“O Allah, let Your Blessings come upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you have blessed Ibrahim and his family. Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious. Allah, bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you have blessed Ibrahim and his family. Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious”.
MUWADDAT: IN THE LIGHT OF QURAN Prophet Nuh, Shoaib, Saleh and Lute (AS) didn’t demand any wages or reward for the services of prophet hood and conveyed to the people that the reward (for subject service) was with the Lord of the worlds (Chapter Nuh-Verse 26, 109, 145, 164 & 180), (Chapter Hud Verse-29 & 51), (Chapter Yunus Verse 72). However, for Hazrat Mohammad (SW) while conveying similar message in four verses (Chapter Furqaan Verse-57, Chapter Saba Verse-47, Chapter Al-Anaam Verse-90 and Chapter Yusuf Verse-104), in Chapter Ash-Shura Verse-23 Allah states, “That is the (award) for which Allah gives Glad Tidings to His Servants who believe and do righteous deeds. Say (Mohammad): "I demand no reward from you for the services (of prophet hood) except to engulf (yourself) in my near of kins and display apex of loyalty (muwaddat), and who performs subject act (muwaddat), We shall reward him with increase bounty: surely Allah is most forgiving and excels in thanking”. In subject Verse the Prophet Mohammad (SW) was commanded to ask for recompense as an exception to other prophets. The reward asked for was in the interest of believers who want to find a way to their Lord, as stated in Verse-47 of Saba and Furqan-57. In arabic language the words ulfat (affection) and mahabbat (love) respectively pertains to personal gratification; however, the word muwaddat (apex of loyalty) entails sacrifice of wealth, self and honour. Loosing wealth or sustaining bodily injury is far less than loosing honour because everything is lost if honour is lost. Also ulfat and love are attached with the attribute(s) of the person focused on and diminish if that attribute or quality is lost. However, muwaddat in subject verse pertains to the personalities whose attributes never diminish as Allah has guaranteed to keep all impurities away from them (Chapter Ahzaab Verse-33). It was personal attachment emanating from affection or love when in the battle of Uhad all companions of Mohammad ran away” (Chapter Aal-Imraan Verse-153) except Ali (AS) and Allah on this occasion said, “…subject incident at Uhad was to show who is the true believer [(Chapter Aal-Imraan Verse-166]”. However, it was muwaddat at Karbala on the night of Aashura (Muharram 60 AH) when Imam Hussain (AS) blowing off the lamp asked his companions to leave in the darkness if they so desire, but they refused to leave him displaying apex of loyalty. Muwaddat in qurba is like fish in water outside water it has no life! Prophet Mohammad (SW) when asked about his near kins pointed to Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussain. (Refer Tafsir Kashaf, Sahih Muslim, Musnad ibn Hanbal and Tafsir Durr al Manthur). On emergence of doubts and objection in his followers when "muwaddat of His Ahl ul-Bayt" was enjoined in context of Verse 23 of Chapter Shura, Allah stated, “ Say: (O Mohammad) ‘I do not ask you for any reward for this (services of prophet hood), and I am not an imposter (pretender) (Chapter Saad Verse-86). Additionally, when the issue of Hazrat Eysa (AS) birth (fatherhood) could not be resolved with the Christian of Najran in 9 AH, Allah through message in Chapter Aal-Imraan Verse-61 commanded, “But whoever disputes with you in this matter after what has come to you of knowledge, then say: Come let us call our sons and your sons and our women and your women and ourselves and yourselves, then let us be earnest in prayer, and pray for the curse of Allah on the liars”. At that time the Prophet had 9 wives and His son Ibrahim was alive but He took only Hazrat Ali, Lady Fatima, Imam Hassan and Hussain (the truthful personalities) for contest (Mobahaila) - the battle of truth. The Christians on seeing these personalities surrendered and refused to do mubahaila. Moreover, Prophet Mohammad (SW) showed the same personalities taking them under His shawl when Verse al Tat-hir was revealed: “….Allah only desires to keep the uncleanness away from you, O Ahl ul-Bayt! and to keep you purified at the apex of purity (Chapter Ahzaab Verse-33). The Prophet (SW) also said that, “my Ahl ul-Bayt are like the boat of Hazrat Noh (AS), who so ever came on board would gain salvation and who remained away would drown and perish”. Offering five times prayers, fasting, performing Haj etc are all good deeds for which Allah has attributed rewards but never thanks for subject acts; however, muwaddat with Ahl ul-Bayt is a unique deed that is obligatory function of faith for which Allah not only promises to bestow reward increase in bounty, but also thanks to a degree of highest order. The believers who are steadfast in their conduct and for such a gainful transaction Allah (ST) conveys good news at the beginning of Verse 23 of Chapter Shura.
Ahlul Sunnah Wa Jamah - The group with the Greatest number of Scholars It is a reality that sectarianism exists in the Ummah but the way we deal with this is of importance. We must never let our sectarian differences become hateful or violent. We educate and inform through honest scholarship and of course through love. The Ahlus Sunnah wa Jamah the majority group have thousands of scholars that have debunked false ideologies like the Kharijites, Ahmediyas/Qadianis and misguided sects whether Shias or Wahabis, in a refined, academic and scholarly fashion. Differences will always exist but how we handle these differences is crucial. The shia ideology has been greatly debunked by one of the greatest scholars of our time . Abu Bakr ibn al-Arabi, Allah bless him, a 12th century Spaniard,and student of Imam Ghazali, Allah bless him, penned Al-'Awasim min al-Qawasim (العواصم من القواصم) or "Defense Against Disaster", is a book that became famous for his strong reply against the SHIA, which accurately determining The Position Of The Companions after the demise of the beloved Prophet ﷺ Be like these great scholars and expose this false ideology for the pen is mightier than the sword. Please feel free to download this book individual.utoronto.ca/…/defence_against_disaster.pdf and share this information with all.
Here is the question. If we all agree that the Holy Prophet SAW was the best of men, and that he recieved divine guidance and protection throughout his life..how could he not know that he would be so bitterly betrayed by his closest and life long friends (the Sahaba)..how could have been such a poor judge of character through out his life and surround himself by traitors? Is this the person that we accept the Holy Quran transmitted to him by Allah in perfection? Is this the man, so easily misguided and fooled we should trust as providing us a "perfect Religion". If that is the case , I would reject him as faulty and foolish. Our very Iman and should come into serious questioning. Otherwise accept his trust in his Sahabah and love of his family and that he left all things up the Allah, and we should not speak badly of anyone as we are beneath them all.
the sahabas were not traitors ..shy do shiaa curse anyone it makes islam look bad ....WE ARENT supposed to curse anyone ESPECIALY HIS BEST FRIENDS THAT ARE RIGHT NEXT TO HIM ABU BAKR AS SADDIQ (R.A) and UMAR IBN AL KHUTTAB (R.A) may allah guide them o wait he already did ;) shiaas shud stop banging there heads and saying allah like dogs and stop ehipping themselves (only the extremists)
IN SAHIH BUKHARI , BOOK 76 , HADITH 578 - Narrated 'Abdullah: The Prophet said, "I am your predecessor at the Lake-Fount." 'Abdullah added: The Prophet said, "I am your predecessor at the Lake-Fount, and some of you will be brought in front of me till I will see them and then they will be taken away from me and I will say, 'O Lord, my companions!' It will be said, 'You do not know what they did after you had left.'
IN SAHIH BUKHARI BOOK 76 , HADITH 585 - Narrated Abu Hazim from Sahl bin Sa'd: The Prophet said, "I am your predecessor (forerunner) at the Lake-Fount, and whoever will pass by there, he will drink from it and whoever will drink from it, he will never be thirsty. There will come to me some people whom I will recognize, and they will recognize me, but a barrier will be placed between me and them." Abu Hazim added: An-Nu'man bin Abi 'Aiyash, on hearing me, said. "Did you hear this from Sahl?" I said, "Yes." He said, " I bear witness that I heard Abu Said Al-Khudri saying the same, adding that the Prophet said: 'I will say: They are of me (i.e. my followers). It will be said, 'You do not know what they innovated (new things) in the religion after you left'. I will say, 'Far removed, far removed (from mercy), those who changed (their religion) after me." Abu Huraira narrated that the Prophet said, "On the Day of Resurrection a group of companions will come to me, but will be driven away from the Lake-Fount, and I will say, 'O Lord (those are) my companions!' It will be said, 'You have no knowledge as to what they innovated after you left; they turned apostate as renegades (reverted from Islam)."
you know that from sahih al muslim, tirmizzi, nisa'i, sunan abu dawud, bayhaqi, tabarani(mu'jamul kabir wa sakheer), musnad Ahmad ibn hambal, etc that the prophet may peace and blessing up on him and his families(FATIMA, ALIY, HASSAN, HUSSAIN) the ==prophet said '' o Ali, no one loves you except mu'min(beleiver), and no one hate you except munafiq(hypocrite)'' sahih hadeeth == the prophet said'' the truth is with Aliyy, and Ali is with the truth'' == the prophet said" o Allah make the truth with Aliy wherever he settled'' ==the prophet said" those who loves Aliy have loved me and loved Allah, but those who hate Aliy have hated me and hated Allah'' ==the prophet said'' for whomever I am his MAWLA here Aliy is his MAWLAA, O God be friend to those who be freinds to Aliy, and be enemy to those who are enemies of Aliy'' == the prophet said'' Aliy is from me and I'm from Aliy'' ==the prophet said'' Ali is my brother in this world and in hereafter'' ==the prophet said'' O Aliy your status is like Harun was to Musa except no prophet after me'' ==the prophet said during battle of khaibar among all companions '' I will give the flag tomorrow to a person who is loved by Allah and his messenger and loves Allah and his messenger'' the next day The prophet ask them to call Aliy, they called him, the prophet put his pure Saliva to the sick eye of Aliy and gave the flag to Aliy'' == the meal was presented to the prophet. the prophet made a du'a that Allah may bring to the prophet a person who is the most beloved one to Allah from all the creature to have a meal with the prophet. Aliy came and have a meal with the prophet == the prophet said in regard to his Ahlul bayt(Fatima, Ali, Hassan, and Hussain)'' I am at peace with whom you are at peace with, and I am at war with whom you are at war with'' ==the prophet said '' whoever hate/cursed you(Fatima, Ali, Hassan, Hussain) have cursed me. whoever love you loved me. and whoever fight you have fight me'' == NOTE: Ahlul bayt (as) are those described by the beloved prophet of Allah (sawaws) in the hadeeth of AL KISAAH in sahihu muslim. Saying '' those Allah purified them are : ALI,FATIMA, AL HASSAN, WAL HUSSAIN. those are my family.'' The second saying is that up on receiving the revelation saying '' say o (muhammad) I do not ask you back from the service I serve you EXCEPT THAT YOU SHOULD GIVE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE FOR MY COSEST ONE.'' The companions asked the messenger '' o Rassullullah who are your ''QURBA'' the closest ones?'' The prophet answered '' THEY ARE : ALIY , FATIMA AND THEIR 2 SONS''.
If Mr. X being a sahaba killed another sahaba Mr. Y not out of mutual love. Don't tell us that they all loved eachother while they cut eachother's throat. And don't tell us that thier conflict was political and not religious, since when in history did Allah excluded any sphere of life as part of his deen? Ali a.s. was on haq and haq was with Ali a.s. The sahaba that fought him are not our exemplars that we would like to immitate. How did the supposedly best generation of Ummah manage to kill the entire family of the Prophet and persecuted the survivors? Aren't there lesson to learn form these events? Unless you take Alhulbayt as your standard you cannot diffrentiate the noble from ignoble among companions. We have nothing against an personality who people would like to revere but wheb they are suspected to have acted against the sunnah then why bother defending them, they are gone and they shall answer for their deed. If they have done zulm then they will get it's recompense and if they were pious and wrongly implicated then since Allah is just he will generously reward them with what they deserve in the hereafter. But don't tell me to follow so and so person and take him as my role model when that person denied my Prophet his last will to be written. We have in the holy Prophet's character the best of guidance and sufficient as an example, a role model and an exmplar and he left behind two things to hold onto for salvation and guidance, The book of Allah, which is the Quran, and the family of the Prophet which are his descendents or more specifically, Ali, Fatimah, Hassan and Hussain and his holy progeny when we have these people then why to look elsewhere for guidance. They are the standard bearers of Islam in every age and for every aspect of life.
Priceless. "Don't ask about what sahaba did since its not your concern". The scholars here give new meaning to term "blind leading the blind". Always ask. Nation can never learn or progress if it forgets its history. If so called expert says do not research he loses title of scholar.
He said he would love to discuss the matter in detail but it cannot be done in a quick manner. The quick answer is what he gave: be respectful to Ahlul Bayt and the Sahaba. There was great political tribulations inevitable for the situation. Some people had to take sides. It does not mean they were evils. It is like when two brothers disagree on a matter but both of them are well wishers of their father and their family. Both of them could be right! It is only differences of opinions and ways of acting when it comes to political matters. This does not invalidate their good intentions and loyalty. I believe that Ahlul Bayt were not treated by the Muslim community the way they deserved it. But what matters now is to maintain the unity and avoid delving too much into the problems that happened back then. We have enough of problems for our times! Peace and Blessings be upon Mohammad, his Pure Family and his Righteous Companions.
Masoud G sahaba is not a term defined in Qur'an or hadith. As such I stick to leadership of Ahlulbayt, whose definition and authority is clearly defined and understood. That would have been the easy and clear answer.
People don't want to discuss for three reasons. 1. They have a notion that anyone who saw the Prophet and claimed to be Muslim is an infallible 'Sahaba', cannot be disrespected even if their behavior is a disgrace for Islam, beyond criticism of any kind and their actions are always justified even if it means to twist the meaning of Islam. As if they don't know people such as Abdullah bin Ubaayy. 2. Hadiths written by partisans or biased narrators and then the sects that emerged placed their trust on different sourcers, sunnis won't take from shias and shia don't trust the sunni sources. And then we ended up with smoked glasses of Historians trying to figure out what happened and who was on haqq centuries later. But why neglect the Authentic narrations? Only if we could give them preferrence over historical records, truth will manifest itself. 3. They fear of being labeled as a Shia or a deviant in the least and will lose majority of their audience.
Typical nonsense from the misguided at best Shia laymen. You just make up things and run with them. There are plenty of talks on this issue. A shia talking about made up Hadith is about as itonic as it gets. Pure evil you shia speak about the righteous Sahaba.
It's I think now useless for sunni alim to sermon Shia or Shia alim to sermon sunni. I don't know what is left if they have separate mosques, laws, public spaces, marriages, yards, ideologies, and political imbitions. Just lip service
So - shia should go to their ulama and to their mosques and we sunnis go into our sunni mosques and listen to our sunni ulama. I see no problem in this.
Imam Ali married his daughter to Sayyidina Abu Bakr this is all lie and against the fitrah as Sayyidina Abu Bakr were father in law of Holy Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and umme Kulsum was their granddaughter. The umme Kulsum Sayyidina Umar married was daughter of Sayyidina Abu Bakr as Sidiq also Shaykh just spoke about Sahaba but just had one or two sentences on the most important love which is obligatory in quran the part of Hadith of Thaqlayn Quran and my Ahlul bayt some Nasibiyyat is apparent from this talk
he loves abu bakr and umar but lady Fatima beloved daughter of the holy prophet went to her death angry with them , in fact Ali buried her at night to hide it from them because she requested it.
I would ask when I really think of it, who would know me and my habits whether good or bad who knows them better? My friends (Companions)? Or my immediate family (Ahlul Bayt)? If I had to immitate someone's tradition or habits or ways ??? I will go with who knows him better,who lived in his house and who had the first hand accounts....the end!!
Muddassir Raza who told you all to do that? are we not to speak the truth? O! because they were so called companions they get a free pass? i don't accept non-sense.
Muddassir Raza do you know that muawiyah commanded for years to curse Ali a.s.? no you don't because you don't take the time and research islamic history. you don't want to question your so called scholars because you believe that can't lie, lol .
@@robk2c954 abuse sahaba as much as you can but don't try to compel us to do that, and this is no religion at all in which one's peers and books direct some believer to abuse, what the point in abusing? Don't tell me we don't abuse I have seen heard all of that from people like you in my country with 19percent Shias.
Makes no sense.. Both sides of armies in siffin and Jamal are hood. Both sides Karbala were good. This is scholarship? All of your education brings no sensible conclusion of who is right?
we cannot determine who was right as both parties involved sahabah of the Prophet S.A.W and amongst them were the sahabah who already have a place in heaven. it is difficult for us to judge. all we can do is to pray to all of them that God bless their souls.
If your faith cannot guide you to what is right and wrong, or what is good and evil, or halal and Haram, of what use is your faith? Not trying to insult but reflect on that. May Allah guide you to truth and light.
Answer is very simple, whose army will you be in in Siffin,Jamal, and Karbala? If your answer is on ahlbeit side then there is no confusion, the other side was totally wrong, weather history label them as sahaba or companion,
This man does not speak the Truth - A few days before the Prophet died - A sahaba named Umar disobeyed the Prophet pbuh - proof - ( hadith of the pen) - so how on earth can he say that - ''He (the prophet) developed them (the sahaba) to perfection'' - if Umar was perfect he would not of disobeyed the prophet.
“O Allah, let Your Blessings come upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you have blessed Ibrahim and his family. Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious. Allah, bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you have blessed Ibrahim and his family. Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious”.
Allahumma, Amin
This video cured my heart from the fitnah of reading about this unfortunate but ultimately ordained fitnah from the Hikmah of Allah❗
Excellent...such wisdom. Allah guide all to speak with such love and eloquence.
Good talk that prevent from fitna. As our brothers Shyaa don't recognize Sahaba may Allah be pleased with them all.
The Sheikh sums it up correctly.... the third and fourth caliphs were dealing with ummah who were a bunch of jaahils. may Allah reward the Sheikh.
Jazzak Allah khairan ajma'in
Love truth then love people. Recognize truth and then judge personalities.
Prophet Nuh, Shoaib, Saleh and Lute (AS) didn’t demand any wages or reward for the services of prophet hood and conveyed to the people that the reward (for subject service) was with the Lord of the worlds (Chapter Nuh-Verse 26, 109, 145, 164 & 180), (Chapter Hud Verse-29 & 51), (Chapter Yunus Verse 72). However, for Hazrat Mohammad (SW) while conveying similar message in four verses (Chapter Furqaan Verse-57, Chapter Saba Verse-47, Chapter Al-Anaam Verse-90 and Chapter Yusuf Verse-104), in Chapter Ash-Shura Verse-23 Allah states, “That is the (award) for which Allah gives Glad Tidings to His Servants who believe and do righteous deeds. Say (Mohammad): "I demand no reward from you for the services (of prophet hood) except to engulf (yourself) in my near of kins and display apex of loyalty (muwaddat), and who performs subject act (muwaddat), We shall reward him with increase bounty: surely Allah is most forgiving and excels in thanking”. In subject Verse the Prophet Mohammad (SW) was commanded to ask for recompense as an exception to other prophets. The reward asked for was in the interest of believers who want to find a way to their Lord, as stated in Verse-47 of Saba and Furqan-57.
In arabic language the words ulfat (affection) and mahabbat (love) respectively pertains to personal gratification; however, the word muwaddat (apex of loyalty) entails sacrifice of wealth, self and honour. Loosing wealth or sustaining bodily injury is far less than loosing honour because everything is lost if honour is lost. Also ulfat and love are attached with the attribute(s) of the person focused on and diminish if that attribute or quality is lost. However, muwaddat in subject verse pertains to the personalities whose attributes never diminish as Allah has guaranteed to keep all impurities away from them (Chapter Ahzaab Verse-33). It was personal attachment emanating from affection or love when in the battle of Uhad all companions of Mohammad ran away” (Chapter Aal-Imraan Verse-153) except Ali (AS) and Allah on this occasion said, “…subject incident at Uhad was to show who is the true believer [(Chapter Aal-Imraan Verse-166]”. However, it was muwaddat at Karbala on the night of Aashura (Muharram 60 AH) when Imam Hussain (AS) blowing off the lamp asked his companions to leave in the darkness if they so desire, but they refused to leave him displaying apex of loyalty. Muwaddat in qurba is like fish in water outside water it has no life!
Prophet Mohammad (SW) when asked about his near kins pointed to Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussain. (Refer Tafsir Kashaf, Sahih Muslim, Musnad ibn Hanbal and Tafsir Durr al Manthur). On emergence of doubts and objection in his followers when "muwaddat of His Ahl ul-Bayt" was enjoined in context of Verse 23 of Chapter Shura, Allah stated, “ Say: (O Mohammad) ‘I do not ask you for any reward for this (services of prophet hood), and I am not an imposter (pretender) (Chapter Saad Verse-86). Additionally, when the issue of Hazrat Eysa (AS) birth (fatherhood) could not be resolved with the Christian of Najran in 9 AH, Allah through message in Chapter Aal-Imraan Verse-61 commanded, “But whoever disputes with you in this matter after what has come to you of knowledge, then say: Come let us call our sons and your sons and our women and your women and ourselves and yourselves, then let us be earnest in prayer, and pray for the curse of Allah on the liars”. At that time the Prophet had 9 wives and His son Ibrahim was alive but He took only Hazrat Ali, Lady Fatima, Imam Hassan and Hussain (the truthful personalities) for contest (Mobahaila) - the battle of truth. The Christians on seeing these personalities surrendered and refused to do mubahaila. Moreover, Prophet Mohammad (SW) showed the same personalities taking them under His shawl when Verse al Tat-hir was revealed: “….Allah only desires to keep the uncleanness away from you, O Ahl ul-Bayt! and to keep you purified at the apex of purity (Chapter Ahzaab Verse-33). The Prophet (SW) also said that, “my Ahl ul-Bayt are like the boat of Hazrat Noh (AS), who so ever came on board would gain salvation and who remained away would drown and perish”.
Offering five times prayers, fasting, performing Haj etc are all good deeds for which Allah has attributed rewards but never thanks for subject acts; however, muwaddat with Ahl ul-Bayt is a unique deed that is obligatory function of faith for which Allah not only promises to bestow reward increase in bounty, but also thanks to a degree of highest order. The believers who are steadfast in their conduct and for such a gainful transaction Allah (ST) conveys good news at the beginning of Verse 23 of Chapter Shura.
Ahlul Sunnah Wa Jamah - The group with the Greatest number of Scholars
It is a reality that sectarianism exists in the Ummah but the way we deal with this is of importance. We must never let our sectarian differences become hateful or violent.
We educate and inform through honest scholarship and of course through love.
The Ahlus Sunnah wa Jamah the majority group have thousands of scholars that have debunked false ideologies like the Kharijites, Ahmediyas/Qadianis and misguided sects whether Shias or Wahabis, in a refined, academic and scholarly fashion.
Differences will always exist but how we handle these differences is crucial.
The shia ideology has been greatly debunked by one of the greatest scholars of our time .
Abu Bakr ibn al-Arabi, Allah bless him, a 12th century Spaniard,and student of Imam Ghazali, Allah bless him,
Al-'Awasim min al-Qawasim (العواصم من القواصم) or "Defense Against Disaster",
is a book that became famous for his strong reply against the SHIA, which accurately determining The Position Of The Companions after the demise of the beloved Prophet ﷺ
Be like these great scholars and expose this false ideology for the pen is mightier than the sword.
Please feel free to download this book
and share this information with all.
Dead link brother
اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ كَمَا صَلَّيْتَ عَلَى إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَعَلَى آلِ إِبْرَاهِيمَ، إِنَّكَ حَمِيدٌ مَجِيدٌ، اللَّهُمَّ بَارِكَ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ كَمَا بَارَكْتَ عَلَى إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَعَلَى آلِ إِبْرَاهِيمَ، إِنَّكَ حَمِيدٌ مَجِيدٌ
رضي الله عن الصحابة الكرام و عن ساداتنا اهل البيت اجمعين وحشرنا معهخ و لعن الله من يتنقص احدهم .
Here is the question. If we all agree that the Holy Prophet SAW was the best of men, and that he recieved divine guidance and protection throughout his life..how could he not know that he would be so bitterly betrayed by his closest and life long friends (the Sahaba)..how could have been such a poor judge of character through out his life and surround himself by traitors? Is this the person that we accept the Holy Quran transmitted to him by Allah in perfection? Is this the man, so easily misguided and fooled we should trust as providing us a "perfect Religion". If that is the case , I would reject him as faulty and foolish. Our very Iman and should come into serious questioning. Otherwise accept his trust in his Sahabah and love of his family and that he left all things up the Allah, and we should not speak badly of anyone as we are beneath them all.
the sahabas were not traitors
..shy do shiaa curse anyone it makes islam look bad
....WE ARENT supposed to curse anyone ESPECIALY HIS BEST FRIENDS THAT ARE RIGHT NEXT TO HIM ABU BAKR AS SADDIQ (R.A) and UMAR IBN AL KHUTTAB (R.A) may allah guide them o wait he already did ;)
shiaas shud stop banging there heads and saying allah like dogs and stop ehipping themselves (only the extremists)
@@omarosman1966 We do not curse the sahaba, we just state facts... They threatened the family of the prophet, abu bakr raided imam Alis house...
IN SAHIH BUKHARI , BOOK 76 , HADITH 578 - Narrated 'Abdullah: The Prophet said, "I am your predecessor at the Lake-Fount." 'Abdullah added: The Prophet said, "I am your predecessor at the Lake-Fount, and some of you will be brought in front of me till I will see them and then they will be taken away from me and I will say, 'O Lord, my companions!' It will be said, 'You do not know what they did after you had left.'
As a true ahlul bayt family member ( there is many fake its so sad).,
As a ahlul Sunna and habib i write under what sheik says. Jazzak allah khayr
hes the best
Dr Umar would you explain more about bayaa (بيعة) of imam Malek and Abou Hanifa. Salam
Do anybody know postal or email adress of Honourable Dr Umer Farooq Abd-Allah ?
IN SAHIH BUKHARI BOOK 76 , HADITH 585 - Narrated Abu Hazim from Sahl bin Sa'd: The Prophet said, "I am your predecessor (forerunner) at the Lake-Fount, and whoever will pass by there, he will drink from it and whoever will drink from it, he will never be thirsty. There will come to me some people whom I will recognize, and they will recognize me, but a barrier will be placed between me and them." Abu Hazim added: An-Nu'man bin Abi 'Aiyash, on hearing me, said. "Did you hear this from Sahl?" I said, "Yes." He said, " I bear witness that I heard Abu Said Al-Khudri saying the same, adding that the Prophet said: 'I will say: They are of me (i.e. my followers). It will be said, 'You do not know what they innovated (new things) in the religion after you left'. I will say, 'Far removed, far removed (from mercy), those who changed (their religion) after me." Abu Huraira narrated that the Prophet said, "On the Day of Resurrection a group of companions will come to me, but will be driven away from the Lake-Fount, and I will say, 'O Lord (those are) my companions!' It will be said, 'You have no knowledge as to what they innovated after you left; they turned apostate as renegades (reverted from Islam)."
you know that from sahih al muslim, tirmizzi, nisa'i, sunan abu dawud, bayhaqi, tabarani(mu'jamul kabir wa sakheer), musnad Ahmad ibn hambal, etc that the prophet may peace and blessing up on him and his families(FATIMA, ALIY, HASSAN, HUSSAIN) the
==prophet said '' o Ali, no one loves you except mu'min(beleiver), and no one hate you except munafiq(hypocrite)'' sahih hadeeth
== the prophet said'' the truth is with Aliyy, and Ali is with the truth''
== the prophet said" o Allah make the truth with Aliy wherever he settled''
==the prophet said" those who loves Aliy have loved me and loved Allah, but those who hate Aliy have hated me and hated Allah''
==the prophet said'' for whomever I am his MAWLA here Aliy is his MAWLAA, O God be friend to those who be freinds to Aliy, and be enemy to those who are enemies of Aliy''
== the prophet said'' Aliy is from me and I'm from Aliy''
==the prophet said'' Ali is my brother in this world and in hereafter''
==the prophet said'' O Aliy your status is like Harun was to Musa except no prophet after me''
==the prophet said during battle of khaibar among all companions '' I will give the flag tomorrow to a person who is loved by Allah and his messenger and loves Allah and his messenger'' the next day The prophet ask them to call Aliy, they called him, the prophet put his pure Saliva to the sick eye of Aliy and gave the flag to Aliy''
== the meal was presented to the prophet. the prophet made a du'a that Allah may bring to the prophet a person who is the most beloved one to Allah from all the creature to have a meal with the prophet. Aliy came and have a meal with the prophet
== the prophet said in regard to his Ahlul bayt(Fatima, Ali, Hassan, and Hussain)'' I am at peace with whom you are at peace with, and I am at war with whom you are at war with''
==the prophet said '' whoever hate/cursed you(Fatima, Ali, Hassan, Hussain) have cursed me. whoever love you loved me. and whoever fight you have fight me''
== NOTE: Ahlul bayt (as) are those described by the beloved prophet of Allah (sawaws) in the hadeeth of AL KISAAH in sahihu muslim. Saying '' those Allah purified them are : ALI,FATIMA, AL HASSAN, WAL HUSSAIN. those are my family.'' The second saying is that up on receiving the revelation saying '' say o (muhammad) I do not ask you back from the service I serve you EXCEPT THAT YOU SHOULD GIVE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE FOR MY COSEST ONE.'' The companions asked the messenger '' o Rassullullah who are your ''QURBA'' the closest ones?'' The prophet answered '' THEY ARE : ALIY , FATIMA AND THEIR 2 SONS''.
If Mr. X being a sahaba killed another sahaba Mr. Y not out of mutual love. Don't tell us that they all loved eachother while they cut eachother's throat. And don't tell us that thier conflict was political and not religious, since when in history did Allah excluded any sphere of life as part of his deen?
Ali a.s. was on haq and haq was with Ali a.s. The sahaba that fought him are not our exemplars that we would like to immitate. How did the supposedly best generation of Ummah manage to kill the entire family of the Prophet and persecuted the survivors? Aren't there lesson to learn form these events? Unless you take Alhulbayt as your standard you cannot diffrentiate the noble from ignoble among companions. We have nothing against an personality who people would like to revere but wheb they are suspected to have acted against the sunnah then why bother defending them, they are gone and they shall answer for their deed. If they have done zulm then they will get it's recompense and if they were pious and wrongly implicated then since Allah is just he will generously reward them with what they deserve in the hereafter. But don't tell me to follow so and so person and take him as my role model when that person denied my Prophet his last will to be written. We have in the holy Prophet's character the best of guidance and sufficient as an example, a role model and an exmplar and he left behind two things to hold onto for salvation and guidance, The book of Allah, which is the Quran, and the family of the Prophet which are his descendents or more specifically, Ali, Fatimah, Hassan and Hussain and his holy progeny when we have these people then why to look elsewhere for guidance. They are the standard bearers of Islam in every age and for every aspect of life.
Priceless. "Don't ask about what sahaba did since its not your concern". The scholars here give new meaning to term "blind leading the blind". Always ask. Nation can never learn or progress if it forgets its history. If so called expert says do not research he loses title of scholar.
He said he would love to discuss the matter in detail but it cannot be done in a quick manner. The quick answer is what he gave: be respectful to Ahlul Bayt and the Sahaba. There was great political tribulations inevitable for the situation. Some people had to take sides. It does not mean they were evils. It is like when two brothers disagree on a matter but both of them are well wishers of their father and their family. Both of them could be right! It is only differences of opinions and ways of acting when it comes to political matters. This does not invalidate their good intentions and loyalty. I believe that Ahlul Bayt were not treated by the Muslim community the way they deserved it. But what matters now is to maintain the unity and avoid delving too much into the problems that happened back then. We have enough of problems for our times! Peace and Blessings be upon Mohammad, his Pure Family and his Righteous Companions.
Masoud G sahaba is not a term defined in Qur'an or hadith. As such I stick to leadership of Ahlulbayt, whose definition and authority is clearly defined and understood.
That would have been the easy and clear answer.
People don't want to discuss for three reasons.
1. They have a notion that anyone who saw the Prophet and claimed to be Muslim is an infallible 'Sahaba', cannot be disrespected even if their behavior is a disgrace for Islam, beyond criticism of any kind and their actions are always justified even if it means to twist the meaning of Islam. As if they don't know people such as Abdullah bin Ubaayy.
2. Hadiths written by partisans or biased narrators and then the sects that emerged placed their trust on different sourcers, sunnis won't take from shias and shia don't trust the sunni sources. And then we ended up with smoked glasses of Historians trying to figure out what happened and who was on haqq centuries later. But why neglect the Authentic narrations? Only if we could give them preferrence over historical records, truth will manifest itself.
3. They fear of being labeled as a Shia or a deviant in the least and will lose majority of their audience.
Typical nonsense from the misguided at best Shia laymen. You just make up things and run with them. There are plenty of talks on this issue.
A shia talking about made up Hadith is about as itonic as it gets. Pure evil you shia speak about the righteous Sahaba.
Shia disagree
What do you mean.
It's I think now useless for sunni alim to sermon Shia or Shia alim to sermon sunni. I don't know what is left if they have separate mosques, laws, public spaces, marriages, yards, ideologies, and political imbitions. Just lip service
So - shia should go to their ulama and to their mosques and we sunnis go into our sunni mosques and listen to our sunni ulama. I see no problem in this.
Imam Ali married his daughter to Sayyidina Abu Bakr this is all lie and against the fitrah as Sayyidina Abu Bakr were father in law of Holy Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and umme Kulsum was their granddaughter. The umme Kulsum Sayyidina Umar married was daughter of Sayyidina Abu Bakr as Sidiq also Shaykh just spoke about Sahaba but just had one or two sentences on the most important love which is obligatory in quran the part of Hadith of Thaqlayn Quran and my Ahlul bayt some Nasibiyyat is apparent from this talk
IN SAHIH MUSLIM book 19, hadith 4349, you will read Ali thought Abu Bakr and Umar were liars, sinful, treacherous, dishonest.
he loves abu bakr and umar but lady Fatima beloved daughter of the holy prophet went to her death angry with them , in fact Ali buried her at night to hide it from them because she requested it.
A complete lie. More Shia lies. It's disgusting what you say about that OTs of the Sahaba . Ma Allah be pleased with them all.
I would ask when I really think of it, who would know me and my habits whether good or bad who knows them better?
My friends (Companions)?
Or my immediate family (Ahlul Bayt)?
If I had to immitate someone's tradition or habits or ways ???
I will go with who knows him better,who lived in his house and who had the first hand accounts....the end!!
like umar was the only man in the world with that name,
I wish at least he can bring proof to what he claims
Muawiyah? look what he did to Hasan grandson of the holy prophet
+PROOF EQUALZ TROOTH We're told not to speak about him. Say no good nor any bad since he was a companion of Prophet Muhammad (saw).
Muddassir Raza
who told you all to do that? are we not to speak the truth? O! because they were so called companions they get a free pass? i don't accept non-sense.
+PROOF EQUALZ TROOTH ok you want to hate Muawiya (R) go ahead, it is your head that'll be on a spike not mine.
Muddassir Raza
do you know that muawiyah commanded for years to curse Ali a.s.? no you don't because you don't take the time and research islamic history. you don't want to question your so called scholars because you believe that can't lie, lol .
@@robk2c954 abuse sahaba as much as you can but don't try to compel us to do that, and this is no religion at all in which one's peers and books direct some believer to abuse, what the point in abusing? Don't tell me we don't abuse I have seen heard all of that from people like you in my country with 19percent Shias.
Makes no sense.. Both sides of armies in siffin and Jamal are hood. Both sides Karbala were good. This is scholarship? All of your education brings no sensible conclusion of who is right?
we cannot determine who was right as both parties involved sahabah of the Prophet S.A.W and amongst them were the sahabah who already have a place in heaven. it is difficult for us to judge. all we can do is to pray to all of them that God bless their souls.
If your faith cannot guide you to what is right and wrong, or what is good and evil, or halal and Haram, of what use is your faith?
Not trying to insult but reflect on that. May Allah guide you to truth and light.
Answer is very simple, whose army will you be in in Siffin,Jamal, and Karbala? If your answer is on ahlbeit side then there is no confusion, the other side was totally wrong, weather history label them as sahaba or companion,
This man does not speak the Truth - A few days before the Prophet died - A sahaba named Umar disobeyed the Prophet pbuh - proof - ( hadith of the pen) - so how on earth can he say that - ''He (the prophet) developed them (the sahaba) to perfection'' - if Umar was perfect he would not of disobeyed the prophet.
dude think he's Lawrence of Arabia.. sorry go back to being Christian Minister