Dr Fasil We are blessed to have you in such a platform to educate our community about child development and health. This has immense impact on our community the way they raise their children. Please do more continuous videos about autism awareness ( it’s getting serious these days). Keep up doctor! You are a pioneer and you deserve so much respect and support
God bless you DC we love your video because this is very important for us and please don't afraid to help your family all ethiopian is your family members we need you more and do more video please with all your power and God be with you thank you
Thank you doctor i appreciate u'r help for our kids. My question is i have got two helth children they love to eat pasta ( gluten free) do you think ot affected them? I am just curious when you give us as an example of Nudoles. Cheers
Doctor thanks for sharing your priceless knowledge. I have a question to ask, my toddler (1yr old) keeps rejecting her meals I’m afraid if she will be deficient in essential vitamins or minerals for her development…. What should I do ? Do you recommend to give ye asa oil weyes ?? Thank you again
🙏 you're very welcome and subscribe to our channel and coming to your question Keep trying and exposing the different type of foods several times per day And fish oil is not ideal to increase appetite
🔊 ለህፃናት ሕክምና ቀጠሮ ለማስያዝ በዝህ ስልክ ይደውሉ ☎️ 0984650912 ወይም ለማማከር ከሆነ 9394 ላይ ይደውሉ ና ይጠይቁ
ተባረክ ዶክተር ከልብ የምትሰጠን ትምርት ልጆቻችንን በበቂ እዉቀት እንድናሳድግ ያስችለናል በርታልን❤
Thank you subscribe ያድርጉ 🙏
ዶክተር ፋሲል ጎበዝ እና ታታራ ጥሩ ስነምግባር ያለህ የህክምና ባለሙያ ነህ ፣ለምትሰጠን ምክሮች ሁሉ እናመሰግናለን፡፡❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉
ከልብ አመሰግናለሁ 🙏🙏🙏 subscribe በማድረግ ስራችንን ያግዙ
እናመሠግናለን ልጆቻችን ከብዙ ነገር እንድንቆጠብ እያረከን ነው
ዶክተር እናመሰግናለን ።
ህፃናት ጨንጓራ ባክቴሪያ ብታስረዳን
በጣም ጠቃሚና አስተማሪ መረጃ ስለምታጋራን በጣም አመሰግናለሁ።
ዶከተር እድሜህን ያረዝምልህ በጣም ጥሩ ምክር የሰጠኸን
አሜን 🙏
እናመሰግናለን ዶክተር እንደ ሀገር ማድረግ የሚገባህን ድንቅ ስራ እየተደጣህ ነው በእውነት እናመሰግናለን
Dr Fasil
We are blessed to have you in such a platform to educate our community about child development and health.
This has immense impact on our community the way they raise their children.
Please do more continuous videos about autism awareness ( it’s getting serious these days).
Keep up doctor!
You are a pioneer and you deserve so much respect and support
Thank you so much dear🙏
DOC betam enamesegenalen ena betam tetekemabhalew lejocha yetashegu megboch ayawkum
ዶክተር በጣም ነው ምናመሰግነው እውቀትህን ጊዜህን ሳትሠስት ሥለምታካፋለን እግዚአብሔር ይባርክህ
አመሰግናለሁ ትክክልኛ ምክር ነው
እናመሰግናለን ዶክተር ፍሲል እውቀቱን ጨምሮ ጨማምሮ ይስጥህ ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Thank you Dr fasile, yemesgeneka sele kulu habereta🙏
Btime amsgnlwe gen waxe hager yamneru lijes mkaya ymamgbu men naderglwe wine xankine eko bents mikra satine ❤❤❤
እናመሰግናለን ዶ/ር በጣም ክበርልን ስለመልካም ሀሳብህ
እናመሰግናለን ዶክተር እነ ልጀን አልመጌብኩትም ፍረሽ የሆኔ አታክልትና ፍራፍረ ኔበራ ከንዶ ቀጥሎ ሚግብ ያሲጀመርኵት ፈጣር ይመዝጌን የጠና እከን የለባትም ቱኩረት ያሳታል ትምርት ቤት ቆቃቹ ሚንድኖ እሲከማለት ታጣይቅያለዉ አማረኛኔዉ ሚናወራው ሚን ማድረግ እዳለብኝ አላቅም ምዛናው አመለካከት ያንሳታል❤
yesayines medanit kale ebakih docter
Dr enameseginalen ebakih sile vit D bitakeribilin
ከዝህ በፊት ሰርተናል ወደ ዋላ ሄደው ይመልከቱ
Dokter yelam wotetun ke 1amet betachi saybeza wuha techemro bisets?
ዶ/ር በጣም እናመሰጥናለን የኔ ጥያቄ ልጄ ሁለት አመት ከስምንት ወሩ ነው ግን የሚበላው በጣም ውስን ነገር ነው - ሽሮ ና ገንፎ, ፍራፍሬ ችግር የለበትም በጁስ(እንዲህ) የምትመክረኝና ማደርገው ግራ ስለገባኝ ነው?
Thank you for sharing this informative video DR 👨⚕️ we are blessed to have you 🥰🙏
My pleasure 🙏 subscribe to our youtube channel
አመሰግናለሁ ዶ/ር ኢንዶሚን ሰጥቼ አላውቅም ለልጄ ገርሞኛል በጣም
ጎበዝ ❗
እናመሰግናለን ዶክተር❤
Thanks you so much 💯 ❤❤
Many thanks for your helpful video. Please Do’r will you do some video for year 6-7 brain development?
Thank you, Dr. For teaching us. It is inspiring and helpful information.
My pleasure! Subscribe for more 🙏
እናመሰግናለን ዶክተር 11:42 11:42
እንዴት እደምወድህ እድሜና ጤነ ይሥጥህ ባንተ ትምህርት እንዴት እደተለወጥኩኝ ቤቱሥጥማ ዶር ፋሢል እዳሥተማረው እያልኩኝ ሥለማወራ ለየት ያለነገር ካወራው ዶር ፋሢል ነው ያለው እያሉ ሙድይይዙብኛል😅😅
betam tiru new d/r enamesegnalen
ጠቃሚ ትምህርት ነዉ ደኩተር እናመሰግናለን ጠቃሚ ምግብችን ቢድዮ ስራልን
Egzabihier yibarka gal hade amet xeba fesasi mehab entay alowo
thanks docter! lije muz betam tewodalech megeb muz kelelew atbelam chiger yenorew yehone?
ሙዝ ጥሩ ነው ካልበዛ በስተቀር። መጠኑን ግን ተቆጣጠሪሆድ ያደርቃል ይላሉ ግን ለሁሉም ህፃን አደለም እንደውም ለአንዳንድ ህፃናት ካካ እንዲሉ ይረዳል።
Dr Betam Inameseginalen . Mikrochehi Betam Tekamy New Lija 8 wera new gin migib imby sitlegn chewina sikar metekem jemerku yekafa gudat yadersal ?
Tnx Doctor and tell us about cerifam
እጅግ ጠቃሚ የሆነ ትምህርት ነው. ❤
እናመሰግናለን 🙏 subscribe ያድርጉ
ዶክተር በጣም ጥሩ ስራ ነው ምሰራው ።ጥያቄዬ ደሞ ሴሪፈም ለልጄ እሰጥ ነበር እሱስ የታሸገ በመሆኑ ጥሩ አይሆን ይሆን
Chegir yelewem bilo ketach melisotal
dr.betam enameseginalen .yene lij degmo dr.alicha migib bicha nw yemtbelaw embe alechign min ladrg dr.?
እድሜ ይስጥልን ዶክተር
Rejim edime kemulu tena gar fetar yadilhe doc❤
አሜን 🙏
Tebarek such a humble doctor
አሜን 🙏
Tack för din information doktor.
Betam amesegnalehugn doctor. rejim edmie ketiena gar emegnalehugn.
እናመሰግናለን ዶክተር! እባኮትን ከቻሉ ስለ baby formula ጥቅሙንና ጉዳቱን እንዲሁ በተፈጥሮ ጣፋጭ ስለሆኑ ምግቦ ለምሳሌ ማር ቴምር … ቢያካፍሉን?
My pleasure 🙏 coming soon
Thanks a lot doc.
እናመሰግናለን ዶ/ር
You're very welcome dear 🙏 subscribe to our youtube channel for more
Selam dr lije 1amet ke6 wer new shintu betam bizu gize nw yemishenaw tenama temibalew sinit gize nw
በጣም እናመሰግናለን እድሜ ይስጥልን
አናመሰግናለን ዶ/ር እኔ ያለኝ ጥያቄ የታሸጉ ወተት ችግር ያመጣል እኔ ለልጄ በብዛት እሰጠዋለሁ?
God bless you DC we love your video because this is very important for us and please don't afraid to help your family all ethiopian is your family members we need you more and do more video please with all your power and God be with you thank you
Thank you dear 🙏 subscribe to our channel for more
ፈጣሪ ይባርክክ አልሰማ ብለውኝል የኔ ቤተሰባች በተለይ ባለቤቴ እኔ የታሸገ ምግብ አልሰጥም በጭራሽ
Gabziw yisma
Thank u docter ....❤❤❤❤
ጠቃሚትምርትነው እናመሰግናለን ዶክተርእኔየ7ወርልጅአሉኝአንድ ቀንአልፏማንጎ እናምበየቀኑብርቱካንእሰጣቸዋለሁ ችግርአለውይ
tnxs alot for your precise explanation doc.can I feed orange for my 6 month old kid?is it tolerable at this age?????
8-9 month
DR enamesegenalen
Leje mehede jemeraleche egiziabeher yemsgen. Medihanituan eyewesedeche new.
Vit.d and cal.
በጣም ጥሩ በርቱ
የሕፃናትን አእምሮ የሚጎዱ 5 ምግቦች
1. ጣፋጭ ምግቦች (glucose and fructose)
2. fast foods (fries, Burger, pizza)
3. caffeine contented foods or drinks
4. Fats (saturated)
5. packed foods (like endomin)
Thank you for the summary
ሰላም ዶክተር ስለምሰጦን ትምህርት እናመስግናለን የ1አመት11 ወር ልጅ አለኝ እና ምግብ አይበላም ችግሩ ምን ይሁን ዶክተርዬ
Very useful information and a great reminder
Tnx betam doc.
ዶክተርዬ ተባረክ እውነት❤❤❤
Dr really thank you for ur information. And what about the frozen foods?
E.g in Western countries we use frozen packed vegetables,frozen fish...
Enamesegnalen D/r❤
እናመሰግናለን ዳ ር
Genius doctor, I have learned so much things from your videos, really appreciate it, keep it up Dr. Fasil
Thank you dear 🙏 subscribe to our youtube channel ❤️
Selam Dr lije hulat amet kasosit waru nw gin alitanageram min ladirig
Dr betam amesegnalew betam bzu neger keante aggnchalew ....and tyaki neberegn ye2 amet lij alegn enam enklf aytegnam le lit tolo tolo new minekaw kale tut aytegnam ebakh techegerku mn larg keykrta gar ebakh mefthewun ngeregn
እስኪ ይሄንን ቪዲዮ ይመልከቱ 👇👇
Selame Dr yemiti sexewu temirti betam desi yelal ene ye 2lijochii enatinengi ye 5&3ameti lijochi alenguu ena lijochee bexam tefachee yetekemaluu betelelii yemejemeriya lijee bezuu gezee eraseni tilalechii enami bezuu gezee yemaqeleshileshii semeta alatii mirakuwan ahunim ahunim titefalechii enam betam bezu gezee hekemina tihedalechii ..........ena min biyee ligerh betam bezu ayenetii chigerichii aluu mn yeshalengalii tadiyaa???😢
ፈጣሪ አብዝቶ ይባርክ ዶ/ር ፋሲል
እናመሰግናለን ዶክተር ሴሪፋም አስጠቅማታለሁ ልጀን 7ወሯ ነው ቂቤስ ባስጠቅማት ችግር አለው ዶክተር እባክህ ንገረኝ
ችግር የለውም
Ere doctor 3gnaw chigr lije lay ytayal mn ladrg endtregaga mnm ereft yelatm Gena 1 ametua new
ዶክተር ልጄ ሐሴት ቶሴሏን ልትሰራ መታለች ከእግዚአብሔር በታች ሰጥቼካለሁ አምላክ ይርዳክ!!!!
Wellahi ke allah betach edme lendenante aynet docteroch wuletachihun allah yikfelachihu sew kemsgana wuchi mnm aykeflm🙏🙏🙏🙏 1 tyake doc egna kager wuchi yemnnor sewoch kager bet ye atmit/ yegenfo/ endihum leloch ehlochin asmetten freezer wust new lerejim gize yemnakoyew esu leljoch chigr yinorew yihon endew leteqlala ewqet thank you a millions🙏🙏🙏
አመሰግናለሁ 🙏 subscribe ያድርጉ መረጃውን ለ ሌላውም ያካፍሉ
ዶክተር እናመሰግናለን
Thank you doctor i appreciate u'r help for our kids.
My question is i have got two helth children they love to eat pasta ( gluten free) do you think ot affected them? I am just curious when you give us as an example of Nudoles. Cheers
Dr betam betam enamesegnalen allah yitebkih ! Ebakih beketay sile ADAH siralin hikminaw or meftihew mindinew le 8 amet lii
Betam Arif mereja new Doc,BUT COULD YOU PLEASE SLOW DOWN 😊👍
Thank you Dr
You're very welcome dear 🙏 subscribe to our youtube channel for more
Thanks docter
You're very welcome dear 🙏 subscribe to our youtube channel for more
God bless you
እናመሰግናለን Subscribe ያድርጉ 🙏
@@ብሩህkids አድርጌአለሁ
You are so smart thank you!!!❤❤❤❤
Thank you dear 🙏 subscribe to our youtube channel
Dr please esti downsyndrome slalbachew lejochena bemn mkneyat endemikset asetemren
ዶክ ሰለም ይብዛልህ
ልጅ 11 ዓመት ነው የመነገር ችግር አለበት የሆና ሀሳብ ልያስረዳ ልነገር ቃለቶችን በትክክል መውጣት ስላምካብዳው በጣም ይቻገረል
የመስታወስ ሁኔታም ብዙም አዴለም እና ምን ይሻላል
Enezih yegeletskachew negeroch bebizat sitekemu new gudat yalew weyes alfo alfo bihonem new
በተደጋጋሚ ከሆነ
Doctor enai beqen 1 sini buna etetalehu chiger alew ende?
Blessed Blessed Docye 💙💙
እናመሰግናለን እኔም የ9 ወር ልጅ እናት ነኝ
Ye hitsanat amilak yibarikih!!!!
Dr lemndn nw hitsanat migb kebel behuala siyastawku be afchachew migbu yemiwetaw
Thanks dc
ሰላም ዶክተር ልጄ5ወርነች ግን ጡት አትጠባም የምሰጣት የላምወተት ነው የጣሳበ3ወርአቆምኩኝምክኛቱምአቅም ነው።እናምቀጭን ነች ምን ትመክርኛለክ
Betam enameseginalen doc
እናመሰግናለን Subscribe ያድርጉ 🙏
አናመሰግናለን ዶክተር
Thank you for sharing this
Thank u D/r
You're very welcome dear 🙏 subscribe to our youtube channel for more
Doctor thanks for sharing your priceless knowledge. I have a question to ask, my toddler (1yr old) keeps rejecting her meals I’m afraid if she will be deficient in essential vitamins or minerals for her development…. What should I do ? Do you recommend to give ye asa oil weyes ?? Thank you again
🙏 you're very welcome and subscribe to our channel and coming to your question Keep trying and exposing the different type of foods several times per day And fish oil is not ideal to increase appetite
Thanks a lot for sharing such information, what about the homemade pan cakes? I used to give my daughter homemade pancakes