Cindy McCain on Sarah Palin and film, "Game Change"

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 มี.ค. 2012
  • Cindy McCain rejects Sarah Palin's portrayal in HBO's film "Game Change" on the '08 Republican Party during the election

ความคิดเห็น • 117

  • @miaanne3646
    @miaanne3646 4 ปีที่แล้ว +30

    Game change was very fair to everyone especially sarah, she was portrayed with empathy

  • @starbuck4774
    @starbuck4774 12 ปีที่แล้ว +22

    You know perfectly well she's gonna go see it

  • @dwayners13
    @dwayners13 11 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    Did she honestly say "Sarah served our country loyally", didn't she quit her job as governor to go on her book tour, become a political pundit on Fox News, do a reality show & explore the possibility of a presidential run. I don't think quitting before your term is up is being loyal to your country. Now, that's not to say her decision to quit before her term was over wasn't in Alaska's best interest. That was perhaps the best thing she did for the great state of Alaska.

  • @laddieangus1730
    @laddieangus1730 11 ปีที่แล้ว +32

    "She has served our country loyally and been a good stalwart for many, many years..."
    WHO is she talking about? Palin has held only ONE semi-serious (Come on, it was Alaska) political office in her entire life and then QUIT that one after serving only one half of the term. It seems both Cyndy and the Quitttah form Wassila are operating with "limited bandwidth".

  • @infracaca
    @infracaca 11 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    she hasn't watched the movie, but she rejects Sarah Palin's portrayal in it?

  • @ghayath2011
    @ghayath2011 10 ปีที่แล้ว +26

    I loved Game Change

  • @Scallopshell98
    @Scallopshell98 12 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I thought it actually made McCain look good

  • @UrbanDecayLova247
    @UrbanDecayLova247 11 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    That's true, but all I'm saying is Palin is not gonna know how she is portrayed unless she watches the movie. Someone can't critique a movie if they have never seen it before.

  • @stacylarness1634
    @stacylarness1634 11 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Loyal, eh? Even though her husband wants Alaska to break away from the US?

  • @lookbothways744
    @lookbothways744 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Palin can dish it out but she can't take it. They whine how she has been bashed when her whole agenda is cheap remarks and one line insults.

  • @patricklord2575
    @patricklord2575 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Haha, at the end of this clip she totally said strong, “dependent” woman, huh? Freudian slip much? I’m actually thinking that was about the most accurate statement in the entire video. I don’t think she once took personal responsibility for any of her numerous mistakes in that train wreck of a campaign. Very prescient and forgiving. I don’t think McCain would have won either way, but Palin was definitely no help.

  • @laddieangus1730
    @laddieangus1730 11 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I'm sorry cyndy, did you say the movie unfairly singled out Palin because there was also a female candidate on "the other side of the isle.." who was not scrutinized? WTF? Wow, she really is Palin clone. The "other side of isle" had Biden for Veep. NOT a female. Palin shot herself in the foot every time she opened her mouth. Like her foreign policy credentials. Laughable! BTW, the Alaska Legislature labeled her term as governor "rife with ethical violations".

  • @frogstamper
    @frogstamper 11 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    How anybody can say Palin was anything but a disaster for the GOP campaign baffles me, surely even the most conservative of voters cannot say she is anywhere near intelligent enough to hold high office.
    Even 4 years later and with all the help she has no doubt had, she still appears to not know her ass from her elbow....ask her any question and she rambles off on a tangent, her problem is she talks an awful lot but says absolutely nothing.

  • @lilmojett
    @lilmojett 9 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Think I would've preferred Cindy McCain over Palin as the VP choice.

  • @westcoastdude4777
    @westcoastdude4777 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    This interview did not age well.

  • @Chicoandtheman
    @Chicoandtheman ปีที่แล้ว +2

    OF COURSE SHE SAW IT! Lol. Good lord, she may “say” she wasn’t gonna watch it, but only a fool in that position would not watch it. Furthermore, for her to defend her that way shows me that she never saw any of Palin’s foot in the mouth interviews, because if she had she wouldn’t be so kind and generous towards a woman who singe handedly tanked her own chances of becoming First Lady.

  • @AdZaOn
    @AdZaOn 10 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Yeah served her country for many years and years...wait did she last one term as govenour?

  • @marecku21
    @marecku21 9 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    bing crosby wrote: "the movie was brilliant. I don't believe it to be a slap on Sarah Palin. It showed that she was very human, and made mistakes like all of us. It really is a must see movie." That is an odd spin on things. Nobody ever thought Sarah Palin wasn't human. The problem with her was her complete incompetence and seeming inability to string together a logical thought. Also she was narrow-minded, self-centered, prone to tantrums and binges of irrationality, unbelievably stubborn and willful, and she inevitably became abusive when she didn't get her way. This film shows, from the inside of the campaign, what we had basically all pieced together watching her amateurish efforts. The McCain campaign tried its damndest to keep this very damaging info under wraps, but they were mostly unsuccessful in that. How you can say this film was not a grave hit to her reputation and standing is beyond me. It puts her in unbelievably bad light. Sure Palin and the McCains deny it, but the info all comes from inside the campaign and the two main people, Steve Schmidt and Nicole Wallace stand behind this account. I see no reason to suspect they fabricated this story.

  • @laddieangus1730
    @laddieangus1730 11 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    "some people went after her for getting expensive dresses..." Yes, ane MANY more people went after her for knowing virtually nothing about our country's history (Paul Revere gaffe), our country's political system (The Veep isn't in charge of the Senate!), world events ("country" of Africa and N/S Korean history) nor anything about our major allies (The Queen is the head of the UK). So, NO, the issue of expensive clothing was not the basis of the "Palin criticism". You need to read more.

  • @stuk689
    @stuk689 11 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I'm not trying to be an asshole either but how can you say that this movie was hard on her? It's a detailed portrayal of what she did, how she acted, and what took place during her campaign. It's like trying to say that Schindlers List was too hard on the Nazi's! No it wasn't.. It's an accurate portrayal of history and you cannot dispute that. It may not be dead on but it's damn near close according to the people who lived it