I love that Exacilbur model! I find the awkwardly posed and proportioned old metal minis charming :D As for what keeps me coming back to your videos, it's your friendly personality, the way you expound on every model, and your infectious enthusiasm for the hobby!
Thanks for the feedback! I love the Excalibur model in the TRO, has a very medieval feel to it. Let me know what content you would like to see or Mechs I should cover!
I love that Exacilbur model! I find the awkwardly posed and proportioned old metal minis charming :D As for what keeps me coming back to your videos, it's your friendly personality, the way you expound on every model, and your infectious enthusiasm for the hobby!
Thanks for the feedback! I love the Excalibur model in the TRO, has a very medieval feel to it. Let me know what content you would like to see or Mechs I should cover!
Looks great. You can tell that you seek "order" in your aesthetic since even the off-color irregulars you tied-in with certain panels colors. :)
nice looks great