Ok, but whatever you do, don't say ELEMENT ZERO, as then the Turians will come and make you a client- I MEAN, lead a primative and inexperienced race into the wider galaxy.
yeah.. I must have missed this "acknowledgement" as well. - until ME3 that is. Then all of a sudden thew were "Oh sh*t! This human has been right all along! Ooopsies."
Citadel Council before final battle: Reapers exist? Pffffff, stupid human. Lockdown the Normandy. CC after final battle: So Reapers exist. Go exterminate some Geth. CC after Shepard dies: We'll retract the actuality of Reaper existence. CC during ME2: Yes, "Reapers". We've dismissed that claim. CC during ME3: Ok fine. Reapers exist. Now go save our planets. Whoever actually saves the Council in ME1 should earn a special achievement for dealing with their shit throughout the trilogy.
I decided to save them because I thought that, despite their attitude towards us, if humanity put aside how they treated us and we helped them full bore, then they'd take us seriously and we'd get somewhere on the Galactic stage and the Reapers might be manageable. But no, the writing team just had to make them completely inept and ruin my work from the first game. I swear, the Turian that's in the replacement Council is actually the only good one there.
@@claypidgeon4807 yeah, politicians are politicians and theres bound to me more like the councilors if the council dies. But the Destiny Ascension is basically irreplaceable so I saved the council because of the ship.
I just can't bring myself to save the council. Hanging up on them all game and then watching the alliance fleet hang up on the ascension was a nice touch too.
I really wish there was a Renegade line after saving the original Council where you're just like "Oh, don't get me wrong, if your deaths wouldn't break the delicate alliance I'm trying to build, I'd spare Cerberus the effort. So hey, Salarian Councilor, your Dalatrass and I have some beef, but I'm sure you can shake loose a fleet or two, right?"
D.A.V.E listen hear you two bit crackheaded drop kick, you have the right to your opinion but when you become a disrespectful two bit dropkick that likes to run his fucking mouth at people, that's when karma will hit you. People like you are the reason why no one can enjoy the little things in life, maybe if you got some pussy once in a while you wouldn't be so hard up about fictional bullshit 😂
Matthew Rolls karma? Naaahhh he needs the treatment of my people. The kind that ends in the hospital with broken bones. As far I'm concern he renunced to a lot of his rights when he put an unborn baby on his trollyfun.
When I first played Mass Effect, I let the Council die not because they were terrible but because I genuinely thought that there would be a smaller chance of killing sovereign if I helped them. It was only in the second game that I actually realised the reason why most people would have let them die.
Idea: do an episode where you describe your “perfect fleet”, with access to ships from Star Wars, Halo, Mass Effect, and/or other sci-fi universes. (17th try)
With one caveat. You have to assume all technologies are equally powerfully scaled. This will prevent said fleet from being biased against more realistic science fiction. Yes, I'm looking at you war hammer and star wars legends!
I know this would be difficult, but can you breakdown what is by far the largest space battle in the Star Wars franchise? *The* *Battle* *of* *Yuuzhan'tar!* I have made this request: twenty-eight times.
If you played Mass Effect 2 or 3 without importing a Mass Effect 1 save then it will show that the council died in Mass Effect 1. So canonically the council was killed.
man i remember when i first played mass effect, and souvereign start speaking to you, i was like "holy macaroni this ship is the villain not the geth" it was such a powerful moment
I will also add that Aliance' armada comprised of 1st, 3rd and 5th fleet was only able to take down Sovereign becouse the Citadel allowed the flleet to attack the reaper at point blank range, as the Reapers have weapons with longer effective range.
The battle for the Citadel was comprised of only the 5th Fleet for the Human System Alliance. The First was a defense fleet used to defend Earth and its cluster and only left after Earth was invaded during the Reaper Invasion 2 years later. The other fleets were defending System Alliance Territory as the codex made it clear only the 5th Fleet participated in the Battle for the Citadel. The three fleets were only put together during the Reaper War to defend and later liberate Earth along with the 6th fleet, which was added in the last minute. The 2nd and 4th fleets were part of the defense of Earth but did not survive the first battle of the System Alliance.
+raw666 You are wrong, take a look at war assets in ME3. 1st fleet, 3rd fleet and 5th fleet all have a negative update to their MS for their contribiution in the battle for the citadel. Edit: Also I think that you made a mistake in the timeline. First battle of the Citadel occured 3 years before the invasion
I was always under the impression that Sovereign was using the power of the Citadel to maintain its shields, which is why it’s quickly destroyed when Shepard kills the possessed Saren and severs the connection. Reapers are strong, but not strong enough to hold off three fleets at once. If they really were that strong, Sovereign wouldn’t have needed the Geth fleet to escort it at all.
+JurzGarz It is a good theory, althrough you have to remember that Sovereign (or rather Nazara) and Harbringer where the strongest ships of the line in reaper fleet (fx unlike standard vessel, they could fire multiple beams)
I always let the council die because from Shepard's standpoint, given his standing orders and the magnitude of the threat faced, it's the best option in his mind, regardless of his liking for the council. You have this alien fortress sitting there, that you need to destroy. You don't even know if you will have enough firepower to destroy it. Why would someone like Shepard take the risk to lose ships to save a DISABLED ship with that in mind ? It's not even like the Ascension can help in the next fight, it's just dead weight at this point. If you know that you can do it while saving the Destiny Ascension, of course, you should. But from an RP standpoint, Shepard can't know it, and is expected, as a Spectre and as an Alliance Veteran to make the call to go all in. Because that's the safest option in an already hazardous situation.
Tywin Lannister I always save the council, because I know war is coming and the last thing the galaxy needs is the instability that comes with a dead Council. I always felt like letting the Council die was a gift to the Reapers
Yeah - but as I said - I pick letting them die (by default because I just pick in fact "Focus on Sovereign first") because Shepard doesn't know any of this. As for as he knows at this point Sovereign is the vanguard - which means that if he destroys it there may be a chance to delay their arrival. Imagine - you save the council - but with the ships lost you actually can't defeat Sovereign anymore. And he signals the reaper fleet to come back. The council won't be of much help because nobody will have had time to prepare. Especially because you have lost the citadel which makes coordinating anything in the galaxy a pain. Imo Saving the Council is only good if you actually are sure of the outcome - which RP-wise Shepard can't. So I chose to let the die.
It always made more sense to me to save the council since Shepard knew the Reapers would still be coming regardless of the outcome of the battle, so you would need the entire galaxy working together when the time came and the best way to facilitate that would be to save the council. The game confirms this in Mass Effect 3 if you count up the War Asset points that are affected by the decision to save the council. You can see that saving the council accumulates a higher War Asset value than leaving them to die.
Major defeats on both sides including massive destruction of pilot numbers.. .majority of the IMC fleet is destroyed and scattered after the assult on spectre workshops, call sign "made men"
I chose to save the Destiny Ascension. As the newest and arguably strongest of the lesser races, I felt I needed to show that Humanity was on the side of the galaxy and the Council. As the first Specter agent, I needed to remind the Council races that the Systems Alliance was in it for the team. I also seriously doubted the ability of the Systems Alliance fleet to be able to take out Sovereign alone, and that the dreadnought's firepower would be needed.
It bothers me that the game portrays holding off the human fleet as also the "pragmatic" option, when in reality, it's exactly as you stated - the more realistic option is to send them in for a free flanking attack at the geth (which are already nice and cut off from Sovereign for you), taking advantage of this force concentration that will leave you with more combined forces to throw at Sovereign. I think writers get it in their heads that "keeping forces in reserve" is what all the Smart Commanders do, but they don't know enough about *why* you keep forces in reserve and under which circumstances you deploy your reserve.
Saren stopped the Citadel arms closing, only doing so when Sovereign was within range. It still gets me that the monument was an actual relay. One of many brilliant Mass Effect moments.
As much as I love Mass Effect, the universe's weapons were so anemic. But that was the beautiful meaning behind the Mass Effect. By utilizing the technology of the reapers and taking advantage of the mass effect, every civilization that does so is left weaker. A Halo MAC Cannon can put a round straight through a reaper. Lengthwise. A turbolaser can punch through several reapers at once. Hell even an old UNCF Kongo from Starblazers could take on several reapers and win.
Thank you for finally doing Mass Effect's battles! I've been commenting several times you guys should do them. It feels good to be rewarded. You asked what we'd like to see next at the end of this video. Well the obvious answer is the battle for Earth at the end of ME3. Using the full force of the fully assembled fleet as the obviously canon version. (That means Geth AND Quarian, and all the best branching story-paths possible).
I never liked the idea of letting the Council die, not only because of the chaos that should follow such a event, but also the the thought that Geth if I any are left after the attack could deal some crucial hits to the Aliance fleet that might keep it from destroying Sovereighn.
This might seem like a rant, but here goes I feel like the Mass Effect community is completely idiotic after reading some of these comments. 1. "Why doesn't the council believe Shepard when he tells them what Saren is up to?" Seriously look at it from the Council's perspective: Saren is the best Spectre the council has and Shepard is some nobody form the Systems Alliance that has shown to keep animosity against Turians after the the First Contact war. They even ask what the evidence was and what do the humans have to show? Shepard claims a distraught dock worker heard the name. Then an invasion is coming, he saw it in a dream, like are you kidding me? You might say, it was a Prothean beacon! Yeah that was destroyed, but it's coming and Saren is behind it. I'm surprised they weren't told to fuck off. Hell the council 180s when Tali gives them the recording from the dead geth and immediately revoke his spectre status. 2. "Why does the council not believe in the Reapers when they have a corpse floating in the Citadel to study?" This is a "When you hear hooves think horses not zebras" A geth invasion force just hit the Citadel with a ship nobody has ever seen before with defenses and weapons no one can handle, must be a Reaper. Again what is more believable, a race of synthetics coming to wipe out all space faring species in the milky way as they have done for hundreds of thousands of years or the geth made a much more advanced dreadnought to attack the Citadel. Reapers in the end are AI, could Sovereign just wipe its data to prevent the Citadel from finding out anything about them? Hell the fucking geth do it as well for the exact same reason. Remember Shepard claims he talked to one? If only he had some kind of easily accessible device that could record conversations, oh wait he did. I wonder if the council were thinking "Is this guy stupid? He talked to a ship and couldn't be bothered to use his omni-tool to record it? Maybe it didn't happen and he is just delusional" 3. "The council had years to prepare for the invasion why didn't they?" Exactly they had years. From Sovereign's attack to the sighting of the first reaper in the milky way was about 3 years. Shepard was dead for 2 years and in that time the council spent a resources finding out if the "Repears" were real and a threat to the galaxy. When you spend 2 years investigating a claim made by someone and you find nothing would you think it was b.s. or you just haven't found it yet? The Council is run on facts and evidence not here say and gut feelings. It always astounds me when people tell me they let the council die in the first mass effect. Most of the reasoning boils down to is "They were jerks to me" That is what I found so refreshing about it, it was the first game that I played where it tells the main character to fuck off with your "believe me i've seen it" explanation.
I want a Battle Breakdown about the BATTLE OF EARTH. That battle was so intense All thr alien races in Mass Effect join together to destroy the REAPERS
Hey Eck, have you ever considered going over the Forerunner-Flood war? Or do you think that the scale of those battles is too big for a battle breakdown video?
yes please! been wating for a mass effect battle breakdown! also the only reason soveriegn was defeated was due to his connection to saren being corrupted causing his shields to shut down as he essentialy died for a split second.
Love the series as always. Hopefully, we'll get some more Mass Effect breakdowns, even if we see little in terms of space battles compared to Halo/Star Wars.
My interpretation of the battle of the citadel go like this. Sovereign and he's Geth escort came through one of the several Mass Relays orbiting the Citadel. Shortly after, Rogue Specter agent Saren Arterius, an organic agent of Sovereign that was on the station, shut down the all the Mass Relays in the Citadel's orbit to prevent the Citadel forces from retreating or calling in reenforcements. The Citadel Defense Fleet formed a screening position in front of the Citadel with its flagship, the Asari Super-Dreadnought, The ARV Destiny Ascension at its head The Citadel fleet attempted to shoot down the enemy fleet from a distance but with the advancing Geth fleet not showing any signs of slowing down, the Destiny Ascension issued the order for the Citadel to close, to protect it. Unaware that Saren and the Geth already had control of the station from the inside. When Citadel control didn't respond, the Destiny Ascension initiated a backup plan. To abandon the station. The Citadel fleet would provide a destruction while the Ascension moved to the Council dock at the base of the Citadel tower to evacuate the council and make their way to the nearest Mass Relay. As the Ascension left, Sovereign was within range of the Citadel and Saren activated the arm controls. The Citadel fleet assumed that it was to prevent Sovereign and he's fleet from entering and converged on the fleet in an attempt to slow them down. The Geth fleet decimated the Citadel fleet, clearing the path for Sovereign and allowing him to enter the arms just as they closed. With the Relays deactivated and the Citadel fleet in shambles, the Destiny Ascension with the Council on board were on their own against the entire Geth fleet. The ship's massive size meant it 2as too slow to defend itself against all those ships at once and started taking heavy damage. Inside the Citadel Comander Shepherd had defeated Saren and taken control of the station and opened the Relays. Opening a comm channel, Shepherd received a distress call from the Ascension as well as a message from his own ship, the SSV Normandy, who was on the other end of one of the relays with the Human Dreadnought, SSV Kilimanjaro and the Systems Alliance 5th fleet. They were offering assistance in saving the Ascension. The fleet would then come through the relay and Shepherd would either order them to hold formation and wait for a shot at Sovereign, sacrificing the Ascension but saving human lives or Shepherd could order the fleet to save the Ascension at the sacrifice of several cruisers. Once the Ascension was saved it would retreat to a Mass Relay as it would have sustained too much damage to continue fighting. Shepherd would then open the Citadel arms and allow the Alliance fleet and what ever was left of the Citadel Defense Fleet to attack Sovereign but sovereign was too strong and the fleet was suffering heavy casualties. Inside the Citadel, Sovereign had possessed Saren's body through his cybernetic implants and mutated him. Once Shepherd killed Saren again, the sudden disconnection from his minion overwhelmed Sovereign and overloaded his shields, allowing the Alliance fleet to finish him off. In terms of fleet size: When Sovereign arrives, he is escorted by 30 Geth cruisers. Each cruiser would carry at least 1 Dropship that would serve as a frigate analog. So including Sovereign, the geth fleet had a minimum of 61 ships(small for a geth fleet). In an interview, Comander Shepherd mentions that the Turians lost 20 cruisers. In the alliance, frigates outnumber cruisers 5 to 1. Assuming it's the same for the Turians, I estimate that the Citadel defense fleet, including the Destiny Ascension, consists of at least 121 ships The Alliance lost 6 Cruisers saving the Ascension and at least 5 more fighting Sovereign. I also saw about 7 more cruisers still functioning after the battle. This gives us a minimum of 18 Alliance Cruisers. Frigates outnumber cruisers 5 to 1, so including the Kilimanjaro, the size of the Alliance 5th fleet was at least 109 ships.
You will easily notice that seemingly most Mass Effect ships seem to be based off of aquatic life or at least have the resemblance of various aquatic life.
No, and I don't want any. The story has already been told and anything that they might do will be worse. The only thing that might work is a remaster (that would be great) or a strategy game.
Mass Effect would be great for a strategy game. Something kinda along the lines of Star Wars Empire at War. It'd be really interesting since there would be chokepoints what with the mass relays
skywalkerscout I would kill for a good sci-fi strategy game on console. The Halo Wars games are just way too focused on the early game rush and it gets really boring and repetitive
Good one. The first i think ive EVER seen of this particular battle. You ought to do the MUCH bigger an better Reapers VS the Human led Milky Way races Battle of Earth at the end of the 3rd game next. For the Alliance!!
I just thought of this so I'm not entirely sure if there's enough information on it, but have you ever thought of looking at how the forerunner defeated mendicant bias at The Ark in Halo? That sounds like it could make for an interesting video to add to the series.
Hey, speaking of synthetic beings, think you could do a battle breakdown of the Siege of Autobot City? Similarly, I'd love to see you go over the Battle of A Boa Qu from Gundam (the first one) or possibly even doing a mini-series on the full battle of Tukayyid.
Love the mass effect universe. There should be more videos on the mass effect universe as it is talked about too little. Love to see more videos on mass effect.
Wow, great video and channel, Thanks! I would love to see you do something from Babylon 5 like the battle to retake Earth at the end of season four or the battle to protect the station from Shattered Dreams in season three. I think those would give you a lot to talk about.
Like the video! I'd like to see how promeatean knights fair up against the bugs from starship troopers. The knights were composed to kill flood, and the bugs are very similar. Would do you think?
If you have the time I would like to see a fleet battle breakdown. Though the video will prob be 30 min long. About the final battle against the Reapers with Sword fleet retaking Earth. I recommend paragon fleet outcome with Destiny Ascension alive. Since the battle was much, much bigger than the battle over Courusant. I would also like to see how you would have won that battle with less losses. Reminder: It takes 4 dreadnought alone to completely kill a Reaper (firepower wise).
to be honest in my recent male shepard playthrough I kinda turned saving the council into a real "you're wrong about me" moment by hanging up on them whenever Councilor Sporatus ("Ah yes, Reapers" guy) started up his bs, but still saving them in the end. They weren't grateful for it at all of course, but still.
I am Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite vid on the ExtraNet. Idea for further videos: Battle break downs of Mass Effect missions; of Halo Missions; of KOTOR & SWTOR gameplay, etc...? btw, I enjoy the video ending of you playing with your dog. That is you and your dog, right? or is it just a GIF i missed out on on Reddit? lol
Best transforming fighter: VF-11 Thunderbolt from Macross Plus vs the Union Flag from Gundam 00 vs the Viking from StarCraft vs the Mecha Tengu from Command and Conquer vs the Legioss from Genesis Climber Mospeda.
Can you try to put together the battle against the necron world engine from 40k ? It was basically a massive imperial navy and space marine fleet action against a moon sized necron deathstar thing
I don’t really get how losing the Destiny Ascension would decrease human casualties. I mean even a ship that is totally disabled could mean that your foe could be firing at it rather than a ship that is still in fighting condition.
I'll be streaming in about an hour over at www.twitch.tv/eckhartsladder
EckhartsLadder cool I was thinking about that thank you you for posting this man. Cya later stay awesome.
Krogan vs Brutes [153rd ask]
Is this Star Wars EckhartsLadder?
Jeffrey Barkdull no it's mass effect 1.
What's that Gilberto Cortez?
Did somebody say MASS EFFECT?!?!
*Wall breaks and I come out from it.
WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone gat here!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, but whatever you do, don't say ELEMENT ZERO, as then the Turians will come and make you a client- I MEAN, lead a primative and inexperienced race into the wider galaxy.
Yes they did. Please, tell me more about how Sovereign class Reapers have to open frontal armour plates to fire their beams, Daddy Spacedock.
Duncan McOkiner its the kind of problems you have to deal with when your weapons aren't shiny balls of stuff filled with plot explodium.
How many reapers are there?
"Causes the council to at least acknowledge the Reaper threat"
I'm going to have to dismiss that claim.
Councilors acknowledging reaper threats, haha. That's a funny one indeed.
And more importantly, it allow for the development of Thanix cannon!
Ah yes..."Reapers"
Well... in the Citadel there is a higly classified record in the archives about the reapers from that time. Claiming that they were real.
yeah.. I must have missed this "acknowledgement" as well. - until ME3 that is. Then all of a sudden thew were "Oh sh*t! This human has been right all along! Ooopsies."
Ahh yes, 'Reapers'...
aximey ahh yes big stupid jellyfish
We have dismissed that claim
aximey without even thinking about it I heard the turian council member
A label created by the Protheans to give voice to their destruction.
@@VortexVortex2724 Probably because the second he said that, we were all thinking “Oh you cant be serious, you fucking SAW one”
Citadel Council before final battle: Reapers exist? Pffffff, stupid human. Lockdown the Normandy.
CC after final battle: So Reapers exist. Go exterminate some Geth.
CC after Shepard dies: We'll retract the actuality of Reaper existence.
CC during ME2: Yes, "Reapers". We've dismissed that claim.
CC during ME3: Ok fine. Reapers exist. Now go save our planets.
Whoever actually saves the Council in ME1 should earn a special achievement for dealing with their shit throughout the trilogy.
I didn’t save them to save them, I just wanted the Destiny Ascension around as an anti-Reaper beatstick.
I decided to save them because I thought that, despite their attitude towards us, if humanity put aside how they treated us and we helped them full bore, then they'd take us seriously and we'd get somewhere on the Galactic stage and the Reapers might be manageable.
But no, the writing team just had to make them completely inept and ruin my work from the first game. I swear, the Turian that's in the replacement Council is actually the only good one there.
@@claypidgeon4807 yeah, politicians are politicians and theres bound to me more like the councilors if the council dies. But the Destiny Ascension is basically irreplaceable so I saved the council because of the ship.
I just can't bring myself to save the council. Hanging up on them all game and then watching the alliance fleet hang up on the ascension was a nice touch too.
I really wish there was a Renegade line after saving the original Council where you're just like "Oh, don't get me wrong, if your deaths wouldn't break the delicate alliance I'm trying to build, I'd spare Cerberus the effort. So hey, Salarian Councilor, your Dalatrass and I have some beef, but I'm sure you can shake loose a fleet or two, right?"
Unrelated, but my god has it been amazing watching this channel grow
I support rapid home made castraition and late response to first aids. Want to participate in a demostration dave? :3
D.A.V.E listen hear you two bit crackheaded drop kick, you have the right to your opinion but when you become a disrespectful two bit dropkick that likes to run his fucking mouth at people, that's when karma will hit you.
People like you are the reason why no one can enjoy the little things in life, maybe if you got some pussy once in a while you wouldn't be so hard up about fictional bullshit 😂
Matthew Rolls karma? Naaahhh he needs the treatment of my people. The kind that ends in the hospital with broken bones.
As far I'm concern he renunced to a lot of his rights when he put an unborn baby on his trollyfun.
Vicho Deivis streets will deal with this disrespectful muppet if he evers leaves his mothers house.
And just an fyi krama will actually get you at some point, it doesn't take kindly to un warranted disrespect
When I first played Mass Effect, I let the Council die not because they were terrible but because I genuinely thought that there would be a smaller chance of killing sovereign if I helped them. It was only in the second game that I actually realised the reason why most people would have let them die.
Idea: do an episode where you describe your “perfect fleet”, with access to ships from Star Wars, Halo, Mass Effect, and/or other sci-fi universes.
(17th try)
I second this. it would be interesting
I fourth this, couldn't agree more
Fifth fleet
With one caveat. You have to assume all technologies are equally powerfully scaled. This will prevent said fleet from being biased against more realistic science fiction. Yes, I'm looking at you war hammer and star wars legends!
Two Xeelee nightfighters.
And yes, this is a joke, as nightfighters can solo Star Wars unified.
Sovereign had some brilliant lines.
Are you... indoctrinated!?
@@cynfaelalek-walker7003WE MUST BE PURGED
A surprise but a welcome one!
At That
"A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one."
I know this would be difficult, but can you breakdown what is by far the largest space battle in the Star Wars franchise? *The* *Battle* *of* *Yuuzhan'tar!*
I have made this request: twenty-eight times.
do this next please...or at least when you can get to it
Why is Coruscant always the site of the largest battles?
How big was it?
If you played Mass Effect 2 or 3 without importing a Mass Effect 1 save then it will show that the council died in Mass Effect 1. So canonically the council was killed.
I bet the people manning the jump array station are like "uh....Houston, we have a problem"
more like "uh... Houston... we're all sorts of f*cked."
Great Work EL...Thank You For Reminding Me How Much I Love The Mass Effect Series...Bring Us More!!!😄🙏🏽👊🏽
Bayo Wolf would love to see the battle for Palaven or Shanxi.
Use of emojis is cause for Immediate euthanasia.
Kalebk959 Uploads of stupid, and pointless videos is cause for immediate euthanasia.
D.A.V.E You mad bro?
John Luc Picard That would be awesome, there's so much lore to breakdown!
Ya i never liked the counsel, but being able to rub the fact you saved them in their face every time before you hang up mid conversation is great.
"Ahh yes, Reapers." - Turian Councilor Mass Effect 2
man i remember when i first played mass effect, and souvereign start speaking to you, i was like "holy macaroni this ship is the villain not the geth" it was such a powerful moment
I know this is two years ago, but saving the council grants you more war assets then you would get if you let them die.
I will also add that Aliance' armada comprised of 1st, 3rd and 5th fleet was only able to take down Sovereign becouse the Citadel allowed the flleet to attack the reaper at point blank range, as the Reapers have weapons with longer effective range.
The battle for the Citadel was comprised of only the 5th Fleet for the Human System Alliance. The First was a defense fleet used to defend Earth and its cluster and only left after Earth was invaded during the Reaper Invasion 2 years later. The other fleets were defending System Alliance Territory as the codex made it clear only the 5th Fleet participated in the Battle for the Citadel. The three fleets were only put together during the Reaper War to defend and later liberate Earth along with the 6th fleet, which was added in the last minute. The 2nd and 4th fleets were part of the defense of Earth but did not survive the first battle of the System Alliance.
Warwolf 300 Very true
You are wrong, take a look at war assets in ME3. 1st fleet, 3rd fleet and 5th fleet all have a negative update to their MS for their contribiution in the battle for the citadel.
Edit: Also I think that you made a mistake in the timeline. First battle of the Citadel occured 3 years before the invasion
I was always under the impression that Sovereign was using the power of the Citadel to maintain its shields, which is why it’s quickly destroyed when Shepard kills the possessed Saren and severs the connection. Reapers are strong, but not strong enough to hold off three fleets at once. If they really were that strong, Sovereign wouldn’t have needed the Geth fleet to escort it at all.
It is a good theory, althrough you have to remember that Sovereign (or rather Nazara) and Harbringer where the strongest ships of the line in reaper fleet (fx unlike standard vessel, they could fire multiple beams)
I always let the council die because from Shepard's standpoint, given his standing orders and the magnitude of the threat faced, it's the best option in his mind, regardless of his liking for the council.
You have this alien fortress sitting there, that you need to destroy.
You don't even know if you will have enough firepower to destroy it.
Why would someone like Shepard take the risk to lose ships to save a DISABLED ship with that in mind ? It's not even like the Ascension can help in the next fight, it's just dead weight at this point.
If you know that you can do it while saving the Destiny Ascension, of course, you should.
But from an RP standpoint, Shepard can't know it, and is expected, as a Spectre and as an Alliance Veteran to make the call to go all in.
Because that's the safest option in an already hazardous situation.
Tywin Lannister I always save the council, because I know war is coming and the last thing the galaxy needs is the instability that comes with a dead Council. I always felt like letting the Council die was a gift to the Reapers
Yeah - but as I said - I pick letting them die (by default because I just pick in fact "Focus on Sovereign first") because Shepard doesn't know any of this.
As for as he knows at this point Sovereign is the vanguard - which means that if he destroys it there may be a chance to delay their arrival.
Imagine - you save the council - but with the ships lost you actually can't defeat Sovereign anymore. And he signals the reaper fleet to come back. The council won't be of much help because nobody will have had time to prepare. Especially because you have lost the citadel which makes coordinating anything in the galaxy a pain.
Imo Saving the Council is only good if you actually are sure of the outcome - which RP-wise Shepard can't.
So I chose to let the die.
It always made more sense to me to save the council since Shepard knew the Reapers would still be coming regardless of the outcome of the battle, so you would need the entire galaxy working together when the time came and the best way to facilitate that would be to save the council. The game confirms this in Mass Effect 3 if you count up the War Asset points that are affected by the decision to save the council. You can see that saving the council accumulates a higher War Asset value than leaving them to die.
LMAO!!! ROFL!! That last part with your dog was HILARIOUS! 🤣😅🐶
Sovereign wasn't even trying to kill them , yet was mopping the floor with Alliance fleet
Thanks eck for another great battle review. Keep up the amazing work and have a great day!
Sovereign was a one of a kind Vanguard class Reaper, very powerful indeed.
Absolutely love these battle brakedowns
Battle of Demeter from Titanfall!!!!
Major defeats on both sides including massive destruction of pilot numbers.. .majority of the IMC fleet is destroyed and scattered after the assult on spectre workshops, call sign "made men"
Yes!!! Been waiting for this! Thank you, you absolute legend!
I chose to save the Destiny Ascension. As the newest and arguably strongest of the lesser races, I felt I needed to show that Humanity was on the side of the galaxy and the Council. As the first Specter agent, I needed to remind the Council races that the Systems Alliance was in it for the team. I also seriously doubted the ability of the Systems Alliance fleet to be able to take out Sovereign alone, and that the dreadnought's firepower would be needed.
Goddamn, lets get some more of that Mass Effect up in here! Thanks Eckharts! :D
It bothers me that the game portrays holding off the human fleet as also the "pragmatic" option, when in reality, it's exactly as you stated - the more realistic option is to send them in for a free flanking attack at the geth (which are already nice and cut off from Sovereign for you), taking advantage of this force concentration that will leave you with more combined forces to throw at Sovereign.
I think writers get it in their heads that "keeping forces in reserve" is what all the Smart Commanders do, but they don't know enough about *why* you keep forces in reserve and under which circumstances you deploy your reserve.
Oh shit I requested this once. Doubt it was because of me but thanks anyways.
Saren stopped the Citadel arms closing, only doing so when Sovereign was within range. It still gets me that the monument was an actual relay. One of many brilliant Mass Effect moments.
As much as I love Mass Effect, the universe's weapons were so anemic. But that was the beautiful meaning behind the Mass Effect. By utilizing the technology of the reapers and taking advantage of the mass effect, every civilization that does so is left weaker. A Halo MAC Cannon can put a round straight through a reaper. Lengthwise. A turbolaser can punch through several reapers at once. Hell even an old UNCF Kongo from Starblazers could take on several reapers and win.
YES!! some more Mass Effect videos! i hope to see more videos on this game! i love all your video series and i hope you keep doing what you do!
I'm a simple man. I see Mass Effect, I click.
Thank you for finally doing Mass Effect's battles! I've been commenting several times you guys should do them. It feels good to be rewarded.
You asked what we'd like to see next at the end of this video. Well the obvious answer is the battle for Earth at the end of ME3. Using the full force of the fully assembled fleet as the obviously canon version. (That means Geth AND Quarian, and all the best branching story-paths possible).
I never liked the idea of letting the Council die, not only because of the chaos that should follow such a event, but also the the thought that Geth if I any are left after the attack could deal some crucial hits to the Aliance fleet that might keep it from destroying Sovereighn.
Dude, you're just so chill.
Whoooaah Mass Effect, nice! Give me more of this, EchkartsLadder, please!!!!
Can’t get enough of that outro xD
I love your outro dude
That outro alone made my day
Almost thought I was the battle for the Swiss Army knife after seeing your thumbnail outta the corner of my eye
This might seem like a rant, but here goes I feel like the Mass Effect community is completely idiotic after reading some of these comments.
1. "Why doesn't the council believe Shepard when he tells them what Saren is up to?"
Seriously look at it from the Council's perspective:
Saren is the best Spectre the council has and Shepard is some nobody form the Systems Alliance that has shown to keep animosity against Turians after the the First Contact war. They even ask what the evidence was and what do the humans have to show? Shepard claims a distraught dock worker heard the name. Then an invasion is coming, he saw it in a dream, like are you kidding me? You might say, it was a Prothean beacon! Yeah that was destroyed, but it's coming and Saren is behind it. I'm surprised they weren't told to fuck off. Hell the council 180s when Tali gives them the recording from the dead geth and immediately revoke his spectre status.
2. "Why does the council not believe in the Reapers when they have a corpse floating in the Citadel to study?"
This is a "When you hear hooves think horses not zebras"
A geth invasion force just hit the Citadel with a ship nobody has ever seen before with defenses and weapons no one can handle, must be a Reaper. Again what is more believable, a race of synthetics coming to wipe out all space faring species in the milky way as they have done for hundreds of thousands of years or the geth made a much more advanced dreadnought to attack the Citadel. Reapers in the end are AI, could Sovereign just wipe its data to prevent the Citadel from finding out anything about them? Hell the fucking geth do it as well for the exact same reason. Remember Shepard claims he talked to one? If only he had some kind of easily accessible device that could record conversations, oh wait he did. I wonder if the council were thinking "Is this guy stupid? He talked to a ship and couldn't be bothered to use his omni-tool to record it? Maybe it didn't happen and he is just delusional"
3. "The council had years to prepare for the invasion why didn't they?"
Exactly they had years.
From Sovereign's attack to the sighting of the first reaper in the milky way was about 3 years. Shepard was dead for 2 years and in that time the council spent a resources finding out if the "Repears" were real and a threat to the galaxy. When you spend 2 years investigating a claim made by someone and you find nothing would you think it was b.s. or you just haven't found it yet? The Council is run on facts and evidence not here say and gut feelings.
It always astounds me when people tell me they let the council die in the first mass effect. Most of the reasoning boils down to is "They were jerks to me" That is what I found so refreshing about it, it was the first game that I played where it tells the main character to fuck off with your "believe me i've seen it" explanation.
“Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence”
I want a Battle Breakdown about the BATTLE OF EARTH. That battle was so intense
All thr alien races in Mass Effect join together to destroy the REAPERS
Hey Eck, have you ever considered going over the Forerunner-Flood war? Or do you think that the scale of those battles is too big for a battle breakdown video?
yes please! been wating for a mass effect battle breakdown! also the only reason soveriegn was defeated was due to his connection to saren being corrupted causing his shields to shut down as he essentialy died for a split second.
So stoked to see you doing a mass effect video. You’ve completing my personal tri fecta of franchises that I love. Halo Star Wars and mass effect!
Just found this channel, absolutely superb content. Keep it up man!
You should do the battle for holy terra from warhammer 30K (Horus heresy)
That would be an absolute clusterfuck. But I too would like to see that nonetheless.
Just started another run of mass effect
This makes me so happy
Amazing video
Mass efect capital ships
Can't wait for more Mass Effect!
I absolutely LOVE anything mass effect related. The more the better.
Please please please PLEASE! Do a breakdown of the final fleet battle at the end of ME:3! Full fleet ending.
Love the series as always. Hopefully, we'll get some more Mass Effect breakdowns, even if we see little in terms of space battles compared to Halo/Star Wars.
I love to see you doing Mass Effect battle breakdown. I'd love to see you do the 2nd Battle of Earth, or the Battle of Kronos Station
Cool concept. Could we hope to see 40k related episodes one day ?
Keep up the good work ! ;)
Would love for more Mass Effect content on the channel. It's one of my all-time favorite series.
ooooooooooooo OOOOOOOOOoooooo NOW I CANT WAIT for the battle of earth breakdown!
Wow nice to see mass effect in this chanel!
Aliens to humanity: you are on this council, but we do not grant you the rank of master
Please more Mass effect analysis !
Hell yeah I've waited so long for some quality Mass Effect shit
Using the stategery I've learned from battle breakdowns to attack an enemy on the Star Wars role-play site I'm on :P
My interpretation of the battle of the citadel go like this.
Sovereign and he's Geth escort came through one of the several Mass Relays orbiting the Citadel. Shortly after, Rogue Specter agent Saren Arterius, an organic agent of Sovereign that was on the station, shut down the all the Mass Relays in the Citadel's orbit to prevent the Citadel forces from retreating or calling in reenforcements.
The Citadel Defense Fleet formed a screening position in front of the Citadel with its flagship, the Asari Super-Dreadnought, The ARV Destiny Ascension at its head
The Citadel fleet attempted to shoot down the enemy fleet from a distance but with the advancing Geth fleet not showing any signs of slowing down, the Destiny Ascension issued the order for the Citadel to close, to protect it. Unaware that Saren and the Geth already had control of the station from the inside.
When Citadel control didn't respond, the Destiny Ascension initiated a backup plan. To abandon the station. The Citadel fleet would provide a destruction while the Ascension moved to the Council dock at the base of the Citadel tower to evacuate the council and make their way to the nearest Mass Relay.
As the Ascension left, Sovereign was within range of the Citadel and Saren activated the arm controls. The Citadel fleet assumed that it was to prevent Sovereign and he's fleet from entering and converged on the fleet in an attempt to slow them down.
The Geth fleet decimated the Citadel fleet, clearing the path for Sovereign and allowing him to enter the arms just as they closed. With the Relays deactivated and the Citadel fleet in shambles, the Destiny Ascension with the Council on board were on their own against the entire Geth fleet. The ship's massive size meant it 2as too slow to defend itself against all those ships at once and started taking heavy damage.
Inside the Citadel Comander Shepherd had defeated Saren and taken control of the station and opened the Relays. Opening a comm channel, Shepherd received a distress call from the Ascension as well as a message from his own ship, the SSV Normandy, who was on the other end of one of the relays with the Human Dreadnought, SSV Kilimanjaro and the Systems Alliance 5th fleet. They were offering assistance in saving the Ascension.
The fleet would then come through the relay and Shepherd would either order them to hold formation and wait for a shot at Sovereign, sacrificing the Ascension but saving human lives or Shepherd could order the fleet to save the Ascension at the sacrifice of several cruisers.
Once the Ascension was saved it would retreat to a Mass Relay as it would have sustained too much damage to continue fighting. Shepherd would then open the Citadel arms and allow the Alliance fleet and what ever was left of the Citadel Defense Fleet to attack Sovereign but sovereign was too strong and the fleet was suffering heavy casualties.
Inside the Citadel, Sovereign had possessed Saren's body through his cybernetic implants and mutated him. Once Shepherd killed Saren again, the sudden disconnection from his minion overwhelmed Sovereign and overloaded his shields, allowing the Alliance fleet to finish him off.
In terms of fleet size:
When Sovereign arrives, he is escorted by 30 Geth cruisers. Each cruiser would carry at least 1 Dropship that would serve as a frigate analog. So including Sovereign, the geth fleet had a minimum of 61 ships(small for a geth fleet).
In an interview, Comander Shepherd mentions that the Turians lost 20 cruisers. In the alliance, frigates outnumber cruisers 5 to 1. Assuming it's the same for the Turians, I estimate that the Citadel defense fleet, including the Destiny Ascension, consists of at least 121 ships
The Alliance lost 6 Cruisers saving the Ascension and at least 5 more fighting Sovereign. I also saw about 7 more cruisers still functioning after the battle. This gives us a minimum of 18 Alliance Cruisers. Frigates outnumber cruisers 5 to 1, so including the Kilimanjaro, the size of the Alliance 5th fleet was at least 109 ships.
You will easily notice that seemingly most Mass Effect ships seem to be based off of aquatic life or at least have the resemblance of various aquatic life.
Battle of Kamino from the Force Unleashed 2 Star Wars
Do you think there will be another Mass Effect game? Andromeda was kind of a downgrade, but I still want more
Unfortunately, the writers wrote themselves into a corner with Mass Effect 3’s ending.
No, and I don't want any. The story has already been told and anything that they might do will be worse. The only thing that might work is a remaster (that would be great) or a strategy game.
Mass Effect would be great for a strategy game. Something kinda along the lines of Star Wars Empire at War. It'd be really interesting since there would be chokepoints what with the mass relays
skywalkerscout I would kill for a good sci-fi strategy game on console. The Halo Wars games are just way too focused on the early game rush and it gets really boring and repetitive
Hell yeah, that'd be awesome.
I would love an ME RTS ala EAW.
Good one. The first i think ive EVER seen of this particular battle. You ought to do the MUCH bigger an better Reapers VS the Human led Milky Way races Battle of Earth at the end of the 3rd game next.
For the Alliance!!
More Mass Effect please I need this
I just thought of this so I'm not entirely sure if there's enough information on it, but have you ever thought of looking at how the forerunner defeated mendicant bias at The Ark in Halo? That sounds like it could make for an interesting video to add to the series.
Ahhhh the Mass Effect trilogy 😎 favorite franchise ever
Hey, speaking of synthetic beings, think you could do a battle breakdown of the Siege of Autobot City? Similarly, I'd love to see you go over the Battle of A Boa Qu from Gundam (the first one) or possibly even doing a mini-series on the full battle of Tukayyid.
How the New Republic And Imperial Remnant defended Mon Cala against the Yuuzhang Vong. 13th Attempt
Love the Battle Breakdowns! Next can you do the Battle of Sigma Octanus IV from Halo please?
Nice change up of pace man! Can you do Admiral Preston Coles last battle at psi serpentis?
81st Attempt:
Yuuzhan Vong vs. Reapers
* This episode was beast bro, the ME BB's are going to be awesome...,especially against the Yuuzhan Vong
A surprise to be sure but a welcome one
Love the mass effect universe. There should be more videos on the mass effect universe as it is talked about too little. Love to see more videos on mass effect.
Wow, great video and channel, Thanks!
I would love to see you do something from Babylon 5 like the battle to retake Earth at the end of season four or the battle to protect the station from Shattered Dreams in season three. I think those would give you a lot to talk about.
Battle of Palavin would be cool. We hear and see some of it but a complete breakdown would be nice. Also the Battle of Earth haha.
Like the video! I'd like to see how promeatean knights fair up against the bugs from starship troopers. The knights were composed to kill flood, and the bugs are very similar. Would do you think?
If you have the time I would like to see a fleet battle breakdown. Though the video will prob be 30 min long.
About the final battle against the Reapers with Sword fleet retaking Earth. I recommend paragon fleet outcome with Destiny Ascension alive.
Since the battle was much, much bigger than the battle over Courusant. I would also like to see how you would have won that battle with less losses. Reminder: It takes 4 dreadnought alone to completely kill a Reaper (firepower wise).
Awsome clip. MORE MASS EFFECT content
Whoop whoop mass effect
Awesome! Can we get a breakdown of the Battle for Earth?
Eckhartsladder can you do a video on the reaper strategy in previous cycles? Divide and conquer
to be honest in my recent male shepard playthrough I kinda turned saving the council into a real "you're wrong about me" moment by hanging up on them whenever Councilor Sporatus ("Ah yes, Reapers" guy) started up his bs, but still saving them in the end. They weren't grateful for it at all of course, but still.
My favourite scene from ME1.
Ahhh. This was awesome! Can you do the battle of earth from Mass Effect 3!?
I am Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite vid on the ExtraNet.
Idea for further videos: Battle break downs of Mass Effect missions; of Halo Missions; of KOTOR & SWTOR gameplay, etc...?
btw, I enjoy the video ending of you playing with your dog. That is you and your dog, right? or is it just a GIF i missed out on on Reddit? lol
If possible I would love to see a battlestar galactica fighter versus a tie fighter to see two nimble shieldless ships going at it
Best transforming fighter:
VF-11 Thunderbolt from Macross Plus vs the Union Flag from Gundam 00 vs the Viking from StarCraft vs the Mecha Tengu from Command and Conquer vs the Legioss from Genesis Climber Mospeda.
Can you try to put together the battle against the necron world engine from 40k ? It was basically a massive imperial navy and space marine fleet action against a moon sized necron deathstar thing
I don’t really get how losing the Destiny Ascension would decrease human casualties. I mean even a ship that is totally disabled could mean that your foe could be firing at it rather than a ship that is still in fighting condition.
I would love to see some more Old Republic or Legacy era content
Having a look at something in the star trek universe, such as a battle breakdown, fleet and ship tactics and other such things would be nice to watch.