Apex legends 3rd person knock off.. Except nowhere near the hype of Apex when it dropped. The cut scenes were a bit confusing, they looked real cause its actual footage from Iraq lol I think its a few Triple A, B-Team devs that branched "off the grid" bringing Ninja along & started a new llc to drop this, just like xdeviant. Free to Play but with all hopes to make a bag, performance is kinda terrible too. Thats my very honest review. maybe it'l get better since its early access.
03:44 I can’t stop laughing lmao
Damn, you forgot your legs, omg, this is funny, happened to me too but I thought of attaching them back from the ground. =)))
Definitely want to try it out 🙌🏽
Apex legends 3rd person knock off.. Except nowhere near the hype of Apex when it dropped. The cut scenes were a bit confusing, they looked real cause its actual footage from Iraq lol I think its a few Triple A, B-Team devs that branched "off the grid" bringing Ninja along & started a new llc to drop this, just like xdeviant. Free to Play but with all hopes to make a bag, performance is kinda terrible too. Thats my very honest review. maybe it'l get better since its early access.