The amount of research that went into this movie was beyond insane. Rewatched this movie a few days back and I was genuinely taken back by how realistically the spread of the virus and the aftermath was portrayed in the movie.
@Mycel yes, but not so obvious for a movie director. It's pretty apparent that extensive research has been done to achieve this level of accuracy and realism in the movie. The fact that the movie is nearly a decade old and still being able to relate to current situation shows that.
@@mbilal865 A writer does more research than A director, generally speaking. In the case of this writer, he already has A working respiratory disinfectant that takes care of colds, flu Etc...
The part in the movie where a segment of the population refuse to even admit there is a pandemic was left on the cutting room floor. Producers thought that was just a little too ridiculous even for a Hollywood movie.
@@simonroy2123 Doubtful. People on their deathbeds with covid are still denying its existence. The same is true for people who's family members died. There's no amount of danger that can break through to people like that.
yup and its only a matter of time before an even more devastating disease than the spanish flu (aprox 50-100million deaths) comes arround and wipes off half of the earth
@@yasso99991 She does come off as a professional who knows what she's talking about. Did you listen to anything she said or did you just jump straight into superficial bias and ignorance?
While the disconnect between government officials and policy makers who no medical training and the medical community in the movie was quite good, I don't think it could have foreseen that the President of the United States could have essentially been like the Jude Law character, pedaling false cures and pseudoscience instead of trying to actually slow or stop the spread of the pandemic. In fact, I think if the movie had done that it would have been dismissed as being unrealistic at the time.
The Jude Law character promotes a homeopathic "remedy". The drugs Trump mentioned haven't been shown to be effective against covid 19, but they are real medicines used to treat other viruses.
You all are pathetic TDS sufferers. There are several "trials" that have been done very badly for HCQ and Z-pak but none done correctly where it is administered early and with zinc gluconate as it was in all the clinical uses where it was very successful but that weren't trials with proper controls. If you spent your time on researching what is going on instead of repeating "orange man bad" like the mindless brainlets you are you'd all know this, but neither of those drugs can bring big bucks for big pharma which is what Fauci wants since all his investments and friends are in it, it doesn't seem any proper studies or trials are likely to be conducted in the US any time soon. Now instead time is wasted on Remdesivir which by all accounts has a much lower effect than HCQ+Z-pak+zinc by all accounts, or vitamin D3, C zinc and selenium, but there you go, keep thinking the important thing is bashing Trump, see where it gets you. Pathetic is what you are.
@@noth606 Absolutely nobody cares what you have to say. You lack the intellectual credentials to be a part of this conversation. Maybe go talk to a wall.
I watched a movie where one character’s job title was my own once. Technically it was a TV show, but hey that doesn’t matter. I think it was called ‘The Office’...
Dr. Yasmin does an excellent job explaining the movie "Contagion" and relating it to the current COVID-19 pandemic. This is a must see video for everyone.
Lol that water supply line in the movie seems exactly like something a rebublican would ask. Except in real life they'd probably ask if bleach in everyones water would cure us.
When Contagion first came out, me and my cousin went to the movies. The theater wasn’t showing the movie we wanted to see, so we ended up watching Contagion. When I first heard about COVID-19 I couldn’t help but think about the similarities to the movie. It was interesting to see a professional break things down.
After revisiting the film shortly after the pandemic began here in the States, I'd been wondering about its accuracy, particularly concerning the roles of its government characters who fight the virus. Dr. Yasmin's expertise here is very helpful in providing context, both for the film and for our unfortunate reality. Highly recommended.
because nobody trust the government. Where is the WMD in Iraq, the plane that hit the pentagon and how did tower 7 collapse when no plane hit the building?
I like the fact that Dr Seema Yasmin speaks without too much medical jargon. That helps people who are not medical/science experts to understand. I went to nursing school and did very well, but some students we baffled at times due to the over use of medical jargon. Sometimes you have to just keep it simple. Everyone is not a medical expert, so to make people understand, you have to speak and show things to them through their lens. Doc, you're a 5 thumbs up. Easy on the ears and eyes, teach me any time, I will be fully engaged (like I was in this informative video).
Question: There’s also a scene with Kate Winslet and her colleague where he is complaining about his wife saying she is paranoid and makes him take his shoes and clothes when he enters the house and Kate says she is right. And actually in the country I live in we do that, we have a “contamination” zone in the entrance of the house where we leave our shoes, car keys, handbag, etc and preferentially we choose certain clothes and shoes to go out and those are the ones we only use to go out. How do you feel about it?
@@keithburt100 750k and counting, this is what happens when politics get involved... One thing the movie couldn't predict was the circus that was Trump's presidency...
Carlo Urbani was an Italian physician and microbiologist and the first to identify severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) as probably a new and dangerously contagious viral disease. He shortly afterwards himself became infected and died.
She said the EIS inspector’s death was unrealistic, not that any doctor’s death was unrealistic. We also know that HCW’s died of Ebola, but not EIS investigators.
How accurate are the scenes showing a sort of immunity bracelet in order to be allowed into stores, and the idea of randomly distributing vaccine to the population based on lottery?
possible. but for now, we only have wristband that track people under quarantine. source:
@@palody_en-ja Completely understandable if the death toll or infection rate was like it is in the film. I dont understand why more people dont understand this distancing isnt anyone trying to take our rights away, it's to make sure our right to live is upheld. I honestly wouldn't be upset at all if we kept up the distancing after the pandemic passes.
Question: There’s an important scene about Kate Winslet’s death, and that’s why I think she died in the movie to explain what people should do when they have symptoms or already know they are infected, she stays in the bedroom doesn’t leave and and gives the alarm, asks to reach out to anyone who worked on her hotel room so they don’t spread it to others and we can see what we should do to protect people if we were infected, or how officials will act. Is that right? Did you see that scene?
I feel the main difference between Covid-19 and MEV-1 is that MEV-1 began in and around international hubs, specifically in the casino, with people traveling right after. Covid-19 started very much inland, with travelers being far after.
MEV-1 causes symptoms and deaths so quickly that they needed it to be around international hubs. The brilliance of Covid-19 is that it can travel asymptomatically and takes longer to manifest that people have spread it around after such a long time.
Actually her character is base on Carlo Urbani an Italian physician and microbiologist and the first to identify severe acute respiratory syndrome SARS. He died of the same disease almost a month later.
This movie is the most real outbreak movie in our time since the movie team do a research well about the outbreak. I think we can apply most practices in the movie, especially wearing a mask and social distancing.
The social distancing is talked about, but absolutely not put in practice in the movie. Like the moment where Matt Damon is queuing for food, everybody is stacked up like no one cared. However, the press conference scene is on point, with all the journalists well separated (current us press conference excluded). Also the obsession with masks, gel, facemask, TP and respiratory device is not at all predicted, as the maker movement and the 3d printing stuff.
@@lancereaudamien In a lot of states social distancing is more of suggestion than a rule that is enforced [looking at you Red States]. Although a piece of stupidity that the movie doesn't cover is some businesses banning the use of masks....
Dr Yasmin is right on the money, literally. She’s been preaching to the SF homeless problem. And has friends at DARPA that would like to collect. Smart young lady.
Oh yeah, wash your hands avoid touching your face and you can cut the number of times you get sick way down. You dont even need to use antibacterial soap either, and its better not too use it at all (if you can cleaning up a toddler or sometihng like that then sure use it but its way way way over used)
But those are deaths not cases. The cases number could be very wrong but it's much harder to miss deaths. If someone who was doing fine just dropped dead you kinda notice vs if some people are sick and just didnt tell anyone
Saw this movie opening night with a bunch of other public health people and I just remember being so annoyed at the scene at the Minn Department of Health, one of the top state departments of heath in terms of expertise, where they were talked to like children; not the way any of that conversation would have gone. They needed it to inform the audience, but they could have used a different setting for it so thanks for calling that out.
Gus Alarcon Hopefully as a movie like Contagion which seeks to entertain and educate about the dangers of a virus outbreak and how countries can/should respond. If I see action blockbusters about this I will actually scream.
oh yeah, the media will be milking this unfortunate time in history for-ever... thats how they get ratings and attention. this was all planned. the government as a whole is collectively smart and can manipulate any circumstance to prevent putting themselves in a bad light or admitting any kind of actual truth. think about it with all the obsessive use of technology, it has made a lot of homebodies anyway, if not your always on your phone. Basically they placed distraction around us to condition us into accepting the reality of being quarantined . also another attempt to separate humanity to destroy it.we need a revolution and i think its here and now. ✊🏼fight back
She was right about the ppe... but in the movie they sort of delved into that when they "ran out" of body bags and that they were going to ask canada for more, but canada wont give the us any because they want to wait and see if they need them.
Here's is my question about the movie: since the virus shows symptoms after a single day and kills within 3 days, shouldn't social distancing have been that much more efficient than for COVID-19?
Yes. That was basically artistic license to add dramatic effect to the virus’s symptoms. The way it played out was all based on solid research. A lot of serious scientists were consultants on the film.
The end clips depict a bat eating, pooping and instantly infecting a pig, and then instantly infecting a human. Usually even the first part for a bat with a virus to pass it to a pig would take months of mutations, etc... and then to become zoonotic again takes a long time to happen. It was definitely a good movie, despite the many inaccuracies.
I love this movie. First watched it after high school since I went to study public health and a lot of my first year courses were on infectious disease.
Should do it CSI style with characters pacing about and interrupting each others'-- Sentences! Exactly! That way we could keep the illusion of every character knowing their basics-- But we can tell it to the audience without the need for an information sponge Watson. What's an information sponge Watson, what is that? Shut up, Larry. Yeah, shut up, Larry. Right. We need to hack the DNA's IP in Visual Basic stat using contact tracing via a hardcoded genome base. Jim! Already on it! I found several contacts forming an epicenter in Wuhan, China. To the exposition mobile!
Thanks for explanation I had no idea it was more on the kinda accurate side. A couple of suggestions: no mention of the WHO nor social distancing with Matt Damons character daughter. I found it very interesting on how -like now- people want to break social bubbles risking exposure
At 15:12, the doctor tell us that self inoculation is uncommon but, back in 1885, 28-year-old Peruvian medical doctor Daniel A. Carrión inoculated himself with the infectious disease caused by bacteria in the genus Bartonella: Bartonellosis or Peruvian Wart. He documented everything during the month and a half that his illness developed. After he died, all the information he gathered served to make the actual medicine. He saved thousands of lives and is a hero for the Peruvian Medicine and Peru.
I’m sorry how basic this will make me sound... but I could literally watch her 24 -7 talking about absolutely anything. I love her so much that I’m creeping myself out talking about it.
As Neil deGrasse Tyson quoted Mark Twain in analyzing movies, "Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please." so you'll have to forgive Hollywood for taking creative license on what are very grounded concepts in epidemiology. Also you forgot to mention in the movie and in real life, Dr. Sanjay Gupta is in a news program. Hahaha
One thing that bothers me about the movie is the incubation period of the virus. One of the reasons the coronavirus has spread so well is that it has a long incubation period with a lot of asymptomatic transmission and a low fatality rate. But in Contagion, it seems MEV-1 has a very short incubation period, short disease duration and relatively high fatality rate. Wouldn't this cause it to burn out quickly?
also in Contagion like in COVID, the 1st major super-spreader event was mass travel during a holiday that a gov't refused to stop - Thanksgiving in Contagion [USA] and the Lunar Festival in COVID [China]
Just watched this movie over the weekend. I was shocked by the parallels to real life I saw in it. The movie was right about the panic-buying, the mask wearing, the time and effort taken to make a vaccine, the anti-vaxers conspiracy theorists, and the closing scene showing the bats as the potential origin of the virus.
I had chickenpox in my early 30s and boy, was I sick. I was given acyclovir, which may or may not have helped, but I was very good about taking it. It took me a while to recover.
Here's my question. I'm a pretty healthy person - I'm not on any medications and I rarely get ill (maybe a virus every couple of years) ... but I am over 65. Am I going to have to maintain social distancing until there is a vaccine? And if there isn't one?
By practicing social distancing you are protecting others esp. over 65 who have pre existing conditions. You can still transmit Covid-19 without showing symptoms.
Question: When they say asymptomatic cases, does this means this person wont get the virus? or its delayed or their body was able to fight it off? i know some people that their closed ones tested positive, but that person was taking care of em and its been more than 25 days no symptoms.
Asymptomatic means they have the virus but aren't showing any symptoms (cough, difficulty breathing, etc.). They can still transfer the illness without knowing they're sick.
A is a prefix that means without So asymptomatic means without symptoms You have to have the virus to be asymptomatic, otherwise there aren't "symptoms" to look for.
She hasn't heard a vaccine being supplied through water system, but we have heard suggestions of injecting disinfectant into our body. I say the reality is even worse than in the movie.
Carlos Hernandez yes. I watched it multiple times. Anyone who contracted the virus did not survive. Matt Damon was immune. He never got it. If you are trying to troll me: name one character that got it and survived.
@@teppi5119 Hey relax... I´m not trolling you, i misunderstood what you said. It sounded like you meant that everyone died in the movie, more specifically the whole world not only the sick people.
I could certainly appreciate that Hollywood is taking the creative license in making the movie for entertainment purposes. But as a layman, without taking the timeline of its transmission verbatim I think we could all agree that we could see the parallelism between the movie and reality. And that in itself could give us some kind of push to see the urgency how detailed the movie portray some of its elements.
The amount of research that went into this movie was beyond insane. Rewatched this movie a few days back and I was genuinely taken back by how realistically the spread of the virus and the aftermath was portrayed in the movie.
What movie ?
@Mycel yes, but not so obvious for a movie director. It's pretty apparent that extensive research has been done to achieve this level of accuracy and realism in the movie. The fact that the movie is nearly a decade old and still being able to relate to current situation shows that.
@@chlorine5795 The Emoji Movie
@Mycel I don’t think the Hollywood movie, Contagion, was made by a pandemic specialist. 🤔
@@mbilal865 A writer does more research than A director, generally speaking.
In the case of this writer, he already has A working respiratory disinfectant that takes care of colds, flu Etc...
The part in the movie where a segment of the population refuse to even admit there is a pandemic was left on the cutting room floor. Producers thought that was just a little too ridiculous even for a Hollywood movie.
The irony of your comment is beyond cutting. Kudos!
To be fair , the virus in the movie is deadlier than covid. Less likely to have deniers like covid.
@@simonroy2123 Doubtful. People on their deathbeds with covid are still denying its existence. The same is true for people who's family members died. There's no amount of danger that can break through to people like that.
#ReleasetheContagionDenyersCut lol
@@simonroy2123 🤦🏼♀️
USA during a pandemic in movies: : 💪😎
USA during an actual pandemic: 🤷♀️ 🤦♂️😲
The dichotomy is absurd.
I dunno, the movie showed a competent scientific establishment, surrounded by a near-complete breakdown of society: riots, looting, no 911 response.
@@iloveprivacy8167 Give things some time.
Well this was before Trump disbanded the Pandemic preparedness Task Force as unnecessary.
Isnt that USA in most movies?
*Contagion* aged well didnt it ?
It is concerning, when you can't distinguish between a nine year old movie and the News.
@@conorstapleton3183 Its a concern that you are concerning this.
yup and its only a matter of time before an even more devastating disease than the spanish flu (aprox 50-100million deaths) comes arround and wipes off half of the earth
I tried to watch it back in 2013, and Jude Law's character seemed too unbelievable for me #cagamos
JPWack heh. I felt that way too. Ended up being the realest part of the film in 2020
Contagion was so good it's getting a sequel, how about that!
i thought we were the sequel lol
@@cr612 whoosh
@@cr612 We are. :P I guess this is what he's talking about :P
Free admission even.
Yeah, you can experience the sequel in real life instead of watching it on a screen.
So the biggest difference between the movie and real life, is the movie had a better government response
They also had a better test in the movie as well.
Imagine trying to discredit a scientist because of her makeup. Sad.
Well, sometimes you gotta dress the part to be believable and come of as a professional who knows what they're talking about instead of trashy.
@@yasso99991 She does come off as a professional who knows what she's talking about. Did you listen to anything she said or did you just jump straight into superficial bias and ignorance?
@@gyuck there's no getting through to incels.
@@Vespux yep, it's like talking to a brick wall.
But it looks like they added a filter to her face, she doesn't look real. They could've calmed that down a bit
Can Dr. Seema Yasmin have her own show? I could hear her speak all day!
Imagine dating her...
she bad asf
Very well spoken
Lol these comments are down bad bruh
She’s 🔥
While the disconnect between government officials and policy makers who no medical training and the medical community in the movie was quite good, I don't think it could have foreseen that the President of the United States could have essentially been like the Jude Law character, pedaling false cures and pseudoscience instead of trying to actually slow or stop the spread of the pandemic. In fact, I think if the movie had done that it would have been dismissed as being unrealistic at the time.
Yes! I still feel I am caught in some alternate universe that's a mix of Contagion and Monty Python's Flying Circus.
The Jude Law character promotes a homeopathic "remedy". The drugs Trump mentioned haven't been shown to be effective against covid 19, but they are real medicines used to treat other viruses.
@@gavinhillick Well sometimes. Other times he said we should try killing it by injecting disinfectant and sitting in the sun.
You all are pathetic TDS sufferers. There are several "trials" that have been done very badly for HCQ and Z-pak but none done correctly where it is administered early and with zinc gluconate as it was in all the clinical uses where it was very successful but that weren't trials with proper controls. If you spent your time on researching what is going on instead of repeating "orange man bad" like the mindless brainlets you are you'd all know this, but neither of those drugs can bring big bucks for big pharma which is what Fauci wants since all his investments and friends are in it, it doesn't seem any proper studies or trials are likely to be conducted in the US any time soon. Now instead time is wasted on Remdesivir which by all accounts has a much lower effect than HCQ+Z-pak+zinc by all accounts, or vitamin D3, C zinc and selenium, but there you go, keep thinking the important thing is bashing Trump, see where it gets you.
Pathetic is what you are.
@@noth606 Absolutely nobody cares what you have to say. You lack the intellectual credentials to be a part of this conversation. Maybe go talk to a wall.
She missed one point, the movie didn’t predict the toilet paper fights!
And also the Alcohol, Mask and Many more.
The movie was based on the SARS outbreak in the early 2000s, then made more exciting.
Oh no Gwyneth Paltrow's character is sick? Should've used goop jade egg to ... charge one's aura 🤔
Lmao yeah, can't believe she didn't study for the role.
The movie is rather decent. Paltrow's death just makes it A+
Cheaters getting their justice A++
Must be weird to watch movie with a character's job title was the exact one you used to have.
...and then you watch her die.
I watched a movie where one character’s job title was my own once. Technically it was a TV show, but hey that doesn’t matter. I think it was called ‘The Office’...
@@dedogeritterbrudder4928 For some reason I read that as assassin to the assassin to the boss. haha.
its crazy how the CDC had more role in a fictional movie than what we are seeing now.
I hope Biden lets the CDC talk to us now.
Redfield and Azar were basically yes men for Trump and his agenda to downplay the epidemic.
That’s what happens when a dictator hamstrings a government agency.
Dr. Yasmin does an excellent job explaining the movie "Contagion" and relating it to the current COVID-19 pandemic. This is a must see video for everyone.
Dude she is gorgeus
@@g-lix7702 - Dude, that's irrelevant. You may as well have commented, " Dude, she's a brunette."
@@g-lix7702 down bad
Lol that water supply line in the movie seems exactly like something a rebublican would ask. Except in real life they'd probably ask if bleach in everyones water would cure us.
which is dumb cause we already cloronate out water when it goes through a treatment plant
You mean like asking experts if drinking bleach might cure it? Nah, that would never happen.
Or colloidal silver. I still can’t believe that is a thing
there is bleach in everyones water
Love this comment haha
When Contagion first came out, me and my cousin went to the movies. The theater wasn’t showing the movie we wanted to see, so we ended up watching Contagion. When I first heard about COVID-19 I couldn’t help but think about the similarities to the movie. It was interesting to see a professional break things down.
i just remembered another scene that was cut:
one very short scene showing the chef all sweaty, head down and was obviously very sick.
After revisiting the film shortly after the pandemic began here in the States, I'd been wondering about its accuracy, particularly concerning the roles of its government characters who fight the virus. Dr. Yasmin's expertise here is very helpful in providing context, both for the film and for our unfortunate reality. Highly recommended.
We have a lot of Jude Laws on Twitter these days.
because nobody trust the government. Where is the WMD in Iraq, the plane that hit the pentagon and how did tower 7 collapse when no plane hit the building?
@@cryptobuzz1680 Found ya jude
@@cryptobuzz1680 But there was a Jude Law in the government too. That gross pig-like figure who was formerly the president.
It’s hard not to when the government made Covid
I like the fact that Dr Seema Yasmin speaks without too much medical jargon. That helps people who are not medical/science experts to understand. I went to nursing school and did very well, but some students we baffled at times due to the over use of medical jargon. Sometimes you have to just keep it simple. Everyone is not a medical expert, so to make people understand, you have to speak and show things to them through their lens.
Doc, you're a 5 thumbs up. Easy on the ears and eyes, teach me any time, I will be fully engaged (like I was in this informative video).
Question: There’s also a scene with Kate Winslet and her colleague where he is complaining about his wife saying she is paranoid and makes him take his shoes and clothes when he enters the house and Kate says she is right. And actually in the country I live in we do that, we have a “contamination” zone in the entrance of the house where we leave our shoes, car keys, handbag, etc and preferentially we choose certain clothes and shoes to go out and those are the ones we only use to go out. How do you feel about it?
My family is doing that here in NY. It’s a wise and sound strategy
its d0nk d0nkatron I believe so, it’s working here. Stay safe!
It’s now December 2022 and the virus is mutating for a third time. People are getting sick again 😷
May 2020: current death projections 240k Americans
May 2021: Deaths so far 581k
3rd of august 2021 now. Well over 600.000 far.
@@keithburt100 750k and counting, this is what happens when politics get involved... One thing the movie couldn't predict was the circus that was Trump's presidency...
December 2024: 1.2m Americans deaths due to COVID-19 reported to the World Health Organization
She says the doctor dying of the virus in contagion is not realistic... The doctor who first identified SARS-CoV2 died of the disease.
By contagion she meant as in immediate contact with the disease. And yes, unfortunately the doctor died, but it happened a couple of days later.
That's not what she said
The character who died in the movie was a disease specialist
I think she meant as a disease expert who would practice health protocols and such, making it harder for them to catch it.
Carlo Urbani was an Italian physician and microbiologist and the first to identify severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) as probably a new and dangerously contagious viral disease. He shortly afterwards himself became infected and died.
She said the EIS inspector’s death was unrealistic, not that any doctor’s death was unrealistic. We also know that HCW’s died of Ebola, but not EIS investigators.
Loving the shoutout to the MN DoH! They're working their butts off and the whole state is proud of them!
It's like COVID-19 watched "Contagion" and said, "Here. Hold my beer"...
How accurate are the scenes showing a sort of immunity bracelet in order to be allowed into stores, and the idea of randomly distributing vaccine to the population based on lottery?
Possible. Things would need to seriously hit the fan for it to get to that point though
Pretty accurate if it got that bad.
possible. but for now, we only have wristband that track people under quarantine.
Possible, and I think, understandable considering the circumstances.
@@palody_en-ja Completely understandable if the death toll or infection rate was like it is in the film. I dont understand why more people dont understand this distancing isnt anyone trying to take our rights away, it's to make sure our right to live is upheld. I honestly wouldn't be upset at all if we kept up the distancing after the pandemic passes.
Question: There’s an important scene about Kate Winslet’s death, and that’s why I think she died in the movie to explain what people should do when they have symptoms or already know they are infected, she stays in the bedroom doesn’t leave and and gives the alarm, asks to reach out to anyone who worked on her hotel room so they don’t spread it to others and we can see what we should do to protect people if we were infected, or how officials will act. Is that right? Did you see that scene?
I feel the main difference between Covid-19 and MEV-1 is that MEV-1 began in and around international hubs, specifically in the casino, with people traveling right after. Covid-19 started very much inland, with travelers being far after.
MEV-1 causes symptoms and deaths so quickly that they needed it to be around international hubs. The brilliance of Covid-19 is that it can travel asymptomatically and takes longer to manifest that people have spread it around after such a long time.
So the moral of the story is: wash your hands.
And wear your mask.
Yes,Yes please wash your hands and wear mask it’ll help but it’s not guaranteed to help with you not catching it so just stay healthy to
All viruses bow before the mighty but humble soap.
Li Wenliang = Kate Winslet Character. You called this "pure Hollywood," but it is one of the most exact and tragic correspondences.
Zhang jixian
Kate did not play that role
Actually her character is base on Carlo Urbani an Italian physician and microbiologist and the first to identify severe acute respiratory syndrome SARS. He died of the same disease almost a month later.
"Estimates between 100-240k deaths in the US"
As always, we Americans gotta do everything bigger than expected.
Coming soon on Wired:
Highly contagious virus reacts to Pandemic movies.
All I could do was shake my head when she said the projections were for 100K-240K US deaths
At the moment it is more than 1.7 million in the U.S. alone, for those wondering.
This movie is the most real outbreak movie in our time since the movie team do a research well about the outbreak. I think we can apply most practices in the movie, especially wearing a mask and social distancing.
The social distancing is talked about, but absolutely not put in practice in the movie. Like the moment where Matt Damon is queuing for food, everybody is stacked up like no one cared. However, the press conference scene is on point, with all the journalists well separated (current us press conference excluded).
Also the obsession with masks, gel, facemask, TP and respiratory device is not at all predicted, as the maker movement and the 3d printing stuff.
@@lancereaudamien That´s what people doing right now, i think after 2 months many people doesn't care
@@lancereaudamien In a lot of states social distancing is more of suggestion than a rule that is enforced [looking at you Red States]. Although a piece of stupidity that the movie doesn't cover is some businesses banning the use of masks....
MEV1 was based on the SARS outbreak in the early 2000s.
Wow. Very informative. I love how she broke down everything, and it helps us to understand the situation more. Very good video
Watched Contagion back in January, it sobered me up.
I've waited like, three months for this video. I've spent this whole pandemic going "Wow this is irrily similar to a movie I once saw "
Dr Yasmin is right on the money, literally.
She’s been preaching to the SF homeless problem. And has friends at DARPA that would like to collect. Smart young lady.
2:32 the question is probably for ‘us the viewer’s’ benefit than accuracy
Wonderful series of videos by Dr. Yasmin regarding Covid-19. Thank you, WIRED!
it’s february 6th 2021, total deaths in the US are 459k
I love the end of this movie. Shows how washing your hands regularly can make a difference!
Oh yeah, wash your hands avoid touching your face and you can cut the number of times you get sick way down.
You dont even need to use antibacterial soap either, and its better not too use it at all (if you can cleaning up a toddler or sometihng like that then sure use it but its way way way over used)
Day 29, zero reported deaths in the USA, what she fails to mention is that USA wasnt mass testing so they didn't know.
But those are deaths not cases. The cases number could be very wrong but it's much harder to miss deaths. If someone who was doing fine just dropped dead you kinda notice vs if some people are sick and just didnt tell anyone
So, 9 months later, have the figures changed much?
Key word: reported
Saw this movie opening night with a bunch of other public health people and I just remember being so annoyed at the scene at the Minn Department of Health, one of the top state departments of heath in terms of expertise, where they were talked to like children; not the way any of that conversation would have gone. They needed it to inform the audience, but they could have used a different setting for it so thanks for calling that out.
That was great. I actually just re watched Contagion a couple of weeks ago and this was a very well timed follow up to that. Thanks very much.
me: 2000 - 3000 times a day! no way!
also me: *rubs face whilst watching*
wait until they release the movie "CORONA VIRUS" or "PANDEMIC"
Gus Alarcon Hopefully as a movie like Contagion which seeks to entertain and educate about the dangers of a virus outbreak and how countries can/should respond. If I see action blockbusters about this I will actually scream.
@@Tobias_R might be more a documentary or holocaust style film
More like Plandemic
Dramatic music plays while the main characters file for unemployment and watch Netflix,
oh yeah, the media will be milking this unfortunate time in history for-ever... thats how they get ratings and attention. this was all planned. the government as a whole is collectively smart and can manipulate any circumstance to prevent putting themselves in a bad light or admitting any kind of actual truth. think about it with all the obsessive use of technology, it has made a lot of homebodies anyway, if not your always on your phone. Basically they placed distraction around us to condition us into accepting the reality of being quarantined . also another attempt to separate humanity to destroy it.we need a revolution and i think its here and now. ✊🏼fight back
Y’all weird I’m rolling through the comments and y’all hitting on her she don’t like you😂
Incel romance 😜
She's got all that clown make-up on.
The moment i realized her face is somehow filtered I stopped liking her, that is weird and creepy af
@@rudy1999 Literally every video you watch has some filter over it.
@@rudy1999 I don't understand why they have to do that, Wired has a problem with people looking like people
She was right about the ppe... but in the movie they sort of delved into that when they "ran out" of body bags and that they were going to ask canada for more, but canada wont give the us any because they want to wait and see if they need them.
I love Dr. Seema, she spoke very clear even though a bit fast but it's very understandable and her accent is so enjoyable
I remember watching Contagion for the first time in November 2019. Little did I know.
Dr Yasmin explains contagion very well. She's smart and beautiful.
She’s 🔥
She should do ASMR her voice is perfect
I'll have to buy this on DVD to watch it, but I'd like to see it.
It's on Netflix
Here's is my question about the movie: since the virus shows symptoms after a single day and kills within 3 days, shouldn't social distancing have been that much more efficient than for COVID-19?
Yes. That was basically artistic license to add dramatic effect to the virus’s symptoms. The way it played out was all based on solid research. A lot of serious scientists were consultants on the film.
The end clips depict a bat eating, pooping and instantly infecting a pig, and then instantly infecting a human. Usually even the first part for a bat with a virus to pass it to a pig would take months of mutations, etc... and then to become zoonotic again takes a long time to happen.
It was definitely a good movie, despite the many inaccuracies.
Okay! I think I will watch the film first before proceeding on watch this.
I love watching Dr. Seema Yasmin! Accurately Informative and absolutely gorgeous.
I love this movie. First watched it after high school since I went to study public health and a lot of my first year courses were on infectious disease.
That sad reality is that the death toll is 3 times as large as she predicted in the us
Kate Winslets character is based off of Dr. Carlo Urbani who first identified SARS and later died of it, so it's not exactly "pure hollywood"
_"The average person touches their face 2 to 3,000 times a day"_
That's silly. That's every minute day and night 24 hours a day.
It makes sense the guy asks about Fomites. That way Kate's character can explain it to us, the viewer.
But it lacks realism and kind of breaks the fourth wall unintentionally, it could have been explained to students/patients/children
Should do it CSI style with characters pacing about and interrupting each others'--
Sentences! Exactly! That way we could keep the illusion of every character knowing their basics--
But we can tell it to the audience without the need for an information sponge Watson.
What's an information sponge Watson, what is that?
Shut up, Larry.
Yeah, shut up, Larry.
Right. We need to hack the DNA's IP in Visual Basic stat using contact tracing via a hardcoded genome base. Jim!
Already on it! I found several contacts forming an epicenter in Wuhan, China.
To the exposition mobile!
Onkel Pappkov this is horribly accurate. Thank you?
Thanks for explanation I had no idea it was more on the kinda accurate side.
A couple of suggestions: no mention of the WHO nor social distancing with Matt Damons character daughter. I found it very interesting on how -like now- people want to break social bubbles risking exposure
I would like to see how realistic Tom Clancy’s division and division 2 are
At 15:12, the doctor tell us that self inoculation is uncommon but, back in 1885, 28-year-old Peruvian medical doctor Daniel A. Carrión inoculated himself with the infectious disease caused by bacteria in the genus Bartonella: Bartonellosis or Peruvian Wart. He documented everything during the month and a half that his illness developed. After he died, all the information he gathered served to make the actual medicine. He saved thousands of lives and is a hero for the Peruvian Medicine and Peru.
I think you just explained why it wasn't common
Contagion predicted something like COVID-19 would happen.
Almost as if scientists have been warning about it for ages.
I’m sorry how basic this will make me sound... but I could literally watch her 24 -7 talking about absolutely anything. I love her so much that I’m creeping myself out talking about it.
As Neil deGrasse Tyson quoted Mark Twain in analyzing movies, "Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please." so you'll have to forgive Hollywood for taking creative license on what are very grounded concepts in epidemiology. Also you forgot to mention in the movie and in real life, Dr. Sanjay Gupta is in a news program. Hahaha
One thing that bothers me about the movie is the incubation period of the virus. One of the reasons the coronavirus has spread so well is that it has a long incubation period with a lot of asymptomatic transmission and a low fatality rate. But in Contagion, it seems MEV-1 has a very short incubation period, short disease duration and relatively high fatality rate. Wouldn't this cause it to burn out quickly?
I like how she keeps referring to reality as ‘our timeline’
So you’re saying the multiverse exists?
The filmmakers of Contagion did their research.
10:50 except in the movie is was some shady snake oil salesman blogger, in real life it was the firggin' President of the USA
also in Contagion like in COVID, the 1st major super-spreader event was mass travel during a holiday that a gov't refused to stop - Thanksgiving in Contagion [USA] and the Lunar Festival in COVID [China]
How about the constant struggle between social distancing and economic colapse..
This was very informative and entertaining. Good job and thank you for sharing your knowledge Dr. Seema Yasmin!
5:50 Except there is reason to believe the outbreak happened in China as early as November, which means it took them over a month to sequence it.
Durban Cluster, that was insane. March/April 2020 in Durban was a warzone. Looting and rioting.
Yikes! Never has beauty & intellect been so perfectly balanced.
you are probably a simp ngl
@@amikkelll you're probably an incel :)
Pretty sure it has elsewhere friendo.
Wha...? What about Angela Merkel??
I've never found epidemiology so appealing before.
Yo anyone else watching on the day we hit 240,000 deaths and it’s still climbing? 14:04 if you don’t know what I mean.
That number was based on continued vigilance -- but well, since someone really liked his superspreader events we ended up with much bigly numbers.
they should do an updated version with the new strains coming
Just watched this movie over the weekend. I was shocked by the parallels to real life I saw in it. The movie was right about the panic-buying, the mask wearing, the time and effort taken to make a vaccine, the anti-vaxers conspiracy theorists, and the closing scene showing the bats as the potential origin of the virus.
8:35 Yeah despite no major media talking about this Malaysia has convert one of their convention center into a temporary hospital in just 3 days.
The estimated projection of death in this video, boy how wrong that turned out to be. 550,000 and still climbing.
More than 1.7 million in the U.S. now.
I had chickenpox in my early 30s and boy, was I sick. I was given acyclovir, which may or may not have helped, but I was very good about taking it. It took me a while to recover.
Here's my question. I'm a pretty healthy person - I'm not on any medications and I rarely get ill (maybe a virus every couple of years) ... but I am over 65. Am I going to have to maintain social distancing until there is a vaccine? And if there isn't one?
Better safe than sorry. My guess is there is still a chance for you to get very ill, as your body has never encountered this virus before.
shiplesp You’re gonna have to maintain social distancing until there’s a vaccine, maybe antibodies, or herd immunity. Probably until 2021 anyway.
By practicing social distancing you are protecting others esp. over 65 who have pre existing conditions. You can still transmit Covid-19 without showing symptoms.
Did you even read my question?
shiplesp who are you responding to? Some of these answers are actually very helpful.
This video was posted in May 2020. I'm surprised it has only 274,000 views by August 2022.
day 60....I think this virus might be a problem....DJT
@Mycel it will magically go away...where was that in the movie?
Contagion deleted scene: "Here, try injecting this bleach."
This was a very well made video with lots of good info. That was a good movie. Thanks :)
Question: When they say asymptomatic cases, does this means this person wont get the virus? or its delayed or their body was able to fight it off? i know some people that their closed ones tested positive, but that person was taking care of em and its been more than 25 days no symptoms.
Asymptomatic means they have the virus but aren't showing any symptoms (cough, difficulty breathing, etc.). They can still transfer the illness without knowing they're sick.
asymptomatic means you're carrying the virus but are not showing any symptoms of it :)
A is a prefix that means without
So asymptomatic means without symptoms
You have to have the virus to be asymptomatic, otherwise there aren't "symptoms" to look for.
yes then its followed with symptomatic, subclinical, and last clinical stage
Not getting infected is referred to as being immune, getting infected but not getting sick is asymptomatic and getting tested is the only way to know.
So....folks died in the movie because Paltrow's character couldn't stay faithful, and people couldn't wash their hands.
Covid is slow.. and painful. And damage can be permanent.
thank you very much, this is a wonderful reference for my movie analysis for my online class
She hasn't heard a vaccine being supplied through water system, but we have heard suggestions of injecting disinfectant into our body. I say the reality is even worse than in the movie.
God. I could listen to dr. Seema talk abt anything & she'd have my full attention
If Dr. Yasmin was my personal physician I would wish to be a hypochondriac.
Just watched it again, chilling on the similarities
Contagion: everyone dies. No one survived. Wish WIRED would have released this in March.
What are you talking about? did you see the movie?
Carlos Hernandez yes. I watched it multiple times. Anyone who contracted the virus did not survive. Matt Damon was immune. He never got it. If you are trying to troll me: name one character that got it and survived.
@@teppi5119 Hey relax... I´m not trolling you, i misunderstood what you said.
It sounded like you meant that everyone died in the movie, more specifically the whole world not only the sick people.
Carlos Hernandez OH! Yeah no, if you haven’t seen that movie don’t. It messes with your head. Edit: sorry, my nerves are shot.
I could certainly appreciate that Hollywood is taking the creative license in making the movie for entertainment purposes. But as a layman, without taking the timeline of its transmission verbatim I think we could all agree that we could see the parallelism between the movie and reality. And that in itself could give us some kind of push to see the urgency how detailed the movie portray some of its elements.
14:03 so those projections missed a bit, by 400k more...
And the new Delta variant is going to make that original projection even more stupid.