D.Va retains the tank passive once her mech is destroyed, which means that a small Korean girl is as heavy as a rock and refuses to fall off the map, like Reinhardt.
@@SmaMnyamase Tanks also have 30% less ultimate generation on the receiving end, and as of recently 25% less damage on headshots (1.5 critical damage multipliers are not effected). What this means is that D.Va can tank an entire Reaper headshot and will still live. Reaper headshot = 212 dmg × 0.75 = 159 dmg 175 HP D.Va - 159 HP = 16 HP left
You could also make the dps passive only affect the damage you dealt so tickling 2 brawling tanks being supported doesnt cleave a massive part of one tanks healing
Or just change the healing numbers of problematic supports rather than doing this complicated, roundabout thing that causes dozens of new issues which all have to be solved separately, ensuring that the game will be "broken" until 2030.
That would be nice but not really solve all the problems with it. For example Sojourn and echo don't have fall off damage yet can still quickly paint the whole enemy team with 20% heal red in 2 sec. I think the build up idea is fair, it rewards accuracy and target focus.
@artimist0315 Each hero's fall off is already in the game to balance for effective value at range. If the heroes fall off doesn't exist then it's reasonable to assume that you should be able to deal it it.
I think we should just go back to having individual character passives. Or maybe like subrole passives like maybe torb and sym deal more damage to deployables or something. But I never liked the whole role gets the same thing mechanic
@soberstoners7610tbf we’ve been knew that they don’t even touch their own fcking game. And if they do they sure as shit try their hardest to make it seem like they don’t.
@@justanothertwink Yes, we knew for the longest time when they kept visibly ignoring public server players about what would screw something over or be completely unneeded in Overwatch before the Lies and Ripoffs update came out in 2021.
I think maybe a set of passive like 3 or 4 different dps passive based on the type.of dps like flankers get their on more projectile brawl dps get one and so on
Just imagine if they had just reduced the healing numbers of certain characters - or perhaps even reworked them entirely - rather than changing the framework all the heroes are balanced around. This is going to require dozen of small fixes in the future, where less than ten would have gotten the job done.
While I do like the idea of role passives, I was criticizing the dps passive before we even got to play with it because i KNEW the ramifications it was gonna have on tracer and sombra. I've been saying it needs to be a 50 damage minimum in the same combat tag to apply the passive. As for the passive bonus itself, i think its in a good spot since everyone can use it.
I’ve said this a million times but support passive makes no sense anymore. When they introduced it, it was kinda cool cause at that point it was only for certain hero’s like mercy but getting introduced to all supports. Then they gave it to literally every other roll on top of what those rolls already had in their passive and gave support nothing to compensate. Sure the healing starts a little faster but that isn’t a passive, not anymore at least and especially compared to the immense amount of shit the other 2 passives have. It’s only going to cause more issues to, as they continue to buff the other 2 roles passives and then eventually they’ll add some stupid op buff/change to support passive that will inevitably break the game in supports favor again because they can’t balance a game if their lives depended on it.
They're flawed for the same reason solo tank is flawed; "roles" in overwatch are far too broad for you to balance as a group. Reinhardt is clearly not the same kind of tank as Roadhog. Lucio is not the same type of Healer as Mercy. Ashe plays nothing like Genji.
The issue I see with the adjustment to the DPS passive is that it just swings the effectiveness of the passive in the complete opposite direction. For instance, if we use the numbers that you calculated (which, mind you, I agree would be a reasonable number), you have the issue of a hero like Widowmaker being particularly effective at applying said passive. Some heroes would have a much easier time reaching the threshold in much less time. I do think the idea sounds intriguing though. It would mean that healing still gets to be about as powerful as it is in the beginning of a fight while ramping up the longer the fight goes on (as long as the DPS players are applying the passive). I tried giving it some thought, and maybe instead of a damage cap, it could be apply a stack of the DPS passive, which would be increased every second as long as the DPS is applying damage. Maybe it stacks 5% per stack, capping at 5 stacks for 25% reduced healing. My numbers might have to be more fine-tuned, but I think that might also help with the Tracer problem. Yes, a Tracer76 can just apply the passive constantly over the 5 seconds from across the map, but now it will take time for her to actually gain the full efficacy of the passive. As for heroes who specialize in burst damage like Widowmaker, she would have a bit less of a need to apply the FULL passive to begin with, unless it was something like an unguarded tank, in which case, she can pressure the tank out or make a fight easier for her team whether she's hitting headshots or not (though at the rate she charges a headshot, she should still be fine).
A major flaw in Overwatch's design from the very beginning has been the dichotomy between every hero having a unique playstyle, and every hero needing to adhere to a VERY broad "role." Blanket passives only exacerbate this problem. If I were designing my very own "Overwatch" from scratch, I'd create 6 roles: *1. Frontline* - Your standard damage dealers. Soldier 76. *2. Pick* - Your specialist damage dealers. Widowmaker. *3. Shield* - Your protection-based tanks. Reinhardt. *4. Bruiser* - Your damage-based tanks. Roadhog. *5. Medic* - Your healing-oriented support. Mercy. *6. Assist* - Your de/buff-oriented support. Zenyatta. By giving heroes more specific roles, it makes balancing them all MUCH easier. Now instead of trying to make Roadhog and Reinhardt somehow fulfill the same job, you can allow each to focus on what they do best. By STARTING development with a model like this in mind, it also ensures you don't accidentally create too many of one role. In a best-case scenario every role would fulfill a specific and important niche, ensuring stuff like double-shield or GOATS never happens.
They sort of did do this, at the start there was offense and defense heroes before they all got stuffed into dps. The issue with those, or with any categorization, is that you consume some of the characters design space by ensuring they can act within the expectations of that role. Put another way, why stop at that amount of categories? Why not have bruisers further be bodyguards/wardens/juggernauts/etc? Eventually you end up having an issue where one end up the spectrum is each character has their own category consisting of themself, and the other end is all characters share the same category, and all spaces in between inherit problems from attempting to compromise character uniqueness with category expection fulfillment. Truthfully, assigning a mechanic to a role rather than just having each member of the role share similar goals will always have the issue of misalignment between that mechanic and the individual character, with that issue scaling primarily with the uniqueness of that character. I think that the solution here is to just get rid of role passives and let heroes have their own individual passives. If a common aspect of a passive works well, it's no problem to give that exact aspect to multiple characters (looking at Ana with support passive for example) while still allowing the space to omit it or modify it if a character doesn't work well with that attribute. That way, we could have things like sigma/rein/ram all having rewards for proper shield usage, but Winston could have something completely different, as well as giving rein his steadfast and not giving it to sigma.
Blade and Soul have a abnormal status system for bosses where you only apply abnormal statuses if, depending on the boss, one or more players apply the same type of abnormal status, i think that the dps passive should be like that at least for one of the hacked qp events, only of the enemy receive damage from both of the dps, the dps passive kicks in
Bro i love your dedication to the persona soundtrack. Dude i love it being omg this songg bc ik you listened to the soundtrack. Side track aside yeah as tracer im constantly using it like spamming even for the one damage 😭 it needs to be adujsted to maybe a build up damage threshold..? Anyways great editing as always. ❤
Proposal: Multiple Role Passives. Some characters get benefit from some passives, some don't. Some get too much benefit. If they really want role passives, and don't want to complicate things with a massive sliding scale, have three passives. DPS could have healing reduction for core DPS like soldier, ashe, cassidy, etc, movement speed and reload speed for assassins like tracer and sombra, and maybe cooldown reduction on kill for some others like junkrat or widow. Then balance healer numbers and hey presto, done. Tanks could have categories of CC reduction. High, medium, and low. And yeah supports are fine. That's a nice middle ground between too complex and too broad.
I think they should make like 2/3 role passives per role, for heroes with different jobs; e.g. a dive/assassin passive (think genji and tracer type heroes), a sniper passive (obvs widow, hanzo, ana), and a midrange/flanker passive (solly, cass, maybe reaper, mei, etc) that solidifies this job.
I think an interesting take on the DPS passive, could be that if you shoot supports, the supports healing output is reduced instead, like a reverse damage boost. This completely changes how the game is played.
Cool Idea but wouldn't that make it too hard for supports? Since even by simply grazing a support you could seriously reduce the healing So you could hit the support , then switch to a more prime target you could also easily perma reduce the supports healing Since instead of having to hit the healing target, you could simply hit the healer and you reduce team wide healing You would basically fuck over all supports with lower healing numbers In the end it would make even less supports viable and it would make the supporting role weaker . Just make sure you hit the support once in a while and you can effectively ignore them
This would be a nerf to dps and also overly-disparaging towards the supports. With the passive we have right now, if you shoot anyone on the enemy team, their support’s healing output is effectively being reduced. It also lets the dps player reduce the self-regen of any character they hit, so it gives them more flexibility in picking targets as opposed to just diving / rushing the supports all the time and making the game feel worse for the support player. The passive we have now is just better overall for fairness.
this has all of the same problems- but worse. Tracer again is going to be ahead of the game but this time, even more so due to her mobility allowing her to reach angles and pick at even the furthest away ana, meanwhile a character like junkrat may be quite physically unable to reach a mercy or an ana to apply the passive. Additionally this affects supports in more ways and kinda pushes certain types of supports. Moira and mercy would be struggling (if mercy could get any worse) Due to their playstyles revolving around them having to be there, in the fight and having survivabilty revolving around self healing, it may be hard to kill a mercy or a moira, but its not hard to get a bit of chip damage into them. They are just going to end up permanently having the debuff as oppose to an ana who suddenly becomes very very oppressive if nobody is diving her or its not possible to reach her. Certain ana spots where your team is in view and you are not would just be unfair, this used to be something annoying before the healing changes when everyone would say ana was op. Same with kiri, she can utilise long range and has 2 cleanses she can use on herself to clean off healing reductions. Furthermore- this misses the whole point of the dps passive in the first place, that is to allow dps to secure picks, they should be able to focus a target and rather than that target getting, suzud, naded ect ect they can reduce the healing and are able to kill them. This passive just becomes the same old problem of, supports are so op we can't kill them, but pushes that one dead by daylight meta where supports are running for their lives because dive and mobile heroes are meta and things like junkrat will become useless.
As a support, I'm pretty insulted by our passive actually. Tanks are now immovable walls that shrug off headshots. DPS now makes my job harder, cool...and support...the role that's in the backline... that's either taking chip that I'll have 5 seconds to start the normal regen passive or my other, nearby support can top me up on...or I'm being dove by Tracer/Sombra while my team ignores me to shoot the Sigma barrier, which doesn't afford me 2.5 seconds to do anything but die. Bring back the old Support constant self heal passive, make DPS have to actually aim if they want to dive and assassinate
Great video! Role passives definitely need further tweaking, and I like the ideas you've come up with to develop them some more. Anti-heal absolutely needs a damage threshold requirement- whether it be what you suggested or percent maxHP based or anything else. Way too easy to apply currently. Might be a hot take (or not), but I'd prefer that they remove the role passives, focus on individual passives, keep and buff the out of combat healing for everyone (activate sooner or a more powerful heal), and just nerf sustain globally by an average of like 25%. That's a pipe dream tho, since T4 doesn't like mass nerfing things.. especially supps lmao
I do like the idea of having changes applied to overall classes, because sometimes I think OW balancing relies on having a single hero to balance out their problems, and that's how we get characters like kiriko. So yeah I like the concept of the role passives as a system for balancing but like everyone else is saying the execution needs adjustment.
Tank’s KB passive needs to be tweaked, especially when Korean Child takes as much knockback as a Mechanical Horse who can press a button and become immune to it Also, some of the DPS needed the reload passive, but some didn’t. Like, unless you know the Reaper Melee reload tech, you his reload takes an hour and a half during a choke point fight. While others, like Handbow, basically got nothing from the old DPS Passive, and he needed something else. My suggestion is to give each DPS hero a unique passive, that differs depending on how they play. Widow for example can have a more potent version of the current passive, while Handbow could have a “Steady Hand” passive that makes it so his shots have a near nonexistent arc when he fires his arrows at full bowdraw. Mei technically has one in her chill/freezing abilities, while Sombra’s opportunist could be changed so that enemies she damages have reduced incoming healing or bypass the damage reduction of Armor These are just my deranged ramblings tho
but like why make a bunch of passive but not base on roll. some hero prefer reload speed buff, speed buff or atk speed after killls buff for some hero or cd reduction. or extra healing when saved someone, etc
I ranted about this so much in my friend group. I remember the reason the developers gave in an interview for the support passive: they didn't want to design a selfheal mechanic for every new support. And I don't get the logic. I guess now everyone has it, but what was the reason supports NEED selfheal?! And now every newly released support has a way to selfheal anyway (Kiriko Suzu, Lifeweaver the dash, Ilari the pylon) What did stop them to design a new hero and give them the Mercy passive if it fits the hero design? Like they did copy&paste with wall climb for Kiriko. - No! just apply it to all and have old designs like Lucio adjusted to fit this global change. So weird.
In my opinion, the complain about the tank passive feels very nit picky. Yes, not all tanks need it, but it's not like it's hurting the role or making them broken. There are so many balance issues in overwatch to the point where I don't think the way Winston gets knocked back should even be brought on the same level as Tracer applying 20% heal reduction to the whole enemy team. Personally I like the DPS passive a lot, it's just something that needs balancing and heroes to get balanced around. The 20% heal red is honestly fine, it should obviously not be applied by 1 palet, I like the idea of making it build up though they will need to tweak the UI. As for it benefiting some heroes more than other, they just need to balance around it, I'm just glad that the passive benefits all the healthy heroes. It's better to have a passive that applies to the whole role even if widow doesn't really care about it, rather than having the passive given to every individual hero that needs it. They need to ajust tracer, sombra, echo, sojourn, ashe and cassidy to compensate the benefits they get from it, and rework junkrat and hanzo so their design work in the 250hp game. The only hero I think suffers too much for this passive's inclusion is mercy, it it would simply be solved by giving her triage healing rather than ignoring her in the patchnotes as if she is not god awful right now.
Just make the DPS passive require a damage threshold in order to trigger and increase its potency relative to the damage done to trigger it. After doing 50 damage to an individual, you apply a 20% reduction to healing for a short duration. You can culmutively increase this duration by doing another 50 damage. Alternatively, if you were to do 100 damage to an individual in a single instance, you instead apply a 25% reduction to healing for a slightly longer duration.
My idea for dps passive: Make it so ~20% of damage dealt leaves behind purple damage that nullifies healing (capped at 50). Example: you deal 100 damage and deal 20 anti heal, an Ana or Bap heal goes from 70 to 50. Why? - It would be more visually clear than a miniscule down arrow - It would scale with damage dealt so Tracer can't use it as effectively across the map - Changes the dynamic to a brief window of anti healing, which makes it less likely that passive aoe healing disrupts damage breakpoints - Could also be used to nerf Ana anti-heal (and revert its nerfs) to make it less opressive on tanks
Hot take, make UNIQUE passives for everyone. an example which will be very stupid but what if tracer got some teleport juice back each time she killed someone? 1/4th of the recharge back. stupid but you get what i mean hopefully
My suggestion may sound totally wild, but I really like the idea of turning some of the ideas for passives into items that characters can equip. -The faster reload on elims that only works for a few characters? Just turn it into an item that they can equip. -The extra movespeed upon elimination that only worked for a few characters? Turn it into an item they can equip. -20% anti-heal that works better on some characters than others? You get the idea. This would make it so that each player can customize their play-style with “passives” that will work for their mains, even if those passives don’t work for every character. There’s no way to make each role passive good for each character. (support is an exception because self-heal will never not be good, regardless of who you’re playing.) Blizzard seems to not want to invest manpower into giving each hero their own unique passive. I don’t know if it’s because they want to avoid making the game too “moba-like”, or they just don’t see the point in putting all of that time into updating 30+ heroes. I think that some kind of item or power-up system with just a few options would be a good compromise between giving heroes individual passives and slapping on role-wide passives that benefit each hero differently, if at all. It’s not a perfect suggestion. Being able to switch heroes at any time could make an items system awkward if you have to pick a new item every time you swap (unless you pick them before you even queue for a game? 🤔). But anyway that’s my wacky idea.
sounds pretty fun. Theres a lot of depth with character customisation and picking which one works best for your playstyle, like support passive to help you stay alive, maybe one that makes you faster if you want to flank maybe one that makes you more resistant to the heal debuffs for healbotting ect. This probably would heavily incentives one tricking, but maybe that could even be a good thing if they can remove counterpicking. I always like customisation and perk systems and it could be a way for them to utilise scrapped pve stuff. Although I can't see them ever doing it.
@@SecureBirch410 Yeah it seems like a lot of the community is a little tired of the constant counter-swapping meta of overwatch. Most people will attach to only a few heroes - maybe 1 or 2 - and mostly stick with those. Personally I only care to play Mercy and Lifeweaver most of the time, and I swap because I feel I have to not because I want to. (Like, if they have an Ana who’s destroying our tanks with nades? If one of us supports doesn’t go Kiri we’re basically trolling.) I’d love to have an item that a support could equip to give them a little extra movespeed, a higher jump distance, heal boosts for an assist, passive shield health, or even lower ability cooldowns on elimination. Some of the scrapped PvE talents may even be able to be recycled. I doubt they would ever do it - they’d probably remove role lock or add in 6v6 again before they ever tried something like this. But it would be an interesting experiment if nothing else.
Interesting ideas, but i think something that would really be nice for support players is to see who has the passives applied to them so they can see who will need extra attention or if they could heal up someone else faster.
I think different DPS should get different role passives depending on their subroles or playstyles... Or adjustments to the same one. Those like Reaper or Tracer should only apply it when up close, assuming Reaper gets it at all and doesn't get a passive more suitable for the off-tank vibe they have between the wraith, shotguns, and lifesteal...
Here I'd suggest taking a leaf out of the usually-horrifying Apex Legends book. Whilst the majority of the Apex Legends cast are effectively just "dps" (some exceptions), they're subcategorised into different types of dps. Maybe Overwatch 2 should start playing with the idea of Subcategories, especially since the community has pretty much already done it for them.
They should just make it so that you have to do a certain amount of damage to proc the 20%. That way a tracer doesnt have to tickle someone from across the map to proc the 20% dmg reduction.
I like the idea but I agree there’s needs to be tweakings. Like the current 20- debuff for DPS is far too much, I’d say revert back to 15- and maybe add that if half of the hp is gone, the debuff won’t apply
If the only problem that you have with the DPS roll passive is that it makes tracer easier, I think they already responded to that by reverting the armor to halve her damage to tanks
Do you think a damage threshold would work? Like a dps has to do a certain amount of damage before the passive activates. The percentage thing is good but I think would be very complicated on the receiving end to guess how much antiheals you have at the moment instead of the flat 20%. Overall I agree role passives need to be better thought out if blizz is gonna force it on us. Tickle damage should not be the same as a burst down.
If they are going to do role passives(which honestly was a poor decision) they should be things that cover up a roles weakness. Like reduced headshot damage on tanks because most of the tanks have an obnoxiously large head hitbox. Support should add a slight bit of self healing when using abilities, this encourages healers to stay in the fight longer rather than hiding to self heal. Dps could get overhealth on killing blow based on the percentage of damage contributed to the kill. These are all impactful yet not completely broken, and all characters withing the roles benefit from them
It doesn’t matter that a role passive isn’t applied evenly as long as heroes are balanced with their ability to abuse the passive in mind… Tracer got a massive buff out of the dps passive, so…nerf Tracer to compensate. Or buff other dps. Or whatever. That’s not inherently an issue though.
Keep the knockback resistance passive, but nerf it down to only 25% resistance. Then Reinhardt can get his steadfast passive back, which doubles his resistance to 50% like how the support role passive doubles the speed they start healing.
Playing against orisa (did I spell that right?) as brig is so scary cuz once I realize I’ve over extended I can’t even run away bc the knock back I do doesn’t do anything (and then I get sniped w/ jav)
I wonder if cutting the DPS passive back to 10% but allowing the passive to stack would work (so if both DPS players are focusing one target, the target gets the full 20% heal reduction)? Though… Not sure if going above 20% would be a good idea for arcade modes and open queue where teams can have more than two DPS heroes. That being said, imo the better option would be to just have multiple different DPS passives depending on the DPS heroes’s role. The tank passive works well on all tanks because getting Lucio booped off every KOTH map would be awful, especially in 5v5 where there’s only ONE tank. The support passive works so well in general the devs gave it to everyone. The DPS roster is too varied to have one passive to rule them all. Also, as a support player, I still have to idea if a teammate has the heal reduction or not. I can see if I have it on myself, but not my teammates. Devs plz.
I'd argue that because some heroes just don't get value from their role's passive or have minimal value, its time we give every hero a passive. While we're at it bring back Parting Gift as 75 healing/damage instead of 250/75 healing and give Rein his Mirrorwatch passive.
To add onto the tank passive, whole orisa its almost useless for, ball its...also useless but for a different reason. Unless you make it 70% kb reductipn on ball specifically, boops will still send you launching and if a lucio or anyone boops you while your trying to engage you have to immediately reset. This tank passive did nothing for ball.
Kinda funny that your suggestion for the anti-heal change is almost 1-1 to what Paladins did, making it slowly ramp up over time as the game progresses.
Role passives make the heroes harder to balance. I'm hoping it's just a bandaid for now, until a big rework comes in. Also support self heal starting after 2 seconds on heroes with mobility is actually horrid
I don't see how worsening the consistency of the tank role passive fixes many of the issues, especially when the damage passive is mentioned how the recipient doesn't *enjoy* taking these random debuffs, in the same essence, the tank doesn't enjoy being thrown around by random amounts of cc it's a very common complaint among tanks that you simply couldn't control your character a lot of the time, which the 50% reduction helped prevent by miles, and it isn't like Orisa for example, is getting knocked off the edge anyways, she'll use fortify whenever she's in dangerous scenarios so it just adds more versatility as to when she can utilise fortify, for movement tanks they already get shut down by abilities such as sleep and the mere existence of brig, hell, wrecking ball especially could barely utilise the tank passive because his movement system is completely different to the typical hero's, he's only just now being able to make use of it. I don't think the role passives are particularly problematic in general, we need the dps passive to function like this because the devs decided to go on a long one to fix healing whilst simultaneously not nerfing base healing rates for insert reason here, the tank passive should probably remain like this purely because tanks suffer to keep themselves still half the time because of the constant knock back (hell, literally every single one of ventures abilities, including her primary fire, deal knock back), and the support passive just feels there right now I can't lie, it's useful but outside of nicher scenarios it's never felt particularly impactful, personally.
I'd rather a duration-based DPS passive rather than build up? Something like Tracer applies the reduction for 0.5s with each hit, so as long as she's constantly hitting you, yes you get debuffed, but something like Widow or Hanzo, it could be 2s(scaling to 3 if a headshot).
"Healing Numbers are insanely high. Let's buff the Dps to counter this." Pretty much sums up why the balance team is so horrid. More examples, "Lucio and Pharah's boops are insane against tanks. Let's give tanks a passive." "Dive is a little strong right now. Let's create a hero that will destroy the entire game for the next 6 years"
when booped Ball loses all of his momentum and therefore his fireball and main damage source. he needs the knockback resist as much as rein does so boops dont hard counter his core abilities. or blizzard needs to fix that dumbass interaction because it makes no sense even with knockback resist.
Once again another case of blizzard not fixing the problem at the root of the cause (double shield) and employing a bandaid fix that doesn’t actually fix the problem but makes it impossible (5v5). Then they double down on their decision using every possible method to upkeep their horrible game design decision (role passives, extra health, super tanks, etc).
Not even metioning that Tanks doesn't have a way to reduce healing So with you are playing Winton and going for the enemy supports on the backline, but your DPS is to busy shooting the enemy Orisa on fortify, you as Winton is dealing against the same healing of season 8 (that one that could even counter dragon blade)
Id argue that 10 damage per 1% is way too much. Something like 2 per 1% is probably much safer. Then you can imagine the passive as having a 40 damage threshhold.
Here me out: DPS is the only role who can swap, 1 chance per match. Make it so tank and support is locked in for the whole match. There. That's a good passive for DPS and it eliminates the whole "Counter swap meta" for tanks that is kind of ruining the game right now.
Pick rein Enemy team picks anti rein characters Stuck as rein Be sad :( I do like the idea of hero swaps integrating with the dps role since they have the most potent swapping payoffs but not exactly this. But it's a good place to start the discussion at.
Role passives are also not communicated at all while being a huge power boost. It makes lucios sad since they cant boop the tank anymore not because they got outplayed but just because they picked tank
Well they communicated about the tank knockback change on the patch notes. But true about Lucio. I managed to boop Hog on Illios yesterday but only because he was already on the edge.
I just wanna know when they will actually nerf burst damage and burst healing like they said they would, because a little dps passive bandaid fix doesn't reslly fully address the elephant in thr room, and makes burst damage even worse to deal with. Not to mention the fact thry upped everybody's health pools so they'll live longer....then upped healing and damage number on several characters which kind of defeats the point??? Maybe heavily ability focused characters like doomfist, ramatra, genji, venture, ect who almost exclusiveky relie on their abilities and breakpoints to do good shoukd be brought up so they continue to function as intended, sure. But otherwise why bother doing that if you're just going to undo it with buffs that mske that hp increase less impactful????
Crazy idea for the million dollar company What if, and stick with me here. What if every hero had their own unique passive just like every other game that has a cast of characters with abilities that suit their characters playstyle? Crazy right? Lets nerf genji
Day 12 of asking for an Irish Review of Risk of Rain 2/Returns (IMO I think the best way to have these kind of passives balanced, is to get rid of role passives as a whole and give each character a passive so it can help them specifically and not make it so its unbalanced/mismanaged for the whole role (i.e. Reinhardt can have a good amount of knockback resistance, while Orisa wouldn't have that but can have something else, and DPS could get antihealing at different rates or give them something else entirely, etc))
its almost as if 90% of the games characters were built to be in 6v6!! some made characters bloated while some do nothing with the passive!!!!! in most hero based shooters passives are unique to the hero, general passives don't really work. GIve every hero a passive that can be tweaked or changed that's unique to their kit. Instead of some universal thing
Balance is about Viable Choices, not Optimal Choices. And to the extent some heroes are tierlisted incorrectly, just fine tune each hero. Also for tierlisting, they should not be equal, their pickrates should represent how Fun a hero is to play, how Fun they are to play with, and how Fun they are to play against. And to that extent, do you honestly think low firerate DPS are high, or low on that list? How Fun they are to play against? Tbh they are all pretty low, as far as I see community sentiment.
You did a pretty good job on this video but sometimes your sentence structure seems a bit unnaccesible if I haven't already played overwatch and know what things do already. I really like your videos but it can be a bit confusing sometimes when it seems like I'm being assumed to know something. But that may just be a me problem. I just like watching videos on games I don't play
I think overwatch has been fubared and I see a lot of ow refugees making their way to other games *cough* Marvel Rivals *cough* in the future as soon as it is out
D.Va retains the tank passive once her mech is destroyed, which means that a small Korean girl is as heavy as a rock and refuses to fall off the map, like Reinhardt.
I lerned that the hard way
Tried to boop her off the map then she killed me
@@SmaMnyamase Tanks also have 30% less ultimate generation on the receiving end, and as of recently 25% less damage on headshots (1.5 critical damage multipliers are not effected). What this means is that D.Va can tank an entire Reaper headshot and will still live.
Reaper headshot = 212 dmg × 0.75 = 159 dmg
175 HP D.Va - 159 HP = 16 HP left
they really need to disable it on eject loll
That honestly seems like a bug.
They did say that D.Va is the buggiest hero in the game.
You could also make the dps passive only affect the damage you dealt so tickling 2 brawling tanks being supported doesnt cleave a massive part of one tanks healing
Yep, lets buff Cass and Pharah to broken states)
Or just change the healing numbers of problematic supports rather than doing this complicated, roundabout thing that causes dozens of new issues which all have to be solved separately, ensuring that the game will be "broken" until 2030.
I will stand by my fix for the dps passive. That is that the dps passive no longer applies past a heroes maximum fall off.
That would be nice but not really solve all the problems with it. For example Sojourn and echo don't have fall off damage yet can still quickly paint the whole enemy team with 20% heal red in 2 sec.
I think the build up idea is fair, it rewards accuracy and target focus.
@artimist0315 Each hero's fall off is already in the game to balance for effective value at range. If the heroes fall off doesn't exist then it's reasonable to assume that you should be able to deal it it.
you know the game is done for when you have to make exceptions for exceptions
Not really.
@@AdhvaithSane not really what
I think we should just go back to having individual character passives. Or maybe like subrole passives like maybe torb and sym deal more damage to deployables or something. But I never liked the whole role gets the same thing mechanic
They are scared of making specific passives for each hero instead of one per role for some weird reason
@soberstoners7610tbf we’ve been knew that they don’t even touch their own fcking game. And if they do they sure as shit try their hardest to make it seem like they don’t.
@@justanothertwink Yes, we knew for the longest time when they kept visibly ignoring public server players about what would screw something over or be completely unneeded in Overwatch before the Lies and Ripoffs update came out in 2021.
I think maybe a set of passive like 3 or 4 different dps passive based on the type.of dps like flankers get their on more projectile brawl dps get one and so on
@soberstoners7610guess that COD isn’t the only game/s that treats their players as testers
Lazy thats why
Ah, yes, I love homogeny in my hero shooter. Each third of the diverse heroes feeling more and more the same? Brilliant
Just imagine if they had just reduced the healing numbers of certain characters - or perhaps even reworked them entirely - rather than changing the framework all the heroes are balanced around. This is going to require dozen of small fixes in the future, where less than ten would have gotten the job done.
Babe wake up new PixelRory video just dropped
While I do like the idea of role passives, I was criticizing the dps passive before we even got to play with it because i KNEW the ramifications it was gonna have on tracer and sombra. I've been saying it needs to be a 50 damage minimum in the same combat tag to apply the passive. As for the passive bonus itself, i think its in a good spot since everyone can use it.
the ending at 7:09 LMAOOOO
I’ve said this a million times but support passive makes no sense anymore. When they introduced it, it was kinda cool cause at that point it was only for certain hero’s like mercy but getting introduced to all supports. Then they gave it to literally every other roll on top of what those rolls already had in their passive and gave support nothing to compensate. Sure the healing starts a little faster but that isn’t a passive, not anymore at least and especially compared to the immense amount of shit the other 2 passives have. It’s only going to cause more issues to, as they continue to buff the other 2 roles passives and then eventually they’ll add some stupid op buff/change to support passive that will inevitably break the game in supports favor again because they can’t balance a game if their lives depended on it.
waitin for that 5v5 vs 6v6 vid
Fuckin NEVER that shits been done to death I'll have nothing new to say lmao
They're flawed for the same reason solo tank is flawed; "roles" in overwatch are far too broad for you to balance as a group.
Reinhardt is clearly not the same kind of tank as Roadhog. Lucio is not the same type of Healer as Mercy. Ashe plays nothing like Genji.
The issue I see with the adjustment to the DPS passive is that it just swings the effectiveness of the passive in the complete opposite direction. For instance, if we use the numbers that you calculated (which, mind you, I agree would be a reasonable number), you have the issue of a hero like Widowmaker being particularly effective at applying said passive. Some heroes would have a much easier time reaching the threshold in much less time. I do think the idea sounds intriguing though. It would mean that healing still gets to be about as powerful as it is in the beginning of a fight while ramping up the longer the fight goes on (as long as the DPS players are applying the passive).
I tried giving it some thought, and maybe instead of a damage cap, it could be apply a stack of the DPS passive, which would be increased every second as long as the DPS is applying damage. Maybe it stacks 5% per stack, capping at 5 stacks for 25% reduced healing. My numbers might have to be more fine-tuned, but I think that might also help with the Tracer problem. Yes, a Tracer76 can just apply the passive constantly over the 5 seconds from across the map, but now it will take time for her to actually gain the full efficacy of the passive. As for heroes who specialize in burst damage like Widowmaker, she would have a bit less of a need to apply the FULL passive to begin with, unless it was something like an unguarded tank, in which case, she can pressure the tank out or make a fight easier for her team whether she's hitting headshots or not (though at the rate she charges a headshot, she should still be fine).
A major flaw in Overwatch's design from the very beginning has been the dichotomy between every hero having a unique playstyle, and every hero needing to adhere to a VERY broad "role." Blanket passives only exacerbate this problem.
If I were designing my very own "Overwatch" from scratch, I'd create 6 roles:
*1. Frontline* - Your standard damage dealers. Soldier 76.
*2. Pick* - Your specialist damage dealers. Widowmaker.
*3. Shield* - Your protection-based tanks. Reinhardt.
*4. Bruiser* - Your damage-based tanks. Roadhog.
*5. Medic* - Your healing-oriented support. Mercy.
*6. Assist* - Your de/buff-oriented support. Zenyatta.
By giving heroes more specific roles, it makes balancing them all MUCH easier. Now instead of trying to make Roadhog and Reinhardt somehow fulfill the same job, you can allow each to focus on what they do best. By STARTING development with a model like this in mind, it also ensures you don't accidentally create too many of one role. In a best-case scenario every role would fulfill a specific and important niche, ensuring stuff like double-shield or GOATS never happens.
They sort of did do this, at the start there was offense and defense heroes before they all got stuffed into dps.
The issue with those, or with any categorization, is that you consume some of the characters design space by ensuring they can act within the expectations of that role.
Put another way, why stop at that amount of categories? Why not have bruisers further be bodyguards/wardens/juggernauts/etc?
Eventually you end up having an issue where one end up the spectrum is each character has their own category consisting of themself, and the other end is all characters share the same category, and all spaces in between inherit problems from attempting to compromise character uniqueness with category expection fulfillment.
Truthfully, assigning a mechanic to a role rather than just having each member of the role share similar goals will always have the issue of misalignment between that mechanic and the individual character, with that issue scaling primarily with the uniqueness of that character.
I think that the solution here is to just get rid of role passives and let heroes have their own individual passives. If a common aspect of a passive works well, it's no problem to give that exact aspect to multiple characters (looking at Ana with support passive for example) while still allowing the space to omit it or modify it if a character doesn't work well with that attribute.
That way, we could have things like sigma/rein/ram all having rewards for proper shield usage, but Winston could have something completely different, as well as giving rein his steadfast and not giving it to sigma.
Blade and Soul have a abnormal status system for bosses where you only apply abnormal statuses if, depending on the boss, one or more players apply the same type of abnormal status, i think that the dps passive should be like that at least for one of the hacked qp events, only of the enemy receive damage from both of the dps, the dps passive kicks in
Bro i love your dedication to the persona soundtrack. Dude i love it being omg this songg bc ik you listened to the soundtrack. Side track aside yeah as tracer im constantly using it like spamming even for the one damage 😭 it needs to be adujsted to maybe a build up damage threshold..? Anyways great editing as always. ❤
I appreciate the well made/ thought out overwatch content :)
Proposal: Multiple Role Passives.
Some characters get benefit from some passives, some don't. Some get too much benefit. If they really want role passives, and don't want to complicate things with a massive sliding scale, have three passives. DPS could have healing reduction for core DPS like soldier, ashe, cassidy, etc, movement speed and reload speed for assassins like tracer and sombra, and maybe cooldown reduction on kill for some others like junkrat or widow. Then balance healer numbers and hey presto, done.
Tanks could have categories of CC reduction. High, medium, and low.
And yeah supports are fine.
That's a nice middle ground between too complex and too broad.
I think they should make like 2/3 role passives per role, for heroes with different jobs; e.g. a dive/assassin passive (think genji and tracer type heroes), a sniper passive (obvs widow, hanzo, ana), and a midrange/flanker passive (solly, cass, maybe reaper, mei, etc) that solidifies this job.
I think an interesting take on the DPS passive, could be that if you shoot supports, the supports healing output is reduced instead, like a reverse damage boost. This completely changes how the game is played.
Cool Idea but wouldn't that make it too hard for supports?
Since even by simply grazing a support you could seriously reduce the healing
So you could hit the support , then switch to a more prime target
you could also easily perma reduce the supports healing
Since instead of having to hit the healing target, you could simply hit the healer and you reduce team wide healing
You would basically fuck over all supports with lower healing numbers
In the end it would make even less supports viable and it would make the supporting role weaker .
Just make sure you hit the support once in a while and you can effectively ignore them
This would be a nerf to dps and also overly-disparaging towards the supports.
With the passive we have right now, if you shoot anyone on the enemy team, their support’s healing output is effectively being reduced. It also lets the dps player reduce the self-regen of any character they hit, so it gives them more flexibility in picking targets as opposed to just diving / rushing the supports all the time and making the game feel worse for the support player.
The passive we have now is just better overall for fairness.
Support should finally see the big Nerf hammer atleast for a season...... @@mk_gamíng0609
this has all of the same problems- but worse. Tracer again is going to be ahead of the game but this time, even more so due to her mobility allowing her to reach angles and pick at even the furthest away ana, meanwhile a character like junkrat may be quite physically unable to reach a mercy or an ana to apply the passive. Additionally this affects supports in more ways and kinda pushes certain types of supports. Moira and mercy would be struggling (if mercy could get any worse) Due to their playstyles revolving around them having to be there, in the fight and having survivabilty revolving around self healing, it may be hard to kill a mercy or a moira, but its not hard to get a bit of chip damage into them. They are just going to end up permanently having the debuff as oppose to an ana who suddenly becomes very very oppressive if nobody is diving her or its not possible to reach her. Certain ana spots where your team is in view and you are not would just be unfair, this used to be something annoying before the healing changes when everyone would say ana was op. Same with kiri, she can utilise long range and has 2 cleanses she can use on herself to clean off healing reductions.
Furthermore- this misses the whole point of the dps passive in the first place, that is to allow dps to secure picks, they should be able to focus a target and rather than that target getting, suzud, naded ect ect they can reduce the healing and are able to kill them. This passive just becomes the same old problem of, supports are so op we can't kill them, but pushes that one dead by daylight meta where supports are running for their lives because dive and mobile heroes are meta and things like junkrat will become useless.
As a support, I'm pretty insulted by our passive actually. Tanks are now immovable walls that shrug off headshots. DPS now makes my job harder, cool...and support...the role that's in the backline... that's either taking chip that I'll have 5 seconds to start the normal regen passive or my other, nearby support can top me up on...or I'm being dove by Tracer/Sombra while my team ignores me to shoot the Sigma barrier, which doesn't afford me 2.5 seconds to do anything but die. Bring back the old Support constant self heal passive, make DPS have to actually aim if they want to dive and assassinate
4:45 how would that correlate to time applied?
Great video! Role passives definitely need further tweaking, and I like the ideas you've come up with to develop them some more. Anti-heal absolutely needs a damage threshold requirement- whether it be what you suggested or percent maxHP based or anything else. Way too easy to apply currently.
Might be a hot take (or not), but I'd prefer that they remove the role passives, focus on individual passives, keep and buff the out of combat healing for everyone (activate sooner or a more powerful heal), and just nerf sustain globally by an average of like 25%. That's a pipe dream tho, since T4 doesn't like mass nerfing things.. especially supps lmao
I do like the idea of having changes applied to overall classes, because sometimes I think OW balancing relies on having a single hero to balance out their problems, and that's how we get characters like kiriko. So yeah I like the concept of the role passives as a system for balancing but like everyone else is saying the execution needs adjustment.
Tank’s KB passive needs to be tweaked, especially when Korean Child takes as much knockback as a Mechanical Horse who can press a button and become immune to it
Also, some of the DPS needed the reload passive, but some didn’t. Like, unless you know the Reaper Melee reload tech, you his reload takes an hour and a half during a choke point fight.
While others, like Handbow, basically got nothing from the old DPS Passive, and he needed something else.
My suggestion is to give each DPS hero a unique passive, that differs depending on how they play. Widow for example can have a more potent version of the current passive, while Handbow could have a “Steady Hand” passive that makes it so his shots have a near nonexistent arc when he fires his arrows at full bowdraw. Mei technically has one in her chill/freezing abilities, while Sombra’s opportunist could be changed so that enemies she damages have reduced incoming healing or bypass the damage reduction of Armor
These are just my deranged ramblings tho
but like why make a bunch of passive but not base on roll. some hero prefer reload speed buff, speed buff or atk speed after killls buff for some hero or cd reduction. or extra healing when saved someone, etc
I ranted about this so much in my friend group. I remember the reason the developers gave in an interview for the support passive: they didn't want to design a selfheal mechanic for every new support. And I don't get the logic. I guess now everyone has it, but what was the reason supports NEED selfheal?! And now every newly released support has a way to selfheal anyway (Kiriko Suzu, Lifeweaver the dash, Ilari the pylon) What did stop them to design a new hero and give them the Mercy passive if it fits the hero design? Like they did copy&paste with wall climb for Kiriko. - No! just apply it to all and have old designs like Lucio adjusted to fit this global change. So weird.
In my opinion, the complain about the tank passive feels very nit picky. Yes, not all tanks need it, but it's not like it's hurting the role or making them broken. There are so many balance issues in overwatch to the point where I don't think the way Winston gets knocked back should even be brought on the same level as Tracer applying 20% heal reduction to the whole enemy team.
Personally I like the DPS passive a lot, it's just something that needs balancing and heroes to get balanced around. The 20% heal red is honestly fine, it should obviously not be applied by 1 palet, I like the idea of making it build up though they will need to tweak the UI. As for it benefiting some heroes more than other, they just need to balance around it, I'm just glad that the passive benefits all the healthy heroes. It's better to have a passive that applies to the whole role even if widow doesn't really care about it, rather than having the passive given to every individual hero that needs it. They need to ajust tracer, sombra, echo, sojourn, ashe and cassidy to compensate the benefits they get from it, and rework junkrat and hanzo so their design work in the 250hp game.
The only hero I think suffers too much for this passive's inclusion is mercy, it it would simply be solved by giving her triage healing rather than ignoring her in the patchnotes as if she is not god awful right now.
Just make the DPS passive require a damage threshold in order to trigger and increase its potency relative to the damage done to trigger it.
After doing 50 damage to an individual, you apply a 20% reduction to healing for a short duration. You can culmutively increase this duration by doing another 50 damage.
Alternatively, if you were to do 100 damage to an individual in a single instance, you instead apply a 25% reduction to healing for a slightly longer duration.
My idea for dps passive: Make it so ~20% of damage dealt leaves behind purple damage that nullifies healing (capped at 50). Example: you deal 100 damage and deal 20 anti heal, an Ana or Bap heal goes from 70 to 50. Why?
- It would be more visually clear than a miniscule down arrow
- It would scale with damage dealt so Tracer can't use it as effectively across the map
- Changes the dynamic to a brief window of anti healing, which makes it less likely that passive aoe healing disrupts damage breakpoints
- Could also be used to nerf Ana anti-heal (and revert its nerfs) to make it less opressive on tanks
I think it would be interesting to see individual hero passives
Hot take, make UNIQUE passives for everyone. an example which will be very stupid but what if tracer got some teleport juice back each time she killed someone? 1/4th of the recharge back. stupid but you get what i mean hopefully
My suggestion may sound totally wild, but I really like the idea of turning some of the ideas for passives into items that characters can equip.
-The faster reload on elims that only works for a few characters? Just turn it into an item that they can equip.
-The extra movespeed upon elimination that only worked for a few characters? Turn it into an item they can equip.
-20% anti-heal that works better on some characters than others? You get the idea.
This would make it so that each player can customize their play-style with “passives” that will work for their mains, even if those passives don’t work for every character. There’s no way to make each role passive good for each character. (support is an exception because self-heal will never not be good, regardless of who you’re playing.)
Blizzard seems to not want to invest manpower into giving each hero their own unique passive. I don’t know if it’s because they want to avoid making the game too “moba-like”, or they just don’t see the point in putting all of that time into updating 30+ heroes. I think that some kind of item or power-up system with just a few options would be a good compromise between giving heroes individual passives and slapping on role-wide passives that benefit each hero differently, if at all.
It’s not a perfect suggestion. Being able to switch heroes at any time could make an items system awkward if you have to pick a new item every time you swap (unless you pick them before you even queue for a game? 🤔).
But anyway that’s my wacky idea.
sounds pretty fun. Theres a lot of depth with character customisation and picking which one works best for your playstyle, like support passive to help you stay alive, maybe one that makes you faster if you want to flank maybe one that makes you more resistant to the heal debuffs for healbotting ect. This probably would heavily incentives one tricking, but maybe that could even be a good thing if they can remove counterpicking.
I always like customisation and perk systems and it could be a way for them to utilise scrapped pve stuff. Although I can't see them ever doing it.
@@SecureBirch410 Yeah it seems like a lot of the community is a little tired of the constant counter-swapping meta of overwatch. Most people will attach to only a few heroes - maybe 1 or 2 - and mostly stick with those. Personally I only care to play Mercy and Lifeweaver most of the time, and I swap because I feel I have to not because I want to. (Like, if they have an Ana who’s destroying our tanks with nades? If one of us supports doesn’t go Kiri we’re basically trolling.)
I’d love to have an item that a support could equip to give them a little extra movespeed, a higher jump distance, heal boosts for an assist, passive shield health, or even lower ability cooldowns on elimination. Some of the scrapped PvE talents may even be able to be recycled.
I doubt they would ever do it - they’d probably remove role lock or add in 6v6 again before they ever tried something like this. But it would be an interesting experiment if nothing else.
You know TF2 did execute that very same idea rather well.
Interesting ideas, but i think something that would really be nice for support players is to see who has the passives applied to them so they can see who will need extra attention or if they could heal up someone else faster.
Oh that's absolutely required, I don't know why they haven't done it already
I think different DPS should get different role passives depending on their subroles or playstyles... Or adjustments to the same one.
Those like Reaper or Tracer should only apply it when up close, assuming Reaper gets it at all and doesn't get a passive more suitable for the off-tank vibe they have between the wraith, shotguns, and lifesteal...
Here I'd suggest taking a leaf out of the usually-horrifying Apex Legends book. Whilst the majority of the Apex Legends cast are effectively just "dps" (some exceptions), they're subcategorised into different types of dps. Maybe Overwatch 2 should start playing with the idea of Subcategories, especially since the community has pretty much already done it for them.
CRAZY sombra headshot
They should just make it so that you have to do a certain amount of damage to proc the 20%. That way a tracer doesnt have to tickle someone from across the map to proc the 20% dmg reduction.
Wake up honey the Irish overwatch player has uploaded another banger video.
I like the idea but I agree there’s needs to be tweakings. Like the current 20- debuff for DPS is far too much, I’d say revert back to 15- and maybe add that if half of the hp is gone, the debuff won’t apply
If the only problem that you have with the DPS roll passive is that it makes tracer easier, I think they already responded to that by reverting the armor to halve her damage to tanks
Do you think a damage threshold would work? Like a dps has to do a certain amount of damage before the passive activates. The percentage thing is good but I think would be very complicated on the receiving end to guess how much antiheals you have at the moment instead of the flat 20%. Overall I agree role passives need to be better thought out if blizz is gonna force it on us. Tickle damage should not be the same as a burst down.
If they are going to do role passives(which honestly was a poor decision) they should be things that cover up a roles weakness. Like reduced headshot damage on tanks because most of the tanks have an obnoxiously large head hitbox.
Support should add a slight bit of self healing when using abilities, this encourages healers to stay in the fight longer rather than hiding to self heal.
Dps could get overhealth on killing blow based on the percentage of damage contributed to the kill.
These are all impactful yet not completely broken, and all characters withing the roles benefit from them
It doesn’t matter that a role passive isn’t applied evenly as long as heroes are balanced with their ability to abuse the passive in mind…
Tracer got a massive buff out of the dps passive, so…nerf Tracer to compensate. Or buff other dps. Or whatever. That’s not inherently an issue though.
Keep the knockback resistance passive, but nerf it down to only 25% resistance. Then Reinhardt can get his steadfast passive back, which doubles his resistance to 50% like how the support role passive doubles the speed they start healing.
I loved the stomach sounds at 1:18 😂
I was a little hungry
I'm relistening now I can't believe I didn't notice oh my god LMAO
Playing against orisa (did I spell that right?) as brig is so scary cuz once I realize I’ve over extended I can’t even run away bc the knock back I do doesn’t do anything (and then I get sniped w/ jav)
I wonder if cutting the DPS passive back to 10% but allowing the passive to stack would work (so if both DPS players are focusing one target, the target gets the full 20% heal reduction)? Though… Not sure if going above 20% would be a good idea for arcade modes and open queue where teams can have more than two DPS heroes.
That being said, imo the better option would be to just have multiple different DPS passives depending on the DPS heroes’s role. The tank passive works well on all tanks because getting Lucio booped off every KOTH map would be awful, especially in 5v5 where there’s only ONE tank. The support passive works so well in general the devs gave it to everyone. The DPS roster is too varied to have one passive to rule them all.
Also, as a support player, I still have to idea if a teammate has the heal reduction or not. I can see if I have it on myself, but not my teammates. Devs plz.
blud said ball doesnt get affected by knockback as much 😭 he insta loses fireball and gets fucked over during piledriver/grapple
I'd argue that because some heroes just don't get value from their role's passive or have minimal value, its time we give every hero a passive. While we're at it bring back Parting Gift as 75 healing/damage instead of 250/75 healing and give Rein his Mirrorwatch passive.
The worst passive is Pathfinder's from Apex Legends. It's nonexistent
Everyone has it.
Literally me
To add onto the tank passive, whole orisa its almost useless for, ball its...also useless but for a different reason. Unless you make it 70% kb reductipn on ball specifically, boops will still send you launching and if a lucio or anyone boops you while your trying to engage you have to immediately reset. This tank passive did nothing for ball.
Kinda funny that your suggestion for the anti-heal change is almost 1-1 to what Paladins did, making it slowly ramp up over time as the game progresses.
Role passives make the heroes harder to balance. I'm hoping it's just a bandaid for now, until a big rework comes in. Also support self heal starting after 2 seconds on heroes with mobility is actually horrid
4:32 so just condition stages then, I mean that works.
I don't see how worsening the consistency of the tank role passive fixes many of the issues, especially when the damage passive is mentioned how the recipient doesn't *enjoy* taking these random debuffs, in the same essence, the tank doesn't enjoy being thrown around by random amounts of cc
it's a very common complaint among tanks that you simply couldn't control your character a lot of the time, which the 50% reduction helped prevent by miles, and it isn't like Orisa for example, is getting knocked off the edge anyways, she'll use fortify whenever she's in dangerous scenarios so it just adds more versatility as to when she can utilise fortify, for movement tanks they already get shut down by abilities such as sleep and the mere existence of brig, hell, wrecking ball especially could barely utilise the tank passive because his movement system is completely different to the typical hero's, he's only just now being able to make use of it.
I don't think the role passives are particularly problematic in general, we need the dps passive to function like this because the devs decided to go on a long one to fix healing whilst simultaneously not nerfing base healing rates for insert reason here, the tank passive should probably remain like this purely because tanks suffer to keep themselves still half the time because of the constant knock back (hell, literally every single one of ventures abilities, including her primary fire, deal knock back), and the support passive just feels there right now I can't lie, it's useful but outside of nicher scenarios it's never felt particularly impactful, personally.
I'd rather a duration-based DPS passive rather than build up? Something like Tracer applies the reduction for 0.5s with each hit, so as long as she's constantly hitting you, yes you get debuffed, but something like Widow or Hanzo, it could be 2s(scaling to 3 if a headshot).
wow 3 second debuff
this man hates healers more than any genji player
@@polar6066 I see someone didn't embarrass himself enough last time...
Ow became too much complicated 😮💨
"but but but 6v6 was too complicated with tank synergy!!!"
"Healing Numbers are insanely high. Let's buff the Dps to counter this." Pretty much sums up why the balance team is so horrid. More examples, "Lucio and Pharah's boops are insane against tanks. Let's give tanks a passive." "Dive is a little strong right now. Let's create a hero that will destroy the entire game for the next 6 years"
6:13 clip was so funny
when booped Ball loses all of his momentum and therefore his fireball and main damage source. he needs the knockback resist as much as rein does so boops dont hard counter his core abilities. or blizzard needs to fix that dumbass interaction because it makes no sense even with knockback resist.
Once again another case of blizzard not fixing the problem at the root of the cause (double shield) and employing a bandaid fix that doesn’t actually fix the problem but makes it impossible (5v5). Then they double down on their decision using every possible method to upkeep their horrible game design decision (role passives, extra health, super tanks, etc).
Not even metioning that Tanks doesn't have a way to reduce healing
So with you are playing Winton and going for the enemy supports on the backline, but your DPS is to busy shooting the enemy Orisa on fortify, you as Winton is dealing against the same healing of season 8 (that one that could even counter dragon blade)
Id argue that 10 damage per 1% is way too much.
Something like 2 per 1% is probably much safer. Then you can imagine the passive as having a 40 damage threshhold.
Wondering why he didn’t feel the need to for role passives in OW2
Here me out:
DPS is the only role who can swap, 1 chance per match. Make it so tank and support is locked in for the whole match. There. That's a good passive for DPS and it eliminates the whole "Counter swap meta" for tanks that is kind of ruining the game right now.
Pick rein
Enemy team picks anti rein characters
Stuck as rein
Be sad :(
I do like the idea of hero swaps integrating with the dps role since they have the most potent swapping payoffs but not exactly this. But it's a good place to start the discussion at.
Role passives are also not communicated at all while being a huge power boost.
It makes lucios sad since they cant boop the tank anymore not because they got outplayed but just because they picked tank
Well they communicated about the tank knockback change on the patch notes. But true about Lucio. I managed to boop Hog on Illios yesterday but only because he was already on the edge.
I hate passives that are self feeding into themselves; a snowball and or too easy to use.
Dps passive just sucks, add on top of the new armour changes and armoured tanks fall as quickly as non armoured tanks
I just wanna know when they will actually nerf burst damage and burst healing like they said they would, because a little dps passive bandaid fix doesn't reslly fully address the elephant in thr room, and makes burst damage even worse to deal with. Not to mention the fact thry upped everybody's health pools so they'll live longer....then upped healing and damage number on several characters which kind of defeats the point??? Maybe heavily ability focused characters like doomfist, ramatra, genji, venture, ect who almost exclusiveky relie on their abilities and breakpoints to do good shoukd be brought up so they continue to function as intended, sure. But otherwise why bother doing that if you're just going to undo it with buffs that mske that hp increase less impactful????
Crazy idea for the million dollar company
What if, and stick with me here.
What if every hero had their own unique passive just like every other game that has a cast of characters with abilities that suit their characters playstyle? Crazy right? Lets nerf genji
Day 12 of asking for an Irish Review of Risk of Rain 2/Returns (IMO I think the best way to have these kind of passives balanced, is to get rid of role passives as a whole and give each character a passive so it can help them specifically and not make it so its unbalanced/mismanaged for the whole role (i.e. Reinhardt can have a good amount of knockback resistance, while Orisa wouldn't have that but can have something else, and DPS could get antihealing at different rates or give them something else entirely, etc))
I would like them to remove the role passives and have each character have their own passive.
its almost as if 90% of the games characters were built to be in 6v6!! some made characters bloated while some do nothing with the passive!!!!!
in most hero based shooters passives are unique to the hero, general passives don't really work. GIve every hero a passive that can be tweaked or changed that's unique to their kit. Instead of some universal thing
common peakrory W 😭🙏
Supports have the most garbage passive, cause with how fast everyone dying in ow2 you don't have time to use it
dps passive shouldnt be applied by their utilities and only should be applied by primary
Balance is about Viable Choices, not Optimal Choices.
And to the extent some heroes are tierlisted incorrectly, just fine tune each hero.
Also for tierlisting, they should not be equal, their pickrates should represent how Fun a hero is to play, how Fun they are to play with, and how Fun they are to play against.
And to that extent, do you honestly think low firerate DPS are high, or low on that list? How Fun they are to play against? Tbh they are all pretty low, as far as I see community sentiment.
You did a pretty good job on this video but sometimes your sentence structure seems a bit unnaccesible if I haven't already played overwatch and know what things do already. I really like your videos but it can be a bit confusing sometimes when it seems like I'm being assumed to know something. But that may just be a me problem.
I just like watching videos on games I don't play
I'll keep it in mind!
Why does he look like super?
I think overwatch has been fubared and I see a lot of ow refugees making their way to other games *cough* Marvel Rivals *cough* in the future as soon as it is out
It is and I don’t blame people for leaving. We’ve gone so far in the wrong direction and people are tired. Role passives, 5v5, bloated kits, etc
Love the vid Day 5
W vid
W video
fuck yeah i'm here early
I feel the tanks are in such a bad state. Yes the passive is kinda mid but tanks don’t need nerfs