God Bless you, Clint Leiter!!! Thank you for sharing your testimony and for exposing the cult-bahvior in so many churches that profess but don't have a relationship with Christ. AMEN!!!!!!!
The problem with that comment would be that if a pastor just read Hebrews 13:17 he would be saying that. So I'm assuming your point is the leaders who abuse their authority, like Diotrephes in 3 John. Because there will be times where the shepherds will have to take stands on the realities in Hebrews 13:17, and do it in a non-abusive and authoritarian way.
@@illbehonest I think the best interpretation of Hebrews 13:17 is found in Matthew Henry's Commentary and I would apply this to their concept and practice of church discipline too; "The duty--to obey them, and submit themselves to them. It is not an implicit obedience, or absolute submission, that is here required, but only so far as is agreeable to the mind and will of God revealed in his word ... They are not to make laws of their own, but to interpret the laws of God; nor is their interpretation to be immediately received without examination, but the people must search the scriptures, and so far as the instructions of their minister are according to that rule they ought to receive them, not as the word of men, but, as they are indeed, the word of God, that works effectually in those that believe" - Matthew Henry's Comprehensive Commentary.
man im really struggling to put my faith in Christ. I was led into a cult in 2016 and now it's hard to get out of that mindset. please pray for me brethren. thank you
nothing like that, I was listening to a legalistic teacher. I began to think that morally neutral things, like skateboarding, going to a science center, etc, were sinful. just a lot of fear mongering. according to this teacher, we aren't saved by Christs work
Just rest in Jesus. Know that you are nothing and have no strength of your own. If you try to muster up faith in your own power you won't be able to do it. Let your prayer be "Lord I believe, help my unbelief!" Lie at Christs' feet and let Him fill you with His Strength. I also recommend listening to the men from this TH-cam channel if you don't already. They will lead you and point you to Christ.
There is one basic reason why people are drawn into cults and have difficulty withdrawing even when they become aware of the danger. All humans are social animals......meaning that all desire to belong to a group who in turn will validate the value of their life as they live it. They think that if they conform to whatever the cult is pushing, they will have obtained that validation of their own life and worth. The feeling of having a group of people you copy as to belief systems and lifestyle is one of the strongest of human emotions one can experience because it is interpreted (wrongly) as that sign you have arrived at the pentacle of what your life is supposed to be. Even when it becomes objectively clear that the group (cult) is pushing irrational or dangerous ideas and conduct, the average cult member will find it almost impossible to cut ties because of the emotional bonding behind the idea that the group is the validation for their existence. And more to the point......most cult members will actually attack anyone who points out the error of the cult teachings/practice simply because their admittance of the error would MEAN their entire emotional world would be torn asunder. And they would rather keep living the "lie" rather than give up the idea of the group identity which is their sole emotional rationale for living at all. All cult leaders fully understand this quirk of human nature and use it to enslave their followers with ease.....knowing that most will not have the mental/emotional strength to disentangle themselves.
Thanks for the video! The Lord delivered me from Mormonism over 3 decades ago so it’s easy to relate. When you find yourself trusting in man who are self-proclaimed prophets and apostles (or those claiming to speak on behalf of the Lord) it’s easy to be deceived. It’s crucial to “test all things” because we are in the last days and Jesus warned us of this ahead of time! For myself, a good thing to remember is there is nothing any man can do or say that should ever replace the power, authority, and guidance of the Holy Spirit in one’s life. Is He not in our hearts for that very reason?
Thank you, very well said. If people would follow the spirit, they would be led into all truth. Instead they follow sinful men who domineer over the flock scattering, and abusing them. Follow the spirit.
Depart from me the Lord delivered me when you find yourself trusting in man who are self-proclaimed prophets and apostles or those claiming to speak on behalf of the Creator it is easy to be deceived it's crucial to test all things because we are in the last days and my heavenly father warned of this ahead of time for myself a good thing is to remember there is nothing man can say or 𝐫
I was in the ICOC church cult and it's "overemphasis" on certain scriptures, although their thing was the bible being the standard for living. Lesson: everyone can use the bible to match their agenda. Don't get caught up in some idea of objective biblical truth. The bible only reflects back to you who you really are.
If you are filled with Holy Spirit, Jesus, then and only then can you know deception. Get filled with God of the Bible and He will guide you into all Truth!
So true! You may not be able to see it at first, but when you’re being led by the Holy Spirit he will reveal those things to you. Anyone watching this or reading please do not feel bad for recognizing that you are in this. Just know God your father will guide you out of it! Run far away!
My sympathies go out to you regarding the difficulty of coming out of a situation of spiritual abuse. Those in 3 John 1:9-10 had to go come out of a similiar situation with Diotrephes beating them. We also read of the Pharisees in Matthew 23, "They tie up heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on people's shoulders," so yes, even in Jesus' day false teachers abounded and spiritually abused people. Sadly we have and face the same today. So I want to encourage you, despiste all you have gone through you can still find true fellowship with true believers in a true church. Do not lose heart.
I was a baptised member of a Calvinist 'Bible-believing' Bible Presbyterian church from 2003-2005, and on top of the TULIP doctrines they were teaching members in Sunday school and catechism, there was a very strong anti-psychology, anti-science, anti -philosophy stance which led to them stigmatising moviegoing, listening to pop music, or even just working in mental healthcare! I suffered from extreme PTSD and had to spend years away in Canada undoing that damage by going to a local Lutheran church instead. Church hurt and spiritual abuse are among the hardest to resolve.
I grew up in a cult in Calif and it greatly affected my family, the book that helped me the most to gain clarity is "The Mind of the Bible Believer" by Edmund Cohen who attended a Calvary Chapel in CA and describes his brainwashing and eventual recovery..
I would like to add something that I have been researching for a while now. And that is; How does anyone get involved in a cult? The infamous Jim Jones, Koresh, Heavens Gate. You name it. There is a cult out there. But instead of blaming the cult for being so evil. What causes a person to inquire about the cult from the start? What chemical make-up is in a person that causes them to want to join? That is where the problem lies. Its not so much the cult, but its whatever characteristics that a person has inside them that leads them to a cult. Its difficult to explain. Anyone have any thoughts?
It's a last chance hope..... It's survival.... For me it was almost freezing to death sleeping outside..... All I heard was place to sleep and eat...... There was a very bad blizzard coming in the night I joined one... And most cults you won't know its a cult till you get there and start seeing things happen
I am a former United Pentecostal and I have learned so much from the Bible since I left , that I have no doubt that I left a cult . The United Pentecostal Church International is very convincing to people who are church seekers who have little to no knowledge of the Bible .The Bible is presented in such a way , that UPC congregations appear to be true Bible believing churches .
You are in a cult if you are told you have sin without offering the Way for you to have perfect works as a gift. Cults get you busy with your sin without showing you how to be perfect.
Greetings from Australia. I was part of a small home group in the U.S. that I joined by Skype that put a lot of emphasis on a truth that's hardly heard in mainstream christianity and that is the "doeth" in 1John3:7. The 2 leaders there also strongly come against the idea that Jesus is our magic cover(of righteousness) over our sin. Truths nonetheless but an over emphasis on only 1 or 2 themes that are neglected or ignored in most christianity. They've taken their teachings from Mike Desario. They would run rings around most Christians with their bible knowledge. Paul said I shun not to declare the WHOLE counsel of God. I am NOT saying they're a cult, but when I told them not to call me anymore because it all doesn't sit well with me, shortly after it was like a huge weight was lifted off me! I would say though that they're a borderline cult or possibly the makings of a cult.
In answering the first question, pastoer Letter mentions that he had a background of being in dead and compromised churches.. I would be so grateful if someone can speak in this sometime.. what a dead / compromised church is, and how do you know if you should leave. It is very difficult when you are attending a church where some truth is taught but there are some things that seems a bit twisted.. important things like baptism/salvation and what it means.
People need to be aware of what is a cult, a cult is a religion who says that knows Jesus but doesn't fallow or lives Jesus. Who tells you to fallow them and obey them and give them money and do what they tell you. . People confuse a cult with somebody telling you if you don't live and fallow the word of god your not a true christian. That is not a cult that's the true word of God.
It's honestly ridiculous how many cults there are! I was in a cult called Compass Trainings, focused on self help. Then I joined a cult called Maum meditation, a meditation cult. Then I felt the presence of Jesus in my life so i started going to a Pentacostal church, and I feel like this is a cult too. Luckily I have a bible of my own, and I can tell when someone is twisting scriptures for their own cult agenda. You have to speak in tongues to be a christian? Nope! You have to be baptized in Jesus name only to be a christian? Nope! I say lies!!!!
@@funnycatvideos1848 it was hard. Basically a menta breakdown and the willpower to say no when people tried to talk me out of it. Had to cut ties and stay away until i felt mentally stronger
Anything that stray from Jesus is susceptible to the enemy's perversions. The two first cults you mentioned you can tell stray from Jesus. Self help? The answer is always Jesus. Jesus is our doctor, our therapist, our provider. Everything! Meditation? Sounds new age. We are to pray to Jesus. Pentecostals? I have experience with them too. They definitely focus on Jesus. I'm not too sure about the tongues thing. Most Bible abiding leaders all believe in speaking in tongues, though not all believe it's the only way to be able to say you have the Holy Spirit. It is an overfilling of the Holy Ghost because out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Baptism? Yes, it should be in Jesus name only. All examples in NT are in Jesus name. The name of the Father Son Holy Spirit is Jesus Christ. The Catholic church changed the formula in 2nd century to blend original Christianity with Constantine's love for pagan gods.
Can someone please help me I joined the Nar movement in 2020, but before the pandemic in 2019-2020, I got the Holy Spirit Baptism. Once in 2020, I found Kat Kerr and joined the cult, and lost everything after that. Can someone help me recover. Specifically Kim Clement and Kat Kerr where controlling me, specifically Kim Clement. I need help please.
thanks, Clint- I have seen- many,many times the 15 or 20 things that make a cult; but, he mentioned 2 I'd never heard of- using. " pet" books like, just Isaiah- instead of ones most Churches like PROT, Cath, Ortho use like John Rom, Heb, especially Rev, my fav& the other. thing I, never heart-. leagalism- I, never thought legal. can make a Church a cult- like some of the Penn. ones I v been to- good job, good job!
I recently joined a baptist church, but ladies who are married, wear headcovering,skirts or dresses, they say that they are only following God's law and living as God has said in His Word. They say one should wear headcovering, and wearing trousers for women is not obeying God. They say they are only following God's word.
Some people have the right to think like that. It’s not a cult. Trust. A cult is where there is a leader that is a “messiah” or “sent from God” and everything that he says is true. If you can’t question him or what they say that’s a cult. Biblically speaking they are correct, but those are laws of the Old Testament. I was in a cult named Asomdwee NtonTon Som by Nyame Somafo Yawoh and I was introduced to it by my ex fiancé and his father. Google who he is and you’ll see what a cult is.. going around a temple reciting the same words over and over. Breaking away was hard. Being discarded by a narcissist and now having to unlearn all of those teachings and mental turmoil has been very hard especially being so young. May you be blessed in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Well, the bible commands modesty. It doesn't say women are sinning if they wear pants. I have been studying head coverings and even R.C. Sproul taught that head coverings were supposed to be worn by women. It's in 1 Corinthians 11. So they are wrong about the trousers but they could possibly be right about the head coverings. Women can wear loose pants and still be modest.
How about a Bible Church that likes woman to wear hats...a.k.a. a head covering? This seems wrong to me. I’m covered in the Blood...why do i need a head covering???
There's only one person I've seen who explains this correctly, and the answer will shock you. Google head coverings and dr michael heiser who is An ancient language and biblical scholar his website is drmsh dot com.
That's nice but he is not Biblical authority he is a man and man can err. This is how people get out of obeying God by bringing in some so-called authority. See argumentum ad verecundiam = Insisting that a claim is true simply because a valid authority or expert on the issue said it was true, without any other supporting evidence offered. No the Bible is God's very words and what He says we must obey all would agree with that. Let's stop trying to nuter God's word and just obey it.
Paul is an Apostle who heard from God. He is also a man ... Beware of idolatry [ie; Paul as God] and legalism in cults and denominations [demon nations] such as Kingshouse Baptist Church. I don't see your 'çult' in God's Word.
Uh, first off this was directed at the starter of the thread poolahpot. Second Im fairly certain I never claimed him as a biblical authority though after reviewing his credentials if there was someone whom you'd call a biblical authority this man would be the one. Seeing his knowledge of many ancient languages and the customs of the biblical writers. And the fact that he personally translated the entire kj bible for the software company he works for LOGOS bible software who writes all the bible software which the vast majority of bible colleges use worldwide all denominations I might add. Then seeing how I dont believe you could have watched the video in the time frame between these posts your speaking about a subject you know nothing about. I'm done the post was made to help others if you don't like it TROLL elsewhere. Peace
5 seconds into this video and I knew something was wrong. Calling other people a cult when YOU are in a cult yourself. Most Christians would agree that Calvinism is a cult.
Why not just join a bible teaching church with an ordained minister in the area instead of remaining as a closed group in a basement? Sounds shady! One of the criticisms of the cult group that this man pointed out was that they did not associate with any church. Well, was he not doing just the same and assuming authority?
My sister thinks that Trump is Jesus and believes he is holy and can do nothing wrong. I tell her that he’s an imperfect human and is a billionaire playboy and is fallible…she won’t have any of it.
@@Pilguahawa I voted for Trump..but she finally admitted he had a “gutter mouth” and “Jesus just wouldn’t talk like that”…so I think she’s finally starting to come back down from that fervent political heavenly high she’s been on. Praise the Lord 🙏
Watch part 2: th-cam.com/video/g-G8UkYJsG0/w-d-xo.html & part 3: th-cam.com/video/KYzqYZL1JRs/w-d-xo.html
A tip: you can watch series on kaldroStream. I've been using it for watching lots of of movies recently.
@Avery Kamden Definitely, have been using KaldroStream for months myself :)
@Avery Kamden yea, I've been watching on KaldroStream for months myself :)
@Avery Kamden Yup, have been watching on Kaldrostream for since december myself :D
@Avery Kamden yup, been using KaldroStream for since december myself :)
God Bless you, Clint Leiter!!! Thank you for sharing your testimony and for exposing the cult-bahvior in so many churches that profess but don't have a relationship with Christ. AMEN!!!!!!!
A good way to tell if you’re in a cult is if the leader says, “obey them that have the rule over you..”
Yeah that’s a classic tell. ;-)
The problem with that comment would be that if a pastor just read Hebrews 13:17 he would be saying that. So I'm assuming your point is the leaders who abuse their authority, like Diotrephes in 3 John. Because there will be times where the shepherds will have to take stands on the realities in Hebrews 13:17, and do it in a non-abusive and authoritarian way.
@@illbehonest I think the best interpretation of Hebrews 13:17 is found in Matthew Henry's Commentary and I would apply this to their concept and practice of church discipline too; "The duty--to obey them, and submit themselves to them. It is not an implicit obedience, or absolute submission, that is here required, but only so far as is agreeable to the mind and will of God revealed in his word ... They are not to make laws of their own, but to interpret the laws of God; nor is their interpretation to be immediately received without examination, but the people must search the scriptures, and so far as the instructions of their minister are according to that rule they ought to receive them, not as the word of men, but, as they are indeed, the word of God, that works effectually in those that believe" - Matthew Henry's Comprehensive Commentary.
Exactly 💯
Thank you very much for your honesty and humility to share this thing in your past for the glory of God and help to the saints.
man im really struggling to put my faith in Christ. I was led into a cult in 2016 and now it's hard to get out of that mindset. please pray for me brethren. thank you
midsy what cult? Jws
nothing like that, I was listening to a legalistic teacher. I began to think that morally neutral things, like skateboarding, going to a science center, etc, were sinful. just a lot of fear mongering. according to this teacher, we aren't saved by Christs work
Check out jonathan kleck on youtube..bless you and continue to cry out..he will answer you and help you in all your ways
Just rest in Jesus. Know that you are nothing and have no strength of your own. If you try to muster up faith in your own power you won't be able to do it. Let your prayer be "Lord I believe, help my unbelief!" Lie at Christs' feet and let Him fill you with His Strength. I also recommend listening to the men from this TH-cam channel if you don't already. They will lead you and point you to Christ.
@@Mark_68574 Same shit here dude.
Hi Tim, I really appreciate you caring enough for ppl who maybe caught in the web of cults and may not know they're trapped & bound
There is one basic reason why people are drawn into cults and have difficulty withdrawing even when they become aware of the danger. All humans are social animals......meaning that all desire to belong to a group who in turn will validate the value of their life as they live it. They think that if they conform to whatever the cult is pushing, they will have obtained that validation of their own life and worth. The feeling of having a group of people you copy as to belief systems and lifestyle is one of the strongest of human emotions one can experience because it is interpreted (wrongly) as that sign you have arrived at the pentacle of what your life is supposed to be. Even when it becomes objectively clear that the group (cult) is pushing irrational or dangerous ideas and conduct, the average cult member will find it almost impossible to cut ties because of the emotional bonding behind the idea that the group is the validation for their existence. And more to the point......most cult members will actually attack anyone who points out the error of the cult teachings/practice simply because their admittance of the error would MEAN their entire emotional world would be torn asunder. And they would rather keep living the "lie" rather than give up the idea of the group identity which is their sole emotional rationale for living at all. All cult leaders fully understand this quirk of human nature and use it to enslave their followers with ease.....knowing that most will not have the mental/emotional strength to disentangle themselves.
Thanks for the video! The Lord delivered me from Mormonism over 3 decades ago so it’s easy to relate. When you find yourself trusting in man who are self-proclaimed prophets and apostles (or those claiming to speak on behalf of the Lord) it’s easy to be deceived. It’s crucial to “test all things” because we are in the last days and Jesus warned us of this ahead of time! For myself, a good thing to remember is there is nothing any man can do or say that should ever replace the power, authority, and guidance of the Holy Spirit in one’s life. Is He not in our hearts for that very reason?
Thank you, very well said. If people would follow the spirit, they would be led into all truth. Instead they follow sinful men who domineer over the flock scattering, and abusing them. Follow the spirit.
Depart from me the Lord delivered me when you find yourself trusting in man who are self-proclaimed prophets and apostles or those claiming to speak on behalf of the Creator it is easy to be deceived it's crucial to test all things because we are in the last days and my heavenly father warned of this ahead of time for myself a good thing is to remember there is nothing man can say or 𝐫
Cults are everywhere, not just in religion.
I was in the ICOC church cult and it's "overemphasis" on certain scriptures, although their thing was the bible being the standard for living. Lesson: everyone can use the bible to match their agenda. Don't get caught up in some idea of objective biblical truth. The bible only reflects back to you who you really are.
If you are filled with Holy Spirit, Jesus, then and only then can you know deception. Get filled with God of the Bible and He will guide you into all Truth!
So true! You may not be able to see it at first, but when you’re being led by the Holy Spirit he will reveal those things to you. Anyone watching this or reading please do not feel bad for recognizing that you are in this. Just know God your father will guide you out of it!
Run far away!
This is what cults think. Magical thinking does not allow them to see the manipulation.
Jesus was an incredible cult leader. Thousands of years later and people still believe.
Unless a person has been the victim of a cult they will never understand how easy it is to be duped.
Thank you for speaking so clearly about different red flags to watch for!
I have a great distrust of any organized religion. Because of my personal experience. I was diagnosed with ptsd after years of control
My sympathies go out to you regarding the difficulty of coming out of a situation of spiritual abuse. Those in 3 John 1:9-10 had to go come out of a similiar situation with Diotrephes beating them. We also read of the Pharisees in Matthew 23, "They tie up heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on people's shoulders," so yes, even in Jesus' day false teachers abounded and spiritually abused people. Sadly we have and face the same today. So I want to encourage you, despiste all you have gone through you can still find true fellowship with true believers in a true church. Do not lose heart.
I was a baptised member of a Calvinist 'Bible-believing' Bible Presbyterian church from 2003-2005, and on top of the TULIP doctrines they were teaching members in Sunday school and catechism, there was a very strong anti-psychology, anti-science, anti -philosophy stance which led to them stigmatising moviegoing, listening to pop music, or even just working in mental healthcare! I suffered from extreme PTSD and had to spend years away in Canada undoing that damage by going to a local Lutheran church instead. Church hurt and spiritual abuse are among the hardest to resolve.
I grew up in a cult in Calif and it greatly affected my family, the book that helped me the most to gain clarity is "The Mind of the Bible Believer" by Edmund Cohen who attended a Calvary Chapel in CA and describes his brainwashing and eventual recovery..
I would like to add something that I have been researching for a while now. And that is; How does anyone get involved in a cult? The infamous Jim Jones, Koresh, Heavens Gate. You name it. There is a cult out there. But instead of blaming the cult for being so evil. What causes a person to inquire about the cult from the start? What chemical make-up is in a person that causes them to want to join? That is where the problem lies. Its not so much the cult, but its whatever characteristics that a person has inside them that leads them to a cult. Its difficult to explain. Anyone have any thoughts?
It's a last chance hope..... It's survival.... For me it was almost freezing to death sleeping outside..... All I heard was place to sleep and eat...... There was a very bad blizzard coming in the night I joined one... And most cults you won't know its a cult till you get there and start seeing things happen
I am a former United Pentecostal and I have learned so much from the Bible since I left , that I have no doubt that I left a cult . The United Pentecostal Church International is very convincing to people who are church seekers who have little to no knowledge of the Bible .The Bible is presented in such a way , that UPC congregations appear to be true Bible believing churches .
Did u grow up in the upc? How long were you in the church?
@@Kate-wz4nd I got in my UPC 2 weeks before I turned 28 and lieft a little over 14 years later .
Gotta pray for the rest of folks still in that path!
Don’t be embarrassed. It’s happened to others.
A focus of doing rather than being 💯
You are in a cult if you are told you have sin without offering the Way for you to have perfect works as a gift. Cults get you busy with your sin without showing you how to be perfect.
GRACE is my GOOD WORKS love your name on here! Haha. Be blessed. Thank God for his grace
I won't be perfect until I get to heaven. Only Jesus was perfect here on earth.
@@cathy3546 amen, dear sister...so true!!! God bless you!😊❤💖❤
you have no idea how much this helped me. God bless you!!!
Come out from amongst them!
Pray for me to have discernment and purity from unholy acts!
Everything he says sounds like modern "Christianity" taught in many churches today.
Hi. Absolutely, good observation there
Greetings from Australia. I was part of a small home group in the U.S. that I joined by Skype that put a lot of emphasis on a truth that's hardly heard in mainstream christianity and that is the "doeth" in 1John3:7. The 2 leaders there also strongly come against the idea that Jesus is our magic cover(of righteousness) over our sin. Truths nonetheless but an over emphasis on only 1 or 2 themes that are neglected or ignored in most christianity. They've taken their teachings from Mike Desario. They would run rings around most Christians with their bible knowledge. Paul said I shun not to declare the WHOLE counsel of God. I am NOT saying they're a cult, but when I told them not to call me anymore because it all doesn't sit well with me, shortly after it was like a huge weight was lifted off me!
I would say though that they're a borderline cult or possibly the makings of a cult.
In answering the first question, pastoer Letter mentions that he had a background of being in dead and compromised churches.. I would be so grateful if someone can speak in this sometime.. what a dead / compromised church is, and how do you know if you should leave. It is very difficult when you are attending a church where some truth is taught but there are some things that seems a bit twisted.. important things like baptism/salvation and what it means.
Di Gray
Check out John MacArthur How to Recognize a Real Church.
IMO One of the most solid biblical teachers of our time.
John A thank you John :).. I will.
I disagree. I don't think John MacArthur is a great teacher.
Please look up a video "why we left the church" by Michael Chriswell, that answers it pretty well.
I read a comment that was so right,if a person reads Gods word & prays the Holy
Spirit will be your guide.
I wish I could talk to you. I was in a church cult for 14 years. It’s very complicated.
I am too
People need to be aware of what is a cult, a cult is a religion who says that knows Jesus but doesn't fallow or lives Jesus. Who tells you to fallow them and obey them and give them money and do what they tell you. . People confuse a cult with somebody telling you if you don't live and fallow the word of god your not a true christian. That is not a cult that's the true word of God.
It's honestly ridiculous how many cults there are! I was in a cult called Compass Trainings, focused on self help. Then I joined a cult called Maum meditation, a meditation cult. Then I felt the presence of Jesus in my life so i started going to a Pentacostal church, and I feel like this is a cult too. Luckily I have a bible of my own, and I can tell when someone is twisting scriptures for their own cult agenda. You have to speak in tongues to be a christian? Nope! You have to be baptized in Jesus name only to be a christian? Nope! I say lies!!!!
Ruby Lee how did you leave ?
@@funnycatvideos1848 it was hard. Basically a menta breakdown and the willpower to say no when people tried to talk me out of it. Had to cut ties and stay away until i felt mentally stronger
Anything that stray from Jesus is susceptible to the enemy's perversions. The two first cults you mentioned you can tell stray from Jesus. Self help? The answer is always Jesus. Jesus is our doctor, our therapist, our provider. Everything! Meditation? Sounds new age. We are to pray to Jesus. Pentecostals? I have experience with them too. They definitely focus on Jesus. I'm not too sure about the tongues thing. Most Bible abiding leaders all believe in speaking in tongues, though not all believe it's the only way to be able to say you have the Holy Spirit. It is an overfilling of the Holy Ghost because out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Baptism? Yes, it should be in Jesus name only. All examples in NT are in Jesus name. The name of the Father Son Holy Spirit is Jesus Christ. The Catholic church changed the formula in 2nd century to blend original Christianity with Constantine's love for pagan gods.
I’m a victim of a Pentecostal cult right now
I can’t get back to my family either
Key sign: They take something from the Bible and overenphasize it.
Gotta keep in step with the spirit.. enough to discern these things.. wolves In sheep's clothing 🐑 .
Appreciate this interview.
[One thing that I had to learn, that is, there is only ‘one’ world.]
Can someone please help me I joined the Nar movement in 2020, but before the pandemic in 2019-2020, I got the Holy Spirit Baptism. Once in 2020, I found Kat Kerr and joined the cult, and lost everything after that. Can someone help me recover. Specifically Kim Clement and Kat Kerr where controlling me, specifically Kim Clement. I need help please.
Destiny Church this is you! Woe to you!
River Church Tampa Florida
Tough! Happy your taking steps forward!
thanks, Clint- I have seen- many,many times the 15 or 20 things that make a cult; but, he mentioned 2 I'd never heard of- using. " pet" books like, just Isaiah- instead of ones most Churches like PROT, Cath, Ortho use like John Rom, Heb, especially Rev, my fav& the other. thing I, never heart-. leagalism- I, never thought legal. can make a Church a cult- like some of the Penn. ones I v been to- good job, good job!
Very good points.
I recently joined a baptist church, but ladies who are married, wear headcovering,skirts or dresses, they say that they are only following God's law and living as God has said in His Word.
They say one should wear headcovering, and wearing trousers for women is not obeying God.
They say they are only following God's word.
Some people have the right to think like that. It’s not a cult. Trust. A cult is where there is a leader that is a “messiah” or “sent from God” and everything that he says is true. If you can’t question him or what they say that’s a cult. Biblically speaking they are correct, but those are laws of the Old Testament. I was in a cult named Asomdwee NtonTon Som by Nyame Somafo Yawoh and I was introduced to it by my ex fiancé and his father. Google who he is and you’ll see what a cult is.. going around a temple reciting the same words over and over. Breaking away was hard. Being discarded by a narcissist and now having to unlearn all of those teachings and mental turmoil has been very hard especially being so young. May you be blessed in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Well, the bible commands modesty. It doesn't say women are sinning if they wear pants. I have been studying head coverings and even R.C. Sproul taught that head coverings were supposed to be worn by women. It's in 1 Corinthians 11. So they are wrong about the trousers but they could possibly be right about the head coverings. Women can
wear loose pants and still be modest.
All i can hear is, “my money dont jiggle jiggle, it folds”
It's not about your Deeds it's about your belief John 3:16 forever He Who believeth
Deliverence is the order of the day
Facts,deliverance all day everyday😪
How about a Bible Church that likes woman to wear hats...a.k.a. a head covering?
This seems wrong to me.
I’m covered in the Blood...why do i need a head covering???
Because God commands it. It is very clear in black and white 1 Corinthians 11 read it very carefully and obey God
There's only one person I've seen who explains this correctly, and the answer will shock you. Google head coverings and dr michael heiser who is
An ancient language and biblical scholar his website is drmsh dot com.
That's nice but he is not Biblical authority he is a man and man can err. This is how people get out of obeying God by bringing in some so-called authority. See argumentum ad verecundiam = Insisting that a claim is true simply because a valid authority or expert on the issue said it was true, without any other supporting evidence offered.
No the Bible is God's very words and what He says we must obey all would agree with that. Let's stop trying to nuter God's word and just obey it.
Paul is an Apostle who heard from God. He is also a man ... Beware of idolatry [ie; Paul as God] and legalism in cults and denominations [demon nations] such as Kingshouse Baptist Church. I don't see your 'çult' in God's Word.
Uh, first off this was directed at the starter of the thread poolahpot. Second Im fairly certain I never claimed him as a biblical authority though after reviewing his credentials if there was someone whom you'd call a biblical authority this man would be the one. Seeing his knowledge of many ancient languages and the customs of the biblical writers. And the fact that he personally translated the entire kj bible for the software company he works for LOGOS bible software who writes all the bible software which the vast majority of bible colleges use worldwide all denominations I might add. Then seeing how I dont believe you could have watched the video in the time frame between these posts your speaking about a subject you know nothing about.
I'm done the post was made to help others if you don't like it TROLL elsewhere.
wow !!! thank You !!! In Jesus name >>>>Ray D
This is almost like YWAM or House of Prayer lol.
Can you specify that please?
You mean Youth With A Mission is some kind of a cult?
5 seconds into this video and I knew something was wrong. Calling other people a cult when YOU are in a cult yourself. Most Christians would agree that Calvinism is a cult.
No they wouldnt
It's wrong but not a cult
Iglasia Ni Cristo is a bad one founder Felix Y. Manalo
Political MAGA evangelical christianit????????
Why not just join a bible teaching church with an ordained minister in the area instead of remaining as a closed group in a basement?
Sounds shady! One of the criticisms of the cult group that this man pointed out was that they did not associate with any church. Well, was he not doing just the same and assuming authority?
Compassion Church and Hope Center Ministries CULT
My sister thinks that Trump is Jesus and believes he is holy and can do nothing wrong. I tell her that he’s an imperfect human and is a billionaire playboy and is fallible…she won’t have any of it.
Sorry to hear this. I wonder if she’s seen any documentaries about how manipulation works?
Did she really say he is Jesus and he is holy? Or is this your opinion because you disagree with trump. Honest question.
@@Pilguahawa I voted for Trump..but she finally admitted he had a “gutter mouth” and “Jesus just wouldn’t talk like that”…so I think she’s finally starting to come back down from that fervent political heavenly high she’s been on. Praise the Lord 🙏
He is unaware that his current religion is a cult just like he is describing. Wow.
Why do you say that?
Seriously lol! Amazing how he can’t see it.
Hey, youre not Allison Cooper!