Hey Alex can you invite Swami Sarvapriyananda to talk about Hinduism. You will like talking with him about Hinduism and various aspect about that religion likes dislikes etc...
@@sumitdutta7043 God/Jesus Christ/Holy Spirit cannot make mistakes because he is all wise. Finite man's problem is he thinks he is smarter than his Creator. He is the Potter we are the clay. This evil world, atheists and the enemy (Satan - the devil) offer no hope. God offers a blessed hope - the free gift of knowing him - eternal life. No religion needed. Just faith (believing), faith plus nothing. We are not sinners because we sin, we sin because we are sinners. If a man says he has never done wrong/sinned he is a liar, and the truth is not in him.
8:52 correct me if i’m wrong, but isn’t this idea similar to the one held by Hindus? Krsna (The Brahman) is the universal, divine consciousness-i.e. God. While figures like siva, visnu, ganesha, saraswati, etc. act as “god-heads”, embodying a certain trait of Krsna idk i just had to comment this. maybe something worth mentioning
@@ToaCody1nah there was trade routes and shipping routes across the old world. Philosophy and religion is like music. Melodys and riffs get shared and passed along
He hee - possibly 2 steps better than either of them with their mouth wide open with a speech bubble in red saying "more on Jesus’s banned teachings’’ or such twaddle …
Mathew 13:10 And the disciples came and said to Him, “Why do You speak to them in parables?” 11 He answered and said to them, “Because it has been given to you to know the [a]mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given. 12 For whoever has, to him more will be given, and he will have abundance; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him. 13 Therefore I speak to them in parables, because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand. 14 And in them the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled, which says: ‘Hearing you will hear and shall not understand, And seeing you will see and not perceive; 15 For the hearts of this people have grown dull. Their ears are hard of hearing, And their eyes they have closed, Lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, Lest they should understand with their hearts and turn, So that I [b]should heal them.’ 16 But blessed are your eyes for they see, and your ears for they hear;
What separated Christianity and Judaism from fully developed Gnosticism was the view of physical creation. The Gnostics proposed a secret wisdom that allowed one to exit physical existence which was seen as an evil mistake. Christianity, on the other hand, in line with mainstream Jewish thought, proposed that creation was good, though temporarily somewhat broken. The ultimate end was to be the restoration and healing of physical existence to complete goodness.
The word used in the text was Adonai, not “God.”. Adonai does not translate as “God,” but was a substitute term used to refer to God (whose name must not be spoken). Adonai is literally Lord of lords.
@ Lord of Lords = God Just like Yahweh means He that is, it is God’s designation. Just like Jireh, Elohim or Elohai, even God. It’s universally understood Adonai is referring to the God of Abraham and Israel, whom Jesus made claim is His Father.
I see you're getting more interested in gnosticism now which is fantastic, i suggest you should look into the only current surviving gnostic religion since antiquity, Mandaeaism. It is not Christian, it is a completely different religion. Very interesting.
I have never heard gnosticism explained so directly and bluntly, very cool. I do think this belief that the material world is somehow inherently bad and only here by mistake is quite wrong, but the Gnostics still seem to have stumbled into ways of transcending it, which I think is still a worthy effort.
I think it depends a little bit on what precisely is meant by "the material world is inherently bad". If it's a simplistic platonist, stuff is evil and thoughts are good, then yes that seems pretty unhelpful and kind of life denying at a certain extreme, but if the perspective is more," the materialist frame of reality that most people and societies instinctively gravitate towards, with its accompanying desires and aversions, necessarily leads to an endless cycle of delusion and disappointment" then we're not too far off what many spiritual traditions have espoused. And even if it was the former (and surely like everything it varies from practitioner to practitioner), gnosticism simply never had the privilege of evolving into a modern philosophical doctrine.
Despite Plotinus’ opposition against gnosticism, gnosticism and neoplatonism do seems very similar in some ways. It makes me wonder if gnosticism was influenced by neoplatonism or if it was the other way around? Of course, the third alternative is each was relatively unaffected by the other, but that strikes me as unlikely.
I think there was both dissemination of philosophy along trade routes AND some manner of accessing transcendent or hyper-normal states of consciousness in which various cultures came to similar conclusions about reality. Rituals, shamanistic techniques and substances, prolonged fasting, meditation, trance, etc. Cultures and local customs may be different, but the consciousness we all experience is universal.
@@jonmustang yes. And high level mystical masters exchanged knowledge and even visited one another. Also, we actually literally see elements of neo platonism written into some gnostic texts. Which, unfortunately is used by Christians to "debunk" some of these texts. Becahxe they literally think, if it doesn't follow orthodox Judaism or Christianity, then it must be forgery or false. As if Jesus, the smartest dude ever didn't study and know other paradigms
@unnamed776-m9h eh, they have alot of similarities. Allogenes saw the world as beautiful while gnóstics saw it as a prison. The two perspectives, If you understand esoterica, can be true at the same time. Glass half full, glass half empty. Prison, or classroom? Depends on the half you choose to view it from Other then that, there are many connections
Very interesting! Thank you for sharing, I always enjoy Bart Ehrman. I was an atheist my entire life until I had a spontaneous mystical experience that set me doing some research and meditating, and I have been stunned to find that the gnostic Christian attitudes from the early second and third centuries resonates very strongly with my personal spiritual growth. So much of my own personal journaling and experiences match what these gnostic writers shared; I've been reading these early gnostic texts, and I keep having to go back to my own journals from three and four years ago to find very similar sentiments, sometimes expressed in the same language. It is eerie but also comforting. The orthodox Christianity enshrined in the church is false, but there's something to that gnostic path, something that gives me hope where the church steals it.
@@Drazzz27 Yes. Jnana is knowledge and a jnani is a being in whom the true nature is known. They "know" the nature of their own existence. That's what gnosticism was actually about as well. Not necessarily memorizing a bunch of information, but rather to have the "a ha!" realization of knowing one's own true "spiritual" nature
Based on personal experience, I believe the Gnostic myths are more than just figurative and allegoric. About 33 years ago, I had a very powerful visual encounter and confrontation with an entity having a lion-like face and a serpentine body. It came out of a portal/gateway and cloud that had formed in my room about 2AM to 3AM. The kicker is, at the time, I had no knowledge of what or who it was, nor of Gnosticism and its characters. The words archon, demiurge, Yaldabaoth, Abraxas, Sophia, aeon, etcetera were foreign to my vocabulary. I wasn't into the occult but was dealing with a diagnosis of schizophrenia, an existential crisis and a dark night of the soul. I was being attacked by something that falsely presented itself as God. My recovery from schizophrenia began after having that vision. Therefore, based on the experiences, I've accepted that such entities are very real. No one knows for certain what is going on beyond the veil, but something is going on. Cheers and be well!
Consider that your experience may have been a hypnagogic hallucination, especially since this happened during a wee morning hour. Hypnagogia is a transitional state of consciousness between sleeping and waking. One doesn’t have to be schizophrenic to have them. They are not uncommon. Night terrors are a hypnagogic phenomenon and are usually felt as a terrifying attack. Such things usually stop when you lose your fear of them - they can’t hurt you. It’s not the same phenomenon as schizophrenic hallucinations, but I would direct you to the movie “A Beautiful Mind” for one possible way to end hallucinations cause by schizophrenia. I apologize if I’m presuming anything, I’m not a professional nor do I have schizophrenia, but I really love that movie and the mind of the man depicted in that movie.
@@SecularLori Possibly so and appreciate your advice, however, that was the one and only "hallucination" that I ever had. The real question is, why was it of an entity with a snake-like body and a lion-like head as described in some of the Gnostic texts? Can you explain that? Hallucinations should be random, yet this was not. I had no knowledge of Gnosticism at the time of the experience. I've seen the movie "A Beautiful Mind" of John Forbes Nash Jr. experiences...he encountered hallucinations of characters that did not seem to age. I have come to the conclusion that schizophrenia is a misnomer, but a common symptom of those diagnosed with it encounter negative thoughts or hear detrimental voices.
@@asteroxfoundation I agree that schizophrenic hallucinations may be misunderstood. As I wrote in one of my own comments, I think that the brain in part acts as a filter to perceptions and perhaps in some way the brain doesn’t filter in people with schizophrenia as it does in most of us during everyday awareness. I also think that explanation may also explain hypnagogic, Gnostic (mystical) and my own experience. I think experiences where beings are seen may be archetypal (inherited patterns of thoughts, images, pulsions and such). I think humans see similar archetypal patterns during dreams. This is why humans all over the world may experience similar archetypal manifestations as they are part of a deep shared evolutionary history. As for my own experience, I think perhaps a similar mechanism may be responsible except that I experienced the cosmos as a deep inherited memory of our conscious origins in cosmos. I once saw a meme on Facebook that showed a picture of the universe that read “I saw a baby picture of you” - I really liked it.
... please do try Andy Clarks The Experience Machine how our minds predict and shape reality is the best book on predictive processing thus far written. Penguin paperback. You may like much. All mammals do this, maybe all vertebrates too.
@@asteroxfoundation To add support to your experience, I've experienced similar transcendental phenomenon. I see another commenter is trying to say these visions and images are somehow biological and evolutionary as part of human biology. I personally see these biological and material explanations to be a bit sad and very much what we would expect when the populace has adopted material "reality" as the default belief system. I don't buy it, personally. A few quick stories... I woke up one morning thinking, "The four vedas are for the perfection of the human form; the fifth veda is for the perfection of the soul." Okay, but here's the thing... I had never heard of a "veda" before in my life when that thought came. I had to look it up. I'm just a white guy from California. DIdn't know anything about Indian culture, the four vedas, nor that there were a number of books that some people consider to be the fifth veda. I once prayed very intently for an answer to a question that had been troubling me. I demanded an answer be given to me in a form that I would not be able to mistake. The next morning, a friend texted me that my uncle (who had passed away months earlier) visited HIM in his dream that previous night, and that my uncle told him to tell ME something. What he told me was the exact answer to my question. I could go on and on. These were not biological, archetypal, or universal. These were specific bits of knowledge that were somehow picked up by regular people who had no prior cues, no similar biological or cultural programming, and were out of context to their waking lives. My conclusion is that consciousness is primary reality, physical existence is downstream of that.
Bart missed out on mentioning that Sophia recognized her offspring the Demiurge as an anomaly and left him before he woke up. When he woke up and saw no other God's, he assumed that he was in fact the one and only true God. Thought I'd throw that in for context.
@@Wontoofree-k4n That's very unlikely to be the case. All 4+ camera angles match up with where the greenery is, there's not even the tiniest hint of green fringing over hair strands in any shot, the main shot features overexposure on the background which would be unlikely intentionally set for a green screen and the direction of the light perfectly matches how it hits the subjects. Also the wide angle shot has minimal background blur, which makes sense practically w/ a wider angle lens. The shadowing on the chair feet and all these details would make it simply a drastically more dificult green screen shot than...simply recording at a decent view. It's nice, but its not THAT nice.
Well you can absolutely see how the material world is uncaring, and to some at least that would certainly constitute as evil. I don't believe in evil myself but if it did I could see how the material world fits into that.
I feel I was seduced by gnostic ideas before snapping to. I think of the separation story that is reframed by gnostic texts. I came to the conclusion that the separation is about us wanting to put ourselves at God's level out of self regard, egotism. Wanting to know as much as God is what separates us from them. It's not knowledge itself, but wanting to know what we shouldn't because of our own desires
@@_ilynux what you're asking is, do I know why God does what they do? Which seems to go to the heart of how you read the story of the fall. I'm not a biblical scholar but I know there are different things called God in the old testament - Yaweh, Elohim, Baal (of the Canaanites?) - and I was brought up Catholic, lapsed for a long time, had some weird experiences, can't say i've come back but i think there is something to be said for apostolic tradition and i like most of the stuff I hear from the orthodox church. The best thing I've heard in coming back to church is the phrase 'Christ consciousness', that should be what we are trying to achieve. That seems to be a similar aim as the Hare Krishna's have, i think there is a similar root etymology. How much of the old testament is rubbish? How much is allegorical? How much do we throw out with the new covenant? Is it all the same God? What I'm saying is, in one lifetime, I have to accept the not knowing and just take up Christ's single commandment. This is where I've landed.
8:37 the emanating is caused by self reflection. Each eaon is the product of the invisible Virgin spirit reflecting on its self. I love the image. A black hole sitting alone in the universe sending out jets of energy until one day, a big bang and the material realms are created. Caused by an imbalance, a joining of 2 emanations.
@@LRVitusR Gnosticism is esoteric Christianity - as opposed to exoteric Christianity that eventually called the shots. The Bardo Thodo translation by Evans Wendtz explains the connection. Read the seven sermons to the dead by Jung for a summary of Gnosticism.
@@kafiruddinmulhiddeen2386 In the second sermon the term "He" is used to refer to God. This lessens the weight of value. When early man stops referring to God as "He" then we are getting somewhere.
Kinda... Sophia started developing energy within herself which was incompatible with the Pluroma. She became so engorged with this new type of energy that she was threatened with rejection by the Pluroma. This rejection was not a decision, just natural incompatibility. Fearing rejection, she sought to purge herself of this energy, and was successful. Because energy can't really be destroyed, there was a mass of energy just floating there, without context for itself. This was Yaldabaoth. Not being able to join the Pluroma, and not even recognizing it as an acceptable residence, Yal started building his own home, the universe in which we reside. In an effort to combine our universe and the Pluroma (think, function of entropy) this home started to evolve into an energy converter. Aside: energy conversion is often explosive, scary, and painful. Our bodies contain specks of the Pluroma as a component to that converter machine, think fuel. Humanity is the slag of this conversion. We're material like every other thing on Earth, with a higher (or lower) concentration of that Pluroma. Everything we recognize as life has a piece. That's why we have the egos we do, e.g. we think the planet is ours to dominate - spoiler alert, it isn't. We're in the middle of that process. We just need to keep doing what we're supposed to be doing. We're NOT doing what we're supposed to, FYI. We are more parasite than anything was meant to be. Those who are trying to create their own order, CEO, generals, presidents and the like, is the Yaldabaoth energy resisting the conversion. There's always a bit of resistance in chemical reactions and physical interactions. As the process gets to the end of resolving itself, the resistance will grow. There might also be residue left over.
This is the best explanation of the "birthing of Yaldabaoth" I've seen, being a frequency incompatibility and purging/cutting the cord to the incompatible energy. Personally resonates to the past few years of my life.. thanks for sharing this
Cool, I haven't heard too many folks speak about the idea of redeeming or transforming Yaldabaoth but that always seemed like it'd have to happen somehow. Some of the Indian sages I've enjoyed comment on just "doing our work" in each lifetime, playing our part. They tend not to elaborate on why the work must be done or what playing our part accomplishes. I hadn't tied that to Gnosticism but would you say that's sort of the gig in this realm -- that we (the spark) are supposed to just play out our life script without resistance so that the realm can do this energy conversion thing?
Pain is interpreted through physical sensation if there’s no nervous system then what is pain exactly? However, I don’t disagree I’m literally asking a question . If I’m not physical then I shouldn’t feel pain right? Or is there other ways of suffering outside of systems as we know and interpret?
@@bigdre6565 I guess what i'm getting at is that the Gnostics in this example seem to be speaking from a point of authority on the matter of existence and experience in spiritual realms, if indeed such a thing even occurs. So from where did they obtain this knowledge or is it just an assumption on their part? Or are they perhaps saying there is no existence for us in spritual realms, ergo there is no suffering? It's unclear from this video, but then I am not well versed in Gnosticism. I can't fathom existence without suffering. Even if we existed as disembodied spiritual beings would we not have needs, wants and desires? And if we have these then would we not suffer when our needs are not met and we don't get or achieve what we want? Are we even ourselves without needs or desires? It's all getting a bit philosophical now so i'll stop there haha.
@@PraisetheLawd though I agree that when the brain can’t no longer process information it is dead I also don’t think it is not far fetched to think there is more to life than a physical one . Life as we know it may seem limited but could also be layered in ways we simply can’t process with the brain .. even if I have a hard time being convinced that there is a after life we simply don’t know
There are two things seem to be contradicting to me... According the gnostic tradition Juda is a Saint since without his betrayal there could be no salvation but Dr Herman says that the salvation in gnostisism isn't by cruxfiction but by knowing (the secret knowledge)???!!!
Gnosticism was, if I recall correctly, coined to envisage a system of in-crowd thought or action, as opposed to gnosis cognitive awareness, and gnostics, the systematically learned (of the first few centuries of the Christian Era, in which we are still dating stuff). Sort of a post-Reformation / pre-Enlightenment catch-all term, somewhat like today's use of 'cover version' in regard to the music industry's recording practices. Meaning pretty much any rendition one is meant to dislike or disregard, with politically corrected virtue-signalling, but which one may still fixate over. St Paul claimed 'gnosis' with regard to his 'gospel' - and for the meaning of Jesus as 'Christ' in that setting. St Cyril of Alexandria regarding Christian scholarship as 'gnostic' (but only in so far as it was in agreement with him). St Irenaeus, betwixt Paul and Cyril, tends to use the terms (gnosis and gnostic) as relating to a particular - but very wide-ranging - set of Christian thinkers and thought then dabbling in often quite abstract (or mind-bending-ly abstracted) ideas; a narrow clacquery of usually highly sophisticated or esoterically individualistic schools, a veritable industry of intellectual output (extremely popular at the time*).. occasionally based on some sort of a 'tradition' (received locally) but oftener woven out of the gossamer strands of will and/ or fancy .. and thus decidedly anti-Catholic if not always specifically unorthodox; Irenaeus was not a fan of the idiom. Keep the Faith; tell the truth, shame the devil, and let the demons shriek. God bless. ;o) * Pope Francis' more fanciful ideas and teachings on 'synodallity', 'ecumenical environmentalism', and 'go make a mess' would have fitted in quite well with an effete intellectual elite, as it still does, or the now slightly less popular remit once given by yesteryear's positions on Neo-New-Atheism, and - if it exists today - the whole Alien Technology hovering over Washington Scare purveyors, at least as a deep-state cover story for some uncomfortable reality (you know, like 'vaccines' or missing funds, the usual in-crowd-information knowledge stuff).
I think the issue with Alex is he is very skeptical about the virgin birth, the crucifixion and the resurrection. These three events. If all these events and their recording are late additions to the canonical Biblical text then it’s extremely problematic for institutional Christianity. Rightly so.
Even if those three events were all made up, technically the "og" gospels and letters were written I think within the lifetimes of the original apostles. The gnostic books (so not including the Jewish writings like Enoch, for example) that mainstream Christianity rejects were actually the ones written much later than 60-70 AD, sometimes even a couple centuries, after the "canon" books
Physical vs spiritual is a false dichotomy. Neither matter or ectoplasm has been found. The real distinction is abstract vs concrete. Is the ultimate abstraction concrete?
... Well abstract & concrete is certainly _a_ kind of distinction. Another kind of distinction is physical and spiritual. Left and right. Light and shadow. Black and white. Even true and false. Creation and destruction. All of these are sometimes useful and other times not at all (another distinction). Eastern traditions noticed that all aspects of reality exist in such dualities. Distinction itself is most abstractly symbolised in ☯️ (Yin and Yang, shadow and brightness)... It is with contrast and paradox, of separation and unity, that the dance of the life force proceeds.
@@HokShunPoon No because physical and spiritual or materialism and spiritualism are both abstract philosophic concepts. You bring up Easter philosophy and what I'm talking about is basically zen. Alan Watts the world as just so lecture can explain it further if you're still not understanding.
Some people have a divine spark in them? I’m gnostic but certainly not at a highly evolved level, yet my understanding is that we ALL have the spark of essence.
Yeah, some gnostic traditions that follow the Sophia/demiurge thought say that only men, not women, get that devine spark. Gospel of Thomas in saying 114 kinda follows this where Jesus is gathering his disciples and Simon Peter asks Jesus to send Mary away since women aren't "aren't worthy of life". Jesus chides him by saying that he will lead her to become male and that any woman who makes herself male will enter heaven. Kinda disappointed that Bart didn't mention that tbh
I wish all gnostics believed that all people have that spark, cuz the prevailing gnostic beliefs suggest that there is no salvation for the intellectually impaired.
@@angelahull9064 Ah, that's a shame some folks feel that way. To me, just because someone doesn't have the yearning or capacity to look within for the spark doesn't mean it's not there. If they exist, then there's the spark
In my understanding read the gnostic bible with these scriptures then watch Ammon hillman talk about the rits and rituals with different drugs.. there all high every single person.
Gnostics sound alot like Krishna Consciousness. Krishna has Vaibhava-Vilas expansions and Vaibhava-Prakash expansions Some expansions exists exclusively in the Spiritual realm and others like Vishnu-tattva exist in the Material realm
If a god is sooo wise that no human can comprehend anything about it, then all believers are victims of the dunning Krueger effect. Makes sense that, if a god knows what it would take to convince us of his existence, the evidence must of necessity come directly from that god.
@ the more I listen to Alan Watts the more I can see his beliefs change because sometimes he’ll say something and then a couple years later he has the opposite view. I guess that all that says is that even the wise is among us keep growing.
We need to differentiate between "gnosis" in Greek and the Gnostic Heresy (as interpreted by the Roman Catholic Church authorities). There is a link between gnosis and jnana (in Sanskrit, a term used in relation to the Philosophy of "Yoga": jnana yoga. I do jnana yoga, but I do not believe in the Gnostic Heresy. (I am a kind of Spinoza Buddhist who believes in dependent origination but nevertheless I also do find some value in Yoga Philosophy, and Samkhya Philosophy, etc., without believing in Hindu ideas about "karma". I do not believe in reincarnation or the goal of getting off the hamster wheel of existence.
I think some of the Gnostics texts are more like Buddhist koans. They are not mean to have a literal answer. You are supposed to meditate on them. Or they are written by someone who has had mystical experience, trying to explain the ineffable to their readers. Have you ever listened to such a person? I have and sounded like lunacy to me. I remember a one point because I could at least grasp the concept - He said that God and the Devil are the same. I can see how you could come to that conclusion. They are different sides of the same dice, if you will. The problem is that people tend to think that they have had a download of unfiltered truth. Even if you grant that they received some truth, it is then filtered through that person's own personality to which they will change it.
people want important things to be exclusive. they don't want ultimate truths and happiness to be free for all. it has to be generally unattainable and secret. it's easier to get rid of old stuff by putting a price tag on it (and making it seem it's on great discount) than trying to give it away for free.
Jesus was not forsaken by the divine on the cross; God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself. Jesus was experiencing our sense of estrangement from God, reciting Psalm 22, which is far too often misinterpreted in light of the passage’s full context. The end of the psalm concludes that God doesn’t do abandonment.
It’s irrelevant that these additional records of Jesus’s life omit part of the factual record. These are higher-level teachings reserved for those who are not quite so attached to the idea of materialism.
@@ejenkins4711 Yes. The abyss is Nothingness. It is the eternal death, it is perilous sameness, it is the counterpart of creatura, which together form the pluroma.
@@kafiruddinmulhiddeen2386 indeed it is only those that exsperience the pleroma in a form based in their own reality that find a sence of the devine and don't get lost in it.🙏
The Gospel was originally one book, written by Lazarus in consultation with the apostles and published soon after Jesus left them on their own (John 21.24). The Catholic church broke it up and scrambled the text among 4 falsely attributed authorship.
Mr Schwarz, that sounds like a silly conspiracy theory. There's good reason to think Luke, etc. authored his Gospel + Acts, and I don't imagine any scholar holding the view you do about them all being originally one book.
@bromponie7330 I'm going by what the Gospel text literally says John 21 24 and other scriptures - FACTS. You DO NOT have any evidence or good reasoning for any of the claimed authorship of these four presented texts. Just made up without explanation.
Gnosticism begins to make more and more sense when you deepen a practice of silence and stillness to find there is tremendous peace awaiting us beyond the material and sensory.
Do look into traditional indo European religions. From Hinduism to verious European pagan religons. I would like to see ye atheists try debating non abrahamics for once. And I'm not talking about low educated ones but academic practitioners with historical knowledge
Evangelicals and Calvinist reformers are essentially gnostic too, because they believe in penal substitutionary atonement where Jesus was abandoned by the divine on the cross.
Bottom line,, You are an infinite being of the universe‼️‼️ No plagiarized and then manipulated Book, religion, manufactured invisible sky daddy or deity required‼️‼️ The infinite ‘ALL Lives’ within & surrounds you🔆
That's why the Gnostics thought that god is the evil one: only an evil being would deny his creations knowledge, especially the discernment of good and evil. As long as we didnt understand morality, we did not realize that god is a diabolical cosmic azzhole.
1st The Demiurge is a bit complicated and paradoxal (like us in a way), he just doesn't like evil. But retaliated evil with evil. Being Soulish in a dog eat dog realm isn't easy. The Mandeans taught that a diety was tasked to create within the material realm. If the unknowable's thoughts are not known by us, could it be then that nothing happens without the knowledge of that One and every creation has meaning and in a sense guided by ways we can't fathom? 2nd Valentinians called him misguided and someone who's inbetween (Letter to Flora). 3th; Gnosis is not a doctrine or beliefsystem but a direct personal interaction and knowing, so put it into a bundle and call it gnostisism isn't a correct description. 4th: Christians are the Gnostics, followers of Christ (Sophia/holy spirit in syzygy with Jesus) or part of the 'body'. The name Christian has been tar-nished by people who wish to do it harm like the Paypal church (buy your way out/Tithing). 5th Knowledge is 'sexual', you can read about it but you also have to experience it in this Life time which makes this life valuable. sexual in the sense of creating from an idea to a child, like the idiom; your creation is your 'baby'. There's an interview with David Lynch where he keeps on repeating the importantness of ideas; ''If you forget an idea, you wanna commit suicide, so you have to write them down.'' He is basically pointing to the bible verse: Matthew 18:6 But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. Know ledge (a window ledge) this is the window of upper unity, pies are always put outside on the window ledge (form which part of the pi are you?) Apple Pie of Knowledge/Part is pi ate/Participate Ledge is also a vein, i.e. a Life Line/ or (K)No Mr Vain.... It's a paradogs/upside down (Snoop's upside ya head) It's also a shelf i.e. No shelfisness etc etc etc
When you hear this gnosticist stories, you see how islam totally was born from the scatters of christianity. And if you think this kind of thing is interesting, read Agains Heresies, from Saint Iraeneus. If you look at the Holy Fathers, you can get the same level of great imagetic, the difference is that it's true.
To realy talk to a god i went insane after what the church did to me i lost my spirt it was in a picture of the holy family i didn no nothing but deep hurt that in its self causes u to curse the person that gave u so much pain that spirtual broken in this i found a truth of love of the creator of all
I am studying Gnosticism now. I’ve decided the only way to know it is to become Gnostic, or at least be open to the idea-already a Christian- I call Judas-type Gnosticism “Trumpian Theology” (Fake News) - I think Alex is very clearly open to the idea of salvation by way of Gnosis btw
after many, many walks with god in the spirit, i can say i have a small fragment of gnosis - but from this advantaged perspective, if i had to choose between gnosis and salvation, i would take salvation any day - of course, i could never go back and unknow it (former agnostic-atheist who has said and pointed to all the typical stuff you'll see in these comments - usually, full of the same arrogance and self-assurance, too - but really having no real experience or foundation, just reciting what someone else has reported who was probably just reciting what someone else reported)
I mean...have you ever surrounded yourself with other religions like Hinduism? Our worldview (me included) have been trapped in the existence/non-existence of a judeo-christian god, without bothering to look deeply into others. Hinduism has older texts than the old testament, much more anything from gnosticism. Who are you to say your "gnosis" is not from another form of God in a different name?
@@Sun_Dayzzz that's a built-in feature of gnosis, isn't it? you're communicating in a manner that we might consider telepathic - more than just visions and dialogue - despite what one might see, hear, or feel (an endless field of stars / and blackness, an awesome creature that defies logic / and beauty, or a delicate cathedral of impossible geometry / and dimension) - there is an immediate flash of recognition, knowing, or meaning. the almighty is beyond what any one text or collection of texts can fully encapsulate, as he encapsulates and transcends them all - every culture, every tribe, every "genre," if you will - there are layers upon layers we will never fully unpack through multiple lifetimes, especially filtered through the sterile lens of modern sensibilities, different cultures / frameworks / languages, and the current limitations of so-called science. how he manifests to other cultures - to other lifeforms - i'll never fully know. it's all part of his glory, his artistry, his grace, and his tapestry. it's his story to tell. and because we can barely know our part as it unfolds, we can barely play our part in real-time, some are quite unhappy with that. and yet, every thought, every act of rebellion only unwittingly adds more to its intricacy - its horrors and its beauty. this is why faith is so valuable and yet some have written it off completely as sour grapes. what may seem virtuous or heinous to us down below has little meaning compared to one who is just faithful to him - one who just builds a relationship with him. he has already prepared the way and will show you. and from what limited perspective i am able to glean, what little i am allowed to know, i don't much care to know more than the fact that we have all been offered victory over sin and shame - what other belief systems might consider breaking free from the karmic cycle - so that nothing should stand between us and him in the present moment and in every moment. but knowing more won't get me any _more_ saved. the seeking, itself, can become the impediment. and while i am more curious and more enthralled than ever, that has freed me from the incessant "need" to know. what was once a thirst for knowledge is now a joy - and that's not to give the false impression that my life is magically perfect or that i meet every situation with perfect peace and equanimity - i still exist in the physical world for a little longer. i have aches, cravings, i get tired, i have bills, there are still certain personalities that irritate me and pull me towards anger. i just have a little more perspective than i did before. but there is a still a vast chasm between what was imparted to me from eternity and what i, a mortal, am able to execute in practice. but in his infinite patience, he says: little by little. step by step. he says: do not punish yourself or hide in shame at your faults, but come to me who has already given you victory
I had an experience of “gnosis” (complete knowledge of the cosmos and its workings) when I was 5 or 6 years old. My “awareness” was one of cosmic consciousness, not body-centered. I understand that my own empiric experience is not proof in the traditional sense, nevertheless, I will share my idea as it pertains to “gnostic” experience. Awareness of all things at all times and how they work together in a cosmic state of “consciousness” is possible IN THAT STATE but not possible when conscious awareness is centered in the body (as we know it physically) with its senses and everyday awareness. This is BECAUSE our brains are finite and act as a filter, not only to irrelevant sensory experience and thought but also to to “all knowledge”. The brain would be overwhelmed, unable to process and break if it were not so. I know this because of my experience of “gnosis”, where, when returning to physical body centered awareness, I had to “let it go” (in a sense, although I “possess” it still in the other state of awareness). In other words, I could not bring it all down into mind because it would “break” my brain. Especially at 5 or 6 years old when this happened. I have never forgotten this experience and it has driven my quest for knowledge and answers my whole life. Importantly, the world is NOT broken. It is exactly the way it is supposed to be and the story all comes together perfectly when looking at it “from a god’s-eye view” (so to speak). That doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t try to alleviate suffering. Anyway, I’ve shared this part of my own “gnostic” experience, whether you believe it or not. Also, just to throw this in - there is life on other worlds and not all of them are “friendly”(ones we’d want to know as human beings). I also remember my consciousness becoming attached to the physical before, at conception and developing in the womb - there are others who can remember like me. In Germanic Tradition, such a person is called a Volva, but such are known in many other traditions as well. We all have this awareness buried deep within our being. Happy holidays to all.
You had classical NDE, I think. Does it imply that god is evil when everything here is exactly as he wants it to have? IMHO an evil god is the only explanation for an existence of such a horrible and extremely unjust world.
@@nurgenelkagor4089how can an evil god allow good then? For we only know good if we witness and understand evil regardless of both being temporary- as life is temporary. The fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil that was inherited in the flesh for seeking to “be like gods” causing us to justify all that is between good and evil, as well as judging both with the opposite view. An evil god wouldn’t show us how to suffer properly, but a good God would suffer with us to “bear our cross”. Transcend the simplicity of tragedy by forgiving. Yeah real evil 🙄
@@ElkagorI think the philosophical idea of neutral monism fits my experience the best so far. I’m a novice at philosophy, but some sort of monism is where I’m landing currently.
Christians tell me that a baby that passes away or a tribe that is isolated and never heard the Jesus story therefore can't accept Jesus as their savior still get to go to heaven. If this is the case, then Jesus death was completely unnecessary. Also Jesus fulfilled ZERO messianic prophecy
The term, "expert," is a title someone, way back when, bestowed upon themselves when they thought they knew enough. Then, when someone else agreed with them, they bestowed that title to them, too. Sorry, the use of that word hit me funny. My opinion is that being a priest is not much different than devoting your life to Aesop, or the Grimms. Sure, they'd be an expert at the work of those people, but what are you really contributing?
Huh? It is the predominant form of Christianity immediately following the ministry of Yeshua. Orthodox Christianity today is an artifact of Roman Christianity as codified by the Council of Nicea. To each his own. Personally, I find the earliest forms of Christianity more compelling than the Roman version.
@@chadevans1101 total bullshit The earliest form of Christianity is found in the Bible which is a total refutation Gnosticism. Genesis 1:31 "God saw all that he had made, and it was very good." 1 John 4:2-3 "This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world." Colossians 2:2-4 "My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. I tell you this so that no one may deceive you by fine-sounding arguments." 1 Timothy 4:4 "For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving."
Watch the full episode on the gnostic Gospel of Judas: th-cam.com/video/d3AwvxzYuj0/w-d-xo.htmlsi=w_jxSyoIxCO3SK-j
Hey Alex can you invite Swami Sarvapriyananda to talk about Hinduism.
You will like talking with him about Hinduism and various aspect about that religion likes dislikes etc...
@@sumitdutta7043 God/Jesus Christ/Holy Spirit cannot make mistakes because he is all wise. Finite man's problem is he thinks he is smarter than his Creator. He is the Potter we are the clay. This evil world, atheists and the enemy (Satan - the devil) offer no hope. God offers a blessed hope - the free gift of knowing him - eternal life. No religion needed. Just faith (believing), faith plus nothing. We are not sinners because we sin, we sin because we are sinners. If a man says he has never done wrong/sinned he is a liar, and the truth is not in him.
8:52 correct me if i’m wrong, but isn’t this idea similar to the one held by Hindus? Krsna (The Brahman) is the universal, divine consciousness-i.e. God. While figures like siva, visnu, ganesha, saraswati, etc. act as “god-heads”, embodying a certain trait of Krsna
idk i just had to comment this. maybe something worth mentioning
There is a lot of convergent evolution between Gnostic and Eastern philosophies.
@@ToaCody1really intriguing, ngl
To quote the Rig Veda, "Truth is One, sages call it by many names."
@@ToaCody1nah there was trade routes and shipping routes across the old world. Philosophy and religion is like music. Melodys and riffs get shared and passed along
You’re wrong Krishna is an avatar of the god Vishnu which is also said to be the creator of the universe
“Ok, a video about Gnosticism what picture to put with it?”
*literal Orthodox ikon*
He hee - possibly 2 steps better than either of them with their mouth wide open with a speech bubble in red saying "more on Jesus’s banned teachings’’ or such twaddle …
we gnostics are christian, whats wrong with the icon?
Because ultimately All Christianity is "Gnostic" !
No you are not Christian
@@RogueTheology I am Christian, Jesus Christ is God
For God so loved the world that He made it so complicated that no person can understand what’s going on with it all.
Mathew 13:10 And the disciples came and said to Him, “Why do You speak to them in parables?”
11 He answered and said to them, “Because it has been given to you to know the [a]mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given. 12 For whoever has, to him more will be given, and he will have abundance; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him. 13 Therefore I speak to them in parables, because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand. 14 And in them the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled, which says:
‘Hearing you will hear and shall not understand,
And seeing you will see and not perceive;
For the hearts of this people have grown dull.
Their ears are hard of hearing,
And their eyes they have closed,
Lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears,
Lest they should understand with their hearts and turn,
So that I [b]should heal them.’
16 But blessed are your eyes for they see, and your ears for they hear;
@@douglasodonnell6800 cuts both ways for mystics and materialists!
It’s deceivingly simple on God’s side. It is the humans who have managed to complicate things.
@Nagarjuna-Shunyata and what responsibility would I have over my nature?
@@RockerfellerRothchild1776 None until you realize you should.
What separated Christianity and Judaism from fully developed Gnosticism was the view of physical creation.
The Gnostics proposed a secret wisdom that allowed one to exit physical existence which was seen as an evil mistake.
Christianity, on the other hand, in line with mainstream Jewish thought, proposed that creation was good, though temporarily somewhat broken. The ultimate end was to be the restoration and healing of physical existence to complete goodness.
Old testament God was calling for murder and genocide
“My God My God why have you forsaken Me?”
Is directly quoting Psalms 22 King David which is said to be prophetical
The word used in the text was Adonai, not “God.”. Adonai does not translate as “God,” but was a substitute term used to refer to God (whose name must not be spoken). Adonai is literally Lord of lords.
@ Lord of Lords = God
Just like Yahweh means He that is, it is God’s designation. Just like Jireh, Elohim or Elohai, even God. It’s universally understood Adonai is referring to the God of Abraham and Israel, whom Jesus made claim is His Father.
Thanks for making this clarifying video after the debate at the royal institute.
Love Bart always so knowledgeable
I see you're getting more interested in gnosticism now which is fantastic, i suggest you should look into the only current surviving gnostic religion since antiquity, Mandaeaism. It is not Christian, it is a completely different religion. Very interesting.
I have never heard gnosticism explained so directly and bluntly, very cool.
I do think this belief that the material world is somehow inherently bad and only here by mistake is quite wrong, but the Gnostics still seem to have stumbled into ways of transcending it, which I think is still a worthy effort.
I think it depends a little bit on what precisely is meant by "the material world is inherently bad". If it's a simplistic platonist, stuff is evil and thoughts are good, then yes that seems pretty unhelpful and kind of life denying at a certain extreme, but if the perspective is more," the materialist frame of reality that most people and societies instinctively gravitate towards, with its accompanying desires and aversions, necessarily leads to an endless cycle of delusion and disappointment" then we're not too far off what many spiritual traditions have espoused. And even if it was the former (and surely like everything it varies from practitioner to practitioner), gnosticism simply never had the privilege of evolving into a modern philosophical doctrine.
@wishesandfishes yeah, the demiurge as false ego makes sense to me.
I loved this thanks
"Yeah, you only really need to, sort of, stub your toe to think 'Really? This is what it's all about?'" Well said lol
This was such a funny yet thought provoking line 😅
Stepping on a lego is a way to experience biblical pain relatively safely.
Read Philip K Dick's book Valis, about a contemporary experience of gnosis, very much in line with the traditional understanding of gnosticism.
Despite Plotinus’ opposition against gnosticism, gnosticism and neoplatonism do seems very similar in some ways. It makes me wonder if gnosticism was influenced by neoplatonism or if it was the other way around? Of course, the third alternative is each was relatively unaffected by the other, but that strikes me as unlikely.
Nah they definitely all influenced one another. At the core of both is the same wisdom, but people get divided on semantics
I think there was both dissemination of philosophy along trade routes AND some manner of accessing transcendent or hyper-normal states of consciousness in which various cultures came to similar conclusions about reality. Rituals, shamanistic techniques and substances, prolonged fasting, meditation, trance, etc. Cultures and local customs may be different, but the consciousness we all experience is universal.
@@joshuam4993It is not the same. Allogenes is an inversion of Plato. Read more
@@jonmustang yes. And high level mystical masters exchanged knowledge and even visited one another. Also, we actually literally see elements of neo platonism written into some gnostic texts. Which, unfortunately is used by Christians to "debunk" some of these texts. Becahxe they literally think, if it doesn't follow orthodox Judaism or Christianity, then it must be forgery or false. As if Jesus, the smartest dude ever didn't study and know other paradigms
@unnamed776-m9h eh, they have alot of similarities. Allogenes saw the world as beautiful while gnóstics saw it as a prison.
The two perspectives, If you understand esoterica, can be true at the same time. Glass half full, glass half empty. Prison, or classroom? Depends on the half you choose to view it from
Other then that, there are many connections
Very interesting! Thank you for sharing, I always enjoy Bart Ehrman. I was an atheist my entire life until I had a spontaneous mystical experience that set me doing some research and meditating, and I have been stunned to find that the gnostic Christian attitudes from the early second and third centuries resonates very strongly with my personal spiritual growth. So much of my own personal journaling and experiences match what these gnostic writers shared; I've been reading these early gnostic texts, and I keep having to go back to my own journals from three and four years ago to find very similar sentiments, sometimes expressed in the same language. It is eerie but also comforting.
The orthodox Christianity enshrined in the church is false, but there's something to that gnostic path, something that gives me hope where the church steals it.
well said friend
wishing you the best
In Sanskrit, the word "Gnan" means knowledge.
And that's because Sanskrit and Greek are both Indo-European languages and therefore related. There are lots of words common to both languages....
Isn't it "jñāna"?
@@Drazzz27 Yes. Jnana is knowledge and a jnani is a being in whom the true nature is known. They "know" the nature of their own existence. That's what gnosticism was actually about as well. Not necessarily memorizing a bunch of information, but rather to have the "a ha!" realization of knowing one's own true "spiritual" nature
Based on personal experience, I believe the Gnostic myths are more than just figurative and allegoric. About 33 years ago, I had a very powerful visual encounter and confrontation with an entity having a lion-like face and a serpentine body. It came out of a portal/gateway and cloud that had formed in my room about 2AM to 3AM. The kicker is, at the time, I had no knowledge of what or who it was, nor of Gnosticism and its characters. The words archon, demiurge, Yaldabaoth, Abraxas, Sophia, aeon, etcetera were foreign to my vocabulary. I wasn't into the occult but was dealing with a diagnosis of schizophrenia, an existential crisis and a dark night of the soul. I was being attacked by something that falsely presented itself as God. My recovery from schizophrenia began after having that vision. Therefore, based on the experiences, I've accepted that such entities are very real. No one knows for certain what is going on beyond the veil, but something is going on. Cheers and be well!
Consider that your experience may have been a hypnagogic hallucination, especially since this happened during a wee morning hour. Hypnagogia is a transitional state of consciousness between sleeping and waking. One doesn’t have to be schizophrenic to have them. They are not uncommon. Night terrors are a hypnagogic phenomenon and are usually felt as a terrifying attack. Such things usually stop when you lose your fear of them - they can’t hurt you. It’s not the same phenomenon as schizophrenic hallucinations, but I would direct you to the movie “A Beautiful Mind” for one possible way to end hallucinations cause by schizophrenia. I apologize if I’m presuming anything, I’m not a professional nor do I have schizophrenia, but I really love that movie and the mind of the man depicted in that movie.
@@SecularLori Possibly so and appreciate your advice, however, that was the one and only "hallucination" that I ever had. The real question is, why was it of an entity with a snake-like body and a lion-like head as described in some of the Gnostic texts? Can you explain that? Hallucinations should be random, yet this was not. I had no knowledge of Gnosticism at the time of the experience. I've seen the movie "A Beautiful Mind" of John Forbes Nash Jr. experiences...he encountered hallucinations of characters that did not seem to age. I have come to the conclusion that schizophrenia is a misnomer, but a common symptom of those diagnosed with it encounter negative thoughts or hear detrimental voices.
@@asteroxfoundation I agree that schizophrenic hallucinations may be misunderstood. As I wrote in one of my own comments, I think that the brain in part acts as a filter to perceptions and perhaps in some way the brain doesn’t filter in people with schizophrenia as it does in most of us during everyday awareness. I also think that explanation may also explain hypnagogic, Gnostic (mystical) and my own experience. I think experiences where beings are seen may be archetypal (inherited patterns of thoughts, images, pulsions and such). I think humans see similar archetypal patterns during dreams. This is why humans all over the world may experience similar archetypal manifestations as they are part of a deep shared evolutionary history. As for my own experience, I think perhaps a similar mechanism may be responsible except that I experienced the cosmos as a deep inherited memory of our conscious origins in cosmos. I once saw a meme on Facebook that showed a picture of the universe that read “I saw a baby picture of you” - I really liked it.
... please do try Andy Clarks The Experience Machine how our minds predict and shape reality is the best book on predictive processing thus far written. Penguin paperback. You may like much.
All mammals do this, maybe all vertebrates too.
@@asteroxfoundation To add support to your experience, I've experienced similar transcendental phenomenon. I see another commenter is trying to say these visions and images are somehow biological and evolutionary as part of human biology. I personally see these biological and material explanations to be a bit sad and very much what we would expect when the populace has adopted material "reality" as the default belief system. I don't buy it, personally.
A few quick stories... I woke up one morning thinking, "The four vedas are for the perfection of the human form; the fifth veda is for the perfection of the soul." Okay, but here's the thing... I had never heard of a "veda" before in my life when that thought came. I had to look it up. I'm just a white guy from California. DIdn't know anything about Indian culture, the four vedas, nor that there were a number of books that some people consider to be the fifth veda.
I once prayed very intently for an answer to a question that had been troubling me. I demanded an answer be given to me in a form that I would not be able to mistake. The next morning, a friend texted me that my uncle (who had passed away months earlier) visited HIM in his dream that previous night, and that my uncle told him to tell ME something. What he told me was the exact answer to my question.
I could go on and on. These were not biological, archetypal, or universal. These were specific bits of knowledge that were somehow picked up by regular people who had no prior cues, no similar biological or cultural programming, and were out of context to their waking lives.
My conclusion is that consciousness is primary reality, physical existence is downstream of that.
The toe-stubbing observation is freaking hilarious.
It has taken me so long to my head around this 😂.
Bart missed out on mentioning that Sophia recognized her offspring the Demiurge as an anomaly and left him before he woke up. When he woke up and saw no other God's, he assumed that he was in fact the one and only true God. Thought I'd throw that in for context.
Where is this filmed? Looks wonderful!
Sorry I might be wrong but I think it's a green screen with a fancy background added later. Yep - nothing is real and everyone is a liar
@@Wontoofree-k4n That's very unlikely to be the case. All 4+ camera angles match up with where the greenery is, there's not even the tiniest hint of green fringing over hair strands in any shot, the main shot features overexposure on the background which would be unlikely intentionally set for a green screen and the direction of the light perfectly matches how it hits the subjects. Also the wide angle shot has minimal background blur, which makes sense practically w/ a wider angle lens. The shadowing on the chair feet and all these details would make it simply a drastically more dificult green screen shot than...simply recording at a decent view. It's nice, but its not THAT nice.
@@CanditoTrainingHQthanks for the explanation and I'm happy to be corrected. Merry Christmas 🙂
May be a home in Chapel Hill , NC where he is a professor .. looks like the South
Cavendish Place, Earls Court
Have to say, the hat off to the imagination of whoever came up with these fantastic stories! 😂
Most of it is allegorical or describing higher dimensional phenomenon but having to use limited language
@joshuam4993 is that so?! And what dimension would that be, considering we only perceive four?!
The warp. All conscious creatures are conjoined to it@@KadOshi-p3o
Thanks a lot!
is it an arrangement between alex and bart to NOT talk about mythicism ?
because they seem to be often tiptoeing around the subject.
Because that wouldn’t be “within reason”.
I don't think it is healthy to believe that the material world is evil.
What if it is?
@@marveloloo8479 Well, there is one very easy way to leave it.
Well you can absolutely see how the material world is uncaring, and to some at least that would certainly constitute as evil.
I don't believe in evil myself but if it did I could see how the material world fits into that.
@@marveloloo8479 there is an easy solution 👌
@@marveloloo8479 I guess you could do better?
I feel I was seduced by gnostic ideas before snapping to. I think of the separation story that is reframed by gnostic texts. I came to the conclusion that the separation is about us wanting to put ourselves at God's level out of self regard, egotism. Wanting to know as much as God is what separates us from them. It's not knowledge itself, but wanting to know what we shouldn't because of our own desires
Nicely put, that's exactly what it is and it was the same for me. Glad you're out of it.
How do you reconcile the horrific things Yaldabaoth (Yahweh) does in the Old Testament?
@@_ilynux what you're asking is, do I know why God does what they do? Which seems to go to the heart of how you read the story of the fall. I'm not a biblical scholar but I know there are different things called God in the old testament - Yaweh, Elohim, Baal (of the Canaanites?) - and I was brought up Catholic, lapsed for a long time, had some weird experiences, can't say i've come back but i think there is something to be said for apostolic tradition and i like most of the stuff I hear from the orthodox church. The best thing I've heard in coming back to church is the phrase 'Christ consciousness', that should be what we are trying to achieve. That seems to be a similar aim as the Hare Krishna's have, i think there is a similar root etymology. How much of the old testament is rubbish? How much is allegorical? How much do we throw out with the new covenant? Is it all the same God? What I'm saying is, in one lifetime, I have to accept the not knowing and just take up Christ's single commandment. This is where I've landed.
8:37 the emanating is caused by self reflection. Each eaon is the product of the invisible Virgin spirit reflecting on its self. I love the image. A black hole sitting alone in the universe sending out jets of energy until one day, a big bang and the material realms are created. Caused by an imbalance, a joining of 2 emanations.
Im no expert, but am in awe of the proliferation of theological work that spread out after Christ's coming.
It’s all derivative work from eastern traditions.
@@kafiruddinmulhiddeen2386very interesting. Would you elaborate on that, pretty please?
@@LRVitusR Gnosticism is esoteric Christianity - as opposed to exoteric Christianity that eventually called the shots. The Bardo Thodo translation by Evans Wendtz explains the connection. Read the seven sermons to the dead by Jung for a summary of Gnosticism.
@@kafiruddinmulhiddeen2386 In the second sermon the term "He" is used to refer to God. This lessens the weight of value. When early man stops referring to God as "He" then we are getting somewhere.
Sophia started developing energy within herself which was incompatible with the Pluroma. She became so engorged with this new type of energy that she was threatened with rejection by the Pluroma. This rejection was not a decision, just natural incompatibility. Fearing rejection, she sought to purge herself of this energy, and was successful. Because energy can't really be destroyed, there was a mass of energy just floating there, without context for itself. This was Yaldabaoth.
Not being able to join the Pluroma, and not even recognizing it as an acceptable residence, Yal started building his own home, the universe in which we reside.
In an effort to combine our universe and the Pluroma (think, function of entropy) this home started to evolve into an energy converter. Aside: energy conversion is often explosive, scary, and painful.
Our bodies contain specks of the Pluroma as a component to that converter machine, think fuel. Humanity is the slag of this conversion. We're material like every other thing on Earth, with a higher (or lower) concentration of that Pluroma. Everything we recognize as life has a piece. That's why we have the egos we do, e.g. we think the planet is ours to dominate - spoiler alert, it isn't.
We're in the middle of that process. We just need to keep doing what we're supposed to be doing. We're NOT doing what we're supposed to, FYI. We are more parasite than anything was meant to be.
Those who are trying to create their own order, CEO, generals, presidents and the like, is the Yaldabaoth energy resisting the conversion. There's always a bit of resistance in chemical reactions and physical interactions. As the process gets to the end of resolving itself, the resistance will grow. There might also be residue left over.
This is the best explanation of the "birthing of Yaldabaoth" I've seen, being a frequency incompatibility and purging/cutting the cord to the incompatible energy. Personally resonates to the past few years of my life.. thanks for sharing this
Cool, I haven't heard too many folks speak about the idea of redeeming or transforming Yaldabaoth but that always seemed like it'd have to happen somehow. Some of the Indian sages I've enjoyed comment on just "doing our work" in each lifetime, playing our part. They tend not to elaborate on why the work must be done or what playing our part accomplishes. I hadn't tied that to Gnosticism but would you say that's sort of the gig in this realm -- that we (the spark) are supposed to just play out our life script without resistance so that the realm can do this energy conversion thing?
So why did the gnostics assume there would be no suffering in spiritual realms? Do they literally assume that no body = no suffering?
Pain is interpreted through physical sensation if there’s no nervous system then what is pain exactly? However, I don’t disagree I’m literally asking a question . If I’m not physical then I shouldn’t feel pain right? Or is there other ways of suffering outside of systems as we know and interpret?
@@bigdre6565 I guess what i'm getting at is that the Gnostics in this example seem to be speaking from a point of authority on the matter of existence and experience in spiritual realms, if indeed such a thing even occurs. So from where did they obtain this knowledge or is it just an assumption on their part? Or are they perhaps saying there is no existence for us in spritual realms, ergo there is no suffering? It's unclear from this video, but then I am not well versed in Gnosticism. I can't fathom existence without suffering. Even if we existed as disembodied spiritual beings would we not have needs, wants and desires? And if we have these then would we not suffer when our needs are not met and we don't get or achieve what we want? Are we even ourselves without needs or desires? It's all getting a bit philosophical now so i'll stop there haha.
Simple: there is no spiritual realm
When your brain and body stop working, you lose consciousness and you cease to exist
@@PraisetheLawd though I agree that when the brain can’t no longer process information it is dead I also don’t think it is not far fetched to think there is more to life than a physical one . Life as we know it may seem limited but could also be layered in ways we simply can’t process with the brain .. even if I have a hard time being convinced that there is a after life we simply don’t know
@@bigdre6565 it’s wishful thinking… it’s not really logical or realistic
Spiritual pipe dreams are self deceit
I don't understand how you guys can't understand the Gospel of Judas. It just unfolds so beautifully.
19 minutes,
and absolutely no mention of the 'boy bust'.
why? who? and what? would be my opening questions.
There are two things seem to be contradicting to me... According the gnostic tradition Juda is a Saint since without his betrayal there could be no salvation but Dr Herman says that the salvation in gnostisism isn't by cruxfiction but by knowing (the secret knowledge)???!!!
It's both. Salvation comes from belief in Jesus as Savior and/or from experiencing gnosis
This is my favourite moments of Bart Ehrman. I really like the last few moments.
Spot on🎉
I thought the Demiurge who made the material world was (son of Sophia) named Yaldabaoth, and was described with a serpents body with a lions head?
Wow trying to pack so much information inside 20 minutes. I would love you do discuss 'The Gospel of Truth'.
Gnosticism was, if I recall correctly, coined to envisage a system of in-crowd thought or action, as opposed to gnosis cognitive awareness, and gnostics, the systematically learned (of the first few centuries of the Christian Era, in which we are still dating stuff). Sort of a post-Reformation / pre-Enlightenment catch-all term, somewhat like today's use of 'cover version' in regard to the music industry's recording practices. Meaning pretty much any rendition one is meant to dislike or disregard, with politically corrected virtue-signalling, but which one may still fixate over.
St Paul claimed 'gnosis' with regard to his 'gospel' - and for the meaning of Jesus as 'Christ' in that setting. St Cyril of Alexandria regarding Christian scholarship as 'gnostic' (but only in so far as it was in agreement with him).
St Irenaeus, betwixt Paul and Cyril, tends to use the terms (gnosis and gnostic) as relating to a particular - but very wide-ranging - set of Christian thinkers and thought then dabbling in often quite abstract (or mind-bending-ly abstracted) ideas; a narrow clacquery of usually highly sophisticated or esoterically individualistic schools, a veritable industry of intellectual output (extremely popular at the time*).. occasionally based on some sort of a 'tradition' (received locally) but oftener woven out of the gossamer strands of will and/ or fancy .. and thus decidedly anti-Catholic if not always specifically unorthodox; Irenaeus was not a fan of the idiom.
Keep the Faith; tell the truth, shame the devil, and let the demons shriek.
God bless. ;o)
* Pope Francis' more fanciful ideas and teachings on 'synodallity', 'ecumenical environmentalism', and 'go make a mess' would have fitted in quite well with an effete intellectual elite, as it still does, or the now slightly less popular remit once given by yesteryear's positions on Neo-New-Atheism, and - if it exists today - the whole Alien Technology hovering over Washington Scare purveyors, at least as a deep-state cover story for some uncomfortable reality (you know, like 'vaccines' or missing funds, the usual in-crowd-information knowledge stuff).
I thought the Gospel of Judas was debunked as far as when it was actually written historically
I think the issue with Alex is he is very skeptical about the virgin birth, the crucifixion and the resurrection. These three events. If all these events and their recording are late additions to the canonical Biblical text then it’s extremely problematic for institutional Christianity. Rightly so.
Even if those three events were all made up, technically the "og" gospels and letters were written I think within the lifetimes of the original apostles. The gnostic books (so not including the Jewish writings like Enoch, for example) that mainstream Christianity rejects were actually the ones written much later than 60-70 AD, sometimes even a couple centuries, after the "canon" books
and there's no mention of Iesus being a nephilim and spiritual leader of the homunculi?
How do you misspell the name of your guest, ffs.
Physical vs spiritual is a false dichotomy. Neither matter or ectoplasm has been found. The real distinction is abstract vs concrete. Is the ultimate abstraction concrete?
I think you have it right.
... Well abstract & concrete is certainly _a_ kind of distinction. Another kind of distinction is physical and spiritual. Left and right. Light and shadow. Black and white. Even true and false. Creation and destruction.
All of these are sometimes useful and other times not at all (another distinction).
Eastern traditions noticed that all aspects of reality exist in such dualities. Distinction itself is most abstractly symbolised in ☯️ (Yin and Yang, shadow and brightness)...
It is with contrast and paradox, of separation and unity, that the dance of the life force proceeds.
@@HokShunPoon No because physical and spiritual or materialism and spiritualism are both abstract philosophic concepts. You bring up Easter philosophy and what I'm talking about is basically zen. Alan Watts the world as just so lecture can explain it further if you're still not understanding.
@@drewdavidson663 I love Alan Watts. We are definitely on the same page here.
Some people have a divine spark in them? I’m gnostic but certainly not at a highly evolved level, yet my understanding is that we ALL have the spark of essence.
Yeah, some gnostic traditions that follow the Sophia/demiurge thought say that only men, not women, get that devine spark.
Gospel of Thomas in saying 114 kinda follows this where Jesus is gathering his disciples and Simon Peter asks Jesus to send Mary away since women aren't "aren't worthy of life". Jesus chides him by saying that he will lead her to become male and that any woman who makes herself male will enter heaven.
Kinda disappointed that Bart didn't mention that tbh
I wish all gnostics believed that all people have that spark, cuz the prevailing gnostic beliefs suggest that there is no salvation for the intellectually impaired.
@@angelahull9064 Ah, that's a shame some folks feel that way. To me, just because someone doesn't have the yearning or capacity to look within for the spark doesn't mean it's not there. If they exist, then there's the spark
Its amazing you can find a following by reiterating old Atheist talking points said by much more clever people.
In my understanding read the gnostic bible with these scriptures then watch Ammon hillman talk about the rits and rituals with different drugs.. there all high every single person.
Beautiful but how can a person practices Gnosticism?
Anyone who’s done DMT should instantly be able to understand everything in Gnosticism.
or even a large dose of shrooms
@@kafiruddinmulhiddeen2386 jeet
That's why gnomes can be found on mushrooms.
Is that because you see weird entities? I’ve never did it.
I feel the basis of this is reflected in Scientology, whose name also implies a gaining of knowledge.
Gnostics sound alot like Krishna Consciousness. Krishna has Vaibhava-Vilas expansions and Vaibhava-Prakash expansions
Some expansions exists exclusively in the Spiritual realm and others like Vishnu-tattva exist in the Material realm
If a god is sooo wise that no human can comprehend anything about it, then all believers are victims of the dunning Krueger effect.
Makes sense that, if a god knows what it would take to convince us of his existence, the evidence must of necessity come directly from that god.
8:25 kinda reminds me of how people talk about Daoism // the eternal Dao cannot be described, but let me describe it for you in this book
"The Dao just is and what is is the Dao. It is nothing and everything."
"Now let me tell you what that means."
Bit glib I know, but "the map is not the territory"
Describing the indescribable is like the finger pointing at the moon. If you only see the finger and not the moon then it seems like a contradiction.
Ironically Alan Watts dispels gnostic beliefs while translating what the Tao is and builds a pathway but I get the skepticism
@ the more I listen to Alan Watts the more I can see his beliefs change because sometimes he’ll say something and then a couple years later he has the opposite view. I guess that all that says is that even the wise is among us keep growing.
We need to differentiate between "gnosis" in Greek and the Gnostic Heresy (as interpreted by the Roman Catholic Church authorities). There is a link between gnosis and jnana (in Sanskrit, a term used in relation to the Philosophy of "Yoga": jnana yoga. I do jnana yoga, but I do not believe in the Gnostic Heresy. (I am a kind of Spinoza Buddhist who believes in dependent origination but nevertheless I also do find some value in Yoga Philosophy, and Samkhya Philosophy, etc., without believing in Hindu ideas about "karma". I do not believe in reincarnation or the goal of getting off the hamster wheel of existence.
You seem very confused
Replace the word, "spiritual," with, "energy of a specific frequency." If you do, these ideas start falling into place pretty well.
I think some of the Gnostics texts are more like Buddhist koans. They are not mean to have a literal answer. You are supposed to meditate on them. Or they are written by someone who has had mystical experience, trying to explain the ineffable to their readers.
Have you ever listened to such a person? I have and sounded like lunacy to me. I remember a one point because I could at least grasp the concept - He said that God and the Devil are the same. I can see how you could come to that conclusion. They are different sides of the same dice, if you will.
The problem is that people tend to think that they have had a download of unfiltered truth. Even if you grant that they received some truth, it is then filtered through that person's own personality to which they will change it.
People are drawn to the mystical framing
people want important things to be exclusive. they don't want ultimate truths and happiness to be free for all. it has to be generally unattainable and secret. it's easier to get rid of old stuff by putting a price tag on it (and making it seem it's on great discount) than trying to give it away for free.
When he get so into gnosticism
Basically it's madness.
Jesus was not forsaken by the divine on the cross; God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself. Jesus was experiencing our sense of estrangement from God, reciting Psalm 22, which is far too often misinterpreted in light of the passage’s full context. The end of the psalm concludes that God doesn’t do abandonment.
Jesus is a kundalini genie inside us all…
It’s irrelevant that these additional records of Jesus’s life omit part of the factual record. These are higher-level teachings reserved for those who are not quite so attached to the idea of materialism.
Please examine and investigate Caeayaron and Suzanna Maria Emmanuel
"these texts are confusing! now back to reading Revelations....."
Jung hit the nail on the head, and yet very little said about him
Seven sermons to the dead
@kafiruddinmulhiddeen2386 yeh the doorway to what nietzsche called the abyss?
@@ejenkins4711 Yes. The abyss is Nothingness. It is the eternal death, it is perilous sameness, it is the counterpart of creatura, which together form the pluroma.
The red book!
@@kafiruddinmulhiddeen2386 indeed it is only those that exsperience the pleroma in a form based in their own reality that find a sence of the devine and don't get lost in it.🙏
To escape not to redeem... Important.
Check Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio's episode about the Gnostic Emil Cioran. Worth a try
How many Bits get into a TERRA Byte?
Agnostic: Without knowledge of the Father and what the fathers kingdom is like.
Gnostic: Knowing the true nature of the way of things
So where does A-Gnosticism come into play?
it just means "without knowledge"
We're all an extension of the singularity
The best fictions is the one that people believe to be truth.
The Gospel was originally one book, written by Lazarus in consultation with the apostles and published soon after Jesus left them on their own (John 21.24). The Catholic church broke it up and scrambled the text among 4 falsely attributed authorship.
Mr Schwarz, that sounds like a silly conspiracy theory.
There's good reason to think Luke, etc. authored his Gospel + Acts, and I don't imagine any scholar holding the view you do about them all being originally one book.
@bromponie7330 I'm going by what the Gospel text literally says John 21 24 and other scriptures - FACTS.
You DO NOT have any evidence or good reasoning for any of the claimed authorship of these four presented texts. Just made up without explanation.
@bromponie7330 and Lazarus also wrote Acts.
I'm as Biblically scholared and Gospel expert as any of your claimed experts... even more so.
Was this because of the aliens or the reptile people?
@subcitizen2012 John 21:24 "This is the disciple[whom Jesus loved/Lazarus] WHO WROTE THESE THINGS...." etc.
Can you read?
Gnosticism begins to make more and more sense when you deepen a practice of silence and stillness to find there is tremendous peace awaiting us beyond the material and sensory.
At this point why don't you just bring on Billy Carson to discuss the annunaki 😂😂😂
Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter
Do look into traditional indo European religions. From Hinduism to verious European pagan religons.
I would like to see ye atheists try debating non abrahamics for once. And I'm not talking about low educated ones but academic practitioners with historical knowledge
Nestorianism is essentially gnostic, then. It splits Christ from the person of Jesus into two separate identities.
Evangelicals and Calvinist reformers are essentially gnostic too, because they believe in penal substitutionary atonement where Jesus was abandoned by the divine on the cross.
Born into Caduceus dying to be reborn Asclepius
You're obsessed with gnosticism!
its amazing why wouldnt he be
He's only obsessed with porno moustache
Yeah he seems to be changing his views
I’ve noticed Alex has an unhealthy obsession with recreational drugs, Gnosticism and mustache competitions.
He's obsessed with mare uh wanna. And the demmy urge
Bottom line,, You are an infinite being of the universe‼️‼️ No plagiarized and then manipulated Book, religion, manufactured invisible sky daddy or deity required‼️‼️ The infinite ‘ALL Lives’ within & surrounds you🔆
Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Nobody goes to the father except through Him!
The lust of secret knowledge or special knowledge is the exact thing God warned Adam and Eve about.
That's why the Gnostics thought that god is the evil one: only an evil being would deny his creations knowledge, especially the discernment of good and evil. As long as we didnt understand morality, we did not realize that god is a diabolical cosmic azzhole.
1st The Demiurge is a bit complicated and paradoxal (like us in a way), he just doesn't like evil. But retaliated evil with evil. Being Soulish in a dog eat dog realm isn't easy. The Mandeans taught that a diety was tasked to create within the material realm.
If the unknowable's thoughts are not known by us, could it be then that nothing happens without the knowledge of that One
and every creation has meaning and in a sense guided by ways we can't fathom?
2nd Valentinians called him misguided and someone who's inbetween (Letter to Flora).
3th; Gnosis is not a doctrine or beliefsystem but a direct personal interaction and knowing, so put it into a bundle and call it gnostisism isn't a correct description.
4th: Christians are the Gnostics, followers of Christ (Sophia/holy spirit in syzygy with Jesus) or part of the 'body'.
The name Christian has been tar-nished by people who wish to do it harm like the Paypal church (buy your way out/Tithing).
5th Knowledge is 'sexual', you can read about it but you also have to experience it in this Life time which makes this life valuable.
sexual in the sense of creating from an idea to a child, like the idiom; your creation is your 'baby'.
There's an interview with David Lynch where he keeps on repeating the importantness of ideas; ''If you forget an idea, you wanna commit suicide, so you have to write them down.'' He is basically pointing to the bible verse:
Matthew 18:6 But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.
Know ledge (a window ledge) this is the window of upper unity, pies are always put outside on the window ledge (form which part of the pi are you?)
Apple Pie of Knowledge/Part is pi ate/Participate
Ledge is also a vein, i.e. a Life Line/ or (K)No Mr Vain.... It's a paradogs/upside down (Snoop's upside ya head)
It's also a shelf i.e. No shelfisness etc etc etc
Comrade McCarthy landed me here, among other places.
where did the gnostics get these ideas? where were they cooking before Jesus? i dont think they just popped into existance
Kabbalah too. I think many mystical systems come from visions touched with philosophy and trying to explain those experiences.
I like the Gnostic beliefs actually. The Bible makes a lot more sense in this context.
When you hear this gnosticist stories, you see how islam totally was born from the scatters of christianity. And if you think this kind of thing is interesting, read Agains Heresies, from Saint Iraeneus.
If you look at the Holy Fathers, you can get the same level of great imagetic, the difference is that it's true.
Gnostics are close to Hindu philosophy. So OSHO is correct, when he said Jesus went to India and got his teachings from Hinduism
To realy talk to a god i went insane after what the church did to me i lost my spirt it was in a picture of the holy family i didn no nothing but deep hurt that in its self causes u to curse the person that gave u so much pain that spirtual broken in this i found a truth of love of the creator of all
I wish I could explain all this. But I know I never will. Sadness advances....
I am studying Gnosticism now. I’ve decided the only way to know it is to become Gnostic, or at least be open to the idea-already a Christian- I call Judas-type Gnosticism “Trumpian Theology” (Fake News) -
I think Alex is very clearly open to the idea of salvation by way of Gnosis btw
It's not ''Fake news'' but ''Vague News''. We are under a spell.
''Vague refers to something that is not clearly expressed, understood, or outlined''
wait till they find out about "the apostle" paul, the liar, and his beef with the original disciples and ruff relationships with the early churches.
Yeah. They were still trying to do the crucifixion math, which doesn't work and never will.
after many, many walks with god in the spirit, i can say i have a small fragment of gnosis - but from this advantaged perspective, if i had to choose between gnosis and salvation, i would take salvation any day - of course, i could never go back and unknow it (former agnostic-atheist who has said and pointed to all the typical stuff you'll see in these comments - usually, full of the same arrogance and self-assurance, too - but really having no real experience or foundation, just reciting what someone else has reported who was probably just reciting what someone else reported)
I mean...have you ever surrounded yourself with other religions like Hinduism? Our worldview (me included) have been trapped in the existence/non-existence of a judeo-christian god, without bothering to look deeply into others. Hinduism has older texts than the old testament, much more anything from gnosticism. Who are you to say your "gnosis" is not from another form of God in a different name?
What drugs did you take in order to walk with god in the spirit? Looking to open myself up as well.
Self delusion is the drug
@@JD-wu5pf seek and you shall find. yt typically deletes me comments if i am anything other than vague
@@Sun_Dayzzz that's a built-in feature of gnosis, isn't it? you're communicating in a manner that we might consider telepathic - more than just visions and dialogue - despite what one might see, hear, or feel (an endless field of stars / and blackness, an awesome creature that defies logic / and beauty, or a delicate cathedral of impossible geometry / and dimension) - there is an immediate flash of recognition, knowing, or meaning. the almighty is beyond what any one text or collection of texts can fully encapsulate, as he encapsulates and transcends them all - every culture, every tribe, every "genre," if you will - there are layers upon layers we will never fully unpack through multiple lifetimes, especially filtered through the sterile lens of modern sensibilities, different cultures / frameworks / languages, and the current limitations of so-called science. how he manifests to other cultures - to other lifeforms - i'll never fully know. it's all part of his glory, his artistry, his grace, and his tapestry. it's his story to tell. and because we can barely know our part as it unfolds, we can barely play our part in real-time, some are quite unhappy with that. and yet, every thought, every act of rebellion only unwittingly adds more to its intricacy - its horrors and its beauty. this is why faith is so valuable and yet some have written it off completely as sour grapes. what may seem virtuous or heinous to us down below has little meaning compared to one who is just faithful to him - one who just builds a relationship with him. he has already prepared the way and will show you. and from what limited perspective i am able to glean, what little i am allowed to know, i don't much care to know more than the fact that we have all been offered victory over sin and shame - what other belief systems might consider breaking free from the karmic cycle - so that nothing should stand between us and him in the present moment and in every moment. but knowing more won't get me any _more_ saved. the seeking, itself, can become the impediment. and while i am more curious and more enthralled than ever, that has freed me from the incessant "need" to know. what was once a thirst for knowledge is now a joy - and that's not to give the false impression that my life is magically perfect or that i meet every situation with perfect peace and equanimity - i still exist in the physical world for a little longer. i have aches, cravings, i get tired, i have bills, there are still certain personalities that irritate me and pull me towards anger. i just have a little more perspective than i did before. but there is a still a vast chasm between what was imparted to me from eternity and what i, a mortal, am able to execute in practice. but in his infinite patience, he says: little by little. step by step. he says: do not punish yourself or hide in shame at your faults, but come to me who has already given you victory
Imagine your whole career being based on having a problem with what other people believe in lol
You literally just described every pastor or priest.
I had an experience of “gnosis” (complete knowledge of the cosmos and its workings) when I was 5 or 6 years old. My “awareness” was one of cosmic consciousness, not body-centered. I understand that my own empiric experience is not proof in the traditional sense, nevertheless, I will share my idea as it pertains to “gnostic” experience. Awareness of all things at all times and how they work together in a cosmic state of “consciousness” is possible IN THAT STATE but not possible when conscious awareness is centered in the body (as we know it physically) with its senses and everyday awareness. This is BECAUSE our brains are finite and act as a filter, not only to irrelevant sensory experience and thought but also to to “all knowledge”. The brain would be overwhelmed, unable to process and break if it were not so. I know this because of my experience of “gnosis”, where, when returning to physical body centered awareness, I had to “let it go” (in a sense, although I “possess” it still in the other state of awareness). In other words, I could not bring it all down into mind because it would “break” my brain. Especially at 5 or 6 years old when this happened. I have never forgotten this experience and it has driven my quest for knowledge and answers my whole life. Importantly, the world is NOT broken. It is exactly the way it is supposed to be and the story all comes together perfectly when looking at it “from a god’s-eye view” (so to speak). That doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t try to alleviate suffering. Anyway, I’ve shared this part of my own “gnostic” experience, whether you believe it or not. Also, just to throw this in - there is life on other worlds and not all of them are “friendly”(ones we’d want to know as human beings). I also remember my consciousness becoming attached to the physical before, at conception and developing in the womb - there are others who can remember like me. In Germanic Tradition, such a person is called a Volva, but such are known in many other traditions as well. We all have this awareness buried deep within our being. Happy holidays to all.
You had classical NDE, I think. Does it imply that god is evil when everything here is exactly as he wants it to have? IMHO an evil god is the only explanation for an existence of such a horrible and extremely unjust world.
@@nurgenelkagor4089how can an evil god allow good then? For we only know good if we witness and understand evil regardless of both being temporary- as life is temporary.
The fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil that was inherited in the flesh for seeking to “be like gods” causing us to justify all that is between good and evil, as well as judging both with the opposite view. An evil god wouldn’t show us how to suffer properly, but a good God would suffer with us to “bear our cross”.
Transcend the simplicity of tragedy by forgiving.
Yeah real evil 🙄
@@nurgenelkagor4089 I didn’t have a near death experience. I’m an atheist.
@@Nutterbutter123 This makes no sense either.
@@ElkagorI think the philosophical idea of neutral monism fits my experience the best so far. I’m a novice at philosophy, but some sort of monism is where I’m landing currently.
Uses Orthodox icon in thumbnail*
That's only I'll need.
Christians tell me that a baby that passes away or a tribe that is isolated and never heard the Jesus story therefore can't accept Jesus as their savior still get to go to heaven.
If this is the case, then Jesus death was completely unnecessary.
Also Jesus fulfilled ZERO messianic prophecy
Seems like no one wants to ask why the obsession over this one man
Seems like a myth or political invention
The term, "expert," is a title someone, way back when, bestowed upon themselves when they thought they knew enough. Then, when someone else agreed with them, they bestowed that title to them, too.
Sorry, the use of that word hit me funny. My opinion is that being a priest is not much different than devoting your life to Aesop, or the Grimms. Sure, they'd be an expert at the work of those people, but what are you really contributing?
What is Gnosticism? Pure Heresy!
Huh? It is the predominant form of Christianity immediately following the ministry of Yeshua. Orthodox Christianity today is an artifact of Roman Christianity as codified by the Council of Nicea.
To each his own. Personally, I find the earliest forms of Christianity more compelling than the Roman version.
@@chadevans1101 total bullshit
The earliest form of Christianity is found in the Bible which is a total refutation Gnosticism.
Genesis 1:31
"God saw all that he had made, and it was very good."
1 John 4:2-3
"This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world."
Colossians 2:2-4
"My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. I tell you this so that no one may deceive you by fine-sounding arguments."
1 Timothy 4:4
"For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving."
One man’s heretic is another man’s prophet
Gnostic religion?!... Did this intellect exist then (mixed) with Christianity or it began with the new religion?!