hi, i was thinking of using ray switch for boosting the reflections of the hdri envrionment map without increase the GI contribution of it. i remember being be to do it in redshift, there was a reflectivity multiplier and it was so practical but i think with corona, you cant achieve that with a light , you cant ahieve that with a map either, so the envrionment has to be a mesh (like a sphere with flipped normals) and ray switched map applied as a material with two separate maps, one for GI and other for reflections. correct so far?
You are the best !
i was thinking of using ray switch for boosting the reflections of the hdri envrionment map without increase the GI contribution of it. i remember being be to do it in redshift, there was a reflectivity multiplier and it was so practical but i think with corona, you cant achieve that with a light , you cant ahieve that with a map either, so the envrionment has to be a mesh (like a sphere with flipped normals) and ray switched map applied as a material with two separate maps, one for GI and other for reflections.
correct so far?
a ghost that appears only in refractions! ok... lol