Yeah exactly. It’s like he’s SO CLOSE to acknowledging that actual “libertarian” ideals are just ideal of maximum freedom and personal democracy. Which means it’s inherently leftist. And that the right wing invokes the cool label of libertarianism to just say they don’t want taxes and oversight for mega rich people, what little oversight they even have. This guy’s close. I feel like he’ll get it soon. Maybe he’s caught few more RenegadeCut videos and has finished acknowledging both him and human rights he refers to as “libertarianism” are left ideas.
@@lt0295It sounds like he already does. I'd say hes a libertarian socialist who knows hes a libertarian socialist, but he doesn't call himself that because of the meme/he wants to treat the words as redundant. To say "libertarian socialist" would be to imply "libertarian capitalism" which he does not respect
One day we’re gonna get a video titled “Sam debates the God of Libertarianism” and it’s just gonna be Sam standing in the technicolor dimension talking to a ball of light.
tHe wAlls aRe cloSing iN..... tHe wAlls aRe cloSing iN..... tHe wAlls aRe cloSing iN..... tHe wAlls aRe cloSing iN..... tHe wAlls aRe cloSing iN..... tHe wAlls aRe cloSing iN..... tHe wAlls aRe cloSing iN..... tHe wAlls aRe cloSing iN..... tHe wAlls aRe cloSing iN..... tHe wAlls aRe cloSing iN..... tHe wAlls aRe cloSing iN..... tHe wAlls aRe cloSing iN.....
@@Deemo202 that’s because libertarianism, although somewhat amorphous, is truly the best form way to govern. But beyond the supposed ideas of any given Libertarian, I like the amorphous nature of it. People change. Ideas change. Our government should be able to adapt better, even within the confines of the specificity of our democratic republic.
For those wondering, this guy is trolling and defining libertarian in its original (anarchist) sense. He's essentially a libertarian socialist, like the CNT during the Spanish Civil War or like the Kurds in Rojava. He admits it at the end, basically.
Oh and also, there were good faith attempts by this flavor of libertarian to gain entry into the Libertarian Party, but being the "cucked beta soy party" it is, they were immediately banned.
I certainly got those vibes near the beginning. When he mentioned the CIA doing cancel culture on socialists I realized what was going on. This guy is doing great work. But I really do miss the Yaron Brooks/incandescent light bulb type libertarian with hilarious takes. I feel like they have gotten the message recently and just don't call in anymore 😂
@@controltherandomness9105 LOL, of course he's a socialist. Thats what libertarian originally meant in the US and currently around the world. The Rothbard and Mises bullshit sold here isn't real libertarianism. Never was. I suggest you start reading - begin with Proudhon and Kropotkin.
If you were impressed then I suggest you realize you were listening to a Leftist/Socialist. He is not even close to being a Libertarian. This segment is the equivalent to interviewing a pork eating vegetarian. Total nonsense.
Damn it I was ready for Sam and Emma to eviscerate another crazy libertarian. Then this guy had to go and be reasonable. Somebody quick find us a real libertarian to laugh at.
@Nicholas Time not by current standards. He's not a crybaby that just wants to not have to pay taxes but still get the benefits of living in a society.
@Nicholas Time I get that America is not the center of the world. However I live in America and have to deal with the the nutjubs here that call themselves libertarians. Worrying about the the agenda of other libertarians around the world doesn't prepare me for the libertarians I have to deal with. Which was the point of the joke in the first place. I'm sure you would take the same tactic. The political spectrum swings when you find yourself in a different part of a country let alone when you find yourself in a different part of the world. If you can't comprehend what you are dealing with and address it strictly by the original definition you're setting yourself up for failure.
@Nicholas Time Nah, in Norway, Libertarians are just the American type morons. Same holds true for most of europe. Right now, America decides what libertarianism is for all nations without a very strong libertarian tradition/political party. No one is going by the romanian or bulgarian or brazillian model or anything. America very much is the center of the world. You'd know that if you lived in a small nation outside of the US. America colours every corner of the world due to its dominance in tech, art, entertainment and warfare. During the 80s, literally 99% of the population of the planet wanted to live in california. That stuff doesn't just fade away over night. 9/10 "cool people" are Americans. 95% of all rich people you've ever heard of are Americans. Believe me, America very much is the center of the world. When the American economy crashes it literally brings down the rest of the planet..... Center of the world for sure.
@@marcning918 America literally is the center of the world. People who say it isn't either live in enormous nations or asia. For the west, America is very much the center of the world in the same way that Britain was under the era of colonization and empire. The US has more or less a monopoly on art, movies and entertainment as a whole.. When the US economy craps out, the whole world suffers.. If any nation can be called "the center of the world" then that is definitely America today and the past 50++ years. Probably since WW2 to be honest. "Western culture" is white American culture for the most part. Bad American ideas crop up in Europe all the time. The Anti Woke movement is global even though it very much started in the US. We have those clowns all over Europe freaking out about transgender people and gays and stuff again due to America losing its grip on reality.. The homophobes and transphobes kinda didn't exist in public for a while, then america threw a transgender tantrum and the rest of the world's conservatives freaked out in unison... For _no reason._ And now we have to deal with American style mouth breathing idiots who parrot their American masters' every world. Jordan Peterson has had talks in Norway multiple times in the past few years. That's the level of brain rot that America manages to infect the world with. Switzerland doesn't have some crazy lunatic travelling the world spreading "western cultural ideas" and hysteria. Dude couldn't even spread that in canada, had to go to the US, then he became a global phenomenon... Cause the US is like a bullhorn for crazy. As a Norwegian I can tell you that the US was the most influential external force on us for as long as I've lived(45 years). 90% of the stuff you hear and see in terms of movies and music is American. Our constitution is based partly on the US constitution (as is the French constitution and many others.) And when the US goes to war, so does most of Europe due to NATO. When the US says "jump" we say "what? again with this? Ok I guess we jump." When the US defines Libertarianism, that's what it'll be. Burundi or Belgium won't be deciding jack squat cause they have no influence, and political ideologies change all the time. Libertarianism today is NOT lefty libertarianism, it's anti tax libertarianism for the dumbest of clowns.
"I think the Libertarian party of America is the most soy beta cuck party imaginable" - I desperately want to find myself in a conversation where I can pull that out, that's fkn brilliant! 😂
Bankers run the world. "Give me control of a nation's money supply and I care not who makes its laws" ALL politicians are bought off. Democrats and Republicans makes no difference. These so called representatives do not represent YOU(the people) Sam is no different than Sean Hannity. They present different opinions but, when it comes to this topic they never discuss it. Just look at the titles to Sam Seder's posts here. It is basically the cult of personality. Soap opera of politics. What one politician said. What one politician said about another politician's comment(a reaction) Or some pundit reply to a politician's reaction to another politician's comment etc etc etc. Round and round you go and nothing improves. Check this out. The economist Milton Friedman had a PBS special back in 1980 where he discussed topics that challenging the U.S. at the time. He had guests from both sides-left and right. The series was titled: "Free to Choose" and can be found on TH-cam. Here's my point. Whether you agree or disagree with Friedman watch this series. There is about 5,6,7 shows with each one on a different topic of discussion. Tell me if anything has changed! It's all the same topics, all the same arguments, all the same frustration! Round and round we go. Once you recognize this you will see all these shows as a total waste of time. Total bullshit.
So as sad/crazy as it seems, I believe that all elections are rigged. If you and a small group of people controlled everything how would you maintain control? You would have to control information. You would have to make sure the people don't learn about your takeover. You have to buy off all media that would expose your plot. You would have to make sure that the schools don't teach the truth or you would eventually face future generations of people who know what you're doing. You would have to make sure all politicians who rise to high power positions don't let the cat out of the bag. So only those that play ball are allowed to climb the latter to high office. If you look into this it has all happened. All with the power to create money out of thin air. The power to create money is a powerful one. Why do you think originally you could not create dollars unless you had physical gold to back it up. This limited this power. Kept those with evil intentions in check. I've said enough. I know I'm probably wasting my time and you tuned out,dismissed what I said with multiple excuses and that's fine. Only you can see this when you are ready to see it. I can't make you see it if you're not ready to see it. All I ask is to try and look at the possibilities. Now and then challenge your beliefs.
Oh and seeing your name I wanted to mention something. I'm not well verse in the Bible but was wondering if you ever heard the story of Jesus and the money changers? It is the only time Jesus showed anger throwing over the tables and whipping those responsible. So this is no different than what goes on today except no one is brave enough to turn the tables. We are not the land of the free(we are debt slaves)nor the home of the brave(we are cowards)
Great call. Even if it is a fools errand I think it’s more than worth the effort for the laughs it produces. Mockery is a great form of praxis especially when your rooted in a deeper history.
Only thing that works on conservatives these days is mockery and belitteling, and that's what we should do. Call them out for being hysterical about Transgender stuff. Call them out about how emotional gays make them. Mock them for worshipping men and getting sucked into the manosphere. Mock them for red light treatment of their balls.. Mock them for how afraid they are about "men" disappearing. Mock them for spending their welfare check on Trump merch that is all made in China. Just flat out mock them for being the stupid pathetic terrified backwards mouth breathers that they are. We've "engaged" with these guys for far too long. They've not supplied any new ideas in the past 100 years, and it's probably time we STOP TAKING THEM SERIOUSLY and start treating them like the dumb little goofs they are. Put your bullying gloves on and mock them out of existence. They've become parodies of themselves and we really just need to point out how terrified they are of everything. I'm pretty sure 95% of all doomsday bunkers are made by conservatives. They're also the ones stockpiling weapons to feel safe. It's time we just acknowledge the facts: They're terrified little beta cucks and we've given credibility to their fake macho nonsense for too long. They can't both be the people who decide what manliness is AND the people who see nothing but ads for burglery alarms, guns, gun safes, bunkers and doomsday food buckets when they watch whatever right wing nonsense they watch... Ever notice how much security advertising there is on FOX? THEY ARE TERRIFIED. Marketers know where the dollars live, and it's with the right wingers who need to feel safe. Lesser men who need to dig themselves into the ground to not feel anxious about the world. Mock them for what they are, disregard what they pretend to be.
Yeah totally agree, the same people who misunderstand the spirit of socialism and communism also misunderstand the intent of [decent] well read libertarians. It's the same brain rot at least in America.
Marvin I call that propaganda. You better check yourself and wake up. Let's say I claim to have someone who believes as you and claims YOU taught them everything he/she knows. And I interview them and everything he/she says is a total misrepresentation of your beliefs-yet gives credit to you dropping your name constantly. No different here. Have someone claiming to be a Libertarian and in reality they're a socialist/leftist I don't know if you noticed but just about every Libertarian Sam has on is not even close.
@@controltherandomness9105 you can call it what you want. I am a propagandist every time I try to spread ideas. The label of Libertarian used to mean you were a socialist. By calling yourself one and dropping some history, theory, and authors it might get people to actually do some digging and learn some actual socialist theory. Labels don’t mean much to me, but rather the history and theory that helps you analyze the world. I know socialists that join the libertarian party in places to try and reclaim it for the left and bring a better politics to the party. Whether they will succeed or not who knows. I don’t care about policing peoples labels, what I care most about is breaking up the ability of one human being to be able to exploit another or the natural world. As far as how we do that…we treat it like science. We have an theory of change, we experiment, we compare results and reframe our next experiment again based on the evidence from past ones.
I've grown out of the internet debate content over the years, I'll never grow out of watching Sam clown these guys though. Over a decade of content and it never gets old. Edit: this man tricked me, he's an ACTUAL libertarian
The paper he references, "Le Libertaire", was founded by Joseph Dejacque, who was the first to use the word as a political term, and who is regarded as the first libertarian communist/anarcho-communist theorist.
Anarcho /communist? If anarchist live under no ruler, and a communist live under the tyrant STATE... Then how can one be a blend of the two?They are opposites.
@@controltherandomness9105 With all due respect, you're misunderstanding what "communism" actually is. Communism is a proposed future post-capitalist form of society that would actually be a stateless, classless, and moneyless society, in which social organization is decentralized and non-hierarchical, and in which the material wealth produced by society is freely and equitably distributed to all. There are many different forms of communism, with one of the main differences between them being how to achieve such a society. Marxists, and particularly Marxist-Leninists and related tendencies, believe that a state-socialist transition period, with state power being centralized under a vanguard party, is necessary to reorganize the economy in preparation for the eventual future stateless phase of full communism. So, when people regard "communism" as the highly centralized and authoritarian state control of the economy, what they are actually thinking of are these Marxist-Leninist transitional states that are governed by communist parties. Anarchist communists, as well as some libertarian/left communist forms of Marxism, reject this strategy of a transitional state socialist phase, and instead believe that both capitalism and the state should be dismantled and replaced more or less at the same time for communism to be achieved.
So you describe a balancing act between Total free no centralized power vs Marxist-Leninists type of Communism. Label things however you want. I am for freedom and liberty, sound money(gold silver).proverty rights a free market and small government. The result with many systems is the problem of inflation and a total destruction of the currency. It happens to all because it is human nature to take that route. To gain more power through money(fiat) creation to fund bigger and bigger promises. Eventually the economy is destroyed. The gold and silver money which was working in the first half of this country's lifetime, along with actual real free market capitalism, was eventually taken over and we are we we are today because of it. Hyperinflation is at our doorstep.
This past month during my drives to or from work I have been mainly listening to Sam Seder debating *insert generic political ideology* I love that there is a new one!
@@controltherandomness9105 one of the rules of being "libertarian" is each individual gets to define what exactly what a libertarian is....this guy has captured it in its true form.....No different than the rest of the dumdum libertarian callers who never once have agreed with each other. Do some homework.
@@foolsfolly3476 No, he's a left-libertarian, an anarcho-communist. The Libertarian Party is a classical liberal party. The word libertarian still hold it's original meaning (a libertarian form of socialism) for many on the far-left. It's what many people in antifa are, for example.
Lol he's not really libertarian he never talked about any right wing libertarian policy he basically falls in line with left wing socialist policy which is why so many people here are agreeing with him. But hey if they have to call themselves libertarian to make a good point I'm all for it
@@OrElseEllipsis1945 It even holds its original meaning in Europe, only in America it means something completely different, which is mind boggling like so many other things America appropriated just to make it worse. So yeah I take slight issue with Sam saying the ship has sailed, cos it's only that giant and stupid American ship.
Me for the first few minutes: "This guy can't possibly be libertarian, he didn't advocate for slavery or the abolishment of age of consent laws even once!"
So let me get this straight, you think Libertarian want slavery? What we have today is slavery. You would understand this if you understood the difference between money and fiat currency. The STATE is enslaving us by destroying the purchasing power of the dollar. Inflation! This is why we are falling behind year after year.
@@controltherandomness9105 I'm just basing my expectations on the other "libertarians" I've seen debate in various online venues. Many, when pressed, have no problem with the idea of desperate people "voluntarily entering into a contract" that amounts to slavery, or something very close to it. That's what I'm talking about. Saying that inflation is slavery, however, diminishes the horror of that institution, which in my opinion is actively harmful.
Alan I feel your concern when entering a contract in today's economy. You are looking at an economy that has been destroyed by a Central Bank that continues to inflate the currency in order to enable the Federal Government to spend money it doesn't have. Like I said this is why the standard of living has decreased. It is theft. I have to work two jobs and my wife also has to work just to make ends meet. My grandfather worked a blue collar job, didn't finish high school but got married had three kids bought a house paid it off and saved for his own retirement. Who is wealthier? I make $50,000 a year and after expenses I have $5000 in savings (10%) Or someone 70 years ago who earns $5000 a year and saves $2500(50%) It is theft. It is slavery because I have to work more and more and for who's benefit? The Government! Because it is the Federal Government through the Federal Reserve that is the cause of the inflation! Slavery-man goes in field and works all day. Slave owner gets the benefit. You work. I eat. Get it. It is slavery.
Yes Ned some days it is slow and I also have breaks and lunch. I do this because I see things getting worst not better. I try to have these conversations just to get a few to think about the other opinion. Hear from the other side. That's what troubles me about Sam Seder. He misrepresents a Libertarian's viewpoint. I hear the left-Seder,Pakman,Kulinski,Hartman,TYT totally misrepresent the right. They all project this view that the right is evil because (fill in the blank) I know being a Libertarian and the difference between money and currency, gold/silver vs fiat paper, the fact that it's not about being evil to not raise the minimum wage, or to give money to the poor or build more public housing-it's more of a question of who's going to pay? Or that's not an efficient way to run an economy etc. And being a Libertarian I see all the wasteful spending the right does too, on Wars for instance. And that a big one. Our military spending is greater than all the other nations combined. Truth be told it is all connected to the dollar being the world Reserve currency. If another country decides to ditch the dollar and use real money-gold!- they get bombed. So not everything is what it seems. All evil shit. I don't agree with that at all. And understand-those running this system-politicians are Evil, but the people out there that call themselves Republicans, they are not. They believe all the lies that their party is feeding them. It is no different than the people who support the left. They believe the lies their party tells them too. Everyone 99% are being misled. All by Government and Corporations working together. Profiting from the people which they keep them divided fighting amongst themselves. Sam and company are profiting selling their propaganda along with the right list of characters. Rush Limbaugh, Hannity, Tucker, etc etc
Prior to leaving the LP about 5 years ago, after nearly 30 card-carrying years, I tried hard to find a left-leaning libertarian like me but only found 1! That must be him. All the rest had moved to the hard right corner of the LP, many (most) becoming trump supporters. I've been calling myself a Progressive since. Bernie, AOC and Nina Turner are my heroes. Yes, the LP was becoming more mainstream, earning 5% of the public vote before the takeover by the Tea Party wing. They get the honor of having contributed to the downfall of 2 parties!
There's a lot of left-libertarians/libertarian socialists in the DSA, and there are a lot of left-libertarian anti-fascist "organizations". Antifa, for example, is decentralized and with no hierarchy.
So you list your heroes. How can you be a former libertarian and now hold those socialists up as heroes. What Libertarians were you listening to? Do you know the difference between currency and money? Do you understand inflation? I think you are a ship lost in a sea of fools who ever you listened to when you were a libertarian, and now with the socialists that you are listening to.
@@controltherandomness9105 duh, Progressives are not "Socialists" but that's why an intelligent discussion with maga conservatives is impossible! You have your own "alternate reality" and logic and debate have no chance with your hypocritical circular logic!
M57 I'm happy to inform you I am not a MAGA Republican. I do live in reality. It is people who believe politicians such as AOC, or Bernie Sanders, or ANY politician for that matter is going to make a difference. Stop putting faith in these people to help you, and put faith in yourself. There is nothing to be gained from Sam Seder. You have to wake up. Protect yourself. Look into what is causing inflation. Learn the difference between money and currency. Learn skills. Blue collar working with your hands skills. Work off the grid while you still can and save. Not in a bank account because the government is going to seize your funds when hyperinflation hits. Again off the grid where they can't touch it. Buy silver and store it at home. Again if you keep it at a bank security box the bank has the right to take it in times of crisis. Look it up. This is coming. Watch the bond market. It's already in trouble. When it collapses the stock market will soon follow and death to the dollar will be the result. But if you hold silver and have skills you will be able to survive. Good luck
The word Libertarian in politics originated with the French-language American newspaper "Le Libertaire" which was mainly a vessel for Joseph Dejacque, exiled french anarchist, who criticized contemporary anarchists, as they were call, from a position we would today call anarcho-communism. He was much more left than Proudhon, who spearheaded the early movement but would today be likened to a mutualist. Libertaire and all its non-english derivatives are still used by the left, especially in Europe, and, for the right wingers, a derivative of Libertarian is used as that movement is very much an american fabulation
That call must’ve taken quite a bit of understanding and research to get to the end of it there. He had them on the line for a good while, said all the right things to play the part of the “The Last True Libertarian”, and then dropped the bomb at the end. Straight kudos that legend. Genuinely great call.
holy shit this guy is based af. the world would be in such a different place if the libertarian movement wasn't hijacked and intentionally subverted in the 1960's... in fact my journey to the left began with the knowledge of _that_ fact specifically. felt like i had lived my entire life unaware of an entire other quadrant of the political spectrum and it really pissed me off how much i was lied to
finally a true libertarian on the show. this is the epitome of socio-libertarian beliefs, and i'm glad there's more out there that share my beliefs. hell yea brother
Sounds like he's a follower of Henry George w/r/t his position on land/property 'rights'. * _edit_ to be clear, i also am in agreement w/ the 'Georgist' view on land ownership - that ALL land must be considered 'public' to avoid the massively socially destructive situation we are currently suffering w/ speculation/profiteering of land/real estate, leading to increasing homelessness & general poverty in the US
He seems to have gotten a few ideas from Georgism, but I think he is an anarcho-communist, as he said multiple things that also line up with that ideology, while also saying he was a communist at the end.
Their are two kinds of 'libertarians' and you can distinquish them based on if they egalitarian or anti-egalitarian. The anti-egalitarian 'Ayn Rand' libertarian wants governement reduced so they can personaly rise above others and view government and really any societal contract based on equality as 'lowering' them from their rightful place. Aka these are the libertarians of the Incredibles movies who view government as analagous to the villain Syndrome and view it as motivated by resentment (a rather trasparent projection of their own feelings), and even come to see helping others as evil in itself even if it dose not come at any detriment to them, their 'rank' is what they feel is sacrosant. The inverse type of Libertarian, the anarcho-libertarian want to eliminate government because they feel it is creating heirarchy which would not otherwise be able to exist, they think equality will rise with less government. While they may have good egalitarian intent they are simply wrong on the methodology, with sufficient education of history realize that progressive politics is the way to achive what they want.
Around 7:00, when he brought up property rights, that's when I knew. Up until then I thought he was a right wing libertarian who was trying to find common ground with the show, though I did suspect he was arguing from the anarchist viewpoint. He talked of hierarchy in the beginning. That's not a concern of right wing "libertarians". They, due to a certain silly novelist, they think hierarchy in capitalism is automatically justified. Bosses, slum lords, massive business magnates etc are all justified. Though they often try to argue that the last example shouldn't be possible in "real" capitalism if they state didn't cheat and prevent competition from start kicking in.
@@rage2904 I realized something was fishy the second he suggested to "shrink government" by firing 100 senators and hiring 750 house representatives from each state :D Somehow those numbers didn't quite add up to "shrinking the government." "Wait.. Did he just add like 40.000 people to the government to shrink it?..."
@@vgaportauthority9932 just to clarify something, the argument caller was making was to increase the number of representatives to around 770. If you look up "Wyoming Rule", that's what caller was saying. However, caller also called for direct democracy when saying the ideal is to have 200 million adults be the representatives.
Throughout the whole call he sounded like such a rare libertarian, especially in that he didn't sound terminally online like so many of them. And then he dropped "soy beta cuck" out of nowhere and it killed me
I am not a libertarian in any shape or form. But theoretically this guy is right. Private property requires heavy government intervention. Land registries, adjudication system like courts, enforcement systems like Police, labour rules for people to work on that land, the list is endless. The only way to forgo all that is how we used to do it 300 or 400 years ago. Communal ownership which need not be enforced. Just rules to share the produce of the land. Without serfdom, which is very much a European institution, it can work The reason I don't support it is that such communities will develop petty tyrants and a caste system
Yes but libertarians also believe that you just have to enforce all that yourself through the biggest guns you have. You are correct about petty tyrants and caste (by gun sizes)
Anytime I see “Libertarian” w Sam I know I’m in for a laugh 🤣 … or horror , like when Yaron Brook replied “Why should we care?” when a condo kills 100+ of its denizens.
"Why should we care??" Some of us just do, cause we have empathy. You outed yourself as a psychopath, Yaron... So many libertarians are psychopaths who are totally unaware of the concept of empathy, maybe even for the people closest to them. MOST libertarians have no empathy for anyone but their immediate family. And their empathy for their family is usually pretty fickle.
The thing that most Libertarians don't seem to understand is that even if they were voted into power they still would never be able to accomplish any of the things that they envision or aspire to. The cultural inertia in this country would be nearly impossible to overcome, and in the end it would fail in extremely destructive ways.
This guy is a 19th century libertarian, in other words Libertarian Socialist which is very based Seems like he is some sort of mutualist? The few ppl that actually say small government for the right reason
I mean, left wing libertarians exist (eg. Green Party), and anarcho-communism *is* the OG form of libertarianism. So in essence, Jack from Florida is the *only true libertarian* who has called Sam Seder.
Well he’s actually under the umbrella term “libertarian socialist” or even could be dwindled down to anarcho communist. The only true way that libertarian ideology actually works.
For a while I thought he was going to advocate Georgism, the truest form of libertarianism, but then was disappointed that it was just a communist trolling. Henry George did advocate abolishing the Senate. He said that if there must be two houses of congress, then one house should be 100% female. Writing in the 1880s, he said that so long as women did not have equal representation in legislatures that they should not be punished for violating any laws those legislatures passed. His preference was not bicameralism though, but a single house of congress which either elected one representative of each gender in each district, or where there was no explicit gender quota but no bills could ever be passed without the support of a majority of representatives of both genders. That means no laws could be made at all without any women in Congress,. If there was only one congresswoman, she could veto anything and would be as powerful as all the congressmen combined. (Henry George also seemed to take it for granted that men and women should be equal in all marriages. He did have arguments for why it was better for one parent to stay home while the other worked, but saw no reason why that specialization should break down along gendered lines. He personally took the responsibility of homeschooling his 4 children while his wife worked outside of the home to provide the family's income during the years when he was writing his magnum opus "Progress and Poverty.") He advocated abolishing the army, the navy, and the state department. He recognized that diplomats are often more concerned with preparing for wars that benefit the power elite rather than avoiding conflict. He was for having just a few Federal officers to coordinate volunteer militias in case of invasions, never a standing army, and for avoiding any sort of entangling alliances. He was a strong advocate for free trade, but opposed free trade agreements as they are usually just ways to enshrine special privileges for favored industries. He was not a drinker, and though temperance was best as a personal choice, but was strongly against sin taxes like the excise on alcohol. He at one point advocated abolishing all intellectual property monopolies, but was eventually convinced to back down to a more moderate view where we ban any sort of patent protection but allow a limited copyright for something like 7 years max with plenty of fair use exceptions for critique and parody. The called for "pensions for all," which we would now call a Universal Basic Income. He was for the government controlling natural monopolies like railroads, although he thought it was fine for private companies to own the cars and run the trains if the government could coordinate their movement well enough to prevent crashes. His main focus of course was calling for the levy of high (as close to 100% as feasible without risking going over) Land Value Taxes. He argued that individual humans have a natural right to property in the fruit of their own labor, but not in any natural resources not made by their labor. (Earlier classical liberals such as John Locke, Adam Smith, and Thomas Paine had said the same thing, but George argued more eloquently, more rigorously, and with greater emphasis on this point.) Land is by right the common property of everyone. Individuals have a right to make use of the land so long as they are not depriving others of that same right. When a piece of land has no positive market value separate from any fixed improvements, then anyone should be able to claim it. When the market value of the land itself increases, however, that is proof that the Lockean Proviso is no longer being met. In such circumstances, the privilege of keeping others off the land must be balanced by a duty to compensate the dispossessed. In a primitive agricultural economy that could be done through Gleaners' Rights of tithes used to support the poor, but in a modern industrial society where the most valuable real estate is in the city cores it makes a lot more sense to have a state collect land value taxes that it can use to find public goods or distribute equally among all residents. Henry George wanted to abolish all other taxes except for land value taxes. It should be noted however that his reasoning would also permit or even encourage the use of Pigouvian taxes on such negative externalities as air and water pollution. The vast majority of Georgists today support carbon taxes to help solve global warming. Henry George was actually the first political economist to discuss the subject of global warming, almost a century before we had reason to believe it was happening. It was a purely hypothetical scenario he made up to discuss factors that could account for changing values of land. He also talked about how advancements in solar power generation could make barren deserts into prime real estate. George was also the first human to coin the term "Spaceship." The majority if his most famous book was dedicated to showing how Thomas Malthus was wrong about absolutely everything and haw Social Darwinism is entirely counterproductive. George was an active member of the Knights of Labor. He supported Union organizing and especially mutual aid, but generally opposed Strikes and always opposed violence against scabs.
I'm impressed. He did his research, found Thomas Payne, and hes much so that he mirrors being a socialist. Or just a much fairer system. which sounds decent.
He IS a socialist. The guy is using the original term libertarian, which was basically associated with anarcho-communists in the 19th century, he even references a French anarchist newspaper at the end ;)
libertarianism isnt really definable in a party, it has a left and right wing spectrum. essentially its the opposite of authoritarian, its why theres so much disagreement between them. liberal and conservative authoritarians exist, as do liberal and conservative libertarians. i think most people are more libertarian they they know. search a political compass test, see where you land.
Watching Sam's confused face when non of his anti-libertarian traps worked was hilarious. I don't know if I like the joke better knowing the crew was in on it or not. Better on the second viewing.
I'm laying here on my sofa at midnight ready to go to bed, see the title of this vid and think "ok, as usual this is going to be catnip to me, let's have some fun before I go to bed". Little did I know how fun it was truly going to be-for a minute I thought I was losing my mind 😂 wonderful call! 👍
Reclaim the term! It only seems like a fool’s errand in the US. In the rest of the world it’s still in contest. I don’t want to have to say I’m an anarcho syndicalist to pander to Americans when I’ve always considered myself a libertarian socialist.
Libertarian is such a ridiculous concept. If you don’t have centralized revenue… you can’t have a massive functioning country. It’s basically the Wild West. Who wants that?
I think maybe the point of the call (the bit) was to highlight some of the ways that liberalism is closer to libertarianism than right-wing ideology and conservatism. See Noam Chomsky's philosophy. He fancies himself as a progressive, liberal with libertarian leanings. It might actually destroy Rand Paul if he grew to realize that the ACLU was more libertarian than he was.
I liked Ron Paul for his monetary policy. End the Fed. Their other policies aren’t realistic, aside from non-interventionism. Proudly voted for him in 2012. Have since taken to Bernie.
@So Mad Yes, I get it I think basically what you are saying is it is the new breed of more prevalent libertarians that are the real LINO's not the older more traditional ones like this guy, is that right? Following that logic, I always make a point of referring to MAGA's as Trump RINO's as they are about as far from old school Republicans that you can get.
Hey there. 👋 I'm libertarian left, and totally on board with most of this guy's stuff. Hadn't really thought about dismantling the Senate. That was kinda out of left field. As far as landlords and rental property, I think it would be best to restrict companies and corporations from rental investments, but each individual should be able to own up to 10 rentals as long as they are following the landlord tenant act or an updated version that gives tenants more individual rights. I say this as a former property manager that is working on fixing up my first rental home as I live in it while renting the lower floor out. It's important to stand up for individual rights, but my individual rights shouldn't cause undue burdens on other people's rights. I also believe I'm a true libertarian, and with that comes the knowledge that I support a form of government. If we supported none, we would just be anarchists and refuse to vote or support libertarian candidates. My views on the subject of government are probably seriously different than most libertarians, but I believe we should have a multiparty system. Dems, reps, libertarian, green, hell we can keep a maga party if they calm tf down, and sprinkle in a couple more parties if we could.. yeah, I know it's all just a dream and I'll never see that world, but more parties would promote more accountability and representation from elected representatives. It would force them to actually pay attention to the voter base and the needs of the people to stay competitive with other parties. We wouldn't have to vote for a party that we only slightly agree with on a couple issues while the rest of the proposed policies are straight trash. Well... Y'all wouldn't at least. I support libertarian policies 100% pretty much, but they had to talk me into their views on nuclear power when I joined the party. I know there's plenty of wackjob libertarians that only support the economic and property policies without actually caring for justice reform, fair immigration policies and social equality for all, and I wish those people would stop trying to say they're libertarians. The N.A.P. and libertarian policies are made to bring everyone into a better world, not just libertarians.
Just tax the surplus land value and redistribute to the community via a dividend. The caller mentioned Thomas Paine, that was pretty much what he advocated in 'Agrarian justice'
2 minutes in and I cannot yet tell if he's doing a bit or not. lol. Edit: 8 minutes in and him talking about communities owning land and giving power to Native Americans was the giveaway he's working the crowd! Kudos to the caller for being cryptic enough to make it believable 8 minutes in.
Caller dropped hints throughout the whole thing. First hint was the quality on the audio, second was mentioning Thomas Paine, and more and more throughout.
"the CIA is engaging in cancel culture of socialist countries" is both a God-tier argument and a Carlin-tier joke
The school of the americas were sjw haters.
I’m not gonna lie I laughed everytime when he stopped himself from saying “‘functioning democracy”
Yeah exactly. It’s like he’s SO CLOSE to acknowledging that actual “libertarian” ideals are just ideal of maximum freedom and personal democracy. Which means it’s inherently leftist. And that the right wing invokes the cool label of libertarianism to just say they don’t want taxes and oversight for mega rich people, what little oversight they even have.
This guy’s close. I feel like he’ll get it soon. Maybe he’s caught few more RenegadeCut videos and has finished acknowledging both him and human rights he refers to as “libertarianism” are left ideas.
@@lt0295It sounds like he already does. I'd say hes a libertarian socialist who knows hes a libertarian socialist, but he doesn't call himself that because of the meme/he wants to treat the words as redundant. To say "libertarian socialist" would be to imply "libertarian capitalism" which he does not respect
One day we’re gonna get a video titled “Sam debates the God of Libertarianism” and it’s just gonna be Sam standing in the technicolor dimension talking to a ball of light.
Lmao this dude ended up being not ridiculous at all 😂
tHe wAlls aRe cloSing iN..... tHe wAlls aRe cloSing iN..... tHe wAlls aRe cloSing iN..... tHe wAlls aRe cloSing iN..... tHe wAlls aRe cloSing iN..... tHe wAlls aRe cloSing iN..... tHe wAlls aRe cloSing iN..... tHe wAlls aRe cloSing iN..... tHe wAlls aRe cloSing iN..... tHe wAlls aRe cloSing iN..... tHe wAlls aRe cloSing iN..... tHe wAlls aRe cloSing iN.....
Let's get Sam to play Disco Elysium!
@@Deemo202 that’s because libertarianism, although somewhat amorphous, is truly the best form way to govern. But beyond the supposed ideas of any given Libertarian, I like the amorphous nature of it. People change. Ideas change. Our government should be able to adapt better, even within the confines of the specificity of our democratic republic.
wow this guy is actually the last TRUE libertarian.
He's just a socialist libertarian. And probably an hasanabi head haha.
Nah, because I agree with all his points as a true libertarian.
An endangered species.
@@nicholasplesko533 Ancaps are also "true" libertarians.. but you don't agree with their arguments I assume...
@@tonyfranco7225 no they aren't. Capitalism is all about unjustifiable hierarchy
this guy is the best libertarian. I love how Sam immediately gets it and then starts feeding the line.
You mean feeding the LIE.
@@controltherandomness9105 Caller's version of libertarianism LONG predates the garbage that exists now in the states.
Epic! This is peak talking-heads opinion-porn. Wait for it… pay attention and wait for the reveal. 👏👏👏
For those wondering, this guy is trolling and defining libertarian in its original (anarchist) sense. He's essentially a libertarian socialist, like the CNT during the Spanish Civil War or like the Kurds in Rojava. He admits it at the end, basically.
Oh and also, there were good faith attempts by this flavor of libertarian to gain entry into the Libertarian Party, but being the "cucked beta soy party" it is, they were immediately banned.
RIght. So he *is* the last true libertarian.
Not enough people know that libertarianism was a left-wing term that was deliberately coopted by the right.
I certainly got those vibes near the beginning. When he mentioned the CIA doing cancel culture on socialists I realized what was going on. This guy is doing great work. But I really do miss the Yaron Brooks/incandescent light bulb type libertarian with hilarious takes. I feel like they have gotten the message recently and just don't call in anymore 😂
Yes, but he’s actually more reasonable than any non-troll libertarian caller…
Came here to watch a Libertarian get buried and instead watched a comrade stand.
Forreal, dude. Can't say I'm disappointed.
8:02 the Soviet anthem is playing in my head
HOLY SHIT! HE ACTUALLY IS THE LAST TRUE LIBERTARIAN! You need "Ladies and Gentleman, we *found* him!" on the sound board.
We got him
What are you talking about? He's a socialist.
@@controltherandomness9105 LOL, of course he's a socialist. Thats what libertarian originally meant in the US and currently around the world. The Rothbard and Mises bullshit sold here isn't real libertarianism. Never was. I suggest you start reading - begin with Proudhon and Kropotkin.
@@controltherandomness9105 libertarianism was a left wing ideology co-opted by the right wing. We call ourselves libertarian socialists now.
The fact he actually answered any question.. and spoke in complete sentences was a dead give away he wasn't a librarian.
*A right libertarian
Librarian 😂
Librarians never answer my questions about the Bolivian revolution
Actually made me take another look at the origins of libertarian movement, I was quite impressed with this guy lmao
1700-1800 libertarian movement was hardcore populist. A movement to include many movements. Now, it's completely opposite.
The libertarian movement originated from radical left wing spaces especially from anarchist traditions.
@@njm2699 Cataluña during Franquismo
@@Kostly it was called liberal back then. Liberty was the principle. Zero government.
If you were impressed then I suggest you realize you were listening to a Leftist/Socialist. He is not even close to being a Libertarian.
This segment is the equivalent to interviewing a pork eating vegetarian. Total nonsense.
10:05 "I think the Libertarian Party of America is the most soy beta cuck party imaginable."
- Jack, The Last True Libertarian
What a fucking giga hypersupernova chad
I love to see Sam's physical expressions of the joy he feels in his heart when he hears a true libertarian introduce themselves.
If there was a true libertarian on the phone, Sam would shit his pants or hang up as fast as he can.
Damn it I was ready for Sam and Emma to eviscerate another crazy libertarian. Then this guy had to go and be reasonable. Somebody quick find us a real libertarian to laugh at.
@Nicholas Time not by current standards. He's not a crybaby that just wants to not have to pay taxes but still get the benefits of living in a society.
@Nicholas Time I get that America is not the center of the world. However I live in America and have to deal with the the nutjubs here that call themselves libertarians. Worrying about the the agenda of other libertarians around the world doesn't prepare me for the libertarians I have to deal with. Which was the point of the joke in the first place. I'm sure you would take the same tactic. The political spectrum swings when you find yourself in a different part of a country let alone when you find yourself in a different part of the world. If you can't comprehend what you are dealing with and address it strictly by the original definition you're setting yourself up for failure.
@Nicholas Time Nah, in Norway, Libertarians are just the American type morons. Same holds true for most of europe.
Right now, America decides what libertarianism is for all nations without a very strong libertarian tradition/political party. No one is going by the romanian or bulgarian or brazillian model or anything. America very much is the center of the world. You'd know that if you lived in a small nation outside of the US. America colours every corner of the world due to its dominance in tech, art, entertainment and warfare.
During the 80s, literally 99% of the population of the planet wanted to live in california. That stuff doesn't just fade away over night. 9/10 "cool people" are Americans. 95% of all rich people you've ever heard of are Americans.
Believe me, America very much is the center of the world. When the American economy crashes it literally brings down the rest of the planet..... Center of the world for sure.
@@marcning918 America literally is the center of the world. People who say it isn't either live in enormous nations or asia. For the west, America is very much the center of the world in the same way that Britain was under the era of colonization and empire.
The US has more or less a monopoly on art, movies and entertainment as a whole..
When the US economy craps out, the whole world suffers..
If any nation can be called "the center of the world" then that is definitely America today and the past 50++ years. Probably since WW2 to be honest.
"Western culture" is white American culture for the most part. Bad American ideas crop up in Europe all the time. The Anti Woke movement is global even though it very much started in the US. We have those clowns all over Europe freaking out about transgender people and gays and stuff again due to America losing its grip on reality.. The homophobes and transphobes kinda didn't exist in public for a while, then america threw a transgender tantrum and the rest of the world's conservatives freaked out in unison... For _no reason._ And now we have to deal with American style mouth breathing idiots who parrot their American masters' every world. Jordan Peterson has had talks in Norway multiple times in the past few years. That's the level of brain rot that America manages to infect the world with. Switzerland doesn't have some crazy lunatic travelling the world spreading "western cultural ideas" and hysteria. Dude couldn't even spread that in canada, had to go to the US, then he became a global phenomenon... Cause the US is like a bullhorn for crazy.
As a Norwegian I can tell you that the US was the most influential external force on us for as long as I've lived(45 years). 90% of the stuff you hear and see in terms of movies and music is American. Our constitution is based partly on the US constitution (as is the French constitution and many others.) And when the US goes to war, so does most of Europe due to NATO. When the US says "jump" we say "what? again with this? Ok I guess we jump."
When the US defines Libertarianism, that's what it'll be. Burundi or Belgium won't be deciding jack squat cause they have no influence, and political ideologies change all the time. Libertarianism today is NOT lefty libertarianism, it's anti tax libertarianism for the dumbest of clowns.
@@marcning918 libertarian and Libertarian are different
"I think the Libertarian party of America is the most soy beta cuck party imaginable" - I desperately want to find myself in a conversation where I can pull that out, that's fkn brilliant! 😂
What party is for the people? None
Your vote means nothing.
Lol whoa edgy take bro
Bankers run the world.
"Give me control of a nation's money supply and I care not who makes its laws"
ALL politicians are bought off. Democrats and Republicans makes no difference. These so called representatives do not represent YOU(the people)
Sam is no different than Sean Hannity.
They present different opinions but, when it comes to this topic they never discuss it.
Just look at the titles to Sam Seder's posts here.
It is basically the cult of personality. Soap opera of politics. What one politician said. What one politician said about another politician's comment(a reaction)
Or some pundit reply to a politician's reaction to another politician's comment etc etc etc.
Round and round you go and nothing improves.
Check this out. The economist Milton Friedman had a PBS special back in 1980 where he discussed topics that challenging the U.S. at the time.
He had guests from both sides-left and right.
The series was titled:
"Free to Choose" and can be found on TH-cam.
Here's my point. Whether you agree or disagree with Friedman watch this series. There is about 5,6,7 shows with each one on a different topic of discussion.
Tell me if anything has changed! It's all the same topics, all the same arguments, all the same frustration!
Round and round we go.
Once you recognize this you will see all these shows as a total waste of time. Total bullshit.
So as sad/crazy as it seems, I believe that all elections are rigged.
If you and a small group of people controlled everything how would you maintain control?
You would have to control information. You would have to make sure the people don't learn about your takeover.
You have to buy off all media that would expose your plot. You would have to make sure that the schools don't teach the truth or you would eventually face future generations of people who know what you're doing.
You would have to make sure all politicians who rise to high power positions don't let the cat out of the bag. So only those that play ball are allowed to climb the latter to high office.
If you look into this it has all happened. All with the power to create money out of thin air. The power to create money is a powerful one. Why do you think originally you could not create dollars unless you had physical gold to back it up. This limited this power. Kept those with evil intentions in check.
I've said enough. I know I'm probably wasting my time and you tuned out,dismissed what I said with multiple excuses and that's fine.
Only you can see this when you are ready to see it. I can't make you see it if you're not ready to see it.
All I ask is to try and look at the possibilities. Now and then challenge your beliefs.
Oh and seeing your name I wanted to mention something. I'm not well verse in the Bible but was wondering if you ever heard the story of Jesus and the money changers?
It is the only time Jesus showed anger throwing over the tables and whipping those responsible.
So this is no different than what goes on today except no one is brave enough to turn the tables.
We are not the land of the free(we are debt slaves)nor the home of the brave(we are cowards)
Great call. Even if it is a fools errand I think it’s more than worth the effort for the laughs it produces. Mockery is a great form of praxis especially when your rooted in a deeper history.
Only thing that works on conservatives these days is mockery and belitteling, and that's what we should do. Call them out for being hysterical about Transgender stuff. Call them out about how emotional gays make them. Mock them for worshipping men and getting sucked into the manosphere. Mock them for red light treatment of their balls.. Mock them for how afraid they are about "men" disappearing. Mock them for spending their welfare check on Trump merch that is all made in China. Just flat out mock them for being the stupid pathetic terrified backwards mouth breathers that they are. We've "engaged" with these guys for far too long. They've not supplied any new ideas in the past 100 years, and it's probably time we STOP TAKING THEM SERIOUSLY and start treating them like the dumb little goofs they are.
Put your bullying gloves on and mock them out of existence. They've become parodies of themselves and we really just need to point out how terrified they are of everything.
I'm pretty sure 95% of all doomsday bunkers are made by conservatives. They're also the ones stockpiling weapons to feel safe. It's time we just acknowledge the facts: They're terrified little beta cucks and we've given credibility to their fake macho nonsense for too long. They can't both be the people who decide what manliness is AND the people who see nothing but ads for burglery alarms, guns, gun safes, bunkers and doomsday food buckets when they watch whatever right wing nonsense they watch... Ever notice how much security advertising there is on FOX? THEY ARE TERRIFIED. Marketers know where the dollars live, and it's with the right wingers who need to feel safe. Lesser men who need to dig themselves into the ground to not feel anxious about the world.
Mock them for what they are, disregard what they pretend to be.
You're right.
Yeah totally agree, the same people who misunderstand the spirit of socialism and communism also misunderstand the intent of [decent] well read libertarians. It's the same brain rot at least in America.
Marvin I call that propaganda. You better check yourself and wake up.
Let's say I claim to have someone who believes as you and claims YOU taught them everything he/she knows. And I interview them and everything he/she says is a total misrepresentation of your beliefs-yet gives credit to you dropping your name constantly.
No different here.
Have someone claiming to be a Libertarian and in reality they're a socialist/leftist
I don't know if you noticed but just about every Libertarian Sam has on is not even close.
@@controltherandomness9105 you can call it what you want. I am a propagandist every time I try to spread ideas.
The label of Libertarian used to mean you were a socialist. By calling yourself one and dropping some history, theory, and authors it might get people to actually do some digging and learn some actual socialist theory. Labels don’t mean much to me, but rather the history and theory that helps you analyze the world. I know socialists that join the libertarian party in places to try and reclaim it for the left and bring a better politics to the party. Whether they will succeed or not who knows. I don’t care about policing peoples labels, what I care most about is breaking up the ability of one human being to be able to exploit another or the natural world. As far as how we do that…we treat it like science. We have an theory of change, we experiment, we compare results and reframe our next experiment again based on the evidence from past ones.
One of the best call ins ever
A total misrepresentation. And you are sucked in believing this to the point of ranking it the best?
I've grown out of the internet debate content over the years, I'll never grow out of watching Sam clown these guys though. Over a decade of content and it never gets old.
Edit: this man tricked me, he's an ACTUAL libertarian
I started disagreeing with this Guy, until he started to talk, then I started to agree with him
Yeah seemed like a pretty good dude
Well than you're as lost as him. Wake up Leftist.
The paper he references, "Le Libertaire", was founded by Joseph Dejacque, who was the first to use the word as a political term, and who is regarded as the first libertarian communist/anarcho-communist theorist.
Anarcho /communist?
If anarchist live under no ruler, and a communist live under the tyrant STATE...
Then how can one be a blend of the two?They are opposites.
@@controltherandomness9105 With all due respect, you're misunderstanding what "communism" actually is. Communism is a proposed future post-capitalist form of society that would actually be a stateless, classless, and moneyless society, in which social organization is decentralized and non-hierarchical, and in which the material wealth produced by society is freely and equitably distributed to all. There are many different forms of communism, with one of the main differences between them being how to achieve such a society.
Marxists, and particularly Marxist-Leninists and related tendencies, believe that a state-socialist transition period, with state power being centralized under a vanguard party, is necessary to reorganize the economy in preparation for the eventual future stateless phase of full communism. So, when people regard "communism" as the highly centralized and authoritarian state control of the economy, what they are actually thinking of are these Marxist-Leninist transitional states that are governed by communist parties.
Anarchist communists, as well as some libertarian/left communist forms of Marxism, reject this strategy of a transitional state socialist phase, and instead believe that both capitalism and the state should be dismantled and replaced more or less at the same time for communism to be achieved.
So you describe a balancing act between Total free no centralized power vs Marxist-Leninists type of Communism.
Label things however you want.
I am for freedom and liberty, sound money(gold silver).proverty rights a free market and small government.
The result with many systems is the problem of inflation and a total destruction of the currency. It happens to all because it is human nature to take that route. To gain more power through money(fiat) creation to fund bigger and bigger promises. Eventually the economy is destroyed.
The gold and silver money which was working in the first half of this country's lifetime, along with actual real free market capitalism, was eventually taken over and we are we we are today because of it. Hyperinflation is at our doorstep.
Sorry property rights
@@controltherandomness9105 i mean, if that's what you believe, ok, but I disagree.
That little side smile, and twinkle in his eye. Just priceless.
Proves the point that the only way libertarianism would work is by way of socialism.
True, libertarian socialism is the real libertarianism.
The smile on Sam’s face when the caller says he’s a TRUE libertarian. Love Sam so much
This guy is correct, libertarian was founded as a left-wing ideal. Not the right wing hyper individualist libertarianism we see today
I knew this would be a video when this happened live. Love this one.
This past month during my drives to or from work I have been mainly listening to Sam Seder debating *insert generic political ideology*
I love that there is a new one!
Holy shit, he really was an OG TRUE libertarian from the 19th century. Left wing libertarianism FTW!
You had me at Sam debates a libertarian 😂
And then the True Libertarian had me at "The libertarian party of America is the most soy beta c*** party uh imaginable"
Instant click!
Although there wasn't really much in terms of debate going on. Sam talks to a libertarian? Sam agrees with a libertarian?
Just another poor misrepresentation leaving listeners misinformed.
@@controltherandomness9105 one of the rules of being "libertarian" is each individual gets to define what exactly what a libertarian is....this guy has captured it in its true form.....No different than the rest of the dumdum libertarian callers who never once have agreed with each other. Do some homework.
First libertarian caller to win a debate vs Sam. Great job!
He is not a libertarian by the American definition, he just doesn’t properly understand the political spectrum yet to know what he actually is.
@@foolsfolly3476 No, he's a left-libertarian, an anarcho-communist. The Libertarian Party is a classical liberal party. The word libertarian still hold it's original meaning (a libertarian form of socialism) for many on the far-left. It's what many people in antifa are, for example.
Lol he's not really libertarian he never talked about any right wing libertarian policy he basically falls in line with left wing socialist policy which is why so many people here are agreeing with him.
But hey if they have to call themselves libertarian to make a good point I'm all for it
@@OrElseEllipsis1945 It even holds its original meaning in Europe, only in America it means something completely different, which is mind boggling like so many other things America appropriated just to make it worse. So yeah I take slight issue with Sam saying the ship has sailed, cos it's only that giant and stupid American ship.
@@foolsfolly3476 a left-libertarian?
One of the more rational/thoughtful libertarians I’ve seen on this show
Maybe the only rational/thoughtful libertarians ever to be on this show.
Oh hey fancy seeing you here Natalie 😂
13:40 Communist?
@@thecofounders hey! Is this Spencer or James?? 😂
@@mpgski9598 libertarian communist*
As opposed to libertarian socialist 😜
What a fun call! I really enjoyed this from the usual headache I get from listening to libertarian callers.
Me for the first few minutes: "This guy can't possibly be libertarian, he didn't advocate for slavery or the abolishment of age of consent laws even once!"
So let me get this straight, you think Libertarian want slavery?
What we have today is slavery.
You would understand this if you understood the difference between money and fiat currency.
The STATE is enslaving us by destroying the purchasing power of the dollar. Inflation!
This is why we are falling behind year after year.
@@controltherandomness9105 I'm just basing my expectations on the other "libertarians" I've seen debate in various online venues. Many, when pressed, have no problem with the idea of desperate people "voluntarily entering into a contract" that amounts to slavery, or something very close to it. That's what I'm talking about.
Saying that inflation is slavery, however, diminishes the horror of that institution, which in my opinion is actively harmful.
Alan I feel your concern when entering a contract in today's economy. You are looking at an economy that has been destroyed by a Central Bank that continues to inflate the currency in order to enable the Federal Government to spend money it doesn't have.
Like I said this is why the standard of living has decreased.
It is theft.
I have to work two jobs and my wife also has to work just to make ends meet.
My grandfather worked a blue collar job, didn't finish high school but got married had three kids bought a house paid it off and saved for his own retirement.
Who is wealthier?
I make $50,000 a year and after expenses I have $5000 in savings (10%)
Or someone 70 years ago who earns $5000 a year and saves $2500(50%)
It is theft.
It is slavery because I have to work more and more and for who's benefit? The Government!
Because it is the Federal Government through the Federal Reserve that is the cause of the inflation!
Slavery-man goes in field and works all day.
Slave owner gets the benefit.
You work. I eat.
Get it.
It is slavery.
@@controltherandomness9105 you work two jobs but have time to comment on every single comment thread on this video? Wow…astonishing time mgmt skills 😳
Yes Ned some days it is slow and I also have breaks and lunch. I do this because I see things getting worst not better. I try to have these conversations just to get a few to think about the other opinion. Hear from the other side.
That's what troubles me about Sam Seder. He misrepresents a Libertarian's viewpoint.
I hear the left-Seder,Pakman,Kulinski,Hartman,TYT totally misrepresent the right.
They all project this view that the right is evil because (fill in the blank)
I know being a Libertarian and the difference between money and currency, gold/silver vs fiat paper, the fact that it's not about being evil to not raise the minimum wage, or to give money to the poor or build more public housing-it's more of a question of who's going to pay? Or that's not an efficient way to run an economy etc.
And being a Libertarian I see all the wasteful spending the right does too, on Wars for instance. And that a big one. Our military spending is greater than all the other nations combined. Truth be told it is all connected to the dollar being the world Reserve currency. If another country decides to ditch the dollar and use real money-gold!- they get bombed. So not everything is what it seems.
All evil shit. I don't agree with that at all. And understand-those running this system-politicians are Evil, but the people out there that call themselves Republicans, they are not. They believe all the lies that their party is feeding them. It is no different than the people who support the left. They believe the lies their party tells them too. Everyone 99% are being misled.
All by Government and Corporations working together. Profiting from the people which they keep them divided fighting amongst themselves.
Sam and company are profiting selling their propaganda along with the right list of characters.
Rush Limbaugh, Hannity, Tucker, etc etc
Watch the intro- Sam smiled the instant he heard the words "true libertarian", lol.
You can tell how much the crew loved The Last True Libertarian given how they took the time to add chapters
I always love these
Libertarian and Anarchist used to mean a similar thing - thank you caller!
Prior to leaving the LP about 5 years ago, after nearly 30 card-carrying years, I tried hard to find a left-leaning libertarian like me but only found 1! That must be him. All the rest had moved to the hard right corner of the LP, many (most) becoming trump supporters. I've been calling myself a Progressive since. Bernie, AOC and Nina Turner are my heroes. Yes, the LP was becoming more mainstream, earning 5% of the public vote before the takeover by the Tea Party wing. They get the honor of having contributed to the downfall of 2 parties!
There's a lot of left-libertarians/libertarian socialists in the DSA, and there are a lot of left-libertarian anti-fascist "organizations". Antifa, for example, is decentralized and with no hierarchy.
@@OrElseEllipsis1945 great, nice to know.
So you list your heroes.
How can you be a former libertarian and now hold those socialists up as heroes. What Libertarians were you listening to?
Do you know the difference between currency and money?
Do you understand inflation?
I think you are a ship lost in a sea of fools who ever you listened to when you were a libertarian, and now with the socialists that you are listening to.
@@controltherandomness9105 duh, Progressives are not "Socialists" but that's why an intelligent discussion with maga conservatives is impossible! You have your own "alternate reality" and logic and debate have no chance with your hypocritical circular logic!
M57 I'm happy to inform you I am not a MAGA Republican.
I do live in reality.
It is people who believe politicians such as AOC, or Bernie Sanders, or ANY politician for that matter is going to make a difference.
Stop putting faith in these people to help you, and put faith in yourself. There is nothing to be gained from Sam Seder.
You have to wake up.
Protect yourself. Look into what is causing inflation.
Learn the difference between money and currency.
Learn skills. Blue collar working with your hands skills. Work off the grid while you still can and save. Not in a bank account because the government is going to seize your funds when hyperinflation hits.
Again off the grid where they can't touch it.
Buy silver and store it at home. Again if you keep it at a bank security box the bank has the right to take it in times of crisis.
Look it up.
This is coming. Watch the bond market. It's already in trouble. When it collapses the stock market will soon follow and death to the dollar will be the result.
But if you hold silver and have skills you will be able to survive.
Good luck
The word Libertarian in politics originated with the French-language American newspaper "Le Libertaire" which was mainly a vessel for Joseph Dejacque, exiled french anarchist, who criticized contemporary anarchists, as they were call, from a position we would today call anarcho-communism. He was much more left than Proudhon, who spearheaded the early movement but would today be likened to a mutualist. Libertaire and all its non-english derivatives are still used by the left, especially in Europe, and, for the right wingers, a derivative of Libertarian is used as that movement is very much an american fabulation
The best libertarian is a libertarian socialist! Great prank call used to make great points. Kudos to this cheeky caller.
So he's a Left-Libertarian, that would in fact make him an actual libertarian.
That call must’ve taken quite a bit of understanding and research to get to the end of it there. He had them on the line for a good while, said all the right things to play the part of the “The Last True Libertarian”, and then dropped the bomb at the end.
Straight kudos that legend. Genuinely great call.
He referenced Mad Max from Minnesota. Bless this caller.
Prof. Chomsky talks about the true meaning of libertarian.
holy shit this guy is based af. the world would be in such a different place if the libertarian movement wasn't hijacked and intentionally subverted in the 1960's...
in fact my journey to the left began with the knowledge of _that_ fact specifically. felt like i had lived my entire life unaware of an entire other quadrant of the political spectrum and it really pissed me off how much i was lied to
Sam was excited for this call, these types of conversations are his bailiwick.
finally a true libertarian on the show. this is the epitome of socio-libertarian beliefs, and i'm glad there's more out there that share my beliefs. hell yea brother
The look I get from people when I say I’m a libertarian socialist
Sounds like he's a follower of Henry George w/r/t his position on land/property 'rights'. * _edit_ to be clear, i also am in agreement w/ the 'Georgist' view on land ownership - that ALL land must be considered 'public' to avoid the massively socially destructive situation we are currently suffering w/ speculation/profiteering of land/real estate, leading to increasing homelessness & general poverty in the US
He seems to have gotten a few ideas from Georgism, but I think he is an anarcho-communist, as he said multiple things that also line up with that ideology, while also saying he was a communist at the end.
I've never been so mad at someone I agree with my entire life.
Their are two kinds of 'libertarians' and you can distinquish them based on if they egalitarian or anti-egalitarian. The anti-egalitarian 'Ayn Rand' libertarian wants governement reduced so they can personaly rise above others and view government and really any societal contract based on equality as 'lowering' them from their rightful place. Aka these are the libertarians of the Incredibles movies who view government as analagous to the villain Syndrome and view it as motivated by resentment (a rather trasparent projection of their own feelings), and even come to see helping others as evil in itself even if it dose not come at any detriment to them, their 'rank' is what they feel is sacrosant.
The inverse type of Libertarian, the anarcho-libertarian want to eliminate government because they feel it is creating heirarchy which would not otherwise be able to exist, they think equality will rise with less government. While they may have good egalitarian intent they are simply wrong on the methodology, with sufficient education of history realize that progressive politics is the way to achive what they want.
I just want a montage of reaction shots whenever Sam hears he has a libertarian on the line.
Sounds like a socialist to me. Oops, got to the end. I was right.
Around 7:00, when he brought up property rights, that's when I knew. Up until then I thought he was a right wing libertarian who was trying to find common ground with the show, though I did suspect he was arguing from the anarchist viewpoint. He talked of hierarchy in the beginning. That's not a concern of right wing "libertarians". They, due to a certain silly novelist, they think hierarchy in capitalism is automatically justified. Bosses, slum lords, massive business magnates etc are all justified. Though they often try to argue that the last example shouldn't be possible in "real" capitalism if they state didn't cheat and prevent competition from start kicking in.
@@rage2904 I realized something was fishy the second he suggested to "shrink government" by firing 100 senators and hiring 750 house representatives from each state :D Somehow those numbers didn't quite add up to "shrinking the government."
"Wait.. Did he just add like 40.000 people to the government to shrink it?..."
@@vgaportauthority9932 just to clarify something, the argument caller was making was to increase the number of representatives to around 770. If you look up "Wyoming Rule", that's what caller was saying. However, caller also called for direct democracy when saying the ideal is to have 200 million adults be the representatives.
These comments suggest most didn’t get to the end of the video
Throughout the whole call he sounded like such a rare libertarian, especially in that he didn't sound terminally online like so many of them. And then he dropped "soy beta cuck" out of nowhere and it killed me
I am not a libertarian in any shape or form. But theoretically this guy is right. Private property requires heavy government intervention. Land registries, adjudication system like courts, enforcement systems like Police, labour rules for people to work on that land, the list is endless. The only way to forgo all that is how we used to do it 300 or 400 years ago. Communal ownership which need not be enforced. Just rules to share the produce of the land. Without serfdom, which is very much a European institution, it can work
The reason I don't support it is that such communities will develop petty tyrants and a caste system
Yes but libertarians also believe that you just have to enforce all that yourself through the biggest guns you have. You are correct about petty tyrants and caste (by gun sizes)
American “libertarians” aren’t real libertarians. It’s useful to use that label to draw possible allies into the movement. Appeal to common values.
why do you say that?
This was an absolute gem.
Libertarianism, but from when it actually meant deconstructing hierarchy
Anytime I see “Libertarian” w Sam I know I’m in for a laugh 🤣 …
or horror , like when Yaron Brook replied “Why should we care?” when a condo kills 100+ of its denizens.
I remember being horrified by that as well. What a psycho
"Why should we care??"
Some of us just do, cause we have empathy. You outed yourself as a psychopath, Yaron...
So many libertarians are psychopaths who are totally unaware of the concept of empathy, maybe even for the people closest to them. MOST libertarians have no empathy for anyone but their immediate family. And their empathy for their family is usually pretty fickle.
Not this caller. He was fantastic 👏
This guy reminds me of my last stop on the way out of libertarianism and right wing thinking.
You aren't a true libertarian until a libertarian has said you aren't a true libertarian.
he's bizzaro dave rubin, a classical libertarian
If his idea of libertarian was the true version I'd join in a heartbeat
It actually is though, libertarian used to be synonymous with anarcho-communists in the 19th century.
The thing that most Libertarians don't seem to understand is that even if they were voted into power they still would never be able to accomplish any of the things that they envision or aspire to. The cultural inertia in this country would be nearly impossible to overcome, and in the end it would fail in extremely destructive ways.
"Doom doom doom doom. DOOOM."-mikefromwa
Right before he mentioned Jamie (hopefully I'm spelling that right) I was thinking "goddam, it's too bad Jamie wasn't here for this one!". 🤣🤣
This guy is a 19th century libertarian, in other words Libertarian Socialist which is very based
Seems like he is some sort of mutualist?
The few ppl that actually say small government for the right reason
Libertarian-Socialist Rants is a dope channel
bravo, robert from connecticut. this was brilliant
Haven't finished watching it but yes! this was great.
I mean, left wing libertarians exist (eg. Green Party), and anarcho-communism *is* the OG form of libertarianism.
So in essence, Jack from Florida is the *only true libertarian* who has called Sam Seder.
These Sam Seder vs. Libertarian talks are so good😂💯
Whenever I'm down, I replay them. Picks me right up.
Sam is always clueless debating them. Which makes sense. Most liberals don’t understand liberty. Very ironic.
@@firstlast9916 "gentle pat" there there, it's ok, the bad man can't force you to pay your taxes (The Government can though)
@@sebastianlavallee706 government = bad men. I don’t think anybody thinks politicians are “good”.
@@firstlast9916 And I suppose you don't watch the videos you're commenting on.
This "true Libertarian" sounds delightfully socialist.
Well he’s actually under the umbrella term “libertarian socialist” or even could be dwindled down to anarcho communist. The only true way that libertarian ideology actually works.
@@CapEmpire where do I find these definitions? Is there a good link.
True libertarians are. American Libertarian is an aberration- they stole the word from a long socialist tradition.
This was like the game Guess who, but for politics.
For a while I thought he was going to advocate Georgism, the truest form of libertarianism, but then was disappointed that it was just a communist trolling.
Henry George did advocate abolishing the Senate. He said that if there must be two houses of congress, then one house should be 100% female. Writing in the 1880s, he said that so long as women did not have equal representation in legislatures that they should not be punished for violating any laws those legislatures passed. His preference was not bicameralism though, but a single house of congress which either elected one representative of each gender in each district, or where there was no explicit gender quota but no bills could ever be passed without the support of a majority of representatives of both genders. That means no laws could be made at all without any women in Congress,. If there was only one congresswoman, she could veto anything and would be as powerful as all the congressmen combined.
(Henry George also seemed to take it for granted that men and women should be equal in all marriages. He did have arguments for why it was better for one parent to stay home while the other worked, but saw no reason why that specialization should break down along gendered lines. He personally took the responsibility of homeschooling his 4 children while his wife worked outside of the home to provide the family's income during the years when he was writing his magnum opus "Progress and Poverty.")
He advocated abolishing the army, the navy, and the state department. He recognized that diplomats are often more concerned with preparing for wars that benefit the power elite rather than avoiding conflict. He was for having just a few Federal officers to coordinate volunteer militias in case of invasions, never a standing army, and for avoiding any sort of entangling alliances.
He was a strong advocate for free trade, but opposed free trade agreements as they are usually just ways to enshrine special privileges for favored industries.
He was not a drinker, and though temperance was best as a personal choice, but was strongly against sin taxes like the excise on alcohol.
He at one point advocated abolishing all intellectual property monopolies, but was eventually convinced to back down to a more moderate view where we ban any sort of patent protection but allow a limited copyright for something like 7 years max with plenty of fair use exceptions for critique and parody.
The called for "pensions for all," which we would now call a Universal Basic Income.
He was for the government controlling natural monopolies like railroads, although he thought it was fine for private companies to own the cars and run the trains if the government could coordinate their movement well enough to prevent crashes.
His main focus of course was calling for the levy of high (as close to 100% as feasible without risking going over) Land Value Taxes.
He argued that individual humans have a natural right to property in the fruit of their own labor, but not in any natural resources not made by their labor. (Earlier classical liberals such as John Locke, Adam Smith, and Thomas Paine had said the same thing, but George argued more eloquently, more rigorously, and with greater emphasis on this point.) Land is by right the common property of everyone. Individuals have a right to make use of the land so long as they are not depriving others of that same right. When a piece of land has no positive market value separate from any fixed improvements, then anyone should be able to claim it. When the market value of the land itself increases, however, that is proof that the Lockean Proviso is no longer being met. In such circumstances, the privilege of keeping others off the land must be balanced by a duty to compensate the dispossessed. In a primitive agricultural economy that could be done through Gleaners' Rights of tithes used to support the poor, but in a modern industrial society where the most valuable real estate is in the city cores it makes a lot more sense to have a state collect land value taxes that it can use to find public goods or distribute equally among all residents.
Henry George wanted to abolish all other taxes except for land value taxes. It should be noted however that his reasoning would also permit or even encourage the use of Pigouvian taxes on such negative externalities as air and water pollution. The vast majority of Georgists today support carbon taxes to help solve global warming.
Henry George was actually the first political economist to discuss the subject of global warming, almost a century before we had reason to believe it was happening. It was a purely hypothetical scenario he made up to discuss factors that could account for changing values of land. He also talked about how advancements in solar power generation could make barren deserts into prime real estate. George was also the first human to coin the term "Spaceship."
The majority if his most famous book was dedicated to showing how Thomas Malthus was wrong about absolutely everything and haw Social Darwinism is entirely counterproductive.
George was an active member of the Knights of Labor. He supported Union organizing and especially mutual aid, but generally opposed Strikes and always opposed violence against scabs.
The caller is a libertarian, an anarcho-communist. Georgism is another type of left-libertarianism.
Georgism is based, but so is (libertarian) socialism
The last part is not based. Strikes are how unions excersize their power
I'm impressed. He did his research, found Thomas Payne, and hes much so that he mirrors being a socialist. Or just a much fairer system. which sounds decent.
He IS a socialist. The guy is using the original term libertarian, which was basically associated with anarcho-communists in the 19th century, he even references a French anarchist newspaper at the end ;)
The grins Sam always gets when someone identifies theirself as a libertarian is contagious.
Thank God Emma stopped drinking by 0:16 or it would have been a mess
libertarianism isnt really definable in a party, it has a left and right wing spectrum. essentially its the opposite of authoritarian, its why theres so much disagreement between them. liberal and conservative authoritarians exist, as do liberal and conservative libertarians. i think most people are more libertarian they they know. search a political compass test, see where you land.
libertarianism was on the left of the original spectrum
Watching Sam's confused face when non of his anti-libertarian traps worked was hilarious. I don't know if I like the joke better knowing the crew was in on it or not. Better on the second viewing.
He is a libertarian socialist, the first original libertarian, which is why he sounds reasonable
As a socialist in the rural midwest, coopting "libertarian" does get people to listen to you longer around here.
No no, it's not co-opting, because we used the label first. It's reappropriating what the right stole from us ;)
I'm laying here on my sofa at midnight ready to go to bed, see the title of this vid and think "ok, as usual this is going to be catnip to me, let's have some fun before I go to bed". Little did I know how fun it was truly going to be-for a minute I thought I was losing my mind 😂 wonderful call! 👍
Reclaim the term! It only seems like a fool’s errand in the US. In the rest of the world it’s still in contest. I don’t want to have to say I’m an anarcho syndicalist to pander to Americans when I’ve always considered myself a libertarian socialist.
Yes! As Sam said, attempting to rehabilitate the word "libertarian" is absolutely "a fool's errand".
I wish that was how more Libertarian callers sounded. If only lol.
What a great way to start Labor Day by listening to the ONE of the last TRUE libertarians! Great call!
We found him! At last!
Libertarian is such a ridiculous concept. If you don’t have centralized revenue… you can’t have a massive functioning country. It’s basically the Wild West. Who wants that?
you're responding to ancap
libertarians support keeping the government
I think maybe the point of the call (the bit) was to highlight some of the ways that liberalism is closer to libertarianism than right-wing ideology and conservatism. See Noam Chomsky's philosophy. He fancies himself as a progressive, liberal with libertarian leanings. It might actually destroy Rand Paul if he grew to realize that the ACLU was more libertarian than he was.
The caller said at the end that they are a communist
Noam Chomsky is a libertarian socialist, he sides with anarcho-syndicalism.
I liked Ron Paul for his monetary policy. End the Fed. Their other policies aren’t realistic, aside from non-interventionism. Proudly voted for him in 2012. Have since taken to Bernie.
The libertarians would be super bummed if we had true representative democracy… they don’t realize how left the country is…
So OG libertarianism is closer to anarchocommunism than capitalism. Neat
Isn't it funny how every libertarian is the "last true libertarian?"
In his defense, he is a hell of a lot brighter & grounded in reality than most, he must be a LINO.
Well things didn't go so well in coconut island, and people trying Sam's cliff experiment tend to dwindle numbers.
Exactly the callers point lol. Gotta lean into the no true scotsman fallacy
@So Mad Yes, I get it I think basically what you are saying is it is the new breed of more prevalent libertarians that are the real LINO's not the older more traditional ones like this guy, is that right? Following that logic, I always make a point of referring to MAGA's as Trump RINO's as they are about as far from old school Republicans that you can get.
@@3ld919 he’s a left-libertarian.
The first “libertarians” were socialists who rejected authoritarianism.
This was delightful and thoroughly enjoyable!
Sam's gears turning as expressed by his face was hilarious.
Hey there. 👋 I'm libertarian left, and totally on board with most of this guy's stuff. Hadn't really thought about dismantling the Senate. That was kinda out of left field. As far as landlords and rental property, I think it would be best to restrict companies and corporations from rental investments, but each individual should be able to own up to 10 rentals as long as they are following the landlord tenant act or an updated version that gives tenants more individual rights. I say this as a former property manager that is working on fixing up my first rental home as I live in it while renting the lower floor out. It's important to stand up for individual rights, but my individual rights shouldn't cause undue burdens on other people's rights.
I also believe I'm a true libertarian, and with that comes the knowledge that I support a form of government. If we supported none, we would just be anarchists and refuse to vote or support libertarian candidates.
My views on the subject of government are probably seriously different than most libertarians, but I believe we should have a multiparty system. Dems, reps, libertarian, green, hell we can keep a maga party if they calm tf down, and sprinkle in a couple more parties if we could.. yeah, I know it's all just a dream and I'll never see that world, but more parties would promote more accountability and representation from elected representatives. It would force them to actually pay attention to the voter base and the needs of the people to stay competitive with other parties. We wouldn't have to vote for a party that we only slightly agree with on a couple issues while the rest of the proposed policies are straight trash.
Well... Y'all wouldn't at least. I support libertarian policies 100% pretty much, but they had to talk me into their views on nuclear power when I joined the party.
I know there's plenty of wackjob libertarians that only support the economic and property policies without actually caring for justice reform, fair immigration policies and social equality for all, and I wish those people would stop trying to say they're libertarians.
The N.A.P. and libertarian policies are made to bring everyone into a better world, not just libertarians.
Just tax the surplus land value and redistribute to the community via a dividend. The caller mentioned Thomas Paine, that was pretty much what he advocated in 'Agrarian justice'
Sam is so enamored with this guy. You can see the disappointed dad in his face at certain times.
I remember this guy calling in about Semiconductors and the state of the global supply chain in relation to that. Interesting full circle moment.
2 minutes in and I cannot yet tell if he's doing a bit or not. lol.
Edit: 8 minutes in and him talking about communities owning land and giving power to Native Americans was the giveaway he's working the crowd! Kudos to the caller for being cryptic enough to make it believable 8 minutes in.
Caller dropped hints throughout the whole thing. First hint was the quality on the audio, second was mentioning Thomas Paine, and more and more throughout.
I’m so hype there’s a new one of these
Libertarian Socialism is also a thing.
There is a large libertarian socialist movement with the Kurdish people. Kind of interesting, especially as Kurdistan is part of 4 countries.
I just like seeing Sam happy when any caller says they are a libertarian