Hollywood's Gnostic Gospel Exposed | LED Live • EP76
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.พ. 2025
- Hollywood's Gnostic Gospel Exposed | Have you ever noticed how in popular movies they make God the villain? In this episode of LED Live, we dive deep and look at three popular films-The Matrix (1999), The Truman Show (1998), and Pleasantville (1988)-and discover how and why Hollywood is aiming to change our perception of God.
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Our Mission:
It is our hope that a more sophisticated awareness and in-depth knowledge of what lies at the “heart” of 21st century pop culture, will allow families and individuals to more clearly distinguish well-intended, authentic entertainment from deceptively-crafted propaganda, which attacks the minds, confuses the senses, and rips apart the fabric of society.
"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." [Matthew 5:16]
"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them." [Ephesians 5:11]
Okay y'all. Seriously, I was JUST watching Pleasantville literally about 2 days ago with my mom , I sat there watching and noticed all of this for the first time as I am recently saved and learning and so after I saw all the symbolism in this movie, no lie I went to TH-cam, this is not even 2 days ago, I came up here searching for a video where somebody, anybody had noticed the symbolism too and had done an analysis!!!!!! Man, no one can tell me God isn't real. I ask for discernment and guidance every day, with what I watch and consume and choices I make etc, and then this video pops up 2 days after I searched for this exact thing! I just needed to see confirmation that I'm not tripping and Hollywood really is intentionally misguiding our people. Wow. It may seem obvious to some, but again I just became saved end of last year but had started my journey of learning about all of this and reading the bible beginning of last year. Wow. Amazing. The Matrix too. I noticed all that symbolism last I watched that one too. Sadly I know a lot of people that worship that movie. We are so mislead. I'm so happy to have found Christ. And you are right, my desires have changed and I no longer even want to watch these things any longer. Pleasantville and most of what Hollywood does left a bad taste in my mouth.
That happened to me too when I was saved with music
Here is something else you can search out... The wood used to make the witches magic wand to cast spells is Holly...wood.
Not surprising that its called PROGRAMMING... They are programming minds to reject THE TRUE AND LIVING GOD.
Hollywood and Disney is always saying "Follow Your Heart"...but the Bible says in Jer 17:9, "The heart is deceitful above all and desperately wicked".
Coming out of darkness into the marvelous light is a Blessing from GOD...
Are you grateful for discernment that GOD has provided?
Here is something else you can search out... The wood used to make the witches magic wand to cast spells is Holly...wood.
Not surprising that its called PROGRAMMING... They are programming minds to reject THE TRUE AND LIVING GOD.
Hollywood and Disney is always saying "Follow Your Heart"...but the Bible says in Jer 17:9, "The heart is deceitful above all and desperately wicked".
Coming out of darkness into the marvelous light is a Blessing from GOD...
Are you grateful for discernment that GOD has provided?
Wow…imagine if Pleasantville were the reverse, like starting out in color then turning black and white as Reese Witherspoon’s character messes with their utopia and encourages others to do the same. Man, would that be _unpleasant_ to look at, dark and dreary after they *remove* something meant to be around, as in the way it used to be instead of interference adding something that wasn’t there before; if you think of it that way, its beauty would be tainted and no one would root for her character…
@@marga8732...and that's the point. They want it to seem like the "perfect place" is a scam and unsustainable. Like the |real| beauty comes from rebellion, smh 😔
I am a senior but am so grateful for a channel such as yours to help the young people in this sick and deceitful world. God Bless
Its actually the opposite when Adam and eve were created the world was colorful and when sin came into the world 🌎 it got darker and darker 😳
woww.. good point
Please read the whole message, even if you’ve been saved.
First accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior; confess that He suffered and died for your sins on the cross. Then start repenting of your sins because we all have sinned and transgressed God's laws. Read the received texts like KJV and keep God's 10 Laws which includes Sabbath (resting from Friday Sunset until Saturday Sunset[7th day{Genesis 2:2-3}]). The Bible teaches that thee Antichrist is the Papacy. The mark of the beast is Forced Sunday rest & the banning of Sabbath [7th day] Rest. It takes courage to be in the army of Christ. The battle lines are drawn: you either choose God by keeping Sabbath or Satan by keeping Sunday. We will go through persecution and tribulation and Satan isn’t stupid, don’t underestimate Him; he can transform himself into an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14): he won’t be coming in like some angel of darkness and his ministers of darkness will portray themselves as ministers of righteousness. Satan is showing all this evil to then come in as the good guy for you to join in unity in error-but you’ll think you’ll be worshipping God. Satan uses a lot of truth and mixes a little bit of error for your destruction. People will think they’re doing God’s work when they persecute God’s Sabbath keeping people. My brothers and sisters in Christ in the Catholic Church, those in Sunday keeping churches and for people that don’t know Jesus but are looking for the way, the life and truth-please come out of Babylon and repent of your sins before it's too late! But don't trust what I say; read and study the Bible to find out. I know what I said sounds harsh, I’m not trying to be, and I mean this with the upmost respect and kindness towards you and all of God’s beautiful creation of mankind-both in the body of Christ and outside the body of Christ. God bless!
Sabbath day was not created for Israel: As God's people they needed to keep His Law's because God chose them. It was created before Israel and it's for all mankind who choose the True Living God, through His only begotten Son Jesus Christ. Us Christians call Jesus King, which He is: A King has laws for His kingdom; 10 Perfect Laws our God created, which includes Sabbath (A day He sanctified, so you can’t say there’s any day of the week to rest with God: The day He set is the seventh day), and are part of His character. So if you choose Sunday rest when it's enforced (Mark of the beast) by the Antichrist (Roman Catholic Papacy-read Daniel 2&7&8 and Revelation 13 for information on the antichrist and the core of Bible Prophecy to understand):you are then breaking our Kings’ Laws. Keeping and resting on Sabbath along with, if you can congregate, always will mean you are choosing God and His authority in your life. Choosing Sunday now, since it hasn't been enforced, means you're knowingly or unknowingly choosing Satan's authority. But many will say, well Paul and the others broke bread on the first day of the week... Yeah you should worship God everyday and break bread with your brothers and sisters in Christ every once in a while, but Sabbath is the day of rest, hallowed and sanctified by God: The Seal to His Laws. The whole Bible says basically if you love God then keep his Commandments. Jesus died on the cross (Grace and Pardon) because we have sinned (transgressed His Law's[1 John 3:4]). So it's all about God's laws and Jesus saving us from our sin (His Sacrifice to pardon us and to save us for the Transgression of Gods’ Laws). Oh and yes, we are free from the Mosaic & Ceremonial laws when He died on the cross, but not God's Laws (Ten Commandments are in Exodus Chapter 20): we still keep them. We are saved by God's grace through faith in Jesus Christ: We keep Gods’ Laws as a consequence of being saved. Love you, God bless.
The book of Daniel in the Old Testament is the key to truly understanding the Book of Revelation; make sure to remember that every day in prophecy equals a year (Ezekiel 4:6 & Numbers 14:34). Book of Revelation is a chiasmus {[Looks like this(\/)](\Historical&Eschatological/)}also; this information will help you to understand the makeup of the way Revelation is written, along with The Book of Daniel. God bless with your search for truth (The word of God, Ten Commandments, and Jesus is the way, the truth and the life) my brothers and sisters in Christ-ask God in prayer what truth is and to ask for the spirit of prophecy, and for help to understand His Word. People that say it’s okay to break Sabbath and to keep Sunday or other days is an enemy of God; however, many have been deceived and God understands, please ask God for spiritual discernment. Don’t trust me, only Trust Jesus Christ, His Word and His Commandments. God bless!
P.S. Please Subscribe to It Is Written on TH-cam and watch their life changing videos about Jesus Christ and His Word. Please Look up Total Onslaught with Walter Veith and Discover Prophecy with David Asscherick: Two lecture series for those who don’t have any understanding of Biblical Prophecy and those that do have some knowledge of prophecy and the war that’s going on; other great lectures for you to watch are Rekindling the Reformation, Darkness before Dawn, and In the stream of Time-all by Walter Veith, also watch this wonderful series called What’s up Prof with Walter Veith and Martin Smith as they use the Word of God and apply it to modern things going on for the times we live in now. If you really want to learn lots about the Bible and true doctrinal teachings about it and the war going on, these videos and lecture series will be a blessing to you and those you share them with. Also please read these wonderful books called The Great Controversy between Christ and Satan and The Desire of Ages by Ellen G. White.
It’s okay to hate me and I know I repeat myself a lot, that’s how important God wants you to know about keeping His Ten Laws including Sabbath, but please don’t hate the Truth- if it’s Truth, then it’s worth buying. I’m not better or wiser, I’m most pathetic, but because God cares about you and He is wanting seeds of truth to be in your heart for when you see the blatant truth of what really is going on, God shall be your growth and His Word a Lantern unto your feet in the spiritually dark world we live in. Please love your enemies that do great evil towards you, we are no better, we are all sinners. Please share this message if you want to.
Revelation 14:6-12
6 And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,
7 Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.
8 And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.
9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,
10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
Solas Scriptura!-The Bible and The Bible alone!
Solas Christus!-Christ and Christ alone!
Solas Fide!-By Faith and faith alone!
Solas Gratia!-By Grace and Grace alone!
Solas Deo Gloria!-Glory to God alone!
@@brotherzacharyjongejan amen well said brother
That's the Sabbatean-Frankists (Luciferians), everything is inverted. Read Robert's book "1666, Redemption Through Sin" (pdf online) for the basics. Also on Robert Sepehr’s YT channel; "1666 Revisited", "1666 Sabbatean-Frankist Illuminati History", "Occult Forces - Mysteries of Freemasonry Unveiled - ROBERT SEPEHR" & the "Lurianic Kabbalah - Robert Sepehr". Some others w/ information on them are: Brother Nathanael, Rabbi Antelman, Winter Watch, Christopher Jon Bjerknes, Barry Chamish, Dr. Henry Makow, Elad Pressman, Chris Everard (Messiah of the Illuminati - presented by CHRIS EVERARD™) & David Icke.
Excellent point and your so right
I absolutely love your channel!! In the past 5 yrs I've lost my mom who was Miss Maine in the Miss America Pageant. My father died in the same hospital room next to her holding hands. Lost my sister at 34 in a car accident. My Beautiful son frankie died of a drug overdose smoking crack with his worthless mother at26. My wife. My 36 yr old brother died of a heart attack and I've had 5 major stomach surgeries from Crohn's disease and 2 ileostomy bags. The surgeon took a softball size mass out of my stomach and said it was Aggressive Cancer..telling me I had 6months to live!! I got on my knees with an iv in my arm and asked jesus Christ to heal me...I had NO CANCER!! THE SURGEON WAS AMAZED TO SAY THE LEAST. IVR BEEN REVERSED AND NO MORE ILIOSTOMY BAGS!! I GREW UP IN A GOOD BAPTIST CHURCH. HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH PASTOR SOWELL..GREATEST MAN IVE EVER MET..please always put your faith in Jesus Christ..He is my lord an Savior. I WAS A BIG ACTOR WORKED FOR EMINEM AND MICHAEL BAY AND STEPHEN SPIELBERG. GAVE IT ALL UP..HELLYWOOD is a very Satanic illuminati CONTROLLED place!!! Stay away!! Jesus christ is my Savior and Rock..God bless...just wanted to share.Frank Balazs jr. Toledo ohio
“In these 2 sentences satan has opened up the door to every false religion out there “ 💯💯💯💯 Amen
i just learned this recently and always used the word amen as teached to me but google search what amen means and historical tecord of it.
Please read the whole message, even if you’ve been saved.
First accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior; confess that He suffered and died for your sins on the cross. Then start repenting of your sins because we all have sinned and transgressed God's laws. Read the received texts like KJV and keep God's 10 Laws which includes Sabbath (resting from Friday Sunset until Saturday Sunset[7th day{Genesis 2:2-3}]). The Bible teaches that thee Antichrist is the Papacy. The mark of the beast is Forced Sunday rest & the banning of Sabbath [7th day] Rest. It takes courage to be in the army of Christ. The battle lines are drawn: you either choose God by keeping Sabbath or Satan by keeping Sunday. We will go through persecution and tribulation and Satan isn’t stupid, don’t underestimate Him; he can transform himself into an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14): he won’t be coming in like some angel of darkness and his ministers of darkness will portray themselves as ministers of righteousness. Satan is showing all this evil to then come in as the good guy for you to join in unity in error-but you’ll think you’ll be worshipping God. Satan uses a lot of truth and mixes a little bit of error for your destruction. People will think they’re doing God’s work when they persecute God’s Sabbath keeping people. My brothers and sisters in Christ in the Catholic Church, those in Sunday keeping churches and for people that don’t know Jesus but are looking for the way, the life and truth-please come out of Babylon and repent of your sins before it's too late! But don't trust what I say; read and study the Bible to find out. I know what I said sounds harsh, I’m not trying to be, and I mean this with the upmost respect and kindness towards you and all of God’s beautiful creation of mankind-both in the body of Christ and outside the body of Christ. God bless!
Sabbath day was not created for Israel: As God's people they needed to keep His Law's because God chose them. It was created before Israel and it's for all mankind who choose the True Living God, through His only begotten Son Jesus Christ. Us Christians call Jesus King, which He is: A King has laws for His kingdom; 10 Perfect Laws our God created, which includes Sabbath (A day He sanctified, so you can’t say there’s any day of the week to rest with God: The day He set is the seventh day), and are part of His character. So if you choose Sunday rest when it's enforced (Mark of the beast) by the Antichrist (Roman Catholic Papacy-read Daniel 2&7&8 and Revelation 13 for information on the antichrist and the core of Bible Prophecy to understand):you are then breaking our Kings’ Laws. Keeping and resting on Sabbath along with, if you can congregate, always will mean you are choosing God and His authority in your life. Choosing Sunday now, since it hasn't been enforced, means you're knowingly or unknowingly choosing Satan's authority. But many will say, well Paul and the others broke bread on the first day of the week... Yeah you should worship God everyday and break bread with your brothers and sisters in Christ every once in a while, but Sabbath is the day of rest, hallowed and sanctified by God: The Seal to His Laws. The whole Bible says basically if you love God then keep his Commandments. Jesus died on the cross (Grace and Pardon) because we have sinned (transgressed His Law's[1 John 3:4]). So it's all about God's laws and Jesus saving us from our sin (His Sacrifice to pardon us and to save us for the Transgression of Gods’ Laws). Oh and yes, we are free from the Mosaic & Ceremonial laws when He died on the cross, but not God's Laws (Ten Commandments are in Exodus Chapter 20): we still keep them. We are saved by God's grace through faith in Jesus Christ: We keep Gods’ Laws as a consequence of being saved. Love you, God bless.
The book of Daniel in the Old Testament is the key to truly understanding the Book of Revelation; make sure to remember that every day in prophecy equals a year (Ezekiel 4:6 & Numbers 14:34). Book of Revelation is a chiasmus {[Looks like this(\/)](\Historical&Eschatological/)}also; this information will help you to understand the makeup of the way Revelation is written, along with The Book of Daniel. God bless with your search for truth (The word of God, Ten Commandments, and Jesus is the way, the truth and the life) my brothers and sisters in Christ-ask God in prayer what truth is and to ask for the spirit of prophecy, and for help to understand His Word. People that say it’s okay to break Sabbath and to keep Sunday or other days is an enemy of God; however, many have been deceived and God understands, please ask God for spiritual discernment. Don’t trust me, only Trust Jesus Christ, His Word and His Commandments. God bless!
P.S. Please Subscribe to It Is Written on TH-cam and watch their life changing videos about Jesus Christ and His Word. Please Look up Total Onslaught with Walter Veith and Discover Prophecy with David Asscherick: Two lecture series for those who don’t have any understanding of Biblical Prophecy and those that do have some knowledge of prophecy and the war that’s going on; other great lectures for you to watch are Rekindling the Reformation, Darkness before Dawn, and In the stream of Time-all by Walter Veith, also watch this wonderful series called What’s up Prof with Walter Veith and Martin Smith as they use the Word of God and apply it to modern things going on for the times we live in now. If you really want to learn lots about the Bible and true doctrinal teachings about it and the war going on, these videos and lecture series will be a blessing to you and those you share them with. Also please read these wonderful books called The Great Controversy between Christ and Satan and The Desire of Ages by Ellen G. White.
It’s okay to hate me and I know I repeat myself a lot, that’s how important God wants you to know about keeping His Ten Laws including Sabbath, but please don’t hate the Truth- if it’s Truth, then it’s worth buying. I’m not better or wiser, I’m most pathetic, but because God cares about you and He is wanting seeds of truth to be in your heart for when you see the blatant truth of what really is going on, God shall be your growth and His Word a Lantern unto your feet in the spiritually dark world we live in. Please love your enemies that do great evil towards you, we are no better, we are all sinners. Please share this message if you want to.
Revelation 14:6-12
6 And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,
7 Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.
8 And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.
9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,
10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
Solas Scriptura!-The Bible and The Bible alone!
Solas Christus!-Christ and Christ alone!
Solas Fide!-By Faith and faith alone!
Solas Gratia!-By Grace and Grace alone!
Solas Deo Gloria!-Glory to God alone!
@@brotherzacharyjongejan what are you talking about bro
What's a true religion?
Satan means the acuser. Not blind faith. He is the arcetype ov critical thought. As oposed to slave mentality. Lookimg 4 god u wint find him in church
We're praying. God is in charge 🙌!God bless your Ministry. 💝
The more I learn and understand my bible watching videos like this just make my heart so heavy for all those who are walking in darkness. THANK YOU GUYS AS ALWAYS!!! For such incredible content teaching us to catch all this stuff and helping others take off the blindfolds as you helped me on my walk . Love you guys and God Bless :) KEEP IT UP!!!
Stay strong guys, we are together in this war! Christ is with us! Thanks for your videos!
Glad it wasn’t taken down this time. I really appreciate your work, LED
@SNES Nes Actually….by editing it, it is now their own work and copyright doesn’t apply.
Dear Little Light Studios... Wow Scotty FABULOUS sermon your DELIVERY definitely was being guided by the Holy Spirit. I was privileged enough to have early access to this on Patreon. It was INCREDIBLY enlightening & to be so MINDFUL of everything we watch. In my teenage years I was so judgemental of those so called"CB'ers"(acronym for Concerned Brethren) that didn't go to the movies? I hang my head in shame re this now UNDENIABLY unjustified judgemental behaviour! It IS a spiritual WAR & I THANKYOU LLS for breaking the scales before my eyes! God Bless you! 🙏❤🙏
I too used to think people who didn’t do Xmas, movies, holidays, etc. we’re missing out & weird. Little did I know I was losing my innocence, desensitizing my soul, and creating memories that are now nightmares & soul ties from sex outside of marriage.
They were right.
I was wrong.
God Bless everyone in the Chat 👈😎🕊💥But I've Fessed up to That one As Well🔥🇬🇧👈😉📖📯🎶🎵🇬🇧🔥🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧👿🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🔥 I now Thank God 🔥👈😊📖📯🎶🎵🔥And check out Pastor Vlad and Isaiah Saldivar and Jon Ramirez on Spiritual Warfare 💥😈💥and Deliverance and Healing and Breaking Generational curses off you and Oaths Broke off you and Witchcraft off you and Spirit of Depression off you or Spirit of Addiction off you 🔥🐍🔥Amen 🔥And check out Testamonys of Hell 💥🐍🔥and 23 Minutes in Hell 💥🐍🔥Crazy Stuff there People 👈🤔🕊🔥And Check out Time for Judgement Podcasts 🔥And Daze Of Noah Podcast 🔥And Plugemin podcast 🔥and Jeff Censored 👈😆💥The Most Censored Head on YT 🔥So Enjoy and God Bless 🙏😇from not so Sunny 🌞England ⛄⛄⛄🇬🇧🔥👈😁📖📯🎶🎵🇬🇧🔥🔥🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧😁🔥🔥
Basically, the more mainstream and popular a spiritual view is, the more skeptical and critical of it you should be.
I agree but why do Christians not apply this crital thinking to them selfs?🙄
@@jset1417 Honest Christians SHOULD be critical of what they believe. Put it to the test. There are lots of hypocrites out there. Christianity is the most popular religious belief in the world, but very few people live by what is in the Bible
Please read the whole message, even if you’ve been saved.
First accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior; confess that He suffered and died for your sins on the cross. Then start repenting of your sins because we all have sinned and transgressed God's laws. Read the received texts like KJV and keep God's 10 Laws which includes Sabbath (resting from Friday Sunset until Saturday Sunset[7th day{Genesis 2:2-3}]). The Bible teaches that thee Antichrist is the Papacy. The mark of the beast is Forced Sunday rest & the banning of Sabbath [7th day] Rest. It takes courage to be in the army of Christ. The battle lines are drawn: you either choose God by keeping Sabbath or Satan by keeping Sunday. We will go through persecution and tribulation and Satan isn’t stupid, don’t underestimate Him; he can transform himself into an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14): he won’t be coming in like some angel of darkness and his ministers of darkness will portray themselves as ministers of righteousness. Satan is showing all this evil to then come in as the good guy for you to join in unity in error-but you’ll think you’ll be worshipping God. Satan uses a lot of truth and mixes a little bit of error for your destruction. People will think they’re doing God’s work when they persecute God’s Sabbath keeping people. My brothers and sisters in Christ in the Catholic Church, those in Sunday keeping churches and for people that don’t know Jesus but are looking for the way, the life and truth-please come out of Babylon and repent of your sins before it's too late! But don't trust what I say; read and study the Bible to find out. I know what I said sounds harsh, I’m not trying to be, and I mean this with the upmost respect and kindness towards you and all of God’s beautiful creation of mankind-both in the body of Christ and outside the body of Christ. God bless!
Sabbath day was not created for Israel: As God's people they needed to keep His Law's because God chose them. It was created before Israel and it's for all mankind who choose the True Living God, through His only begotten Son Jesus Christ. Us Christians call Jesus King, which He is: A King has laws for His kingdom; 10 Perfect Laws our God created, which includes Sabbath (A day He sanctified, so you can’t say there’s any day of the week to rest with God: The day He set is the seventh day), and are part of His character. So if you choose Sunday rest when it's enforced (Mark of the beast) by the Antichrist (Roman Catholic Papacy-read Daniel 2&7&8 and Revelation 13 for information on the antichrist and the core of Bible Prophecy to understand):you are then breaking our Kings’ Laws. Keeping and resting on Sabbath along with, if you can congregate, always will mean you are choosing God and His authority in your life. Choosing Sunday now, since it hasn't been enforced, means you're knowingly or unknowingly choosing Satan's authority. But many will say, well Paul and the others broke bread on the first day of the week... Yeah you should worship God everyday and break bread with your brothers and sisters in Christ every once in a while, but Sabbath is the day of rest, hallowed and sanctified by God: The Seal to His Laws. The whole Bible says basically if you love God then keep his Commandments. Jesus died on the cross (Grace and Pardon) because we have sinned (transgressed His Law's[1 John 3:4]). So it's all about God's laws and Jesus saving us from our sin (His Sacrifice to pardon us and to save us for the Transgression of Gods’ Laws). Oh and yes, we are free from the Mosaic & Ceremonial laws when He died on the cross, but not God's Laws (Ten Commandments are in Exodus Chapter 20): we still keep them. We are saved by God's grace through faith in Jesus Christ: We keep Gods’ Laws as a consequence of being saved. Love you, God bless.
The book of Daniel in the Old Testament is the key to truly understanding the Book of Revelation; make sure to remember that every day in prophecy equals a year (Ezekiel 4:6 & Numbers 14:34). Book of Revelation is a chiasmus {[Looks like this(\/)](\Historical&Eschatological/)}also; this information will help you to understand the makeup of the way Revelation is written, along with The Book of Daniel. God bless with your search for truth (The word of God, Ten Commandments, and Jesus is the way, the truth and the life) my brothers and sisters in Christ-ask God in prayer what truth is and to ask for the spirit of prophecy, and for help to understand His Word. People that say it’s okay to break Sabbath and to keep Sunday or other days is an enemy of God; however, many have been deceived and God understands, please ask God for spiritual discernment. Don’t trust me, only Trust Jesus Christ, His Word and His Commandments. God bless!
P.S. Please Subscribe to It Is Written on TH-cam and watch their life changing videos about Jesus Christ and His Word. Please Look up Total Onslaught with Walter Veith and Discover Prophecy with David Asscherick: Two lecture series for those who don’t have any understanding of Biblical Prophecy and those that do have some knowledge of prophecy and the war that’s going on; other great lectures for you to watch are Rekindling the Reformation, Darkness before Dawn, and In the stream of Time-all by Walter Veith, also watch this wonderful series called What’s up Prof with Walter Veith and Martin Smith as they use the Word of God and apply it to modern things going on for the times we live in now. If you really want to learn lots about the Bible and true doctrinal teachings about it and the war going on, these videos and lecture series will be a blessing to you and those you share them with. Also please read these wonderful books called The Great Controversy between Christ and Satan and The Desire of Ages by Ellen G. White.
It’s okay to hate me and I know I repeat myself a lot, that’s how important God wants you to know about keeping His Ten Laws including Sabbath, but please don’t hate the Truth- if it’s Truth, then it’s worth buying. I’m not better or wiser, I’m most pathetic, but because God cares about you and He is wanting seeds of truth to be in your heart for when you see the blatant truth of what really is going on, God shall be your growth and His Word a Lantern unto your feet in the spiritually dark world we live in. Please love your enemies that do great evil towards you, we are no better, we are all sinners. Please share this message if you want to.
Revelation 14:6-12
6 And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,
7 Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.
8 And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.
9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,
10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
Solas Scriptura!-The Bible and The Bible alone!
Solas Christus!-Christ and Christ alone!
Solas Fide!-By Faith and faith alone!
Solas Gratia!-By Grace and Grace alone!
Solas Deo Gloria!-Glory to God alone!
@@brotherzacharyjongejan I agree man. Working on getting off working Saturday permanently, and attending my local Adventist church. Unfortunately, I think it’s been totally shutdown and nobody has returned my voicemail. Will probably have to go a few miles away to the next town
@@mikegreen2229 We cannot earn salvation through our own good works (Ephesians 2:8,9) instead trust Christs work and what his payment for your sins. Jesus Christ made the payment for you on the cross when he died, was buried and rose again from the dead. (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). If you choose to believe this and put your faith and trust in what Christ did for you, you will be saved. This is the only way anyone gets saved today!
It's unbelievable! The novel writers, the directors, the artists, I don't know how they think and what are their thought processes... It makes me cringe. It's sooo evil. They're using the stories from the Bible as their reference and reverses it but we didn't even notice it, look how bold they are to do that!😠😡😲
It’s the antichrist spirit; we do not wrestle with flesh and blood; the false god of this world has blinded their eyes that believe not
I think some of them don't even realize what they're doing, and probably think their ideas are original. When you're not led by the Holy Spirit, any *other* spirit can take over 😔
@Arrington Team probably have a Satanic agenda to deliberately turn people away from Christ
Satan is using them to write and direct these things. Some don't know that they are demon possessed and some do!
@SNES Nes there's nothing to make up. These are either movies we've seen or the clips are right there in front of us. The pattern is obvious to see: it's always creature rebelling against creator; the creature is the hero, the creator is the bad guy; the theme is following your heart, breaking the rules, etc. Little Light aren't even the first or only ones to make these observations: I first saw this pattern via Good Fight in the early 2000s. It's a pattern.
Great video and I’m so glad I gave up an hour of sleep for this. I needed it. I have noticed that anytime someone around me mocks or curses God, they get taken away from me in some way. Like two people who called God selfish and cursed him, soon left either by being fired or in the others case, couldn’t work the new schedule. But the first thing I thought was God must’ve removed them so as not to speak Ill of Him around me. Because when God’s name was used after a curse word it physically hurt me. And this was before I stopped being a lukewarm Christian. All I want to do is serve God and see sin the way he does. I have asked for this from God and slowly it’s happening. My friend said that while that’s a great thing to ask for, it will change me. I told her that I want to be changed and see sin so as to avoid it and feel disgust not temptation. I have a friend who’s gay, and I prayed that she be lead to God and that he would lay it on her heart to get to know Him more. A few days ago, She told me she has been reading and studying and even writing things down. I told her I don’t even write stuff down yet, though I need to. I’m so glad she’s listening to God. I just hope she keeps fighting and one day turns from sin. I hope you have a blessed day.
Amen! Praise the LORD!
I’ve been born again as of Nov. 2018. I always believed in God and became a lukewarm Christian over time. I did shrooms, drank, but mostly smoked pot everyday. I look back and can’t believe how patient Jesus has been waiting for me (I’m 40). I have been saved by an angel or Jesus (not sure at the time) at least twice, but possibly 3 times.
A voice told me to let off the gas pedal when I was going through an intersection, as soon as I did, a truck blew a stop sign that would have killed me. I also fell asleep at the wheel another time and WOKE up while driving sitting upright and very much positioned like a robot. I ended up on the other side of town somehow! Fell into a pool’s deep end as a child, somehow my mother knew to check on me and pulled me out.
I had another experience where I was praying about a relative that was brutally murdered and burned alive years prior. I was HIT like a sledgehammer with unexplainable peace and joy. Instantly tears poured out of my eyes and I had the breath sucked out of me, totally winded. It was like I was experiencing the joy of heaven but my human body could not handle it! I also experienced an interaction with several demons in the basement of a psychic lady’s house who summoned them and spoke to them nightly. The fear and anger I felt as their eyes pierced my soul was like nothing of this earth......,over and over and over Jesus was calling me!!! I was too much of a fool to notice, even though I believed in Him!
In November of 2018, after a minor argument with my fiancée, I heard a demon’s voice talk to me telepathically in my mind- “I hate you, I’ll kill you and tear your family apart.” With the most conviction in my soul I commanded that thing to leave my house in the name of Jesus Christ. Every room in the house I yelled at it. I felt our Lord blast through my house and beat those things down! Whoosh gone! I prayed and thanked him and repented for allowing them to get close to me. He talked to me telepathically asking me questions and made me feel the guilt of my sins. Lots of information as a sort of psychic download into my heart and mind simultaneously. Question 1: “After all I’ve done for you, what have you done for Me, and others?” Question 2: “Am I NOT enough for you?” Then, the weight of my sins lifted, it was incredible.
Since that moment, I’ve had no desire to drink, smoke, blaspheme, masterbate, be angry, stressed out or sin at all. Wanting to share love with no other possible explanation. I notice the tiniest signs he puts in my path....I see them right away and chuckle, seeing He really does work in mysterious ways. I fully understand how to have a relationship with him and not need to physically see or hear our relationship. He is incredible people! Let him into your heart! I had felt in my soul the the extremes of joy and sorrow through just some of my life experiences..... Feeling the presence of God and Satan deep inside through strange encounters. For that, I am blessed to KNOW Christianity is the truth, yet I STILL tried to not fully commit.
He wants us all to repent and accept Him. He actually told me this! Don’t think you can live in sin all your life and God will be OK with it. He really will reward you if you follow with all your heart!! If you’d like to see the full story, check it out here- https ://th-cam.com/video/W5Ib0N_0Kdg/w-d-xo.html
@vxvye That’s fantastic, hallelujah
Ever since Jesus came to the world it has railed against the truth.
Men loved darkness because they're deeds were evil
It’s crazy. Our teacher played us Pleasant Ville in school and it never dawned on me that they started seeing color after they had sex. To be innocent again..😔
This reminds me of how in 7th grade my teacher put on the Truman show. A lot of the times the kids will get expose to these movies in school first than anywhere. But the teacher said she wanted to show something about hidden advertisement, like the one about the soda.
Please read the whole message, even if you’ve been saved.
First accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior; confess that He suffered and died for your sins on the cross. Then start repenting of your sins because we all have sinned and transgressed God's laws. Read the received texts like KJV and keep God's 10 Laws which includes Sabbath (resting from Friday Sunset until Saturday Sunset[7th day{Genesis 2:2-3}]). The Bible teaches that thee Antichrist is the Papacy. The mark of the beast is Forced Sunday rest & the banning of Sabbath [7th day] Rest. It takes courage to be in the army of Christ. The battle lines are drawn: you either choose God by keeping Sabbath or Satan by keeping Sunday. We will go through persecution and tribulation and Satan isn’t stupid, don’t underestimate Him; he can transform himself into an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14): he won’t be coming in like some angel of darkness and his ministers of darkness will portray themselves as ministers of righteousness. Satan is showing all this evil to then come in as the good guy for you to join in unity in error-but you’ll think you’ll be worshipping God. Satan uses a lot of truth and mixes a little bit of error for your destruction. People will think they’re doing God’s work when they persecute God’s Sabbath keeping people. My brothers and sisters in Christ in the Catholic Church, those in Sunday keeping churches and for people that don’t know Jesus but are looking for the way, the life and truth-please come out of Babylon and repent of your sins before it's too late! But don't trust what I say; read and study the Bible to find out. I know what I said sounds harsh, I’m not trying to be, and I mean this with the upmost respect and kindness towards you and all of God’s beautiful creation of mankind-both in the body of Christ and outside the body of Christ. God bless!
Sabbath day was not created for Israel: As God's people they needed to keep His Law's because God chose them. It was created before Israel and it's for all mankind who choose the True Living God, through His only begotten Son Jesus Christ. Us Christians call Jesus King, which He is: A King has laws for His kingdom; 10 Perfect Laws our God created, which includes Sabbath (A day He sanctified, so you can’t say there’s any day of the week to rest with God: The day He set is the seventh day), and are part of His character. So if you choose Sunday rest when it's enforced (Mark of the beast) by the Antichrist (Roman Catholic Papacy-read Daniel 2&7&8 and Revelation 13 for information on the antichrist and the core of Bible Prophecy to understand):you are then breaking our Kings’ Laws. Keeping and resting on Sabbath along with, if you can congregate, always will mean you are choosing God and His authority in your life. Choosing Sunday now, since it hasn't been enforced, means you're knowingly or unknowingly choosing Satan's authority. But many will say, well Paul and the others broke bread on the first day of the week... Yeah you should worship God everyday and break bread with your brothers and sisters in Christ every once in a while, but Sabbath is the day of rest, hallowed and sanctified by God: The Seal to His Laws. The whole Bible says basically if you love God then keep his Commandments. Jesus died on the cross (Grace and Pardon) because we have sinned (transgressed His Law's[1 John 3:4]). So it's all about God's laws and Jesus saving us from our sin (His Sacrifice to pardon us and to save us for the Transgression of Gods’ Laws). Oh and yes, we are free from the Mosaic & Ceremonial laws when He died on the cross, but not God's Laws (Ten Commandments are in Exodus Chapter 20): we still keep them. We are saved by God's grace through faith in Jesus Christ: We keep Gods’ Laws as a consequence of being saved. Love you, God bless.
The book of Daniel in the Old Testament is the key to truly understanding the Book of Revelation; make sure to remember that every day in prophecy equals a year (Ezekiel 4:6 & Numbers 14:34). Book of Revelation is a chiasmus {[Looks like this(\/)](\Historical&Eschatological/)}also; this information will help you to understand the makeup of the way Revelation is written, along with The Book of Daniel. God bless with your search for truth (The word of God, Ten Commandments, and Jesus is the way, the truth and the life) my brothers and sisters in Christ-ask God in prayer what truth is and to ask for the spirit of prophecy, and for help to understand His Word. People that say it’s okay to break Sabbath and to keep Sunday or other days is an enemy of God; however, many have been deceived and God understands, please ask God for spiritual discernment. Don’t trust me, only Trust Jesus Christ, His Word and His Commandments. God bless!
P.S. Please Subscribe to It Is Written on TH-cam and watch their life changing videos about Jesus Christ and His Word. Please Look up Total Onslaught with Walter Veith and Discover Prophecy with David Asscherick: Two lecture series for those who don’t have any understanding of Biblical Prophecy and those that do have some knowledge of prophecy and the war that’s going on; other great lectures for you to watch are Rekindling the Reformation, Darkness before Dawn, and In the stream of Time-all by Walter Veith, also watch this wonderful series called What’s up Prof with Walter Veith and Martin Smith as they use the Word of God and apply it to modern things going on for the times we live in now. If you really want to learn lots about the Bible and true doctrinal teachings about it and the war going on, these videos and lecture series will be a blessing to you and those you share them with. Also please read these wonderful books called The Great Controversy between Christ and Satan and The Desire of Ages by Ellen G. White.
It’s okay to hate me and I know I repeat myself a lot, that’s how important God wants you to know about keeping His Ten Laws including Sabbath, but please don’t hate the Truth- if it’s Truth, then it’s worth buying. I’m not better or wiser, I’m most pathetic, but because God cares about you and He is wanting seeds of truth to be in your heart for when you see the blatant truth of what really is going on, God shall be your growth and His Word a Lantern unto your feet in the spiritually dark world we live in. Please love your enemies that do great evil towards you, we are no better, we are all sinners. Please share this message if you want to.
Revelation 14:6-12
6 And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,
7 Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.
8 And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.
9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,
10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
Solas Scriptura!-The Bible and The Bible alone!
Solas Christus!-Christ and Christ alone!
Solas Fide!-By Faith and faith alone!
Solas Gratia!-By Grace and Grace alone!
Solas Deo Gloria!-Glory to God alone!
What kind of teacher would play that movie he or she need to he removed.
Sex is Six because man was created on the 6th day and Saturn is 6th planet from the sun which is why the Sabbath is on Saturday for Saturns day. No color means no light. Like it represents a very controlled old fashion society. They came in and brought color to their world and everything changed. Art is used to change consciousness, to evolve it. Like our father who arts in heaven. You have sex and the child is the art that's created from that. Innocence in the biblical sense means pure of heart. Sex serves a purpose in creation.
Just don't be sexually immoral and stay in the Carnal mind. Sexual immorality is an animal desire not a holy one. That doesn't mean sexual depravity though because again it serves a purpose within creation. I learned the hard way why we wait till marriage.
There was something about Pleasantville that didn't sit right with me since I watched the trailer for the movie. This idea of brining chaos into a world and portraying it as good seemed frustrating. Thank you for this detailed analysis. Not joking, while I was watching some of the clips from Pleasantville used in this video I felt a knot in my throat. The media feeds evil to the public and we eat it; my loved ones eat it. Thank you LLS for shedding light onto this darkness.
After they ruin paradise the happy music plays 😂 what craziness
I just paused the video and watched the movie pleasantville and it's really shocking how you could produce something like that... I was curious if I would see the evil myself before the analysis and it's so blatant I'm speechless...
Yep! Trailer made me avoid it too. The idea that the characters and their environment gained color and beauty only when innocence was removed and they were given enlightenment didn't set right with me! Alot of Hindu ideas in here as well!
This made my spirit feel so heavy. I want to get into the Word now.
That's why I feel this way .they’re trying to make God the villain and Satan the hero. That's why I'm always on the villain's side and not the heroes. I've notice it in the matrix that Smith was the one not Neo.
The Matrix scene with the two pills looks a lot like the fall of man in the garden of Eden. Morpheus is the devil tempting Eve (Neo), and the red pill is the forbidden fruit. God bless this ministry richly.
It's a reference to Alice im Wonderland.
Also knowledge is pain, ever hear the term "that smarts" when someone stubs a toe or bangs a finger? Your God puts us hear in Satan's world for us to confront and overcome the adversity of it's ways.
He gets Trinity first and then she gets Neo to join. Same as in Genesis
One day, I uttered the words
"Bite the Bullet" and chose to research the term.
It was used in a publication by Rudyard Kipling in 1891 in a story called,
'The Light that Failed'.
100 years later (1991), Metallica released their 'Black' album.
The first track to hit the radio from that album was,
'The God that Failed'.
It preceded the first video released,
'Enter Sandman'.
A few years earlier in a film called,
'Alien Nation' (Alienation), an actor portrayed a character named 'Rudyard Kipling'.
The same actor was in 'Full Metal Jacket' as a character named 'Rafterman'.
'Full Metal Jacket' is used to describe a cartridge of bullets!
The Circle of Life is endless.
Truth! - Ohio
this was so enlightening 😳😳😳 i can’t count how many times i’ve seen 300 or the matrix and i could never really wrap my brain around it! i am disgusted with myself right now ...i honestly don’t know how i didn’t piece it all together....
all Glory be to God.
So this is why my friends is somehow finding me different when I told them I cannot watch the boy romance movie they are recommending. Their eyes are not yet exposed to the truth in the Bible. Since I began to read the Bible, I began to realize how prevalent the devil’s influence into this world.
do you read the bibole or do bible studies?
If you need someone to study with, I’m available.
I've been watching a couple of shows since being in quarantine and I've noticed that in every single one without fail they write God in an awful light. Sometimes it came out of nowhere and made no sense to the story. I was like was that even necessary? It feels like a Hollywood crusade to persuade viewers that God is bad or God doesnt exist and they aren't even trying to be subtle about it anymore. It's honestly really disgusting
That was amazing! What a way to close my Sabbath day. Keep up the great kingdom work.
Great great warning. I really am glad you're bringing this up. This is a lost subject in the Church as well as REPENTANCE . Spiritual Warfare is so necessary. Thank you.
There not even hiding it anymore....! From the dating commercial with Satan to the one where they quote Shaw's play, back to Methuselah where the Serpent say's; (paraphrasing)" You see things and say why, I dream of things that never were and say why not?"
@SNES Nes Satanists Don't believe in a deity!
@SNES Nes Exactly!
They are making us desensitized .
@@clouds-h5549 He attacks us in the "Flesh"...That is why So Many are Fooled by Him, as they just don't have the Spiritual Discernment to see the Truth!
Real Eyes, Realize the Real Lies... ❣️💪👆
@@Slicedude2004 because that’s not the point of satanism or his plan. He doesn’t care if you worship him as long as you don’t worship God. He really wants you to worship yourself.
Wow wow wowwww... this has really opened up my eyes thank you so much The Matrix, Pleasantville, and the Truman show were some of my favorite all time movies and I can't believe I missed all of these HUGE and MAJOR details that told us what this movie was actually doing to us... Hollyweird is something else..
Wow i feel like the lord put this all together. I just rewatched the Truman show 2 days ago and searched up and down for a Christmas perspective on this movie. Then boom. Today i get one. I can’t wait u till you guys go live with what you have to say!
Wowww that is awesome!
Haha. You just said exactly what I said and did, but about Pleasantville!
@@chenanigans wowww so weird cuz those movies are so old.
@@littlelightstudios They are! But what I have noticed is that they are kind of being touted a lot these days. I was going through a phase before I became saved, of listening to a lot of "metaphysical teachers" and esotericism, etc. And they movies like Matrix and Truman Show pop up a lot in those circles, it's like they almost worship them and consider them "documentaries". They really believe in the whole message of God is in self, etc, as I'm sure you already know. And unfortunately I know a lot of people who are getting sucked into that gnostic world. I myself was one, until something clicked and I snapped out of it.
@@chenanigans praise the lord! I was introduced to the truth about the gnostic agenda about ten years ago, and I'm glad to see new ppl being brought to the truth too. It made me want to know the Bible better, now my husband, even my kids see it everywhere, even in movies and shows that Little Light hadn't exposed yet 🙌🏾
Amazing and true! God bless you for exposing the darkness!
Thank you so very much for sharing this, and making it shareable. God bless you all, your families and your ministry!!
I didn’t realise the storylines in movies 🎥 can be so fascinating until examined against the context of scriptural interpretations & the dark hidden meanings these movies were meant to portray 😳 thank u for enlightening perspectives
Because Satan is he god of this world, working in the children of disobedience
Ephesians 2:2
in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience,
2 Corinthians 4:4
“In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God should shine unto them
I feel God’s seal of “Well done my good and faithful servant” after each discussion/lecture on this channel. Thank you for doing the Lord’s work!! 🙏🏽😭♥️
You guys have to cover the new Disney movie Soul!!! My 3yr old came home talking about it and idek how to explain it other than wrong...they make heaven and God like robot loveless its crazy
It's next Friday is show 👍
@@littlelightstudios Love your work btw! These lessons really help put things into perspective!! 😆
I watched it to see how wrong it was and it was a horrible movie. It was teaching all kinds of pagan things to children.
Wow , the only spark of God inside us is His Holy Spirit after we’ve repented and asked Jesus into our hearts , that’s what Jesus was talking about when He told pilate “ I am here to bare witness to the truth “!! He is the way ,the truth and the life !
Incredible presentation Scotty! Woulf love to watch a part 2!
This presentation was AMAZING! WOW! Thank you so much for the deep dive.
This world has been blinded. Jesus is THE way. 🙌🏼
Wow. Great presentation. I always felt something was off with these films but couldn't exactly call what it was. Thanks for sharing this with us.
I need y’all to look into spirit cooking and how a lot of our celebrities are connected to it along with witchcraft and satanic things in general. Just as movies are very symbolic so is their music videos. Symbolism is everything to them. God bless you, and I pray that your videos reaches more and more lives each day.
we almost did a video on spirit cooking
Amen! Thank you for sharing this!! Still building the confidence to share this with family and friends. I ask for prayer.
We will be praying for you Shelby! You can do ALL THINGS through Christ who strengthens you! God bless you sister!
I just prayed for God to give you the strength and courage to share this with your family and prayed that their hearts would be softened and prepared to receive the Truths revealed in this message. That the scales will fall off their eyes and they will see how wicked hollywood is and that the things reveled in this video will make that clear.
@@littlelightstudios thank you sooo much. May God continue to bless you all and your ministry! 🙏🏾❤️
Scotty Mayer, just wanted to let you know that, that was just an excellent presentation and to my surprise I actually learned quite a lot! Thank you soo much for your hard work and may The Holy Trinity Bless you, your family and your brothers and sisters at LED. In Jesus Christ Name! Amen!!
An old friend of mine insisted that I couldn't find Christ in the Old Testament. He sent me 50 Scriptures "disproving" the Trinity, trying to tell me Jesus is an "extension" of God the Father and didn't exist until born on earth. I spent the next year studying Scripture and guess what? I found Christ on almost every page, not just prophetically, but literally. The New Testament tells us who it was who led the Israelites out of Egypt and who was in the burning bush. Yahshua was God's Son in the Old Testament, and He was speaking and acting for Yahweh as the Word, the Angel and the LORD of hosts (Yahweh of hosts). I was excited to share this with my friend (who is no longer a friend) and he grew very hard of heart. I find this type of reaction happens in people every time I am excited to share the truth with them, a truth that challenges their biases. It is very discouraging when you lose all your friends because you literally cannot talk about the things that matter the most to you, things that you find amazing, encouraging and uplifting, yet no one else around you cares to listen to.
🤔🤔🤔💯🎯👑☝bless you and yours🕊 greetings from Toronto...beautifully stated research...your a lighy in the darkness...speak to the young..bless them if they are ready...🤗🐨
It’s so sad how I know all of this but I just continue to sin. Why does sin feel so good? I feel like I’m in a war in my head struggling and fighting for peace, pray for me so my life can change. I love you all in the name of Jesus Amen.
Triumph in Truth channel has helped me a lot. Check it out. I started with the older videos.
Ask God for strength. I used to watch films and tv non-stop. God broke that desire off of me. He can do the same for you! God bless you.
@snes nes I'm being very patient with you because I believe that God will open your eyes the more you see the evidence pile up, but I will not tolerate you disrespecting people on our channel.
@SNES Nes God bless you. ❤
@SNES Nes I care nothing about your donation brother. God provides for our needs. I just care about you being respectful and Christ-like to others.
I subscribed
Woooooow may the Lord bless your ministry as I am blessed by this🙌
Praise the Lord! Thank you so much for this encouraging comment. We are so blessed to hear that you are blessed by the content🙏
@@littlelightstudios thanks for your response stay blessed 🙌
Excellent breakdown of these films. Hard to open eyes of the ones close to you. Most of my friends would rather not know even if it is true.
Am just in awe of the revelations. Your work is just amazing!!! Thank you and keep up the good work!!! May God give you more wisdom and insight!
I can't wait. I'm so excited for this video👍💪☝🙏👊💥💢✌👏.
Me also🤗
God bless and have a spectacular Sabbath =^_^=
Shabbat Shalom to you 😊🥰❤️
Wow! It FINALLY CAME OUT! I’m excited to watch this episode!
I wonder if Gnosticism secretly the religion of the devil because it seems odd they promote the snake as a good character which kinda bothers me.
Yes, it's literally luciferianism.
Wow you guys are amazing I didn't see the movies this way... very eye opening I'll keep sharing😗 your videos are awesome... Glorify Jesus the one and only!!
Praise the LORD! Thank you so much for the encouraging comment! You have no idea how much it means to us to hear replies like this.
The Roman Catholic Vatican church is evil. I believe most of the followers are not, unfortunately they do not read the Bible and see you with the church is actually up to it is a cult. I was raised in a Catholic Church in Catholic school at 12 years old I questioned what was going on the Lord put it on my heart and I had moved away from the church I had to continue going to school and I graduated there. But praise God I became a born-again Christian at 14. That was 42 years ago. Unfortunately most Catholics idolize the pope and that is sad sad sad if these people do not wake up they will spend eternity in hell. I have a Catholic friend who I’ve been trying to evangelize but she is attached to her church.
@SNES Nes no, I do not feel any kind of shame for speaking the truth and your use of profanity is uncalled for. I do not expect Catholics to appreciate hearing the truth but why don’t you just study the word for yourself. instead of trying to call someone out. If you would rather yell at people for attempting to warn you and give you the truth that could set you free I am sorry. I will stand by the truth Catholics are not Christians nor are they believers. There is so much wrong with the Catholic Church I wouldn’t know where to begin it’s sad that you cannot see this I feel sorry for you I will try to give this truth to as many people as I can doesn’t mean you’re all going to except it and that is fine.
@@bethshoaf Amen sister
@SNES Nes You didn’t answer me by the way in our previous discussion. I was raised catholic and it’s funny how they have shielded me from the Truth, even though they profess themselves as “infallible” (or at least that pope does), and I myself decided not to follow catholicism anymore. It was a sure departure from that “church” and we were never really taught the Bible before (a struggle for me even now), I get it: no denomination is actually perfect…but I’d rather rely on God’s laws than man’s heart. All my life, I was told to follow it and yet, I felt lonely…at least now, I know the struggles that I have been facing, the false teachings I have been questioning all. paid. off! So instead of trying to insult me and this nice person who is only trying to warn you, stop it. Whether it be about you defending anime and calling God’s miracles “witchcraft” or telling me that I am the false unbeliever, stop trying. It won’t work nor will it convince those who truly stand firm in their faith.
The Truman Show scared the mess outta me. Lol! After watching that I was scared to shower. Get undressed 👀👀...traumatic.
Im a simple guy, I see a video exposing Mystery Babylon religion and I watch and like.
This is amazing!!! Great breakdown. I need this for each film.
Scary and cunning deception of Movies exposed. Thanks Little Light Studios. May the Holy Spirit Teach us the Truth and show us the Way, Amen!
You know what's messed up? Both Wachowski brothers are now transgender... there's something in that water in Hollywood man
They've replicated the baphomet.
The Gnostic Gospel has been in Hollywood for a very long time. I was watching a movie recently called a matter of life and death with David Niven. At the beginning of the movie he's about ready to die and he's talking to somebody over a radio philosophizing. He said something like if we had listened to Plato Socrates or Jesus we wouldn't be in this mess. I just thought that was interesting. The movie was from the 1940s. I decided to elaborate just a little bit more. Heaven is depicted as black and white. One of the characters even talks about how he loves Technicolor and how there's no Technicolor up there.
I think Hollywood literally cast curses to whoever watches their show.
That's the funniest thing I've ever heard
@@Slicedude2004 meanwhile actors literally admit to holding seances for spirits to get script ideas. Maybe you should do more digging and have some humility for once
@@M_CFV Ever heard of a joke?
It is amazing how Hollywood is telling us exactly where we live , genesis 1 verses 6&7 And God said,let there be a FIRMAMENT ( dome) in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. And God made the firmament , and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. No where does it say we live on a globe. You can teach a young child anything you want and they will believe you and that is what happens in school. Satan has deceived everyone to believe a globe lie. If people actually did some research , they would eventually realize it. But it is hard for some people to unlearn the lie you were taught when you were young.
Exactly 💯 % Immovable earth. The opposite of what is forced indoctrinated (Helios the sun deity worship globe earth model) yet so many fellow Christians scoff and turn vile at the thought of that narrative being a lie also. - Blessings to you and yours fam
Amen! I’ve only heard this flat earth theory last summer. I completely rejected it as insane. But there are so many references in the Bible to the four corners of the earth, the still earth. Then I searched where the spherical earth theory began and of course it began in Greece with Aristotle. It is crazy how many Christian channels will kick you out of the chat if you even mention flat earth,Or make fun of you. Apparently there is a rapper named B.o.B. Trying to convince his followers on Twitter that the earth is flat, even Andre Lagasse is attempting to change his mind but this rapper won’t be swayed yay think will follow him and give him my support. I’ve decided whatever the world is trying to shove down my throat it must be like go the other way. I am trying to undo the indoctrination I’ve been under.
I don’t think whether the earth is a globe or a square or a triangle or a flat plane has anything to do with salvation or sanctification. At the second coming of Christ when He lifts us up we will know. Until then, God will teach each person through His Holy Spirit the truth. Have a awesome night.💕
@@wateredeggs8198 the main thing is it would be impossible to believe the big bang evolution theory
@@wateredeggs8198 you are correct. It does not affect our salvation. The false teaching is just another slap in the face on the word of God that’s why it’s an issue for us and that’s why we do want to get the truth out.
Already watched. So worth the view!
This was an absolute amazing presentation! Really thoughtful and precise with good parallels made I never thought of. Especially 300 the ending makes a lot more sense now.
You guys are putting together really great work. Please keep it up
This just exposes the false light of Lucifer, LED good presentation, I love you guys Glory to the LORD JESUS CHRIST
When 300 was mentioned as a gnostic movie, I was looking at it from a historical perspective, since the spartans did war against Persia, along with the other Greek cities. but now that I think about it, it all makes sense from a spiritual perspective. Thanks so much 🙏🙏
300 was tsken from The Bible story of Gideon and the 300 men.
To clarify a little bit on his definition of Thomas Anderson...
Anderson means: son of Andrew
Andrew means: man
Thus Anderson: means son of man, the prominent title of Jesus according to the Bible.
Thomas means: twin, copy or replica.
Thomas Anderson literally means: The copy of Jesus Christ.
The enemy of Thomas Anderson (aka counterfeit Jesus) is Agent Smith.
In the Gnostic gospel of the matrix Smith would be a symbol of the true Jesus Christ. Who of course is the enemy in the movie.
Jesus is referred to as the refiner of precious metal AKA a worker of metal.
Malachi 3:2-3 KJV
[2] But who may abide the day of his coming? and who shall stand when he appeareth? for he is like a refiner's fire, and like fullers' soap: [3] and he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the LORD an offering in righteousness.
The name "Smith" comes from the Anglo-Saxon word smitan, which means "to smite or strike". It was an occupational name for a man who worked with metal, such as a blacksmith or farrier
And thus agent Smith's name means refiner of precious metal a reference to Jesus.
Thank you
@fuocoallepolveri welcome my friend.
This was a blessing💕Praise God.
I loved the Matrix! One of my favorite movies. WOW I had no idea what this movie really meant.
The question to ask then, is ... Could Gnostics be right?
You guys totally rock! Love 💕 your work 😊 thank you for showing us the evil agenda behind these movies. I don’t watch movies or tv anymore but when I did I never put these together.
Amazing… This is the most unbelievable video I have ever seen
my eyes have been open. How can we thank you so much …
May God bless you, and all the work that you do to open our eyes…
Praise the LORD. I wish more people could see this one. Definitely underrated.
And, the Gnostics learned from the kabbalists, who in their turn learned in Babylon during their captivity. Nothing new under the sun!
Liar liar pants on fire. Gnostics did not learn from Kabbalists. Also Babylons didn't believe in Gnosticism.
Hmm very strange answer. I don´t care what you think brother, either they learned from each-other or from satan/fallen angels themselves, beacuse their doctrines of illumination true knowledge are the same. Their fruits are the same, so someone learned from someone. They might not have called it "gnostics" (which is knowledge btw) in Babylon but their teachings were/are the same, that trough human knowledge and work we can save the world. Or transcend above our fallen states trough our own wisdom.
Awesomeness dear brother may the Lord continue to bless you and your family aboundantly…awesome 😃👌🖐💕🖐
I can only imagine how reveling this one is going to be. Wish I could of caught it during the premiere. What time do you usually put your vid on Friday?
We premiere shows every Friday at noon EST but this one will Premiere tomorrow at 6 p.m. EST so you haven't missed it yet :-)
🇺🇸🐭🐻💕 U!!!
In anything we do or say, if we are twisting the truth or being dishonest we are cooperating with the devil. People who believe in their own minds that they are doing good but dont have Christ, even they are cooperating with the devil. That is why we must be Christ like and live in his light of truth so that we may appeal to those in the darkness, and the big lie. Jesus, save us, God have mercy on us.
Your videos are so helpful and eye-opening doing great Job. God bless your Team.
Praise the LORD! Thank you so much for your love, support, and encouraging words sister! God bless you!
I've found that it's ok to question everything as long as you are in search of actual truth. It hasn't lead me anywhere except closer to truth...
wow thank you for your guys hard work on putting this together! God bless your ministry and for sharing TRUTH! praise God 🙌
I really pray after watching this video, that this teaching could be bought to every Spirit filled
church, especually at this time. My youngest daughter is caught on the anime cult, and manga artist. I am so devastated to see who she has became toward her parents. please keep tge good work to expose the enemy anx God bkess you.
Great video, still as relevant today as when it was recorded! Was this what you intended to put out this week or did you post it because yesterday's LED Live discussion was flagged?
Yes, this is a Timeless classic that will help anyone know what to look for in these movies. Yes, this is the one we tried so hard to get up yesterday and we finally got it :-) praise God!
Love this you did great. I will definitely be sharing this with some pastors I know, and I'm sharing it on social media. Praise God for this ministry and the work little light studios does to grow the kingdom of God.
Bro, thank you for this video. Please upload more of this so I could share it to our church during AY program for our youth. I’ve been looking for this videos years ago. I wish I could download this. Please let me know how could I download this video.
This was insane! God bless you guys.
Powerful message!!! Thank you @littlelightstudios 🔥🎥
I think i'll download this, it has some stellar points I don't want to forget soon.
Love this channel
you had great comments!!!
The Devil ONLY COMES to Steal, Kill and Destroy while our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ came to GIVE Eternal Life to whoever BELIEVES on Him.
Pray for me that God may bless all of us with child like faith and have full access to God's kingdom and have no blessings blocked!! May God bless you all more than he can ever bless me
I just watched Wicked, which immediately made me think of this video. You need to make another one and cover that massively gnostic movie
If you know it is bad then way watch it in the first place. you saw this video years ago and yet decided to watch wicked. It is not about how many movies they expose it is about you avoiding such movies in the first place.
Are y'all still working on part 2 for the "anime dark secrets?"I've been waiting for that one😂😂
Yep, still working on it 🖒
@SNES Nes And what would *you* know about that? No credibility to your name and trying to tell me to stop listening to them?? As if!
@SNES Nes No need to push your negativity on us. 😁
@@littlelightstudios Cannot wait for part 2, btw!~ 😆
@SNES Nes we love you bro ❤ hope you keep sticking around for our content. The more you see, the clearer things become 🙏
Excellent! I’ve noticed things in other movies too. Now I can see the others with fresh eyes.
Those who easily believe that devil exist but God doesn’t, I don’t know how the devil twisted their minds
That was a very good presentation. I love this channel. Thank you for all you do. God bless you all
In Pleasantville funny how they portray the innocent people as gray and the wicked people as colorful lol The devil is really blinding the people this movie should be called "yeah see sin is fun" this movie could easily trick someone in believing that satan has set us free
Yes, exactly how they portray the villains in the show 'Descendants'. Everyone looks boring and lame at school until the witches and villains come around and give everyone "apples" and then suddenly the school comes to life with color and excitement.
Before becoming born again I watched most of these movies, some I idolized. You consistently hit the nail on the head!
Thank you for sharing this!
This was a very good presentation... Very, very good... 👍🏾👍🏾
After watching the video about how God called you back to the church I decided to turn off the TV and start studying the Bible everyday instead of wasting time watching sin
Should be a good show! Shabbat Shalom🙌
Ayyye WesBlaze! Yes bro, this is a timeless classic that opened my eyes to what to look for in movies
This has become my favorite channel in the last week. You guys are slaying in the spirit. I appreciate your gifts to the body!
Praise God...I know you have already done a piece on Disney movies. However there is a game that has been combining Disney WITH ANIME and promoting some very sick ideas. Its kingdom hearts and ive been delivered for 2 years but it is still destroying house holds. I know first hand and i don't know any other way to get this information out. Just look up the many games and platforms its reached. It had me in bondage for 17 years and its still going. Parents just think its a childrens game. (Btw im saved but the enemy has his claws on so many children and adults) Please help and look into it. I was raised a total Bible reading Christian but this deception was sewn at such a young age. Keep doing what you guys are doing. This is really Gods work for the people of the future. Be blessed.
I'm aware of the game but know nothing about it. If you have any insights for us, we really appreciate the help researching. Research is literally half the work. So glad to hear you've been set free 🙏🙌❤
You can reach me at: Mikey@LittleLightStudios.tv
@@littlelightstudioscopy that. I am preparing a small presentation now. Thanks Mikey
Excellent video! Thanks from Sydney, Australia 🌼