I must say, the sheikhs have done an incredible job by outlining the medical precautions. I loved it and am eagerly anticipating part 3, hoping it will be uploaded soon.
Since embracing Islam, I’ve had countless questions, and your videos have been instrumental in my learning journey. I’m looking forward to more of your educational material as I continue to learn at my own pace. Looking forward for part 3 brother
Absolutely nailed it, in a simple, informative and respectful manner! I, and many others have learned so much from part one and part two. As Mufti MENK stated, there are many grey areas that needed to be clarified. Eagerly awaiting Part Three!
I appreciate this as a revert muslim woman of a fe years now. I also happen to be a nurse and Naturopath and teach people about a lot on the topics you discuss. You leave me with a lot of questions regarding variables not mentioned or brought forth in this discussion, including considerations of those who revert to Islam but bring with them their past such as some STI’s (Not STD’s anymore), that they may ahve had no control over - this comes across as if they are to never be in an intimate relationship because of that - but there are many meds now that can keep it controlled and they can avoid sharing it with their partner or their future children! I am likely to rewatch this and I hope can get these questions answered as I as a nurse and Naturopth get asked a lot about - like the IUD - people love it - but it doesn’t stop conception! It prevents implantation - and that is a reason many people choose NOT to use it! Thank you for speaking on these touchy areas. MashaAllah!
salaams, i am a medical student. shukran for discussing such an important topic. i just want to point out something that the sheikh mentioned at 7:30 about picking up STD's from toilet seats. this is a common misconception but it is actually not true. these viruses only travel through sexual/oral intercourse with an infected person and not simply by touching people or sharing public toilets. there are however other infections that do spread in this manner, but general hygiene is enough to counter those. alhamdulillah our scholars have come a long way and it is important to keep learning (and to speak about such matters with muslim brothers and sisters in the medical field) in order to avoid sounding ignorant and also to avoid accidentally spreading misinformation to the public via your platform, since most people are not well-educated in these matters. once again shukran for your efforts and may Allah preserve you all and increase you in knowledge as well.
You can actually get diseases like HPV, and getting STD are possible as well. Imagine having a wound or something from that fluid from the toilett seat getting not intentionally inside or get on the private party inside
A thought just occurred to me about how challenging must be for them to create these sessions and episodes, and as you said in the video May Allah bless you all Aameen TabarakAllah brothers in Islam
I get a feeling that the sheikhs are very uncomfortable talking about these things but they are doing for it for the sake of Allah. May Allah reward them, protect them and honour them. Aameen
Please continue producing this educational contents, as a Muslim woman, I like to learn more about my Deen and try to be the best wife that I could possibly be. And yes, if we are going to talk about our our right as wives, we must know what our responsibilities are as wives. May Allah bless you.
Dear Sheiks,I'm a Muslim woman and I must say that I really enjoyed your program ,certain topics make me smile,I learned a few things or two,I like how u were bold and open with certain subjects,we need lessons like this ,especially for the younger generations.im looking forward for the next lecture,keep up the good work ,good job,😂❤
Have been waiting for part 2 and it didnt disappoint most of us. Good knowledge and insight we got today. May Allah accept it from you. About part 3, highly recommend it since people have more and more questions.
Jazakum Allah kheir for speaking abt such an important subject that needs to be addressed a lot. Maybe in the next part you could discuss in detail the word "رفث" in the Quran and also address the emotional need related to sex. Fiqh is beneficial of course but instead of hearing what is haram and makrouh etc would be good to hear abt what is advised, encouraged and what is sunnah from our Prophet.
JazakAllah khyair to the sheikhs who have taken time out fo their busy schedules to create a video addressing important topics that are often overlooked and rarely discussed. Your efforts in brining these issues to light are greatly appreciated
I appreciate this series soooo much!! I absolutely love how the sheikhs are conveying the message without being vulgur or inappropriate, they have done an impeccable job!! Sometimes its so difficult to ask our local scholars face to face so having our questions/doubts answered in this way makes it so much easier. Also mufti menk saying “bit” and not the actual word hahaha mashallah so halal ❤❤
Ma Sha Allah Tabarek Allah I’m so glad that these brothers are discussing this at great lengths. We still live in ignorance, majority of us simply don’t know about etiquettes and mannerism of the Deen with regards to intimacy. We live in a black hole of the filth of pornography and haram sexual relationships. We need to get real and be real as Muslims. Marriage is very important part of our Deen. Intimacy is halal in a relationship between husband and wife. Take this as a learning curve into improving communication and intimacy between husband and wife, thus preserving this sacred relationship and bond. May Allah swt bless us and give us Taufik and hidiya in the Deen and mannerisms.
25:08 maximum period is four months not 6 months For those who swear not to have sexual relations with their wives is a waiting time of four months, but if they return [to normal relations] - then indeed, Allāh is Forgiving and Merciful. [Theme of Quran 2:226]
You are right. I understood as four months, as he said, one month for journey going and one month for journey coming back in those days. In total 6 months. Thats what i understood. and thanks for clarifying it.
The reference in the video is not for the Ayaah you quoted. It's from the Sunnah where the Prophet PBUH prohibited husbands in the battle field to remain away from their wives for over 4 months excluded the travel period.
Jazak Allah brothers in Islam. 🎉following u from Mauritius The part one was very interesting. That's a sensitive topic and Alhmdulillah u all talked about it so well.
Excellent video. Yes very important for potiential spouses to communicate their needs before marriage. Suggestion for part 3, dive a little into what actually falls into abuse within this area. For example, being verbally/emotionally abusive then demanding/expecting to be intimate.
Both are expected to help and sacrifice for each other. Its a team work not a competition. If one is not interested but ofc for genuine reason then absolutely fine but the other should always be understanding.
Jzkl bi khair sheikhs, Jzkl bi khair, I really enjoyed watching this video as a married woman I learned a lot, a lot of us are dying in silence because this types of topics are not giving emphasis. Muslim ummah needs to be educated so much on this type of topics if not they are lot of misguidance out there so if this topic need part 100 please try as much as you can....
All Sheikhs We Need Part 3,4,5 And Even Part 6 on these matter you Are Doing and Amazing work To Give Out information on these matter it's every helpful to everyone. THANK U May Allah Give u All Good Health.❤
Please translate the wonderful books on sexual education from the sheikhs of the past, this information is much needed. Insist on STI checks before marriage.
Asalamualikum wa rahmatulah wa barakatu jazakum lahu khair it was a very interesting episode. Please if you can throw more light on the use of contraceptive to prevent conception. Jazakum lahu khair
Jazaka Allahu khairan. Thanks for sharing your elm on such sensitive topics. Indeed part 3 will be waited for. IN SHA ALLAH. May Allah make it ease for u sheiks.
Salam aleykoum mes brothers and sisters in Islam. I agree indeed that we need a part 3,4, et 5 incha allah. May ASW guide us on the right path. Amen, yarabi
How do you get ready for your husband when youre physically tired and angry with husband without the ability to resolve the dispute since trying to resolve only causes escalation? Or if you hate your husband?
Like sheikhs said, don’t give rights if you hate or consider divorce, take steps to find the core solution even if the solution to get peace and close to Allah, is through divorce. Spouses are created to have peace not to hate or be hated. If this happens is contrary to definition of spouses thus against Allahs command so divorce is best solution out of love of Allah and to obey Allah and not hate anyone.
Masha Allah. Barakallahu feek this is all very beneficial to the Muslim umma. May Allah reward you all and continue to discuss topics that is beneficial to our ummah.
Thank you for providing a clear overview of the do’s and don’ts in marriage. After many years, I feel enlightened and grateful that it’s not too late to understand these important aspects. Alhamdulillah, your insights have made everything much clearer for me.
I have been divorced since I was 24 years old, my marriage lasted just a year, now I am 38 years old, I have a 14 years old son. I have spent 14 years single without any partner, or having sex, most of times it was really hard for me to control oneself. As per Islam I have fasted as well but I am a working woman and lives in USA, and it’s not always possible for me. Muslim men have attracted and reached me, but their intentions were not Nikkah, in other hand I always wanted Nikkah. My question is what should I do in such situations, how to sometimes control my sexual desires, and Is my divorce status is that big mistake that no one is ready to accept me as his legal wife.
May Allah make it easy for you and your son. Things are not always as easy as many people may think. It is easier for people to talk to you about how to fear Allah SWT and do the right thing, however, they may not know or feel the struggles you are going through. Having said that, there's no justification for the wrong, so surround yourself around good and righteous conmpany, become more proiductive, avoid isolation to the maximum, open the doors of possibility to remarry a righteous man, etc, all these tips could minimize the possibility of falling into the trap of Shaytaan.
I see that you are really not intentionally staying single which is a great fitna considering your age when you got divorced. Have you tried looking out for suitable men out there or better still ask for help in that regard? It's not possible that out of all the good men out there no one will be ready to get married to you.
Alhamdulillah, this video provides clearer insights and addresses crucial areas that needed attention. I am very pleased as it is extremely helpful for married couples. We often find ourselves confused about boundaries, but now I have a much clearer understanding of them.
I am happy to see that you are talking about this important subject and spreading awareness.. Unfortunately it's still a big taboo.. We need more video's on this subject! May Allah bless you all.. 🤲🏻🩷
I have a alot of Question in my mind, regrading thhis topic , I shy even asked from anyone, Your Video made things clear from me... I give a lot of knowledge through it.. Thank You Sheikh May Allah Bless you...
Yess you were interrupting him alot. It was irritating me as well. But masha Allah it's s9 great of you mentioning it to mufti menk and apologising for it.
Allahumma barik well done honestly I can only imagine how difficult it was for the sheikhs to speak about Such topic but Elhamdulilah may Allah bless you all 3, it is definitely needed topic as it is not an easy topic to find and to get knowledge on such topics 🤲🤲
It seems that our Sheikh has been slow to upload new videos, often taking a year between uploads. I was just joking about the pace Nonetheless, I appreciate how sheikh wael mufti menk and DR has contributed to reshaping and building our characters. Islam provides clear guidance on many aspects of life.
Thank you so much for the knowledge sharing. Learned a lot, and reconsidered some of my beliefs on certain things. Specially the oral one. Jazak ALLAH Khair. 🤲❤️
😅 so much respect to the Sheikhs but these unplugged topics so need to be discussed as future is very disturbing. May Allah protect us from the cursed Shaytan.
Alhamdullillah, this video was very informative and i have great respect for you all for having an open mind to guide our youth. I would be looking forward to part 3-I think what was missing from this video/discussion would be talking about se@@@## needs of a spouse during the menstruation period, we do know its clear cut that it is haram, the actual act, but what is allowed?
I converted to 32:37 I am very grateful for the advice of this. My husband and I we are at a distance, and I miss him. He explained that masturbation is halal all this is new to me, and I was looking for an answer. Thank you.
We are living in the right times. The question is, will we pass the test of our time or will we be drawn to the wrong of that time? May Allah protect us.
Sheikh is surrogacy is permissible in Islam because i have witnessed it and it's getting common Muslim couples here in US please shed some light on it .......
Sheikh doesn't' watching porn come under eyes zinnah. Why are we not taking it seriously. Watching porn and then coming to your wife or to your husband is disrespectful In my opinion. Much needed knowledge.
May Allah bless the three of you dear shuyukh. Questions are all very relevant and answers are very beneficial. Such a sensitive topic explained in such light and beneficial way TabakAllah
Br Yasir Qazi has an episode on this subject ….. search and watch….. it will be beneficial…. InshaALLAH…… May ALLAH SWT reward all these brothers for making this great effort…..
In the situation where a woman is rejecting the right of man of going to bed with him, is it allowed for him to force himself on her to "ensure she is not cursed until the morning" or because he can as it is his right to spend the night wit her? Also, are there any conditions where a man is allowed to reject intimacy? (so more on martial rape and the man's valid reasons to reject her to bed)
No husband who loves his wife will ever do that and no woman who loves her husband would ever reject. However, if there is a genuine reason, then that must be accepted and appreciated, and the person should be supported.
There is no such a thing as « forcing » in islam! Let alone to « ensure she is not cursed » . This is a lie men tell themselves to justify their horrific acts. If he can talk her through it and she consents, then it’s okay. But FORCING?! Please don’t.
They didn’t address marital r@p3 because it’s common sense you shouldn’t do this. See the first episode, they said you shouldn’t bring any harm to your spouse even in role play
Ironic that it says 18 + but my 13 year old little sis got recommended this while watching other Islamic videos and sent it to me. We ended up watching it together, lol
The 18+ is just a catchy title. I believe that youngsters in our age are well aware of these issues due to their exposure to social media and other outlets online. Plus, Alhamdulilah, we use a subtle language to the best of our ability as to not be so vulgar or suggestive.
@ShWaelIbrahim yes. These young teenagers already know the ins and outs of sex (no pun intended) thanks to interactions in school and social media. I rather my sister get influenced by the Islamic perspective early because it helps to balance out all the western influence she's bombarded with on a daily basis.
The thing with oral s*x for people who don't know, is that it's way more pleasurable for the woman than penetration, which is the most pleasurable thing for a man. Some women don't even feel pleasure in penetration. That's why the husband should at least consider it if they want to please their wife and vice versa. ☺ Thank you for this episode!
Spot on. It's one of the reasons why I as a girl am scared to marry a super conservative, or highly religious man because I know there's a good chance he won't do anything except penetration. It's like as soon as men become super on the deen they won't even discuss something like oral play because it's automatically haram to them 😬
That's why I'm scared to marry a super religious or extremely conservative brother because there's a good chance the bedroom is going to suck, pun not intended. Lot of guys in this category are going to be extremely vanilla and even bringing up oral play is a nono cause they'll automatically say it's unnatural, haram etc
@@Cherries2249No absolutely not if he follows the sunnah he will know what to do. Make sure the guy knows the deen, not just a dude with a beard and prays.
Oral sex is kinda nasty and even i have some thoughts they will immediately go away. Like a woman private part is filled with bacteria, and throat cancer. The man should use his left hand
@Dont-worry1618 he may not know what to do because men who are super religious like that don't learn this stuff because they think it's inappropriate. They stay away from everything that could cause them desire so they never learn anything except his thing goes inside her thing, that's it. I want my husband to be conservative but not in the bedroom, but unfortunately a lot of them are
I think you need part 3, 4, and 5. It’s about time these subjects are openly being discussed. It is very needed.
Not really. They are like opening pandora box. Most people of sexually active age, through simple Google search can get these answers questions.
@@jibran6906not the same when watching and listening to the 3 men. Why do you relate this to opening pandoras box?
@@jibran6906 eh, a Google search will give 19289 contradictory answers. These 3 actually explain the different views on things and why
@@jibran6906,please sit down. If Google is your source of information, why are you here?
It is talked about too much sometimes tbh, u don’t need to listen. U can just read about it
Oftentimes i said this generation is very luck and they have the mentors and sheikhs like you May Allah reward you all for your service Aameen
I must say, the sheikhs have done an incredible job by outlining the medical precautions. I loved it and am eagerly anticipating part 3, hoping it will be uploaded soon.
Since embracing Islam, I’ve had countless questions, and your videos have been instrumental in my learning journey. I’m looking forward to more of your educational material as I continue to learn at my own pace. Looking forward for part 3 brother
WELCOME dear brother
alhumdulilah i am a recent revert from england having these sorts of confusions may allah bless you shaykh
Waited so long for the episode two yet BarakAllahu feek brother very helpful
Absolutely nailed it, in a simple, informative and respectful manner! I, and many others have learned so much from part one and part two. As Mufti MENK stated, there are many grey areas that needed to be clarified. Eagerly awaiting Part Three!
Alhamdulillah they did not interrupt him in this video and we were able to hear of his knowledge and experiences.
I appreciate this as a revert muslim woman of a fe years now. I also happen to be a nurse and Naturopath and teach people about a lot on the topics you discuss. You leave me with a lot of questions regarding variables not mentioned or brought forth in this discussion, including considerations of those who revert to Islam but bring with them their past such as some STI’s (Not STD’s anymore), that they may ahve had no control over - this comes across as if they are to never be in an intimate relationship because of that - but there are many meds now that can keep it controlled and they can avoid sharing it with their partner or their future children! I am likely to rewatch this and I hope can get these questions answered as I as a nurse and Naturopth get asked a lot about - like the IUD - people love it - but it doesn’t stop conception! It prevents implantation - and that is a reason many people choose NOT to use it! Thank you for speaking on these touchy areas. MashaAllah!
salaams, i am a medical student. shukran for discussing such an important topic. i just want to point out something that the sheikh mentioned at 7:30 about picking up STD's from toilet seats. this is a common misconception but it is actually not true. these viruses only travel through sexual/oral intercourse with an infected person and not simply by touching people or sharing public toilets. there are however other infections that do spread in this manner, but general hygiene is enough to counter those.
alhamdulillah our scholars have come a long way and it is important to keep learning (and to speak about such matters with muslim brothers and sisters in the medical field) in order to avoid sounding ignorant and also to avoid accidentally spreading misinformation to the public via your platform, since most people are not well-educated in these matters.
once again shukran for your efforts and may Allah preserve you all and increase you in knowledge as well.
I will pass this comment to Dr. Salah to verify Insh a Allah. Being a non doctor myself, I have nothing to say about this ;)
A very valuable point, and shows we are all human and not infallible, thank you for sharing your medical knowledge.
I wanted to say this..but you said it good...keep it up... Dr Salah need to find out about STD's
You can actually get diseases like HPV, and getting STD are possible as well. Imagine having a wound or something from that fluid from the toilett seat getting not intentionally inside or get on the private party inside
A thought just occurred to me about how challenging must be for them to create these sessions and episodes, and as you said in the video May Allah bless you all Aameen TabarakAllah brothers in Islam
I get a feeling that the sheikhs are very uncomfortable talking about these things but they are doing for it for the sake of Allah. May Allah reward them, protect them and honour them. Aameen
Hope it has part 3. Subhanallah. 🙌
Please continue producing this educational contents, as a Muslim woman, I like to learn more about my Deen and try to be the best wife that I could possibly be. And yes, if we are going to talk about our our right as wives, we must know what our responsibilities are as wives. May Allah bless you.
Please make part 3,4,5,6 etc. The community needs more education on this topic.
Dear Sheiks,I'm a Muslim woman and I must say that I really enjoyed your program ,certain topics make me smile,I learned a few things or two,I like how u were bold and open with certain subjects,we need lessons like this ,especially for the younger generations.im looking forward for the next lecture,keep up the good work ,good job,😂❤
Have been waiting for part 2 and it didnt disappoint most of us. Good knowledge and insight we got today. May Allah accept it from you.
About part 3, highly recommend it since people have more and more questions.
Jazakum Allah kheir for speaking abt such an important subject that needs to be addressed a lot. Maybe in the next part you could discuss in detail the word "رفث" in the Quran and also address the emotional need related to sex. Fiqh is beneficial of course but instead of hearing what is haram and makrouh etc would be good to hear abt what is advised, encouraged and what is sunnah from our Prophet.
JazakAllah Khair for the part two, sheikh.
JazakAllah khyair to the sheikhs who have taken time out fo their busy schedules to create a video addressing important topics that are often overlooked and rarely discussed. Your efforts in brining these issues to light are greatly appreciated
I appreciate this series soooo much!! I absolutely love how the sheikhs are conveying the message without being vulgur or inappropriate, they have done an impeccable job!! Sometimes its so difficult to ask our local scholars face to face so having our questions/doubts answered in this way makes it so much easier.
Also mufti menk saying “bit” and not the actual word hahaha mashallah so halal ❤❤
We need a whole series on this please. We lack guidance 🙏
Guide the youth please.
Jazak Allah kher
We need a session about "Taqdeer/fate"
Ma Sha Allah Tabarek Allah I’m so glad that these brothers are discussing this at great lengths. We still live in ignorance, majority of us simply don’t know about etiquettes and mannerism of the Deen with regards to intimacy. We live in a black hole of the filth of pornography and haram sexual relationships. We need to get real and be real as Muslims. Marriage is very important part of our Deen. Intimacy is halal in a relationship between husband and wife. Take this as a learning curve into improving communication and intimacy between husband and wife, thus preserving this sacred relationship and bond. May Allah swt bless us and give us Taufik and hidiya in the Deen and mannerisms.
25:08 maximum period is four months not 6 months
For those who swear not to have sexual relations with their wives is a waiting time of four months, but if they return [to normal relations] - then indeed, Allāh is Forgiving and Merciful.
[Theme of Quran 2:226]
You are right.
I understood as four months, as he said, one month for journey going and one month for journey coming back in those days. In total 6 months.
Thats what i understood. and thanks for clarifying it.
The reference in the video is not for the Ayaah you quoted. It's from the Sunnah where the Prophet PBUH prohibited husbands in the battle field to remain away from their wives for over 4 months excluded the travel period.
Jazak Allah brothers in Islam.
🎉following u from Mauritius
The part one was very interesting.
That's a sensitive topic and Alhmdulillah u all talked about it so well.
Excellent video. Yes very important for potiential spouses to communicate their needs before marriage.
Suggestion for part 3, dive a little into what actually falls into abuse within this area.
For example, being verbally/emotionally abusive then demanding/expecting to be intimate.
Both are expected to help and sacrifice for each other. Its a team work not a competition. If one is not interested but ofc for genuine reason then absolutely fine but the other should always be understanding.
Jazakallah khair for considering the topic and the needs of those who have less or no knowledge about it. Lot's of prayers.
Thank you! 🤝👍Waiting for part 3 🤲
Great video Sheikh, may Allah give you all Jannah. Ameen
Subhallah Islam has answers for everything.
This is very educational every man and woman must lwatch this video.
Jzkl bi khair sheikhs, Jzkl bi khair, I really enjoyed watching this video as a married woman I learned a lot, a lot of us are dying in silence because this types of topics are not giving emphasis. Muslim ummah needs to be educated so much on this type of topics if not they are lot of misguidance out there so if this topic need part 100 please try as much as you can....
All Sheikhs We Need Part 3,4,5 And Even Part 6 on these matter you Are Doing and Amazing work To Give Out information on these matter it's every helpful to everyone. THANK U May Allah Give u All Good Health.❤
Allah make it easy
Please translate the wonderful books on sexual education from the sheikhs of the past, this information is much needed. Insist on STI checks before marriage.
Thank you so much for this wonderful and informative video.😊
Love u all from Kashmir ❤❤❤
Boi lagan ❤️
Asalamualikum wa rahmatulah wa barakatu jazakum lahu khair it was a very interesting episode. Please if you can throw more light on the use of contraceptive to prevent conception. Jazakum lahu khair
It's so great topic to talk about. No one can easily ask these questions these days. Really love watching it.
Jazaka Allahu khairan. Thanks for sharing your elm on such sensitive topics. Indeed part 3 will be waited for. IN SHA ALLAH. May Allah make it ease for u sheiks.
Maa Sha Allah
A very nice and educative program
May Allah reward you all…
Salam aleykoum mes brothers and sisters in Islam.
I agree indeed that we need a part 3,4, et 5 incha allah.
May ASW guide us on the right path. Amen, yarabi
How do you get ready for your husband when youre physically tired and angry with husband without the ability to resolve the dispute since trying to resolve only causes escalation? Or if you hate your husband?
Like sheikhs said, don’t give rights if you hate or consider divorce, take steps to find the core solution even if the solution to get peace and close to Allah, is through divorce. Spouses are created to have peace not to hate or be hated. If this happens is contrary to definition of spouses thus against Allahs command so divorce is best solution out of love of Allah and to obey Allah and not hate anyone.
Mash'Allah..this is the best.. please keep making
Jazakallah khayra part 2,
🫣 Jazzak'Allah Khairan to all the Shyuqs. May Allah reward you for the beneficial knowledge you all shared with us.
Masha Allah. Barakallahu feek this is all very beneficial to the Muslim umma. May Allah reward you all and continue to discuss topics that is beneficial to our ummah.
Dschazakum Allahu khairan, very beneficial, educational talk.
Thank you for providing a clear overview of the do’s and don’ts in marriage. After many years, I feel enlightened and grateful that it’s not too late to understand these important aspects. Alhamdulillah, your insights have made everything much clearer for me.
we will surely need part 3
I have been divorced since I was 24 years old, my marriage lasted just a year, now I am 38 years old, I have a 14 years old son. I have spent 14 years single without any partner, or having sex, most of times it was really hard for me to control oneself. As per Islam I have fasted as well but I am a working woman and lives in USA, and it’s not always possible for me. Muslim men have attracted and reached me, but their intentions were not Nikkah, in other hand I always wanted Nikkah. My question is what should I do in such situations, how to sometimes control my sexual desires, and Is my divorce status is that big mistake that no one is ready to accept me as his legal wife.
No one can hold you accountable for your divorce. That is not an issues.
May Allah make it easy for you and your son. Things are not always as easy as many people may think. It is easier for people to talk to you about how to fear Allah SWT and do the right thing, however, they may not know or feel the struggles you are going through. Having said that, there's no justification for the wrong, so surround yourself around good and righteous conmpany, become more proiductive, avoid isolation to the maximum, open the doors of possibility to remarry a righteous man, etc, all these tips could minimize the possibility of falling into the trap of Shaytaan.
I see that you are really not intentionally staying single which is a great fitna considering your age when you got divorced. Have you tried looking out for suitable men out there or better still ask for help in that regard? It's not possible that out of all the good men out there no one will be ready to get married to you.
jazaka allah kher!!
this kinda education its really matter, pls make a series pls!
JazakAllah khyair May Allah fill our marriages with love and happiness Aameen
May Allah swt increase you in knowledge. Thank you!
JazakAllah Khair for the part two. may ALLAH (subahanhu ta'ala) forgive and protect us. amin
Thank you so much ❤
Jazakallah for such a phenomenal episode on Islamic teaching.
Alhamdulillah, this video provides clearer insights and addresses crucial areas that needed attention. I am very pleased as it is extremely helpful for married couples. We often find ourselves confused about boundaries, but now I have a much clearer understanding of them.
I am happy to see that you are talking about this important subject and spreading awareness.. Unfortunately it's still a big taboo.. We need more video's on this subject! May Allah bless you all.. 🤲🏻🩷
I have a alot of Question in my mind, regrading thhis topic , I shy even asked from anyone, Your Video made things clear from me... I give a lot of knowledge through it.. Thank You Sheikh May Allah Bless you...
Masha Allah Tabaarakallah. We are really appreciating your efforts sheikh. Almighty Allah reward you.
I very much understand how this topic was not easy, but I along with so many, have learned a lot. Well presented, respectively.
Thank you very informative and interesting on a sensitive topic May Allah guide and protect us all
Yess you were interrupting him alot. It was irritating me as well. But masha Allah it's s9 great of you mentioning it to mufti menk and apologising for it.
Subhanallah, very helpful, very much needed information in today's Ummah...we need more of such information.
Waiting for part 3
Subhan'Allah. Thank you for sharing these topics as it is something truly needed now, more than ever.
Allahumma barik well done honestly I can only imagine how difficult it was for the sheikhs to speak about Such topic but Elhamdulilah may Allah bless you all 3, it is definitely needed topic as it is not an easy topic to find and to get knowledge on such topics 🤲🤲
Jazakum Allahu khair
It seems that our Sheikh has been slow to upload new videos, often taking a year between uploads. I was just joking about the pace Nonetheless, I appreciate how sheikh wael mufti menk and DR has contributed to reshaping and building our characters. Islam provides clear guidance on many aspects of life.
We need part three
Thank you so much for the knowledge sharing. Learned a lot, and reconsidered some of my beliefs on certain things. Specially the oral one. Jazak ALLAH Khair. 🤲❤️
Thank you so much for the information
I learned a lot from this video, thank you!
Jazaka Allahu Khairan ❤️
Thanks so much for this important topic, which is mostly seen as taboo.
From Liberia, thanks so much for coming to my country
JazakAllah khairan kaseer May Allah preserve our Shykhs upon goodness Aameen Ya Rabbul Bait'al Haram
May Allah Azzawajal Blessed You
Very informative for millenials as well. Need more series.
I like Mufti Menks answer, “1 hour”
😅 so much respect to the Sheikhs but these unplugged topics so need to be discussed as future is very disturbing. May Allah protect us from the cursed Shaytan.
Hats off to you blessed guys. You're making lives easy.
May Allah accept this khidmat.
Absolutely appreciated video ❤
The thumbnail and editing is so hectic 😂❤
Alhamdullillah, this video was very informative and i have great respect for you all for having an open mind to guide our youth. I would be looking forward to part 3-I think what was missing from this video/discussion would be talking about se@@@## needs of a spouse during the menstruation period, we do know its clear cut that it is haram, the actual act, but what is allowed?
Everything else except for the actual act is allowed
Please make part 3
I converted to 32:37 I am very grateful for the advice of this. My husband and I we are at a distance, and I miss him. He explained that masturbation is halal all this is new to me, and I was looking for an answer. Thank you.
We are living in terrible times now
We are living in the right times. The question is, will we pass the test of our time or will we be drawn to the wrong of that time? May Allah protect us.
Sheikh is surrogacy is permissible in Islam because i have witnessed it and it's getting common Muslim couples here in US please shed some light on it .......
Sheikh doesn't' watching porn come under eyes zinnah.
Why are we not taking it seriously.
Watching porn and then coming to your wife or to your husband is disrespectful In my opinion.
Much needed knowledge.
It's not just disrespectful; it's a major Haram.
May Allah bless the three of you dear shuyukh. Questions are all very relevant and answers are very beneficial. Such a sensitive topic explained in such light and beneficial way TabakAllah
Make an online course! We will purchase it! 😊
Very interesting, learned a lot.
Thank you so much, not easy subjects but our dear scholars smash it 👏😁
Can’t wait for Part 3 Insha Allah ❤
Part 3
MashaaAllah Tabarakallah
How to Contact them?? How can we ask questions. Anyone plz
Br Yasir Qazi has an episode on this subject ….. search and watch….. it will be beneficial….
May ALLAH SWT reward all these brothers for making this great effort…..
What's the title of the video?
Masha Allah
In the situation where a woman is rejecting the right of man of going to bed with him, is it allowed for him to force himself on her to "ensure she is not cursed until the morning" or because he can as it is his right to spend the night wit her? Also, are there any conditions where a man is allowed to reject intimacy? (so more on martial rape and the man's valid reasons to reject her to bed)
No husband who loves his wife will ever do that and no woman who loves her husband would ever reject. However, if there is a genuine reason, then that must be accepted and appreciated, and the person should be supported.
There is no such a thing as « forcing » in islam! Let alone to « ensure she is not cursed » . This is a lie men tell themselves to justify their horrific acts. If he can talk her through it and she consents, then it’s okay. But FORCING?! Please don’t.
They didn’t address marital r@p3 because it’s common sense you shouldn’t do this. See the first episode, they said you shouldn’t bring any harm to your spouse even in role play
masha Allah
Mufti Menk is funny at the end with the eye contact 😂😂😂
Ironic that it says 18 + but my 13 year old little sis got recommended this while watching other Islamic videos and sent it to me. We ended up watching it together, lol
The 18+ is just a catchy title. I believe that youngsters in our age are well aware of these issues due to their exposure to social media and other outlets online. Plus, Alhamdulilah, we use a subtle language to the best of our ability as to not be so vulgar or suggestive.
@ShWaelIbrahim yes. These young teenagers already know the ins and outs of sex (no pun intended) thanks to interactions in school and social media. I rather my sister get influenced by the Islamic perspective early because it helps to balance out all the western influence she's bombarded with on a daily basis.
The thing with oral s*x for people who don't know, is that it's way more pleasurable for the woman than penetration, which is the most pleasurable thing for a man. Some women don't even feel pleasure in penetration. That's why the husband should at least consider it if they want to please their wife and vice versa. ☺ Thank you for this episode!
Spot on. It's one of the reasons why I as a girl am scared to marry a super conservative, or highly religious man because I know there's a good chance he won't do anything except penetration. It's like as soon as men become super on the deen they won't even discuss something like oral play because it's automatically haram to them 😬
That's why I'm scared to marry a super religious or extremely conservative brother because there's a good chance the bedroom is going to suck, pun not intended. Lot of guys in this category are going to be extremely vanilla and even bringing up oral play is a nono cause they'll automatically say it's unnatural, haram etc
@@Cherries2249No absolutely not if he follows the sunnah he will know what to do. Make sure the guy knows the deen, not just a dude with a beard and prays.
Oral sex is kinda nasty and even i have some thoughts they will immediately go away. Like a woman private part is filled with bacteria, and throat cancer. The man should use his left hand
@Dont-worry1618 he may not know what to do because men who are super religious like that don't learn this stuff because they think it's inappropriate. They stay away from everything that could cause them desire so they never learn anything except his thing goes inside her thing, that's it. I want my husband to be conservative but not in the bedroom, but unfortunately a lot of them are