How to get to Paris from Roissy CDG01 by official taxi or public transportation

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 พ.ค. 2024
  • CDG01 airport terminal has a circular shape ; It is not easy to find your way out of this airport , above all if you are jet lagged .
    You arrive in this terminal if you fly
    - United Airlines
    - Lufthansa - Swiss- Lot - Brussel Airlines
    - Turkish Airline - Emirates - Qatar Airlines
    - Air India - Eva Air - Air China - Singapore Airlines - Asiana - Ana
    and likely some other airlines which i have not mentioned
    The video show the right way to gate 24 for the official taxis - fixed price to Paris either the right bank or the left bank - and the access to public transportation by train to Paris
    Be aware that there are scammers who are faked taxis in the CDG terminals.

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