I was a bit under the weather at the time of recording this, so this performance was a little sloppier than I would have liked it to have been, but I hope you enjoy it be that as it may. Also, please ignore the background sounds and the weird squeak my piano made towards the end of the video. My piano suddenly decided to turn into a mouse mid-recording.
@@Damsel_In_Distress_528Normally I don't like it when people make their own changes to pieces but these fit the original mood of the piece very well. Good job
I’m sorry to hear you weren’t feeling well, but I’m glad you’re back! This performance was worth the wait, it’s beautifully done. 👏
I was a bit under the weather at the time of recording this, so this performance was a little sloppier than I would have liked it to have been, but I hope you enjoy it be that as it may.
Also, please ignore the background sounds and the weird squeak my piano made towards the end of the video.
My piano suddenly decided to turn into a mouse mid-recording.
Obviously this is not the usual version of this piece. Did you find it somewhere or were those changes you made yourself?
I made a few subtle changes myself and skipped the repeats.
@@Damsel_In_Distress_528Normally I don't like it when people make their own changes to pieces but these fit the original mood of the piece very well. Good job