as an intp: when you get 50 layers deep and it doesn't work out, you usually don't have to jump out. you can start digging sideways instead to find what you're looking for, or store that info for later & come back to that tunnel later on. no knowledge is lost/useless. it's all important for me.
As an ISTP: This is so true for me too. Well said. Like "if i jump 50 layers down and it doesnt work ill make it work." i wouldnt have jumped if i didnt think there was a good reason to do so. Usually im right about the thing working the way i think it can, and when it cant-- like you said, no knowledge is ever lost. it always ends up being useful in the end. We see so many routes we can take to solving a given problem with Ti before we jump. We always end up taking the most practical, doable, reliable solution that fits the situation and peoples needs best. We're just trying to make sure that whatever we do, it works the best.
@@jaytaggert9883 I've learned to stop doing that but when chilling too much on the surface I want some deep diving once more... Ideally I'd dig in the direction I'm supposed to go but that never happens.
I wonder if this explains why I do get tempted by rabbit holes, though I'm not lead Ti. I do always find myself wanting to understand the rabbit hole before moving on, even though I also want to address whatever led to the rabbit hole. Of course, that's only rabbit holes I want to understand; sometimes I don't care for other people's rabbit holes. Maybe it's because I feel I understand them already. I grew up in possibly a Ti heavy family and 'figuring out how things work' in useless ways was somewhat more common. I am a bit more purpose-driven than many in my family, but growing up with possibly a bunch of savior Ti's worked out pretty okay in satisfying my desire to understand the world (kind of for coping in it).
Each rabbit hole has an end to it and we all need to know about it. Ti users will do the research for the rest of the tribe, but that depends whether you're willing to listen or not especially Ti users that hadn't develop their presentation skills. Or worse, whether we like you or not. We probably not the type to argue and fight with our fists, but we sure can control the amount of information that we let out. And then enjoy seeing the agony of people trying to figure things out. 😋 But ofcourse, it is self serving notion, there's low chance someone else would investigate this 'crime' of feigning ignorance.
That's exactly the metaphor I used for Fi and Fe recently! (Fi was the deep ocean waters and Fe was the waves). Well, you know what this means.... we're obviously right :) Great minds think alike.
Same and agreed 110%. It's the #1 thing that makes it hard to function in society, when everything I hear, my reaction is BUT YOU MUST GO DEEPER! This is why, I think, my wife and I are the INTP-INFJ golden pair. We both have this GO DEEPER mindset, just about different aspects of the world.
I INFJ have a similar frustration, and have lost friends from my desire to discuss things at a more nuanced level. I don't really see what's wrong with getting nuanced. But others seem to think they do.
I'm an INTJ and I get so frustrated when somebody wants me to elaborate. I'm always like "Whyyy?? I gave you a general, big picture idea/description, aren't you able to conclude the rest by yourself?? It's obvious and I don't wanna waste time explaining everything!" lol
They may be unstoppable but they're lost in details that serve the end goal. They can't strategically compromise to get to the goal faster. Its not that they don't cognitively can reason so, is that they don't see value in it. On the other hand, the people who usually get things done fast are Si or Fi users due to their abstract association abilities. Needless to say, these solutions are going to be a lot less accurate. The best team is a Ti paired up as with Te as lead, where Fi is the accellerator, Se is the quality assurance (Te defines the boundaries, but Se defines its correspondance). Its entirely possible to have this with just two people.
As a Te user, I think I'm smart... until I talk to a lead Ti. Then I start questioning my intelligence. edit:since people are still replying to this, I have since gotten officially typed and I am actually savior Ti lol)
I work with a Ti Dom. He only knows about 5 things but he knows those things pretty damn well. Everything else is "nonsense". As an ENFP he triggers me pretty much daily.
@@J11_boohoo nah, it just seems like 5 things because there are only 5 things that overlap with the ENFP's interests 🤣 I think it's pretty easy to find out what ENFP's are interested in, I certainly wouldn't bring up any subject that fell outside of those things as it's hard enough to make sense of them when they're on a topic they care about.
That is the real truth, Fe and Te users are a god send. Without them I would never leave my projects and learn what it means to "tribe". They also really love it when you fix their computer and help them figure out why their fridge keeps leaking water through the ice maker. :)
Ne/Ti here, i love my Ti! Mass learning in middle and high school was hard for me, especially because i wasnt motivated to learn so much information at once. We just learn differently. However once i do learn something, it stays in my Si reserve forever. Te users seem to be much better in school because they can handle learning more basic info at one time
is this true? about the memory? im an entp so si is my inferior will the things ive actually come not just to learn but understand stay there at least for some time?
@@tamarastankovic7081 it could be me, but I have a naturally good memory (adhd makes it hard in the short term, but if it's something important and im fully engaged i can file it away and pull it out) most ENxPs in my experience have good memories too
@@tamarastankovic7081 i think Ne doms like myself are taking in so much (ex: me at a young age scanning the world out the window and trying to figure out where we were going and the route) we have a lot of sensory data to cement memories
@@tamarastankovic7081 i think Ne doms like myself are taking in so much (ex: me at a young age scanning the world out the window and trying to figure out where we were going and the route) we have a lot of sensory data to cement memories
Intp here, there is so many times that I wished I could be a Te dom. Ti can be so tiring at times, because it takes a lot of times to delve in a subject until it makes really sense and you don't feel stupid when talking about it. As a student I can see these when I am in exam, I am always the person who spend the most time on his draft. Because I lose so much time on that damn draft I rush the writing so much that I may finish before the others who started writing earlier than me. I am not proud of this but I don't know how to be faster with my draft and then just "get things done". There is just no way I can go around this, writing papers takes ages!! Ti really is not a blessing if you are an average IQ person.
@@brendaguzman7262 i cannot relate to it cuz i was not a literature student i hated grammar and social why the fuck will i even use them so i was good at math and science and one of the highest scorer but was never proud of it cuz my over all marks drops due to social and english , our national language 😢 But i love nobel and essay
As a traditionally intelligent intp guy who loves maths and programming etc, even i agree that ti can be triesome sometimes. I enjoy learning stuff but the problem is in the sheer amount of time spent in learning and getting the stuff to few simple si points is so long it makes the world think u dont do anything. But one we learn something to its core, it is easy to level up for us than most other types.
You don't have to be a Te dom, just learn how to use your freaking Fe. Ti is useless if it's unguided. My rule of thumb is Fe ideas FIRST, before you deep dive. I used to spend a month gathering concepts to an idea that had no worth to the tribe. After watching these videos and focusing on my Fe for a year- my Ti has become so much more effective. You don't need Te lol. Just ask as Te dom what they think before you start the project.
same but how i think it is we can always master understanding the difficult and bring insights to the seemingly simple, YOU can make a day LESS BORING just by thinking about fascinating stuff in ur head. You are born flexible creative and an eye for change. You have an in built feature to just think optimistically since everything is possible to u. Theres so many ppl who are efficient at their work/life but when something goes wrong for them they dont know how to stay optimistic. i could be wrong but i think its harder for someone simplistic to become creatively complex but someone whos creatively complex can learn to be simplistic at times.
I guess for me, I'm not scared of going 50 layers deep (as long as I find the subject interesting), even if it comes out as a bust in the end. I still feel like I get value through the experience and I could always just backtrack to step 25, change a few things, and see if that gets the results I'm looking for.
Plus, we often find that similar inconsistencies and (in)congruities exist in other systems, which allow us to get faster in our ability to apply thinking to make it more optimal. :)
If we're talking Ti Doms, in my experience, I would say getting excited about gears is slightly more an ISTP thing than INTP. Obviously some INTPs would be fanatical about the gears, but some, not so much. It depends on what we're interested in. I'm an INTP and personally I care more about concepts and how things that we can't see work... like our brains, our minds, our personalities, etc. When it comes to how an object works, I care how it works when I need it to work. I will figure it out if I really need to. I often will buy something and it doesn't work the way I want (or it doesn't even work the way it was intended!), so I will fix it. But being married to an ISTP, he usually ends up doing more of the mechanical figuring out of stuff (when I don't have time because I am interested in other things), because he already has a lot of experience in that from the way he grew up. I grew up in a thinking/feeling family, he grew up in a "doing" family.
i'm an intp who grew up in a doing family and I started designing traps to catch the cat when I was ~4years old. drawing blueprints of weapons when I was ~8. I come up with things in a general conceptual way, but after that I have the ability to narrow it down and work those gears out to do the thing that needs to be done. It's not that I dream about gears, or conceptualise how gears work when I'm coming up with idea's at all.
I think if an INTP would be interested in gears, it would be on the mathematical side of it, or physical properties... or maybe because he would feel he/she has to dig this subject to bring a solution to a problem nobody solved, or to correct an inconsistency in the theory (like Einstein with the orbit of Mercury)... not because gears are cool... because really, gears are only toys for little boys or all Se users... :D
I've thought, through extrapolation and contemplation about cognitive functions, of this myself and have come to the same conclusion. It seems trivial, since ISTP's are obviously more interested in sensual or real things like cars, etc. I know at least one ISTP (who is an ISTP for sure!) and he is exactly like that. He prefers technical real things, while I am always interested in concepts and theories (I'm an INTJ) or the abstract. If I am, like most of the time, talking about a theory, which excites me, or something else, he always asks me for an example. But most of the time I don't have an example, because the theory is the thing I want to talk about and even if I give him an example, he tends to focus on that example and not the theory, which was the primary subject I wanted to discuss (this, by the way, happens way more often to me than I would like to admit...).
You now begin to understand why they say that lead Te's are your managers and CEOs who have to deal with and quickly sort through several things in a day. They think on the broader spectrum, look at empirical data, think about how things will play out for everyone. Ti, on the other hand, is more about focusing on one system and making it work in the most efficient way possible. So it looks at each component in depth and evaluates its role in making the entire system work. That's possibly why you have your INTPs churn out inventions that work so thoroughly. They think of ideas and use known facts and apply them to systems in which the role of each individual part is known. This video really helped.
Ti here. Paused at 3:35 to figure out why you need to pull two meters to get the load up one meter. Screw the rest of the video, this needs to be clear before anything else can go on!
And then people get mad at us for making fun of everything. It's like "Sure, Nicole, what you're doing is the BEST. Keep up the good work." People are so Fe needy
Ti savior understand how we're all monkeys in suits pretending we're something else. The whole thing is absurd, but unlike Camus(an INFP)'s version , absurdism, it's not such a big deal revelation for us ? Like, it's not depressing (nor do you need to imagine sysphus happy), if anything, it's actually hilarious.
I guess maybe this explains why my dad and I don't quite get along. I would tend to see the world being absurd as depressing and he probably doesn't think about it that way. I really love things to make sense. ^.^ But I also believe that even the complicated things make sense; I just don't understand them (yet). Too bad I can't just laugh at the world like you guys do; I clearly take it too seriously.
@@HitomiAyumu Gottfried is actually right. If you look at the essence of the reasonings, you can easily extrapolate it to Te/Ti(works for 2. 3 = works for all vs works for all = works for all).
@@sledgehog1 Not really. I notice Te users will lean heavily on deduction, but they simply have far fewer premises. This can be seen very well in STJs and NTJs where the premises are found in their subjective perception. Ni will identify the common theme or pattern between an amalgamation of information acquired throughout the person's life and Si will have a sensory knowledge of what the concrete reality should be, largely based on what has been. Te seeks to organize the external around these perceptive visions such that the vision manifests recognizably and in accord with the other perceptive visions. I have often thought "close enough" was a misnomer when describing Te because if the favored perceiving function is not informed properly with *good* objective feedback, then Te will be worthless at organizing anything approaching a desired result for anyone. The real question with Te is what is supposed to happen, and "what is supposed to happen" can be defined with an incredible amount of nuance. Moreover, Te only desires to reason enough to accomplish that which is defined in "what is supposed to happen". Once those boxes are checked, Te is done. The boxes could be that a certain metric is within a certain statistical variance or that some deductive logical statement resolves as true. The point for the person isn't how they reason, rather the purpose is for what they are reasoning and only doing as much as is necessary to manifest the desired outcome. Ti almost flips the script. Whereas Te takes perception and desires to impose that on reality, Ti takes perception and builds it into understanding for the sake of reasoning. In the case of NTPs and STPs, it's almost as though the person desires to impose reality on the self. Ti dominant people especially would most regard themselves and their importance to the world based on their ability to understand and articulate truth with precision and accuracy. The subjectivity of Ti is often described as "my truth" which can smack of a subjectivist philosophical mindset. When Ti is dominant or pronounced in a person, nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, such a phrase is revolting to such a person. In actuality, Ti is an expression of partiality towards fitting things together in a manner such that one can regard all of them as true. This does not imply deduction or induction. What it implies is a subjective importance placed on truth and a desire to understand said truth. To illustrate this point, in an inductive argument, the Ti user does not *want* to stop at a particular variance as acceptable. The Ti user wants to try to reduce the variance to be as small as possible to increase the the cogency of the argument. It isn't that the higher variance is untrue to the Ti user, rather it isn't as precise as it can be. Likewise, in deductive reasoning, a Ti user wants to find greater nuance to pursue a greater understanding of the principles that are laid out in the premises and conclusion of the argument, and in the hope that a greater truth can be known. With all of this said, the thinking functions operate independently of methods of logical reasoning, which are in fact tools meant for specific purposes. Just because someone is strong in a thinking function, that doesn't mean their reasoning is particularly strong or valid or according to some well-defined philosophical principle. It just means that they favor it naturally over Feelings-based judgment.
That's just because everywhere else we've been today we've been told we are stupid by Te Inferior users. We need to read comments to know that there other people who love to get completely absorbed into one thing.
I'll admit that Te users tend to annoy me with what I perceive as their "shallow thinking". I also really HATE standardized testing because it's very Te focused. As an infj, Te is my blindspot and there's nothing more irritating for me than for someone to "solve" a complex problem with a shallow approach. It doesn't work.
That's EXACTLY it. Extroverted functions are gonna be like: What do you mean I have to do this over and over again until I figure it out? I've got like 50 other games to play ffs. While introverted are like: How can you possibly expect that everything has to be easy and immediately accessible? You have to sit down, try, study, train and eventually you'll get there. That's just given. But instead you are sitting here complaining that you can't do the entire thing in 5 minutes.
I'm an INTJ and in high school I used to really struggle at detailed math or logic problems. It made me feel dumb or inferior, which, as a nerd, threw me off. The good math teachers were all Ti users in retrospect and weren't able to explain things as simple, scalable concepts I could readily understand. Those math teachers and I viewed each other with a certain amount of contempt because of the difference in Ti and Te like Shan is talking about.. You've also got the fi/fe dichotomy on top of that :P
ENFP Ne Te for me. A mile wide and an inch deep for sure. But. I will argue that some depth of thought approaching Ti is possible. I mean, look what you guys have done, and are doing, with personality!
Oh, I see, its a constant mesh gearbox with sliding pairs of gears on a splined shaft that are actuated by selector forks, guided by a shift drum, that when rotated, creates a linear progression through the gears and transfers the drive through a multi plate wet clutch to a final drive output shaft.
It sucks to get many layers down and have to pull back but I learn so much in that exploration. It's easy for me to get started on stuff because I'm willing to adjust but I know that hard when you're trying to find an answer to something you've already dug past 😂
@Mr. 8-Bit Doggo you do know why they say introverted thinking and extraverted thinking. Because those tech problems are not inside you so there extroverted which means they're outside of you meaning you have to use Te. Introverted thinking happens not in the outside world but inside yourself. That's why they say extroverted and introverted. Because if it's introverted it's happening inside you. If it's extroverted it's happening outside.
That's why Te savior are more likely to be a leader, right? Dealing why the tribe reasons e searching for the best way to work it out for everyone. Recently at college I found out that I am quite good with this kind of stuff, it feels so good to me to delegate tasks and build something in team (when the people are not assholes, of course).
I'm an Si/Ti SC/B(P) and leaderhip is very hard to me. I'm not good at delegating tasks and make it work it out for everyone. But many times I have no choice but acting like a leader, I simply have to organize the tribe so I don't need to deal with their chaos later. I'm learning to do this but I don't like it, I'd rather be focused only in my task instead of thinking at all the project.
When you showed all those gears, my first thought was "OMG, that's so beautiful!" Yeah, Ti user here. INTP, to be precise. I teach English as a second language here in Brazil and I've started noticing that most of my private students say something along the lines of "I'm so dumb, there's so much I don't know" after a few weeks. I always try to encourage them not to give up, to take a step at a time, but I'm starting to get worried by this pattern. (4 out of 6 new students just this year!) When I'm working in a school I usually dial down my Ti, you know, we have to work somewhere between the lower and the middle denominator so no one stays behind. But with private students I get to adapt each class to their own speed, and I am lucky to have some very smart students. And when they start to ask deeper questions, I'm always able to answer them, and then I get carried away and start to explain things the didn't ask, like linguistics or the origin of words (or any random fact my Si thinks is related to what they're learning). They think it's super interesting, but a bit intimidating at the same time. When I see them getting the bad kind of wide eyes, I step back and say "OK, there's that, but first you have to learn how to say it, then we can go back and see why we say it like this". No one has given up so far. I need to control that Ti before anyone does.
Hmm i kinda understand what you said its interesting but as a teacher i can only imagine myself as a science or math teacher I have a friend and she is like tell me about things and in middle i will be like ahh here is a fact- information related it and i tell her i cut her words and she must find it anoying i dont intentionally do so and she be like no no its interesting 😂
I am definitely a Te user then. I tried to figure out how to use a microscope for 30 minutes and started throwing a hissy fit because it was not working. I was like, This should not be this difficult!!!
Xavier Guillaume nice. I suspect I’m Ti and in that situation I would’ve probably had fun with the task of trying to figure out how the damned thing works, how the parts work together, etc.
Having Ti very often sucks because I try connecting with other people by giving my thoughts, uncovering the layers and so on only to realize they 1. Do not understand, and/or 2. Do not care. How the *fuck* am I supposed to make something sparkly when it makes a lot more sense to just value (after) the reasoning? I can’t keep talking about celebrity gossip or my sister’s latest impulse haul of buying stickers and calendars from the dollar tree for no other reason than “they looked so cute!” Someone turn me into a Te or a feeler because all I hear from others is “Don’t overthink it!”
This is a great way to better clarify the distinction between Di and De - depth vs breadth. I have savior Ni-Ti, and though my Ti can apply to technology, I tend to use it much more in the abstract - psychology, physics, and especially moral philosophy. Te/Fe are expedient, Ti/Fi are deep. Te is the radar. Ti is the microscope.
As an INFP I see the struggle of the log being under the board. I then make a story about that goes fifty layers deep about how that log and I connect on a deep level.
After watching this video, I’ve gained a true appreciation for all functions. No more despising any one function. Realizing that Ti is a master of thinking deeply, Si is a master of organizing tangible things, and all the rest, changes my perspective on functions I have and don’t have. I want to master all of them. Grow those baby functions into Ronnie Coleman sized functions.My functions will be on steroids and scream, “YEAH BUDDYYYY!!!” is what I’m sayjng lol -Leon
@@lishayost44 Tell him that though everyone can use all functions in theory, he'll get exhausted from using your opposite functions. For instance as INTP I try to do some Te-like actions and Se-like actions every week to become more productive. I'm good at my Ti anyway so I don't have to consciously choose to use it. Te is good for productivity on things I'm usually not productive at, but it's very draining. Thus he should only do so sparingly. Also i noticed that my Se blindspot means my conversational memory or shortterm memory is really bad while my longterm Si memory, my learning memory, is pretty good. Is that common for INTPs? Do you think I have proper interpretation of the connection between memory and Se/Si?
I think we can somewhat "use" all the functions, except what's called trickster function in Socionics. That would take one to totally change how their mind works.
At 3:40, at least emotionally, I really, really agree with what she’s expressing. I’m an ENTP, but I think we can all point out when Ti gets at its worst: forgetting other minds exist. I agree with the sentiment that any science that’s worth anything should become accessible. Intricate systems are exciting, but they’re not worth anything if no product is reaped from them or if no one but a privileged few can enjoy them.
Well, then you can thank a lead Ti for developing the necessary CAD to make it Te friendly. Ofc, making drawing easy still doesnt tell you what to draw, muahahah!🤓
@@longlakeshore Well, invention is more of creative thing coming from intuition, haha. The 4 dimensional math used to do 3D rotations is a good example of re-inventing something. Einstein re-invented space and time as spacetime. I guess it depends on what you mean by "invent." Lead Ti types kinda do generate new ideas.
@@MrLuigiFercotti woah, there. Nice, err, value judgement? Is that what you call it? Man, idk. Ti just goes, "uhhhgghgh, ad hominem. Need to invent fallacy spray cuz ewww." What was wrong with what I said? You got a point you can articulate? I think it fairly obvious that all inventions came from someone's imagination. I mean, unless you think technology came from ancient aliens or something
i think the worst part about it is that if you have Ti as your main function, Fe is gonna be your last one. So you'll pretty much be deeply curious into things and yet oblivious about how to handle that dynamics of how to deal with others about that. I guess that's where part of the INTP quirkiness comes from. Curious (Ne) well founded (Ti) insights and yet oblivious to how they are so cooler than they actually think (inferior Fe). That's recipe for charm, once awareness hits.
Inferior Fe is going to make you question your sanity because most people will not understand the effort and care that went into learning a subject and the depth of your knowledge and you won't be able to "sell" them your enthusiasm (because you'll come across as too nerdy, boring and weirdly obsessed in your quest for accuracy and reason). Once you mature and Fe becomes more rounded, you'll be able to communicate better the ins and outs of your inner knowledge without people being off put by your reasoning.
This comment is one of the best examples of what I call "lamenting the demon". You can tell that there is a lot of pain in this guy's experience with the Ti/ Fe imbalance. Every type has its own primary struggle and it really really hurts. I think the definition of maturity for all types is struggling with an overcoming these demons. If anyone else is wondering where to go to look for more information about the pain, two of Dave's best videos are 1) the "saviors and demons" video where he's talking about the people blabbing in the coffee shop, and 2) the "I hate my type!" video where he talks about approaching your type with a spirit of humility and repentance.
Ok, this is the first time, am I hearing this right: We INTPs are... Cool? In what way? I know that we know the answer to almost any question, but thats useless in almost all everyday situations... And the low Fe doesnt help, when u want to help everyone and make everyone feel great but u dont know how to even make yourself feel good. Ti Ne Si Fe stack is a bitch, a blessing and a curse, thats for sure...
And i love that the lady using the log as leverage, once she started pushing down the board would slide forward cuz its not attached to the log at the leverage point. Well maybe the board would stay afixed to the log if it were very barkish with lots of friction points...
I'm an INTP that wants no part of that gear set. I thought about joining the military and took the ASVAB with what I'm told was a very high score. Almost all points I lost were on mechanical reasoning. I am a machine operator and basically all I've used for 30+ years is freakin' mechanical reasoning.
So Te is wide spectrum and Ti is narrow band, but what does that actually mean? One of the things that D&S tell us in this video is that Te and Ti both do the same amount of work, so we can tell that effort is conserved. To me that means the difference comes down to method. The analogy I came up with is that the Te looks at a forest and wants to track each individual creature, watch each plant grow, watch things decompose, and from this they learn how a forest works. Ti on the other hand must work out a system. It learns about one plant, learns how it propagates, then from there it knows about all the plants because it can deduce the rules which the forest must follow. In both cases you end up with a model forest, the difference is not in reality but preference.
we use the si ne process to cover the spectrum... what has been done and what could have been done... but ti is more about getting to the essence of what matters then "doing stuff"
It stikes as kind of the following: Ti seems to be concerned with the understanding of the functionality of things, while Te seems to be interested in the applicability and functionality of the functionality of things. Does it work? Great, that's enough. Let's proceed with out vision (or something like that, lol) and create a system, which works for (nearly) everybody. Ti is logic and understanding for himself, figuring things out, through logic, on his own, like deductive reasoning (seems to me to be a preference for those people, like INTPs, which is also the reason why they most certainly are the opposite of a theorist, who creates theories and plays with them around, which is more a product of an inductive reasoning preference), while Te wants to know if something's working for everybody and they will ponder about that. I think it kind of breaks down to: Ti: take theory in, apply it to a problem, when it comes up. Te: If a problem comes up, try to theorize to solve it in general.
Showed this to my ESTP partner and he told me immediately how it worked. He said it wasn't complicated at all, it's just a series of coordinating gears.
tbh me too as Ti dom it took me time to realize my Ti but then after that what I came to conclude was I will never gone get or spend time to justify myself to anyone who has Ti as shadow function.
One issue with the 'going 50 layers deep' thing is that for many practical problems you hit points where you genuinely dont know if itll work until its tested. And yes, its frustrating and depressing. Either the complexity of the problem explodes or the system is beyond the data it can capture and you have to actually test things and see what happens. For example self driving cars, you cant possibly predict what real world problems you'll run into and it would be stupid to put all of your energy there. Better to just test the damn thing.
i wonder how one can compare Fi and Fe in a similar way. It would be about caring about things and while Fe keeps it on the surface for a wide variety of people, Fi cares with an uncanny depth. Would be really wonderful to have you look at it.
i've been watching you guy(s)l for almost 8 years now, i'm 24, you guy(s) have helped me cutting out so much of my bullshit through my years, thank you!
It's never-ending comedy for me as INTP/Ti-dom savior to hear them talk about being frustrated at complexity when it comes to gears, real world crap, etc. That just sounds FUN to me. It's always a nice, relaxing break to try to assemble or disassemble a complex machine, rather than dealing with "soft" systems like running companies, people/resource management, etc, since I'm a Project Manager. Having a simple, concrete project to work on is my #1 favorite thing and how I get into flowstate, ESPECIALLY if it's primarily focused on breaking something down rather than building. Building is fun but much harder, deconstructing and outlining is my brain's favorite activity. (This is why I took to MBTI/CogFunctions so well. I've ALWAYS felt that way, turns out Ti is an easy way to summarize that feeling.) Running around shooting people? YUCK DRAKE FACE Sitting at a desk for 3 hours tinkering with a gearbox for airsoft? OH YEA DRAKE FACE. Esp if no one talks to you during that time. I'm getting dopamine hits just THINKING about it now, lol. Like, I put together 100-300+ piece models for fun (2D puzzles are for plebs, lol) but basically have to take weed to TRULY be able to enjoy anything less complex than that, most of the time. Or be really tired. the only complex systems that frustrate ME are the ones I have no power to change. Political things, corporate and interpersonal issues, etc. Understanding WHY something is happening but having no power or tools to CHANGE it is the reason I (and maybe other INTPs) have such a tendency towards depression imo. We have to be careful about what we turn our attention/Ti to, or we might find more "unsolvable" problems like that and it can really wear down our mental health. I have to check out of politics for months at a time (been hard the last year) or I get into REALLY dark places. I also can't pay attention to my wife's true crime, unsolved mysteries podcasts or I'll annoy her with theories, answers, and annoyed probing questions she (and no one) can answer.
I can’t remember if this has anything to do with this video but I had a thought and need to get it out before I forget it too: as an IxxP, I want an identity that goes deep, but ends up being good for the tribe. I think most IxxPs attempt this too- that obsession with finding our identity is an attempt to explore options before we pick a “thing” to go deep on, and then we devote everything to it. So the Fi saviour is like the ultimate case study, I guess, for an ESFJ’s Fe. Like best Si example they would draw their data from. An INFP’s Fi is an ESFJ’s Si. Extroverted Deciders have to get their data for what the tribe wants and what works for the tribe from somewhere, and single deciders are those people. We’re the cutting edge, at least those of use who get lucky enough to pick an identity that’s actually useful. -INTP (probably)
Every time I doubt I have Ti, I remember I tried to build an automated elevator in a video game that utilizes the games physics engine and it was super complicated dealing with placements of parts and launch angles. Now Im stuck with a half finished elevator that really only I can use cause I know all of the quirks (and if you dont follow it, it'll prolly launch your character to their death) that I'll eventually come back to finish never lol.
As an istp, I designed an apparatus for improving your hammering ability left handed or opposing handed while watching this video. Take a 4x4x8 post and get a bunch of 60 penny nails and cut the heads off them off and drive them through the post in any random order you like. So that the nail protrudes out the other side when you nail it through. Then you can switch sides back and forth to practice. Enjoy.
The way Shan said she saw that gear thing and felt animalistic rage ... really showed me how I'm the opposite because I saw it and got super excited. (ISFJ)
Marrying an INTP (as an INTJ) the Ti - Te combo is insane. He recently told me about his new hobby of touch typing. Who the fuck types as a hobby lmao. I'll make candles or soap but no, touch typing! He says he wants to be about able to type 150 wpm and be in the top 1% of typists. And so he types away on his keyboard building muscle memory.
They have another video where they say Se people throw out facts in a line as if they’re pulling on a rope and each knot is another sensory fact. All of the facts are related to each other and seem to be going in a direction but nobody told the audience where the destination is supposed to be. That’s how Ti feels to me. My brain wants to find a fact that leads to another fact which leads to another, and so forth, with the vague end goal of getting to the truth of the matter.
Right im going to need like 20 years to understand everything you guys are talking about then 😅😅 and i think im an infp but i still cant know how im supposed to re-calibrate my saviour and demon parts..
When the guy who fixes my car or my computer gives me a 1 hour monologue on why it doesn' eyes just glaze over and I ask them how much and how fast they can get it up and running
Ti savier here, and this describes most of my current arguments with Te users in corporate contexts. Being so committed to making something work immediately that you lose depth and then have to correct the errors that were bound to occur. :P
INTP TI as remote desktop. Could fix the issue in 5 minutes but 30 minutes on that issue why ? Loved those issue ,liked researching ,understanding , explaining the issue . And I loved complex issue only if my brain connection is working good (Working memory responding well )
Im INTP. I naturally go 50 layers deep and shift through layers quickly because the concepts are all related ai a mechanical way that ive spent time imagineing and error checking. Its like my brains hobby. Meanwhile, my house could burn down around me and I wouldn't notice. No problemo, my wife is Te and she informs me of essential Te observations frequently.
It's so weird to me that you would look at this gear thing, and think about the life of the person while they were creating it. I would look at this and think "Oh, wow, cool. This is so complex. I really want to know how this works!", and I would probably tear it to pieces and destroy it because I'm unable to put it back together again. I know this is a weird reaction, so I don't expect it to be commonly shared, but what surprises me is that someone would bypass thinking about the object entirely, and just skip right to thinking about the experience of its creator.
One of the most frustrating things Ti does is use a screw with a different head (flat) because it's the right size next to one with a Phillips head. All I can think is, "Ty jerk now I have to find another screwdriver just to remove a single lightswitch cover (or smoke detector)."
So it I understand: Te : I don't have time to get that deep, too many others things to think through Ti : I don't have time to think through that many things, this one thing needs my attention
If you want to better grasp an introverted function, take your best introverted function, for me Ni, and imagine how the distance or depth (for deciders) of that function will correlate to the distance/depth of the function you're trying to grasp. same goes for superficiality and extraverted functions.
Te: criticizing Ti for making things too difficult.
Also Te: taking a simple 16 types personality system and making 512 types out of it.
That's because of Ne I think, it is just possibilities.
ElMehdi Saniss they’re both Ni though
@@kingm56 ah I see
@Yilling Daddy Dave is a Ni/Fi INTJ and Shan is Te/Se ENTJ
@@michilo200 shan is infp
as an intp: when you get 50 layers deep and it doesn't work out, you usually don't have to jump out. you can start digging sideways instead to find what you're looking for, or store that info for later & come back to that tunnel later on. no knowledge is lost/useless. it's all important for me.
That’s the fun of it.
"But where do you know to dig next?" that's what Ne is for :D
I mean sure but when you know that it doesn't work out, why don't stamp it out. Why use knowledge that has no use for the future?
As an ISTP: This is so true for me too. Well said. Like "if i jump 50 layers down and it doesnt work ill make it work." i wouldnt have jumped if i didnt think there was a good reason to do so. Usually im right about the thing working the way i think it can, and when it cant-- like you said, no knowledge is ever lost. it always ends up being useful in the end. We see so many routes we can take to solving a given problem with Ti before we jump. We always end up taking the most practical, doable, reliable solution that fits the situation and peoples needs best. We're just trying to make sure that whatever we do, it works the best.
@@theultimateshadow7232 every piece of knowledge can be used in the future.
Terrific Video, thank you.
Ti: No rabbit hole is too deep.
Going into a rabbit hole is my hobby and then I realized I wasted my time because I'm supposed to do something else
@@planetary-rendez-vous For Ti users, it's not a hobby, it's a way of life. lol
@@jaytaggert9883 I've learned to stop doing that but when chilling too much on the surface I want some deep diving once more... Ideally I'd dig in the direction I'm supposed to go but that never happens.
I wonder if this explains why I do get tempted by rabbit holes, though I'm not lead Ti. I do always find myself wanting to understand the rabbit hole before moving on, even though I also want to address whatever led to the rabbit hole. Of course, that's only rabbit holes I want to understand; sometimes I don't care for other people's rabbit holes. Maybe it's because I feel I understand them already. I grew up in possibly a Ti heavy family and 'figuring out how things work' in useless ways was somewhat more common. I am a bit more purpose-driven than many in my family, but growing up with possibly a bunch of savior Ti's worked out pretty okay in satisfying my desire to understand the world (kind of for coping in it).
Each rabbit hole has an end to it and we all need to know about it. Ti users will do the research for the rest of the tribe, but that depends whether you're willing to listen or not especially Ti users that hadn't develop their presentation skills. Or worse, whether we like you or not. We probably not the type to argue and fight with our fists, but we sure can control the amount of information that we let out. And then enjoy seeing the agony of people trying to figure things out. 😋 But ofcourse, it is self serving notion, there's low chance someone else would investigate this 'crime' of feigning ignorance.
I imagine Ti is like a deep lake and Te is like a constantly moving river
That's exactly the metaphor I used for Fi and Fe recently! (Fi was the deep ocean waters and Fe was the waves). Well, you know what this means.... we're obviously right :) Great minds think alike.
Ti would be artesian well, I guess
@Cliven Longsight liquid, actually
Ti is like stacking a row of dominoes while Te is a game of whack-a-mole.
Hmm I prefer Ti is a laser, Te is a flash light- both using the same batteries.
I’m an INTP and I always get frustrated when people aren’t talking about something more deeply.
With detail and practical usage example and illustration. Without making it seem confusing
Same and agreed 110%. It's the #1 thing that makes it hard to function in society, when everything I hear, my reaction is BUT YOU MUST GO DEEPER!
This is why, I think, my wife and I are the INTP-INFJ golden pair. We both have this GO DEEPER mindset, just about different aspects of the world.
I INFJ have a similar frustration, and have lost friends from my desire to discuss things at a more nuanced level. I don't really see what's wrong with getting nuanced. But others seem to think they do.
I'm an INTJ and I get so frustrated when somebody wants me to elaborate. I'm always like "Whyyy?? I gave you a general, big picture idea/description, aren't you able to conclude the rest by yourself?? It's obvious and I don't wanna waste time explaining everything!" lol
@@faszkivan1 But nuance lends greatly to a new/greater understanding, and becomes great fuel for new ideas/conceptions. That's why I enjoy it.
When a Ti user teams up with a Te user on an idea or project they are an unstoppable force.
See footnote 7. Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell
they can't team up Te is the last function for a Ti lead
Te can be annoying
Me INFJ with my ENFP cowerker. We had some bad dispute some times
They may be unstoppable but they're lost in details that serve the end goal. They can't strategically compromise to get to the goal faster. Its not that they don't cognitively can reason so, is that they don't see value in it. On the other hand, the people who usually get things done fast are Si or Fi users due to their abstract association abilities. Needless to say, these solutions are going to be a lot less accurate.
The best team is a Ti paired up as with Te as lead, where Fi is the accellerator, Se is the quality assurance (Te defines the boundaries, but Se defines its correspondance). Its entirely possible to have this with just two people.
Great job Dave!
You understood Ti 4 layers deep :D
Only another 46 layers to go to completely understand it :D
I only understand Ti 1 layer deep, out of all the functions, Ti is the one that I can never use.
@@PersonalityTrainer I wonder if that's really true :o
@@Binyamin.Tsadik maybe 2 layers deep then. :P
what are these layers? where did this number come from?
@@dustinhawkins7634 it's a joke
As a Ti user seeing the gears gets me excited. I want to take it apart and see what makes it tick. I want to understand everything about it.
Same... When that picture popped up, I thought "Beautiful!" as they were cringing, haha ..
I wanted to know how it works with everything else and all of its potential uses are
As a Te user, I think I'm smart... until I talk to a lead Ti. Then I start questioning my intelligence.
edit:since people are still replying to this, I have since gotten officially typed and I am actually savior Ti lol)
Me toooo lol
No offense but Te guys do make me laugh when they trying to look smart ( some of them ) 😂
@@Hijazi44 Oh I'm totally probably one of those guys
@@Hijazi44 hahahah yeah i do try to look smart but like how do you notice that?!?! I personally think i do that rly secretely tho
I am reminded of how bad I am at justifying things for myself every time I talk to anyone with preferred Ti.
I work with a Ti Dom. He only knows about 5 things but he knows those things pretty damn well. Everything else is "nonsense".
As an ENFP he triggers me pretty much daily.
Lol I trolled ENFP with Ti.
I think ENFPs are the ones that most trigger INTPs and vice-versa
You’re definitely describing an ISTP, INTPs want to learn everything
@@J11_boohoo nah, it just seems like 5 things because there are only 5 things that overlap with the ENFP's interests 🤣 I think it's pretty easy to find out what ENFP's are interested in, I certainly wouldn't bring up any subject that fell outside of those things as it's hard enough to make sense of them when they're on a topic they care about.
Einstein once said, “It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer.”
Ti-users tend to dig so deep in the rabbit hole, that we need Te-users to knock some reality checks to us from time to time.
That is the real truth, Fe and Te users are a god send. Without them I would never leave my projects and learn what it means to "tribe". They also really love it when you fix their computer and help them figure out why their fridge keeps leaking water through the ice maker. :)
Omg, same thinking, I'm INTP
We are the masters of abstract ideaa
(..but what *is* reality? I'm not in a hole, it's everyone else that are in Plato's Cave!}🕳
@@Rokiotop900As an ENTP, I am even more godly in abstract connections and ideas.
We dont need Te users... They are useless with their praticalities...
Ne/Ti here, i love my Ti! Mass learning in middle and high school was hard for me, especially because i wasnt motivated to learn so much information at once. We just learn differently. However once i do learn something, it stays in my Si reserve forever. Te users seem to be much better in school because they can handle learning more basic info at one time
is this true? about the memory? im an entp so si is my inferior will the things ive actually come not just to learn but understand stay there at least for some time?
@@tamarastankovic7081 it could be me, but I have a naturally good memory (adhd makes it hard in the short term, but if it's something important and im fully engaged i can file it away and pull it out) most ENxPs in my experience have good memories too
@@tamarastankovic7081 i think Ne doms like myself are taking in so much (ex: me at a young age scanning the world out the window and trying to figure out where we were going and the route) we have a lot of sensory data to cement memories
@@tamarastankovic7081 i think Ne doms like myself are taking in so much (ex: me at a young age scanning the world out the window and trying to figure out where we were going and the route) we have a lot of sensory data to cement memories
Intp here, there is so many times that I wished I could be a Te dom. Ti can be so tiring at times, because it takes a lot of times to delve in a subject until it makes really sense and you don't feel stupid when talking about it. As a student I can see these when I am in exam, I am always the person who spend the most time on his draft. Because I lose so much time on that damn draft I rush the writing so much that I may finish before the others who started writing earlier than me. I am not proud of this but I don't know how to be faster with my draft and then just "get things done". There is just no way I can go around this, writing papers takes ages!! Ti really is not a blessing if you are an average IQ person.
@@brendaguzman7262 i cannot relate to it cuz i was not a literature student i hated grammar and social why the fuck will i even use them so i was good at math and science and one of the highest scorer but was never proud of it cuz my over all marks drops due to social and english , our national language 😢
But i love nobel and essay
As a traditionally intelligent intp guy who loves maths and programming etc, even i agree that ti can be triesome sometimes. I enjoy learning stuff but the problem is in the sheer amount of time spent in learning and getting the stuff to few simple si points is so long it makes the world think u dont do anything. But one we learn something to its core, it is easy to level up for us than most other types.
You don't have to be a Te dom, just learn how to use your freaking Fe. Ti is useless if it's unguided. My rule of thumb is Fe ideas FIRST, before you deep dive. I used to spend a month gathering concepts to an idea that had no worth to the tribe. After watching these videos and focusing on my Fe for a year- my Ti has become so much more effective. You don't need Te lol. Just ask as Te dom what they think before you start the project.
Don't feel bad, it's not related to your iq score. Some people just have slow processing.
same but how i think it is we can always master understanding the difficult and bring insights to the seemingly simple, YOU can make a day LESS BORING just by thinking about fascinating stuff in ur head. You are born flexible creative and an eye for change. You have an in built feature to just think optimistically since everything is possible to u. Theres so many ppl who are efficient at their work/life but when something goes wrong for them they dont know how to stay optimistic. i could be wrong but i think its harder for someone simplistic to become creatively complex but someone whos creatively complex can learn to be simplistic at times.
I guess for me, I'm not scared of going 50 layers deep (as long as I find the subject interesting), even if it comes out as a bust in the end. I still feel like I get value through the experience and I could always just backtrack to step 25, change a few things, and see if that gets the results I'm looking for.
Plus, we often find that similar inconsistencies and (in)congruities exist in other systems, which allow us to get faster in our ability to apply thinking to make it more optimal. :)
I think Ti users enjoy things that can be worked over in their minds and understood on deeper and deeper levels as time progresses
If we're talking Ti Doms, in my experience, I would say getting excited about gears is slightly more an ISTP thing than INTP. Obviously some INTPs would be fanatical about the gears, but some, not so much. It depends on what we're interested in. I'm an INTP and personally I care more about concepts and how things that we can't see work... like our brains, our minds, our personalities, etc. When it comes to how an object works, I care how it works when I need it to work. I will figure it out if I really need to. I often will buy something and it doesn't work the way I want (or it doesn't even work the way it was intended!), so I will fix it. But being married to an ISTP, he usually ends up doing more of the mechanical figuring out of stuff (when I don't have time because I am interested in other things), because he already has a lot of experience in that from the way he grew up. I grew up in a thinking/feeling family, he grew up in a "doing" family.
i'm an intp who grew up in a doing family and I started designing traps to catch the cat when I was ~4years old. drawing blueprints of weapons when I was ~8. I come up with things in a general conceptual way, but after that I have the ability to narrow it down and work those gears out to do the thing that needs to be done. It's not that I dream about gears, or conceptualise how gears work when I'm coming up with idea's at all.
I think if an INTP would be interested in gears, it would be on the mathematical side of it, or physical properties... or maybe because he would feel he/she has to dig this subject to bring a solution to a problem nobody solved, or to correct an inconsistency in the theory (like Einstein with the orbit of Mercury)... not because gears are cool... because really, gears are only toys for little boys or all Se users... :D
I've thought, through extrapolation and contemplation about cognitive functions, of this myself and have come to the same conclusion. It seems trivial, since ISTP's are obviously more interested in sensual or real things like cars, etc. I know at least one ISTP (who is an ISTP for sure!) and he is exactly like that. He prefers technical real things, while I am always interested in concepts and theories (I'm an INTJ) or the abstract. If I am, like most of the time, talking about a theory, which excites me, or something else, he always asks me for an example. But most of the time I don't have an example, because the theory is the thing I want to talk about and even if I give him an example, he tends to focus on that example and not the theory, which was the primary subject I wanted to discuss (this, by the way, happens way more often to me than I would like to admit...).
Nothing beats INTP fanaticism ahaha!!
You now begin to understand why they say that lead Te's are your managers and CEOs who have to deal with and quickly sort through several things in a day. They think on the broader spectrum, look at empirical data, think about how things will play out for everyone. Ti, on the other hand, is more about focusing on one system and making it work in the most efficient way possible. So it looks at each component in depth and evaluates its role in making the entire system work. That's possibly why you have your INTPs churn out inventions that work so thoroughly. They think of ideas and use known facts and apply them to systems in which the role of each individual part is known. This video really helped.
Never seen Shan so mad, this one was really funny! Thank you guys for making al this amazing content, youre doing great work!
Ti here. Paused at 3:35 to figure out why you need to pull two meters to get the load up one meter. Screw the rest of the video, this needs to be clear before anything else can go on!
So many layers...and’re idiots...and we love you all anyways.
I’d argue that Ti Savior is simply aware of how we are ALL idiots.
And then people get mad at us for making fun of everything. It's like "Sure, Nicole, what you're doing is the BEST. Keep up the good work." People are so Fe needy
Ti savior understand how we're all monkeys in suits pretending we're something else. The whole thing is absurd, but unlike Camus(an INFP)'s version , absurdism, it's not such a big deal revelation for us ?
Like, it's not depressing (nor do you need to imagine sysphus happy), if anything, it's actually hilarious.
I guess maybe this explains why my dad and I don't quite get along. I would tend to see the world being absurd as depressing and he probably doesn't think about it that way. I really love things to make sense. ^.^ But I also believe that even the complicated things make sense; I just don't understand them (yet). Too bad I can't just laugh at the world like you guys do; I clearly take it too seriously.
It's not about depth. It's about reasoning type:
Te: inductive reasoning.
Ti: deductive reasoning.
No, that's MBTI. This is not MBTI.
@@HitomiAyumu Gottfried is actually right. If you look at the essence of the reasonings, you can easily extrapolate it to Te/Ti(works for 2. 3 = works for all vs works for all = works for all).
@@sledgehog1 Not really. I notice Te users will lean heavily on deduction, but they simply have far fewer premises. This can be seen very well in STJs and NTJs where the premises are found in their subjective perception. Ni will identify the common theme or pattern between an amalgamation of information acquired throughout the person's life and Si will have a sensory knowledge of what the concrete reality should be, largely based on what has been. Te seeks to organize the external around these perceptive visions such that the vision manifests recognizably and in accord with the other perceptive visions. I have often thought "close enough" was a misnomer when describing Te because if the favored perceiving function is not informed properly with *good* objective feedback, then Te will be worthless at organizing anything approaching a desired result for anyone. The real question with Te is what is supposed to happen, and "what is supposed to happen" can be defined with an incredible amount of nuance. Moreover, Te only desires to reason enough to accomplish that which is defined in "what is supposed to happen". Once those boxes are checked, Te is done. The boxes could be that a certain metric is within a certain statistical variance or that some deductive logical statement resolves as true. The point for the person isn't how they reason, rather the purpose is for what they are reasoning and only doing as much as is necessary to manifest the desired outcome.
Ti almost flips the script. Whereas Te takes perception and desires to impose that on reality, Ti takes perception and builds it into understanding for the sake of reasoning. In the case of NTPs and STPs, it's almost as though the person desires to impose reality on the self. Ti dominant people especially would most regard themselves and their importance to the world based on their ability to understand and articulate truth with precision and accuracy. The subjectivity of Ti is often described as "my truth" which can smack of a subjectivist philosophical mindset. When Ti is dominant or pronounced in a person, nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, such a phrase is revolting to such a person. In actuality, Ti is an expression of partiality towards fitting things together in a manner such that one can regard all of them as true. This does not imply deduction or induction. What it implies is a subjective importance placed on truth and a desire to understand said truth. To illustrate this point, in an inductive argument, the Ti user does not *want* to stop at a particular variance as acceptable. The Ti user wants to try to reduce the variance to be as small as possible to increase the the cogency of the argument. It isn't that the higher variance is untrue to the Ti user, rather it isn't as precise as it can be. Likewise, in deductive reasoning, a Ti user wants to find greater nuance to pursue a greater understanding of the principles that are laid out in the premises and conclusion of the argument, and in the hope that a greater truth can be known.
With all of this said, the thinking functions operate independently of methods of logical reasoning, which are in fact tools meant for specific purposes. Just because someone is strong in a thinking function, that doesn't mean their reasoning is particularly strong or valid or according to some well-defined philosophical principle. It just means that they favor it naturally over Feelings-based judgment.
@@sledgehog1 Not exactly. Induction is impossible. Neither Te or Ti can use it because its a fictitious process.
I'm sorry but I refuse to believe it.. Thinking is just thinking, Ti is just more personal, but it's the same thing.
Damn, this comment section is flooded with Ti doms getting their egos stroked
That's just because everywhere else we've been today we've been told we are stupid by Te Inferior users. We need to read comments to know that there other people who love to get completely absorbed into one thing.
Because society doesn't respect Ti. Or T at all even
I'll admit that Te users tend to annoy me with what I perceive as their "shallow thinking". I also really HATE standardized testing because it's very Te focused. As an infj, Te is my blindspot and there's nothing more irritating for me than for someone to "solve" a complex problem with a shallow approach. It doesn't work.
Plus their whole group think mentality. 🤮🤮🤮🤢
Yeah, now imagine all those layers multiplied by a lot of possibilities (Ne). The INTP is the closest thing to infinite thought
When I saw all those gears...I wanted to play with them...
Heh. 😂
Oooh, nice fidget spinners for the team!
@@7erik7hedberg7 it took me two minutes to realise that it was a gear box
I am questioning whether I am INFJ or INTJ. Is there really a difference? My F and I are pretty balanced. Maybe we should be INXJ as a type.
Ah, so now I know who created the meme "Git gud"
That's EXACTLY it. Extroverted functions are gonna be like: What do you mean I have to do this over and over again until I figure it out? I've got like 50 other games to play ffs.
While introverted are like: How can you possibly expect that everything has to be easy and immediately accessible? You have to sit down, try, study, train and eventually you'll get there. That's just given. But instead you are sitting here complaining that you can't do the entire thing in 5 minutes.
I'm an INTJ and in high school I used to really struggle at detailed math or logic problems. It made me feel dumb or inferior, which, as a nerd, threw me off. The good math teachers were all Ti users in retrospect and weren't able to explain things as simple, scalable concepts I could readily understand. Those math teachers and I viewed each other with a certain amount of contempt because of the difference in Ti and Te like Shan is talking about.. You've also got the fi/fe dichotomy on top of that :P
Dude i am the same case as you , the way these idiots teach math is fucking dumb
ENFP Ne Te for me. A mile wide and an inch deep for sure. But. I will argue that some depth of thought approaching Ti is possible. I mean, look what you guys have done, and are doing, with personality!
We still need to do that interview!
@@PersonalityTrainer Yes! Do you still have my email?
I agree, enfp ne te girl here.
oooh so sweet... confusing optimism with Ti
Oh, I see, its a constant mesh gearbox with sliding pairs of gears on a splined shaft that are actuated by selector forks, guided by a shift drum, that when rotated, creates a linear progression through the gears and transfers the drive through a multi plate wet clutch to a final drive output shaft.
A.k.a the thing you find in most cars
In this case a motorbike, as it had a multi plate clutch and a kick start
I enjoy the company and advice of Ti people most! I grow from their friendship and mentorship. I dig them!
Being a Ti doesn't mean you don't have struggles, it means your attitude towards them is more positive.
It sucks to get many layers down and have to pull back but I learn so much in that exploration. It's easy for me to get started on stuff because I'm willing to adjust but I know that hard when you're trying to find an answer to something you've already dug past 😂
If you really want TI read Critique Of Pure Reason by Immanuel Kant that is super TI.
@Mr. 8-Bit Doggo are you new TI stands for introverted thinking it has nothing to do with tech
@Mr. 8-Bit Doggo you do know why they say introverted thinking and extraverted thinking. Because those tech problems are not inside you so there extroverted which means they're outside of you meaning you have to use Te. Introverted thinking happens not in the outside world but inside yourself. That's why they say extroverted and introverted. Because if it's introverted it's happening inside you. If it's extroverted it's happening outside.
@Mr. 8-Bit Doggo also I'm tired of you commenting on things I said a long time ago and forgot about because they don't matter to me.
Does the same logic apply to Fi and Fe then? Does Fe consider feelings of others but on a more shallow level whereas Fi goes down the rabbit hole? 🕳
Pretty much yeah
No. Fi doesn't consider the feelings of others but the feelings of themselves.
That's why Te savior are more likely to be a leader, right? Dealing why the tribe reasons e searching for the best way to work it out for everyone.
Recently at college I found out that I am quite good with this kind of stuff, it feels so good to me to delegate tasks and build something in team (when the people are not assholes, of course).
I'm an Si/Ti SC/B(P) and leaderhip is very hard to me. I'm not good at delegating tasks and make it work it out for everyone. But many times I have no choice but acting like a leader, I simply have to organize the tribe so I don't need to deal with their chaos later. I'm learning to do this but I don't like it, I'd rather be focused only in my task instead of thinking at all the project.
no not really if the Ti also has Fe then they're both suited for leadership
When you showed all those gears, my first thought was "OMG, that's so beautiful!"
Yeah, Ti user here. INTP, to be precise.
I teach English as a second language here in Brazil and I've started noticing that most of my private students say something along the lines of "I'm so dumb, there's so much I don't know" after a few weeks. I always try to encourage them not to give up, to take a step at a time, but I'm starting to get worried by this pattern. (4 out of 6 new students just this year!)
When I'm working in a school I usually dial down my Ti, you know, we have to work somewhere between the lower and the middle denominator so no one stays behind. But with private students I get to adapt each class to their own speed, and I am lucky to have some very smart students. And when they start to ask deeper questions, I'm always able to answer them, and then I get carried away and start to explain things the didn't ask, like linguistics or the origin of words (or any random fact my Si thinks is related to what they're learning). They think it's super interesting, but a bit intimidating at the same time. When I see them getting the bad kind of wide eyes, I step back and say "OK, there's that, but first you have to learn how to say it, then we can go back and see why we say it like this".
No one has given up so far. I need to control that Ti before anyone does.
Hmm i kinda understand what you said its interesting but as a teacher i can only imagine myself as a science or math teacher
I have a friend and she is like tell me about things and in middle i will be like ahh here is a fact- information related it and i tell her i cut her words and she must find it anoying i dont intentionally do so and she be like no no its interesting 😂
I am definitely a Te user then. I tried to figure out how to use a microscope for 30 minutes and started throwing a hissy fit because it was not working. I was like, This should not be this difficult!!!
Xavier Guillaume nice. I suspect I’m Ti and in that situation I would’ve probably had fun with the task of trying to figure out how the damned thing works, how the parts work together, etc.
Yeah it's true.
Took 20 years to realise it ? We were telling you since day 1.
Having Ti very often sucks because I try connecting with other people by giving my thoughts, uncovering the layers and so on only to realize they 1. Do not understand, and/or 2. Do not care. How the *fuck* am I supposed to make something sparkly when it makes a lot more sense to just value (after) the reasoning? I can’t keep talking about celebrity gossip or my sister’s latest impulse haul of buying stickers and calendars from the dollar tree for no other reason than “they looked so cute!”
Someone turn me into a Te or a feeler because all I hear from others is “Don’t overthink it!”
If a topic is worth understanding, it's worth understanding at every level of analysis.
This is a great way to better clarify the distinction between Di and De - depth vs breadth.
I have savior Ni-Ti, and though my Ti can apply to technology, I tend to use it much more in the abstract - psychology, physics, and especially moral philosophy. Te/Fe are expedient, Ti/Fi are deep.
Te is the radar. Ti is the microscope.
This explains why I find these videos a bit shallow - ENTP
“..eradicating disease.......humans.......after a while the lines get a little blurry.”
Thanks for the rare truth telling on this one.
As an INFP I see the struggle of the log being under the board. I then make a story about that goes fifty layers deep about how that log and I connect on a deep level.
After watching this video, I’ve gained a true appreciation for all functions. No more despising any one function.
Realizing that Ti is a master of thinking deeply, Si is a master of organizing tangible things, and all the rest, changes my perspective on functions I have and don’t have.
I want to master all of them. Grow those baby functions into Ronnie Coleman sized functions.My functions will be on steroids and scream, “YEAH BUDDYYYY!!!” is what I’m sayjng lol
hahaha! My husband (ISTP) wants to master all the functions too. I told him, that probably won't happen, lol! - INTP
@@lishayost44 Tell him that though everyone can use all functions in theory, he'll get exhausted from using your opposite functions.
For instance as INTP I try to do some Te-like actions and Se-like actions every week to become more productive. I'm good at my Ti anyway so I don't have to consciously choose to use it.
Te is good for productivity on things I'm usually not productive at, but it's very draining.
Thus he should only do so sparingly.
Also i noticed that my Se blindspot means my conversational memory or shortterm memory is really bad while my longterm Si memory, my learning memory, is pretty good. Is that common for INTPs? Do you think I have proper interpretation of the connection between memory and Se/Si?
I think we can somewhat "use" all the functions, except what's called trickster function in Socionics. That would take one to totally change how their mind works.
Thanks, Im a Ti dom and ppl just dont listen to me bc they say Im overthinking😂
I have that last picture tattooed on my arm in the form of a brain. I am an INTP and I can’t stop laughing. Help
At 3:40, at least emotionally, I really, really agree with what she’s expressing. I’m an ENTP, but I think we can all point out when Ti gets at its worst: forgetting other minds exist. I agree with the sentiment that any science that’s worth anything should become accessible. Intricate systems are exciting, but they’re not worth anything if no product is reaped from them or if no one but a privileged few can enjoy them.
Ok great video you guys are my favorite something about your energy together. Wonderful ❤
Using CAD software someone designed that gearbox in an afternoon. No big deal.
Well, then you can thank a lead Ti for developing the necessary CAD to make it Te friendly. Ofc, making drawing easy still doesnt tell you what to draw, muahahah!🤓
@@Karatop420 Indeed but no one ever reinvents the wheel or the geometry, not even the lead Ti ;-)
@@longlakeshore Well, invention is more of creative thing coming from intuition, haha.
The 4 dimensional math used to do 3D rotations is a good example of re-inventing something. Einstein re-invented space and time as spacetime. I guess it depends on what you mean by "invent." Lead Ti types kinda do generate new ideas.
You just showed that you have no fucking what you are talking about. Congratulations.
@@MrLuigiFercotti woah, there. Nice, err, value judgement? Is that what you call it? Man, idk. Ti just goes, "uhhhgghgh, ad hominem. Need to invent fallacy spray cuz ewww." What was wrong with what I said? You got a point you can articulate? I think it fairly obvious that all inventions came from someone's imagination. I mean, unless you think technology came from ancient aliens or something
(INTP) I visualize the logic breakdown like a mandelbrot fractal.
i think the worst part about it is that if you have Ti as your main function, Fe is gonna be your last one. So you'll pretty much be deeply curious into things and yet oblivious about how to handle that dynamics of how to deal with others about that. I guess that's where part of the INTP quirkiness comes from. Curious (Ne) well founded (Ti) insights and yet oblivious to how they are so cooler than they actually think (inferior Fe). That's recipe for charm, once awareness hits.
Inferior Fe is going to make you question your sanity because most people will not understand the effort and care that went into learning a subject and the depth of your knowledge and you won't be able to "sell" them your enthusiasm (because you'll come across as too nerdy, boring and weirdly obsessed in your quest for accuracy and reason). Once you mature and Fe becomes more rounded, you'll be able to communicate better the ins and outs of your inner knowledge without people being off put by your reasoning.
@@azmodanpc very very well put
This comment is one of the best examples of what I call "lamenting the demon". You can tell that there is a lot of pain in this guy's experience with the Ti/ Fe imbalance. Every type has its own primary struggle and it really really hurts. I think the definition of maturity for all types is struggling with an overcoming these demons.
If anyone else is wondering where to go to look for more information about the pain,
two of Dave's best videos are 1) the "saviors and demons" video where he's talking about the people blabbing in the coffee shop, and 2) the "I hate my type!" video where he talks about approaching your type with a spirit of humility and repentance.
Ok, this is the first time, am I hearing this right: We INTPs are... Cool? In what way? I know that we know the answer to almost any question, but thats useless in almost all everyday situations... And the low Fe doesnt help, when u want to help everyone and make everyone feel great but u dont know how to even make yourself feel good.
Ti Ne Si Fe stack is a bitch, a blessing and a curse, thats for sure...
@@tortugatech yes. once they get past the neediness for tribe validation and accept themselves they are one of the most charming types.
3:36 My reaction...-It's beautiful!
And i love that the lady using the log as leverage, once she started pushing down the board would slide forward cuz its not attached to the log at the leverage point. Well maybe the board would stay afixed to the log if it were very barkish with lots of friction points...
I'm an INTP that wants no part of that gear set. I thought about joining the military and took the ASVAB with what I'm told was a very high score. Almost all points I lost were on mechanical reasoning. I am a machine operator and basically all I've used for 30+ years is freakin' mechanical reasoning.
So Te is wide spectrum and Ti is narrow band, but what does that actually mean? One of the things that D&S tell us in this video is that Te and Ti both do the same amount of work, so we can tell that effort is conserved. To me that means the difference comes down to method.
The analogy I came up with is that the Te looks at a forest and wants to track each individual creature, watch each plant grow, watch things decompose, and from this they learn how a forest works. Ti on the other hand must work out a system. It learns about one plant, learns how it propagates, then from there it knows about all the plants because it can deduce the rules which the forest must follow.
In both cases you end up with a model forest, the difference is not in reality but preference.
So... you've Ti:ed your own work
we use the si ne process to cover the spectrum... what has been done and what could have been done... but ti is more about getting to the essence of what matters then "doing stuff"
It stikes as kind of the following: Ti seems to be concerned with the understanding of the functionality of things, while Te seems to be interested in the applicability and functionality of the functionality of things. Does it work? Great, that's enough. Let's proceed with out vision (or something like that, lol) and create a system, which works for (nearly) everybody. Ti is logic and understanding for himself, figuring things out, through logic, on his own, like deductive reasoning (seems to me to be a preference for those people, like INTPs, which is also the reason why they most certainly are the opposite of a theorist, who creates theories and plays with them around, which is more a product of an inductive reasoning preference), while Te wants to know if something's working for everybody and they will ponder about that. I think it kind of breaks down to: Ti: take theory in, apply it to a problem, when it comes up. Te: If a problem comes up, try to theorize to solve it in general.
As a TiNi type watching you guys throw sheet at the wall in the same way I perceive reality is really quite entertaining
Showed this to my ESTP partner and he told me immediately how it worked. He said it wasn't complicated at all, it's just a series of coordinating gears.
You have been doing this for twenty years that is amazing ❤
tbh me too as Ti dom it took me time to realize my Ti but then after that what I came to conclude was I will never gone get or spend time to justify myself to anyone who has Ti as shadow function.
I don't understand why they think those gears are complex. In retrospect, that is an indicator of where I stand on the subject
One issue with the 'going 50 layers deep' thing is that for many practical problems you hit points where you genuinely dont know if itll work until its tested. And yes, its frustrating and depressing. Either the complexity of the problem explodes or the system is beyond the data it can capture and you have to actually test things and see what happens. For example self driving cars, you cant possibly predict what real world problems you'll run into and it would be stupid to put all of your energy there. Better to just test the damn thing.
i wonder how one can compare Fi and Fe in a similar way. It would be about caring about things and while Fe keeps it on the surface for a wide variety of people, Fi cares with an uncanny depth. Would be really wonderful to have you look at it.
i've been watching you guy(s)l for almost 8 years now, i'm 24, you guy(s) have helped me cutting out so much of my bullshit through my years, thank you!
My ENTP brain reacting in fear to the complex gear system because now I feel responsible to understand it 🤦♀️
i love my ti.. this is funny and true.. why does shit need to make sense to everyone.. sometimes i get it.. i need to deeply understand everything
Somebody had to spend years and years figuring out how OP works. How did you guys cope?! :)
I’m an INTP and all I could think of when I saw the woman with the lever was: that rock is going to slide down that plank and hit her.
It's never-ending comedy for me as INTP/Ti-dom savior to hear them talk about being frustrated at complexity when it comes to gears, real world crap, etc. That just sounds FUN to me. It's always a nice, relaxing break to try to assemble or disassemble a complex machine, rather than dealing with "soft" systems like running companies, people/resource management, etc, since I'm a Project Manager. Having a simple, concrete project to work on is my #1 favorite thing and how I get into flowstate, ESPECIALLY if it's primarily focused on breaking something down rather than building. Building is fun but much harder, deconstructing and outlining is my brain's favorite activity. (This is why I took to MBTI/CogFunctions so well. I've ALWAYS felt that way, turns out Ti is an easy way to summarize that feeling.)
Running around shooting people? YUCK DRAKE FACE Sitting at a desk for 3 hours tinkering with a gearbox for airsoft? OH YEA DRAKE FACE. Esp if no one talks to you during that time. I'm getting dopamine hits just THINKING about it now, lol.
Like, I put together 100-300+ piece models for fun (2D puzzles are for plebs, lol) but basically have to take weed to TRULY be able to enjoy anything less complex than that, most of the time. Or be really tired. the only complex systems that frustrate ME are the ones I have no power to change. Political things, corporate and interpersonal issues, etc. Understanding WHY something is happening but having no power or tools to CHANGE it is the reason I (and maybe other INTPs) have such a tendency towards depression imo. We have to be careful about what we turn our attention/Ti to, or we might find more "unsolvable" problems like that and it can really wear down our mental health. I have to check out of politics for months at a time (been hard the last year) or I get into REALLY dark places. I also can't pay attention to my wife's true crime, unsolved mysteries podcasts or I'll annoy her with theories, answers, and annoyed probing questions she (and no one) can answer.
You're not an INTP :)
I can’t remember if this has anything to do with this video but I had a thought and need to get it out before I forget it too: as an IxxP, I want an identity that goes deep, but ends up being good for the tribe. I think most IxxPs attempt this too- that obsession with finding our identity is an attempt to explore options before we pick a “thing” to go deep on, and then we devote everything to it.
So the Fi saviour is like the ultimate case study, I guess, for an ESFJ’s Fe. Like best Si example they would draw their data from. An INFP’s Fi is an ESFJ’s Si.
Extroverted Deciders have to get their data for what the tribe wants and what works for the tribe from somewhere, and single deciders are those people. We’re the cutting edge, at least those of use who get lucky enough to pick an identity that’s actually useful.
-INTP (probably)
I'm just scarfing all these videos down XD trying t understand things trying to know things so I can be sure how to know myself in this MBTI system
The core issue is the fact that you may do something very far from what your local environment needs even if you also would benefit from it
When I saw the gears, they were moving.
crazy how you learn in stuff. parents are supposed to be so open minded, but its just hard for most people to be.
Every time I doubt I have Ti, I remember I tried to build an automated elevator in a video game that utilizes the games physics engine and it was super complicated dealing with placements of parts and launch angles. Now Im stuck with a half finished elevator that really only I can use cause I know all of the quirks (and if you dont follow it, it'll prolly launch your character to their death) that I'll eventually come back to finish never lol.
As an istp, I designed an apparatus for improving your hammering ability left handed or opposing handed while watching this video. Take a 4x4x8 post and get a bunch of 60 penny nails and cut the heads off them off and drive them through the post in any random order you like. So that the nail protrudes out the other side when you nail it through. Then you can switch sides back and forth to practice. Enjoy.
The way Shan said she saw that gear thing and felt animalistic rage ... really showed me how I'm the opposite because I saw it and got super excited. (ISFJ)
😂😂 best end of video comment ever 😂😂😂😂
Marrying an INTP (as an INTJ) the Ti - Te combo is insane. He recently told me about his new hobby of touch typing. Who the fuck types as a hobby lmao. I'll make candles or soap but no, touch typing! He says he wants to be about able to type 150 wpm and be in the top 1% of typists. And so he types away on his keyboard building muscle memory.
They have another video where they say Se people throw out facts in a line as if they’re pulling on a rope and each knot is another sensory fact. All of the facts are related to each other and seem to be going in a direction but nobody told the audience where the destination is supposed to be.
That’s how Ti feels to me. My brain wants to find a fact that leads to another fact which leads to another, and so forth, with the vague end goal of getting to the truth of the matter.
What type are each of these charming people? I envy their ability to speak and bounce off of each other in a loving way.
Right im going to need like 20 years to understand everything you guys are talking about then 😅😅 and i think im an infp but i still cant know how im supposed to re-calibrate my saviour and demon parts..
I don't know what the heck that one thing was used for. But I know it's beautiful and I'd like to dis- and reassemble it
INTP, finally hitting my stride.
Ti needs to be feed Ne: books, articles, data.
Happy hunting.
When the guy who fixes my car or my computer gives me a 1 hour monologue on why it doesn' eyes just glaze over and I ask them how much and how fast they can get it up and running
Ti savier here, and this describes most of my current arguments with Te users in corporate contexts. Being so committed to making something work immediately that you lose depth and then have to correct the errors that were bound to occur. :P
I saw the gears and went “oh that’s doesn’t look bad.”
We just like to figure things out accurately :)
and as an introvert i am in no rush lol
INTP TI as remote desktop.
Could fix the issue in 5 minutes but 30 minutes on that issue why ?
Loved those issue ,liked
researching ,understanding , explaining the issue .
And I loved complex issue only if my brain connection is working good (Working memory responding well )
Im INTP. I naturally go 50 layers deep and shift through layers quickly because the concepts are all related ai a mechanical way that ive spent time imagineing and error checking. Its like my brains hobby. Meanwhile, my house could burn down around me and I wouldn't notice. No problemo, my wife is Te and she informs me of essential Te observations frequently.
I want pictures of that gear configuration from as many angles as possible that looks beautiful
It's so weird to me that you would look at this gear thing, and think about the life of the person while they were creating it. I would look at this and think "Oh, wow, cool. This is so complex. I really want to know how this works!", and I would probably tear it to pieces and destroy it because I'm unable to put it back together again. I know this is a weird reaction, so I don't expect it to be commonly shared, but what surprises me is that someone would bypass thinking about the object entirely, and just skip right to thinking about the experience of its creator.
ENTP says; 50 reasons why they swear so much? By the way, I have a new gearbox design.
One of the most frustrating things Ti does is use a screw with a different head (flat) because it's the right size next to one with a Phillips head. All I can think is, "Ty jerk now I have to find another screwdriver just to remove a single lightswitch cover (or smoke detector)."
So it I understand:
Te : I don't have time to get that deep, too many others things to think through
Ti : I don't have time to think through that many things, this one thing needs my attention
If you want to better grasp an introverted function, take your best introverted function, for me Ni, and imagine how the distance or depth (for deciders) of that function will correlate to the distance/depth of the function you're trying to grasp.
same goes for superficiality and extraverted functions.