R-1 vs Alt Eisen.

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 5 ก.ค. 2007
  • CG movie of the climactic R-1 vs Alt Eisen fight from Original Generations.
  • บันเทิง

ความคิดเห็น • 70

  • @EvilDoresh
    @EvilDoresh 15 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I know. Alteisen is the prototype for the Gespenst MkIII (Alteisen is just a nickname), but it was considered a failure because of the balance issues due to the heavy armour and the Claymores. And Weissritter is basically a heavily customized MkII with Tesla Drive.
    Alteisen is technically a Real Robot, but its HP and Armour levels are similar to a "weak" Super Robot, and the Riese is as tough as a Grungust. That's why I like to call it a RR-sized SR, cause it's such a nice hybrid ^^ !

  • @BlanixTheBlood
    @BlanixTheBlood 16 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Damn it Ryusei! How could you let yourself have that huge opening!
    Has all those years of videogames gone to waste!?!

  • @EvilDoresh
    @EvilDoresh 15 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Man, I can already imagine it in my head...
    "Aw, what a cute Gespen..."
    "GESPENSTO...KIIIIIIIICK!" *lots of sfx*

  • @Talancir
    @Talancir 15 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    by tradition, most gundam based mech cockpits are located in the chest, however in SRW the construction of the mechs , the way they're referenced to, etc. imply that the cockpit is located in the head.

  • @lupuslunari
    @lupuslunari 14 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I think it had more to do with Kyosuke intentionally blocking with the left arm. It was cut a bit short, but he seemed like he was lifting that arm into place to take the blow.

  • @dropthepin
    @dropthepin 16 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    he went into Alteisen's domain; CQB. And with light armor.

  • @wiessritter
    @wiessritter 11 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    in the GBA version that that fight was a tie i guess when they remade it they decide Kyosuke is too cool for a tie

  • @TheHiddenBoss
    @TheHiddenBoss 13 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    The Alt could've fired into the cockpit with his pile bunker if he had rounds in the arm to do it. There's very few real robots in the series with armor that can block a pile bunker to the cockpit as long as the stake hasn't snapped because of a barrier or some super alien armor that can only be broken by a super robot.
    Although, I guess getting smacked all over with balls of solid titanium at that range would KO the pilot or cause the machine to freeze up.

  • @NuclearConvoy
    @NuclearConvoy 16 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    They're more like really large ball bearings being projected by an explosive charge.

  • @RonGlace
    @RonGlace 16 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Damn!! That was a good move by Kyosuke

  • @Shaftronics
    @Shaftronics 13 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    @gamester512 They aren't missiles. Just... spheres made out of titanium.

  • @GetterRay
    @GetterRay 15 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Even if he had gone for the right arm Kyosuke still had the heat horn on its head and he'd have been impaled either way.

  • @countrybluegrass
    @countrybluegrass 13 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    No, they're basically giant BBs. Do you even know what a missile is? Missiles aren't metal balls, they're self-propelled, aerodynamic explosive projectiles.

  • @DaImpAtom
    @DaImpAtom  13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @KatomaMundara The original appearance of the Nacht was actually in the code for OG2, where it was Beowulf's version. There it was titled the "Alt Eisen Nacht," which is where the name came from in the first place and why people knew about it before Endless Frontier. Regardless of the fact that it should be called the Gespenst Mk.III, the game's code refers to it as the Alt Eisen Nacht.

  • @Niteshade-Runesoul
    @Niteshade-Runesoul 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    alteisen was probably my top favorite mech, totally rocked

  • @DaImpAtom
    @DaImpAtom  13 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    @nogugu You know how in Star Trek where they visit an alternate dimension where Spock has a goatee to show he's evil? Alt Eisen Nacht is Kyosuke's goatee.

  • @toonamikid
    @toonamikid 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    i can't wait to buy those models soon

  • @GenesicKaiser
    @GenesicKaiser 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I find this more realistic compared to the GBA version. I mean come on, the R-1 just T-Link Knuckles the Alt once and that apparently reduces a heavily armored unit to 10 HP yet the Alt can hit the R-1 with several rounds of gunfire, slash it with a super heat horn, impale it and unload 6 explosive rounds into it and then fire off point blank Claymores, and yet the R-1 survives it somehow.
    Its more plausible the less experienced Ryusei with Telekinetic abilities ina a faster real would get the jump on Kyosuke but be unable to damage the Alt enoug. The more experinece Kyosuke would be used Alt's tanking abilites to his advantage and parry the attack , but not unload it's entire arsenal. The R-1 would be heavily damaged but not inoperable.

  • @DaImpAtom
    @DaImpAtom  13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @KatomaMundara No, the actual Alt Eisen Nacht looks different. You can see the map sprite of it at the start of OGs and it has noticable design differences. Later in OGs you see Kyosuke piloting a 'disguised' Alt Eisen which is blue, but is not the same as Beowulf's Nacht. (Or the one that shows up in Endless Frontier, for that matter.)

  • @Gouilaa4me
    @Gouilaa4me 12 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    ==" The Nacth pawned the SRX singel handedly

  • @skiboydoggy
    @skiboydoggy 16 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thing is, Ryusei's right arm hit Kyosuke's left, and as you can see, he willingly gave up his Autocannon arm to keep his Claymores intact.
    It was a total rout. Draw my ass.

  • @EvilDoresh
    @EvilDoresh 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    Yeah, that's true. But he looks so much like a normal Gespy that I didn't thought about that ^^

  • @Colddirector
    @Colddirector 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    Damn, I really would not want to get hit by those shoulder mounted projectiles.

  • @linzig32
    @linzig32 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @beastbass1 i might be wrong cause i only played the gba games but...kyosuke only piloted the wildraubtier and only fought with it in flying mode thingy

  • @tastykimchiOFDOOM
    @tastykimchiOFDOOM 16 ปีที่แล้ว

    well yeah i do. its just that they fly so fast they look like missles -.-

  • @beastbass1
    @beastbass1 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    still, I'm pretty sure he got info on Wildraubtier PT mode and on the R-1

  • @ThePhoenix986
    @ThePhoenix986 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @ATXMKIII Depends on how much you upgrade your R-1, really

  • @HavenKhaos
    @HavenKhaos 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    Well considering he is right handed you punch with your right arm first, I'm sure he wasn't expecting a stake in between his attack, especially since that WAS what he was aiming for

  • @countrybluegrass
    @countrybluegrass 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    No, Weißritter is a customized Mk. II and Alteisen is not Gespenst Mk. III. Marion is in denial about the fact that it got rejected that classification.
    And Beowulf's unit IS Gespenst Mk. III. That's what it's called. You're completely backwards.

  • @gamester512
    @gamester512 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @Shaftronics Oh. :P

  • @gamester512
    @gamester512 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    @Colddirector They're Claymores (missiles) ^_^'

  • @UnnamedSeeker
    @UnnamedSeeker 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    I think they actually did it on purpose with Types S, so when enemy attacks it thinking it is just another Gespy, he would recieve SURPRISE RIDER KICK to the face.

  • @Black-Lion-505
    @Black-Lion-505 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    been a while since ive played og1
    i could be wrong

  • @mysticcrimson
    @mysticcrimson 17 ปีที่แล้ว

    damn shoulda gone for the revolver stake arm lol

  • @lawlandorder
    @lawlandorder 16 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ouch, I hope those were paint rounds..

  • @Black-Lion-505
    @Black-Lion-505 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    if i remember right he ryusei gets t-link sword after this chapter, kyosuke gets trump card as well

  • @gamester512
    @gamester512 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @countrybluegrass Yes, I know what a missile is. I'm not an idiot. :/ I just never really payed enough attention to the claymores to notice that they aren't missiles.

  • @SmithyJones
    @SmithyJones 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    that would be cool if Ryu and Kyo got a combo attack
    but I think is would be more along the lines ofa combo attack between both the ATX and SRX teams.
    I will say this
    I feel very robbed of Alt vs R1 in Divine wars.
    I would have loved to have seen an entire episode dedicated to this batte, R1 vs Alt R2 vs Wiess, and Grungust vs Huck MK II
    But I was surprised to see a massive group Ghost rampage, As epic as it was it still doesnt fill the place of R-1 vs Alt anime battle

  • @KayDizzelVids
    @KayDizzelVids 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Wow R-1 got owned at the end!

  • @diseasicon
    @diseasicon 16 ปีที่แล้ว

    Agreed. Also note that this is before Ryusei had realized his full piloting ability and TK. (T-Link Sword) I think it would be interesting to see Rai vs. Kyosuke, seeing as Rai is the experienced non-Psychodriver on the SRX team.

  • @DragonFist2500
    @DragonFist2500 16 ปีที่แล้ว

    lol the R-1 ate the Alt's heavy claymore attack

  • @tastykimchiOFDOOM
    @tastykimchiOFDOOM 16 ปีที่แล้ว

    using missle like that looks really stupid to me

  • @beastbass1
    @beastbass1 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    When I did this alteisen went down with one hit >_>, didn't even have to use spirits

  • @Shaftronics
    @Shaftronics 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    @BathedinSin The Alt was never good in the first place, story and plot-wise. It was heavy, unwieldy, hard to balance and its weapons had a "weird range", probably the fact that even as a real robot, most of its armaments are mid - melee ranged, but that didn't coincide with the speed (or lack thereof).
    However, no other Real Robot at the time could break through ambushes and break through fortifications with that mix of armor and close range weaponry.
    Only Kyosuke could use it well.

  • @EvilDoresh
    @EvilDoresh 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    Is it fair to fight against a real-robot-sized super robot (which the Alteisen basically is) that can equip weapons normally like an ordinary RR? I don't think so XD

  • @MichelLima1000
    @MichelLima1000 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    why the OG of GBA had ocidental version and of the PS2 no?

  • @EvilDoresh
    @EvilDoresh 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    Yeah, Riese can take quite a beating. With a little bit more moral-depended weapons, it'll be a "real" SR.
    And I don't think any Gespy has enough endurance to be considered SR.

  • @FighterRoar
    @FighterRoar 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    Kyosuke was a PT pilot longer than Ryusei, it's only natural Kyosuke will win.

  • @jjj6245
    @jjj6245 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    @c1v1k1 yeah, if they were given mechs with the same capabilities kyosuke would've won. Not that the alt is bad, but he said it before that it was way harder to balance than a gespenst...... also, while ryusei only managed to hit the arm, kyosuke was able to parry the second hit and give a perfect blow to the body.

  • @dropthepin
    @dropthepin 16 ปีที่แล้ว

    not if its armor was so light the stake could punch into the torso. thing's built fast-not tough.

  • @JustinStrife
    @JustinStrife 16 ปีที่แล้ว

    Kyosuke > Ryusei. Damn the anime series for focusing on the SRX team. Thankfully the OVA that takes place after OG1 and OG2, focuses on the ATX team.

  • @jaxltt
    @jaxltt 16 ปีที่แล้ว

    alt used up its ammo isn't it?
    and r1 is immobilized.
    to me, it seems like a draw

    @ATXMKIII 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    when i did this on the gameboy the R-1 went down with one hit -_- ... ALTEISEN ROOLZ!!!

  • @solar464
    @solar464 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    @c1v1k1 then why did the better pilot let his arm get punched the fuck off?

  • @faiz625
    @faiz625 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    Alt Eisen is Gespenst MK3 Prototype along with Weiss Ritter. At mirror world Alt was never named. That is why Axel still call it Gespenst MK3.
    Due the heavy weaponary most pilot can't control this mech, for some reasons Kyosuke is skilled enough to pilot this cool mech. So i think Alt Eisen is better than R-1. Ryusei is a noob PT pilot at this time, so i can't call it an even.

  • @Steps1000
    @Steps1000 16 ปีที่แล้ว

    ...... wow total loss by ryu. it seemed more even in the GBA version....... the revolver stake alone was KO

  • @insaneflorist
    @insaneflorist 16 ปีที่แล้ว

    SRX needs 4 ppl to work at 100% capacity. And ATX team is made of reals, and SRX is a super robot.
    Of course Kyo is alot better than Ryusei is a real vs real fight.

  • @beastbass1
    @beastbass1 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    In my opinion Ryusei is alot tougher to shoot down in OG 1 since his R-1 has a very high Mobility, higher then Weiss it seemed. However it's armor and and power is weaker then Alt's, but R-formation zeal and valor (with mental, sp up, and sp regenerate) it's just as useful. but this fight should've ended in a draw. The Alt was left unbalanced which would've been extremely bad for kyosuke if he used a boost and the R-1 was damage in the body severly which is where the TK System is if I'm correct

  • @ThePuppet
    @ThePuppet 16 ปีที่แล้ว

    draw my ass! xDD claymore owned =X

  • @sketch316
    @sketch316 16 ปีที่แล้ว

    nice...Alt for the win!

  • @kdesano8
    @kdesano8 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    Alt OWNS!

  • @beastbass1
    @beastbass1 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm pretty sure the only reason kyosuke managed to counter ryusei was because kyosuke got info from ingram on the SRX team BEFORE the fight, giving kyosuke 2 advantage
    1. he's was the test pilot for the R-1 proto so he knows more or less about the r-1 (the 2 robots are similar so)
    2: already explained

  • @mwong666
    @mwong666 16 ปีที่แล้ว

    thats so cheap attack i mean if i was kyosuke i would probably stake revolve him and R1 will just have to stand there

  • @Socran
    @Socran 16 ปีที่แล้ว

    This is so unfair. R-1's only a third of a robot, but the ATX team would do just fine with just Kyosuke and Excellen. The combined SRX could still take the entire ATX team down singlehandedly.

  • @crusnik102605
    @crusnik102605 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    Alt will win over R-1 in any way you look at it.

  • @tyaty
    @tyaty 16 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ryusei with R-1 is lot stronger than kyoske with Alteisen, because R-1's mobility with Ryusei's telekinesis makes
    R-1 unable to get hit (cca. 160 mobility in og2), and its power is owerwhelming . Alteisen's power equeal with R-1, but in mid-late game its armor is not enough (cca. 2000), and does not have strong barrier , only a poor beam coat, since R-1 has a t-field

  • @CoreSplendor
    @CoreSplendor 16 ปีที่แล้ว

    Alteisen > R-1
    I always loved Kyosuke and his Alt more than the wussy R-1

  • @camparianbliss
    @camparianbliss 16 ปีที่แล้ว

    BOO. R-1 was definitely better than Alteisen in OG1.