Didnt know if he know about this, betting he didn't but in cases like this, it is almost always a good idea to keep a small bag of Kitty litter in your car, in case this happens, just throw some under the wheels, and that maybe might give you a little bit of traction and help you get out of this situation.....
The Prius was not high centered it was on pavement. This dude is high centered the whole center of the vehicle is on packed snow that's almost ice open up your eyes and look duh
You can’t just full throttle pedal to the floor when your stuck. Slowly press the accelerator and get traction otherwise you’re just gonna spin your wheels
A lot of automatic SUVs and the like have a second gear function on the shifter for just this occasion. This dude is clearly not around snow a lot though.
Isn't that funny? I think pretty much every one with experience in snow knows not to rapidly change speeds unless you want to slide and crash. Yet the first thing they always do when stuck is floor the gas pedal. Backwards thinking much?
Please everyone, take a moment to thank the guy filming for holding the camera in landscape angle and NOT portrait like most people nowadays. Great quality too, nice man!
As a Michigander, I can completely relate to his frustration. As someone who's been in this situation with a fucking Honda Civic and managed to get free with much less of a hassle, this guy really shouldn't be driving.
Dude, I drive a Porsche Cayman, RWD mid engine sports car. I got stuck in the recent storm that hit South Carolina, it took me about 1.5 minutes to get unstuck from almost the same situation by driving out as slowly as possible. This guy is clearly the reason why some people who drive 4x4s think they can do whatever they want in bad weather, but as proven in this hilarious video, they can't.
Wal Ter Haha in that storm that hit I live 30 minutes north of Columbia, and my 4x4 truck didn't even struggle in the snow, it acted like it loved it more than pavement. xD
Wal Ter >snowstorm >south carolina Pick one. Also, you dont appreciate how steep that hill is. your car and mine would not make itt out without proper shoveling.
Wal Ter To met it looks like he was parked and was trying to get out. You can see all the other cars parked along side the road. And I doubt your car would make it out of that which means that he doesn't drive like an idiot he was just stuck and couldn't get out and got angry.
Reminding me of that King of the Hill episode here, when Hank was forced to take anger management class, and met another man who ended up raging himself to death in Hank's driveway.
Alright, I'm tired of the FAQs saying "Why didn't you help him?" and whatnot. Here are your questions answered, straight from the *video description.* Please thumb this up so people actually see it. "1. Angry Man was offered assistance by several passersby; whom he cursed out profusely (that's what garnered my attention from inside.) 2. My neighbors and I actively help people who get stuck on our hill, including each other. This hill is treacherous when un-plowed. 3. A Toyota Prius climbed the hill, unassisted. 4. A TOYOTA PRIUS CLIMBED THE HILL, UNASSISTED. 5. My children cheered his every attempt to free himself, and again when he did finally free himself. They never once pointed or laughed. My daughter questioned why Angry Man would yell and curse at his vehicle since it couldn't hear him. I on the other hand did in fact laugh at Angry Man...when he cursed those who would attempt to help him, laughed when he dropped his phone enraged, laughed when he ran it over, and laughed when he almost let his truck roll backwards down the hill when he forgot to put it into park and started to get out. And no, I certainly wasn't putting myself any closer to his rage or his vehicle. All you good Samaritans keep helping those who need help, but please, don't endanger your own life in the process :)"
I don't know why you'd need WINTER tires. Just GOOD tires have been enough in ALL my cars (AWD, FWD, RWD, and true 4WD--I've owned them all). I always choose a tire with at LEAST a 60k mi wear-out and sipes that extend through the tread to the outer edge of the tread's surface, and they MUST connect to the gutter within the tread. I prefer Michelins and BFGs for this as many of their all-season tires in an A-traction / B-temperature rating offer those features. OR I buy better than that. Good all-terrains also work well, but I have done fine with the above in vehicles that you would prefer to have a highway tire.
The best advice I was ever told is to get winter tires and summer tires. You won't have to replace tires as much if u have a tread for each season. All seasons = No seasons. Drive like shit in summer and don't grip in the winter. Also all seasons crack because of the yearly temp changes. Don't be cheap. If u can afford a $10-30k SUV you can afford 800$ of tires. If not, your priorities are fucked
@@Axel-uw5py lmao I live on a 8 mile dirt road in michigan with no plows. Snow tires in the winter, rally in the summer. I drive a boosted subaru. I just think all terrains are like 2-1 shampoo. Quick, easy, and cheaper. Which isn't a bad thing at all if that's what works for you.
Igor Stjepanović Haha yeah I was just not sure since the way you worded your comment made it sound like you might not have. I can kind of understand him swearing at the Pruis driver though he was having trouble getting out and the guy driving the Pruis tooted him so it was just that step to far.
Nice used Jeep Grand Cherokee fully loaded with spectacular traction for winter driving ...very little usage mostly parked due to mental health issues for sale reasonably priced... will consider all offers
Fred Garvin The connection only lies within your own diseased Liberal mind. You're incaple of watching any video on youtube without making it about Trump and so called "Trump cucks" It's rather hilarious watching you Liberal turds still freaking out over a year after the election XD
Cockstruction Worker ........ He's still angry and butthurt that his useless cadidate lost. He has no life to speak of save for coming on here and being a troll to see if he can get a few of us to fall into his little troll trap. If I could hazard a guess here, he's either a 10 year old with an IQ close to that of a houseplant who tries to act like he knows something about politics or he's one of those college kids with a "gender studies" major and a "professional shit disturber" minor sporting an IQ only one or two points higher than the aforementioned 10 year old. Either way, he has no idea why he doesn't like president Trump and can only work up enough brain power to regurgitate up a few worthless and irrelevant talking points he heard on MSNBC or Twitter. He doesn't even understand that the guy in the vid isn't selling his Jeep. It was just a hypothetical twist about the used car industry's method for misleading the used car buyer into buying a car that might not be all that they say it is. You know, he's a moron.
So...after 380 comments, its difficult to discern what's already been said about this episode...or, some of you simply can't read... 1. Angry Man was offered assistance by several passersby; whom he cursed out profusely (that's what garnered my attention from inside.) 2. My neighbors and I actively help people who get stuck on our hill, including each other. This hill is treacherous when un-plowed. 3. A Toyota Prius climbed the hill, unassisted. 4. A TOYOTA PRIUS CLIMBED THE HILL, UNASSISTED. 5. My children cheered his every attempt to free himself, and again when he did finally free himself. They never once pointed or laughed. My daughter questioned why angry man would yell and curse at his vehicle. I on the other hand did in fact laugh, at and angry man, cursing those who would attempt to help him, laughed when he dropped his phone enraged, laughed when he ran it over, and laughed when he almost let his truck roll backwards down the hill when he forgot to put it into park and started to get out. And no, I certainly wasn't putting myself any closer to his rage or his vehicle. All you good Samaritans keep helping those who need help, but please, don't endanger your own life in the process :)
DrunkyMcSwervencrash The way he was acting, I wouldn'5 have gone near him. The quickest way to help him would be to drive it out of the deep stuff yourself. Even with bald tire, I don't thik it would have been difficult to get it out of there . give it just enough gas to move it, get it away from the curb, and back it out. This guy is a demonstration that some peop;e are just too stupid to drive.
The guy was flooring it with all weather tires of course he wasn't going anywhere, drop into a higher gear normally two and rock yourself out...and don't forget them snow tires
That's like the punchline to the whole thing, he finally drives off but leaves his phone behind. After he drops it he tramples over it in the snow over and over. He probably never found it again.
You guys laugh at him and i love laughing at people like all you guys here. People having wrong sense of humour being nothing more than jerks. By the way has any assholes here lost a phone and knows what it's like losing it??
car easily goes backwards... "but I'm not going backwards, I want to go forward!" could easily back out of that mess... "I don't want to go backwards, I want to go forwards!"
e Kopke - That's exactly it. Put the front wheel in that open space, turn the wheel to the left, and don't floor it like a Mustang pulling out of Cars 'n' Coffee.
Christian M Because he's one of those people who spend a buttload of money buying a car he thinks can handle anything by itself. But, it's his fault he can't drive.
+Lochlan McDermott No matter what you drive, Common sense is the best tool to keep you from getting stuck. Even a fully built mud buggy will get stuck if you drive it into the ocean.
+Lochlan McDermott I didn't see anything wrong with how the Jeep worked here. ;) Looks like front and rear wheels were driving.That's already better than 90% of so called SUV's would do. Most don't have any kind of differential locking on axles at all, many don't even have a center locker. But I think the newer grand cherokee has automatic center and rear locker, and traction control.
***** Yes, spinning all 4 wheels is a good sign that the 4 wheel drive system works. Have you seen that most SUV's that are marketed as 4 wheel drive, they spin only 1 or 2 wheels in that kind of situation? It is because they have open differentials. You can't do much more from the drive system perspective than get all 4 wheels driving smoothly. After that, it's all about other vehicle design: -Suspension design to keep all the wheels on the ground, which distributes the weight of the vehicle evenly -Tire thread and size. Height of the tire and width of the tire in relation to the weight of the vehicle are very important. Also lowering tire pressure may help a lot in a tricky situation. But have to be prepared to air them back up when going on road. It doesn't matter even if you have the best 4x4 on earth, if you have bad tires for the conditions, you are easily stuck in places where 2 wheel drive cars could go with better tires. So it's all about tires. And driver. Also, a vehicle that doesn't get stuck hasn't been made yet. ;)
***** You have to remember that there is many kind of snow and many kind of tires. You may have better tires than this guy, but I am quite sure that you just have driven on different type of snow. :) I live in Finland at Arctic Circle. We have snow on the ground over 180 days a year. There is many different kind of snow. Depth is not the only parameter. It also matters how "wet" the snow is, and for how long it has been on the ground. Fresh and light snow is easy to drive in even if it's deep. But frozen snow, that has been on the ground for long with temperature going up and down, may be very difficult to drive in even if there is only a little bit of it. Also wet and heavy snow is much harder to drive in than light "dusty" snow. Second thing that matters a lot is that what is below the snow. If there is ice under it, you aren't going to get anywhere without tires that have metallic studs in them or snow chains, no matter how good your car is. Normal tires simply aren't enough. This video looks like the snow is wet, and he is in uphill. From my experience that kind of snow can be very slippery. Also there may be ice below the snow like there often is in the city areas where is tarmac and cars have been driving all year around. You can't do more from the 4 wheel drive system perspective, than get all four wheels driving smoothly. Physics laws of friction . . . Mercedes uses electronic brake based traction control mainly in the GL and ML, and locking differentials at the rear axle and center differential. To get all wheels driving smoothly. You can't do more, after that it's all about how good your tires are. But always even good tires aren't enough. ;) The Jeep as a car could not work any better than get all wheels driving smoothly. There is nothing more than engineers can do if the car is wheel driven. Weight matters a lot, but nearly all SUV's are about the same weight 2000 - 3000 kg.
This video just has so many bonus points: video description plot summary with running commentary, anger yelling, iphone plot twist, anger slamming doors, unknown crushing of the iphone, anger kicking snow, looking for the iphone, anger spinning tires, several cars including a Toyota prius seemingly mocking the paralyzed SUV, anger & confusion that phone is gone, then eventual success. If you wanted to recreate this for a film it would take weeks of planning, shooting, & editing, but you got it all in one long shot!
"If I only had more power!" lol. I see these type of morons every snow storm. They don't stop and think. They just gun the shit out of it till something happens.
If he had Quadra Drive instead of Quadra Trac, he would have walked right out. But he should of just rolled back into the street and he would have never had to do anything but steer and drive. It's really that simple............
That's a little bit of kara right there for not having a cool head about the situation and thinking logically instead of just gunning it and digging himself a bigger hole XD hilarious that it's a Jeep too!! XD
No... He is already in 4x4 and I'm sure his differentials are limited slip. You cant lock diffs in 99% of road vehicles without putting in a "locker differential". He should have just backed up like 10 feet and then eased on the gas to get enough momentum to drive out of there... Instead of mashing the gas 100 times while not moving.. Prob burnt all 4 of his tires to the wear bar
4 low locks the transfer case front to back. Locking "differentials" are from left to right on the actual axle. Limited slip uses a clutch to "limit" the slip left to right on the axle.
If he just went to buy a shovel, he would unstuck his car without damaging it, have a little workout, not run over his phone, not be ridiculed, and have a shovel for next time. What a tool.
Best comment I have read so far. And it is so true. We had snow a few weeks ago. I was scared shitless to drive in it. I can drive in it, it is the others that scare me.
@@diesistkeinname795 You don't need winter tires. In my 26 years of living in the Northeast and driving throw bad winters, I have never got stuck or in an accident in the snow. For the past 6 ears I drive my rear-wheel-drive Genesis in the snow on $65 el-cheapo all-season tires. I just drive slow and use common sense. Now I admit - I did have one really bad time driving home headed north from Baltimore International Airport in a blizzard on I-81. However the road was completely unplowed, it was 10pm-12am at night, visibility was about 100ft, and the hills on I-81 are VERY long and steep. At one point I did wind up sideways and almost went backwards off the road down a steep drop. But I didn't though. I was dead stopped sitting sideways in the middle of a steep ascent during a blizzard that dropped a foot of snow in an hour, and I still was able to make it the rest of the way up the hill and on my way home. On $65 all-seasons in a RWD car. Just takes a little know-how and patience.
I could get out of that shit in a Grand Am, this guy is too angry to get out of his predicament to think clearly. First i wouldn't be revving the shit out the car breaking the transmission and the tires.
This is the kind of person who you watch very carefully when they walk into a room. Mentally unstable. Bully. Violent when they don't get what they want. It's always someone else's fault. Entitled. etc.
@@thomthumbe If i saw in the video what's written, then I'd say you're right and I'm wrong. All i saw was a car honk at him to get out of the way. I saw nobody offering.
@@ryanmerkow6807 *Straight from the video description:* "1. Angry Man was offered assistance by several passersby; whom he cursed out profusely (that's what garnered my attention from inside.)" --- In other words, _the cammer didn't record people trying to help him, because the angry man scared them away before recording._
Even with the baldest of tires, he could have backed up to the clear spot, got a little momentum and forced his way out. This guy has zero common sense and zero driving ability.
Pro tip: When driving in snow.... just floor the shit out of it so you can really get traction. The more you floor it on a slippery surface, the more traction you get. And oh yeah... just keep trying to go forward over and over again. You wanna dig that hole under your tire as deep as possible.
It's also an important tip to the throw your cellphone under the tires of your vehicle like this guy did in the video... that gives great traction plus if you do it right your car tire can actually dial for roadside assistance while its running over your phone.
Ice is ice. Doesn’t matter how many wheels are turning if you’ve got no traction. And spinning the wheels is the worst thing you can do. Better off rocking it if you can.
Yeah I've been in this situation. You're bassically digging yourself a hole deeper and deeper. I would put a floor matt or two underneath one or two of the tires so you get some traction needed to get out.
Different scenario with me. I was helping someone a stranger who was stuck in snow. Like this. Trying to get unstuck.A driver drove by honked at us and yelled out at us for being stuck on the road. Shortly after being free from the snow I saw that same person who honked at me stuck side ways in a ditch, I paid no attention kept my eyes on the road and kept moving.
He didn’t use reverse.. hence no reverse lights. Back up a foot not ten, just for momentum. I️ off road daily... and don’t get stuck. Rock I️t back and forth
"Adult owned, well maintained, never driven in snow/ice and salt, just put new tires on it and never driven hard that's why I'm asking top dollar." Sheesh this guy must not know anything about snow tires or chains or good snow rated all terrains or even good all seasons for that matter. We already know he doesn't know how to drive.
As someone who lives in Southwestern Ontario, I can confirm many winter drivers here are like this guy. Out here we have long harsh Winters with terrible driving conditions. Many People who own brand new 4wd Vehicles don't have a clue how to use them. I swear drivers are bad enough. Once winters hits though its like all common sense goes out the window. The only thing worse is rwd Truck owners who think they don't need winter Tires.
Evan, I am a RWD manual transmission truck owner on the western slope of Colorado. I DON'T need winter tires, I make do most winters with mostly bald all-seasons. You just have to know how to drive and put a ton of weights in the bed of the truck. I would've gotten my truck out of that mess within 30 seconds.
His phone fell out at 1:28. He definitely crushed it at 2:30. He's doing the "I can't find my phone dance at 5:57"
Fucking lol
Best play-by-play on youtube
most underrated comment on youtube
This should be top comment. Makes it even funnier.
To the top you go.
Damn, I’ve watched this probably ten times. Never understood why he was searching his back seat until now.
Moral of the story "Don't yell at your wheels. They can't hear you."
Probably got TIRED of hearing him......
Andrew Silva touché my friend
Kenneth Clark this is the best comment I've read ever
Didnt know if he know about this, betting he didn't but in cases like this, it is almost always a good idea to keep a small bag of Kitty litter in your car, in case this happens, just throw some under the wheels, and that maybe might give you a little bit of traction and help you get out of this situation.....
If he had backed up 5 feet from his starting point he'd get out first shot
Yea but some people don’t have a brain😂😂
Buuuuut his TIRES BRO!?!?! loool, everyone in the comments -_-.
9 years later , and still one of the best . 👏👏👏👏👏
Prius honking and driving on by without an issue was priceless
C S ,funny stuff.
The Prius was not high centered it was on pavement. This dude is high centered the whole center of the vehicle is on packed snow that's almost ice open up your eyes and look duh
I know,lol
Something very poetic about a hybrid sailing past a stranded "all terrain" vehicle, lol.
@@mikelyons7511 The irony escapes you, doesn't it?
Could you imagine if you were the guy in the jeep and this video just shows up in your youtube feed years later. Lol
And the angry man never even realized how much joy he brought to this simple family.
bruh you made me spit water our of my mouth unto the laptop lol
santa came early lol
Sorry Emmanuel. ;)
LOL. I come here every year to watch this guy.
i just noticed he runs the stop sign after getting free!
He could have easily rolled backwards and out into the street. Instead he insists on getting out in a forward motion, thus ensuring our entertainment.
People choose their own suffering. He already solved his problem when he went backwards but he chose to go right back in it.
If he wanted to choose that, get yo self a hummer if you wanna do that
@@Alphakoll22 isn't hummers gone right now?
@@kenjiharima23nep91 no... the new hummer is coming out... waiting for it, also predator inc continued the production of h1 and transformation
@@Alphakoll22 hummers are for pussys lol get yourself truck with some power and some alt tires with a locking differential and you’ll do anything
@@Alphakoll22 suv's for real men!!
You can’t just full throttle pedal to the floor when your stuck. Slowly press the accelerator and get traction otherwise you’re just gonna spin your wheels
A lot of automatic SUVs and the like have a second gear function on the shifter for just this occasion. This dude is clearly not around snow a lot though.
no shit...
16 and from Texas and I could have gotten this guy out with ease
Isn't that funny? I think pretty much every one with experience in snow knows not to rapidly change speeds unless you want to slide and crash. Yet the first thing they always do when stuck is floor the gas pedal. Backwards thinking much?
and itll make ice
Please everyone, take a moment to thank the guy filming for holding the camera in landscape angle and NOT portrait like most people nowadays. Great quality too, nice man!
Yes and this is a great funny moment! Just imagine 6 months later the man sees himself on You Tube hahaha!
1:28 his phone drops out of his pocket and he didn't notice
Looks like he ran over it at 2:31 too
Al Kaholic could've been cigarettes or his man-card
def. his phone , he was looking for it at 6:00 .
LMFAO bad day turns to worse for this dude
Al Kaholic that's what you get for screaming at a good car
He just clocked 136,483 miles on his new car just trying to get out.
He got out after clocking 124,728 miles on his new jeep.
lmaooooooo yes
LMFAO!!! Good one. :-D
Lol 😂 too funny
He’s gonna be even more pissed when he realizes his phone fell out his pocket and he ran over it.
You can see him searching for it later, lmao.
He'll never know what happened to his phone unless he watches this video.
As a Michigander, I can completely relate to his frustration. As someone who's been in this situation with a fucking Honda Civic and managed to get free with much less of a hassle, this guy really shouldn't be driving.
Dude, I drive a Porsche Cayman, RWD mid engine sports car. I got stuck in the recent storm that hit South Carolina, it took me about 1.5 minutes to get unstuck from almost the same situation by driving out as slowly as possible. This guy is clearly the reason why some people who drive 4x4s think they can do whatever they want in bad weather, but as proven in this hilarious video, they can't.
well that's your fault for driving a Honda Civic when you're from Michigan lol
Wal Ter
Haha in that storm that hit I live 30 minutes north of Columbia, and my 4x4 truck didn't even struggle in the snow, it acted like it loved it more than pavement. xD
Wal Ter >snowstorm
>south carolina
Pick one. Also, you dont appreciate how steep that hill is. your car and mine would not make itt out without proper shoveling.
Wal Ter To met it looks like he was parked and was trying to get out. You can see all the other cars parked along side the road. And I doubt your car would make it out of that which means that he doesn't drive like an idiot he was just stuck and couldn't get out and got angry.
The angry guy 1 week earlier:
*sees the JEEP commercial. Wow, I need to buy this car!
1:30 his phone drops out of his pocket too when he freaks out lol
actually didnt see that till you said this :V
Imagine how pissed he was when he realised his phone was gone. Haha
would of been hilarious :V
That Karma :)
Curtis Jordan He probably shit a brick when realized it was gone. Mist frustrating morning ever.
His reaction when the Prius driver passes by! Priceless!
He was probably late for his anger management class. 🤪
@None Of your Business I feel pretty
Reminding me of that King of the Hill episode here, when Hank was forced to take anger management class, and met another man who ended up raging himself to death in Hank's driveway.
His phone fell out of his pullover at 1:29, at 2:36 he drove over it and at at 6:01 he realised that the phone is gone... LOL
Alright, I'm tired of the FAQs saying "Why didn't you help him?" and whatnot. Here are your questions answered, straight from the *video description.* Please thumb this up so people actually see it.
"1. Angry Man was offered assistance by several passersby; whom he cursed out profusely (that's what garnered my attention from inside.)
2. My neighbors and I actively help people who get stuck on our hill, including each other. This hill is treacherous when un-plowed.
3. A Toyota Prius climbed the hill, unassisted.
5. My children cheered his every attempt to free himself, and again when he did finally free himself. They never once pointed or laughed. My daughter questioned why Angry Man would yell and curse at his vehicle since it couldn't hear him. I on the other hand did in fact laugh at Angry Man...when he cursed those who would attempt to help him, laughed when he dropped his phone enraged, laughed when he ran it over, and laughed when he almost let his truck roll backwards down the hill when he forgot to put it into park and started to get out. And no, I certainly wasn't putting myself any closer to his rage or his vehicle.
All you good Samaritans keep helping those who need help, but please, don't endanger your own life in the process :)"
Well said. You need to pin your comment!
@@algunoscuenticos Thanks, but I can't pin my comment under someone else's video, and I'm not the poster of this video.
I came back 5 years later to see if he’s still stuck.
You think he's pissed now? Wait till he gets to work and notices his iPhone fell out of his pocket into the snow. 1:29
2:32 Runs over iPhone!
You clicked read more
Deven Ha, I didn't even notice that, D'oh.
Dang you picked that up. He did drop his phone.ha awesome dude
Super Kyle LMAO good observation :D
Super Kyle oh snap, good catch. I had to go back look for that
hahaha the kid at the end was happy he made it :)
it u
Kid was happy cause the psycho was away from their house.
What about the psycho operating the camera?
@Happy, you were rooting for the cameraman?
cutlerylover I was glad he made it too as I've got to get up for work tomorrow
People with SUVs are convinced they dont need winter tires
I have an SUV and I don’t need winter tires...because I live in Florida!
I don't know why you'd need WINTER tires. Just GOOD tires have been enough in ALL my cars (AWD, FWD, RWD, and true 4WD--I've owned them all). I always choose a tire with at LEAST a 60k mi wear-out and sipes that extend through the tread to the outer edge of the tread's surface, and they MUST connect to the gutter within the tread. I prefer Michelins and BFGs for this as many of their all-season tires in an A-traction / B-temperature rating offer those features. OR I buy better than that.
Good all-terrains also work well, but I have done fine with the above in vehicles that you would prefer to have a highway tire.
The best advice I was ever told is to get winter tires and summer tires. You won't have to replace tires as much if u have a tread for each season. All seasons = No seasons. Drive like shit in summer and don't grip in the winter. Also all seasons crack because of the yearly temp changes. Don't be cheap. If u can afford a $10-30k SUV you can afford 800$ of tires. If not, your priorities are fucked
@@trystanskaggs2 Unless you live in a place where you actually go offroad lol. All terrains ftw.
@@Axel-uw5py lmao I live on a 8 mile dirt road in michigan with no plows. Snow tires in the winter, rally in the summer. I drive a boosted subaru. I just think all terrains are like 2-1 shampoo. Quick, easy, and cheaper. Which isn't a bad thing at all if that's what works for you.
when the prius drove right up and he screamed
fuck you i lost it lol
hahah i saw it
I am not sure if you heard it or not but the Prius tooted him.
Igor Stjepanović Haha yeah I was just not sure since the way you worded your comment made it sound like you might not have. I can kind of understand him swearing at the Pruis driver though he was having trouble getting out and the guy driving the Pruis tooted him so it was just that step to far.
Car be on Craigslist like "garage kept, highway miles, wife driven, extremely well maintained"
So original
5:05 i’m fuckin howling bruh 😂 imagine getting honked by a Prius
When the Prius slowly creeps by and he yells "fuck you!!" *Laughs in FWD*
I never seen anyone put so many miles on their car without getting anywhere!
The car is not the problem, the driver is.
so.....in a nutshell.....driver error?
@@cheetahobx Yes.
Most definitely 🇨🇦
*great car, shit driver..*
@@tyrek78 true dat
Nice used Jeep Grand Cherokee fully loaded with spectacular traction for winter driving ...very little usage mostly parked due to mental health issues for sale reasonably priced... will consider all offers
... needs new tires....
He's pissed because he's going to be late for his anger management class.
Phone felt out of his pocket at 1:30 and he was looking for it at 6:05 after he probably ran it over with the wheels spinning full speed LOL
+hondannyboy glad someone else caught that
instant karma
Maybe it was his phone that finally got him some traction? :)
He probably also stepped on it
+hondannyboy OMG I had to stop the video and read the comments just to see if anybody knew what that thing was :-)
For sale lightly used Jeep. Never abused. All highway miles. Oil changes on time. 4x4 only used once or twice.
OffRoadPatriot New tires.
OffRoadPatriot and wheels still got good live left like 90%
Fred Garvin Curious what Trump has to do with a random Jeep stuck in the snow?
Fred Garvin The connection only lies within your own diseased Liberal mind. You're incaple of watching any video on youtube without making it about Trump and so called "Trump cucks" It's rather hilarious watching you Liberal turds still freaking out over a year after the election XD
Cockstruction Worker ........ He's still angry and butthurt that his useless cadidate lost. He has no life to speak of save for coming on here and being a troll to see if he can get a few of us to fall into his little troll trap. If I could hazard a guess here, he's either a 10 year old with an IQ close to that of a houseplant who tries to act like he knows something about politics or he's one of those college kids with a "gender studies" major and a "professional shit disturber" minor sporting an IQ only one or two points higher than the aforementioned 10 year old. Either way, he has no idea why he doesn't like president Trump and can only work up enough brain power to regurgitate up a few worthless and irrelevant talking points he heard on MSNBC or Twitter. He doesn't even understand that the guy in the vid isn't selling his Jeep. It was just a hypothetical twist about the used car industry's method for misleading the used car buyer into buying a car that might not be all that they say it is. You know, he's a moron.
So...after 380 comments, its difficult to discern what's already been said about this episode...or, some of you simply can't read...
1. Angry Man was offered assistance by several passersby; whom he cursed out profusely (that's what garnered my attention from inside.)
2. My neighbors and I actively help people who get stuck on our hill, including each other. This hill is treacherous when un-plowed.
3. A Toyota Prius climbed the hill, unassisted.
5. My children cheered his every attempt to free himself, and again when he did finally free himself. They never once pointed or laughed. My daughter questioned why angry man would yell and curse at his vehicle. I on the other hand did in fact laugh, at and angry man, cursing those who would attempt to help him, laughed when he dropped his phone enraged, laughed when he ran it over, and laughed when he almost let his truck roll backwards down the hill when he forgot to put it into park and started to get out. And no, I certainly wasn't putting myself any closer to his rage or his vehicle.
All you good Samaritans keep helping those who need help, but please, don't endanger your own life in the process :)
DrunkyMcSwervencrash The way he was acting, I wouldn'5 have gone near him. The quickest way to help him would be to drive it out of the deep stuff yourself. Even with bald tire, I don't thik it would have been difficult to get it out of there . give it just enough gas to move it, get it away from the curb, and back it out. This guy is a demonstration that some peop;e are just too stupid to drive.
thanks for posting this video... I really needed a good laugh !!!
I doubt putting it in reverse would help!
The guy was flooring it with all weather tires of course he wasn't going anywhere, drop into a higher gear normally two and rock yourself out...and don't forget them snow tires
lol sounds like you have been having a rough time over this video :P Can't please everyone.
1:29 his phone fell out his pocket too and he didn’t see… 😂😂😂
And he fucking ran over it!
@@lonestarwolfentertainment7184 Men who look for trouble *never* find it far away.
To make matters worse, his phone falls out of his pocket at 1:29. He realises it's gone at 6:00
good catch!
Good eye! That phone gone!
That's like the punchline to the whole thing, he finally drives off but leaves his phone behind.
After he drops it he tramples over it in the snow over and over. He probably never found it again.
You guys laugh at him and i love laughing at people like all you guys here. People having wrong sense of humour being nothing more than jerks. By the way has any assholes here lost a phone and knows what it's like losing it??
It's that time of the year to watch this again. Don't ever get rid of this. It's a classic.
It's tradition.
Hah same 😂
Pretty sure he dropped his phone at 1:29 and ran over it later too, lol.
Good eye lol what a complete idiot
HAHAHAHA so true - i wonder what his reaction was when he cant find it
Those unfortunately days... 😅😆😑
drops phone, 1:29 drives over it several times, just priceless !!!
Damn, didn't even see that! Hahah
Omg this guy is having a terrible day
Damn, that info made this video so much more satisfying to watch again!
Hahaha- good catch! What a dumb as!
I think he has to come back to that spot and find his revved phone ni the snow :D
car easily goes backwards... "but I'm not going backwards, I want to go forward!" could easily back out of that mess... "I don't want to go backwards, I want to go forwards!"
Thought title was click-bait, but this video delivered. Lol
It sure did!!
Colin Watt dwl so true
Anger is no match for intelligence.
Tell that to the guy swinging the bar stool at your head.
@@someperson7 duck down? Run?
Jeep for sale. low mileage. very well kept, never abused. lol
"Very nice tires, only yelled at them once."
He's in rage mode for being late for work, logic seems too fizz out at that point.
e Kopke - That's exactly it. Put the front wheel in that open space, turn the wheel to the left, and don't floor it like a Mustang pulling out of Cars 'n' Coffee.
I come here once every couple months just to hear him go:
😂😂😂😂me tooo
lmao me too!
Rumor has it, this video is a timelapse, actually he was stuck there for 3 weeks.
Nic B this comment has me dead
What a sad way to die.
i saw his grave there. rest i peace Ag=angry guy
He's still out there now. He came back around the block for a second try at proving his dominance over snow 😂
I also heard they recently put up a no swearing sign there.
Needed to give it more gas
Problem was he didn't yell "POWWWWAAAHHHHHH!!!"
@@x808drifter i hope this is a Top Gear reference
.... why didn't he just reverse back to where it was clear?? why did he try to drive over the snow covered area?? ...
Christian M Because he's one of those people who spend a buttload of money buying a car he thinks can handle anything by itself. But, it's his fault he can't drive.
+Lochlan McDermott No matter what you drive, Common sense is the best tool to keep you from getting stuck. Even a fully built mud buggy will get stuck if you drive it into the ocean.
+Lochlan McDermott I didn't see anything wrong with how the Jeep worked here. ;)
Looks like front and rear wheels were driving.That's already better than 90% of so called SUV's would do. Most don't have any kind of differential locking on axles at all, many don't even have a center locker. But I think the newer grand cherokee has automatic center and rear locker, and traction control.
***** Yes, spinning all 4 wheels is a good sign that the 4 wheel drive system works.
Have you seen that most SUV's that are marketed as 4 wheel drive, they spin only 1 or 2 wheels in that kind of situation?
It is because they have open differentials.
You can't do much more from the drive system perspective than get all 4 wheels driving smoothly.
After that, it's all about other vehicle design:
-Suspension design to keep all the wheels on the ground, which distributes the weight of the vehicle evenly
-Tire thread and size. Height of the tire and width of the tire in relation to the weight of the vehicle are very important. Also lowering tire pressure may help a lot in a tricky situation. But have to be prepared to air them back up when going on road.
It doesn't matter even if you have the best 4x4 on earth, if you have bad tires for the conditions, you are easily stuck in places where 2 wheel drive cars could go with better tires.
So it's all about tires. And driver.
Also, a vehicle that doesn't get stuck hasn't been made yet. ;)
***** You have to remember that there is many kind of snow and many kind of tires. You may have better tires than this guy, but I am quite sure that you just have driven on different type of snow. :)
I live in Finland at Arctic Circle. We have snow on the ground over 180 days a year.
There is many different kind of snow. Depth is not the only parameter. It also matters how "wet" the snow is, and for how long it has been on the ground.
Fresh and light snow is easy to drive in even if it's deep. But frozen snow, that has been on the ground for long with temperature going up and down, may be very difficult to drive in even if there is only a little bit of it. Also wet and heavy snow is much harder to drive in than light "dusty" snow. Second thing that matters a lot is that what is below the snow. If there is ice under it, you aren't going to get anywhere without tires that have metallic studs in them or snow chains, no matter how good your car is. Normal tires simply aren't enough.
This video looks like the snow is wet, and he is in uphill. From my experience that kind of snow can be very slippery. Also there may be ice below the snow like there often is in the city areas where is tarmac and cars have been driving all year around.
You can't do more from the 4 wheel drive system perspective, than get all four wheels driving smoothly. Physics laws of friction . . .
Mercedes uses electronic brake based traction control mainly in the GL and ML, and locking differentials at the rear axle and center differential. To get all wheels driving smoothly. You can't do more, after that it's all about how good your tires are. But always even good tires aren't enough. ;)
The Jeep as a car could not work any better than get all wheels driving smoothly. There is nothing more than engineers can do if the car is wheel driven. Weight matters a lot, but nearly all SUV's are about the same weight 2000 - 3000 kg.
This video is iconic. 9 years ago.. feels like yesterday i watched this when it was posted haha.
1:29 lost his phone.
That makes it so much better.
Could be a pack of smokes...never know lol
6:00 could not find phone
HAHAHA!!!! Damn this has to be the worst day of his life hahaha!
When the Prius honked at him at around 5:05 ,he was out of his gourd. 😂
That was the funniest part of the video. A Jeep being passed by a front wheel drive Prius!
Last seen heading south to Florida. Where he gets stuck in the sand........lol
Cnoteevil That’s hilarious!!!
More like he sold the SUV and bought a one way ticket to Key West lol
I'm from Florida and I approve this message
This video just has so many bonus points: video description plot summary with running commentary, anger yelling, iphone plot twist, anger slamming doors, unknown crushing of the iphone, anger kicking snow, looking for the iphone, anger spinning tires, several cars including a Toyota prius seemingly mocking the paralyzed SUV, anger & confusion that phone is gone, then eventual success. If you wanted to recreate this for a film it would take weeks of planning, shooting, & editing, but you got it all in one long shot!
Those cute kids stole the show cheering, "Yay he made it!", just priceless ^_^
Difficult to watch, knowing with just a little patience this guy could get out of there much easier.
"If I only had more power!" lol. I see these type of morons every snow storm. They don't stop and think. They just gun the shit out of it till something happens.
If he had Quadra Drive instead of Quadra Trac, he would have walked right out. But he should of just rolled back into the street and he would have never had to do anything but steer and drive. It's really that simple............
He must blown fuse on quadra trac...
That guy is my favorite. He just put 50,000 miles on that jeep
Wait till he gets to work and finds out his iphone bailed out of his pocket into the snow. 1:29
Runs over iphone! 3:41
That's a little bit of kara right there for not having a cool head about the situation and thinking logically instead of just gunning it and digging himself a bigger hole XD hilarious that it's a Jeep too!! XD
looks like he notices its not in his pocket around 5:56
@@davidlabossiere1905 yeah I think you’re right! Insult to injury right there 😂
Oh shit! Good eye HAHAHA. He MAULED that phone, no doubt. Probably shot it 150 yards at some point LOL
That poor iPhone had enough of this dumb angry Neanderthal.
Kid: how come he was yelling at his own wheels. They can’t even hear him lol
The moral of this: "never give up no matter how stupid you are".
+epidemia2007 eventually youll dry the pavement out with the heat of your engine
No, the true moral is: Next time lock the diff, dumbass!
No... He is already in 4x4 and I'm sure his differentials are limited slip. You cant lock diffs in 99% of road vehicles without putting in a "locker differential". He should have just backed up like 10 feet and then eased on the gas to get enough momentum to drive out of there... Instead of mashing the gas 100 times while not moving.. Prob burnt all 4 of his tires to the wear bar
Shawn Valair Ok, daddy.
4 low locks the transfer case front to back. Locking "differentials" are from left to right on the actual axle. Limited slip uses a clutch to "limit" the slip left to right on the axle.
You know I would have had that vehicle out in about 35 seconds. There's just a lot of people out there that don't know how to drive.
Is that including time to let it warm up lol?
I would've gotten in out in 10 seconds. Learn to drive
@@alexrosado3890 I'd have had it out in 2.5 seconds, tops. You're all amateurs.
@@Opethfeldt I would've never gotten stuck in the first place. Top that.
@@alexrosado3890 My response was sarcastic.
He dropped something out of his pocket at about 1:28, that will help his day, LOL
It was his cell phone and ran over it in rage 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
He's mad because somebody parked their Jeep on top of his snow. At least they left the keys for him to move it.
@Greatest artist Who ever lived like why the fuck are people like you using 3 same emojis instead of *ONE* ?
hes gonna have to pay for their new tires then lol
RelentLess Enterprises no he’s mad because someone snowed underneath his Jeep
If he just went to buy a shovel, he would unstuck his car without damaging it, have a little workout, not run over his phone, not be ridiculed, and have a shovel for next time. What a tool.
Or he could just back up to the left.
Buy the right tires would be help
No shovel needed here. Instead of smashing on the gas If he just back and forth real slow a few times he could have gotten out easily.
Shovels are nice to have though : )
Even some kitty litter and salt would have saved him from needing 2 new sets of tires.
the video is 4 years old but everybody came here today :O
és Magyarok is ráadásul
@@geriger1 csá xd
TH-cam algorithm think this should be revirwed again.
He’s late for his anger management meeting
1:29 he just dropped his phone lol
It’s just not his day
He's searching his pockets at 5:57, and he notices it on the ground at 6:22. :p
he drops his phone at 1:30 no one notices at 5:55 he starts looking for it.
So this is why driving in the snow is dangerous. People like him are out there
Best comment I have read so far. And it is so true. We had snow a few weeks ago. I was scared shitless to drive in it. I can drive in it, it is the others that scare me.
Some people are like "I don't need winter tires, I've got AWD/4WD)"
@@diesistkeinname795 You don't need winter tires. In my 26 years of living in the Northeast and driving throw bad winters, I have never got stuck or in an accident in the snow. For the past 6 ears I drive my rear-wheel-drive Genesis in the snow on $65 el-cheapo all-season tires. I just drive slow and use common sense. Now I admit - I did have one really bad time driving home headed north from Baltimore International Airport in a blizzard on I-81. However the road was completely unplowed, it was 10pm-12am at night, visibility was about 100ft, and the hills on I-81 are VERY long and steep. At one point I did wind up sideways and almost went backwards off the road down a steep drop. But I didn't though. I was dead stopped sitting sideways in the middle of a steep ascent during a blizzard that dropped a foot of snow in an hour, and I still was able to make it the rest of the way up the hill and on my way home. On $65 all-seasons in a RWD car. Just takes a little know-how and patience.
@@below90hz If you drive carfully enough on all seasons it can work, but if you go fast on summer tires...
There's truth to your comment... Of a terrible, sinful reality of people shooting those who would give antiseptic to their wounds.
I can’t imagine how more angry he will be when he realizes he dropped his phone 1:30 😂
Omg this is gold I didn't even notice 😂 This dude was having one of those days 😂
I wonder how many times he ran over it?
He could have just gone in reverse and then turned left onto the road.
Terran Loyalist truth.... Or he could of bought a real truck
The car doesn't matter when there is an idiot behind the wheel.
I could get out of that shit in a Grand Am, this guy is too angry to get out of his predicament to think clearly. First i wouldn't be revving the shit out the car breaking the transmission and the tires.
I was thinking the same thing, there is bare pavement right behind him.
lmao for real
$60,000 for a Jeep, but not $10 for a shovel?
When you paid that much for a Jeep you don't need a shovel. Hahaha
That isn't 60k
Not even a V8 🤦
@@PLATINUM2U they still go for that much without a v8
@@Directcars950 WRONG
damn this video is 4 years old and we all got recommended about it just now.
same here. thanks YT xD
This clip never gets old!
Ikr 😂 😂
Unlike him, if he didn't wise up. He's gonna put a hell of a lot of city miles on himself with that attitude.
This dude needs a snickers..
Will Crain definitely hangry
You're not you when you're hungry, eat a snickers. snickers, get some nuts :)
Will Crain 👍
This is the kind of person who you watch very carefully when they walk into a room. Mentally unstable. Bully. Violent when they don't get what they want. It's always someone else's fault. Entitled. etc.
@@ryanmerkow6807 Read the video description. It might help.
@@thomthumbe If i saw in the video what's written, then I'd say you're right and I'm wrong. All i saw was a car honk at him to get out of the way. I saw nobody offering.
People like this don't need help!! Maybe a head!!
@@ryanmerkow6807 *Straight from the video description:* "1. Angry Man was offered assistance by several passersby; whom he cursed out profusely (that's what garnered my attention from inside.)" --- In other words, _the cammer didn't record people trying to help him, because the angry man scared them away before recording._
How bad of a driver must you be to not get a Grand Cherokee out of such a small amount of snow??
Wrong season/bald tires
Even with the baldest of tires, he could have backed up to the clear spot, got a little momentum and forced his way out. This guy has zero common sense and zero driving ability.
Salad Tongs I agree. Giving Jeep a bad name. Sad
@@KingOfBattle119 You also need to stay rly smooth on the gas, if its a manual clutch then put it in second or third gear that helps a lot.
Shit driver with an equally shit car
This video still makes my laugh my ass off. Year after year especially when the Prius honks and drives by. So funny
And here we have someone who has no fucking idea how to deal with snow....on any level what-so-ever.
Or life apparently.
not really
Pro tip: When driving in snow.... just floor the shit out of it so you can really get traction. The more you floor it on a slippery surface, the more traction you get. And oh yeah... just keep trying to go forward over and over again. You wanna dig that hole under your tire as deep as possible.
It's also an important tip to the throw your cellphone under the tires of your vehicle like this guy did in the video... that gives great traction plus if you do it right your car tire can actually dial for roadside assistance while its running over your phone.
Rick Dangerous LOL
Edward Snowden The tire driving over the phone might act like a swipe, thus unlocking the screen.....and perhaps hitting the 9 and the 1 twice.
You get the best traction once the frame hits the snow...
TheCynicalDouche a good tip also is to get in and out of the vehicle multiple times and shout fuck
Dude has the problem solving skills of a glass of water.
Plot twist: running over his phone gave him the traction he needed to get out
Ice is ice. Doesn’t matter how many wheels are turning if you’ve got no traction. And spinning the wheels is the worst thing you can do. Better off rocking it if you can.
Yeah I've been in this situation. You're bassically digging yourself a hole deeper and deeper. I would put a floor matt or two underneath one or two of the tires so you get some traction needed to get out.
Different scenario with me. I was helping someone a stranger who was stuck in snow. Like this. Trying to get unstuck.A driver drove by honked at us and yelled out at us for being stuck on the road. Shortly after being free from the snow I saw that same person who honked at me stuck side ways in a ditch, I paid no attention kept my eyes on the road and kept moving.
Lol straight up karma
He's gonna be **so** mad, when he realizes he drove over his own smartphone and crushed it. :D
Grumpy ol' Boot I just saw that. Oh god.
It's funny tho. :)
Saw that at around 1.20. Looks like he was looking for it on floor and back seat later on in video.
Yea I bet he found that out about 4 years ago. 👏👍
That is such a good eye, why the hell did i not see that ^^
one of the funniest videos on youtube. your kid too,''why is he yelling at his wheels? they can't even hear him.''
The moment when a little kid has more sense than a blinded by anger fool.
Does he even know why the reverse is made??
One Dude Actually,he did use reverse, but was still stuck, there is snow between the wheels like under the car.
He does know. It's made so the car can kill you, while you're trying to get out of it, in rage.
Iana 30 no he doesn't because if he did he wouldn't stuck
He didn’t use reverse.. hence no reverse lights. Back up a foot not ten, just for momentum. I️ off road daily... and don’t get stuck. Rock I️t back and forth
1:29 bye bye phone
lol he never picks it up
Craigslist be like... "Garage kept, 4WD never used, responsibly driven."
I can’t believe I didn’t notice that his phone fell out of his pocket that’s hilarious 1:28 😂😂😂😂
No way
This is like watching someone try to angrily put those seatbelts on that you cant pull on fast lmao
MasonM214 lmao
haha imagine that happened too as he went back in then goes to punch the steering wheel in frustration only for the airbag to deploy lol
"Adult owned, well maintained, never driven in snow/ice and salt, just put new tires on it and never driven hard that's why I'm asking top dollar."
Sheesh this guy must not know anything about snow tires or chains or good snow rated all terrains or even good all seasons for that matter. We already know he doesn't know how to drive.
SlowcarsInc And even if he had all the above, he is still a non driver. It's like trying to buy common sense and fixing stupid, just "caint be dun".
1:30 LOLOL he dropped his iphone in the snow lmfao!!
holy shit this adds a whole new layer to this video
hahahahahahahaa omg thats too good
Looks like he ran over it too. Pity the fool. xD
1:29 drops phone, 2:35 runs over phone, 6:01 looks for missing phone
poor guy
That’s crazy lmaoo
this was stolen tho
Oh shit, i never realised that, even thats not the first i see this video. I m just laughing at him
As someone who lives in Southwestern Ontario, I can confirm many winter drivers here are like this guy. Out here we have long harsh Winters with terrible driving conditions. Many People who own brand new 4wd Vehicles don't have a clue how to use them. I swear drivers are bad enough. Once winters hits though its like all common sense goes out the window. The only thing worse is rwd Truck owners who think they don't need winter Tires.
"...but I have ALL SEASONS on my SUV! That means I am invincible in the snow, right? Because ALL includes WINTER, right ..."
Evan, I am a RWD manual transmission truck owner on the western slope of Colorado. I DON'T need winter tires, I make do most winters with mostly bald all-seasons. You just have to know how to drive and put a ton of weights in the bed of the truck. I would've gotten my truck out of that mess within 30 seconds.
Why didn't he just back out....
I could've got out of there easily with RWD & bald tires. This guy has no common sense, hot tempered.
Dillon Yanick well that's true.
Nicholas Mazaras exactly what I said hahahahahahaha
Nicholas Mazaras, if he was smart enough to do that he won't get stuck there with an all wheel drive Jeep Grand Cherokee... LOL
hes lazy. all he had to do was dig under the tires a lil bit to get momentum and traction. but kept revving the shit out of it
If he would have just gave it a little more gas I'm sure he'd make it out no problem
The prince of saudis say theyre running low
Or he could've backed up since he's already on a hill and then pull out.
I come back and watch this video every winter for another good laugh. Just never gets old.