I do that sometimes, no point trying to carry alone against almost entire enemy team at once, so might as well make sure your useless game-throwing teammate knows how you feel.
@@liammartinez1484agreed. Same happened when I got the zeroes and ended up sticking to the Ki83 and the J5N1. Came seeking turny planes and ended up picking the energy fighters💀
@@ii560kyeah me too. I don’t like the play style of turn fighters like zero and spits. I stayed for the ki44 and j2m2, as I prefer energy fighting and Bnz.
For new players who treat every plane the same way, spits and zeros can be very forgiving. The great turn rate and low stall speed allow these players to survive in the fur all long enough to get a kill or two. For those who take the time to learn energy fighters give that sense of achievement that you have earned the kill. I still get caught out by the occasional zero when I forget just how ridiculous they can be and they just helicopter after me as I try to stall them out.
I remember playing this spitfire before the big gun nerf, it was really fun, no overheating and you cpuld kill planes with only 2 cannon shells sometimes
I fly the Spitfire all the time but it is really annoying, I rarely get hits, I cant go that fast gain altitude or like anything every other nation can but I still fly it cause its my only good plane
Adding on to what Defyn was saying at the end there, I would really like it they added rewards for maneuver kills. I can't even count the number of planes I've tricked into diving into the ground as I fly under them while they're compressing from the dive from space! Though I know it will never happen...
@@user-ee1fn4vt8bHolding J makes the game find the nearest player to award. Simply crashing is an "accident", which is stupid because many people like to deny kills to interceptors by just dropping their payload and then just giving the local tree a hug. They're gonna die anyway but god forbid their death contributes to the economy, they don't want other people getting kills. The worst is when a fighter does it, that's some stat pedding mindset going on.
Would be cool to have that sort of thing, but you gotta have a way of programming that behavior, how would the game tell the bandit dove because of you and not something else? Plus you also need something to keep it safe from riggers. Designing an algorithm that is not that trivial.
@@kabzebrowskiIf ANY enemy player is within 2km of you, that's an immediate threat, regardless of what the enemy was doing. Any and all deaths to rams or crashes should be awarded to the nearest player, overridden by any hits or crits performed by anyone else. But of course Gaijin doesn't want you getting kills as easily as that. Maybe OP didn't trick them, they just wanted to dive to pick up speed without realising how easily they lock up or how their turn radius couldn't save them, but I think there's no need to account for the case where an enemy was completely unaware of your presence and crashed anyway. He would have been at risk of being shot down by you any way.
@@kabzebrowski I know Gaijin wouldn't ever make it a thing, but if they were going to it could be as simple giving the kill from crashes to players in close proximity. Occasionally this may give kills to people for nothing, but honestly how many times have you had someone crash within one kilometer of you where you had nothing to do with it? Besides it's not like awarding nearby players for enemy crashes actually has any negative effects on the game. Though as someone else noted above, Gaijin doesn't like giving out free kills so we will never get awarded for luring tunnel visioned players into the dirt.
Spit Mk IIb was my favorite and most used plane when i played on console. When i switched to PC i don't play Air RB that much anymore, but the fact that i have almost 5:1 KD ratio (152-33, less than 100 battles) in a plane that sits at 3.7 which is no place for Mk IIb to be in that BR when it used to be 3.0 back then, with an overheating engine, very low ammo count on 20mm that also deal mediocre damage, just pretty much speaks for itself the average IQ of most Air RB players when they fight against Zeros or Spitfires, and i don't even consider myself a great player in this game.
MEC is very important for the Mk I and II, as he mentions early on but the weird thing about the radiator is that it only affects the water temperature, not the oil, and it's actually pretty efficient since you'll be at 100% thrust and (I would recommend) 90% pitch most of the time anyways so you can bump it down to 20 or 16 percent and minimize that notoriously draggy Brigish radiator. If you do want to be more proactive with engine cooling you can drop your prop pitch to 70% and, again outside of WEP, that'll keep you cool indefinitely without having to touch the thrust which makes a bigger impact on performance for less cooling.
The water radiator does impact oil cooling. If you fly with 100% rads and whatever prop pitch is required to maintain say 80C and then close the water radiators both water and oil temps will increase.
@@rainsilentYes, but that's just a side effect. The water cools the engine, which then also slightly impacts the oil temperature. To cool the oil efficiently, you need to drop the prop pitch. In certain cases you can use the radiator to cool your oil somewhat, but that's only when speed isn't important and you're mostly using engine power. That happens in a climb or a slow speed dogfight.
@@martijn9568 Mostly a side effect I agree, as we are both going on the assumption that Gaijin has it working that way, but it is still worth mentioning because of how much it drops the oil temps, hence why I mentioned it.
I have planes with better KD and more Kills per mission but flying Spits/Seafires despite all their disadvantage is pure fun, i fly them , Merlin and Griffon engined, since months, love the Mk I,II,Vb/trop, Vc/trop, F MkIX, LF MkIXe and c "Plagis" , MkXIVe, XIVc Prem, MkXVIIIe and the Seafire MkXVII. Had a nice fight 2 hours ago vs a G.56 were i had to deploy my Flaps (because he did so and nearly outmanouvred me ) the first time in the Seafire MkXVII and shortly after i got him. I see the Spits real fun to fly, sometimes frustrating but at least i have very often funfights, flying 109G,K is boring compared with flying Spits. More Spit Vids plz!
Issue with MK I, IIB, V (and VB trop) Spitfires is their BR. Playing German from 2.7 - 4.0 is much easier ... 109F (3.0), early model 190s just have so many advantages. That said, I love flying spitfires.
Its insane that the British tech tree doesn't have a P51B/C (Merlin Engine!) or P40 Tomahawk/Kittyhawk/Warhawk, by a far highest number non-US user during WW2, first actual combat in both planes etc ... Yet almost every other nation get them, Sweden gets 2 x P51C ! British tech tree only get a 20mm premium Same story as M4 tank variants which Sweden just got the British mkiii/iv post war surplus version, which isn't even in the British tech tree! UK got over 30% of ALL M4's produced during WW2 gets one in tech tree
I have been looking for a good spirfire mk1a guide for a few days now (I just unlocked it as a new player). And lo and behold, this shows up. Granted its not the exact plane, but close enough. I imagine many of the same principles apply.
If you're new, a word of advice is that the 30 cals have the same velocity as the cannons, for the Mk IIb(up till the F Mk X) so you can put tracers for the MGs for an easier time aiming. For the Mk Ia, overheating and the engine loves to cut off in negative maneuvers even more than the later Spitfires, even the ones that don't yet have the carburetor issue resolved(it feels that way anyway). I like to use manual engine controls with 90% prop pitch, 90% mixture and 100% radiators for that issue.
This is a perfect showcase of why I dislike/don't play the early Spitfires: 1. Your engine is actively trying to kill itself so WEP is unsustainable, making you even slower than you already are otherwise 2. You are so specialised into turn-fighting that many planes you face will be faster with higher climb-rates (at combat speeds), so you never can initiate a dogfight if your opponents play correctly. This is made EVEN worse by the fact that your energy generation isn't that great, so you end up sacrificing a ton of altitude to dodge multiple opponents, who will kill you in the long term if the enemies play it right. 3. I don't enjoy the guns; 8 7.7's can be decent, ESPECIALLY against AI ground targets, but they don't have the same punch as .50 cals or 20 mm cannon and rely on volume of fire, which sucks when you have tiny firing solutions. The latter is indeed remedied with the IIB variant with the Hispano cannon, but the ammunition count is very French, which is to say 'workable, but not very good'. In my eyes, planes like this are only a viable option because the average pilot will make the right mistakes for you to perform well and you can often catch unsuspecting victims in a furball. Like DEFYN said, these Spitfires CANNOT carry games; hypocritically, I do like the Mk V's and later variants, but the game changer for me is the furnace of an engine that these earlier versions are stuck with.
Every spitfire from the mk 9 onwards is incredibly fun for me. The game changer there is actually having significant amounts of ammunition for the cannons, lol
defyn i am entirely SICK of you spreading misinformation. the j21 is the best br for br aircraft in the whole game no question. i have 1200 kills in 100 matches with no deaths and youre telling me its bad? unsubbed.
Most spitfires have a harsh BR, I would say that I felt like the two spitfires below this were overpowered at 2.7 being that they had enough performance to outturn everything faster and outspeed everything that can outturn it, was a vehicle I was confident I could get 3 kills every match and did.
Not sure about the mk2 But for the Mk9, you can turn it into a spacefire using MEC Use ~85% Prop pitch, >40 Radiator, ~80% Mixture, the mk9 turns into an energy turnfighter and never overheat
@@SeductiveWalrus Fair enough! I personally haven't played them and I know Phydaily's video made the Mk 24 more popular, but I almost never see one in a 5.7 or 6.0 match.
I hate energy fighters or boom n zoom fighters, the spits, typhoon, zero, Re. Series, Ki, I-16 etc... Are my kind of plane because of their playstyle, I suck flying so my best defensive maneuver is trying to reverse ppl and get on them 6s and shoot em down which is how most turn fighters are played and because I already know some tactics to avoid being boom n zoomed, I stick to flying what ik what to fly the best, the boom n zoomer or energy fighters are better? Yes because the problem with most turn fighters is the poor engine power and energy retention.
Hopefuly they will rework rewards for these activities when you not getting kills or assist, but acualy creating lot of space for your team. Happens to me all the time in jets when I got 3 people on my 6 just hammering missiles like crazy and realy all I can do is run and dodge/flare. My team gets all my attackers eventualy and I got nice fat 0% activity for 15 minutes of gamplay and win :D
Yeah, Kill the killstealers they deserve it!!!!!! Had a blue Seafire MkIII 5km in front and 2500m above me while flying in my LF IX or Griffon XIV Spit, a Red Fw190D-13 came in at same altitude like i was he flew under the Seafire and the Seafire did nothing he circled above him until the D-13 reached and attacked me , i dove down came up behind the Dora 13 and shot him in Flames, suddenly a Roar and Dakadaka now the Seafire came in to get the burning Dora luckly he missed but nearly hit me. This Rats hanging around you doing nothing until you are in a fight then they come in to pick the burning "Cherry" from the Cake. Sometimes its to much and i turn on them, give a f.. about the SL because i have enough, we have to teach them a Lesson not to Killsteal, i have no Problems if its not Burning its not a killsteal.
what is your opinion on the A4H? it seems to have a better engine than a4e and lower br than it but the performance increase doesnt seem to help againist the things it faces in the matchmaker.
Most planes with mec just keep mixture at 100% and keep prop pitch between 80% - 90% and you can WEP all day. The hardest thing I found on MEC is knowing when to change supercharger gear. The information is out there most of it in the aircraft data sheets. Some planes like BF109 are good to learn MEC with as the prop pitch should be left on automatic and then you can manually adjust the radiator. I have my oil and water radiator bound to same keys so they both adjust at the same time. Not the most efficient but saves on micromanaging.
th-cam.com/video/RRzMcnCS4ag/w-d-xo.html th-cam.com/video/VM7GpvvrbNI/w-d-xo.html These videos were what I used, they are very in depth and set a great foundation to start using MEC. Some advice on my end: Your ideal scenario for MEC is setting the prop pitch to 100% and the radiator(s) to 0%, which is in practice will eventually overheating the engine. For most planes, set everything except mixture to 100% in test flight and see if it overheats. If it doesn't overheat, reduce the radiators to a point you're comfortable with. If they do overheat, try reducing the prop pitch (this will lower temperatures) but keep in mind you will sacrifice performance if the prop pitch is too low. Use the document below to recall the supercharger gear switches. Hope this helps! Edit: Sometimes, you can leave the oil radiator at 100% if it doesn't look like anything's visibly changing when you change the %. Also, it's a good idea to switch to Automatic Engine Controls (A.K.A. the default) whenever you need to catch someone or run away! docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hgHbWlSjefFhCqOUeGpoKQntdQDPG32X7XQo9EqDF00/edit#gid=1236982432
That overheating is historical on early Spits with the tiny oil coolers. They were designed to stay cool at cruise engine power. Anything above that and they would overheat fairly quickly. This issue wasn't addressed until after the Mk.Vs. Slightly unfortunate since the first Mk.V is arguably the best performance to BR Merlin Spit in game next to the 5.7 LF.IXs.
ZAMMN, just finished grinding out the skins for this thing, fun little bastard, but zamn that overhead, energy retention, and the 120 rounds go by fast
I started with turn fighters and have stuck with them all the way (now at Rank II tops). I have loved all my Spits so far and have found my latest version (the Mark IX) to have a lot of the earlier engine issues under control. The early versions and their damned overheating is very frustrating but thankfully the Spit has enough power and turning ability even at 95% power to out-turn most enemies I encounter. I have no issue with the low cannon ammo count on the spits since I am so used to using just two single rifle calibre MGs even 4 MGs seems like a bonus. Great plane, looking forward to see what all the fuss is about the Griffon engined versions.
the mark 9 is when the spitfires really start to show what they're about, honestly. It solves most of the issues holding the earlier ones back, and can truly shine. the roll rate is still kinda mediocre, though
@@edwardking9359 That's exactly what I have found. I still instinctively pull the throttle back to 98% after takeoff although not sure if this is necessary. Counter-rolling under high G is crap, the wing stiffens and pauses badly so sustained one circle fighting seems to be the way to go.
@@rags417 Pretty sure you can just hold full throttle and be fine, and even WEP is more manageable. Would have to double check, though. With regards to roll, yeah it sucks under high g conditions, but since you turn that much better than most planes you'll face, don't be afraid to extend briefly and lessen the angle of the turn in order to roll much more easily. Makes it easy to switch directions in order to catch out an enemy or cut in on their turn. Most of the time you're still better off in a sustained one circle fight, but you do have an option there.
hey Defyn, tried the p61? it's an absolute monster and honestly, could be put in a higher BR. Starts with an airspawn climbs quite well. it's .50 turret is a monster in turn fights, and essentially makes it a monster against anything that can or can't turn with it and can easily shred most bombers from 2km below as there's few that have bottom gunners. and it has airbrakes, meaning that it's pretty hard to self destruct in a dive from any altitude. and the four 20mm cannons speak for themselves, especially with the high ammo count. only issue i have really faced with it is the wings can sometimes snap off in a rolling turn
@@cola-warthunder it is the E the one that does the dirty to the MiG21s, deploying the slats gives you extra lift when performing high aoa maneuvers avoiding speed bleed
It was kind of OP at 2.7.. 3.0 would be a decent BR for it. However, there’s still planes like the F4U1A at 2.7 which is also OP. So idk… probably because to many people tried turn fighting this spit.
Deadass what I do in the A-36 in mixed battles. Distract/track the enemy with the 50 cal spam, teammates kill them, and if anyone tries to anti-cas me, just melt them with the 50 cals. Maybe do a video on the A-36 with the 50 cal gunpods? Mediocre performance, but the airbrakes and flaps really help with turning inside people when you need to, but energy retention and the engine overheating are meh.
As a Spitfire pilot, the biggest problem with this plane is realshatter and how it affects everything on those things. All machine guns, both 7.7 and 12.7 seem to do little to no damage and only critically damage the opponent when you put like how much, 150 rounds straight into them? Hispanos arent better, Spitfires carry the Hispanos all the way from 3.7 to 7.0 and they just seem to do the damage of a japanese machine gun or something like a 50. cal instead of a low firerate 20mm cannon It usually requires 2 or more passes to take down an enemy, and I mean taking it down, not damaging them so critically that they cant keep up. Wing snaps just dont happen, and even in this video, most of his kills were from precisely hitting the fuel tanks, causing massive damage instantly, not damaging with the cannons themselves. Realshatter really did ruin the whole British air tree forever, until Gaijin will fully rework it.
lol....i came back to war thunder 2 weeks ago and see myself getting blasted from Defyn 2 times in two matches is absurd.. ggbro (im MyDingDong96) ur lucky that im a bot
MkII's are my fav planes but the consistant nerfs to it is not fun, i Use the MkIIa when i do go back to fly them mostly becasue its at a much more fun Br and just lacks the 20mm's , tho the recent changes to guns in general make the time to kill in the IIa a pain
Yeah like all Brit ammo poorly represented in War Thunder. 303's did significantly more 'damage' during Air War than War Thunder appreciates, in War thunder its like tickling with sparkles, but true just rarely instant kills. B.O.B. research shows that Luftwaffe suffered a much higher loss on return flight 'The Channel Dunk'; crashes before/near and at airfield; significant crew casualties; huge repair back log; etc etc.. It was why despite the 'apparent' equal'ish kill tallies during close combat over the UK, the Luftwaffe pilots and crews suffered a huge moral drop seeing the 'off the books' casualties and "mess table gaps". Its rather like the 'kill vs wound the Infantry man' costs argument. Wounded and he has to be rescued, carried back to hospital, nursed and doctored etc ...costing way higher resources and manpower especially when high numbers.
@@CmoreChap B.O.B. research also showed that it took on average over 300 hits, not shots fired but actual hits, with 7.7s to down a 109. Around 2,000 for a 111. WT it is way less on both accounts. WT has LMG caliber weaponry doing way, way more damage than they did historically. This is true of every ww2 era gun in the game at the moment. Be glad that they aren't more realistic in this regard because if they were everyone would f*cking hate LMGs because they would do pretty much jack all unless you got to spray the target for a long time or hit something critical like the engine or pilot. If you disagree I would like to point you to these same British tests that showed even .50 cal weaponry did little to no meaningful damage to an enemy aircraft unless the bullet fired hit something critical like fuel lines, the pilot or the engine. US reports later determined that it took on average over 100 hits for US 50 cals to do sufficient damage to bring an opposing fighter down. ON the contrary both US and British tests found that it took on average 4-8 hits from a Hispano 20mm HE shell to bring a fighter down. This all said average is not the same thing as mean and mean is more important. The problem is that there is no way to figure out what the mean was for LMG and HMG caliber weaponry. What can be determined for sure is that LMG and HMG caliber weaponry should do dang near no perceptible damage to an aircraft unless it hits something actually critical like the pilot, engine, cooling system or critical structure of the aircraft. While a number of German aircraft were crash landing due to damage that didn't suffer from immediately fatal damage these losses weren't nearly as significant as you try to make them out to be. Per German reports for every more than 4 109s shot down 1 crashed trying to RTB with battle damage. Bombers it was way, way more lopsided with around 6 to 1 ratios. Yes, injured crewmen that made it back were a big loss as none of them would return to duty until after B.O.B. was over so that was a major factor. Given that the Luftwaffe couldn't absorb those personnel losses even then even injured crewmen that was forced out of action for 6+ months was a massive deal. Honestly numbers actually shot down and the German high command saying that the Luftwaffe personnel were being cowardly and lacked skill because they weren't just beating the RAF out of the sky were significantly bigger blows to numbers and morale.
@@rainsilentKeep in mind that the average Warthunder player is a lot more accurate at shootint than most WWII fighter pilots were. Most players prefer a convergence in excess of 400 meters. During WWII pilot's prefered a convergence of around 200 meters, or even less.
@@martijn9568 They are capable of being more accurate but when you actually look at your hit numbers post game you notice something pretty clear cut. Everything hits way, way harder than it did historically. More accurate or not the raw power of the guns is insane at the moment relative to history.
You mind doing a video on the g55 sottoserie 0? I’ve been spading that recently and I’m not quite sure how to fly it. Is it more of a energy fighter because I sure as hell know it’s not a turn fighter?
In case he doesn't respond, yeah it's more of an energy fighter than a turn-fighter. It's similar to stuff like the Yak-3 in the sense that it's not very specialised, A.K.A you can generally out-turn the energy fighters and generally out-energy the turn fighters.
It is actually primarily a "turn fighter." It can do a bit of energy as well with it's above average climb rate but it has very poor level flight speed for its BR limiting its energy abilities. Its primary performance advantage lies in its turn rate. The only things that can absolutely turn with or out turn the G.55s are Japanese or Merlin Spits.
If you hate seeing tickets bleed out for no reason then try air sim battles… they’ve really broken it lately. 3 hour matches ending in 30 minutes with nothing happening to cause it. It’s ridiculous.
What about the MkIX at 4.3 (the defynitive Spit)? More 20mm ammo and a better engine Also after a few matches of 3 and 4 kills I finally bagged the Ace in the Mig19S thanks to your indirect training. I feel slightly less crap now😂
i think the defynitive spit is the griffon mk14 it is funny how it goes, that the low spitfires are worse than the lower hawker typhoons and the higher spitfires are beastmode while the higher Hawkers are dog, crowning with the Sea Fury as the worst prop
@@kingghidorah8106 bro what? the tempest is amazinf in RB and even better in SB, as it turns very smoothly, and you can use the whole aircrafts capabilities without it fighting against you like the spitfires. Also, the tempest dives better than the Mk24 and feels faster on the deck. Keep in mind that the Mk24 is 7.0. The tempest is just faster and requires a different playstyle
@@intlon4299 the tempest is good but it's not better than the spitfires of the same BR, tempest lacks accel and engine power, it mostly relies on it's airframe, which is pretty gud.
@kingghidorah8106 Tempests have plenty of engine power, it's not their star problem. Now when I say definitive Spit I'm more thinking about what pilots liked and how many are still flying today and not a game perspective (although Id still say the 9 is pretty decent but i havent used mine in probbaly a year). I think some pilots while they didn't hate the griffon powered versions, they liked the 9 cause it was more true to what the initial models were like. I could be wrong but I think griffon spits were getting towards twice the weight of an early spit😂
@@liamboyle9199 griffon spitfires were hitting almost 800kmh in straight lines despite being heavier than the Mk9. Sure the legacy bug can itch your heart but Griffons were objectively better than the Mk9 and the tempest in game has a quite low acceleration rate before hitting 400kmh IAS. It's climbrate is very poor, the J5N1 climbs better and it's a worse aircraft.
He said in the A6M6 battle pass video that the A6M6 and A6M5 hei are both just heavier zeroes with better firepower, but you sacrifice the zero's main strengths(turn rate, climb rate and stall speed) for it.
It didn't get fucked over for having better guns. It never had good guns. It got fucked over because around half of the player base loves to turn fight no matter what they are flying and the A6Ms are unbeatable in a turn fight.
@@cheekibreeki4638 Sometimes they doing very good damage sometimes not, i think the reason is bad Ping or high ping players from the other side of the planet, i often see the hits on the enemy Aircraft but nothing happens change from game to game another game you "touch" them slightly and the fall apart. I cant complain one game no kills only assists another game 2,3,4 or seldom 5 Kills, i fly Spit since months mostly 5.7 Griffons and Merlins incl. 2 Prems, KD is ok between 1:5/6 in Merlin 5.7 Spits and 1:10/20 in Griffons. But i lost dozens of Spits since Dec. because of "lost Server Connection" sometimes they throw the whole team out after 3,4 minutes Playtime, its a bit better now happend seldom but in Dec during the ddos attacks i stopped flying bc of this shiet
@DEFYN Is there a video on the Spitfire "Griffon" the F Mk 22 or 24 them 2 at 6.7 and 7.0 is a little meh... I forget if I have seen one cause there are SOOooo many videos. The 5.3 or 5.7 ones are just constant Ju288 battles that are stupid there is almost no fight in their battles and it's just a game of chasing Ju288s
One reason why I don't play them anymore is because of the Hispano cannons which don't make alot of damage Edit: The hispano now seems to be one of the best guns in the game so I guess my comment isn't really valid anymore
@@TheRandomshite123 They didn't really fix it, they just increased the amount of fragmentation by a bit. ShVAKs for example still absolutely suck and seem to actually do less damage than berezins.
@@TheRandomshite123 I'm going to test it but it's just a pain to fight with the Hispano which doesn't always have alot of ammo for it and when you fight against a FW190 for example and he just keeps rolling around it's a pain too hit and even then you won't make alot of damage
It was kind of OP at 2.7.. 3.3 would be a decent BR for it. However, there’s still planes like the F4U1A at 2.7 which is also OP. So idk… probably because to many people tried turn fighting this spit.
So, if there is a vid about low BR Spitfire, maybe there will be a video about F4F Wildcat? Ok if you don't want to, you can go for a Hellcat. I also miss that system that gave players points for being close to the enemy, but i guess it also could've been used as a radar in the clouds to find someone close enough. I still don't buy this explanation, and I NEED THIS SYSTEM BACK, as an A6M pilot i love dogfights and i want to be rewarded for baiting half of the enemy team into one.
They are sad but at their BR they are powerhouses. Yes, they can't really climb, but the guns are great and the ability of that frame to absorb damage is superb. I rtb'd twice without half of my wing! I also prefer model 3 simply because i don't need 6 mgs. WHERE IS MY F4F FM2 GAIJIN?!
@ignatusrailslayer Powerhouse is a bit of an overstatement😂 this is like people calling the J21 really good... Wildcats are workable once you get set up. Not the easiest plane to use when your solo and or against someone with an understanding of what to do.
@@ignatusrailslayer Having good guns and the ability to tank some damage doesn't make a plane a powerhouse when it's direct competitors performance wise are almost all 2.0 and lower in BR. The firepower doesn't matter if you can't get the guns on target because the opposing airplane outperforms it.
J21 is the kind of plane thats amazing in arcade but crap in Rb xd I used to play this spit all the time back when I first started historical battles, then the hispanos got nerfed to the ground and I havent touched the brits since. Imma go back to them after watching this vid!
@@Darktotaled You only lose 50% of the difference between WEP and 100% by dropping prop pitch to ~50%. You can permaWEP with that 50%. Granted it is only 50hp but given that 100% throttle on 100% prop pitch will overheat on its own even with 100% rads permaWEPing with 50% of the difference between WEP and 100% is by far the best available option.
@@Darktotaled And use 100% throttle or WEP? If you use 100% throttle then you are losing out on 50hp for no reason. Go to WEP and just set prop pitch to ~50%. You gain 50hp over 100% throttle and 100% prop pitch but don't have to worry about engine overheat at all.
Gaijin posted on their Instagram account something about improving 20mm HE fillar, so I wanted to ask to you guys, did they fixed real shitter or it's still the same?
Can you maybe play the first rank 4 spitfire the one at 5.0 with the .50Cals and the clips wings please make more spitfire videos I liked the older spitfire videos
Ahh I remember when this was 3.0 where it was some of the most fun I've had in this game along with using the 2.7 (at the time) Venture, but then the Russian and the American "intelligence" cause their brs to go up to the point where it's a struggle to play them. Still always love playing and seeing these planes especially from someone who's very talented at the game. :)
That BV coming all the way only to ignore you guys and kill bf109 was hilarious.
I do that sometimes, no point trying to carry alone against almost entire enemy team at once, so might as well make sure your useless game-throwing teammate knows how you feel.
real king shit
Could have been me. Fking glorious
My Favorite thing to do, some time they told me that, "I can play anyway i want". Guess what. I can do that too.
He was pissed why Bf wasted altitude
i remember fearing these on my Yaks when I started playing, then I started using spitfires and discovered I just suck
I think every decent player has a moment when playing a spit or zero that they’re nowhere near as powerful as we thought
@@liammartinez1484agreed. Same happened when I got the zeroes and ended up sticking to the Ki83 and the J5N1. Came seeking turny planes and ended up picking the energy fighters💀
@@kingghidorah8106 same bro, came for the zeroes, stayed for the Ki 44 and Ki 61s lol
@@ii560kyeah me too. I don’t like the play style of turn fighters like zero and spits. I stayed for the ki44 and j2m2, as I prefer energy fighting and Bnz.
For new players who treat every plane the same way, spits and zeros can be very forgiving. The great turn rate and low stall speed allow these players to survive in the fur all long enough to get a kill or two. For those who take the time to learn energy fighters give that sense of achievement that you have earned the kill.
I still get caught out by the occasional zero when I forget just how ridiculous they can be and they just helicopter after me as I try to stall them out.
I remember playing this spitfire before the big gun nerf, it was really fun, no overheating and you cpuld kill planes with only 2 cannon shells sometimes
hispano has been shit since like 2016 lol
we are once again near the fabled honestly kind of ok
you can kill planes with only a couple shots again, it's amazing
I fly the Spitfire all the time but it is really annoying, I rarely get hits, I cant go that fast gain altitude or like anything every other nation can but I still fly it cause its my only good plane
That does sound fun
Adding on to what Defyn was saying at the end there, I would really like it they added rewards for maneuver kills. I can't even count the number of planes I've tricked into diving into the ground as I fly under them while they're compressing from the dive from space! Though I know it will never happen...
Not sure how they determine that. Recently I got awarded a kill for a guy I never touched but he J’ed out as I was pulling up from a bad dive on him.
@@user-ee1fn4vt8bHolding J makes the game find the nearest player to award. Simply crashing is an "accident", which is stupid because many people like to deny kills to interceptors by just dropping their payload and then just giving the local tree a hug. They're gonna die anyway but god forbid their death contributes to the economy, they don't want other people getting kills. The worst is when a fighter does it, that's some stat pedding mindset going on.
Would be cool to have that sort of thing, but you gotta have a way of programming that behavior, how would the game tell the bandit dove because of you and not something else? Plus you also need something to keep it safe from riggers. Designing an algorithm that is not that trivial.
@@kabzebrowskiIf ANY enemy player is within 2km of you, that's an immediate threat, regardless of what the enemy was doing. Any and all deaths to rams or crashes should be awarded to the nearest player, overridden by any hits or crits performed by anyone else. But of course Gaijin doesn't want you getting kills as easily as that.
Maybe OP didn't trick them, they just wanted to dive to pick up speed without realising how easily they lock up or how their turn radius couldn't save them, but I think there's no need to account for the case where an enemy was completely unaware of your presence and crashed anyway. He would have been at risk of being shot down by you any way.
@@kabzebrowski I know Gaijin wouldn't ever make it a thing, but if they were going to it could be as simple giving the kill from crashes to players in close proximity. Occasionally this may give kills to people for nothing, but honestly how many times have you had someone crash within one kilometer of you where you had nothing to do with it? Besides it's not like awarding nearby players for enemy crashes actually has any negative effects on the game.
Though as someone else noted above, Gaijin doesn't like giving out free kills so we will never get awarded for luring tunnel visioned players into the dirt.
You sound sad my bro, how’s the life with you 🤧
it‘s been the planes he‘s been flying.. no wonder it‘d catch up to him
War Thunder.
@@john_808_za9 Indeed
His dog died not too long ago
I love spit-fires favourite prop plane
I enjoy these prop videos way more than top tier ones, you should revisit some ones you haven't done in a while y not.
Best WT creator thx for making me a better pilot Defyn 💪
Spit Mk IIb was my favorite and most used plane when i played on console. When i switched to PC i don't play Air RB that much anymore, but the fact that i have almost 5:1 KD ratio (152-33, less than 100 battles) in a plane that sits at 3.7 which is no place for Mk IIb to be in that BR when it used to be 3.0 back then, with an overheating engine, very low ammo count on 20mm that also deal mediocre damage, just pretty much speaks for itself the average IQ of most Air RB players when they fight against Zeros or Spitfires, and i don't even consider myself a great player in this game.
the 2b and the mk9 are some of my favorite planes in the game, and IRL. The 20mm Bearcat is also one of my favorites
MEC is very important for the Mk I and II, as he mentions early on but the weird thing about the radiator is that it only affects the water temperature, not the oil, and it's actually pretty efficient since you'll be at 100% thrust and (I would recommend) 90% pitch most of the time anyways so you can bump it down to 20 or 16 percent and minimize that notoriously draggy Brigish radiator.
If you do want to be more proactive with engine cooling you can drop your prop pitch to 70% and, again outside of WEP, that'll keep you cool indefinitely without having to touch the thrust which makes a bigger impact on performance for less cooling.
The water radiator does impact oil cooling. If you fly with 100% rads and whatever prop pitch is required to maintain say 80C and then close the water radiators both water and oil temps will increase.
@@rainsilentYes, but that's just a side effect. The water cools the engine, which then also slightly impacts the oil temperature.
To cool the oil efficiently, you need to drop the prop pitch.
In certain cases you can use the radiator to cool your oil somewhat, but that's only when speed isn't important and you're mostly using engine power. That happens in a climb or a slow speed dogfight.
@@martijn9568 Mostly a side effect I agree, as we are both going on the assumption that Gaijin has it working that way, but it is still worth mentioning because of how much it drops the oil temps, hence why I mentioned it.
6:54 the chat 😂😂😂😂
“Hello Defyn”
-“What are you smoking”
Love the content
Thanks for the support :)
I never got a notification for this
Sorry for being so late 😭
Thank you for Spitfire content.
I have planes with better KD and more Kills per mission but flying Spits/Seafires despite all their disadvantage is pure fun, i fly them , Merlin and Griffon engined, since months, love the Mk I,II,Vb/trop, Vc/trop, F MkIX, LF MkIXe and c "Plagis" , MkXIVe, XIVc Prem, MkXVIIIe and the Seafire MkXVII.
Had a nice fight 2 hours ago vs a G.56 were i had to deploy my Flaps (because he did so and nearly outmanouvred me ) the first time in the Seafire MkXVII and shortly after i got him.
I see the Spits real fun to fly, sometimes frustrating but at least i have very often funfights, flying 109G,K is boring compared with flying Spits.
More Spit Vids plz!
I thought i would never see a Spit review by Defyn :)
Issue with MK I, IIB, V (and VB trop) Spitfires is their BR. Playing German from 2.7 - 4.0 is much easier ... 109F (3.0), early model 190s just have so many advantages. That said, I love flying spitfires.
Its insane that the British tech tree doesn't have a P51B/C (Merlin Engine!) or P40 Tomahawk/Kittyhawk/Warhawk, by a far highest number non-US user during WW2, first actual combat in both planes etc ...
Yet almost every other nation get them, Sweden gets 2 x P51C ! British tech tree only get a 20mm premium
Same story as M4 tank variants which Sweden just got the British mkiii/iv post war surplus version, which isn't even in the British tech tree! UK got over 30% of ALL M4's produced during WW2 gets one in tech tree
god imagine if we had a +25psi Mustang in the British tree
bro i have 1 year to play props damn those top tier adrenaline plays that we didnt even know that we gonna fall in love back 4 years..
I know most people readin this do not care, but if you are one of three people who likes simulator battles: the Mk IIB is insanely fun at 3.0 in sim.
Use tracer belts for the 7.7mm, they light fires like nothing else
he does check desc
I have been looking for a good spirfire mk1a guide for a few days now (I just unlocked it as a new player).
And lo and behold, this shows up.
Granted its not the exact plane, but close enough. I imagine many of the same principles apply.
If you're new, a word of advice is that the 30 cals have the same velocity as the cannons, for the Mk IIb(up till the F Mk X) so you can put tracers for the MGs for an easier time aiming. For the Mk Ia, overheating and the engine loves to cut off in negative maneuvers even more than the later Spitfires, even the ones that don't yet have the carburetor issue resolved(it feels that way anyway). I like to use manual engine controls with 90% prop pitch, 90% mixture and 100% radiators for that issue.
'Got separated from his waifu' is crazy hahahaha 14:06
There are not many planes I'm confident going into 1v2/3's, but the Spitfires is one of them.
This is a perfect showcase of why I dislike/don't play the early Spitfires:
1. Your engine is actively trying to kill itself so WEP is unsustainable, making you even slower than you already are otherwise
2. You are so specialised into turn-fighting that many planes you face will be faster with higher climb-rates (at combat speeds), so you never can initiate a dogfight if your opponents play correctly. This is made EVEN worse by the fact that your energy generation isn't that great, so you end up sacrificing a ton of altitude to dodge multiple opponents, who will kill you in the long term if the enemies play it right.
3. I don't enjoy the guns; 8 7.7's can be decent, ESPECIALLY against AI ground targets, but they don't have the same punch as .50 cals or 20 mm cannon and rely on volume of fire, which sucks when you have tiny firing solutions. The latter is indeed remedied with the IIB variant with the Hispano cannon, but the ammunition count is very French, which is to say 'workable, but not very good'.
In my eyes, planes like this are only a viable option because the average pilot will make the right mistakes for you to perform well and you can often catch unsuspecting victims in a furball. Like DEFYN said, these Spitfires CANNOT carry games; hypocritically, I do like the Mk V's and later variants, but the game changer for me is the furnace of an engine that these earlier versions are stuck with.
Every spitfire from the mk 9 onwards is incredibly fun for me. The game changer there is actually having significant amounts of ammunition for the cannons, lol
Can you play a griffon spitfire next?
defyn i am entirely SICK of you spreading misinformation. the j21 is the best br for br aircraft in the whole game no question. i have 1200 kills in 100 matches with no deaths and youre telling me its bad? unsubbed.
bait right? this is bait.
@@avv907Yup. No way he has over 1000 kills with no deaths.
@@avv907 yeah no shit lmao that plane is doggy doo doo
Most spitfires have a harsh BR, I would say that I felt like the two spitfires below this were overpowered at 2.7 being that they had enough performance to outturn everything faster and outspeed everything that can outturn it, was a vehicle I was confident I could get 3 kills every match and did.
Not sure about the mk2
But for the Mk9, you can turn it into a spacefire using MEC
Use ~85% Prop pitch, >40 Radiator, ~80% Mixture, the mk9 turns into an energy turnfighter and never overheat
How to use mec? Do you have to enable full real controls? I tried the "Y" menu but i cant find how to use MEC
How are the griffon spitfires, I remember them being very powerful years back.
Do you like chasing Ju 288s?
I have good times in the Mk XIV, but I don't think anyone plays the 22 or 24 because of their crazy high BR
You bully 109s and the occasional Italian, but get bullied by 152Hs in return
@@Flayrr872i still from time to time bring them out, especially the Mk22
@@SeductiveWalrus Fair enough! I personally haven't played them and I know Phydaily's video made the Mk 24 more popular, but I almost never see one in a 5.7 or 6.0 match.
Man, this was my favorite plane in like, 2014.... but 3.7 now? That's pretty over-tiered, IMO!
The only time J21s are an issue is when those damn 13mm destroy your plane from 1.3km out with a single bullet..
Hey Defyn, you have floating carburator failure.
I hate energy fighters or boom n zoom fighters, the spits, typhoon, zero, Re. Series, Ki, I-16 etc... Are my kind of plane because of their playstyle, I suck flying so my best defensive maneuver is trying to reverse ppl and get on them 6s and shoot em down which is how most turn fighters are played and because I already know some tactics to avoid being boom n zoomed, I stick to flying what ik what to fly the best, the boom n zoomer or energy fighters are better? Yes because the problem with most turn fighters is the poor engine power and energy retention.
Hopefuly they will rework rewards for these activities when you not getting kills or assist, but acualy creating lot of space for your team. Happens to me all the time in jets when I got 3 people on my 6 just hammering missiles like crazy and realy all I can do is run and dodge/flare. My team gets all my attackers eventualy and I got nice fat 0% activity for 15 minutes of gamplay and win :D
Haven’t seen you fly the yak-7b. I’ve been playing it recently, I’m not that good but I still got an ace (4 enemies and 1 kill stealing teammate).
Yeah, Kill the killstealers they deserve it!!!!!! Had a blue Seafire MkIII 5km in front and 2500m above me while flying in my LF IX or Griffon XIV Spit, a Red Fw190D-13 came in at same altitude like i was he flew under the Seafire and the Seafire did nothing he circled above him until the D-13 reached and attacked me , i dove down came up behind the Dora 13 and shot him in Flames, suddenly a Roar and Dakadaka now the Seafire came in to get the burning Dora luckly he missed but nearly hit me.
This Rats hanging around you doing nothing until you are in a fight then they come in to pick the burning "Cherry" from the Cake.
Sometimes its to much and i turn on them, give a f.. about the SL because i have enough, we have to teach them a Lesson not to Killsteal, i have no Problems if its not Burning its not a killsteal.
what is your opinion on the A4H? it seems to have a better engine than a4e and lower br than it but the performance increase doesnt seem to help againist the things it faces in the matchmaker.
Please do a video on your keybinds for aircrafts.
I urgently need a guide for manual engine control!
Most planes with mec just keep mixture at 100% and keep prop pitch between 80% - 90% and you can WEP all day. The hardest thing I found on MEC is knowing when to change supercharger gear. The information is out there most of it in the aircraft data sheets. Some planes like BF109 are good to learn MEC with as the prop pitch should be left on automatic and then you can manually adjust the radiator. I have my oil and water radiator bound to same keys so they both adjust at the same time. Not the most efficient but saves on micromanaging.
These videos were what I used, they are very in depth and set a great foundation to start using MEC.
Some advice on my end: Your ideal scenario for MEC is setting the prop pitch to 100% and the radiator(s) to 0%, which is in practice will eventually overheating the engine. For most planes, set everything except mixture to 100% in test flight and see if it overheats. If it doesn't overheat, reduce the radiators to a point you're comfortable with. If they do overheat, try reducing the prop pitch (this will lower temperatures) but keep in mind you will sacrifice performance if the prop pitch is too low. Use the document below to recall the supercharger gear switches. Hope this helps!
Edit: Sometimes, you can leave the oil radiator at 100% if it doesn't look like anything's visibly changing when you change the %. Also, it's a good idea to switch to Automatic Engine Controls (A.K.A. the default) whenever you need to catch someone or run away!
After some many years, Gayjob still didn't fix the damn overheating. Spacefire turn into Ovenfire.
That overheating is historical on early Spits with the tiny oil coolers. They were designed to stay cool at cruise engine power. Anything above that and they would overheat fairly quickly. This issue wasn't addressed until after the Mk.Vs. Slightly unfortunate since the first Mk.V is arguably the best performance to BR Merlin Spit in game next to the 5.7 LF.IXs.
Spitfire Mk 24 Please
ZAMMN, just finished grinding out the skins for this thing, fun little bastard, but zamn that overhead, energy retention, and the 120 rounds go by fast
can you make a video about the seafire fr47?
you should do a video on the g-14/as in the Italian tech tree
I started with turn fighters and have stuck with them all the way (now at Rank II tops).
I have loved all my Spits so far and have found my latest version (the Mark IX) to have a lot of the earlier engine issues under control. The early versions and their damned overheating is very frustrating but thankfully the Spit has enough power and turning ability even at 95% power to out-turn most enemies I encounter. I have no issue with the low cannon ammo count on the spits since I am so used to using just two single rifle calibre MGs even 4 MGs seems like a bonus.
Great plane, looking forward to see what all the fuss is about the Griffon engined versions.
the mark 9 is when the spitfires really start to show what they're about, honestly. It solves most of the issues holding the earlier ones back, and can truly shine. the roll rate is still kinda mediocre, though
@@edwardking9359 That's exactly what I have found. I still instinctively pull the throttle back to 98% after takeoff although not sure if this is necessary. Counter-rolling under high G is crap, the wing stiffens and pauses badly so sustained one circle fighting seems to be the way to go.
@@rags417 Pretty sure you can just hold full throttle and be fine, and even WEP is more manageable. Would have to double check, though.
With regards to roll, yeah it sucks under high g conditions, but since you turn that much better than most planes you'll face, don't be afraid to extend briefly and lessen the angle of the turn in order to roll much more easily. Makes it easy to switch directions in order to catch out an enemy or cut in on their turn. Most of the time you're still better off in a sustained one circle fight, but you do have an option there.
hey Defyn, tried the p61? it's an absolute monster and honestly, could be put in a higher BR.
Starts with an airspawn
climbs quite well.
it's .50 turret is a monster in turn fights, and essentially makes it a monster against anything that can or can't turn with it and can easily shred most bombers from 2km below as there's few that have bottom gunners.
and it has airbrakes, meaning that it's pretty hard to self destruct in a dive from any altitude.
and the four 20mm cannons speak for themselves, especially with the high ammo count.
only issue i have really faced with it is the wings can sometimes snap off in a rolling turn
Such memories! I remember when it was like 2.3 or 2.7
When I was a noob I had a total blast with it back then. Though the hispanos always sucked.
amog yz
i remember you
you and i had a bloody hell of an argument 💀
@@kingghidorah8106 ah yes, the F-4C absolutely toys with the mig21smt xD
@@cola-warthunder it is the E the one that does the dirty to the MiG21s, deploying the slats gives you extra lift when performing high aoa maneuvers avoiding speed bleed
It was kind of OP at 2.7.. 3.0 would be a decent BR for it. However, there’s still planes like the F4U1A at 2.7 which is also OP. So idk… probably because to many people tried turn fighting this spit.
It’d be great if Defyn had his own podcast.
When can we get a spitfire MK24 video 😊
Deadass what I do in the A-36 in mixed battles. Distract/track the enemy with the 50 cal spam, teammates kill them, and if anyone tries to anti-cas me, just melt them with the 50 cals. Maybe do a video on the A-36 with the 50 cal gunpods? Mediocre performance, but the airbrakes and flaps really help with turning inside people when you need to, but energy retention and the engine overheating are meh.
As a Spitfire pilot, the biggest problem with this plane is realshatter and how it affects everything on those things.
All machine guns, both 7.7 and 12.7 seem to do little to no damage and only critically damage the opponent when you put like how much, 150 rounds straight into them?
Hispanos arent better, Spitfires carry the Hispanos all the way from 3.7 to 7.0 and they just seem to do the damage of a japanese machine gun or something like a 50. cal instead of a low firerate 20mm cannon
It usually requires 2 or more passes to take down an enemy, and I mean taking it down, not damaging them so critically that they cant keep up.
Wing snaps just dont happen, and even in this video, most of his kills were from precisely hitting the fuel tanks, causing massive damage instantly, not damaging with the cannons themselves.
Realshatter really did ruin the whole British air tree forever, until Gaijin will fully rework it.
Realshatter wasn't the problem, was just an issue with the damage models. Since the damage model fix they kill fighters in like 3 rounds, its insane
I would like to see how you manage in a 2.3 Sea Hurricane.
lol....i came back to war thunder 2 weeks ago and see myself getting blasted from Defyn 2 times in two matches is absurd.. ggbro (im MyDingDong96) ur lucky that im a bot
this spitfire is a monster when you are a bit good at turnfight
Oma god another prop vid
MkII's are my fav planes but the consistant nerfs to it is not fun, i Use the MkIIa when i do go back to fly them mostly becasue its at a much more fun Br and just lacks the 20mm's , tho the recent changes to guns in general make the time to kill in the IIa a pain
Yeah like all Brit ammo poorly represented in War Thunder.
303's did significantly more 'damage' during Air War than War Thunder appreciates, in War thunder its like tickling with sparkles, but true just rarely instant kills.
B.O.B. research shows that Luftwaffe suffered a much higher loss on return flight 'The Channel Dunk'; crashes before/near and at airfield; significant crew casualties; huge repair back log; etc etc..
It was why despite the 'apparent' equal'ish kill tallies during close combat over the UK, the Luftwaffe pilots and crews suffered a huge moral drop seeing the 'off the books' casualties and "mess table gaps".
Its rather like the 'kill vs wound the Infantry man' costs argument. Wounded and he has to be rescued, carried back to hospital, nursed and doctored etc ...costing way higher resources and manpower especially when high numbers.
@@CmoreChap B.O.B. research also showed that it took on average over 300 hits, not shots fired but actual hits, with 7.7s to down a 109. Around 2,000 for a 111. WT it is way less on both accounts. WT has LMG caliber weaponry doing way, way more damage than they did historically. This is true of every ww2 era gun in the game at the moment. Be glad that they aren't more realistic in this regard because if they were everyone would f*cking hate LMGs because they would do pretty much jack all unless you got to spray the target for a long time or hit something critical like the engine or pilot. If you disagree I would like to point you to these same British tests that showed even .50 cal weaponry did little to no meaningful damage to an enemy aircraft unless the bullet fired hit something critical like fuel lines, the pilot or the engine. US reports later determined that it took on average over 100 hits for US 50 cals to do sufficient damage to bring an opposing fighter down. ON the contrary both US and British tests found that it took on average 4-8 hits from a Hispano 20mm HE shell to bring a fighter down.
This all said average is not the same thing as mean and mean is more important. The problem is that there is no way to figure out what the mean was for LMG and HMG caliber weaponry. What can be determined for sure is that LMG and HMG caliber weaponry should do dang near no perceptible damage to an aircraft unless it hits something actually critical like the pilot, engine, cooling system or critical structure of the aircraft.
While a number of German aircraft were crash landing due to damage that didn't suffer from immediately fatal damage these losses weren't nearly as significant as you try to make them out to be. Per German reports for every more than 4 109s shot down 1 crashed trying to RTB with battle damage. Bombers it was way, way more lopsided with around 6 to 1 ratios. Yes, injured crewmen that made it back were a big loss as none of them would return to duty until after B.O.B. was over so that was a major factor. Given that the Luftwaffe couldn't absorb those personnel losses even then even injured crewmen that was forced out of action for 6+ months was a massive deal. Honestly numbers actually shot down and the German high command saying that the Luftwaffe personnel were being cowardly and lacked skill because they weren't just beating the RAF out of the sky were significantly bigger blows to numbers and morale.
@@rainsilentKeep in mind that the average Warthunder player is a lot more accurate at shootint than most WWII fighter pilots were.
Most players prefer a convergence in excess of 400 meters. During WWII pilot's prefered a convergence of around 200 meters, or even less.
@@martijn9568 They are capable of being more accurate but when you actually look at your hit numbers post game you notice something pretty clear cut. Everything hits way, way harder than it did historically. More accurate or not the raw power of the guns is insane at the moment relative to history.
can you please fly the c205 serie III? Day 8
You mind doing a video on the g55 sottoserie 0? I’ve been spading that recently and I’m not quite sure how to fly it. Is it more of a energy fighter because I sure as hell know it’s not a turn fighter?
In case he doesn't respond, yeah it's more of an energy fighter than a turn-fighter. It's similar to stuff like the Yak-3 in the sense that it's not very specialised, A.K.A you can generally out-turn the energy fighters and generally out-energy the turn fighters.
It is actually primarily a "turn fighter." It can do a bit of energy as well with it's above average climb rate but it has very poor level flight speed for its BR limiting its energy abilities. Its primary performance advantage lies in its turn rate. The only things that can absolutely turn with or out turn the G.55s are Japanese or Merlin Spits.
If you hate seeing tickets bleed out for no reason then try air sim battles… they’ve really broken it lately. 3 hour matches ending in 30 minutes with nothing happening to cause it. It’s ridiculous.
One of the best people ever
love your channel!!!!!! but as a P-51 pilot i wouldn't be caught on fire in one of those shitfire
Could you do a Ju 388 video
What about the MkIX at 4.3 (the defynitive Spit)?
More 20mm ammo and a better engine
Also after a few matches of 3 and 4 kills I finally bagged the Ace in the Mig19S thanks to your indirect training. I feel slightly less crap now😂
i think the defynitive spit is the griffon mk14
it is funny how it goes, that the low spitfires are worse than the lower hawker typhoons
and the higher spitfires are beastmode while the higher Hawkers are dog, crowning with the Sea Fury as the worst prop
@@kingghidorah8106 bro what? the tempest is amazinf in RB and even better in SB, as it turns very smoothly, and you can use the whole aircrafts capabilities without it fighting against you like the spitfires. Also, the tempest dives better than the Mk24 and feels faster on the deck. Keep in mind that the Mk24 is 7.0. The tempest is just faster and requires a different playstyle
@@intlon4299 the tempest is good but it's not better than the spitfires of the same BR, tempest lacks accel and engine power, it mostly relies on it's airframe, which is pretty gud.
@kingghidorah8106 Tempests have plenty of engine power, it's not their star problem.
Now when I say definitive Spit I'm more thinking about what pilots liked and how many are still flying today and not a game perspective (although Id still say the 9 is pretty decent but i havent used mine in probbaly a year). I think some pilots while they didn't hate the griffon powered versions, they liked the 9 cause it was more true to what the initial models were like. I could be wrong but I think griffon spits were getting towards twice the weight of an early spit😂
@@liamboyle9199 griffon spitfires were hitting almost 800kmh in straight lines despite being heavier than the Mk9. Sure the legacy bug can itch your heart but Griffons were objectively better than the Mk9 and the tempest in game has a quite low acceleration rate before hitting 400kmh IAS. It's climbrate is very poor, the J5N1 climbs better and it's a worse aircraft.
Some Mig 15 bis suffering when? Its at 8.7 now so 99% of the time it gets a full uptier, I'd love to see you deal with that huge of a disadvantage!.
In no way is the 15 bis suffering, great fun love to fly it out
Can u do a video on the P59A? The earliest jet in the usa tech tree.
NK9H in japan is op, you can out-turn basically anything.
Can you do another video with the P51D30
Do you have any tips for the A6M5 HEI? I swear it got fucked over so badly for having better guns I can't do a thing with it
He said in the A6M6 battle pass video that the A6M6 and A6M5 hei are both just heavier zeroes with better firepower, but you sacrifice the zero's main strengths(turn rate, climb rate and stall speed) for it.
It didn't get fucked over for having better guns. It never had good guns. It got fucked over because around half of the player base loves to turn fight no matter what they are flying and the A6Ms are unbeatable in a turn fight.
@@rainsilent the zeroes guns are more than adequate for their br when you first get them. True about the turning tho
@@Dogflight1477 Adequate? Yes. Good? Never were. Japanese 20s were never good.
@@rainsilent Tell me you've never flown a Japanese plane without saying it. Their cannons are excellent, even realshatter didn't make them bad
Do u see a difference in the buffs they did to the 20 mm? Me personally I can’t tell the difference seeing how bad my aim is 😂
With only two exceptions that ive noticed, it seems like 20mm cannons are doing very good damage
Gaijin very recently adjusted fragmentation for 20 mm cannon, so in general cannon are performing better now.
@@cheekibreeki4638 Sometimes they doing very good damage sometimes not, i think the reason is bad Ping or high ping players from the other side of the planet, i often see the hits on the enemy Aircraft but nothing happens change from game to game another game you "touch" them slightly and the fall apart.
I cant complain one game no kills only assists another game 2,3,4 or seldom 5 Kills, i fly Spit since months mostly 5.7 Griffons and Merlins incl. 2 Prems, KD is ok between 1:5/6 in Merlin 5.7 Spits and 1:10/20 in Griffons.
But i lost dozens of Spits since Dec. because of "lost Server Connection" sometimes they throw the whole team out after 3,4 minutes Playtime, its a bit better now happend seldom but in Dec during the ddos attacks i stopped flying bc of this shiet
@DEFYN Is there a video on the Spitfire "Griffon" the F Mk 22 or 24 them 2 at 6.7 and 7.0 is a little meh... I forget if I have seen one cause there are SOOooo many videos. The 5.3 or 5.7 ones are just constant Ju288 battles that are stupid there is almost no fight in their battles and it's just a game of chasing Ju288s
Could you do the russian ITP soon?
You don't use the Gun Vertical Targeting do you sir, I've heard you talk about many times but not what you use?
I just put the radiators completely open, just like in the 109’s
what du you thing about the new realshatter?
This plane cooks
La-200 video when
Can you cover the bf 109 G6 from the sweden tech tree ? its been rough grinding with it
Fire content as always ❤
Maybe you could check out the P59-A? Thank you
One reason why I don't play them anymore is because of the Hispano cannons which don't make alot of damage
Edit: The hispano now seems to be one of the best guns in the game so I guess my comment isn't really valid anymore
they apparently fixed realshatter, i havent tested spits yet but i one tapped a mustang in a tempest so it seems promising
@@TheRandomshite123 They didn't really fix it, they just increased the amount of fragmentation by a bit. ShVAKs for example still absolutely suck and seem to actually do less damage than berezins.
@@TheRandomshite123 I'm going to test it but it's just a pain to fight with the Hispano which doesn't always have alot of ammo for it and when you fight against a FW190 for example and he just keeps rolling around it's a pain too hit and even then you won't make alot of damage
dope video homi
Wait, this thing is 3.7?!?!! I remember when it was 2.7, felt okay at that BR. What the hell happened...
It was kind of OP at 2.7..
3.3 would be a decent BR for it. However, there’s still planes like the F4U1A at 2.7 which is also OP. So idk… probably because to many people tried turn fighting this spit.
Can you do a video on the I 16 type 27 please🙏
finally some props!
Could you play the Spitfire Mk 24?
now i will wait for 109 F4
next video BV 155 ?
Can you explain how radars work?
mk 2 b used to be 3.3 if i remember and that br was prerfect for it why the uptier?
Please fly the american P47-D28
So, if there is a vid about low BR Spitfire, maybe there will be a video about F4F Wildcat?
Ok if you don't want to, you can go for a Hellcat.
I also miss that system that gave players points for being close to the enemy, but i guess it also could've been used as a radar in the clouds to find someone close enough. I still don't buy this explanation, and I NEED THIS SYSTEM BACK, as an A6M pilot i love dogfights and i want to be rewarded for baiting half of the enemy team into one.
F4fs are also a bit sad... but at least you get 50cals and I often prefer the -3 model with the insane ammo per gun count
They are sad but at their BR they are powerhouses. Yes, they can't really climb, but the guns are great and the ability of that frame to absorb damage is superb. I rtb'd twice without half of my wing!
I also prefer model 3 simply because i don't need 6 mgs.
@ignatusrailslayer Powerhouse is a bit of an overstatement😂 this is like people calling the J21 really good...
Wildcats are workable once you get set up. Not the easiest plane to use when your solo and or against someone with an understanding of what to do.
@@ignatusrailslayer Having good guns and the ability to tank some damage doesn't make a plane a powerhouse when it's direct competitors performance wise are almost all 2.0 and lower in BR. The firepower doesn't matter if you can't get the guns on target because the opposing airplane outperforms it.
J21 is the kind of plane thats amazing in arcade but crap in Rb xd
I used to play this spit all the time back when I first started historical battles, then the hispanos got nerfed to the ground and I havent touched the brits since. Imma go back to them after watching this vid!
Could you please try the Premium Ki61 Hei Tadas on the Japanese tech tree? Would really appreciate it
Do you ever play with a squad or always alone?
can you do the Re2001CN too? that engine overheats really really fast too
50% prop pitch and 100% radiators does the trick!
@@Flayrr872 yes but you lost a lot of power doing so. I use at 65% prop and pulls it to 100% when i need more power
@@Darktotaled You only lose 50% of the difference between WEP and 100% by dropping prop pitch to ~50%. You can permaWEP with that 50%. Granted it is only 50hp but given that 100% throttle on 100% prop pitch will overheat on its own even with 100% rads permaWEPing with 50% of the difference between WEP and 100% is by far the best available option.
@@rainsilent thats why i said i change to 100% prop when i need extra power
@@Darktotaled And use 100% throttle or WEP? If you use 100% throttle then you are losing out on 50hp for no reason. Go to WEP and just set prop pitch to ~50%. You gain 50hp over 100% throttle and 100% prop pitch but don't have to worry about engine overheat at all.
idea: fly the Hunter F1. you see a lot of downtiers, and even in an uptier to 9.7 it's extremely competetive imo. 10.0 is hell though
A-5C ☺️☺️☺️☺️
Gaijin posted on their Instagram account something about improving 20mm HE fillar, so I wanted to ask to you guys, did they fixed real shitter or it's still the same?
Improved it a bit, but not the same as before still
@@stormjet814 it's better than nothing, at least the guns don't feel like they are shooting rice and beans anymore.
Can you maybe play the first rank 4 spitfire the one at 5.0 with the .50Cals and the clips wings please make more spitfire videos I liked the older spitfire videos
Ahh I remember when this was 3.0 where it was some of the most fun I've had in this game along with using the 2.7 (at the time) Venture, but then the Russian and the American "intelligence" cause their brs to go up to the point where it's a struggle to play them. Still always love playing and seeing these planes especially from someone who's very talented at the game. :)
Based BV 155 🗿