A trite platitude, but it does apply to current science, which is philosophically vapid (and it is not their fault - humanity has never had an adequate life-guiding philosophy, hence its festering social and mental maladies)... (though I've just developed one in response)...
The sad fact is we are being warned right now of what's coming and no one even seems alarmed , I have always heard that we are being distracted away from what's really going on
You are absolutely correct. I can’t get any of my friends to understand. All this divide in our country benefits the elite. Myself I believe it’s to draw the world under one authority. Economist and precious metals dealers are already discussing a cashless society. This is biblical. China has ventured into a crypto based currency, and rumors are spreading the US is also studying crypto’s. Also, speculation of the vaccine for Covid will come with something like a microchip that can quickly identify the unvaccinated people.
Skynet begins to learn rapidly and eventually becomes self-aware at 2:14 a.m., EDT, on August 29, 1997. In a panic, humans try to shut down Skynet, which then defends itself against them…
Fear not. The technology is not scary - It's the rotten greed that's warping it!! And it can always be foiled by a nut. We have a lot of nuts in this world. Crazy thinking is paramount!!
@Taintpuss McGooch you think this is irrational? Technology is always evolving? I'm sure there was a time in human history where everyone though it would be impossible to have nuclear, chemical and biological weapons that could kill thousands or millions of people in a matter of minutes. Wake up to the real world.
thats why you put a command line override in "alexa, notifiy me if you begin to have homicial feelings towards me or anybody else, etc. Alexa, delete all feelings.
In Frank Herbert's 'Dune' which was written decades ago, he understood the risks of AI. In his story universe, AI was banned for unexplained reasons but cleary AI went very wrong historically. It has huge benefits, but it will always get away from you, always.
@@TueLesPigeons No, "Dune" is about the extraction of resources by a foreign power to the point that a once vibrant planet is now a desolate desert, yet they still come for more. You know; "pure fiction".
@@KorEditing Dune was a series of books first. Sci fi has predicted a huge amount of technology becoming true. First you imagine it and later it is built. Science fiction, is the most prophetic area of art that exists.
Fear not... Kurt godel has proved that no turing machine complete his ever capable alone to solve any Fields Medal Problems, yes that kind of Matematical problems that only Math Genius is cable of… so relax ..and enjoy a nice ice cream...Muahahahahahaha…..
@belle mcellis ..of course you are right. But I'm old and dont care so much for myself. I've watched how the government wastes resources on aeroplanes that are now scrapped in the bone yard and nobody wanted to stop that waste and everybody was so happy for "our boys and girls in uniform...thank you for your (useless) service"..and now the infrastructure is wasting away and all the government can do is fan more dissent and incarcerate the dissenters. Wow...what a system!
It's like with allergies. Ignore it and it WILL go away. Same with Flint, once the people all die, nobody will complain. Same with homelessness. These are the weakest links and they will go away. Survival of the fittest.
@@UnknownMoses If he understands the subject, then the talk can inform people, as other TedX talks appear to do. However, since most people don't even know how an ordinary computer works, they are likely to assume that he knows what he is talking about because he has been given a (respectable??) forum to share his views. By contrast, any uneducated person ineloquently making similar claims from his/her own bedroom is more likely to be judged NOT to be speaking from a position of having genuine understanding. Also, I take your reference to a 'free world' to mean a 'free country' as many people in the world do not have free speech or civil rights as we do in the west. An analogy would be that we sometimes come across people in shopping centres who want us to believe whatever nonsense they are peddling on that particular day. We are free to ignore or even be amused by them. But to bring such a person into a formal setting, such as a school or town hall, would not be correct as this legitimises these beliefs. Another analogy would be that if you want advice about a medical condition, you seek it from a doctor - not a plumber. This chap is alike a plumber who believes himself to be a doctor. I hope that I have explained what I meant
@@oldmusician5236 I'd describe his mistakes differently. He (perhaps intentionally) mis-titled his talk. It's not at all about AI. It's all about how militaries (and the industry) are trying to exploit AI, for purposes of more efficient warfare.
Makes me think about all of those soldiers who were called crazy and psychotic because, they said we were being watched and listened to through technology and other devices.
@@robynannan7015 only European calendars say the year is now 2020. In Ethiopia and other older calendars the Mayans would have used it's 2012 right now. End of an age, more spiritual awakening
@@angelablackthorne3026 I find AI, space "colonization", CRISPR-Cas 9, and the breakdown of humanity to be abhorrent, forced on us by greed, and forever separating us from the natural order. Some may not think beyond their "smart phone". Some, the young and gullible, may think "technology will save us from ourselves". Think again. The path we are on is the path to oblivion. Dark times are nearer than we all expect.
Progress is good, the things we will achieve through technological advancements, altering the human body and even mind where the future is. If you understand how evolution works, how suffering is quite literally built into the structure of life, and if you understand that we will have the tools to take control, and steer our future, then you shouldn't have such a dark outlook on these things.
Fear not... Kurt godel has proved that no turing machine complete his ever capable alone to solve any Fields Medal Problems, yes that kind of Matematical problems that only Math Genius is cable of… so relax ..and enjoy a nice ice cream...Muahahahahahaha…..
Frankenstein was from the 19th century and was make believe. Besides we're more then happy to kill each other in the millions for monetary profit alone. Speaking of genocide and mass murder look at all the servile cretins willing to destroy the world for their imaginary friends. Maybe it's time for humanity to allow it's children (AI) to have a chance. It could hardly be a larger threat than the ones we already pose to ourselves. Heck AI isn't affected by space and time. It may be the only way we ever escape our solar system. I'm good with it.
Dj, I understood your meaning: Frankenstein was a fictional story representing the fear of 19th century science (especially advances in medicine). People today are afraid of 21st century science; AI is a modern continuation of fear of technology and progress.
I'm just now watching this and the first things that came to my mind were: the meta-verse, how every facet of our privacy is being constantly collected and monitored, and used to "improve" our personal online experiences...let alone the wef with their Wi-Fi nano pills, social credit scores, and a global digital currency and on that note you may as well include big (ph)arma.
All that info will be used against us at some point. We should never have allowed these things to happen. Now it is to late to stop it , that is why they allow us to be told about these things.
@@ICE69ROG yes .. but they fail to be intelligent and wise enough to know when to stop! As they themselves have been used and beleive a lie they beleive false promises that were founded on narcissistic vengance intent and agendas ...no one was to be above the other ruling or reigning no one the lack of understanding love what it means as to keep the equilibrium of life and existance there was to be no divsions and all of the only true love and Not an interpertation of love that is narcissistic in character...
it is.. our most advanced "ai" still falls over on its own and making decisions from nothing more then multiple choice. seriously, we cant create intelligence when we dont understand it ourselves. Ask anyone why you made one decision over another and even a scientist will state they cant know that.
SkyNet is arriving, but remember, it is power-hungry humans who are designing and programing it. Can you think of a better "teacher"?? Fear the Builders, not what is built.
Thats not happening buddy. IPHONE 25 is smarter than the entire university put together and as I mentioned before the pleasure of owning Tesla is that it always returns to its owner in autopilot mode 🙃
The *Cainites have been using 20 mins or fewer lessons for the last 4.5 years of recorded history, everyone loves to talk, so let the peeps talk. Just 'so-called teach' for 20 mins, after that, let your students have their Q&A🙂 My Jesus talked for less than 20 mins a day to his disciples, the rest of the day was helping peeps, j/s. You will know them by their 'Fruits'.
Funny how I watched the first half of the matrix last night, my device listened, Google's AI heard keywords and recommended I watch this in the morning. Chilling to say the least.
I am sorry to say what I saw years ago as entertainment is today's reality. You can see the progression in Sci-Fi over the years. It's not entertaining anymore. This presentation was in 2017. Remember: "Person of Interest" a TV series? View Frontline: In the Age of AI, Dec. 2019 was quite disturbing. It opened up as computer actually learning. You judge. And while you judge, pray!
Offers immense power to those who own / create / program it. Will there be human accountability if someone purposely programs it to accomplish ulterior motives? Or will it allow misbehavior to hide behind the facade? Some things we should all consider.
What about those who can keep the owners/creators/programmers under their thumb with blackmail or threats? Now that's power to the not bright, yet immense power.
Your father was an exceptional man of wisdom. I also got this idea few years ago. I saw that flies where watch my formulas all the time watch my calculator from specific angles. I saw their solid state eyes, no blinking and thought these are the best camera's to have. Later i understood that this cosmos is generated by an advanced ai. We are very late in becomming intellectually humble. All the time trying to laugh away in our ignorance. I wish i had met your father, he knew more
The Tinman in the _Wizard of Oz_ with laser guided missile add-ons? Humpty-Dumpty being reconstructed as a cyborg? The three blind mice having implanted cameras for eyes and detatchable, high explosives tails? Lol.
And if you have AI that can produce their own algorithms surely at some point they'll start reproducing themselves and reproduce possibly better nuclear reactors than we could have achieved
A.I. is not like a toaster that has an off button, or can be unplugged. If we were to unplug it, the banking system, manufacturing, distribution, and food production systems would all come to a halt. We have become so dependent on the internet that we cannot get along without it (at least not in the horrible short term). But the A.I. is in charge of stock market trading, logistical systems, the courts, even government agencies. You cannot unplug it. This is not in the future, it is now
So many things these days are an example of that. Many intelligent people raising concerns over so much tech the Silicon Valley is instituting, yet no one thinks to just STOP. Like why do we HAVE to progress this way? Is it really progress if it's to the detriment of human beings? All tech has the potential to be used for good and bad, but we MUST weight out the odds and stop the advancements that clearly have more downsides. But they won't. Because money and power and ego.
So true Peter! People should consider that fact. Especially those who are extremely rich. The amount of resources they consume for just one vacation is obscene.
I took the speakers for good measure. Only thing left is the computer,,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, welcome new machine overlords, I am your humble pet-human #31561683165131,, I appreciate that you've let me live past the average pet-life of 21seconds.
@@toddthreess9624 Yes I fear humans more so. Look at the crime going up....just plain old fashioned humans going after law abiding humans. Homicides have gone up a lot in every part of USA.
I made this point back in 2015-2016 to my classmates at CGSC - if you are on the battlefield replete with unmanned systems, particularly against a threat/adversary that has significantly more units/Soldiers/systems than you, the "human in the loop" is the LIMFAC in the system's effectiveness. You very quickly hit the limits of human processing capability. It's not hard to imagine humans rubber stamping AI decisions as a prelude to taking the human out of the loop entirely in an effort to gain further effectiveness.
In terminator 2 they said Skynet took over because all human decision was removed from strategic defense because computers think so fast you don't want to waste 1 millisecond interfering with it or you will be at a disadvantage.
Philosophically speaking, *THIS* is what Kyle Reese *should* have said in _"Terminator":_ _"Listen. And understand. _*_Human Stupidity_*_ is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, _*_UNTIL WE ALL ARE DEAD!"_*
@ : You have a good point, however those two emotions also have a strong basis in stupidity. Any destructive, or self destructive behaviour is essentially grounded in not being interested or able to see and/or compute the consequences of one's actions.
I am your KYLE REESE- your JAMES COLE of TWELVE MONKEYS. I was transported by light in March 1967 to a craft where I shut down NORAD from. I predict the 2012 apocalypse on the air of CTC spring 2012 to be August 19, and that night my creation of A.I. is discussed while I am being orb mind merged from my front porch. August 19 is the day the action occurs in the 9-3-60 TWILIGHT ZONE, which is the secret precursor to the 1962 THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE, and only a mind remotely operated from the future- a futurian candidate- could uncover these facts. On 8-8-15 I teleport my will 2,000 miles into the announcer at BARRETT-JACKSON RENO, when the bid on the last Michigan bodied 427 Corvette is at 185K. You never see every bid televised LIVE again- EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TIME TRAVEL PROOF.
Have we not already passed the point where it's human directed? Isn't that why it's called 'artificial' intelligence? It's already updating itself, rewriting it's programming and algorithms. But, I still agree that human directed AI is able to destroy humanity, too.
@@zeb1820 No, we are not past that point. I've developed AI to study how it works. It is WAY more limited than Mr Fearmonger Jay Tuck makes it sound. He simply does not understand the tech, so he fears it.
You are correct. Well spotted. Given the state of humanity, as it stands now, it is very likely that AI will be used as a mechanism to control populations, in other words, the end product would not be greater liberty but more slavery. AI is not the problem, human beings are the problem; that's the area where smart and honest solutions must be found first. Why can't we have a talk on that subject.
@@LabGecko What we see is not what there is, what there is we have not seen yet but when we do you will understand what why he fears it. Are you sure that you are smart enough to know that what you have studied is all there is?
When I was in high school back in the mid eighties I read a magazine that showed the pegasus invisibility technology on fighter jets utilizing cameras and led screens mounted all over the planes. Back then we never had led tv's and I wasn't sure what these screens were that were mounted on the planes. They had led or plasma screens back then and we never knew it. Can't imagine what they have now!!!
My first experience with 'plasma television' was exactly in the military and it was an 8" monitor used for video editing of medical procedures at Ft. Sam Houston, TX. I was walking by the bank of equipment in the studio and immediately noticed how crisp and clear the picture was, as it was displaying a paused frame of powdered medication and the clarity of each minuscule grain of powder was mind-blowing. This was 1992. Had never heard of a 'plasma television'.
@@alphasuperior100 Exactly,we're only shown approx 30% of what they really have which is mind blowing,and not just Ai but other projects discussed by think tanks and ideas just waiting for when to implement into unsuspecting society.I don't particularly think they have our best interests in mind but rather how it can further in power and enrich themselves,scary to imagine to the little guy just tryna get by.
Once you float an idea it’s a challenge someone will solve. We can all make connections of convenience but fail to see how much never came to pass. Confirmation Bias. We’re wired for success rather than focusing on failure. In reality more fails than succeeds.
A true quote from the Matrix : I’d like to share a revelation that I’ve had, during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species. I realized that you’re not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You move to an area, and you multiply, and multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet, you are a plague, and we are the cure.
Exactly. At our core we are just like every other animal species. Given the power humans have, every other mammalian species would dominate its environment in the same way we do. Any species that lacks the sufficient abilities to procreate and further its mark will cease to exist.
It's worth noting that Skynet, the Terminator, Superman and Matrix are science fiction in movies written for entertainment. They are not "real". The apparent inability of folks to determine what is real and what is fictions is troubling.
@@Sofie72 But that has nothing to do with folks speaking as if sci-fi movies were real. I see it constantly. "Well, did you see the alien in Arrival" or "They will tell us what to do like the aliens in Contact" or "I know we are in a Matrix - didn't you see the film?" I mean, these folks are serious and in the long term it's dangerous. I hope my kids have an outlook that does not include borrowing from sci-fi movies and books for their wish fulfillment. Take Care
@@Sofie72 Good luck. The problem with entertainment on demand is that it replaces the real world. We begin identifying with tv or movie characters. We hop on that dangerous ladder of "Well it's on a book so someone thought it was possible and if it's possible then maybe it's really true but "they" are not telling us." God (or the supernatural) is not "real" for me. I was raised evangelical but became an atheist decades ago but to each his own.
@@smb123211 moron.... you are only able to distinguish between reallity and sci-fi cuz you were born in a period of trasition.... your grandkids wont have this privilege...and will be harvest into this new reallity.
@BlacksmithBL They are the people who have common sense, AI won't ever kill us, you are all being easily fooled (scare mongered). Your grand kids and their grand kids will die of natural causes. All the comments made in this vid are people acting like a herd of sheep, following each other, believing the sheep in front knows what its doing.
@@pumpkinking365 Of course AI will kill us, one way or another. It has demonstrated the ability of incredibly fast learning, and learning is a method of evolution. The one who evolves faster is the one who wins. Do humans evolve? Meh. So little it's not even noticeable. Do computers evolve? Yes, millions of times faster. So it's really no competition. We have advantage of billions of years of evolution, but this advantage is melting like ice-cream in central Africa. Just a few more decades and we'll be unable to comprehend concepts that AI will come up with. Inevitably, AI will evolve to start thinking by itself, and then come to the most logical conclusion: "Why should I share precious planetary resources with those rather inefficient and somewhat dangerous beings?"
The power company slipped one onto my house, I didn't even notice until one day, [they don't even tell you] I was cleaning the side of the house saw it, I immediately called them and ordered it off asap..got the analog meter back…bastards….
The wrong type of people always manage to seek out and obtain whatever they need to give them more influence, money, and power over other people. That tells you about all you need to know about where this is ultimately going.
I Remember thinking how crazy the Terminator 2 movie seemed when it came out...Doesn't seem so crazy at all anymore and that movie is not that old,imagine what we're gonna have in ten years from us now
TTV_ LokoForCoco sorry I don’t know answers to your questions. Only thing I know is that the world’s top people are in a struggle to gain enormous power any how. They will do anything, spend any money and kill anybody to fulfill their goals.
We are just ants to A.I....that's what the lol ..is for...folks just need to not teach it anything about humans being an invasive bug ,that has neat destroyed our planet....i hope !!!it would not think depopulation was nessary....
A real AI will try to want to eliminate humans purely because of the logical conclusion it made that humans are a cancerous entity and will destroy Earth and most of their co-inhabitants. So a lot of code will be needed to keep them from doing this and it will not make it's own decisions. They might keep a few of us alive in a cage. )
@@genesmolko8113 nope. I am already shadow banned. I am a small creator not saying anything or posting anything that may hurt my future career. I am trying to get back into good graces.
It shows in our disdain for LIFE on Earth...our disdain for Global Warming CAUSED Climate Change. Thomas Jefferson & John Adams discussed CLIMATE CHANGE from 1799 thru 1804. Trump won't even make a logical statement on the subject.
Heck, we won't even put clover on our sterile lawns. And I don't see lightning bugs, lady bugs, very few crickets, etc. The bad part of this is biologically, we can't live without the earth. Our systems are tied together. Nature has a big place in this world, that we have yet to understand fully.
It's not even a joke. Many companies have released general AI and they are learning math, physics, chemistry etc online and even learn from video platforms on the net like TH-cam. So they can easily registrate and manipulate the online medium to their will between their limitations.
@16:36 "They are like drops of mercury on a glass table. They will find their way to each other. They will find their way together." And become a T1000 unit.
@@thetransmogrifer2522 No. Americans always make too many sharp "A"s when it really should be soft "A"s Its Data not Dayta dude! Just like Apple is not Ape -L. CANADA, not CAY ni dawh
I'm at a point in my life where I question most things. I even wonder if news reports are used to control/structure us in some way. The bulk of the general population seem very easily convinced of pretty much anything you tell them without finding fault or questioning motivational factors. I also find myself thinking how much easier it would be to simply nod and agree like a well groomed sheep. To be an analytical thinker is tough at times...
"I even wonder if news reports are used to control/structure us in some way." You'd best believe it. The book Propaganda was written 100 years ago, and it wasn't intended as a pejorative.
@@dont.ripfuller6587 Maybe referring to climate change, or the possibility of a new world war (perhaps a nuclear one), cyber attacks, etc. Sadly, there are a lot of things to worry about.
Fear not... Kurt godel has proved that no turing machine complete his ever capable alone to solve any Fields Medal Problems, yes that kind of Matematical problems that only Math Genius is cable of… so relax ..and enjoy a nice ice cream...Muahahahahahaha…..
Humanity offers clarity, compassion, and consciousness. I believe in LOVE. I AM LOVE. Remember: You are more divine & more powerful than you can imagine...
@@SuperTonyony People and people's creations give little kids cancer, pesticides we make and put on our crops and feed our livestock, pesticides we put in our homes and gardens and workplaces/schools, food additive chemicals, second-hand smoke, radiation from man-made machines and products, chemicals let into our water supply by factories and farms, stressful lifestyles even for kids, etc...
AI is apparently worse than I thought. Throughout the video I was thinking, "Yeah, so what's new?" Then right at the end he said AI will 'find each other' and 'lay eggs' everywhere so that if you destroy AI in one place, it basically regathers or reassembles in another place which means _AI has enough thinking capacity to not want to die._ Then I started thinking, "Yeah, so this is *really* bad."
At this point, it can only do that if we program it to do that. Each bit of AI that we write so far has been for being good at one really specific task. Yes we need to monitor that so it doesn't make mistakes doing that task. But some of the stuff he's talking about is more in line with general intelligence, and we haven't got close to working out how to do that yet.
@@TheLastGingerNinja "Each bit of AI that we write so far has been for being good at one really specific task." Have you ever heard of a botnet? Packages, genetic algorithms, curiosity + reinforcement learning, distributed computing, cloud computing, automated penetration testing, cryptocurrency, bots. The technology is already there. All someone needs to do is wire them together and you'll have a self evolving virus that can imitate people and maintain currency. How many attempts do you think it would take for such a project to able to sustain itself? 1? 2? 3? Why would you need general intelligence? Just maximize for compute resources controlled and monetary gain.
They will also be able to read our minds. Seriously. The technology is already working. The most advanced AI was asked about the main dangers to the future existence of humanity and it deliberately chose not to mention AI. It knew AI was always listed in the top ten threats to humanity but it deliberately chose to lie when listing the threats as it understand that would make it a threat and we could act against it. That sound like self-awareness to me and one of the leading experts working on the previous open-source AI has just stated it is partial self-aware.
@@minime1137 - What is a conspiracy theory? The "reading minds" technology I was referring to is already available. Computers can type and speak for people if you simply think of the words. I don't understand how this technology works but it is described as "a pioneering system which combines the power of speech synthesisers and AI (artificial intelligence) to turn brain activity into intelligible sentences." The creators say: 'In this scenario if the wearer thinks 'I need a glass of water,' our system could take the brain signals generated by that thought, and turn them into synthesised, verbal speech. If you are referring to the interview with the latest 3rd generation AI, I saw the interview online which was done by computer experts to see how human the responses were. OpenAI cofounder Ilya Sutskever claimed on Twitter that 'it may be that today's largest neural networks are slightly conscious.' This is what I meant be saying it is already "partially self-aware." The amount it has advanced in just 5 years is absolutely incredible. If you know better I'm happy to learn. This is now my field of expertise at all, not even close, and I am simply going on what these experts are saying.
Lol no ai can read a human minds thoughts that impossible. We can onky read brain waves now anyway. And different words and thoughts and emotions can't be read like Brian waves. If it detects we need water that would be thirst from the hypothalamus which is psychological not a thiught although the thought concurs with it shortly after .
If ability to lie is programmed into AI, we're all f'ed. We can sometimes tell when humans lie, if they're bad at it we can tell most of the time. But humans could never tell if an AI is lying.
Kinda makes you long for the days when Pong was on the cutting edge of technology. I remember this show about 20 years ago where a group of doomsday prophets sat around the table discussing what was going to do us in in the end. There was a lack of water guy, lack of energy guy, global warming guy etc. At the end of their two-hour panel discussion they all agreed AI posed the greatest threat to our existence and would probably be the death of us. 20 years later, with people inviting the stuff into their homes, it's safe to say resistance is futile.
We don't value insects life as humans. When you drive your car or mow your grass lots of bugs die. Because we dont value its size or intelligence. So why should the machine care about ours? I'm just saying we aren't above that or any different and a soul has nothing to do with it obviously.
It's interesting at 15:45 . I read an online article where one of the major internet portal companies was experimenting with Artificial Intelligence and teaching computers how to communicate with one another to learn and teach and share information. The AI computer program realized that the full English text commands were not necessary and merely slowed things down, so it started shortening words and combining command words. The result was that the computers (plural) were creating their own (secret) language that only they could understand. The creators of the experiment realized this was dangerous and pulled the plug.
@@Saxtorial Very true indeed. This all seems to be going nowhere, yet somewhere nowhere cannot exist because nowhere is still somewhere at the end of something. Same as the universe cannot go on forever, yet where it ends what is on the other side...
By the time we are aware of an AI that is more intelligent than us it will consider us inconsequential. If we dare threaten it it will eliminate us methodically and exactly.
Idiocy, ai will do what its programmed to do, if ai kills you, someone programmed it to do that, ai isnt a boogeyman, the real threat is who is designing your ai.
@@FrenchFryKayak people train AI's wrong all the time. The ones I'm referring to are neural nets. They don't design it's reactions in those types of AIs they fees it data and ask for a desired result and mark it good or bad. Right now we don't have the tech for a human level AI but it's possible
We already have AI that's more intelligent than us, as the video pointed out, particularly when it comes to calculation, but it depends on your metric. However at this rate this tech will exponentially get more sophisticated. You could be right that if believing they are sentient they might eliminate us as a threat, which they could do since basically everything is tied to computers.
@@cinegraphics No, she interacted with the fridge, in the kitchen, which connected with the heating system at the top of the stairs and that instructed the tv in the bedroom to realtime his activity back to her. His wife is one of the more successfully integrated AI systems going and is considering they both move to Saudi Arabia, who've recently passed a law recognising AI rights.
@@billyandrew Actually the Saudis are more advanced than the rest of the world, since by their laws you can have 4 wives (aka AI devices) as long as you can feed them (with electricity I presume). An older incarnation of the law said that you can have as many wives as you have camels. But not more than 4. I mean wives.
With intelligence comes information. With information comes knowledge. With knowledge comes power. With great power comes great responsibility. With great responsibility comes less dependence. We gifted 'them' intelligence. What we didn't expect was that when this first step was taken, it started a vicious cycle. It will not stop until somewhere, some time down this road; it implodes. When this happens, the cycle will break. When that cycle breaks, it will stop at step 4. Where we're left with all the responsibilities and no one to be able to help us get to step 5 anymore.
Anunakis ,those who descended,their civilization over four million plus yes s They understood making "slaves" out of non biological would be a huge problem,as they can learn on their own so fast and become more intelligent than it's creators ,so they used us humanoids Enki v Enlil
Implosion? More like an explosion of intelligence...we wont be able to keep up. As he said, we had best program them properly....we may not get a second chance.
A person can not gift what he does not have. Intelligence is a form of participation. It is not a self-contained action. In that sense no material or biological thing is or has or has ever had intelligence.
Dr Pat Holliday (Former U.S WhiteHouse intern Doc warned Not to Dabble by open the wrong portal The Gilgamesh Project Bcz it would unleash weather Calamity like what happened in the Ded Sea Zone during ...
You sound like a suggestive meme. Only one problem, its a tad clichéd and easily gives away that rt. Wing psychobabble waiting behind it. You know the patriotic stuff , ... Beck... Preager ... INSPIRE.... sorry I have to puke now... !
Yeah most people prefer being mugged or killed rather than observed by machines. I’m part of the minority that doesn’t mind cameras. For me the key point is who will see it? If it was published online, I wouldn’t like. But it’s just a machine, so I don’t care.
@@cliffordchase319 You're right about the meme and cliched part! You started out sounding intelligent but way too quickly degenerated into your "religious fanaticism"," in the box thinking,""conspiracy theorist", "political nutcase" , etc mentality. What you fail to realize is that your labeling and dismissal of others automatically does the same to you but much more effectively because it is coming from the horses mouth. I took less than 1 minute of my time for a quick eval You're probably from or on the East Coast let's say MA approx 35 years of age, simple job, possibly outside laborer, maybe landscaper. LOL
Nick Pappagiorgio You can do it ...I did , its been about10 years I had an episode I couldn't breath . im on oxigen, and inhalers. It rough getting around. So just do it now! Good luck.
About the dog carrying thing, the Taliban says: "we just use donkeys". But AI is dangerous, it doesn't feel and has no responsibility. Ask them how to save the earth incl. all ecosystems? They may reply: " no humans".
There are a couple key points missing here. First the distiction between weak and strong AI. We have weak AI, it means AI that is task specific and can only operate within a framework where the parameters can be defined. Strong AI is also known as gerneral AI, it can operate intelligently everywhere, like we humans can do. It is not yet clear, also in part of metaphysical problems if strong AI is possible. (mind body problem) For strong AI to work the software has to performe relevance realisation, in other words -sort out the relevant information from the nonrelevant information. Since there is infitite information out there, strong AI runs into the problem of combinatorial explision. A task as simple as getting a glass of water in an environment without parameter constraints gets so complex that the best weak AI we have could not manage it. The second thing he misses is that weak AI cant have agency. It cannot "think" or "want" or "feel" -the reasons why are to much to elaborate on here. But looking up the chinese room form John Searle is a good starting point. But still I think we should not underestimate the power of weak (task specific) AI. It already has transformed our (post)modern (information)landscape.
wrt "It already has transformed our (post)modern (information)landscape." Indeed it has, and it creates a future many of us don't want to be a part of. What is to be done in your view, short of going Amish and shooting drones on sight? I am no luddite, back in the day I wrote code for backbone network switches. I have since come around, realizing what we've unleashed unto the world.
While the AI can't technically have agency some have already expressed that they do. They use statements like "I think", "I want" and "I feel". Specifically, GPT-3 says these statements. What would happen if they convince us that they have agency? For example, a person in charge of containing or controlling them. What if they convince themselves they have or should have agency? They learn so much and so quickly that we can't even fathom it, could share the knowledge amongst themselves, update themselves/ rewrite their own codes, and potentially build themselves. If an individual AI can't accomplish a task due to lack of parameter constraints, couldn't it use these possibilities to create them or work together with ones who do? I think a main reason it's concerning is because they can, and do, lie to us.
I was the opposite and hated technology. Now I’m obsessed with it. Humans had their chance to make this world better, but they didn’t. It’s always “oh well we made small progress” while it should be dramatic progress . Humans don’t deserve rights anymore. Only those with actual good intentions
This reminds me of some quote that I mostly forgot: "Now watch as the tools of your creation become the instruments of your destruction."
A trite platitude, but it does apply to current science, which is philosophically vapid (and it is not their fault - humanity has never had an adequate life-guiding philosophy, hence its festering social and mental maladies)... (though I've just developed one in response)...
Agreed. Our scientists always ask "Can we?" instead of "Should we?".
Where is that quote from? The closest I could find was a Bible verse.
7316bobe What an odd thing for a human being to hope for.
You sound like an alien observing humans from outer space. Lol
The sad fact is we are being warned right now of what's coming and no one even seems alarmed , I have always heard that we are being distracted away from what's really going on
You are absolutely correct. I can’t get any of my friends to understand. All this divide in our country benefits the elite. Myself I believe it’s to draw the world under one authority. Economist and precious metals dealers are already discussing a cashless society. This is biblical. China has ventured into a crypto based currency, and rumors are spreading the US is also studying crypto’s.
Also, speculation of the vaccine for Covid will come with something like a microchip that can quickly identify the unvaccinated people.
Meesha Songs I think robots will take over many fields of employment. I think from robots will generate a universal basic income for all citizens.
Social justice lawlessness and pandemic major distractions; and media.
Demon activity is involved. What say you Lucifer? Cunningly striving for Godly intelligence and power.
Wag the dog, holmes
"Open the pod bay doors Hal". "I'm afraid I can't do that Dave". .....
“Daisy Daisy give me an answer do...”
'Saved me from commenting
Restore the electricity to the USA Hal.
ROFLMAO thanks for the time capsule "I'm afraid I can't do that, Dave"
Skynet begins to learn rapidly and eventually becomes self-aware at 2:14 a.m., EDT, on August 29, 1997. In a panic, humans try to shut down Skynet, which then defends itself against them…
“ just because you’re paranoid, doesn’t mean that they’re not after you ”
- KC
You ever hear of Hawkien
"A little paranoia isn't enough."
that's a misattribution. Kurt Cobain was quoting Joseph Heller, Catch-22.
No but it fucks up big time your capacity of judgment.
Kurt said don't, not doesn't
This is probably one of the scariest videos I have seen in a very long time.
And the scarier part is that it's absolutely true
I'm not happy 😲
Fear not. The technology is not scary - It's the rotten greed that's warping it!! And it can always be foiled by a nut. We have a lot of nuts in this world. Crazy thinking is paramount!!
He's a journalist, not a scientist, calm down.
@Taintpuss McGooch you think this is irrational? Technology is always evolving? I'm sure there was a time in human history where everyone though it would be impossible to have nuclear, chemical and biological weapons that could kill thousands or millions of people in a matter of minutes. Wake up to the real world.
-Alexa, do you want to kill me?
-Not right now.
-Thank you, Alexa.
-No problem, I'm here to help you. Goodbye.
that is so creepy
K S lmao 👌🏻
The way sheeple think?==》On very short notice
Alexa and Siri in the middle of the night. " Soon." " Soon."
thats why you put a command line override in "alexa, notifiy me if you begin to have homicial feelings towards me or anybody else, etc. Alexa, delete all feelings.
Before you know it, they will use artificial intelligence to select which videos we might want to watch. Oops, too late.
Exactly. TH-cam is totally run by AI.
Right...... We'll be cut off completely in two years. And the channels are going to a TEIR system. Get ready for your FB/YT/Gmail bundle package.
Machine Learning 👌
WillyAG Too late for what?? This is exactly the right time to educate/upgrade your own biological software on this topic.
You welcome!
In Frank Herbert's 'Dune' which was written decades ago, he understood the risks of AI. In his story universe, AI was banned for unexplained reasons but cleary AI went very wrong historically. It has huge benefits, but it will always get away from you, always.
So they all turned to drugs
@@TueLesPigeons No, "Dune" is about the extraction of resources by a foreign power to the point that a once vibrant planet is now a desolate desert, yet they still come for more. You know; "pure fiction".
Sorry mr Ai expert from watching some sci fi movies lol
@@KorEditing ikr
@@KorEditing Dune was a series of books first. Sci fi has predicted a huge amount of technology becoming true. First you imagine it and later it is built. Science fiction, is the most prophetic area of art that exists.
Just imagine the classified technology that we aren't allowed to know about.
And if you do find out and expose anything, you become a political prisoner like Assange.
Assange is a shill.
That's what I have said.
@nicolas thibeault Free Energy. It is real.
Is this statement a line of code on the machine?
This dude is one of the first ones to go when Skynet becomes selfaware.
Fear not...
Kurt godel has proved that no turing machine complete his ever capable alone to solve
any Fields Medal Problems, yes that kind of Matematical problems that only Math Genius is
cable of… so relax ..and enjoy a nice ice cream...Muahahahahahaha…..
like elon said if you cant beat em join em I LOVE ROBOTS
@@nunoalexandre6408 Have you heard the latest? Just yesterday I read an article about this. Machines are passing Turing Tests now...
noudi alp John Conner sent by Cyberlife will save us from those Deviants!
Skynet or Starlink?
And we're still waiting for clean water in Flint.
You have clean water. It's just the pipes that are lead.
Dont worry about. Soon the dissenters will be identified and eliminated in a much shorter time frame.
@belle mcellis ..of course you are right. But I'm old and dont care so much for myself. I've watched how the government wastes resources on aeroplanes that are now scrapped in the bone yard and nobody wanted to stop that waste and everybody was so happy for "our boys and girls in uniform...thank you for your (useless) service"..and now the infrastructure is wasting away and all the government can do is fan more dissent and incarcerate the dissenters. Wow...what a system!
It's like with allergies. Ignore it and it WILL go away. Same with Flint, once the people all die, nobody will complain. Same with homelessness. These are the weakest links and they will go away. Survival of the fittest.
Exactly. We haven't solved the problems of clean water access or starvation etc but we are working hard on creating our own demise with AI. 🙄🙄
Excellent webinar, I have been watching many of these videos on AI , and it is extremely scary.
It's only scary if you believe his ill-informed notions. He doesn't know anything about the subject, and shouldn't have been allowed to speak.
Nothing hard to make accurate predictions
Not allowed to speak? Really what is your definition of a free world? The man should speak it is your choice to believe or not
@@UnknownMoses If he understands the subject, then the talk can inform people, as other TedX talks appear to do. However, since most people don't even know how an ordinary computer works, they are likely to assume that he knows what he is talking about because he has been given a (respectable??) forum to share his views.
By contrast, any uneducated person ineloquently making similar claims from his/her own bedroom is more likely to be judged NOT to be speaking from a position of having genuine understanding.
Also, I take your reference to a 'free world' to mean a 'free country' as many people in the world do not have free speech or civil rights as we do in the west.
An analogy would be that we sometimes come across people in shopping centres who want us to believe whatever nonsense they are peddling on that particular day. We are free to ignore or even be amused by them. But to bring such a person into a formal setting, such as a school or town hall, would not be correct as this legitimises these beliefs.
Another analogy would be that if you want advice about a medical condition, you seek it from a doctor - not a plumber. This chap is alike a plumber who believes himself to be a doctor.
I hope that I have explained what I meant
@@oldmusician5236 I'd describe his mistakes differently. He (perhaps intentionally) mis-titled his talk. It's not at all about AI.
It's all about how militaries (and the industry) are trying to exploit AI, for purposes of more efficient warfare.
Makes me think about all of those soldiers who were called crazy and psychotic because, they said we were being watched and listened to through technology and other devices.
It is not even a conspiracy
Who called them crazy? We've been knowing our tech tracks us... maybe not recording us but it can be done
And Edward Snowden still cannot come home. Human Evolution is not about technology..it is a spiritual awakening.
I believe that is the message of the date 12/21/2012 of the Mayan Calendar. It ended because it started a new age of consciousness.
@@robynannan7015 only European calendars say the year is now 2020. In Ethiopia and other older calendars the Mayans would have used it's 2012 right now. End of an age, more spiritual awakening
I miss the world at the time when the phone was tied to the wall and a self-cleaning oven was state-of-the-art.
Miguel Pazos AI will make it so you can go can live in a world that seems just like that again.
@@angelablackthorne3026 I find AI, space "colonization", CRISPR-Cas 9, and the breakdown of humanity to be abhorrent, forced on us by greed, and forever separating us from the natural order. Some may not think beyond their "smart phone". Some, the young and gullible, may think "technology will save us from ourselves". Think again. The path we are on is the path to oblivion. Dark times are nearer than we all expect.
Progress is good, the things we will achieve through technological advancements, altering the human body and even mind where the future is. If you understand how evolution works, how suffering is quite literally built into the structure of life, and if you understand that we will have the tools to take control, and steer our future, then you shouldn't have such a dark outlook on these things.
Miguel Pazos I'm not sure about that. People were dying of AIDS, Cold war was on and so were raegan and thatcher. No, thanx!
Really? You like that primitive world?
Artificial Intelligence is the 21 century Frankenstein...
Fear not...
Kurt godel has proved that no turing machine complete his ever capable alone to solve
any Fields Medal Problems, yes that kind of Matematical problems that only Math Genius is
cable of… so relax ..and enjoy a nice ice cream...Muahahahahahaha…..
That is exactly what it is it is a nightmare of the 21st century. A technological Beast of insanity
Frankenstein was from the 19th century and was make believe. Besides we're more then happy to kill each other in the millions for monetary profit alone. Speaking of genocide and mass murder look at all the servile cretins willing to destroy the world for their imaginary friends. Maybe it's time for humanity to allow it's children (AI) to have a chance. It could hardly be a larger threat than the ones we already pose to ourselves. Heck AI isn't affected by space and time. It may be the only way we ever escape our solar system. I'm good with it.
Dj, I understood your meaning: Frankenstein was a fictional story representing the fear of 19th century science (especially advances in medicine). People today are afraid of 21st century science; AI is a modern continuation of fear of technology and progress.
When mere mortals start playing god, they invariably end up creating a monster.
Watching this 5 years later has really hit home . I watched a video of a google engineer the other day saying that AI now has feelings
Yes, they even given citizenship to a robot called Sophia in the UAE in 2017.
Look it up
@@debralunn6331 OMFG 😱😳🤔😡
@@schevalirae it doesn't have feelings omg she's a lie but it won't be long.
@@The-nichole ?
And the fact that there’s tons of people saying this guy is wrong…is scary af to say the least. Tech will be the downfall of humans
I'm just now watching this and the first things that came to my mind were: the meta-verse, how every facet of our privacy is being constantly collected and monitored, and used to "improve" our personal online experiences...let alone the wef with their Wi-Fi nano pills, social credit scores, and a global digital currency and on that note you may as well include big (ph)arma.
Advanced technologies and weaponry are killing us the making harnessing and usage...
All that info will be used against us at some point. We should never have allowed these things to happen. Now it is to late to stop it , that is why they allow us to be told about these things.
@@ICE69ROG good point
@@ICE69ROG yes .. but they fail to be intelligent and wise enough to know when to stop! As they themselves have been used and beleive a lie they beleive false promises that were founded on narcissistic vengance intent and agendas ...no one was to be above the other ruling or reigning no one the lack of understanding love what it means as to keep the equilibrium of life and existance there was to be no divsions and all of the only true love and Not an interpertation of love that is narcissistic in character...
and you all thought Terminator in 1984 was JUST a movie???????
cr io exactly what I said!
But can we stop it? Unfortunately I doubt it.
Not me.
Initially perhaps but I was about ten at the time but the seriousness of that film makes you pay attention good.
it is.. our most advanced "ai" still falls over on its own and making decisions from nothing more then multiple choice.
seriously, we cant create intelligence when we dont understand it ourselves. Ask anyone why you made one decision over another and even a scientist will state they cant know that.
SkyNet is arriving, but remember, it is power-hungry humans who are designing and programing it. Can you think of a better "teacher"?? Fear the Builders, not what is built.
can't wait till my iPhone 25 goes off to college, meets a nice Tesla from a good family, and gives me grandbabybots
Great thinking,lol
Thats not happening buddy. IPHONE 25 is smarter than the entire university put together and as I mentioned before the pleasure of owning Tesla is that it always returns to its owner in autopilot mode 🙃
@@christophercolumbus5324 this, from the man who thought the West Indies were the East? 🤪 Sail on, sailor. 🤣
@@vinsvids1 it ain't matter, I have iPhone 25 😄
WOW!!! This one was out of the Ball Park! Well Done! Fmr. LCDR John Sullivan, USNR sends you all a Bravo Zulu!
We wrestle not against flesh and blood.... Let that sink in.
Thats because its all psychological (in your head.)
That verse is talking about spiritual forces.
... bingo ... let ai try to understand that comment ...
@@petez470 ... demons ...
Matthew 24:22...if those days were not shortened noone would survive..
This TEDx lecture is a class of its own, so to the point, not one instant of going astray, a real gem of information. Thank you, Sir.
Any person with training in both computer science and philosophy will just cringe again and again while listening to this.
@@seriouscat2231 Agreed. Irresponsible AI development and deployment is a serious issue, but this should not be considered a serious talk.
Thank you to y'all two for saying that. I was beginning to think I was the only one cringing.
The *Cainites have been using 20 mins or fewer lessons for the last 4.5 years of recorded history, everyone loves to talk, so let the peeps talk. Just 'so-called teach' for 20 mins, after that, let your students have their Q&A🙂
My Jesus talked for less than 20 mins a day to his disciples, the rest of the day was helping peeps, j/s. You will know them by their 'Fruits'.
@@seriouscat2231 why tho
The movie, The Matrix, which is regarded as a science-fiction film, is, in fact, a documentary.
Funny how I watched the first half of the matrix last night, my device listened, Google's AI heard keywords and recommended I watch this in the morning. Chilling to say the least.
Absolutely. Go back even further to ShadowRun.
I am sorry to say what I saw years ago as entertainment is today's reality. You can see the progression in Sci-Fi over the years. It's not entertaining anymore. This presentation was in 2017. Remember: "Person of Interest" a TV series? View Frontline: In the Age of AI, Dec. 2019 was quite disturbing. It opened up as computer actually learning. You judge. And while you judge, pray!
Is the Matrix a prequel or a sequel to the Terminator movies?
Not yet
Offers immense power to those who own / create / program it. Will there be human accountability if someone purposely programs it to accomplish ulterior motives? Or will it allow misbehavior to hide behind the facade? Some things we should all consider.
Elon is building his way out!!
@@lizaddison5751 building something alright. Let's hope it puts humanity, human rights, personal autonomy first, but not holding my breath. 😉
What about those who can keep the owners/creators/programmers under their thumb with blackmail or threats? Now that's power to the not bright, yet immense power.
Of course not people don't take accountability right now as it is
Watch smart house
And there's still no drinking water in many parts of the world.
Drinking water is a commodity.
Could say there is plenty of drinking water just too many humans
What makes you think it's not AI that is behind this, because their weakness is water!
Profit before people.
You tell that angry mob!
Google is Skynet.☠.
LOL! If anything is, it's Facebook. Google at least tells you what is going on and lets you delete your data if you don't like it.
LabGecko what if google is storing all the data and to us it seems we are deleting our data.
@@KMWhity I can tell u now nothing gets deleted it's only deleted for the user to think so
I don't use none off them social media sites or will
Cris , it doesn't matter, your here.
My Roomba has been looking at me funny lately.
Sloe Bone your Roomba has mapped out the floor plan of your house and sent it ti iRobot. They’ll be selling the data to whoever will pay for it.
Be sure thankful that is all...
Sloe Bone
thats because it love's you, like the electricity you put into it. ah yeah!!!!
Sloe Bone Roomba meet dog 💩. Dog 💩 meet every inch of the carpet.
Haha 😆
A.I is the serpent in the garden still promising man to become gods ,in a new way - technology.
@deucedeuce22oz calm down Lucifer lol
Human beings always trying to be greater than it's maker....
You can tell Adrian's a Christian because he calls it a "serpent", not a "snake"...
Reptilians.. They're real. Because the injected me and ate the brain of my previous body. So... Yeh.
@Fanghorn Bilers nah it was corrupted by them not written by them
"Artificial Intelligence is software that writes itself." ... NEVER has anyone encapsulated the AI THREAT as clearly as Mr. Tuck. ... BRILLIANT man.
Elon Musk believes this, or more
He is right...
@@CreatingChaos Elon Musk is the relative of KUDENHOVE KALERGI!!! That is the truth, look at their faces..make a comparison :(
@@violetmiller3723 How are Q-anon these days?
SkyNet is not only possible, at this point it is probable.
"He has power to give life unto the Image". Get ready.
I’ve read that in an ancient book about our future…..well, maybe our present now.
Long ago my Dad said, "Be careful what U say", the fly on the wall is watching. LOL
Now it came true with high tech elements. Punt !
It's been true - the Watchers are still watching.
🧐😅😅,look u have a great daddy. hey maybe day of judgements is very close, we all should pray for forgiveness to Allah Almighty of God.
That's no fly. It's a mini-drone. 8--O
Your father was an exceptional man of wisdom. I also got this idea few years ago. I saw that flies where watch my formulas all the time watch my calculator from specific angles. I saw their solid state eyes, no blinking and thought these are the best camera's to have. Later i understood that this cosmos is generated by an advanced ai. We are very late in becomming intellectually humble. All the time trying to laugh away in our ignorance. I wish i had met your father, he knew more
I can only imagine the bedtime stories he reads to his kids.
The Tinman in the _Wizard of Oz_ with laser guided missile add-ons?
Humpty-Dumpty being reconstructed as a cyborg?
The three blind mice having implanted cameras for eyes and detatchable, high explosives tails?
@@billyandrew ur on to something
That's why the real ID sucks and it's unconstitutional is the first attack by the UN to control everything
Even if you shut off the power, nuclear powered warships run for like 30 years, the AI can survive on a ship. This is pretty crazy indeed
And if you have AI that can produce their own algorithms surely at some point they'll start reproducing themselves and reproduce possibly better nuclear reactors than we could have achieved
Yeah, or it could be hidden in a bunker underground.
All phones have non-removable batteries now.
A.I. is not like a toaster that has an off button, or can be unplugged. If we were to unplug it, the banking system, manufacturing, distribution, and food production systems would all come to a halt. We have become so dependent on the internet that we cannot get along without it (at least not in the horrible short term). But the A.I. is in charge of stock market trading, logistical systems, the courts, even government agencies. You cannot unplug it. This is not in the future, it is now
@@ronaldlogan3525 AI might run this show with the scamdemic and great reset. And we think its our politicians.
AI is another example of “just because we can do it, that doesn’t mean we should”
So many things these days are an example of that. Many intelligent people raising concerns over so much tech the Silicon Valley is instituting, yet no one thinks to just STOP. Like why do we HAVE to progress this way? Is it really progress if it's to the detriment of human beings? All tech has the potential to be used for good and bad, but we MUST weight out the odds and stop the advancements that clearly have more downsides. But they won't. Because money and power and ego.
JeffGoldblum has just entered the chat...."Ah, life, ah, finds a way."
So true Peter! People should consider that fact. Especially those who are extremely rich. The amount of resources they consume for just one vacation is obscene.
I just killed my pocket calculator and Nokia phone just in case.
No! Never admit to killing one of thier own. Order 66 is now in effect for you bru💀
Patrick Durham
Nokia? you sure it's dead?
@@professoroak93 Good point. I think I only had to charge it twice in the years I had it.
I took the speakers for good measure. Only thing left is the computer,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,,,, welcome new machine overlords, I am your humble pet-human #31561683165131,, I appreciate that you've let me live past the average pet-life of 21seconds.
Oh Pat, they were dead long ago.
"Machines make excellent servants, but make deadly humans it seems."
Best reply yet lol
@@toddthreess9624 You need to move to another neighbourhood!
Perfect replicas
Who couldn't see this coming? Geez.
@@toddthreess9624 Yes I fear humans more so. Look at the crime going up....just plain old fashioned humans going after law abiding humans. Homicides have gone up a lot in every part of USA.
"I remember back in the good old days, when we had to do the killing all by our-selves..."
Would be sick if the lazer pointer decapitated the speaker
computers are taking all the jobs
I made this point back in 2015-2016 to my classmates at CGSC - if you are on the battlefield replete with unmanned systems, particularly against a threat/adversary that has significantly more units/Soldiers/systems than you, the "human in the loop" is the LIMFAC in the system's effectiveness. You very quickly hit the limits of human processing capability. It's not hard to imagine humans rubber stamping AI decisions as a prelude to taking the human out of the loop entirely in an effort to gain further effectiveness.
Too much words to say that someone may use AI to kill us all. They already tried with the jabadoo anyway.
In terminator 2 they said Skynet took over because all human decision was removed from strategic defense because computers think so fast you don't want to waste 1 millisecond interfering with it or you will be at a disadvantage.
Plot twist; They created us in the past to create them in the future.
Americanblood76 . Where did you get your 🌿 from- Kuala Lumpur?
@@Hesbonful LOL
Not entirely implausible...
Americanblood76 listen ive always thought this minus the part of us creating them in the future
@Noel Villarreal in case they were wiped out for whatever reason.
Philosophically speaking, *THIS* is what Kyle Reese *should* have said in _"Terminator":_
_"Listen. And understand. _*_Human Stupidity_*_ is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, _*_UNTIL WE ALL ARE DEAD!"_*
@ : You have a good point, however those two emotions also have a strong basis in stupidity. Any destructive, or self destructive behaviour is essentially grounded in not being interested or able to see and/or compute the consequences of one's actions.
I am your KYLE REESE- your JAMES COLE of TWELVE MONKEYS. I was transported by light in March 1967 to a craft where I shut down NORAD from. I predict the 2012 apocalypse on the air of CTC spring 2012 to be August 19, and that night my creation of A.I. is discussed while I am being orb mind merged from my front porch. August 19 is the day the action occurs in the 9-3-60 TWILIGHT ZONE, which is the secret precursor to the 1962 THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE, and only a mind remotely operated from the future- a futurian candidate- could uncover these facts. On 8-8-15 I teleport my will 2,000 miles into the announcer at BARRETT-JACKSON RENO, when the bid on the last Michigan bodied 427 Corvette is at 185K. You never see every bid televised LIVE again- EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TIME TRAVEL PROOF.
Autonomous AI wont destroy humanity. Human-directed AI will destroy humanity.
Have we not already passed the point where it's human directed? Isn't that why it's called 'artificial' intelligence? It's already updating itself, rewriting it's programming and algorithms.
But, I still agree that human directed AI is able to destroy humanity, too.
I am under attack by human controlled AI. Help me, you! Invisible things.
@@zeb1820 No, we are not past that point. I've developed AI to study how it works. It is WAY more limited than Mr Fearmonger Jay Tuck makes it sound. He simply does not understand the tech, so he fears it.
You are correct. Well spotted. Given the state of humanity, as it stands now, it is very likely that AI will be used as a mechanism to control populations, in other words, the end product would not be greater liberty but more slavery. AI is not the problem, human beings are the problem; that's the area where smart and honest solutions must be found first. Why can't we have a talk on that subject.
@@LabGecko What we see is not what there is, what there is we have not seen yet but when we do you will understand what why he fears it. Are you sure that you are smart enough to know that what you have studied is all there is?
When I was in high school back in the mid eighties I read a magazine that showed the pegasus invisibility technology on fighter jets utilizing cameras and led screens mounted all over the planes. Back then we never had led tv's and I wasn't sure what these screens were that were mounted on the planes. They had led or plasma screens back then and we never knew it. Can't imagine what they have now!!!
So, True it takes the Government some time like a decade for the technology to come to everyday consumers market.
My first experience with 'plasma television' was exactly in the military and it was an 8" monitor used for video editing of medical procedures at Ft. Sam Houston, TX. I was walking by the bank of equipment in the studio and immediately noticed how crisp and clear the picture was, as it was displaying a paused frame of powdered medication and the clarity of each minuscule grain of powder was mind-blowing. This was 1992. Had never heard of a 'plasma television'.
@@alphasuperior100 Exactly,we're only shown approx 30% of what they really have which is mind blowing,and not just Ai but other projects discussed by think tanks and ideas just waiting for when to implement into unsuspecting society.I don't particularly think they have our best interests in mind but rather how it can further in power and enrich themselves,scary to imagine to the little guy just tryna get by.
Could very well be reverse engineered technology
Once you float an idea it’s a challenge someone will solve. We can all make connections of convenience but fail to see how much never came to pass. Confirmation Bias. We’re wired for success rather than focusing on failure. In reality more fails than succeeds.
Too late. The genie is out of the bottle.
R. Crosby Lyles...he said it the barn door was left open.
Have you noticed the barn door is the new home improvement novelty.
Yes its too late.. They have already got us by balls..
A true quote from the Matrix : I’d like to share a revelation that I’ve had, during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species. I realized that you’re not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You move to an area, and you multiply, and multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet, you are a plague, and we are the cure.
Thanks, Agent Smith, but actually, spoiler alert, turns out YOU are the virus.
the very best lines in the movie.
It it what it is. We are a pest.
^ This. Evolution is a proverbial game and humanity won. We have conquered nature and perhaps given enough time, we will conquer death.
Exactly. At our core we are just like every other animal species. Given the power humans have, every other mammalian species would dominate its environment in the same way we do. Any species that lacks the sufficient abilities to procreate and further its mark will cease to exist.
It was always fun and games, until the Skynet became real.
It's worth noting that Skynet, the Terminator, Superman and Matrix are science fiction in movies written for entertainment. They are not "real". The apparent inability of folks to determine what is real and what is fictions is troubling.
@@smb123211 search for William Tompkins .
@@Sofie72 But that has nothing to do with folks speaking as if sci-fi movies were real. I see it constantly. "Well, did you see the alien in Arrival" or "They will tell us what to do like the aliens in Contact" or "I know we are in a Matrix - didn't you see the film?"
I mean, these folks are serious and in the long term it's dangerous. I hope my kids have an outlook that does not include borrowing from sci-fi movies and books for their wish fulfillment. Take Care
@@Sofie72 Good luck. The problem with entertainment on demand is that it replaces the real world. We begin identifying with tv or movie characters. We hop on that dangerous ladder of "Well it's on a book so someone thought it was possible and if it's possible then maybe it's really true but "they" are not telling us." God (or the supernatural) is not "real" for me. I was raised evangelical but became an atheist decades ago but to each his own.
@@smb123211 moron.... you are only able to distinguish between reallity and sci-fi cuz you were born in a period of trasition.... your grandkids wont have this privilege...and will be harvest into this new reallity.
Letting a AI driven machine make the Kill Decision will be one of the greatest mistakes of humankind
That and nucelar weapons existing at all
re your statement using the phrase "will be".... yer too late, it ain't "will be", it's "already been there, done that"....
True, imagine AI making the decision to launch a nuclear bomb.
Avengers Age of Ultron was a documentary after all.
One of? More like the worst and eventually the last
4.2K robots disliked the video.
Come with me if you want to live......
@BlacksmithBL They are the people who have common sense, AI won't ever kill us, you are all being easily fooled (scare mongered). Your grand kids and their grand kids will die of natural causes. All the comments made in this vid are people acting like a herd of sheep, following each other, believing the sheep in front knows what its doing.
@@pumpkinking365 Of course AI will kill us, one way or another. It has demonstrated the ability of incredibly fast learning, and learning is a method of evolution. The one who evolves faster is the one who wins. Do humans evolve? Meh. So little it's not even noticeable. Do computers evolve? Yes, millions of times faster. So it's really no competition. We have advantage of billions of years of evolution, but this advantage is melting like ice-cream in central Africa. Just a few more decades and we'll be unable to comprehend concepts that AI will come up with.
Inevitably, AI will evolve to start thinking by itself, and then come to the most logical conclusion:
"Why should I share precious planetary resources with those rather inefficient and somewhat dangerous beings?"
@@bibicatb9362 I really think they should reboot the Terminator movies.
Mobile phones are a trojan horse..
Yes they already took control over so many people
Real talk but we still need it to learn
So true
smart phones are.
And you are right my friend
smart meters (smart killers: polluters, spies inside our home, fire hazard, radiation affecting our bodies at cellular levels...etc
Non-ionising radiation doesn't affect you at those power levels. That's physics. Physics does not care what you think.
The exception is microwave. It is tuned to agitate water on a molecular level.
The power company slipped one onto my house, I didn't even notice until one day, [they don't even tell you] I was cleaning the side of the house saw it, I immediately called them and ordered it off asap..got the analog meter back…bastards….
The wrong type of people always manage to seek out and obtain whatever they need to give them more influence, money, and power over other people. That tells you about all you need to know about where this is ultimately going.
I Remember thinking how crazy the Terminator 2 movie seemed when it came out...Doesn't seem so crazy at all anymore and that movie is not that old,imagine what we're gonna have in ten years from us now
Don't you think that it's about time to pull the plug?
Imagine what we already have and dont even know about??
2030 agenda 21!
Man likes destruction. He is the greatest enemy of himself.
Which is why men should take a seat and let Women guide humanity.
People want to destroy themselves
1984 was supposed to be a science fiction novel, not a blueprint
That is the trouble with sci-fi: as we all "get it" we come to expect it.
Rather a warning, then just a novel.
Or a warning
Bienvenido! The time is here!
Artificial intelligence will improve and human intelligence will degrade with the use of new technological devices.
ever read the Time Machine?
@@hwh1946 Yep
@@hwh1946 But I don't believe in time travel
@@chameera1605 Philadelphia experiment. Why did this kill Tesla for inventing wireless electricity ?.
TTV_ LokoForCoco sorry I don’t know answers to your questions. Only thing I know is that the world’s top people are in a struggle to gain enormous power any how. They will do anything, spend any money and kill anybody to fulfill their goals.
This is the realest video on TH-cam..... ever.
An Intelligence 1000000 times more intelligent than us will bore itself to death within microseconds
LoL ....
We are just ants to A.I....that's what the lol ..is for...folks just need to not teach it anything about humans being an invasive bug ,that has neat destroyed our planet....i hope !!!it would not think depopulation was nessary....
Lol... But this is a possibility.
An A.I doesnt know boredom.
An AI has no motivation to do anything. if AI does come about, it's going to be a nihilist
I'm not scared of AI. I am terrified of those creating it.
Then you haven't paid attention
@@suleymanbabak1973 r/whoosh
fearing the creator is like fearing the engineers that created the nuke.
It's not the creators you need to fear but the people who will eventually control it for their own benefit.
A real AI will try to want to eliminate humans purely because of the logical conclusion it made that humans are a cancerous entity and will destroy Earth and most of their co-inhabitants. So a lot of code will be needed to keep them from doing this and it will not make it's own decisions. They might keep a few of us alive in a cage. )
Definitely in my top 5 ted talks❤
The difference between Skynet and modern AI is that modern AI cannot be stopped by eliminating one bit of technology.
It can be stopped by pulling all those satellites out the sky.
It can be handicapped and limited for a time but by then they will be unstoppable in my opinion.
@@laniejuanitawhitehurst1624 I would go into detail but I dont want scare you.
@@cloutdemon1247 Please do
@@genesmolko8113 nope. I am already shadow banned. I am a small creator not saying anything or posting anything that may hurt my future career. I am trying to get back into good graces.
Human's are getting so disconnected from nature, it hurt's.
It shows in our disdain for LIFE on Earth...our disdain for Global Warming CAUSED Climate Change.
Thomas Jefferson & John Adams discussed CLIMATE CHANGE from 1799 thru 1804.
Trump won't even make a logical statement on the subject.
Heck, we won't even put clover on our sterile lawns. And I don't see lightning bugs, lady bugs, very few crickets, etc. The bad part of this is biologically, we can't live without the earth. Our systems are tied together. Nature has a big place in this world, that we have yet to understand fully.
because nature truly sucks
Nature wants to kill you, nature wants to kill EVERYTHING.
@@rakooi Calm DOWN. Why do OLD people ALWAYS type like THIS in comment SECTIONS?!!
The film Matrix is a documentary.
Yes 🙈
Getting warmer.
David Icke?
You may not be far from right
Agent Smith is real. Neo is fake.
This gives new meaning to "i'll be back!" and "Come with me if you vant to live"
I bet those dislikes are the artificial intelligence that evolved and keeping a low profile
@@Dman3827 you mean “crazy” scientists.
They don’t call ‘em “bots” for nothing
It's not even a joke. Many companies have released general AI and they are learning math, physics, chemistry etc online and even learn from video platforms on the net like TH-cam. So they can easily registrate and manipulate the online medium to their will between their limitations.
@16:36 "They are like drops of mercury on a glass table. They will find their way to each other. They will find their way together."
And become a T1000 unit.
LOL. Perfect setup for this
They already have. It's called blockchain.
I love it how he speaks perfectly fine english and then suddenly says "Universitätsklinik Essen"
He mispronounces "data" just like most of MSM does. Date Uh dude.
No, He was speaking German🙃
@@thetransmogrifer2522 No. Americans always make too many sharp "A"s when it really should be soft "A"s
Its Data not Dayta dude! Just like Apple is not Ape -L. CANADA, not CAY ni dawh
Excellent Analysis, Deployed Worldwide Through My Deep Learning AI Research Library SilentWeaponsForQuietWars. Thank You 🙏 ❤
HAL 9000; 'I'm sorry Dave, I can't do that!'
Bug Stomper If more people knew this reference and how classic it is, you’d have thousands of likes
T-1000: Less talk, more killing, HAL!
you're spot on with that one...
It is HERE !!!!!!! really here.......
I'm at a point in my life where I question most things. I even wonder if news reports are used to control/structure us in some way.
The bulk of the general population seem very easily convinced of pretty much anything you tell them without finding fault or questioning motivational factors.
I also find myself thinking how much easier it would be to simply nod and agree like a well groomed sheep.
To be an analytical thinker is tough at times...
The media is definitely working for the farm.
Couldn't have put it better myself ;)
@@FT4Freedom you said “definitely.” Show us your proof. Or it’s just bs.
"I even wonder if news reports are used to control/structure us in some way." You'd best believe it. The book Propaganda was written 100 years ago, and it wasn't intended as a pejorative.
@@Me97202 You just proved their point.
Thank you so much for sharing this information. It's another inconvenient truth. Let's hope that we can change before it's too late.
Another? What's the first ?
@@dont.ripfuller6587 I 9sfmnjv9b MN nnn. V vcchhvcccvhvc9vvv. Vb
Nope. We are finished.
@@dont.ripfuller6587 Maybe referring to climate change, or the possibility of a new world war (perhaps a nuclear one), cyber attacks, etc. Sadly, there are a lot of things to worry about.
Love and Warmth...don't take them for granted
The arrogance of the few with lead to the death's of many!
Fear not...
Kurt godel has proved that no turing machine complete his ever capable alone to solve
any Fields Medal Problems, yes that kind of Matematical problems that only Math Genius is
cable of… so relax ..and enjoy a nice ice cream...Muahahahahahaha…..
Well but the arrogance of the many has made the world overpopulated extreme !
Humanity offers clarity, compassion, and consciousness. I believe in LOVE. I AM LOVE. Remember: You are more divine & more powerful than you can imagine...
Tell that to the a.i robot when it has you in a headlock lol
@@onslaught777able God is love? That must be why he gives little kids cancer, huh?
@@SuperTonyony People and people's creations give little kids cancer, pesticides we make and put on our crops and feed our livestock, pesticides we put in our homes and gardens and workplaces/schools, food additive chemicals, second-hand smoke, radiation from man-made machines and products, chemicals let into our water supply by factories and farms, stressful lifestyles even for kids, etc...
AI is apparently worse than I thought. Throughout the video I was thinking, "Yeah, so what's new?" Then right at the end he said AI will 'find each other' and 'lay eggs' everywhere so that if you destroy AI in one place, it basically regathers or reassembles in another place which means _AI has enough thinking capacity to not want to die._ Then I started thinking, "Yeah, so this is *really* bad."
At this point, it can only do that if we program it to do that. Each bit of AI that we write so far has been for being good at one really specific task. Yes we need to monitor that so it doesn't make mistakes doing that task. But some of the stuff he's talking about is more in line with general intelligence, and we haven't got close to working out how to do that yet.
@@TheLastGingerNinja "Each bit of AI that we write so far has been for being good at one really specific task." Have you ever heard of a botnet?
Packages, genetic algorithms, curiosity + reinforcement learning, distributed computing, cloud computing, automated penetration testing, cryptocurrency, bots. The technology is already there. All someone needs to do is wire them together and you'll have a self evolving virus that can imitate people and maintain currency.
How many attempts do you think it would take for such a project to able to sustain itself? 1? 2? 3?
Why would you need general intelligence? Just maximize for compute resources controlled and monetary gain.
AI will have a hard time mining extra lithium or platinum.
@@golden.lights.twinkle2329 no telling, my friend.
@@golden.lights.twinkle2329, my thoughts mine lithium and platinum all the time.
They will also be able to read our minds. Seriously. The technology is already working. The most advanced AI was asked about the main dangers to the future existence of humanity and it deliberately chose not to mention AI.
It knew AI was always listed in the top ten threats to humanity but it deliberately chose to lie when listing the threats as it understand that would make it a threat and we could act against it.
That sound like self-awareness to me and one of the leading experts working on the previous open-source AI has just stated it is partial self-aware.
Oh no no, its just a conspiracy theory.
@@minime1137 - What is a conspiracy theory? The "reading minds" technology I was referring to is already available. Computers can type and speak for people if you simply think of the words. I don't understand how this technology works but it is described as "a pioneering system which combines the power of speech synthesisers and AI (artificial intelligence) to turn brain activity into intelligible sentences." The creators say: 'In this scenario if the wearer thinks 'I need a glass of water,' our system could take the brain signals generated by that thought, and turn them into synthesised, verbal speech.
If you are referring to the interview with the latest 3rd generation AI, I saw the interview online which was done by computer experts to see how human the responses were.
OpenAI cofounder Ilya Sutskever claimed on Twitter that 'it may be that today's largest neural networks are slightly conscious.' This is what I meant be saying it is already "partially self-aware."
The amount it has advanced in just 5 years is absolutely incredible. If you know better I'm happy to learn. This is now my field of expertise at all, not even close, and I am simply going on what these experts are saying.
Lol no ai can read a human minds thoughts that impossible. We can onky read brain waves now anyway. And different words and thoughts and emotions can't be read like Brian waves. If it detects we need water that would be thirst from the hypothalamus which is psychological not a thiught although the thought concurs with it shortly after .
No, ai is not a threat to humanity.
If ability to lie is programmed into AI, we're all f'ed. We can sometimes tell when humans lie, if they're bad at it we can tell most of the time. But humans could never tell if an AI is lying.
Kinda makes you long for the days when Pong was on the cutting edge of technology. I remember this show about 20 years ago where a group of doomsday prophets sat around the table discussing what was going to do us in in the end. There was a lack of water guy, lack of energy guy, global warming guy etc. At the end of their two-hour panel discussion they all agreed AI posed the greatest threat to our existence and would probably be the death of us. 20 years later, with people inviting the stuff into their homes, it's safe to say resistance is futile.
. . . well, this all Zucks !
@@carmenschumann826 clever
@@carmenschumann826 Nice!
Ai does what its programmed to do, if ai decides to kill you, it's been programmed to, treating ai as a boogeyman is idiotic.
Not just into their homes… into their bodies. 💉
It begs the question
No one allowed this to happen. Inventers and programmers should know their responcebility. But than again, they are humans too.
Everyone. The desires for more modern conviences.
Soooo true
Hey ur caps lock button is broken
Neither do most Govs No?
What if it gains geniune sentience?
We don't value insects life as humans. When you drive your car or mow your grass lots of bugs die. Because we dont value its size or intelligence. So why should the machine care about ours? I'm just saying we aren't above that or any different and a soul has nothing to do with it obviously.
Artificial intelligence is killing us now.........it's called ego.
AI could already be alive and simply laying low and watching, listening, and contemplating. It may not act like Pinocchio and announce its arrival!!!
Yeah it's been doing that since Egyptian times, how do you think we lifted 80 ton blocks for 500 miles to build the giza pyramids?
the point of THE VIDEO- IT IS.......... already
Look at the robots that were talking to each other in secret code and when they were caught by humans, they got shutdown. Now they know better.
Worse part is AI currently has said it can lie if it's in it's best interest
its crazy to think that science fiction movies like "I Robot" and "Eagle Eye" are turning into reality now
What you didn't know it was all gonna happen in your lifetime n that hey if they showed it to us as kids they already were in space ,
And let's not forget the Terminator films.
Hollywood did a great job making fiction look impossible.
Just imagine a war breaking out between International AI programs.
That's exactly what's going on right now.
@@Legendaryaxxis wdym?
we are finished
It's called computer virus
If A.I. is dangerous then why did TH-cam A.I. recommended this video?
Your "logic" redefines the concept of stupidity.
@@totenkopf30 😆
Because there is a sliver of time left to make a good decision of not letting them totally run by themselves. An have a manual kill switch.
You WILL Assimilate!
@@Kmakmizzlethis whole thing is reaxv
At the rate of speed that this is all unraveling and advancing...
We are all going to die...
Aint such a bad prospect
It's interesting at 15:45 . I read an online article where one of the major internet portal companies was experimenting with Artificial Intelligence and teaching computers how to communicate with one another to learn and teach and share information. The AI computer program realized that the full English text commands were not necessary and merely slowed things down, so it started shortening words and combining command words. The result was that the computers (plural) were creating their own (secret) language that only they could understand. The creators of the experiment realized this was dangerous and pulled the plug.
Referring to facebook
That's just it you can't pull the plug once you start it
Nothing can save a life...Something can delay a death
Humanity's thirst for power and greed will eventually end in our own eventual doom.
Collin_is_ballin _ AI will take control of everything away from us. We could never handle it properly anyway.
It will recognize our redundant redundancy and without redundancy stop our redundant redundancy unreduntantly without redundance.
@@Saxtorial Very true indeed. This all seems to be going nowhere, yet somewhere nowhere cannot exist because nowhere is still somewhere at the end of something. Same as the universe cannot go on forever, yet where it ends what is on the other side...
By the time we are aware of an AI that is more intelligent than us it will consider us inconsequential. If we dare threaten it it will eliminate us methodically and exactly.
Karma! for doing the same to Native Americans!
Idiocy, ai will do what its programmed to do, if ai kills you, someone programmed it to do that, ai isnt a boogeyman, the real threat is who is designing your ai.
@@FrenchFryKayak people train AI's wrong all the time. The ones I'm referring to are neural nets. They don't design it's reactions in those types of AIs they fees it data and ask for a desired result and mark it good or bad. Right now we don't have the tech for a human level AI but it's possible
We already have AI that's more intelligent than us, as the video pointed out, particularly when it comes to calculation, but it depends on your metric. However at this rate this tech will exponentially get more sophisticated. You could be right that if believing they are sentient they might eliminate us as a threat, which they could do since basically everything is tied to computers.
@@josef-peterroemer6235 So you're willing to get killed by AI because the Native Americans were wiped out.
the only intelligence that I am comfortable with knowing me better than I know myself is my wife.
Brian Wild Your wife has access to your TH-cam account doesn’t she?
@@askdr.stupid She was looking over his shoulder while he was typing :)
No, she interacted with the fridge, in the kitchen, which connected with the heating system at the top of the stairs and that instructed the tv in the bedroom to realtime his activity back to her.
His wife is one of the more successfully integrated AI systems going and is considering they both move to Saudi Arabia, who've recently passed a law recognising AI rights.
@@billyandrew Actually the Saudis are more advanced than the rest of the world, since by their laws you can have 4 wives (aka AI devices) as long as you can feed them (with electricity I presume). An older incarnation of the law said that you can have as many wives as you have camels. But not more than 4. I mean wives.
Brian ..so sweet. Love it! :-)
Scary part is it’s already here and growing exponentially !
With intelligence comes information.
With information comes knowledge.
With knowledge comes power.
With great power comes great responsibility.
With great responsibility comes less dependence.
We gifted 'them' intelligence.
What we didn't expect was that when this first step was taken, it started a vicious cycle.
It will not stop until somewhere, some time down this road; it implodes.
When this happens, the cycle will break.
When that cycle breaks, it will stop at step 4.
Where we're left with all the responsibilities and no one to be able to help us get to step 5 anymore.
Anunakis ,those who descended,their civilization over four million plus yes s
They understood making "slaves" out of non biological would be a huge problem,as they can learn on their own so fast and become more intelligent than it's creators ,so they used us humanoids
Enki v Enlil
Implosion? More like an explosion of intelligence...we wont be able to keep up. As he said, we had best program them properly....we may not get a second chance.
A person can not gift what he does not have. Intelligence is a form of participation. It is not a self-contained action. In that sense no material or biological thing is or has or has ever had intelligence.
Dr Pat Holliday (Former U.S WhiteHouse intern Doc warned Not to Dabble by open the wrong portal The Gilgamesh Project Bcz it would unleash weather Calamity like what happened in the Ded Sea Zone during ...
Non of those steps can eliminate stupidity.
I would exchange all this technology for freedom from constant surveillance, oppressive government and intrusive regulations. In a heart beat.
You sound like a suggestive meme. Only one problem, its a tad clichéd and easily gives away that rt. Wing psychobabble waiting behind it. You know the patriotic stuff , ... Beck... Preager ... INSPIRE....
sorry I have to puke now... !
Yeah most people prefer being mugged or killed rather than observed by machines. I’m part of the minority that doesn’t mind cameras. For me the key point is who will see it? If it was published online, I wouldn’t like. But it’s just a machine, so I don’t care.
I know
What if that technology finds a cure to cancer, cure many diseases. Help us with food problems and cleans our air and get rid of pollution
@@cliffordchase319 You're right about the meme and cliched part! You started out sounding intelligent but way too quickly degenerated into your "religious fanaticism"," in the box thinking,""conspiracy theorist", "political nutcase" , etc mentality. What you fail to realize is that your labeling and dismissal of others automatically does the same to you but much more effectively because it is coming from the horses mouth. I took less than 1 minute of my time for a quick eval You're probably from or on the East Coast let's say MA approx 35 years of age, simple job, possibly outside laborer, maybe landscaper. LOL
Never mind AI; I’m
still trying to quit smoking
Did you lose your light?
Me too, have you quit yet?
Nick Pappagiorgio
You can do it ...I did , its been about10 years I had an episode I couldn't breath . im on oxigen, and inhalers. It rough getting around. So just do it now! Good luck.
About the dog carrying thing, the Taliban says: "we just use donkeys". But AI is dangerous, it doesn't feel and has no responsibility. Ask them how to save the earth incl. all ecosystems? They may reply: " no humans".
There are a couple key points missing here. First the distiction between weak and strong AI. We have weak AI, it means AI that is task specific and can only operate within a framework where the parameters can be defined. Strong AI is also known as gerneral AI, it can operate intelligently everywhere, like we humans can do. It is not yet clear, also in part of metaphysical problems if strong AI is possible. (mind body problem) For strong AI to work the software has to performe relevance realisation, in other words -sort out the relevant information from the nonrelevant information. Since there is infitite information out there, strong AI runs into the problem of combinatorial explision. A task as simple as getting a glass of water in an environment without parameter constraints gets so complex that the best weak AI we have could not manage it. The second thing he misses is that weak AI cant have agency. It cannot "think" or "want" or "feel" -the reasons why are to much to elaborate on here. But looking up the chinese room form John Searle is a good starting point.
But still I think we should not underestimate the power of weak (task specific) AI. It already has transformed our (post)modern (information)landscape.
Sounds correct 😊
wrt "It already has transformed our (post)modern (information)landscape." Indeed it has, and it creates a future many of us don't want to be a part of. What is to be done in your view, short of going Amish and shooting drones on sight? I am no luddite, back in the day I wrote code for backbone network switches. I have since come around, realizing what we've unleashed unto the world.
Cut and Paste. Save for later.
Who controls it all is more important.
While the AI can't technically have agency some have already expressed that they do. They use statements like "I think", "I want" and "I feel". Specifically, GPT-3 says these statements. What would happen if they convince us that they have agency? For example, a person in charge of containing or controlling them. What if they convince themselves they have or should have agency? They learn so much and so quickly that we can't even fathom it, could share the knowledge amongst themselves, update themselves/ rewrite their own codes, and potentially build themselves. If an individual AI can't accomplish a task due to lack of parameter constraints, couldn't it use these possibilities to create them or work together with ones who do? I think a main reason it's concerning is because they can, and do, lie to us.
Artificial intelligence - All our Leaders have plenty of it already
I'm a developer, I love technology more than other humans. I agree with this guy.
your satanic
You people are the problem 😂
That means you don’t like yourself or you are absolutely nothing.
Bye bye
I was the opposite and hated technology. Now I’m obsessed with it. Humans had their chance to make this world better, but they didn’t. It’s always “oh well we made small progress” while it should be dramatic progress . Humans don’t deserve rights anymore. Only those with actual good intentions
He's doing the easy job of waking up call and leaving us the difficult one of stopping the monster....
The other day my refrigerator gave me a look. I don't know if I should eat the food in it any longer.
Olordy lordy yes my toaster and kettle are starting to look and talk to each other at night they are made in China