Thats the main problem with the game for me. Just about every part of the game is loosely implemented and unfinished. The devs repeatedly add new content that is unfinished or downright broken and just move on to the next project without focusing on polishing what is already there.
@sublimehypocrisy so help me understand. Admittedly I have never worked in the field, but I really am curious as to what is preventing them from finishing and polishing things to have a playable experience to all the fans who have graciously invested into an unfinished project. I feel like that is the very least they could do to the loyal backers of the game.
Thats why they are refocusing this year to improve playability. Decoupling content from feature sets will help devs add critical updates without needing for full feature sets before adding them
Unironically, that's how game development works. You don't polish the car until you have all the parts integrated and working in a general sense. What makes CIG so controversial, is they keep adding shit to the car.
Two thing I would like to see that I think would be a benefit.| 1. Cash for recycling. I'll dump my medical gown or anything into a recycler for a small monetary reward. Make recycling bins available everywhere, including in the kiosk of our inventories. 2. I should be able to sync my mobi with my ship so I can control some ship functions from it. Like opening and closing doors, turning on lights, things like that (see The Expanse).
Random SC youtuber: Hey guys, welcome to my SC guide on how to make money fast. First backspace and drop gown into bin right in the clinic, repeat till you're rich. Thanks for watching. Like and subscribe. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I'd love the ability to dismiss and recall my ship like in Elite Dangerous. It could just go fly and sit in orbit when I dismiss it and when I recall it it would auto land at the nearest open area.
I don't think they quite understand that updating many of these older ships will actually increase their sales for said ships. They just think that because older ships are old, they don't sell, but in all reality, its just because they aren't finished and people don't bother getting them.
Thats so stupid it actually drives me mad. I guess updating starters ships, wich are almost all outdated, is not their priority as they’re cheap in game and probably would’nt boost sales that much ( what a delight to have a game driven by the marketing department ). But damn it, they are litterally the first taste of the game new players will get and I know for a fact that it can be a reason for them not to continue. Like this game is crashing every 45 secs, and you dont give to new player the reason why people still stick around the project ? Ass move That was for starter ships, dont get me started on how it is 10 Times more ridiculous for other outdated ships
So many of the older ships need more than just a components & buttons pass, they need a complete overhaul (like they're doing with the 600i), such as; the Starfarer, Reclaimer, Aurora and many others.
We'll see. Pyro was supposed to be middle of 2024, not squeaking in at the very last minute in a "Preview Release." CIG has said a lot of things over a lot of years. 2024 wasn't the "defining year" for the PU it was set up to be at CitCon 2023. I'll judge 2025 as a "good year" if/when it actually happens.
@karakiri283 They said that the new expectation for 1.0 is 5 systems. Stanton, Pyro, Nyx, Castra, and Terra. They will likely add more after that, sure. But they also mentioned that the original 100 planets had less points of interest than what we have even now with 2. You couldn't land on them, explore, etc. It would have been far more "Freelancer" style. The vision of the game has shifted, and I think for the better. But I do not blame any original backers for feeling like it's a bait and switch. The game they were promised is simply not what it's becoming now. It's becoming better, but it's taking far longer than that simpler game would have taken.
@@rem_92899 "better"...look, I'll take a game that releases on time over one with an alpha that is old enough to be in puberty. In this case, better is the enemy of the good. The game will not survive its own scope creep. And please, please don't repeat the same justifications over and over again as if we haven't heard them a thousand times already. The excuses are well-worn.
@@tropicthndr If talent is now leaving CIG after x amount of years, that says more about where the game is now vs then. When the game is almost close to the finished product, they downsize. It happens in every industry, so imo thats a good thing given the context. Now if networking engineers start leaving then you outta worry
I'm an OG backer. I haven't played in over 2 years. I've got no time or patience for bugs. I've been waiting for a time to jump back in, but all I hear on Reddit is bugs bugs bugs. I'll believe it when I see it.
@tobiascarrier every update i feel has a mixed bag of people complaining, but also some saying is always smoother, and other say "last update was better" every update. Sadly I think that project is doomed to fail
@@nickdibiase3152 It's too soon to tell but looking at funding this year it's definetely a big red flag for CIG that they need to actually make a game instead of making promises and lying about their progress, because at the end of the day people will see when there's way less than 50% of all the stuff you said was "in polish and coming this year", and that part is still broken as hell
I'm pressing X to doubt. Yes with all the core tech in for the most part they can finally justify working on stability, but I think it's just the publicity headline for a year with minimal content and minimal bugfixing because too many devs are back at trying to get SQ42 over the finish line.
12 years and not a single game loop that works, 10 years of tools development to speed up production yet production slows down. Snake oil is getting stronger with this organisation. Be careful investing money in this company.
I'd say to most wanting to play it that at this point just pay for the starter package and NOTHING else. $45 for the "game" then enjoy the grinding part for new ships and items cause throwing money into the pledge store is a waste imo.
The lack of npc ships flying around is the weirdest thing. Even in Elite, 10 years ago, they had npc's jumping into stations and landing, as well as taking off and flying away.
Let me remind you how the NPC AI is so braindead that when you get scanned by a navy ship near a station you can easily kite them into crashing into it. Now tell me: do you want those things anywhere near you when you're coming in for docking with a ship full of cargo?
Playability and all but also. TTK FOR SHIPS ! Ships are not ships in the game but chips. They crack under you fingers like literal chips as soon as you touch them. How are we supposed to care about our ships, equip them, use their inventory if any encounter with another agressive player/s mean our ship will explode in less than 5 secondes for most small/medium ships (and even for some bigger ones) ? Even a good pilot who get jumped by 2 or 3 ships with pilots not as good as him will just die because how low the TTK is anyways ! Make ships more resistant. And for those who will tell me that CIG had spoke about some armor feature back in 2015, ships components in 2014, or God only know what CR spoke about during the past 15 years. I dont care about features that will come beyond the next decades, or even a year. I want ships to be playable and enjoyable now !
I took a break from 4.0 after losing my 3rd rmc haul in my reclaimer to bugs. I will welcome stability, some gold passes to older ships without that mk2 bs, and attention to things like improvements to crime/punishment, bounties, missions, and the economy.
Aaaaah but “90% of all ship claims AREN’T due to destroyed ships” . “Thus you must have been committing insurance fraud.. this is why ‘the economy’ isn’t balanced.. which is why you all need to now wait for an hour to get your Reclaimer back”.. CIG logic 2024.
@@allthatishere no.... not at all... 2026 is when SQ42 comes out, they have never said 1.0 is coming 2026 and I highly doubt it, SC 1.0 is probably 8-10 years away, but being able to play it will be nice.
Playability is big for me. Everytime I come back to see how the game is doing, it takes over an hour for me and my friends to find each other, launch a ship successfully, and then complete a mission, only to end up with the NPCs we were doing the mission for to bug out and think we are attacking them and shoot our ship dead while we are on the ground.
To me the biggest problem is not just the bugs but the time sinks, if you combine an extremely tedious procedure to do basically anything yet have crazy amounts of bugs that can snap the little progress you might have made out of existence it's a huge reason why people don't actually stick around, I think SC needs to implement quality of life changes as well as stability
On the topic of trash clean up - just last week I spent some time using my Argo SRV to tow the destroyed remnants of ships off the landing pads and away from the station where I could then salvage and eventually fracture / disintegrate and clean them up off the server. A bit of extra work for the same money I could have made anywhere else by simply salvaging via missions or finding panels, but it was a good feeling knowing I'm helping the server by removing clutter in high traffic locations. Now if only there were missions to incentivize doing that over just finding the much more lucrative panels. Because let's face it, most players go where the money is, and I don't blame them.
Exactly us the players would like to do some of the clean up if they just let us. ships that have been abandoned / re claimed should auto have the power turned off and let salvage. one problem is even if a player had just left the ship and was coming back to it there is now way to see if that is a players ship when they are no longer in it!
@Tainted-Soul Yeah for sure! Power without the engines turned on should run off a battery. When the battery dies, the shields go down and the ship becomes fair game. Give it an 8 hour timer or something.
Really want an in game tutorial, that can be replayed at will, maybe even separate from the actual game. There are so many systems, it would be nice to be able to quickly play "simulations" that cover different aspects of the game. Maybe a bit like how Cyberpunk 2077's edge runner teaches you in a VR setting.
Every like 6 to 8 months I check in on Star citizen development. Its ridiculous that y'all are keeping the dream alive. This shit will never be what Chris promised.
There is some cross training, but usually you have the people specialized in certain fields be the ones that work in those fields. So 3d artists make ships, network engineers work on stability, the lore folks work on that content, the mappers build the worlds, gameplay engineers work on the missions, and so on and so forth.
@MrRoblcopter and water is wet. What is your point? So they need to get less 3d artists or sadly lay some off or retrain them. Over a decade plus they should have this figured out
@@nickdibiase3152 they do have it figured out, they understand that their only current revenue stream comes from ship, cosmetic, and new player sales. Now that they have their most core feature out(meshing), and the central spire of which their other game loops(very basic features like salvaging, mining, combat industry and so on) they can start filling them out. Which is actually kind of an interesting thing, I've been watching more and more game dev tutorials and one of the really nice concepts I've seen is, keeping everything as modular as possible is a great idea. It lets you reuse that central thing (I'll use character movement, but pretend it's like cargo) you can have the character move, and seclude all those controls and variables like gravity and movement speed to the PC and if you want to change anything you'd need to edit it for the character. Though say you add several different enemies, now all these enemies also need their own variations programmed into their logic on an individual basis. But if you took those things they share, like gravity and movement, and made a module that you could just have each one reference then you'd have one base set that you just need to change the values to something unique to that monster/player. It's slower to make the individual nodes originally, but after you have those nodes setup, every single actor that uses them afterwards can be made much faster since you already have something set-up.
The "Trash Man" missions could be good missions for players just starting out, trying to earn some UEC. You could even make it the beginning of a chain of missions that graduate up to salvage missions, cleaning up wrecks in space or on a planet's surface, for UEC and to help the server with its persistence load. Also, I DEFINITELY think starter ships being brought up to Gold standard should be a priority!
Playability is a priority. Pyro was okay to explore, but the whole system was boring as it felt like there isn't much to do and every town looks like the same star wars hovel. In game shopping seemed the same across every station. Missions are buggy, so it leaves gameplay opportunities feeling limited. I don't want new ships or vehicles gameplay mechanics or anything until the game becomes reliable to take off from a hangar without exploding, or calling up freight in the elevator without it bugging out.
Are there actually a few unique locations in Pyro? All I've found was some Star wars bases that look similar, one single new station design for the entire system and the asteroid bases which also seem to have just one single design
Stability and playability. The content after that is just nice to have, but this instability needs to be resolved - permanently. Not just for a patch at the end of its cycle.
Difficult when there is so much yet to be added to the core of the game. Will see if testing the new features in a new PTU works to keep the LIVE out of bugs.
??? Many many many people have pledged for something much much more than the shit we have right now. I get that pyro is nice and fresh but at the end of the day we still have a bad game, no economy, no progression no player interdependence, no org features and the most simple gameloops. If you pledged to play the current game in a stable state, you pledged for the very wrong reason
Honestly after gauging tons of player's opinions (this includes my own) it seems that 99.9% of people want play-ability over content. CIG is the one that wants content, so they can sell ships for new/upcoming game loops.
What is the point of playing a game that has no content? Do people really enjoy the constant grind of ship boxes > make money > buy ship > repeat? What is the endgame? What is the purpose?
@@disky01that’s what I’m saying, if these people pledged for a stable experience with the SC we have right now then they’ve pledged for the wrong reason. At the end of the day SC lacks so much basic shit like an economy, progression, player interdependence, org features and not T0 fucking gameloops. Content >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> playability any day. Focus on playability once it’s worth playing
Here's the deal... I understand why they are always working on new ships as this is probably a huge source of revenue. However, IMO they have the potential to make soooo much more money by fixing the game and making it more playable for the average person. Think of all the new and returning players they would get simply because the core game is "mostly" playable without annoying issues like all the things mentioned by various commentors already. I totally understand that this game is marketed as unfinished and there is a disclaimer up front about it, but when current backers are this vocal and frustrated about playability and fixing current ships/gameplay, it doesnt make it appealing to new players or the ones that walked away previously. I really really really hope they'll slow down and work on polishing things. I actually love this game and want it to succeed. It has so much potential if they could just get their priorities aligned with the community that supports them.
@shmayazuggot8558 your comment makes no sense as I was saying that the ship devs should focus on working out the issues with current ships instead of developing new ones
Regarding ships being brought up to gold standard, I think at the very minimum all starters - and by that I mean every single ship that CIG has labeled as a starter - should be brought up to the current gold standard for every single patch. Every player either has a starter permanently in their hangar, or has extremely cheap in-game access to the starters. It's a way to show "this is where we intend to take every ship", and as the goalpost moves as far as what gold standard even means, the starters are a selection of ships that need to always be at the front of the list. They're small so they should be somewhat easier to keep up to date, once they get there in the first place, and more importantly they span the whole range of ship manufacturers so players can pick up the starter from their manufacturer of choice and see what they might be able to expect from other ships in that range.
What id like to see is this: dump in a couple of new star systems and have players do exploration missions for a cartography institute... Set waypoints, Place markers around planets, map uncharted areas, scan for resources, set up emergency outposts with comms, survival supplies and a medbed, etc.
I gotta say, this was an excellent summary of the pain points! As you've said at the end, 4.0 is in many ways a very solid base to start the year with. I am somewhat optimistic for this year, time will tell
Stability and bug fixes first, new features later. CIG made $116 million in 2024 (just one million short of 2023's record) in a mediocre year. Imagine how much more CIG would have made with the recent ship releases if the game was more stable.
This might be an unpopular opinion, but I got into this game at the beginning because of the expectation that I would eventually be able to have an NPC crew, ideally with custom NPCs through multiple packages. I wanted the Firefly fantasy, with a crew of people that had interactions I enjoyed. I don't care about shipping boxes for a monetary benefit. I play the game to have adventures, not to grind. Right now I cannot see a future in which that will happen. The game is so vastly different from what it claimed to be in the beginning and it seems to cater to a very different kind of person. And none of the ships feel like home, they're all business, with lots of polish and very little character. The Firefly fantasy feels very far away.
tbf, if any ship should get fixed, it should generally be whichever ship the most people has and uses. That much is fair. Perhaps you should just join the "bandwagon" and pick a ship that is less buggy
We've had tons of content till now. No more content. I want loops to be closed to create gameplay. I want stability, and a re-tune of difficulty after that (I think it's too high for entry level FPS missions and that's only with 12-17 sFPS). If they need to add "content" to close loops (like crafting), fine. But we don't need Pyro distro centers, for instance. I know they can't survive it, but a year with no new ship sales (backlogs only) would be proof that they're serious about making a game instead of selling the next fanfiction of gamplay (the cutter is a space RV? Really?)
The main focus needs to be getting what is already in the game optimized, all or at least most of the bugs FIXED and just get the game as is working! instead of ramming more and more and more things into an already broken game and somehow thinking it is not going to cause more issues! Its mind blowing the ignorance of CIG that seems clueless that development means, add something, test it, ensure it works before adding something else!
One thing that really upset me with 4.0.1 was they "fixed" everyone in a group getting the full payout for a contract. We all thought that was intentional and it made running group stuff actually worth it
Playability means lack of bugs. Get what we have bug free. Bring all the systems up to what they need to be to do what they plan to do, and just make it work for chrissakes. New content is awesome, but so is being able to use what we already have.
now would be the best time to focus on stability. especially after getting through 4.0. now that we have come a long way in terms of development, now they need to actually make the game more bearable to those who cant dedicate countless hours daily to enjoy it i have been a huge fan of this game, but the instability have always driven me away from it
I'm appreciative of rolling back some mechanics that exist only to waste my time ("Immersion"), but stuff like item insurance being removed in such a hamfisted way really turn me off from CIG is a big red flag that they've got some wrong approaches/mindsets making decisions. The monetary rewards do not matter when you will be wiped next time there's an exploit or change to gameplay mechanic. I'm not advocating for locking down mechanics permanently, but the current approach has made me BORED of all the money-making mechanics in the game and I'm not sure I'll even do them in 1.0. Multi-crew ships being truly unusable without multiple crew means I'm not buying more ships. Flight management mechanics being clumsy means I'm not really even interested in flying anything bigger than a heavy fighter even though I have a >$1,000 in pledges for ships like that. Respect my time and I will respect you, CIG.
i hate when CIG "balances" anything. they need to just let players do their thing. and delete the master modes and free the flight model.. A real physics based model. no ww2 dog fights.
I worry a focus on mostly content will leave a lot of gameplay loops unfinished and have content (like the ships) not fit the game in the future. I'm still holding out hope for some more involved professions like small minigames for healing or ship repair or salvaging that aren't just point tool at thing fire beam from tool.
I think it’s reasonable to implement de-spawning of items around busy POI’s. Realistically, an airport does not just leave trash lying on the ground. They have cleaning crews to remove it. Likewise, if an aircraft crashes on the airfield, they don’t just leave the wreckage there. But if this happens in the middle of nowhere, then yes. It should persist until removed by salvagers which provides for this career path.
One thing that could help with larger ships in combat is a hotkey for turrets to somehow cycle targets within your turret’s fire arc. It’s frustrating to target someone? Swing the turret around, and realize they’re on the other side of the ship. Also, some settings refuse to stay persistent. There are a couple things I need to adjust every time I log in that I shouldn’t have to worry about. The same can be said of power management. It needs persistence.
I hope so much that CIG is watching ur videos, since ur one of my fav creators for SC that really wrap up Information and feedback nicely and easily for devs to take notes from! Its frustrating to see a system in place where players can give dev feedback but its not even REALLY used. Since even when PTU players give it, people dont wait till all those fixes (or at least the majority) was fixed. Especially gold standard, UI and daily interactives
the playability and issue portion is a great way of describing it. There are so many issues that make me not want to play or at least progress. I've been playing for a year and a bit now and I already feel like a seasoned veteran. People will tell me what I've missed but I don't think it matters much cause I've experienced what the current game is. Rough. I'm the kinda guy to find a single game and play the shit out of it for a few years before finding another. This one started that way but has also made me realized I should have games that work and function properly to play when this one doesn't.
What can I say. I paid 400 dollars for the Prowler and it can't even fight due to randomly missing PIPs, not working MFDs and so many other major & visual bugs it has. All because I like the ship's design, but now I'm too tired of putting up issue council reports that get archived anyways. Old, non-functioning ships get ignored by CIG because not enough people are complaining/reporting it seems. The issue council only works for semi-popular & popular ships.
The problem with balance like little fighters taking down big ships is a geometry problem, very well explain by AvengerOne on youtube. But is really ignored by CIG for looong time...
Tony Z once talked about spawning breadcrumbs as part of encounters which might lead on to future encounters. For instance, maybe you're in a bounty hunter ship with prisoner storage. You disable a ship with a pirate on board and bring the pirate in. Maybe you get the location of another ship the pirates are planning on raiding from the intact ship, that attack might start when you get near giving you a defend mission, then the people you defended might hire you to search an area where they think other pirates are leading to a larger base. Those sorts of links might not be guaranteed, but they could reward curious players in a more interesting manners than "open contracts tab, find nearest good paying job, blow up ships, repeat" and reward players for using ships with capabilities other than DPS (Distortion/EMP, Quantum Interdiction, Prisoner Containment, Hacking, Ewar) in a PVE context.
At this point I have been so far removed from the game that I really couldn't provide accurate feedback. Only thing I can say is that it's actually difficulty to bring myself to come back.
I have been following this game for longer than most player and the reason I still haven't backed is polish, I do not care about how ambitious a game is, if the friction of playing is higher than you know all the other game that are finished, great and polished I know where my time will go
a massive quality of life thing that would go pretty far to making the game less punishing would be how it handles the dark sides of planets. - currently if you are running bounties or mercenary missions you regularly end up on the dark sides of planets and moons. - in game currently there is very minimal help to deal with seeing things in the dark. you can jam the ever living crap out of the ping function to see what you can. or you can rely on the ship lights. or you can abandon missions in the dark sides just cause they kind of suck for these reasons. like I know being careful and just flying accordingly when on the dark sides kind of makes sense... but does anyone honestly like the idea of the darksides being TOTALLY black with absolutely no light at all? - which by the way is entirely bonkers anyway. even on our current planet with its 1 moon enough light reflects off that moon that unless you are at a new moon or a extremely cloudy night then you almost ALWAYS have some level of illumination. In fact on a crisp winter day with a totally full moon and clear skies the amount of light bouncing from the moon is so strong it casts hard shadows on the ground. so anyone playing the "realism" card of SCs light model can just please save their breath. personally I think this is a pretty big issue cause its not uncommon to see relatively new pilots (or even experienced ones) crash into the ground when flying around in the dark. This is frankly a REALLY dumb way to die and toss progress out the window.
Night vision should have been added a long time ago, when AI can hit me on like 20m in a pitch black night while my flashlight is shit then I don't see the point in every doing FPS at night
@llawlied6902 i mean I don't even think night vision is needed. Just make it not 100% totally black. Like for a game that is so good looking elsewhere nighttime looks like absolute garbage
Thank god they wanted that, in 2025, rather then, say, wanting it all along. The way you said it, almost seemed like a good thing. Your smooth cool voice certainly helped🤧🥱😴
One thing that is really important I think, a small yet big quality of life feature : being able to filter and search missions, and having access to more than just the local available ones ! I don't care about the hundreds (100+) hauling missions when all I want is >rookie< >XS< >planetary< >Crusader< but I care being able to see all the bounties of Stanton and not just the Microtech ones because then I will think there is no missions to do at all in the game !
Playability is important, yes - But I'm more focused on people being able to play. With two systems to explore, there's so much space for people to traverse and experience for the first time. Its why I've still not touched Pyro yet despite playing in 4.0 Preview a little. Well... That and being trapped on A18 for over a week. Which circles back to playability.
I check in and play the game every time there's a new live-build. The moment an annoying bug happens (fall out of ship in QT, blow up for no reason, missions not giving markers or spwning enemies, etc.) I quit and check back next patch. Been hardely playing for 6 years now. Nerfing my Corsair had me quit for a while, too.
I really want the Exploration profession to be fleshed out heavily! No "tier zero" implementation, but actually something fairly deep and meaningful. The reason this has always seemed like an important priority to me is that so many other professions in the game are dependent on exploration. Finding good asteroids to mine, wrecks to salvage, safe routes for trade, anomalies to... science. And eventually, finding optimal locations to create player bases. There is already a vast amount of "playable space" with lots of full size planets and moons, and there are also many exploration ships in the game, but (as far as I know) there isn't really much exploration "gameplay" beyond the basic scan mechanic.
the cost of ships in the game for credits can look daunting but are totally manageable in my opinion. the goal that most people fail to get but not allows to make friends and do things with people and and the love for the game is great for this community because i have never not been able to find a group of people and get info i needed or learned to make more credits easily.
Some top issues in my opinion: 1. Working (reliable) VoIP, it's hard to play a social sandbox game without it when you can't talk to people you come across in-game. Makes it hard to trade, group up, help new people, RP, negotiate intentions, etc. 2. Transit System Refractor, let's be honest, a big majority of the game you spend walking/running around cities, space stations, outposts, etc. Which means we can't avoid having to use trains, elevators, doors, etc. Walking around and transit is part of the fun in my opinion, however it's not fun when all the bugs from broken trains and elevators not showing up or going to the right destination you clicked add up and you end up spending 30 minutes because the train didn't open it's doors, the elevator you called opens to a hole in the world so you fall through and respawn only to have to start the process over before finally getting to your hangar and find out the doors won't even open to let you out.
:D I started playing this week. I had to restart the tutorial 5 times and every single solitary mechanics I've interfaced with has been bugged including being stuck in prison because the elevator was broken. It persisted across several server hops until I finally got out. Then, it turned out that bug broke my Contracts page and no one contracts would appear. So I had to go and do prison again to fix it.
Trash cleanup should be done by NPC's. In and around towns/hubs, including abandoned ships/vehicles. This should NOT be player missions LOL. If you really wanted player missions, then perhaps it would be more for trash that is outside the towns/hubs.
I think ejection seats are a great example of the overall problem. We've been asking for them for almost a decade and the response is always "Its possible but not a priority for us." They need to start making player priorities their priorities too.
For FPS gear a first step would also be to fix the shop inventory, not being able to buy the full set of armor in the same store is annoying and unnecessary, also i would love to use the S71 more but you cant loot or buy it somewhat consistently. The option to set a loadout to respawn with for a fee would be absolutely great as well.
11:40 One of my least favorite things is getting to a bunker mission and seeing 5 abandoned ships sitting outside it within a 1-2km radius that aren't destroyed but just unusable because they are "locked". HEAVEN FORBID I "steal" these ships that their owner isn't coming back for
I dont believe in CIG that they can make a MMO with good gameplaycontent and a good netcode with proper working NPCs. ... I wish otherwise, but i just dont believe it.
No one believed they could make seamless planet entry, they did, no one believed they could make server meshing, they did, yes it's taken time, but remember, this started as 4 guys in a room, it's now a multi studio company with offices in many countries, that does not happen overnight.
@@Swatmat Ich said that they can do a great techdemo. That includes seamless planet entry and other stuff. Doing a MMO with real gameplay and content is a different thing. And server meshing is in the game, but at what state? Server meshing would be a success, if it is working in a flawless way. It brings the player nothing, if it is not improving the game. And actually there is no difference compared to before. NPCs not working, desyncs and many other stuff is not working. It is a mess.
@@JukkaPalme100 NPCs are working way better than before, you clearly dont remember the time when they wouldn't even move in bunkers and just stand still while you could headshot them one by one...
Some of my thoughts on what I'd like to see sooner rather than later because I think they might punch above their development "weight," but since I don't know anything about what that development weight might be, what do you know? 1) Bring Orgs fully online in-game. Org reputations, org ship management, org treasury management, org missions, etc. I think a lot of the content of the game will feel fresher with full org functionality. 2) Get the in-game broadcasting system up and running. This would bring the intended funtionality of the Reliant Mako into the game, not to mention give the gambling deck of GrimHex some greater usability. It just seems like a shame that we have all kinds of cool races, including our community-driven Daymar Rally, but don't have broadcasting built out in the game yet. The devs have already created some kind of tech that turns what I think is an in-game camera's view into a 2D texture for displaying on screens, which seems like a perfect segue into getting this broadcasting stuff going. How cool would it be to be QTing somewhere that's going to take a while, so you switch one of your many cockpit screens to a player-created stream of the hostilities at Orison as the Nine Tails are wreaking havoc and the bravery of the civilians fighting back? Or to a player-captured broadcast of hour 7 of the Daymar Rally? I dunno. Maybe I've got dumb priorities, but I'd like to see these things soon.
As a salvage player, one feature I would love to see is a way to purge the filler stations for quantities less than 1SCU, I routinely avoid ships over panels because I can't get a full buffer of either CMAT or RMC thus reducing the productivity of salvage runs. I would even take the trade off of making a waste container with it's own buffer that only empties in 1SCU quantities.
You can squeeze 1 and 2 SCU containers through the mid section door of Freelancers. It isn't easy, but you can do it. I use the F.max most of the time for my mining haul to markets until I can afford the C2. The trick is to stand far enough away to use the scroll wheel slowly and bring the container through, pulling it, not pushing it. If you get too far away, the door closes. If you bump the wall, you can set it back into the grid to straighten it out and try again.
man i remember the converts in 2013, laughing when i said it would take a decade and half a billion for what he's promising to be playable, but hey I was wrong, its 3 quarters of a billion and 12 years and it still isn't playable, really overachieved on failing.
Yo! Thanks for featuring my post about Trash man profession in this video! I was driving home and when you said my gamer name, my heart skipped a beat! 😂 Excellent video!
It's incredibly disappointing that CIG are not prioritizing NPCs in the verse. There is no way you're going to make the game feel immersive and full of life if you're relying on players for everything. We need NPCs. Whether it's to fill up landing zones with a population, provide targets for pirate-oriented players to attack, or provide clients for security-oriented players to protect. NPCs could make solo players like myself feel good about running a Starlancer, having a couple crewmembers walk around who will help unload cargo or man the turrets. You could implement a skill system whereby NPCs develop in their abilities based on what you have them do. It's a HUGE aspect of the game that would make it feel so much better.
it would be nice if I could do something other than log in once a patch only to see the servers are still complete ass. I can deal with bugs or unfinished content, but I don't even get that far most of the time.
7:53 - STARFARER should be the first thing they should completely rework now. Why? It would be more than needed for Pyro if they didn't add ridiculous amount of QT fuel to every ship this patch. They did it, because they knew nobody will want to use Starfarer - a broken empty mess - and people would be complaining that they can't zoom around Pyro freely. But Pyro was not supposed to be reachable in any ship like Stanton is. It was supposed to be gigantic, hard to traverse, and dangerous. A place where you can get stranded. For now it just feels like Stanton without the prison mechanic. I think Starfarer being fixed (and maybe adding some smaller refueling ship) would enable them to roll back those changes to QT fuel tanks.
When Chris says something is coming in a given calendar year, it doesn't normally happen. You can laugh or temper your expectations. Either is acceptable.
I know many folks who are waiting for a way to get back gear paid for with real world money before returning to the game. These recovery kiosks were supposed to be in 3.23.x. So, if CIG is serious about playability, quality-of-life, and bringing back old players this year - then they need to implement this system this year.
No. No content. Make everything work first. I want my HuD not to get all fucky-wucky. I want my missions to spawn targets. I want my ship and hangars to spawn when I need them to. I want my QT drive to not shit itself when I need it the most. I wanna be able to use the Hull-C I spent actual money on to make aUEC so I can actually play the fucking game. Make systems and mechanics work first, then finish getting all those concept ships flyable.
These are ENTIRELY different teams at work here... The processes for game development allow for specialists of both to do this. It drives me nuts when i hear people complain about "Don't add this, fix the game" when the teams doing the adding and content are separate and can both do the job equally. There are always going to be crossover, but i digress my point still stands. just some food for thought.
@@apgfeb14 I don't think you understand the frustration here. When they add new content, stability often suffers. Old ships also need to be fixed/updated. Why can't the dev team fix the old ships before launching the new ones? Couldn't the same team working on new ships pause to get the old ships working or updated? Especially since people have already paid for them? That's why people are frustrated. It's not a lack of understanding how game development works. It's noticing that there is a misalignment of priorities between backers and developers (or at least leadership). Don't let them play the victim here. It's obvious they really need to slow down and work on polishing some of the main components in gameplay before doing ANYTHING else. Otherwise the game is simply a waste of time for most people.
@@apgfeb14 I literally dont car about "muh ackthualy game dev work this way" If the game is not in a stable state dont add anything to it, and add stuff only if they fucking works ffs !
@karakiri283 This game is very openly advertised in Alpha, thats where you fix shit, FFS learn what game your talking about and what state its in. Open a fucking dictionary and type in alpha development for a game. I wish i did not have to tell you. Next time you should "car" about what state a game is in.
@apgfeb14 Well then someone at CIG better get on their ass and get them to make this shit work. I will not spend another cent on ships if they cannot get this game finished.
11:40 or so, trash missions are mentioned. I had a friend who, since he couldn't get to his hangar reliably, spent his time wandering around collecting med gowns. He eventually collected a 2SCU container full, only to find out that there was nobody in New Laggage who'd buy them. So he brought them to Stettler and sold the whole bunch for 45aUEC apiece at Casaba's.
Besides the necessary bug fixes, playability for me means player location persistence. When I log off (or crash/disconnect), I want to log back on at the same location that I logged off, that's it. This would solve so many inconveniences but would also counteract the ever-increasing time commitment that's needed to play the game. This should be one of their top priorities IMHO.
I support what this man said, I definitely think this man is the community's spokesman, ARMC senator, well said and well spoken. And keep professionally transmitting our thoughts and frustrations to CIG.
It's funny all the videos I've seen lately from the Star Citizen TH-camrs. They all seem desperate to bring players back into the game. Is CIG begging you guys to make videos that are so artificially upbeat to try to bring players back?
I don't really see that from them lol? The servers are always full or nearly there. Player count doesn't even matter right now anyways, most stuff is solo or nothing to do with other players. Maybe they just like the game lol? Most of them are being critical anyways. Go be mad somewhere else
Star Citizen need to optimize to be playable on older systems, like at least back to 5 years old components at minimum. The more players that can play at a steady frame rate the more people, funding, and fun can be had through that accessibility. I have a system with some 5 year old components with a few more recent upgrades and I regularly run at 15fps in cities and other locations like the Jump Point. I can get about 30-45 in orbit around planets and moons, and only reach 60+ in deep space with nothing around, unless I'm on a particularly large ship than i can drop back to around 40. I'm personally I'm okay with a solid 30, largely because I'm not a combative type player msot of the time, but the goal should obviously be 60 for most systems in the last few years at 1080p resolution.
13 วันที่ผ่านมา
This is unlikely to happen for a long time... like in 5 yeard? ;)
It seems reasonable to assume that 2025 CAN be the year of fixing bugs and ultimately creating a more stable playing experience since we finally have server meshing to relieve the strain on individual servers. Obviously in the future, dynamic server meshing addresses high player count at a particular location, but for now CIG can build off this existing tech platform and make this a game everyone has been hoping for. I personally wonder if they plan to make the planets and moons larger with more POIs since they are 1/6th scale.
9:32 I think it's been long enough that the "pledge" system should be phased out for starter ships; let people just buy Star Citizen and pick a starter in-game. A way to trade in ships in-game would also be fantastic, both for trying out different starters and general progression. I imagine more than a few potential new players walk away due to decision paralysis when it turns out they can't just buy the game and the money they spend has consequence.
finish nothing, break everything. blame no one and continue to take players money with a promise of nothing. this is wrong what they are doing. 4.0 is just another example of how they do not play the gaem, because you can not even call it that. a giant waste of time. and no u tubers are talking about, just making excuses. this is starting to get into the criminal side of business
Unrelated to SC, for everybody reading this: Check if you're getting enough Potassium. It shouldn't happen if you have a balanced diet, but deficiency feels aweful. I feel so much more motivated, since taking supplements. This was a PSA.
Thats the main problem with the game for me. Just about every part of the game is loosely implemented and unfinished. The devs repeatedly add new content that is unfinished or downright broken and just move on to the next project without focusing on polishing what is already there.
Something something you don't understand game development.
@sublimehypocrisy so help me understand. Admittedly I have never worked in the field, but I really am curious as to what is preventing them from finishing and polishing things to have a playable experience to all the fans who have graciously invested into an unfinished project. I feel like that is the very least they could do to the loyal backers of the game.
Thats why they are refocusing this year to improve playability. Decoupling content from feature sets will help devs add critical updates without needing for full feature sets before adding them
@@igotazombiearmy528 I agree with you. Maybe my comment needed a /s?
Unironically, that's how game development works. You don't polish the car until you have all the parts integrated and working in a general sense. What makes CIG so controversial, is they keep adding shit to the car.
Two thing I would like to see that I think would be a benefit.|
1. Cash for recycling. I'll dump my medical gown or anything into a recycler for a small monetary reward. Make recycling bins available everywhere, including in the kiosk of our inventories.
2. I should be able to sync my mobi with my ship so I can control some ship functions from it. Like opening and closing doors, turning on lights, things like that (see The Expanse).
Random SC youtuber: Hey guys, welcome to my SC guide on how to make money fast. First backspace and drop gown into bin right in the clinic, repeat till you're rich. Thanks for watching. Like and subscribe. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
You can sell your gown and empty bottles at clothing shops. I think the bottles are 2 auec and gowns are 45
Holy shit, cash for recycling is a very good Idea! Works for cans and bottles here in germany too.
Also prevents people stealing your ship without hacking
I'd love the ability to dismiss and recall my ship like in Elite Dangerous. It could just go fly and sit in orbit when I dismiss it and when I recall it it would auto land at the nearest open area.
I don't think they quite understand that updating many of these older ships will actually increase their sales for said ships. They just think that because older ships are old, they don't sell, but in all reality, its just because they aren't finished and people don't bother getting them.
Sad gladiator noises. They just left that thing to rot
Thats so stupid it actually drives me mad. I guess updating starters ships, wich are almost all outdated, is not their priority as they’re cheap in game and probably would’nt boost sales that much ( what a delight to have a game driven by the marketing department ). But damn it, they are litterally the first taste of the game new players will get and I know for a fact that it can be a reason for them not to continue. Like this game is crashing every 45 secs, and you dont give to new player the reason why people still stick around the project ? Ass move
That was for starter ships, dont get me started on how it is 10 Times more ridiculous for other outdated ships
So many of the older ships need more than just a components & buttons pass, they need a complete overhaul (like they're doing with the 600i), such as; the Starfarer, Reclaimer, Aurora and many others.
@@helline9I agree.
That is why i talked about a gold pass.
We'll see. Pyro was supposed to be middle of 2024, not squeaking in at the very last minute in a "Preview Release." CIG has said a lot of things over a lot of years. 2024 wasn't the "defining year" for the PU it was set up to be at CitCon 2023. I'll judge 2025 as a "good year" if/when it actually happens.
My friend, 3.17 was supposed to be "the last patch before 4.0". That puts the initial "was supposed to be" at the end of 2023. Never forget.
Pyro was supposed to be five years ago.
@@disky01 And we were supposed to have 100 systems, not 5.
"yeah but they will add more after..."
Shhhhhh. 100>>>>5
@karakiri283 They said that the new expectation for 1.0 is 5 systems. Stanton, Pyro, Nyx, Castra, and Terra. They will likely add more after that, sure. But they also mentioned that the original 100 planets had less points of interest than what we have even now with 2. You couldn't land on them, explore, etc. It would have been far more "Freelancer" style. The vision of the game has shifted, and I think for the better. But I do not blame any original backers for feeling like it's a bait and switch. The game they were promised is simply not what it's becoming now. It's becoming better, but it's taking far longer than that simpler game would have taken.
@@rem_92899 "better"...look, I'll take a game that releases on time over one with an alpha that is old enough to be in puberty. In this case, better is the enemy of the good. The game will not survive its own scope creep.
And please, please don't repeat the same justifications over and over again as if we haven't heard them a thousand times already. The excuses are well-worn.
What's next in 2025? Deferring to 2026, of course!
I'm a "2 more years" kind of guy. 2027 or bust!
Or pretending a lot of major talent are still running out the door at this very moment.
@@tropicthndr If talent is now leaving CIG after x amount of years, that says more about where the game is now vs then. When the game is almost close to the finished product, they downsize. It happens in every industry, so imo thats a good thing given the context. Now if networking engineers start leaving then you outta worry
@@cm1825 This! And in 2027? Only two more years so 2029 it is!
Two more years, is all.
I've backed since 2013, the enthusiasm is long gone. Now i'll believe when i see it.
I backed since 2012, My Enthusiasm definitely not on the level it once was. but I still have to believe. because there's no other option.
I'm an OG backer. I haven't played in over 2 years. I've got no time or patience for bugs. I've been waiting for a time to jump back in, but all I hear on Reddit is bugs bugs bugs.
I'll believe it when I see it.
@tobiascarrier every update i feel has a mixed bag of people complaining, but also some saying is always smoother, and other say "last update was better" every update. Sadly I think that project is doomed to fail
@@nickdibiase3152 It's too soon to tell but looking at funding this year it's definetely a big red flag for CIG that they need to actually make a game instead of making promises and lying about their progress, because at the end of the day people will see when there's way less than 50% of all the stuff you said was "in polish and coming this year", and that part is still broken as hell
You're not missing anything.
Here your main problem to start with. Never go full reddit.
But yeah, bugs are still there. More present than gameplay.
@Stormyy6310 Yes, and they'll focus primarly on doing SQ42.
They've got their work cut out for them, that's for sure. This game isn't just an alpha presently. It's a biblical-scale plague of bugs.
Patch-work code because NO CORE.
I'm pressing X to doubt.
Yes with all the core tech in for the most part they can finally justify working on stability, but I think it's just the publicity headline for a year with minimal content and minimal bugfixing because too many devs are back at trying to get SQ42 over the finish line.
Like they even left SQ42.. that was just Roberts trying to give us false hope and trying to get us to spend money on the PU
12 years and not a single game loop that works, 10 years of tools development to speed up production yet production slows down. Snake oil is getting stronger with this organisation. Be careful investing money in this company.
I'd say to most wanting to play it that at this point just pay for the starter package and NOTHING else. $45 for the "game" then enjoy the grinding part for new ships and items cause throwing money into the pledge store is a waste imo.
mean while u tuber like morph keep pushing this crap game on players, and cig steals their hopes and dreams of a great space game
Well, it's interesting that I watched this whole video while I was on a loading screen. The irony of life.
The lack of npc ships flying around is the weirdest thing. Even in Elite, 10 years ago, they had npc's jumping into stations and landing, as well as taking off and flying away.
Let me remind you how the NPC AI is so braindead that when you get scanned by a navy ship near a station you can easily kite them into crashing into it. Now tell me: do you want those things anywhere near you when you're coming in for docking with a ship full of cargo?
Playability and all but also. TTK FOR SHIPS !
Ships are not ships in the game but chips. They crack under you fingers like literal chips as soon as you touch them. How are we supposed to care about our ships, equip them, use their inventory if any encounter with another agressive player/s mean our ship will explode in less than 5 secondes for most small/medium ships (and even for some bigger ones) ? Even a good pilot who get jumped by 2 or 3 ships with pilots not as good as him will just die because how low the TTK is anyways ! Make ships more resistant.
And for those who will tell me that CIG had spoke about some armor feature back in 2015, ships components in 2014, or God only know what CR spoke about during the past 15 years. I dont care about features that will come beyond the next decades, or even a year. I want ships to be playable and enjoyable now !
Yes yes yes!
I took a break from 4.0 after losing my 3rd rmc haul in my reclaimer to bugs. I will welcome stability, some gold passes to older ships without that mk2 bs, and attention to things like improvements to crime/punishment, bounties, missions, and the economy.
Aaaaah but “90% of all ship claims AREN’T due to destroyed ships” . “Thus you must have been committing insurance fraud.. this is why ‘the economy’ isn’t balanced.. which is why you all need to now wait for an hour to get your Reclaimer back”.. CIG logic 2024.
Hopefully this year I will finally be able to join the community in the verse, it’s been a blast to follow along, here’s hoping to play soon.
Good luck, and fly safe!
Just wait until 2026, dude. That's when 1.0 is coming; no more alpha.
@allthatishere I hope so. But no guarantees we get 1.0 then there is a lot of stuff promised that hasn't been started yet
@@allthatishere no.... not at all... 2026 is when SQ42 comes out, they have never said 1.0 is coming 2026 and I highly doubt it, SC 1.0 is probably 8-10 years away, but being able to play it will be nice.
I joined about 6 months ago and that’s one of my biggest key points when talking about SC, don’t join yet if you’re looking for a Game lol
Playability is big for me. Everytime I come back to see how the game is doing, it takes over an hour for me and my friends to find each other, launch a ship successfully, and then complete a mission, only to end up with the NPCs we were doing the mission for to bug out and think we are attacking them and shoot our ship dead while we are on the ground.
how did you even complete a mission? it has been a struggle
To me the biggest problem is not just the bugs but the time sinks, if you combine an extremely tedious procedure to do basically anything yet have crazy amounts of bugs that can snap the little progress you might have made out of existence it's a huge reason why people don't actually stick around, I think SC needs to implement quality of life changes as well as stability
Adding npc ships and deleting trash sounds like a great idea.
On the topic of trash clean up - just last week I spent some time using my Argo SRV to tow the destroyed remnants of ships off the landing pads and away from the station where I could then salvage and eventually fracture / disintegrate and clean them up off the server.
A bit of extra work for the same money I could have made anywhere else by simply salvaging via missions or finding panels, but it was a good feeling knowing I'm helping the server by removing clutter in high traffic locations.
Now if only there were missions to incentivize doing that over just finding the much more lucrative panels. Because let's face it, most players go where the money is, and I don't blame them.
Exactly us the players would like to do some of the clean up if they just let us. ships that have been abandoned / re claimed should auto have the power turned off and let salvage. one problem is even if a player had just left the ship and was coming back to it there is now way to see if that is a players ship when they are no longer in it!
@Tainted-Soul Yeah for sure! Power without the engines turned on should run off a battery. When the battery dies, the shields go down and the ship becomes fair game. Give it an 8 hour timer or something.
If they just spent the whole year adding no new content at all and just release bug fixes I would be happy
I second this! The game has so much potential! They just need to iron out the kinks!
What's the point if new features come that break everything again and makes all the fixes pointless
me too
@@llawlied6902 New features can NOT break everything.. they need testing and QA.
@sanctred any new code can break shit they have like 5 waves of testing now and still have bugs from 3.13 or add new ones
Really want an in game tutorial, that can be replayed at will, maybe even separate from the actual game. There are so many systems, it would be nice to be able to quickly play "simulations" that cover different aspects of the game.
Maybe a bit like how Cyberpunk 2077's edge runner teaches you in a VR setting.
Every like 6 to 8 months I check in on Star citizen development. Its ridiculous that y'all are keeping the dream alive. This shit will never be what Chris promised.
we wanted playability and content for like a decade, and they give up ships usually
There is some cross training, but usually you have the people specialized in certain fields be the ones that work in those fields. So 3d artists make ships, network engineers work on stability, the lore folks work on that content, the mappers build the worlds, gameplay engineers work on the missions, and so on and so forth.
@MrRoblcopter and water is wet. What is your point? So they need to get less 3d artists or sadly lay some off or retrain them. Over a decade plus they should have this figured out
@@nickdibiase3152 they do have it figured out, they understand that their only current revenue stream comes from ship, cosmetic, and new player sales.
Now that they have their most core feature out(meshing), and the central spire of which their other game loops(very basic features like salvaging, mining, combat industry and so on) they can start filling them out.
Which is actually kind of an interesting thing, I've been watching more and more game dev tutorials and one of the really nice concepts I've seen is, keeping everything as modular as possible is a great idea. It lets you reuse that central thing (I'll use character movement, but pretend it's like cargo) you can have the character move, and seclude all those controls and variables like gravity and movement speed to the PC and if you want to change anything you'd need to edit it for the character. Though say you add several different enemies, now all these enemies also need their own variations programmed into their logic on an individual basis.
But if you took those things they share, like gravity and movement, and made a module that you could just have each one reference then you'd have one base set that you just need to change the values to something unique to that monster/player.
It's slower to make the individual nodes originally, but after you have those nodes setup, every single actor that uses them afterwards can be made much faster since you already have something set-up.
The "Trash Man" missions could be good missions for players just starting out, trying to earn some UEC. You could even make it the beginning of a chain of missions that graduate up to salvage missions, cleaning up wrecks in space or on a planet's surface, for UEC and to help the server with its persistence load.
Also, I DEFINITELY think starter ships being brought up to Gold standard should be a priority!
Playability is a priority. Pyro was okay to explore, but the whole system was boring as it felt like there isn't much to do and every town looks like the same star wars hovel. In game shopping seemed the same across every station. Missions are buggy, so it leaves gameplay opportunities feeling limited.
I don't want new ships or vehicles gameplay mechanics or anything until the game becomes reliable to take off from a hangar without exploding, or calling up freight in the elevator without it bugging out.
Are there actually a few unique locations in Pyro? All I've found was some Star wars bases that look similar, one single new station design for the entire system and the asteroid bases which also seem to have just one single design
They seem to have mostly forgotten that they're supposed to make something entertaining.
Stability and playability. The content after that is just nice to have, but this instability needs to be resolved - permanently. Not just for a patch at the end of its cycle.
Difficult when there is so much yet to be added to the core of the game. Will see if testing the new features in a new PTU works to keep the LIVE out of bugs.
??? Many many many people have pledged for something much much more than the shit we have right now. I get that pyro is nice and fresh but at the end of the day we still have a bad game, no economy, no progression no player interdependence, no org features and the most simple gameloops.
If you pledged to play the current game in a stable state, you pledged for the very wrong reason
@El1qt what more did you pledge for
@@Tycho-UEE its not for a patch, its for the launch of sq42. Theyre finishing up, this is it
Honestly after gauging tons of player's opinions (this includes my own) it seems that 99.9% of people want play-ability over content. CIG is the one that wants content, so they can sell ships for new/upcoming game loops.
What is the point of playing a game that has no content? Do people really enjoy the constant grind of ship boxes > make money > buy ship > repeat? What is the endgame? What is the purpose?
@@disky01The purpose is to distract the "players" enough with just enough changes to have them consider the store every once in a while.
For this year the commitment is stability and content over features. 2024 was dominated by features that took a life to fix into the game.
@@disky01that’s what I’m saying, if these people pledged for a stable experience with the SC we have right now then they’ve pledged for the wrong reason. At the end of the day SC lacks so much basic shit like an economy, progression, player interdependence, org features and not T0 fucking gameloops. Content >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> playability any day. Focus on playability once it’s worth playing
@@disky01 The game already has a lot of content, the problem is that most of it is broken so we've gotten used to ignoring it.
Here's the deal... I understand why they are always working on new ships as this is probably a huge source of revenue. However, IMO they have the potential to make soooo much more money by fixing the game and making it more playable for the average person.
Think of all the new and returning players they would get simply because the core game is "mostly" playable without annoying issues like all the things mentioned by various commentors already.
I totally understand that this game is marketed as unfinished and there is a disclaimer up front about it, but when current backers are this vocal and frustrated about playability and fixing current ships/gameplay, it doesnt make it appealing to new players or the ones that walked away previously.
I really really really hope they'll slow down and work on polishing things. I actually love this game and want it to succeed. It has so much potential if they could just get their priorities aligned with the community that supports them.
Different teams are used for building ships that have nothing to do with the state of game.
@shmayazuggot8558 your comment makes no sense as I was saying that the ship devs should focus on working out the issues with current ships instead of developing new ones
Regarding ships being brought up to gold standard, I think at the very minimum all starters - and by that I mean every single ship that CIG has labeled as a starter - should be brought up to the current gold standard for every single patch. Every player either has a starter permanently in their hangar, or has extremely cheap in-game access to the starters. It's a way to show "this is where we intend to take every ship", and as the goalpost moves as far as what gold standard even means, the starters are a selection of ships that need to always be at the front of the list. They're small so they should be somewhat easier to keep up to date, once they get there in the first place, and more importantly they span the whole range of ship manufacturers so players can pick up the starter from their manufacturer of choice and see what they might be able to expect from other ships in that range.
What id like to see is this: dump in a couple of new star systems and have players do exploration missions for a cartography institute... Set waypoints, Place markers around planets, map uncharted areas, scan for resources, set up emergency outposts with comms, survival supplies and a medbed, etc.
I gotta say, this was an excellent summary of the pain points! As you've said at the end, 4.0 is in many ways a very solid base to start the year with. I am somewhat optimistic for this year, time will tell
Stability and bug fixes first, new features later.
CIG made $116 million in 2024 (just one million short of 2023's record) in a mediocre year. Imagine how much more CIG would have made with the recent ship releases if the game was more stable.
This might be an unpopular opinion, but I got into this game at the beginning because of the expectation that I would eventually be able to have an NPC crew, ideally with custom NPCs through multiple packages. I wanted the Firefly fantasy, with a crew of people that had interactions I enjoyed. I don't care about shipping boxes for a monetary benefit. I play the game to have adventures, not to grind.
Right now I cannot see a future in which that will happen. The game is so vastly different from what it claimed to be in the beginning and it seems to cater to a very different kind of person. And none of the ships feel like home, they're all business, with lots of polish and very little character. The Firefly fantasy feels very far away.
tbf, if any ship should get fixed, it should generally be whichever ship the most people has and uses. That much is fair. Perhaps you should just join the "bandwagon" and pick a ship that is less buggy
@@Exsulator2 Did you reply to the right message? This doesn't seem in any way related to what I'm saying. I'm not talking about bugs.
@ wtf happened here, you're right this is NOT the comment I was replying to... Idk, but ignore my comment, it's for someone else
@@Exsulator2 all good, man.
We've had tons of content till now. No more content. I want loops to be closed to create gameplay. I want stability, and a re-tune of difficulty after that (I think it's too high for entry level FPS missions and that's only with 12-17 sFPS). If they need to add "content" to close loops (like crafting), fine. But we don't need Pyro distro centers, for instance. I know they can't survive it, but a year with no new ship sales (backlogs only) would be proof that they're serious about making a game instead of selling the next fanfiction of gamplay (the cutter is a space RV? Really?)
The main focus needs to be getting what is already in the game optimized, all or at least most of the bugs FIXED and just get the game as is working! instead of ramming more and more and more things into an already broken game and somehow thinking it is not going to cause more issues! Its mind blowing the ignorance of CIG that seems clueless that development means, add something, test it, ensure it works before adding something else!
One thing that really upset me with 4.0.1 was they "fixed" everyone in a group getting the full payout for a contract. We all thought that was intentional and it made running group stuff actually worth it
Playability means lack of bugs. Get what we have bug free. Bring all the systems up to what they need to be to do what they plan to do, and just make it work for chrissakes. New content is awesome, but so is being able to use what we already have.
now would be the best time to focus on stability. especially after getting through 4.0. now that we have come a long way in terms of development, now they need to actually make the game more bearable to those who cant dedicate countless hours daily to enjoy it
i have been a huge fan of this game, but the instability have always driven me away from it
I'm appreciative of rolling back some mechanics that exist only to waste my time ("Immersion"), but stuff like item insurance being removed in such a hamfisted way really turn me off from CIG is a big red flag that they've got some wrong approaches/mindsets making decisions. The monetary rewards do not matter when you will be wiped next time there's an exploit or change to gameplay mechanic. I'm not advocating for locking down mechanics permanently, but the current approach has made me BORED of all the money-making mechanics in the game and I'm not sure I'll even do them in 1.0. Multi-crew ships being truly unusable without multiple crew means I'm not buying more ships. Flight management mechanics being clumsy means I'm not really even interested in flying anything bigger than a heavy fighter even though I have a >$1,000 in pledges for ships like that. Respect my time and I will respect you, CIG.
i hate when CIG "balances" anything. they need to just let players do their thing. and delete the master modes and free the flight model.. A real physics based model. no ww2 dog fights.
I worry a focus on mostly content will leave a lot of gameplay loops unfinished and have content (like the ships) not fit the game in the future. I'm still holding out hope for some more involved professions like small minigames for healing or ship repair or salvaging that aren't just point tool at thing fire beam from tool.
I think it’s reasonable to implement de-spawning of items around busy POI’s. Realistically, an airport does not just leave trash lying on the ground. They have cleaning crews to remove it. Likewise, if an aircraft crashes on the airfield, they don’t just leave the wreckage there. But if this happens in the middle of nowhere, then yes. It should persist until removed by salvagers which provides for this career path.
One thing that could help with larger ships in combat is a hotkey for turrets to somehow cycle targets within your turret’s fire arc. It’s frustrating to target someone? Swing the turret around, and realize they’re on the other side of the ship. Also, some settings refuse to stay persistent. There are a couple things I need to adjust every time I log in that I shouldn’t have to worry about. The same can be said of power management. It needs persistence.
I hope so much that CIG is watching ur videos, since ur one of my fav creators for SC that really wrap up Information and feedback nicely and easily for devs to take notes from! Its frustrating to see a system in place where players can give dev feedback but its not even REALLY used. Since even when PTU players give it, people dont wait till all those fixes (or at least the majority) was fixed. Especially gold standard, UI and daily interactives
the playability and issue portion is a great way of describing it. There are so many issues that make me not want to play or at least progress. I've been playing for a year and a bit now and I already feel like a seasoned veteran. People will tell me what I've missed but I don't think it matters much cause I've experienced what the current game is. Rough. I'm the kinda guy to find a single game and play the shit out of it for a few years before finding another. This one started that way but has also made me realized I should have games that work and function properly to play when this one doesn't.
What can I say. I paid 400 dollars for the Prowler and it can't even fight due to randomly missing PIPs, not working MFDs and so many other major & visual bugs it has. All because I like the ship's design, but now I'm too tired of putting up issue council reports that get archived anyways.
Old, non-functioning ships get ignored by CIG because not enough people are complaining/reporting it seems. The issue council only works for semi-popular & popular ships.
The problem with balance like little fighters taking down big ships is a geometry problem, very well explain by AvengerOne on youtube. But is really ignored by CIG for looong time...
Tony Z once talked about spawning breadcrumbs as part of encounters which might lead on to future encounters. For instance, maybe you're in a bounty hunter ship with prisoner storage. You disable a ship with a pirate on board and bring the pirate in. Maybe you get the location of another ship the pirates are planning on raiding from the intact ship, that attack might start when you get near giving you a defend mission, then the people you defended might hire you to search an area where they think other pirates are leading to a larger base.
Those sorts of links might not be guaranteed, but they could reward curious players in a more interesting manners than "open contracts tab, find nearest good paying job, blow up ships, repeat" and reward players for using ships with capabilities other than DPS (Distortion/EMP, Quantum Interdiction, Prisoner Containment, Hacking, Ewar) in a PVE context.
yes yes they totally needed to make a "lets stop adding stuffs and polish existing systems" YES PLEASE
I think SC must trive in 2025 or i guess it will rest in peace, laying hopes of revival or final death with SQ42.
At this point I have been so far removed from the game that I really couldn't provide accurate feedback. Only thing I can say is that it's actually difficulty to bring myself to come back.
I have been following this game for longer than most player and the reason I still haven't backed is polish, I do not care about how ambitious a game is, if the friction of playing is higher than you know all the other game that are finished, great and polished I know where my time will go
a massive quality of life thing that would go pretty far to making the game less punishing would be how it handles the dark sides of planets.
- currently if you are running bounties or mercenary missions you regularly end up on the dark sides of planets and moons.
- in game currently there is very minimal help to deal with seeing things in the dark.
you can jam the ever living crap out of the ping function to see what you can.
or you can rely on the ship lights.
or you can abandon missions in the dark sides just cause they kind of suck for these reasons.
like I know being careful and just flying accordingly when on the dark sides kind of makes sense... but does anyone honestly like the idea of the darksides being TOTALLY black with absolutely no light at all?
- which by the way is entirely bonkers anyway. even on our current planet with its 1 moon enough light reflects off that moon that unless you are at a new moon or a extremely cloudy night then you almost ALWAYS have some level of illumination. In fact on a crisp winter day with a totally full moon and clear skies the amount of light bouncing from the moon is so strong it casts hard shadows on the ground.
so anyone playing the "realism" card of SCs light model can just please save their breath.
personally I think this is a pretty big issue cause its not uncommon to see relatively new pilots (or even experienced ones) crash into the ground when flying around in the dark.
This is frankly a REALLY dumb way to die and toss progress out the window.
Night vision should have been added a long time ago, when AI can hit me on like 20m in a pitch black night while my flashlight is shit then I don't see the point in every doing FPS at night
@llawlied6902 i mean I don't even think night vision is needed. Just make it not 100% totally black.
Like for a game that is so good looking elsewhere nighttime looks like absolute garbage
Thank god they wanted that, in 2025, rather then, say, wanting it all along. The way you said it, almost seemed like a good thing. Your smooth cool voice certainly helped🤧🥱😴
One thing that is really important I think, a small yet big quality of life feature : being able to filter and search missions, and having access to more than just the local available ones !
I don't care about the hundreds (100+) hauling missions when all I want is >rookie< >XS< >planetary< >Crusader< but I care being able to see all the bounties of Stanton and not just the Microtech ones because then I will think there is no missions to do at all in the game !
Playability is important, yes - But I'm more focused on people being able to play. With two systems to explore, there's so much space for people to traverse and experience for the first time. Its why I've still not touched Pyro yet despite playing in 4.0 Preview a little. Well... That and being trapped on A18 for over a week. Which circles back to playability.
I check in and play the game every time there's a new live-build. The moment an annoying bug happens (fall out of ship in QT, blow up for no reason, missions not giving markers or spwning enemies, etc.) I quit and check back next patch. Been hardely playing for 6 years now. Nerfing my Corsair had me quit for a while, too.
This video acts like CIG haven't been feeding this CRAP for over a decade now.
They need consistent stability beforehand.
I really want the Exploration profession to be fleshed out heavily! No "tier zero" implementation, but actually something fairly deep and meaningful.
The reason this has always seemed like an important priority to me is that so many other professions in the game are dependent on exploration. Finding good asteroids to mine, wrecks to salvage, safe routes for trade, anomalies to... science. And eventually, finding optimal locations to create player bases.
There is already a vast amount of "playable space" with lots of full size planets and moons, and there are also many exploration ships in the game, but (as far as I know) there isn't really much exploration "gameplay" beyond the basic scan mechanic.
Whoah, hold on a minute. Playability AND content?! No need to rush into these things...
the cost of ships in the game for credits can look daunting but are totally manageable in my opinion. the goal that most people fail to get but not allows to make friends and do things with people and and the love for the game is great for this community because i have never not been able to find a group of people and get info i needed or learned to make more credits easily.
Some top issues in my opinion:
1. Working (reliable) VoIP, it's hard to play a social sandbox game without it when you can't talk to people you come across in-game. Makes it hard to trade, group up, help new people, RP, negotiate intentions, etc.
2. Transit System Refractor, let's be honest, a big majority of the game you spend walking/running around cities, space stations, outposts, etc. Which means we can't avoid having to use trains, elevators, doors, etc. Walking around and transit is part of the fun in my opinion, however it's not fun when all the bugs from broken trains and elevators not showing up or going to the right destination you clicked add up and you end up spending 30 minutes because the train didn't open it's doors, the elevator you called opens to a hole in the world so you fall through and respawn only to have to start the process over before finally getting to your hangar and find out the doors won't even open to let you out.
It's great to see SC get in line with its players who wanted playability and content for years earlier and years prior.
Night vision, which ED does, and planetary coordinates, which NMS does, are the hills I will die on.
:D I started playing this week. I had to restart the tutorial 5 times and every single solitary mechanics I've interfaced with has been bugged including being stuck in prison because the elevator was broken. It persisted across several server hops until I finally got out. Then, it turned out that bug broke my Contracts page and no one contracts would appear. So I had to go and do prison again to fix it.
Trash cleanup should be done by NPC's. In and around towns/hubs, including abandoned ships/vehicles. This should NOT be player missions LOL. If you really wanted player missions, then perhaps it would be more for trash that is outside the towns/hubs.
I think ejection seats are a great example of the overall problem. We've been asking for them for almost a decade and the response is always "Its possible but not a priority for us."
They need to start making player priorities their priorities too.
For FPS gear a first step would also be to fix the shop inventory, not being able to buy the full set of armor in the same store is annoying and unnecessary, also i would love to use the S71 more but you cant loot or buy it somewhat consistently.
The option to set a loadout to respawn with for a fee would be absolutely great as well.
Not having an internal storage on my starter ship is crazy work from the devs. even the F8c has storage and that's a heavy fighter with no interior.
One of my least favorite things is getting to a bunker mission and seeing 5 abandoned ships sitting outside it within a 1-2km radius that aren't destroyed but just unusable because they are "locked". HEAVEN FORBID I "steal" these ships that their owner isn't coming back for
I dont believe in CIG that they can make a MMO with good gameplaycontent and a good netcode with proper working NPCs. ... I wish otherwise, but i just dont believe it.
No one believed they could make seamless planet entry, they did, no one believed they could make server meshing, they did, yes it's taken time, but remember, this started as 4 guys in a room, it's now a multi studio company with offices in many countries, that does not happen overnight.
@@Swatmat Ich said that they can do a great techdemo. That includes seamless planet entry and other stuff. Doing a MMO with real gameplay and content is a different thing.
And server meshing is in the game, but at what state? Server meshing would be a success, if it is working in a flawless way. It brings the player nothing, if it is not improving the game. And actually there is no difference compared to before. NPCs not working, desyncs and many other stuff is not working. It is a mess.
@@JukkaPalme100 NPCs are working way better than before, you clearly dont remember the time when they wouldn't even move in bunkers and just stand still while you could headshot them one by one...
Some of my thoughts on what I'd like to see sooner rather than later because I think they might punch above their development "weight," but since I don't know anything about what that development weight might be, what do you know?
1) Bring Orgs fully online in-game. Org reputations, org ship management, org treasury management, org missions, etc. I think a lot of the content of the game will feel fresher with full org functionality.
2) Get the in-game broadcasting system up and running. This would bring the intended funtionality of the Reliant Mako into the game, not to mention give the gambling deck of GrimHex some greater usability. It just seems like a shame that we have all kinds of cool races, including our community-driven Daymar Rally, but don't have broadcasting built out in the game yet. The devs have already created some kind of tech that turns what I think is an in-game camera's view into a 2D texture for displaying on screens, which seems like a perfect segue into getting this broadcasting stuff going. How cool would it be to be QTing somewhere that's going to take a while, so you switch one of your many cockpit screens to a player-created stream of the hostilities at Orison as the Nine Tails are wreaking havoc and the bravery of the civilians fighting back? Or to a player-captured broadcast of hour 7 of the Daymar Rally?
I dunno. Maybe I've got dumb priorities, but I'd like to see these things soon.
As a salvage player, one feature I would love to see is a way to purge the filler stations for quantities less than 1SCU, I routinely avoid ships over panels because I can't get a full buffer of either CMAT or RMC thus reducing the productivity of salvage runs. I would even take the trade off of making a waste container with it's own buffer that only empties in 1SCU quantities.
You can squeeze 1 and 2 SCU containers through the mid section door of Freelancers. It isn't easy, but you can do it. I use the F.max most of the time for my mining haul to markets until I can afford the C2. The trick is to stand far enough away to use the scroll wheel slowly and bring the container through, pulling it, not pushing it. If you get too far away, the door closes. If you bump the wall, you can set it back into the grid to straighten it out and try again.
man i remember the converts in 2013, laughing when i said it would take a decade and half a billion for what he's promising to be playable, but hey I was wrong, its 3 quarters of a billion and 12 years and it still isn't playable, really overachieved on failing.
Yo! Thanks for featuring my post about Trash man profession in this video! I was driving home and when you said my gamer name, my heart skipped a beat! 😂 Excellent video!
But then they'll say delayed till 2029.... 2030....?????
It's incredibly disappointing that CIG are not prioritizing NPCs in the verse. There is no way you're going to make the game feel immersive and full of life if you're relying on players for everything. We need NPCs. Whether it's to fill up landing zones with a population, provide targets for pirate-oriented players to attack, or provide clients for security-oriented players to protect. NPCs could make solo players like myself feel good about running a Starlancer, having a couple crewmembers walk around who will help unload cargo or man the turrets. You could implement a skill system whereby NPCs develop in their abilities based on what you have them do. It's a HUGE aspect of the game that would make it feel so much better.
it would be nice if I could do something other than log in once a patch only to see the servers are still complete ass. I can deal with bugs or unfinished content, but I don't even get that far most of the time.
7:53 - STARFARER should be the first thing they should completely rework now. Why? It would be more than needed for Pyro if they didn't add ridiculous amount of QT fuel to every ship this patch. They did it, because they knew nobody will want to use Starfarer - a broken empty mess - and people would be complaining that they can't zoom around Pyro freely. But Pyro was not supposed to be reachable in any ship like Stanton is. It was supposed to be gigantic, hard to traverse, and dangerous. A place where you can get stranded. For now it just feels like Stanton without the prison mechanic. I think Starfarer being fixed (and maybe adding some smaller refueling ship) would enable them to roll back those changes to QT fuel tanks.
When Chris says something is coming in a given calendar year, it doesn't normally happen. You can laugh or temper your expectations. Either is acceptable.
It never happens, not just "normaly". I can't recal a SINGLE thing they set a date on and hit it... Other than citizenCONS.
I could live this year with no new ships or features if they just squashed bugs that'd be enough for me.
I know many folks who are waiting for a way to get back gear paid for with real world money before returning to the game. These recovery kiosks were supposed to be in 3.23.x. So, if CIG is serious about playability, quality-of-life, and bringing back old players this year - then they need to implement this system this year.
No. No content. Make everything work first. I want my HuD not to get all fucky-wucky. I want my missions to spawn targets. I want my ship and hangars to spawn when I need them to. I want my QT drive to not shit itself when I need it the most. I wanna be able to use the Hull-C I spent actual money on to make aUEC so I can actually play the fucking game.
Make systems and mechanics work first, then finish getting all those concept ships flyable.
These are ENTIRELY different teams at work here... The processes for game development allow for specialists of both to do this. It drives me nuts when i hear people complain about "Don't add this, fix the game" when the teams doing the adding and content are separate and can both do the job equally. There are always going to be crossover, but i digress my point still stands.
just some food for thought.
@@apgfeb14 I don't think you understand the frustration here. When they add new content, stability often suffers.
Old ships also need to be fixed/updated. Why can't the dev team fix the old ships before launching the new ones? Couldn't the same team working on new ships pause to get the old ships working or updated? Especially since people have already paid for them?
That's why people are frustrated. It's not a lack of understanding how game development works. It's noticing that there is a misalignment of priorities between backers and developers (or at least leadership). Don't let them play the victim here. It's obvious they really need to slow down and work on polishing some of the main components in gameplay before doing ANYTHING else. Otherwise the game is simply a waste of time for most people.
@@apgfeb14 I literally dont car about "muh ackthualy game dev work this way"
If the game is not in a stable state dont add anything to it, and add stuff only if they fucking works ffs !
@karakiri283 This game is very openly advertised in Alpha, thats where you fix shit, FFS learn what game your talking about and what state its in. Open a fucking dictionary and type in alpha development for a game. I wish i did not have to tell you. Next time you should "car" about what state a game is in.
@apgfeb14 Well then someone at CIG better get on their ass and get them to make this shit work. I will not spend another cent on ships if they cannot get this game finished.
Id be happy if the missions would work. Nothign is more frustrating than completing a mission and not getting paid for it.
11:40 or so, trash missions are mentioned. I had a friend who, since he couldn't get to his hangar reliably, spent his time wandering around collecting med gowns. He eventually collected a 2SCU container full, only to find out that there was nobody in New Laggage who'd buy them. So he brought them to Stettler and sold the whole bunch for 45aUEC apiece at Casaba's.
Besides the necessary bug fixes, playability for me means player location persistence. When I log off (or crash/disconnect), I want to log back on at the same location that I logged off, that's it. This would solve so many inconveniences but would also counteract the ever-increasing time commitment that's needed to play the game. This should be one of their top priorities IMHO.
They need to prove they are capable this year.
Lucky 13
I support what this man said, I definitely think this man is the community's spokesman, ARMC senator, well said and well spoken. And keep professionally transmitting our thoughts and frustrations to CIG.
It's funny all the videos I've seen lately from the Star Citizen TH-camrs. They all seem desperate to bring players back into the game. Is CIG begging you guys to make videos that are so artificially upbeat to try to bring players back?
I don't really see that from them lol? The servers are always full or nearly there. Player count doesn't even matter right now anyways, most stuff is solo or nothing to do with other players.
Maybe they just like the game lol? Most of them are being critical anyways.
Go be mad somewhere else
There are too many bugs to tell me that... especially new bugs on older features. They have a junior software team.
Star Citizen need to optimize to be playable on older systems, like at least back to 5 years old components at minimum. The more players that can play at a steady frame rate the more people, funding, and fun can be had through that accessibility.
I have a system with some 5 year old components with a few more recent upgrades and I regularly run at 15fps in cities and other locations like the Jump Point.
I can get about 30-45 in orbit around planets and moons, and only reach 60+ in deep space with nothing around, unless I'm on a particularly large ship than i can drop back to around 40.
I'm personally I'm okay with a solid 30, largely because I'm not a combative type player msot of the time, but the goal should obviously be 60 for most systems in the last few years at 1080p resolution.
This is unlikely to happen for a long time... like in 5 yeard? ;)
I feel like there’s finally enough content to make a year of polish actually pretty exciting. Definitely a first for the game
14:31 rewards mean nothing till there's persistence. And with no insurance for weapons and Armour means you could lose them even before a wipe.
It seems reasonable to assume that 2025 CAN be the year of fixing bugs and ultimately creating a more stable playing experience since we finally have server meshing to relieve the strain on individual servers. Obviously in the future, dynamic server meshing addresses high player count at a particular location, but for now CIG can build off this existing tech platform and make this a game everyone has been hoping for. I personally wonder if they plan to make the planets and moons larger with more POIs since they are 1/6th scale.
9:32 I think it's been long enough that the "pledge" system should be phased out for starter ships; let people just buy Star Citizen and pick a starter in-game. A way to trade in ships in-game would also be fantastic, both for trying out different starters and general progression.
I imagine more than a few potential new players walk away due to decision paralysis when it turns out they can't just buy the game and the money they spend has consequence.
I just can't wait to play again. I can't get a single thing done in 4.0. This has been brutal. I had better luck in 3.18!
finish nothing, break everything. blame no one and continue to take players money with a promise of nothing. this is wrong what they are doing. 4.0 is just another example of how they do not play the gaem, because you can not even call it that. a giant waste of time. and no u tubers are talking about, just making excuses. this is starting to get into the criminal side of business
Unrelated to SC, for everybody reading this: Check if you're getting enough Potassium. It shouldn't happen if you have a balanced diet, but deficiency feels aweful. I feel so much more motivated, since taking supplements.
This was a PSA.