The Destiny 2 Crucible Video I Hoped Would Never Happen.
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 31 ธ.ค. 2024
- Well, it's been about four months since I've even touched Crucible so I think it's safe to say we've reached that point. Short of drastic changes (which are about as likely as gambit getting some love), from this point on I'll be using other games as PvP examples and/or entertainment.
The real issue for me has been Rift. I didn't like it when they had it in IB and I dislike it even more when they threw out every option and forced Rift on everyone. At one point, Rift was IB, virtually every game of comp, the weekly rotator AND labs. All at the same time. And this is after the companies own forums blew up to the point in December that on some days, a solid three quarters of the posts were about a SINGLE crucible topic: Rift. Even to this day, you're lucky to find a page without at least one angry "Why is Rift still in comp?" post. To see that kind of backlash, then see the company conclude that the proper way forward is to FORCE that controversial thing on everyone is pretty darn frustrating.
So, from this point forward, I'll be doing other games for content. TF2 sniping has been a blast, but I'm strongly considering CS:GO. We'll see what happens in the future though! How about you guys? What game would you move too if you'd originally played Crucible?
Hey guys. Since this topic has absolutely come to a head in the last few days, I want to say something else about it and I'm going to pin this comment. The current drama surrounding the game isn't coming out of nowhere. I posted this video a month ago and even being a crappy complaint video, it quickly became one of my top video's. That says something. You'll notice that in this video, I talked about events happening as long ago as last fall. The community itself isn't just "angry for no reason". Anyone who acts like this is strange or coming from nowhere hasn't been paying attention. It's been as obvious as a "bridge out ahead" sign, then acting surprised when you're up to your eyeballs in water. Since Destiny was the ONLY game I played for a long time and since I'm an ex developer myself, I've paid very close attention to what's been going on. The community started becoming more frustrated than usual late last fall. By the time Christmas rolled around, the issues like text chat being perpetually down, the API being down, the game constantly kicking people and crashing, etc, these were becoming so common and affecting SO many users that frustrations began to grow. This stuff sticks in people's proverbial craw and the more common the issues are, the more people hit their limit for tolerance. Since I get the distinct feeling someone, somewhere, is going to try and poo poo this like the company is cranking out rock solid, reliable projects and we're just a bunch of ungrateful plebs who blew up into an unruly mob out of the blue, but the truth is a bit closer to us being tired of neglect (crucible, gambit), ripping up entire chunks of the game (Sunsetting all the early content, sunsetting all the early guns, ripping up the entire crucible playlist) and constant tech issues ("12/26 players, tower full", API, text chat, constant server disconnects with cute animal name errors, etc) to the point that we're growing angry. When your own company forums grow from a mix of thanks/reports/complaints to nearly exclusively complaints over months to years, it's NOT out of nowhere. Personally, this doesn't involve me at all anymore since I've moved on, but I still feel for the community since I still have very close friends who play the game nearly every day and are themselves gradually getting frustrated and burned out. Being burned out is our own fault, but frustrated about company sourced issues isn't. Lastly, if you're feeling burned out or angry, the world IS bigger than destiny. I started this channel for one reason: To help people. That's it. Not for money, not for fame (Clearly! Lol! ). Destiny HAS been a big part of our many of our lives, but it's easy to get so neck deep that we get swept up in the emotional rollercoaster. Don't let it. Be the person you want to be. I get it, for some of us, it's BRUTALLY hard since we love the feel and flow of the game and there's just nothing else like it, but it's not worth your own personal mental health. If you're in a rut like *I* was, it's probably healthy to try and just get out of it and move on. I wish you all the best and thank you to everyone who supported the Destiny content. You guys rock. :)
The witness has seized control over the forums lol
I had to give you a like AND a love for this one! Lol!
i enjoy rift but yes it shouldn't be in comp at all. rift was also the reason i got the iron lord seal when it changed and got it the first time it came
Given the state of the rest of the game is it really any surprise? Bungie doesn't give a shit because, quite frankly, they dont need to care. People still give this fuck up of a company money (yes im guilty of that as well) so they have no incentive to change anything.
Just discovered your channel through the power slide vid (bc despite unhealthy amount of time playing, i still accidentally crouch in place instead of sliding away).I think that for rift to leave, players would need to suggest some other objective based mode to replace it (maybe the bomb defuse/detonate one?) , since bungie's insistence on having rift in comp was because they felt that modes without objectives encouraged more passive play.
Lol! Don't feel bad, I've gotten to the point the power slide thing is like breathing for me most of the time and I still do the crouch/bob thing once in a while. :P hehe! As for the Rift thing though, you might be right, but that still doesn't explain why they would have seen their own forums explode last fall/winter to the point that "Rift" complaints were more common than every other topic combined in late December (Literally) and then some, then conclude that the way to make the community happy is to take the mode people are absolutely freaking out about and push it into Iron Banner, Competitive, the weekly rotator AND crucible labs, all at the same time. Ah well. It was good while it lasted. :) And thanks for posting. I hope you liked the power slide video! I still find it hilarious that my most popular video is about sliding on my arse in a video game!
yea rift should go hahahha
Sadly, that's about as likely to happen as them fixing melee registration or being able to join someone at the tower. :P
least rift is more competitive then fucking survival
like i still DON'T understand how the fuck that is a "competitive" gamemode when all it is is "the weakest link"
Not even true in the slightest that's it's more competitive, I've had way more sweaty games of survival rather than the curb stomp mode of rift, where one team always just takes off in score cause rift is just horribly balanced in D2
@Slapsfaceonkeyboard yes because the buggy mess that is survival is so much better
Killed 2 people in one super with only one life left?
Both revive
Haven't died once and have been actually doing decent in killing but a team mate is dying repeatedly
Stupid bullshit
The other two comp gamemodes allowing you to rez team mates along with trials allowing to rez as well vs THE SINGULAR "competitive" gamemode where you can't
Truly a "competitive" experience of bashing ur head against a wall
@@TechStomper21 I've yet to have any bugs with Survival that weren't the same bugs I see in EVERY other mode. Survival is infinitely better than rift as a comp mode, because then you can actually have some genuine game play and you stand some chance to catch up through out, where as rift is just "let's grab the sp- and they dunked it already" 5 times over for one of the two teams