Session 6: Religious Liberty & Black Power (Full Session)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 21 ก.ย. 2024
  • In the Black Power era, Christians and non-Christians alike addressed head-on the long history of religion as a tool for white supremacy. In this session, learn how new religious movements and leaders incorporated Black Power ideas into their theologies--and how the state responded to this perceived threat to the white social order.
    Dr. Malachi D. Crawford, Associate Professor of History, Prairie View A&M University
    Dr. Barbara D. Savage, Geraldine R. Segal Professor Emerita of American Social Thought, University of Pennsylvania
    This is Session 6 of the Black Religious Liberty Curriculum (BRLC), a 12-part video series of conversations on the intersection of race, religion, and the law, featuring law professors, historians, theologians, religious studies scholars, activists, and preachers. The curriculum was created by Columbia Law School’s Law, Rights, and Religion Project with support from the Columbia Institute for Religion, Culture, and Public Life and the Proteus Fund’s Rights, Faith, and Democracy Collaborative. Video editing by ANKOSfilms.
    Watch the rest of the curriculum series, at

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