so kudos man.
Summoning Raider Rally on a planet that's already under attack by another empire also causes the ships of the attacking empire to immediately leave. It's useful if two of your allies are attacking each other, and for instantly repelling Grox attacks.
Once again, thank you for covering more Spore topic! It makes me feel like a kid again. I probably spent hundreds of hours playing Spore as a kid, after all...
Flying Fish S tier because it's silly and I like it, all religious skills go into Burn in Hell tier because when I was doing a no death run in spore the first city that popped up was a religious one that came over and immediately kicked my shit in and I've had a burning hatred for religious cities ever since
I don't play spore anymore, but it holds a strong place in my heart. I only ever played easy difficulty, never completed space stage and spent most of my time in the creature editor having fun, but it still was a very formative game for me. so, thank you for making spore content when so few others want to
Back in the day i found a guide of abilities, optimizing for only the ones that affect Space stage, in an overall sense taking into account what combo you would be able to get together, not just the Archetype ability. Once reading them all i pretty much always went Red for Cell stage, flipped between Green and Red for Creature stage, Green for Tribal stage, and Blue for Civ stage.
Fanatical Frenzy was broken enough to have kid me go from system to system taking over almost an entire arm of the galaxy, and the species which I did that with ended up being the basis behind the primary villains of a sci-fi story I've been working on now as an adult. Meanwhile, Raider Rally was always just an inconvenient button I had to avoid while having the combat tab open at all; being pretty much a punishment for doing murder hobo runs. It's baffling how different those two abilities are in terms of usefulness. In terms of the final tier list, the only placement I (very mildly) disagree with is Summon Flock. The sheer social power it can give, plus the extra bit of dps and damage sponging the flock offers during combat if it ever comes to that, makes early-mid Creature Stage a cakewalk. It _is_ pretty RNG-based, with the species summoned with it being randomized with every use iirc, so that could skew how people see it. But when a species is brought in that has +2 in every social category, it pretty much guarantees an instant win for every social interaction even if you haven't unlocked the stronger social parts yet. I would put it just under Siren Song since it allows you to muscle past a majority of social interactions with minimal investment (slap on the base 25 cost social parts and you're good to go) vs Siren Song giving you access to more social opportunities, but requiring more investment (finding and putting on parts with higher social abilities and/or bringing along pack members with a good social spread).
I love hearing about how Spore left an impact on our younger selves and into our adult lives! Spore was one of the main reasons I wanted to study biology early in life :) That's fair for Summon Flock. Perhaps it could have gone higher in A, but I was trying take into account how much work we had to put in ourselves to get the most use out of it. Whereas I was keeping S tier for abilities that practically won us the game with no effort like the Civilization Stage take over abilities. But Siren Song made it to S for me because it can befriending aggressive creatures isn't normally possible and adds a whole new dimension to the game :)
I think gravitation wave is D or F tier. I have never once used it, despite finishing as a scientist more than once. It is the worst way to take over a planet because you don’t get the benefit of the buildings. And for tribal and civilization planets, I would rather use a monolith then take it over later.
I really have to say, I love the rise of channels that focus almost purely on a nieche game forgotten nowadays. Love your content, really makes me wanna give Spore another chance. Used to love it back then, hell my biggest videos are all Spore-related.
I do think Mini-U deserves at least a small bump up for the fact that it is the only architype ability that cannot be unlocked through galactic adventures, making the Knight one of the better architypes to start with.
I was mostly ranking what the abilities did, without how to obtain them. Though it is interesting that Knight can't be gained through the Split Personality mission or Galactic Adventures. Maybe in another vid could take about best abilities to have and how to get/change them through the Stages, Split Personality, or Galactic Adventures :)
@@KinglyValence very late but (base spore) mini-u adds a new temporary fleet slot if used when your fleet is full from my experience, i havent tried it with a maxed out fleet of 5 slots from the final badge but when i did when having only two slots and were both occupied a third one was added until the mini-u died
@@Oktav99a Once there are 5 occupied fleet slots the Summon Mini-U won't add a 6th ship, but yeah that aspect is definitely useful until filling reaching the maximum fleet with allies :)
Great video, and I generally agree with most of the rankings. In my casual playthroughs, I typically care more about creating an interesting story and lineup for my species than min/maxing the specific consequence traits. It's not like it's a detriment to have any of them really, they all do something as opposed to beginning Space with no traits. Still, I guess there's a reason I rarely ever do Social in creature stage or Aggressive in tribal (though that may have to do with how I find those particular playstyles more boring but I digress).
this video literally inspired me to purchase spore again. and funnily enough it’s currently 75% off on steam so this was perfect timing! thank you for this video! spore may have its flaws but i loved it as a kid, and even then, i mostly played the same way each time. im looking forward to trying different approaches! i think i missed a lot of the stuff this game has to offer
I innitially thought Raider Rally was helpful because it would distract spaceships while you are trying to take over a planet but... yeah it honestly doesn't work that well
I have found that Raider Rally can be used for a little useful glitch I found. In the event the grox invade an ally’s planet, you can use Raider Rally and the grox will leave immediately. I think it also works on empire and pirate invasions as well, but I might be wrong. It works for sure on the Grox.
Yeah using the Raider Rally during an attack will boot out the previous invaders, works for all invading empires. I didn't know it at the time of the video but added it to the pinned comment :)
Love your content and channel. I’d love to see a creature stage speedrun to try and get level 5 in every single possible stat. Health, speed, sprint, sneak, Jump, glide, social and attack stats, everything.
I actually did something similar to this, but it was for consequence traits. I evaluated them based on the costs/benefits of their required gameplay and the benefit they bring to the future stages. Space archetypes were also thrown in but were evaluated less on what is missed out, and more on the benefit of their supertool (this is because an archetype change is possible, so technically any consequence trait combination is possible). If I remember correctly, my S tier consisted of Herbivore, Economic, Scientist, and Shaman.
Imagine your species just built your first tribe, your chillin, and some guy in a ship comes by and says "Nah this is mine" and sends you back a few million years with a massive gravity wave
Btw, if you activate Summon Mini-U after your fleet is complete, it'll create a temporary 6th slot for itself. It isnt s game changer, but kinda nice to have an even bigger fleet.
The Summon Mini-U doesn't work after holding 5 ally ships, and won't make a 6th slot, unfortunately. Are you on an older version that did this? The latest version of Spore the Mini-U says "No room in fleet for another ship" with 5 allies.
That's amazing. One thing I wish you'd also show the path to get to each ability somewhere on the screen, so this video could also be used to decide your playthroughs :)
This is super late, but Raider Rally does have a pretty niche but useful application!! If you have two allies who are at war with each other, and one sends an attack on the other, normally you have two choices-- you can either shoot down the attackers, and take up to -100 reputation for destroying their ships, or you can do nothing, and take up to -100 reputation (both of these values are at maximum, and not immediate). However, if you have Raider Rally, you can go to the planet being fought over and activate it. The attackers will leave, and the pirates will arrive, giving you a much easier and less consequential set of targets to destroy, and you still get credit toward the Body Guard badge! This is a niche ability, I'd say it's no better than C tier as it is, and it's hardly warrior behavior, but it can help you salvage a relationship with two empires at war.
I don't care how weird of a choice it was for Maxis to include finish civilisation stage half way through playing it button in the game, getting to that point and unleashing these abilities is always so satisfying
This was a awesome vid. I remember finding refreshing storm nice but I don't think it generates really more food than flying fish for sure. I didn't know a lot about the space stage abilities you can unlock. Maybe it was just my playstyle but I never got super far with them and reading about them from the instruction booklet made some of them sound really unapealling. that being said return ticket is a must have for real.
I dont remember tribal stage fondly because I remember how not being able to speak english I had no way to get past the tutorial and the game just stayed paused and I couldnt play. Other than that I love the fish rain and firebombs very fun.
I think the weapons discount should be higher than it is because sometimes getting good relations with an empire that will actually sell you them isn't possible or even worth it and so you have to buy them from home.
To add to the usefulness of the fanatical frenzy: the use of it on Grox systems while you're at war seems to have this confusing effect on them that I don't think is intended. Basically the Grox attempts to attack random systems repeatedly, except when they're conquered with fanatical frenzy, but they will still try to target them, making your colonies never a target for an attack. When I first defeated the Grox and I learned of this it saved me so much time from defending my owns systems since it seems they're capable of destroying your systems even if you have an uber turrent (though it takes a few rounds of attacks). I haven't done enough testing so take what I say with a grain of salt but ever since I used the fanatical frenzy on their systems while I was at war I was never attacked by the Grox. Also i think the raider rally is super underated here, they're incredibly useful for quickly dealing with attacks, as using them will undo the current attack, and since they all spawn in a wormhole you can just fire a mega laser at them and quickly wipe them clean.
Oh interesting, if we Fanatical Frenzy a Grox system while they are at war, they will be unable to attack any of our colonies because they will always be targeting the Fanatical Frenzied system which they are unable to attack? I tried out the Raider Rally and yeah it will basically replace the current attacking fleet and the first one will leave! Pretty cool but I don't think it'll change Raider Rally on the Tier List too much for me, but this may have raised it higher in F than the bottom. It's not needed on our own colonies thanks to the Uber Turret, so it would be best for removing attacks from allied empires. We do get Completed Missions relationship bonus for booting out the attackers, but not additionally for the Raider Rally itself. And the empire has to already be allies anyway to ask for defense so we can't use Raider Rally to gain favor before becoming an ally which would have been cool! If an allied defending planet gets conquered we get "You Failed Missions" penalty which I think goes to -50, so not too bad if we choose to ignore them and they can't defend themselves, so I don't usually even help allies lol. Raider Rally does help if we want to grind the Body Guard badge quickly! Summoning a Raider Rally then immediately destroying them will count towards the badge. However, defending our own colonies also counts which can be done passively from pirates or leaving a warring empire nearby and defending with an Uber Turret. This a cool addition for Raider Rally I didn't know about when making the video, I'll add it to the pin and credit ya :)
A suggestion for a video: Quick ways to grind the space stage medals. You already showcased the exploit with frequent flyer and i'm sure there are other similar exploits for the other medals.
hey i love the video, great to see spore tier lists being made in 2023 in your opinion if you hypothetically wanted to conquer the entire spore galaxy what would you suggest would be the optimal combination of bonuses for space stage i was thinking zealot R/R/G/G but id love to hear your input
I originally thought a R,B,G,B for the Space Bonuses, then do the Split Personality mission to get the Fanatical Frenzy from another empire once in Space. This gives Power Monger, Speed Demon, Gracious Greeting, and Spice Savant. But if Spice Savant doesn't appear to work then I guess switch that for Green Keeper R, B, G, G :)
Once I was playing an herbivore in tribal, and I had just gotten back from wiping out one tribe when another decided to raid us the moment we got home. Most of my tribe was just wiped out, we had no food, it looked like it was all over. So I desperately clicked fireworks for the first time and they immediately backed off and just went home allowing me to recoup my losses and eek out the dub
Curious if you would ever be interested in doing other tier lists. I love the playthroughs that are the main draw of this channel and will eagerly await more, but I think it might be interesting to see a tier list of, say, creature parts (like comparing different parts within the same category, (ex: mouths, hands, feet, weapons, or details) with each other).
Soothing song is at LEAST better than raider rally, since any positive relationship gained while it is active stays. This can easily stop wars with empires you don't want to war with, since you can just use the super happy laser, put down an embassy, or buy their stuff for positive relationship. I've used it a ton to supplement my Zealot playthrough when I didn't realize that a useful ally was nearby so I could completely negate the "broke galactic code" negative modifier.
Fun fact when your allies fight each other and you dont wanna destroy their space ships just use raider rally it makes allies spaceships go away and u can fast and easly destroy pirates and gain even more friendly points
8:07 Siren Song can even let you friend an epic, but its very rare, for more details sometimes in spore 2 creatures can spawn in 2 ways so if an epic spawns then another creature that is the same creature as that same epic but its not an epic you can use Siren Song on it become friends with it and boom your now friends with the epic, you can NOT get the epic in your pack but its still really cool
One obscure use of firebombs is using them to attack tribes you have previously allied. I sometimes do this if I want to start civilization stage as an economic civ and not a religious one.
I kinda want to see the Galactic Adventures missions speedrun, either each mission individually or how fast you can do all of them from the beginning of space stage.
I actually found the Raider Rally really handy combined with the Save/Load exploit early in my Warrior Run. Summon Raiders directly over city, drop low and bomb the crap out of it, go into orbit, save/load, repeat. Barely dinged my ship at all. That said, that Warrior File's now doing Galactic Adventures to unlock the Frenzy.
Oh interesting, you were effectively able to summon multiple pirate raids by reloading and summoning them again really quickly to have multiple raids? That's pretty cool, I didn't think of that!
One thing you missed of the creature stage flock ability is that if you use it right before going into tribal stage, all of those flock creatures will become your lifestock in tribal stage, giving you a very overpowered early game source of food
Only Packmates (of a different species than our creature) will stay with us going into Tribal Stage and become domesticated. The creatures from the Summon Flock don't come along.
@@KinglyValence I can guarantee you that this happens on the latest version. It is a bug, but nonetheless. I could re-download Spore just to show it to you
@@KnownNiche1999 Hmm, I tried it but no one showed up. Maybe I messed it up, I'll try it again too. I'd love to see it, that would be really helpful for speedruns/challenge runs!
I found a clip of someone else getting this to work as well, but I haven't been able to replicate it. Are you able to get it consistently or is there a trick to get the glitch to work?
@@KinglyValence It is about summoning them right before going into the tribal stage, and waiting for them to arrive before doing so. I believe that was the entire trick, or perhaps you need a full pack of regular creatures in addition to that - I haven't played in a long time so I do not remember. I only know that it did work in the latest available version
My understanding if eco disasters (and all alerts if im not mistaken) is that they dont scale based on empure size, instead the game just randomly picks a colony once every so often to have a disaster
That would make sense, that would hard if like 3 colonies all had eco disasters all at the same time on opposite sides of the galaxy haha. I wonder if Grox attacks are tracked separately since they happen pretty regularly in Space saves where I was at war with them, or if their attacks are just thrown into the pool of alert possibilities with a higher likelihood of being chosen.
hey, question! for social suave/gentle generalist/colony craze/arms dealer, i know you said the 20% discount is when buying from 'your own' empire. but does it affect interacting with your other saved games (since other saved game empires sell the same stock as your current empire)? and similarly, does it affect the price of tools when trading with the grox via the one glitch, since it seems to follow that same pattern?
I'm 24 and this popped up on my feed, Spore was my childhood although my parents did not let me play a lot back in 2009 haha otherwise i would've been on it all day
The worst part about new version of Spore is addition of empty "cube" planets. Really want to see the version differences video. I wonder if there are mods for the game that fix or change things.
Not sure if anyone mentioned this but you can reset creature stage ability cooldowns by mating and then immediately backing out of the creator screen. I got through my first pacifist hardmode run by constantly refreshing the cooldown of siren song.
Gravitation Wave also has the extremely major downside of being made redundant once you unlock the infinite use variants of the planetary alteration tools, since the effect of destroying all colonies at the cost of angering the original owners is done better by a tool you already need in order to modify unowned uninhabitable planets into habitable planets without the need to abuse glitches the only upside it has is retaining trees which is... definitely something
a fun and painful run is ture Passivist where you have to start as a meat eater and not eat a single cell or you reload the last size increase, not killing any creaturs, and civ where you are only allowed to take one merchant civ so you can get the trading ability
very interesting, i saw on the spore wiki that *objectively* the best path would be RRGB but it's super cool seeing your take on it! ...even if that (RBGB) would lead to the worst archetype in the game plus spice savant only working sometimes lol
I sometimes used Soothing Song to make an agressive empire trade with me for a short time, especially in early game, where I can´t just throw money at them. It is useful with warrior and zealot empires, since they dislike you by default, but have some great deals.
I have a suggestion for a video you could make. It is similar to this one, but instead of ranking the consequence abilities, you rank all default max's made adventures (the ones that are included in a new instilation of spore GA)
I have a spreadsheet where I rank each adventure including the Maxis DLC adventures out of 10 here: But that's a good idea for a video as well!
I'm always curious for tier lists like this; if you could make any changes about the abilities you placed in D and F tier to make them truly viable without a complete overhaul? (Maybe C tier as well, but I usually think "C" tier as reserved for powerful, but niche abilities. Bonus challenge; how would you change S-tier so they are no longer broken?)
For F tier I'd give Raider Rally A LOT more pirates to help attack a planet and the discounts cheaper than buying them from other empires, and for S make the Civ victory abilities cost a lot more. Interesting to think about!
I always encounter a bug where using the 'flying fish' tribal stage ability causes the monster to (the best of my descriptions) 'mate call' permanently, and persist through space stage, which makes me never want to use that ability. I think this only happens on a save where you use the texture settings glitch to pop out more tribals with the cost of one.
Interesting, someone else commented that they encountered that infinite call glitch with the flying fish sea monster too. They said it had to do with the sea monster not completing the full animation (I think because the chieftain was too far away from the shoreline) but I haven't never encountered this. I'll try to investigate!
@@KinglyValence I only got about 3 guesses: 1)The texture change glitch causes the sea monster to replay it's animation the same way the egg hatching animation resets & repeats? 2)Using flying fish near the end of tribal stage when going to civil stage/conquering tribes, i,e. triggering cutscenes 'pauses' animation script, (the same way it locks your tribe member's animations). 3)Use flying fish with chieftain and tribe center WAY inland so it cannot spawn fish conventionally, waits for chieftain to get close enough to the shores, and therefore persists when requirements aren't met & then ascend stage.
Flying fish should be in S tier, there is a glitch where you can farm a lot of food. When you call the sea monster and fish fall to the ground, you have to lower the graphics, when you detect that the cinematic does not end, it continues farming more fish. It's like the duplicate babies glitch
I love the gadget bomb because I can have a fleet of aircraft working on a ciy take over then pan over to another city and say "legalize nuclear bombs"
I love spore, loved it since I was a kid, but I always stopped at either creature or civilization, I plan to do a full playthrough soon, and when this popped up I knew I had to watch, the only downside is I have no clue which ability is tied to how I complete each stage for space stage abilities
Raider Rally should be S tier since I like to imagine that the pirates you summon and are killed almost instantly help to reduce piracy in the galaxy
lol so true! There's so much piracy in the Spore galaxy! Maybe in saves where we ally the Grox we can make a joint task force to cracked down more on piracy haha.
The ability needs a buff tbh, the whole thing about it is that it's supposed to be another way to create chaos and distract turrets or enemies while you focus on capture.
If they're not gonna make the pirates stronger, atleast make them more numerous, calling for help from allies is 100% better than using raider rally. (just don't forget to steal the cities they almost captured)
@@mishagaming1075 well, the abiltiy funnily enough helps in diplomatic delicate situations (ally attacking another ally), it makes the attacker stop fighting and then the pirates leave as well.
@@KinglyValence It would be useful if those pirates could conquer entire planets without instantly exploding.
@@mishagaming1075it never will sadly
14:16 is comedy gold. Never knew the creatures would literally walk all the way to city hall
take the problem to parliament!
what if i drop it in an epic creature hmm...
@@ram0s._1I'd be willing to bet they just start blasting
@ram0s._1 iirc it doesn't hurt animals so either the epic would ignore you or would get aggroed but wouldn't take damage. I think the only reason the "i'm taking this straight to town hall" exists is because it's a bug, it's registering your town hall as an entity. Which it likely is an entity, which is how it has animations.
I edited my comment and the heart vanished, oh man
as someone who almost always does shaman for most of my creatures (unless I intentionally want otherwise) I'm glad to see return ticket get the appreciation it deserves!
Learning that spice savant is broken and doesn't work while off world felt like learning santa wasn't real X3 Great tier list!
It's honestly not that useful anyway. The limiting factor is storage not production.
Just noticed you colored the tiers based on spice value; nice touch!
Just noticed it
i appreciate that this channel continues to create spore content 🙏
This is the content I looked for on TH-cam, when I was 8 years old, now I found it and it makes me really happy :)
i appreciate the community of this game is still alive 🙏
"Sending an Ad Blitz, otherwise known as 'Watching TH-cam'" 😂
Now I’m imagining the ad blitz just sending a bunch of terrible mobile game ads
I want to thank you for creating Spore content. This community is very dear to me, since I've played this game as a child and I still do now. I am very glad to see people still playing this awesome game and even uncovering new secrets and ways to enjoy it. Please keep on doing what you're doing.
oh this is exactly the kind of hyper specific, nerdy content i need
Also, i’d really like to thank you for having captions on your videos! I have an auditory processing disorder and often struggle with understanding words. captions allow me to not have to spend so much energy on listening and interpreting and let me just enjoy the video. :]
Skill issue (i'm sorry to hear that)
As someone without hearing issues, I can say that subtitles are just appreciated all-around
I kinda like Flying Fish as well. However, one thing I dislike about it is a glitch that sometime occurs where the sea monster will pop above the water, but then immediately go back under and never do the big splash that sends the fish to the shore. Not only that, but it means that unless I reload an older save I’ll be forced to listen to the sound of that sea monster consistently howling for the rest of tribal stage.
I didn't know the sea monster would keep making noise if it doesn't work, that's odd. But I think if the sea monster doesn't do the splash, the chieftain called the sea monster too far away from the shore. I believe I've ran into that where our tribe spawns in the middle of the continent and I tried calling from there and nothing happened.
Let me know what you thought of this Tier List ranking!
Additional finding for Pleasing Performance (22:35): while a colony is striking and not producing spice, if we save and quit and reload the game, the colony will start producing spice again without fixing the colony! The colony will still be treated as if it’s under attack and can’t be contacted like normal and can start protesting again, but this is an interesting glitch and work around to keep collecting spice while not needing to add entertainments. I found this after finishing the video, but this wouldn’t have changed Pleasing Performance’s placement on the Tier List.
Additional uses for Raider Rally (1:55), thanks to @danielgrizzlus3950 @Daedwartin2 @matatic3689 for explaining it to me, Raider Rally can be used during an attack and will replace the first attacking fleet and make them leave! The pirates can then be easily dispatched and quickly stop an attack on our colonies or allied planets. Defending from a Raider Rally on a colony or allies will also count towards, and can be used to grind, the Body Guard badge. These additions may have raised Raider Rally from the bottom to the top of F Tier for me. However, thwarting an attack on a colony isn't necessary with an Uber Turret and I typically ignore allies' defense requests anyway because failing a defense I believe only results in up to -50 "You Failed Missions" after many failings, which isn't too steep for allied empires. The Body Guard Badge also unlocks passively in the background from attacks on our own colonies defended by Uber Turrets, or from successful defenses of allies on their own.
I enjoyed it. What do you think the optimal space stage set up is? Know Fanatical Frenzy would undoubtedly be the consequence since you can change archetypes, but what about the 4 consequences before?
@@NoName-oz3gj I originally thought a R,B,G,B for the Space Bonuses, giving Power Monger, Speed Demon, Gracious Greeting, and Spice Savant. But if Spice Savant doesn't appear to work then I'd switch that for Green Keeper R, B, G, G :)
I hate the radioactive debirs piles of Gadget Bomb, I'd definitely put it much lower then any other instant city takeover or a Mighty Bomb. I wanna say low B tier? (Or maybe even high C given your other placements).
I think you underrated the Refreshing Storm. It's true that you can gather food easy and fast in general, so you never run out, however, since the ability spawns a ton of fruit, and you can cast it very close to your village, it makes you gather food for new members and tools visibly faster, especially in early game. I'd put it somewhere in C tier personally, not gamebreaking, but add a bit of speed and convenience.
Safari Vacuum is my hero because I love balancing out planets. Whenever I wander past one with an unfinished ecosystem I stop what I’m doing and fill it out. I don’t place a colony or anything, I just get joy from doing it. Safari Vacuum is perfect for easily gathering samples and refreshing my stocks when I get bored of the same animals.
I do this exact same thing!
I haven't played in a long time so I could be misremembering. But one use for raider rally is to stop two allies fighting each other without angering either one, since I think the game always allows there to be only one invader at a time.
Oh interesting, I'll have to try that out!
@@KinglyValence Also, If im not mistaken...You can also just immediately turn on your hired help to get a small bonus to opinion for defending the planet from pirates...that you summoned.
I tried it out and yeah summoning the Raider Rally will basically replace the current attacking fleet and the first one will leave! I don't think this'll change Raider Rally on the Tier List too much for me, but this may have raised it higher in F. The defending empire will get Completed Missions relationship bonus for booting out the attackers, but not for the Raider Rally itself. And the defending planet has to already be allied to ask for defense so Raider Rally can't be used to gain favor before becoming an ally. If the defending planet gets conquered we get "You Failed Missions" penalty which I think goes to -50, so not too bad if we choose to ignore them and they can't defend themselves. Raider Rally does help if we want to grind the Body Guard badge! Summoning a Raider Rally then immediately destroying them will count towards the badge. However, defending our own colonies also counts which can be done passively from pirates or leaving a warring empire nearby and defending with an Uber Turret.
This is a cool addition I hadn't considered, I'll add it to the pin and credit y'all :)
One of your arguments against refreshing storm was that it doesn't help carnivores... but it's the reward you get for being an herbivore. So unless you kept jaws from the cell stage and never put on an herbivore mouth you can't be a carnivore with refreshing storm. Still a bad ability though.
I seriously love your channel man, it's super cozy and I love learning more about this game I adored as a kid!
I'd love to see the video on the differences between the latest and oldest versions of spore, especially with how old the game is!
@@PinnaporaptorI'd love to see that too!
The endgame civilization stage abilities are such a great idea from Maxis. Every 4X game has a point where you've become the most powerful empire on the planet and it's obvious you're the one going to win, but you still have to go through the slog of actually finishing off the rest of the players or teching to the science victory or something. It's the reason why nobody ever actually plays one of these types of games to their ending screen and just starts a new game instead. Maxis is such a genius for adding a way to skip this and go on to the space stage, otherwise the slog of obtaining the last four cities in the civilization stage would be horrendous and I guarantee you people would be calling it the worst stage instead of tribal had they not done it that way.
Don’t those only unlock after you complete civilization stage once?
@@Wolfie54545 it's been years since i've playes spore, but iirc once you own more than half the cities on your homeworld, it unlocks an ability that takes over all remaining cities soon after.
What I love doing is bringing a purple planet to 3rd teir, placing a monolith, and then using cash infusion on it. I can make billions of spore bucks using this method in space stage because it allows me to have purple planets with 6-10 cities on them. This also allows me to reach deep into grox space, making a habital space zone for me to eazily make it to the center. It also makes other playthroughs easier as I can just start on space stage, race to the middle of the galaxy, then use the Staff of Life to make it so the grox cannot inhabit that planet anymore. I can then use my other saves to inhabit those worlds with either monoliths or my own colonies.
the staff of life usually takes 30 seconds, while terraforming normally with all the tools usually takes 2 minutes a planet.
Raider Rally isn't meant to conquer you planets for free. Of course anything is weak compared to Fanatical Frenzy, but I think the inteded use case for Raider Rally is just more ships the enemies can target instead of you, basically acting as meat shields. Idk though, it's been years and years since I played Spore. Your content is making me want to play again though so kudos man.
Summoning Raider Rally on a planet that's already under attack by another empire also causes the ships of the attacking empire to immediately leave. It's useful if two of your allies are attacking each other, and for instantly repelling Grox attacks.
Can we all just take a second to thank this man for making spore content in 2023 ?!?
Welcome back, buddy! I miss you a lot.
Once again, thank you for covering more Spore topic! It makes me feel like a kid again. I probably spent hundreds of hours playing Spore as a kid, after all...
Flying Fish S tier because it's silly and I like it, all religious skills go into Burn in Hell tier because when I was doing a no death run in spore the first city that popped up was a religious one that came over and immediately kicked my shit in and I've had a burning hatred for religious cities ever since
so real
I don't play spore anymore, but it holds a strong place in my heart. I only ever played easy difficulty, never completed space stage and spent most of my time in the creature editor having fun, but it still was a very formative game for me. so, thank you for making spore content when so few others want to
Probably one of my favorite videos you’ve done. Always love it when you post, keep it up and keep spore alive!!
Back in the day i found a guide of abilities, optimizing for only the ones that affect Space stage, in an overall sense taking into account what combo you would be able to get together, not just the Archetype ability. Once reading them all i pretty much always went Red for Cell stage, flipped between Green and Red for Creature stage, Green for Tribal stage, and Blue for Civ stage.
This makes me want to play so badly
Fanatical Frenzy was broken enough to have kid me go from system to system taking over almost an entire arm of the galaxy, and the species which I did that with ended up being the basis behind the primary villains of a sci-fi story I've been working on now as an adult. Meanwhile, Raider Rally was always just an inconvenient button I had to avoid while having the combat tab open at all; being pretty much a punishment for doing murder hobo runs. It's baffling how different those two abilities are in terms of usefulness.
In terms of the final tier list, the only placement I (very mildly) disagree with is Summon Flock. The sheer social power it can give, plus the extra bit of dps and damage sponging the flock offers during combat if it ever comes to that, makes early-mid Creature Stage a cakewalk. It _is_ pretty RNG-based, with the species summoned with it being randomized with every use iirc, so that could skew how people see it. But when a species is brought in that has +2 in every social category, it pretty much guarantees an instant win for every social interaction even if you haven't unlocked the stronger social parts yet.
I would put it just under Siren Song since it allows you to muscle past a majority of social interactions with minimal investment (slap on the base 25 cost social parts and you're good to go) vs Siren Song giving you access to more social opportunities, but requiring more investment (finding and putting on parts with higher social abilities and/or bringing along pack members with a good social spread).
I love hearing about how Spore left an impact on our younger selves and into our adult lives! Spore was one of the main reasons I wanted to study biology early in life :)
That's fair for Summon Flock. Perhaps it could have gone higher in A, but I was trying take into account how much work we had to put in ourselves to get the most use out of it. Whereas I was keeping S tier for abilities that practically won us the game with no effort like the Civilization Stage take over abilities. But Siren Song made it to S for me because it can befriending aggressive creatures isn't normally possible and adds a whole new dimension to the game :)
This was very well put together, thankee for sharing
I think gravitation wave is D or F tier. I have never once used it, despite finishing as a scientist more than once. It is the worst way to take over a planet because you don’t get the benefit of the buildings. And for tribal and civilization planets, I would rather use a monolith then take it over later.
Thank you for this tierlist its really gonna help
So cool. I never realized how many different abilities there were when I played spore as a kid, or even when I replayed it as an adult.
Finally new video
I really have to say, I love the rise of channels that focus almost purely on a nieche game forgotten nowadays.
Love your content, really makes me wanna give Spore another chance. Used to love it back then, hell my biggest videos are all Spore-related.
I do think Mini-U deserves at least a small bump up for the fact that it is the only architype ability that cannot be unlocked through galactic adventures, making the Knight one of the better architypes to start with.
I was mostly ranking what the abilities did, without how to obtain them. Though it is interesting that Knight can't be gained through the Split Personality mission or Galactic Adventures. Maybe in another vid could take about best abilities to have and how to get/change them through the Stages, Split Personality, or Galactic Adventures :)
@@KinglyValence very late but (base spore) mini-u adds a new temporary fleet slot if used when your fleet is full from my experience, i havent tried it with a maxed out fleet of 5 slots from the final badge but when i did when having only two slots and were both occupied a third one was added until the mini-u died
@@Oktav99a Once there are 5 occupied fleet slots the Summon Mini-U won't add a 6th ship, but yeah that aspect is definitely useful until filling reaching the maximum fleet with allies :)
@@KinglyValence i understand thanks
PLEASE KEEP MAKING CONTENT! made my day kinglyvalence :)
you did a really good job with the spread, not too much in any specific tier. a mistake a lot of tier lists make
Great video, and I generally agree with most of the rankings. In my casual playthroughs, I typically care more about creating an interesting story and lineup for my species than min/maxing the specific consequence traits. It's not like it's a detriment to have any of them really, they all do something as opposed to beginning Space with no traits.
Still, I guess there's a reason I rarely ever do Social in creature stage or Aggressive in tribal (though that may have to do with how I find those particular playstyles more boring but I digress).
i likey
thanks for pointing out the bugged spice savant too, but i'll prob just dupe purple spice anyway
Finally a new video! Keep making awesome videos! You're the reason spore is still alive somewhat.
this video literally inspired me to purchase spore again. and funnily enough it’s currently 75% off on steam so this was perfect timing! thank you for this video! spore may have its flaws but i loved it as a kid, and even then, i mostly played the same way each time. im looking forward to trying different approaches! i think i missed a lot of the stuff this game has to offer
I innitially thought Raider Rally was helpful because it would distract spaceships while you are trying to take over a planet but... yeah it honestly doesn't work that well
I have found that Raider Rally can be used for a little useful glitch I found. In the event the grox invade an ally’s planet, you can use Raider Rally and the grox will leave immediately. I think it also works on empire and pirate invasions as well, but I might be wrong. It works for sure on the Grox.
Yeah using the Raider Rally during an attack will boot out the previous invaders, works for all invading empires. I didn't know it at the time of the video but added it to the pinned comment :)
Love your content and channel. I’d love to see a creature stage speedrun to try and get level 5 in every single possible stat. Health, speed, sprint, sneak, Jump, glide, social and attack stats, everything.
I actually did something similar to this, but it was for consequence traits. I evaluated them based on the costs/benefits of their required gameplay and the benefit they bring to the future stages. Space archetypes were also thrown in but were evaluated less on what is missed out, and more on the benefit of their supertool (this is because an archetype change is possible, so technically any consequence trait combination is possible). If I remember correctly, my S tier consisted of Herbivore, Economic, Scientist, and Shaman.
Imagine your species just built your first tribe, your chillin, and some guy in a ship comes by and says "Nah this is mine" and sends you back a few million years with a massive gravity wave
thank you for keeping my favourite game on the youtube
A spore video in the year 2023, wow, my faith in humanity is back
Btw, if you activate Summon Mini-U after your fleet is complete, it'll create a temporary 6th slot for itself. It isnt s game changer, but kinda nice to have an even bigger fleet.
The Summon Mini-U doesn't work after holding 5 ally ships, and won't make a 6th slot, unfortunately. Are you on an older version that did this? The latest version of Spore the Mini-U says "No room in fleet for another ship" with 5 allies.
Thanks for still making vidoes on this game that are interesting.
That's amazing. One thing I wish you'd also show the path to get to each ability somewhere on the screen, so this video could also be used to decide your playthroughs :)
I wonder what would happen if you take over ALL planets in the game [except 1], and then try to start a new game
Good question. I also wonder if destroying a Solar planet such as Earth will destroy it in every other playthrough.
*turns towards YOU. yes YOU, the viewer*
This was released 15 years ago. Feeling old yet?
This is super late, but Raider Rally does have a pretty niche but useful application!!
If you have two allies who are at war with each other, and one sends an attack on the other, normally you have two choices-- you can either shoot down the attackers, and take up to -100 reputation for destroying their ships, or you can do nothing, and take up to -100 reputation (both of these values are at maximum, and not immediate).
However, if you have Raider Rally, you can go to the planet being fought over and activate it. The attackers will leave, and the pirates will arrive, giving you a much easier and less consequential set of targets to destroy, and you still get credit toward the Body Guard badge!
This is a niche ability, I'd say it's no better than C tier as it is, and it's hardly warrior behavior, but it can help you salvage a relationship with two empires at war.
I don't care how weird of a choice it was for Maxis to include finish civilisation stage half way through playing it button in the game, getting to that point and unleashing these abilities is always so satisfying
7:56 The safari vacuum is amazing at helping with terraforming a planet, so you may have the 3 colonies you need on two planets
So I feel like the ideal is carnivore, adaptable, friendly, economic, and then doing the quest to change from a bard
This was a awesome vid. I remember finding refreshing storm nice but I don't think it generates really more food than flying fish for sure.
I didn't know a lot about the space stage abilities you can unlock. Maybe it was just my playstyle but I never got super far with them and reading about them from the instruction booklet made some of them sound really unapealling. that being said return ticket is a must have for real.
I dont remember tribal stage fondly because I remember how not being able to speak english I had no way to get past the tutorial and the game just stayed paused and I couldnt play.
Other than that I love the fish rain and firebombs very fun.
It sucks when you want Power Monger in space stage, but you also want an omnivorous or herbivorous creature with their respective mouths.
You can change mouths to give your creature a different diet at the end of cell stage/beginning of creature stage.
I think the weapons discount should be higher than it is because sometimes getting good relations with an empire that will actually sell you them isn't possible or even worth it and so you have to buy them from home.
To add to the usefulness of the fanatical frenzy: the use of it on Grox systems while you're at war seems to have this confusing effect on them that I don't think is intended. Basically the Grox attempts to attack random systems repeatedly, except when they're conquered with fanatical frenzy, but they will still try to target them, making your colonies never a target for an attack. When I first defeated the Grox and I learned of this it saved me so much time from defending my owns systems since it seems they're capable of destroying your systems even if you have an uber turrent (though it takes a few rounds of attacks). I haven't done enough testing so take what I say with a grain of salt but ever since I used the fanatical frenzy on their systems while I was at war I was never attacked by the Grox.
Also i think the raider rally is super underated here, they're incredibly useful for quickly dealing with attacks, as using them will undo the current attack, and since they all spawn in a wormhole you can just fire a mega laser at them and quickly wipe them clean.
Oh interesting, if we Fanatical Frenzy a Grox system while they are at war, they will be unable to attack any of our colonies because they will always be targeting the Fanatical Frenzied system which they are unable to attack?
I tried out the Raider Rally and yeah it will basically replace the current attacking fleet and the first one will leave! Pretty cool but I don't think it'll change Raider Rally on the Tier List too much for me, but this may have raised it higher in F than the bottom. It's not needed on our own colonies thanks to the Uber Turret, so it would be best for removing attacks from allied empires. We do get Completed Missions relationship bonus for booting out the attackers, but not additionally for the Raider Rally itself. And the empire has to already be allies anyway to ask for defense so we can't use Raider Rally to gain favor before becoming an ally which would have been cool! If an allied defending planet gets conquered we get "You Failed Missions" penalty which I think goes to -50, so not too bad if we choose to ignore them and they can't defend themselves, so I don't usually even help allies lol. Raider Rally does help if we want to grind the Body Guard badge quickly! Summoning a Raider Rally then immediately destroying them will count towards the badge. However, defending our own colonies also counts which can be done passively from pirates or leaving a warring empire nearby and defending with an Uber Turret.
This a cool addition for Raider Rally I didn't know about when making the video, I'll add it to the pin and credit ya :)
thanks for the video my guy
A suggestion for a video: Quick ways to grind the space stage medals. You already showcased the exploit with frequent flyer and i'm sure there are other similar exploits for the other medals.
5:10 après plusieurs centaines d'heures de jeu, je viens d'apprendre ça, eh bah
(Bonne vidéo au passage)
hey i love the video, great to see spore tier lists being made in 2023
in your opinion if you hypothetically wanted to conquer the entire spore galaxy what would you suggest would be the optimal combination of bonuses for space stage
i was thinking zealot R/R/G/G but id love to hear your input
I originally thought a R,B,G,B for the Space Bonuses, then do the Split Personality mission to get the Fanatical Frenzy from another empire once in Space. This gives Power Monger, Speed Demon, Gracious Greeting, and Spice Savant. But if Spice Savant doesn't appear to work then I guess switch that for Green Keeper R, B, G, G :)
@@KinglyValence I didn't even think about split personality good idea
Once I was playing an herbivore in tribal, and I had just gotten back from wiping out one tribe when another decided to raid us the moment we got home. Most of my tribe was just wiped out, we had no food, it looked like it was all over. So I desperately clicked fireworks for the first time and they immediately backed off and just went home allowing me to recoup my losses and eek out the dub
Curious if you would ever be interested in doing other tier lists. I love the playthroughs that are the main draw of this channel and will eagerly await more, but I think it might be interesting to see a tier list of, say, creature parts (like comparing different parts within the same category, (ex: mouths, hands, feet, weapons, or details) with each other).
Somehow, Palpatine has returned
ive never even played spore i just love your videos
Alright, since you stepped upon this path, now you must make a creature parts tier list.
Best spore content!!!! You are a beast! 🦁
Soothing song is at LEAST better than raider rally, since any positive relationship gained while it is active stays. This can easily stop wars with empires you don't want to war with, since you can just use the super happy laser, put down an embassy, or buy their stuff for positive relationship. I've used it a ton to supplement my Zealot playthrough when I didn't realize that a useful ally was nearby so I could completely negate the "broke galactic code" negative modifier.
I think raging roar should be b or c tier i use it alot and it gets me out of sticky situations.
yay you're alive :3
Fun fact when your allies fight each other and you dont wanna destroy their space ships just use raider rally it makes allies spaceships go away and u can fast and easly destroy pirates and gain even more friendly points
8:07 Siren Song can even let you friend an epic, but its very rare, for more details sometimes in spore 2 creatures can spawn in 2 ways so if an epic spawns then another creature that is the same creature as that same epic but its not an epic you can use Siren Song on it become friends with it and boom your now friends with the epic, you can NOT get the epic in your pack but its still really cool
One obscure use of firebombs is using them to attack tribes you have previously allied. I sometimes do this if I want to start civilization stage as an economic civ and not a religious one.
Amazing list. Agree with most of it.
I kinda want to see the Galactic Adventures missions speedrun, either each mission individually or how fast you can do all of them from the beginning of space stage.
I actually found the Raider Rally really handy combined with the Save/Load exploit early in my Warrior Run.
Summon Raiders directly over city, drop low and bomb the crap out of it, go into orbit, save/load, repeat.
Barely dinged my ship at all.
That said, that Warrior File's now doing Galactic Adventures to unlock the Frenzy.
Oh interesting, you were effectively able to summon multiple pirate raids by reloading and summoning them again really quickly to have multiple raids? That's pretty cool, I didn't think of that!
One thing you missed of the creature stage flock ability is that if you use it right before going into tribal stage, all of those flock creatures will become your lifestock in tribal stage, giving you a very overpowered early game source of food
Only Packmates (of a different species than our creature) will stay with us going into Tribal Stage and become domesticated. The creatures from the Summon Flock don't come along.
@@KinglyValence I can guarantee you that this happens on the latest version. It is a bug, but nonetheless.
I could re-download Spore just to show it to you
@@KnownNiche1999 Hmm, I tried it but no one showed up. Maybe I messed it up, I'll try it again too. I'd love to see it, that would be really helpful for speedruns/challenge runs!
I found a clip of someone else getting this to work as well, but I haven't been able to replicate it. Are you able to get it consistently or is there a trick to get the glitch to work?
It is about summoning them right before going into the tribal stage, and waiting for them to arrive before doing so.
I believe that was the entire trick, or perhaps you need a full pack of regular creatures in addition to that - I haven't played in a long time so I do not remember.
I only know that it did work in the latest available version
My understanding if eco disasters (and all alerts if im not mistaken) is that they dont scale based on empure size, instead the game just randomly picks a colony once every so often to have a disaster
That would make sense, that would hard if like 3 colonies all had eco disasters all at the same time on opposite sides of the galaxy haha.
I wonder if Grox attacks are tracked separately since they happen pretty regularly in Space saves where I was at war with them, or if their attacks are just thrown into the pool of alert possibilities with a higher likelihood of being chosen.
hey, question! for social suave/gentle generalist/colony craze/arms dealer, i know you said the 20% discount is when buying from 'your own' empire. but does it affect interacting with your other saved games (since other saved game empires sell the same stock as your current empire)? and similarly, does it affect the price of tools when trading with the grox via the one glitch, since it seems to follow that same pattern?
I tried it with the Grox and another saved game and they didn't give a discount unfortunately, but good question!
I'm 24 and this popped up on my feed, Spore was my childhood although my parents did not let me play a lot back in 2009 haha otherwise i would've been on it all day
The worst part about new version of Spore is addition of empty "cube" planets.
Really want to see the version differences video.
I wonder if there are mods for the game that fix or change things.
Not sure if anyone mentioned this but you can reset creature stage ability cooldowns by mating and then immediately backing out of the creator screen. I got through my first pacifist hardmode run by constantly refreshing the cooldown of siren song.
Gravitation Wave also has the extremely major downside of being made redundant once you unlock the infinite use variants of the planetary alteration tools, since the effect of destroying all colonies at the cost of angering the original owners is done better by a tool you already need in order to modify unowned uninhabitable planets into habitable planets without the need to abuse glitches
the only upside it has is retaining trees which is... definitely something
a fun and painful run is ture Passivist where you have to start as a meat eater and not eat a single cell or you reload the last size increase, not killing any creaturs, and civ where you are only allowed to take one merchant civ so you can get the trading ability
very interesting, i saw on the spore wiki that *objectively* the best path would be RRGB but it's super cool seeing your take on it!
...even if that (RBGB) would lead to the worst archetype in the game plus spice savant only working sometimes lol
I would prioritize consequence abilities over archetype as you can change archetypes later by doing an expensive and pretty lengthy quest.
@@DarkOmegaMK2 yeah, although i didn't intend to make the point "you should never go for this path because bard sucks"
I sometimes used Soothing Song to make an agressive empire trade with me for a short time, especially in early game, where I can´t just throw money at them. It is useful with warrior and zealot empires, since they dislike you by default, but have some great deals.
The only thing I was missing from the list was what combination of stage endings you would need to acquire these abilities
Spore tier list in 2023 is wild but damn I love it
I have a suggestion for a video you could make. It is similar to this one, but instead of ranking the consequence abilities, you rank all default max's made adventures (the ones that are included in a new instilation of spore GA)
I have a spreadsheet where I rank each adventure including the Maxis DLC adventures out of 10 here:
But that's a good idea for a video as well!
I'm always curious for tier lists like this; if you could make any changes about the abilities you placed in D and F tier to make them truly viable without a complete overhaul?
(Maybe C tier as well, but I usually think "C" tier as reserved for powerful, but niche abilities. Bonus challenge; how would you change S-tier so they are no longer broken?)
For F tier I'd give Raider Rally A LOT more pirates to help attack a planet and the discounts cheaper than buying them from other empires, and for S make the Civ victory abilities cost a lot more. Interesting to think about!
I guess the only real good thing about soothing song is that the music is nice lol
I always encounter a bug where using the 'flying fish' tribal stage ability causes the monster to (the best of my descriptions) 'mate call' permanently, and persist through space stage, which makes me never want to use that ability.
I think this only happens on a save where you use the texture settings glitch to pop out more tribals with the cost of one.
Interesting, someone else commented that they encountered that infinite call glitch with the flying fish sea monster too. They said it had to do with the sea monster not completing the full animation (I think because the chieftain was too far away from the shoreline) but I haven't never encountered this. I'll try to investigate!
@@KinglyValence I only got about 3 guesses:
1)The texture change glitch causes the sea monster to replay it's animation the same way the egg hatching animation resets & repeats?
2)Using flying fish near the end of tribal stage when going to civil stage/conquering tribes, i,e. triggering cutscenes 'pauses' animation script, (the same way it locks your tribe member's animations).
3)Use flying fish with chieftain and tribe center WAY inland so it cannot spawn fish conventionally, waits for chieftain to get close enough to the shores, and therefore persists when requirements aren't met & then ascend stage.
Flying fish should be in S tier, there is a glitch where you can farm a lot of food.
When you call the sea monster and fish fall to the ground, you have to lower the graphics, when you detect that the cinematic does not end, it continues farming more fish. It's like the duplicate babies glitch
That totally works! That's awesome! I love learning new stuff :D I'll add that to the pinned comment and credit ya
awesome stuff, I just wish you had mentioned how each abilities is obtained. Not a dealbreaker but could have put things into perspective
I love the gadget bomb because I can have a fleet of aircraft working on a ciy take over then pan over to another city and say "legalize nuclear bombs"
I love spore, loved it since I was a kid, but I always stopped at either creature or civilization, I plan to do a full playthrough soon, and when this popped up I knew I had to watch, the only downside is I have no clue which ability is tied to how I complete each stage for space stage abilities
The Wiki has a good break down for which abilities contribute to Space Stage :)